币圈高位入仓什么意思 币圈高位入仓怎么看

Ⅰ 在币圈留住利润的技巧是什么


Ⅱ 币圈中的全仓杠杆是什么,怎么玩



Ⅲ 币圈建仓是什么


Ⅳ 币圈通宿是啥意思


Ⅳ 币圈锁仓是什么


Ⅵ 币圈什么是TS20通道


Ⅶ 币圈大单流入与中单流入有啥区别


Ⅷ 求助币圈大神看看这个项目

THEMIS引入基于经济学激励的群托管机制和声誉机制来激励区块链节点,通过发放托管手续费和仲裁服务费的方式,为积极参与资金托管和争议仲裁的节点提供激励。用户在使用数字资产支付过程中,需要支付GET 代币手续费和奖励,以实现GET代币在THEMIS上的闭环流动。
THEMIS核心技术团队由来自多个全球顶级学府和机构在区块链、密码学、分布式技术等领域的资深学者组成,学术成果已发表多篇顶级论文,在技术开发、商业推进以及行业资源等领域都有充足的优势。项目也获得了国内多个重量级机构的投资,分布式资本沈波先生管理的Genesis Financial, 杨林科先生的Happy East Capital以及创世资本都作为早期投资者参与到了Themis项目中。

Ⅸ 币圈内的一些专业术语是什么













Proofof Work,是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。


Proofof Stake,根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。




时间戳是指字符串或编码信息用于辨识记录下来的时间日期。国际标准为ISO 8601。






















楔入式侧链技术(pegged sidechains),它将实现比特币和其他数字资产在多个区块链间的转移,这就意味着用户们在使用他们已有资产的情况下,就可以访问新的加密货币系统。



































K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。













Ⅹ 币圈几大主要论坛

2、Th09club 09社区,Th09club 09社区,09起源于2009年纪念比特币的诞生。Th09club最初是由一群it极客和社区积极分子创立的。早期主要从事各大技术论坛和IT社区。 2019年11月,社区启动“文创计划”,旨在通过区块链赋能,探索亚洲古老的历史文化遗产,拯救一批濒临灭绝的文创产品。品牌内幕评论:09社区成员来源广泛,分布在各行各业,主要集中在区块链领域。其成员联合垂直多元文化创意和金融界的领导者。圈内多款币在09社区流行。这是一个非常值得注意的社区。

Ⅰ What are the techniques for retaining profits in the currency circle

The technique for retaining profits is that the best time is when you think you can sell. Don’t listen to the wind and it will be rain. Listen to what others say. Sell ​​when the time comes. I have been trading in Matcha for so many years, but I have never listened to this and followed myself

Ⅱ What is the cross-position leverage in the currency circle and how to play it

The currency circle, that is, A naturally formed circle of digital currency players. Digital currencies are virtual currencies, and the number one one is Bitcoin.
Cross position means that when buying and selling stocks, all the funds are used to buy stocks, and there is no remaining funds. For example, if you have 100 yuan, and all the 100 yuan is used to buy stocks, it is called a cross position.
Leveraged trading in the currency circle refers to investors performing leverage operations when trading virtual currencies to purchase more virtual currencies with less funds. Futures contracts are a common leverage in the currency circle. This is It expands the profitability of investors and also magnifies the risks of investors.
For example, if an investor triples the leverage operation and the underlying asset purchased by the investor falls by 10%, the short-selling investor will achieve a return of 30% under the effect of 3x leverage. If the underlying asset purchased rises by 10%, the short-selling investor will lose 30% under the effect of 3 times leverage. When the investor's loss rate reaches 100%, a liquidation situation will occur.
Generally speaking, the higher the leverage ratio, the greater the risk. Investors should reasonably control their positions during the transaction process to avoid being liquidated.

Warm reminder: The above information is for reference only and does not make any recommendations.
Response time: 2021-10-28. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.

Ⅲ What is the establishment of a position in the currency circle?

The establishment of a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to the trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

IV What does Currency Circle Tongsu mean

Abstract Currency Circle is a virtual currency. Deflation means that when the currency circulating in the market decreases, people’s monetary income decreases and their purchasing power decreases. , affecting the fall in prices and causing deflation.

