比特币当季合约交割日期怎么算 比特币当季合约交割日期是多少

A. 合约交易怎么玩

1.合约交易是指买卖双方对约定未来某个时间按指定价格接收一定数量的某种资产的协议进行交易。合约交易的买卖对象是由交易所统一制定的标准化合约,交易所规定了其商品种类,交易时间,数量等标准化信息。合约代表了买卖双方所拥有的权利和义务。简单点说就是 :现在约好未来某个时间地点交易一定数量的某种商品。合约交易是一种金融衍生品,它是相对于现货市场的交易,用户可以在期货合约交易中通过判断涨跌,选择买入做多或者卖出做空合约,来获得价格上涨或者下跌带来的收益。按照交割方式的不同可以将合约分为永续合约和定期合约。两者间的主要区别就是定期合约有固定交割日,而永续合约没有。其中定期合约按照交割时间的不同分为三类:当周合约、次周合约和季度合约。
3.张三的朋友李四则是乐观派,认为牛市已经启动了,未来一个月的价格会更高。于是,张三和李四约定,以现在 ¥54000 的价格,在6月30日将6月份挖出来的10枚比特币全部卖给李四。张三和李四之间的交易,就属于期货交易。在这个例子中,交易发生在未来(6月30日),成交价格(¥54000)是事先约定的,交易的是实物(比特币)。所以,一笔期货交易,至少包括:发生在未来的交易时间(称为“交割时间”),价格(称为“交割价格”),以及交易物(称为“标的”)。

B. 比特币交割合约有什么规则吗


C. OKEX比特币交易所合约交易的交割日期是哪天


D. 数字货币合约交割是什么意思交割日按什么价格交割





E. 比特币交割合约都有每日结算功能是吗,有什么用


F. CME和CBOE的比特币期货交割日是什么时候


1、CME比特币期货交割日为到期月的最后一个周五,伦敦时间下午4:00。 如果遇到节假日则提前一天。






3、西方经济学界对当前比特币的经济泡沫现象抱有许多担忧。澳大利亚经济学家John Quiggin称比特币为“经济泡沫的最纯粹的例子。

G. 比特币的交割合约好还是永续合约好


H. 比特币交割合约每日结算的功能有什么用

2013年12月5日,《中国人民银行 工业和信息化部 中国银行业监督管理委员会 中国证券监督管理委员会 中国保险监督管理委员会关于防范比特币风险的通知》:比特币是一种特定的虚拟商品;比特币交易作为一种互联网上的商品买卖行为,普通民众在自担风险的前提下,拥有参与的自由。
2017年9月4日,《中国人民银行 中央网信办 工业和信息化部 工商总局 银监会 证监会 保监会关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》:禁止从事代币发行融资活动(ICO);交易平台不得从事法定货币与代币、“虚拟货币”相互之间的兑换业务,不得买卖或作为中央对手方买卖代币或“虚拟货币”,不得为代币或“虚拟货币”提供定价、信息中介等服务。

I. 什么是比特币期货合约



标的:又叫基础资产(underlying asset),解释了买卖什么东西的问题。目前比特币期货标的都是比特币价格指数,并且结算和交割价格的产生方法都以这个指数为基础。