IV What is hedging in the currency circle?

Hedging generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open positions opposite to their original positions. The new position is also called locking, locking, or even euphemistically called butterflies flying together.

VI What is the TS20 channel in the currency circle

Summary RC20USDT is a stablecoin jointly issued by TRON and Tether. Compared with the old stablecoins (Omni-USDT and ERC20-USDT etc.), TRC20-USDT has been greatly optimized in terms of transfer fees and transaction confirmation speed.

Ⅶ What is the difference between the inflow of large orders and the inflow of medium orders in the currency circle?

The difference between the inflow of large orders and the inflow of medium orders in the currency circle is only the difference in transaction volume, which is very risky. Participation is not recommended and is not subject to supervision by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.Tube.

Ⅷ Ask the experts in the currency circle to take a look at this project

THEMIS is a fair exchange system based on the blockchain, providing decentralized digital asset custody business and solving the problem of digital assets. The issue of fair exchange of media can be applied to point-to-point custody payment of digital assets, OTC exchange of digital assets, etc. It is similar to Alipay's role in traditional e-commerce managed payments, but is "decentralized." Transaction parties can select multiple third parties from a set of custodian service providers and mediate disputes by majority vote, thus ensuring a fair exchange mediated by digital assets. THEMIS does not rely on a single third party for guarantees, thus reducing the risk of collusion, denial of service and hacker attacks. The global custody token issued by G on this chain is called GET.
THEMIS introduces a group custody mechanism and reputation mechanism based on economic incentives to motivate blockchain nodes, and provides incentives for nodes that actively participate in fund custody and dispute arbitration by issuing custody fees and arbitration service fees. When users pay with digital assets, they need to pay GET token handling fees and rewards to achieve the closed-loop flow of GET tokens on THEMIS.
The core technical team of THEMIS is composed of senior scholars from many of the world's top universities and institutions in the fields of blockchain, cryptography, distributed technology, etc. Their academic achievements have published many top-level papers, and they have made great achievements in technology development and business promotion. We have ample advantages in areas such as industry resources and industry resources. The project has also received investment from many domestic heavyweight institutions. Genesis Financial managed by Mr. Shen Bo of Fenbushi Capital, Happy East Capital owned by Mr. Yang Linke and Genesis Capital have all participated in the Themis project as early investors.
THEMIS is currently the first infrastructure to provide digital currency custody services, and is a milestone product in the digital asset ecology from digital currency to digital business. Not only can it effectively avoid previous situations such as exchanges running away, exchanges being stolen, agents running away, etc., it is a revolutionary security upgrade for the digital asset investment ecology; at the same time, it also provides a solution for more and more people in the future. E-commerce platforms that accept digital asset payments provide technical feasibility; finally, as the digital asset market matures, it is believed that more and more investment products such as digital asset funds will appear, and THEMIS can undoubtedly help investors reduce capital risks. drop to lowest.

Ⅸ What are some professional terms in the currency circle

Explanation of 26 common terms in the blockchain industry

1. Blockchain——Blockchain


Blockchain is a new application model of computer technologies such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm. is a shared distributed ledger where transactions are permanently recorded through appended blocks.

2. Block——Block

In the Bitcoin network, data will be stored permanently in the form of files.Long-term records, we call these files blocks. A block is a set of records of some or all of the latest Bitcoin transactions that have not been recorded by other previous blocks.

3. Node - A copy of the ledger operated by participants in the blockchain network.

4. Decentralization

Decentralization is a phenomenon or structure that must appear or exist in a system with many nodes or in a group with many individuals. The influence between nodes will form a non-linear causal relationship through the network.

5. Consensus mechanism

The consensus mechanism is to complete the verification and confirmation of transactions in a very short time through the voting of special nodes; for a transaction, if the interests are irrelevant If several nodes can reach a consensus, we can think that the entire network can also reach a consensus on this.

6. Pow - Proof of Work

Proof of Work refers to how much currency you get, depending on the workload you contribute to mining. The better the computer performance, the more money will be allocated to you. There will be more mines.