A. How to play contract trading

The contract trading method is to buy Bitcoin spot at a high level, you can open a part of the contract short order, so there will be two situations: if If the spot price falls, although the gold standard loses money, the contract leverage amplifies the income, and it is not a loss even if the two are offset; if the spot price rises, although the contract position is liquidated, the gold standard makes money.
1. Contract trading refers to an agreement between a buyer and a seller to receive a certain amount of an asset at a specified price at a certain time in the future. The objects of contract trading are standardized contracts formulated by the exchange. The exchange stipulates standardized information such as commodity type, transaction time, quantity, etc. A contract represents the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller. To put it simply: make an appointment now to trade a certain amount of a certain commodity at a certain time and place in the future. Contract trading is a kind of financial derivatives, which is a transaction relative to the spot market. Users can judge the rise or fall in futures contract trading and choose to buy long or sell short contracts to obtain the benefits brought by the price rise or fall. income. According to different delivery methods, contracts can be divided into perpetual contracts and fixed-term contracts. The main difference between the two is that term contracts have a fixed delivery date, while perpetual contracts do not. Among them, fixed-term contracts are divided into three categories according to different delivery times: current week contracts, second-week contracts and quarterly contracts.
2. For example: Suppose Zhang San is a Bitcoin miner and can mine 10 Bitcoins every month. The price of Bitcoin has soared rapidly recently. Although Zhang San is very happy, he is also worried that the price will fall back in the next month, because the halving of Bitcoin mining rewards in 2020 is still far away, and he speculates that the bull market will not come so soon.
3. Zhang San’s friend Li Si is an optimist, believing that the bull market has started and the price will be higher in the next month. Therefore, Zhang San and Li Si agreed to sell all the 10 Bitcoins mined in June to Li Si on June 30 at the current price of RMB 54,000. The transaction between Zhang San and Li Si belongs to futures trading. In this example, the transaction occurred in the future (June 30), the transaction price (¥54,000) was agreed in advance, and the transaction was physical (Bitcoin). Therefore, a futures transaction includes at least: the transaction time that occurs in the future (called the "delivery time"), the price (called the "delivery price"), and the transaction object (called the "subject").
4. In this example, although the Bitcoin traded is "virtual" in terms of form, it still belongs to "physical delivery" because in the end Li Si will get the real Bitcoin. In physical delivery futures trading, the seller needs to actually hold the physical object (Zhang San needs to have Bitcoin).

B. Are there any rules for Bitcoin delivery contracts?

At the delivery time, the system will use the arithmetic mean of the BTC (LTC and other currencies) US dollar index in the last hour All open positions for that week will be delivered and closed as the delivery price. The profit and loss generated after the delivery and closing of the position are added to the realized profit and loss.

C. What is the delivery date for OKEX Bitcoin exchange contract transactions

Friday! Be careful when playing with these

D. What does digital currency contract delivery mean? What price does it deliver on the delivery day?

What does digital currency contract delivery mean? The popular explanation of contract delivery is to pay one hand and deliver the goods. When a certain contract reaches the delivery date, the contract will be delivered at a fixed time point on the day of 58COIN. All positions will be closed at the delivery price. All unrealized profits and losses will be converted into realized profits and losses, and the realized profits and losses will be deducted from the contract. The profit and loss difference is then converted into the account balance.

For example, I previously signed a contract with someone to buy their goods three months later at a price of 10 yuan. After three months, the price of his goods increased by more than 10 yuan. I was equivalent to a low price. I bought his goods at a reasonable price and made a profit.

On the contrary, if his goods are less than 10 yuan after 3 months, even if they are only worth 1 yuan, I must buy his goods based on the contract price of 10 yuan. Obviously, I will lose money.

Note: The “goods” mentioned above refer to the Bitcoin spot index.

E. Does the Bitcoin delivery contract have a daily settlement function? What is its use?

The perpetual contract settles the funding rate every eight hours in order to maintain a long-short balance. The delivery contract is settled on the delivery date and the position can be closed at any time.

F. When is the delivery date of Bitcoin futures on CME and CBOE?

For quarterly and continuous monthly contracts, the final settlement time is:

1. CME Bitcoin The delivery date of currency futures is the last Friday of the expiration month, 4:00 pm London time. If there is a holiday, please do so one day in advance.

2. The delivery date of CBOE Bitcoin futures is the two trading days before the third Friday of the expiration month, at 2:45 pm Chicago time.

(6) Extended reading on Bitcoin quarterly contract delivery date:

Bitcoin trading scam:

1. At the end of October 2013, the Hong Kong GBL platform absconded with money, and the whereabouts of more than 20 million yuan in funds are unknown. The program of this trading website is very poorly written. It does not use the SSL security protocol. Even the username is stored in plain text. They do not have some basic programming knowledge. GBL relies on brokers to develop a "MLM-like" model of new customers.