7. PoS - Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake, a system of interest distribution based on the amount and time of currency you hold. In POS mode, your "mining" The income is proportional to your currency age and has nothing to do with the computing performance of your computer.

8. Smart Contract

Smart contract is a computer protocol designed to spread, verify or execute contracts in an information-based manner. Smart contracts allow trusted transactions to be made without third parties, which are traceable and irreversible.

9. Timestamp

Timestamp refers to a string or encoded information used to identify the recorded time and date. The international standard is ISO 8601.

10. Turing completeness

Turing completeness refers to the ability of a machine to perform any calculation that any other programmable computer can perform.

11. Dapp - decentralized application

It is an open source application that runs automatically and stores its data on the blockchain in the form of cryptocurrency tokens. Form incentives and operate with a protocol that displays proof of value.

12. DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization

It can be thought of as a company that operates without any human intervention and hands all forms of control to a set of uncontrollable entities. Broken business rules.

13. PrivateKey - Private Key

A private key is a string of data that allows you to access a token in a specific wallet. They, as cryptocurrencies, are hidden except from the owner of the address.

14. PublicKey——Public key

It appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address of the currency, so it can be used as a certificate for owning the address of the currency.

15. Mining machine

Try to create a block and add itComputing equipment or software added to the blockchain. In a blockchain network, when a new valid block is created, the system will generally automatically give the block creator (mining machine) a certain number of tokens as a reward.

16. Mining pool

It is a fully automatic mining platform that allows miners to contribute their own computing power to mine together to create blocks and obtain block rewards. And the profits are distributed according to the proportion of computing power contribution (that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool - provides computing power - obtains income).

17. Public chain

A completely open blockchain refers to a fully open blockchain that can be read by anyone, anyone can send transactions, and transactions can be effectively confirmed. People around the world can participate in system maintenance, and anyone can read and write data through transactions or mining.

18. Private chain

A blockchain where write permission is only for a certain organization or a specific few objects. Read permissions can be open to the outside world, or restricted to any degree.

19. Alliance chain

The consensus mechanism is a blockchain jointly controlled by a number of designated institutions.

20. Sidechains

Pegged sidechains technology will enable the transfer of Bitcoin and other digital assets between multiple blockchains. This This means that users can access the new cryptocurrency system while using their existing assets.

21. Cross-chain technology

Cross-chain technology can be understood as a bridge connecting various blockchains. Its main application is to realize Atom transactions, asset conversion, and partitioning between blockchains. Information exchange within the blockchain, or solving Oracle problems, etc.

22. Hard fork

The blockchain has a permanent divergence. After the new consensus rules are released, some nodes that have not been upgraded cannot verify the blocks produced by the upgraded nodes. Usually a hard fork happens.

23. Soft fork

When the new consensus rules are released, nodes that have not been upgraded will produce illegal blocks because they do not know the new consensus rules, which will cause Temporary forks.

24. Hash——Hash value

Generally translated as "hash", there are also direct transliterations as "hash". Simply put, it is a function that compresses a message of any length into a message digest of a fixed length.

25. Main chain

The term main chain comes from the main network (relative to the test network), which is an independent blockchain network that is officially online.

For those who don’t understand the “jargon” of the currency circle, come and learn it quickly:

1. What is legal currency?

Legal currency is legal tender, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

2. What is token?

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is an important concept in blockchainOne, its more widely known name is "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "token", which represents a kind of proof of rights and interests on the blockchain. rather than currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and an inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is cryptocurrency. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network, so that It can be verified anytime and anywhere.

3. What is position building?

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader’s new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

4. What is stud?

Cryptocurrency stud means investing all the principal.

5. What is an airdrop?

Airdrops are currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

6. What is lock-up?

Lock position generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a new position opposite to their original position. Its name is Butterfly Flying Double.

7. What is candy?

Cryptocurrency candies are digital coins that are distributed to users for free when various digital currencies are first issued and ICO. They are a kind of momentum and promotion for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

8. What is a break?

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

9. What is private equity?

Cryptocurrency private placement is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

10. How do you look at the K-line chart?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, stick lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

11. What is hedging?

Generally, hedging is to conduct two transactions at the same time that are related to the market, opposite in direction, of equal quantity, and with profits and losses offsetting. In the futures contract market, buy positions of the same quantity but in different directions. When the direction is determined, close the position in the opposite direction and retain the positive direction to gain profits.

12. What is a position?

Position is a market agreement that commits to buying and selling the initial position of a contract. Those who buy the contract are long and are in a position to expect an increase; those who sell the contract are short and are in a position to expect a decrease.

13. What are the benefits?

Positive: refers to the currency becoming mainstreamMedia attention, or news that there is a breakthrough in the application of a certain technology, which is conducive to stimulating price increases, is called good news.

14. What are the disadvantages?

Bad news: news that causes currency prices to fall, such as Bitcoin technical problems, central bank suppression, etc.

15. What is rebound?

The price adjustment phenomenon in which currency prices rebound due to falling too fast in a downward trend. The recovery is smaller than the decline.

16. What is leverage?

Leveraged trading, as the name suggests, is to use small amounts of funds to invest several times the original amount, in the hope of obtaining multiple returns or losses relative to the fluctuations in the investment target.

Ⅹ Several major forums in the currency circle

The major forums in the currency circle are as follows.
1. Chain English Association, the joint association was established in March 2018. It is the first decentralized distribution company in China that integrates high-quality currency data analysis, project analysis, information dissemination, webcasting, community operations, and joint funds. style alliance. Brand Insider Comments: The first link is popularized by the Lian English Association, or it can be said that the first link is made by the Lian English Association. Every project brings fire to a community, a community creates a group of people, and a group of people creates a project. They complement each other and complement each other.
2. Th09club 09 community, Th09club 09 community, 09 originated in 2009 to commemorate the birth of Bitcoin. Th09club was originally founded by a group of IT geeks and community activists. In the early days, he mainly engaged in major technical forums and IT communities. In November 2019, the community launched the "Cultural and Creative Project", aiming to explore Asia's ancient historical and cultural heritage and save a number of endangered cultural and creative products through blockchain empowerment. Brand Insider Comments: 09 community members come from a wide range of sources and are distributed in all walks of life, mainly in the blockchain field. Its members unite leaders in the vertically multicultural creative and financial communities. Many coins in the circle are popular in the 09 community. This is a very noteworthy community.
3. Coin community, Biwan community provides blockchain enthusiasts with basic information and industry information in the fields of blockchain, Bitcoin (BTC), and digital currency, including Bitcoin (BTC) market, trends, and areas Blockchain research, etc. Brand insider comment: It is a very low-key community with almost no relevant information about the community operators. It is a type of people who make money quietly. This community has a lot of information and is updated in a timely manner. Sometimes you can get some quality content out of it.
4. Dr. Yuan Community, Dr. Coin Community Forum provides the latest digital currency news, the most reliable cryptocurrency rolling projects, the richest blockchain investment experience and the latest blockchain technology knowledge. Committed to creating an active investment and communication community forum for blockchain and digital currency enthusiasts. Brand insider comment: In line with the characteristics of the blockchain industry, it is also a relatively low-key community, and it is difficult to find community-related information. According to people familiar with the matter, the founders of the community come from technical backgrounds. for a big marketAfter making technical money, he successfully landed and operated in a low-key manner. Dr. Bi is positioned as a forum + news station, which is considered a good entry-level community.
5. Coinogo community, Coinogo community was established in May 2016. It is a one-stop shop for digital currency and blockchain composed of IT elites from large multinational companies, senior digital currency players, and blockchain technology elites. The comprehensive service platform was initiated and established. Internet serial entrepreneur. Brand Insider Comments: A seemingly high-end community won the title of China’s most innovative blockchain community brand in 2018. In the blockchain field, there are very few communities that take the formal military route. The characteristic of this community is simulated trading, which can provide novices with a close to real trading environment and reduce entry costs as much as possible. It is also a good entry point into the blockchain field.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 一个比特币要挖多久比特币是一种基于去中心化,采用点对点网络与共识主动性,开放源代码,以区块链作为底层技术的加密货币。一般情况下,一台普通家用电脑最多能承受1000H/s的算力,而按照比特币每秒30