2. On October 22, 2013, because he was optimistic about the market of Bitcoin, Mr. Qiao, a citizen of Dongyang, searched for the Bitcoin trading platform GBL Company online and recharged 90,000 yuan on the trading platform through third-party payment. Used to buy and sell "Bitcoin". On October 26, 2013, it was discovered that the staff of the online trading platform was not online, and some normal trading procedures could not be implemented. After an investigation, it was found that the company's registered address was fake, and a total of 90,000 yuan was defrauded.

3. Western economic circles have many concerns about the current economic bubble phenomenon of Bitcoin. Australian economist John Quiggin calls Bitcoin “the purest example of an economic bubble.

G. Is Bitcoin’s delivery contract or perpetual contract better?

It doesn’t matter. It depends on your trading habits. .

H. What is the use of the daily settlement function of Bitcoin delivery contracts?

On December 5, 2013, "China Banking Supervision and Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Bank of China" Notice of China Securities Regulatory Commission and China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Preventing Bitcoin Risks: Bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity; Bitcoin trading is a commodity buying and selling behavior on the Internet, and ordinary people do so at their own risk. Under the premise, you have the freedom to participate.
On September 4, 2017, "Announcement of the People's Bank of China, the Central Cyberspace Affairs Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the Insurance Regulatory Commission on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks": Prohibited Engage in token issuance and financing activities (ICO); the trading platform shall not engage in the exchange business between legal currency, tokens, and "virtual currencies", shall not buy or sell tokens or "virtual currencies" or act as a central counterparty, and shall not act as a proxy for Coin or "virtual currency" provides pricing, information intermediary and other services.

I. What is a Bitcoin futures contract?

Bitcoin futures contracts are usually based on the Bitcoin price index. Standardized contracts.

Bitcoin futures provided by Bitcoin exchanges are usually traded in Bitcoin. Futures are relative to spot goods, and spot goods are real commodities that can be paid for and delivered with one hand. , and futures are not actually "goods", but an agreement (contract) that promises to deliver "goods" (subject) at a time in the future - a futures contract.

Underlying: also called underlying asset, explained The question of what to buy and sell. At present, the underlying targets of Bitcoin futures are the Bitcoin price index, and the settlement and delivery price generation methods are based on this index.

Handling fees: Stamp tax, Commissions, transfer fees and other fees are different. The only fees for futures trading are handling fees. Bitcoin futures trading fees include opening fees and closing fees, which are charged when establishing a position (such as OKCoin) and charged when closing a position. (Such as 796). The Bitcoin futures handling fee is generally 0.03% of the total contract value.

Margin: Margin is closely related to another concept - leverage. The leverage ratio is generally used to reflect the level of income and risk. Such as 796 The newly launched 50 times leverage (i.e. 2% margin) means that investors can purchase 50 Bitcoin futures contracts (i.e. 50 times leverage) by investing 1 Bitcoin;

Or from another From one perspective, 1 Bitcoin invested by an investor is equivalent to 2% of the 50 Bitcoins purchased (i.e. 2% margin ratio).

With 50 times leverage, the return of futures relative to spot It is magnified 50 times, such as buying 1 coin spot and buying 1 coin at the same timeFor futures worth 50 coins more, assuming that both the spot and futures prices increase by 100%, the spot profit will be 1 coin and the futures price will be 50 coins.

(9) Extended reading on Bitcoin quarterly contract delivery date


A futures contract is an agreement in which the buyer agrees to receive an asset at a specific price after a specified period of time and the seller agrees to deliver an asset at a specified price after a specified period of time. . The price that both parties agree to use for future transactions is called the futures price.

The specified date on which both parties must conduct transactions in the future is called the settlement date or delivery date. The asset that both parties agree to exchange is called the “subject.” When an investor takes a position in the market by purchasing a futures contract (i.e. agreeing to buy at a future date), it is called a long position or going long on futures.

On the contrary, if the position taken by the investor is to sell a futures contract (that is, to bear the contract responsibility to sell in the future), it is called a short position or shorting on futures.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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