蓝色光标是元宇宙概念吗 元宇宙蓝特光学

『壹』 罗永浩曝下一个创业项目“元宇宙公司”,其创业项目是哪个科技领域



『贰』 蓝色光标是元宇宙概念吗






元宇宙本质上是对现实世界的虚拟化、数字化过程,需要对内容生产、经济系统、用户体验以及实体世界内容等进行大量改造。但元宇宙的发展是循序渐进的,是在共享的基础设施、标准及协议的支撑下,由众多工具、平台不断融合、进化而最终成形。 [23] 它基于扩展现实技术提供沉浸式体验,基于数字孪生技术生成现实世界的镜像,基于区块链技术搭建经济体系,将虚拟世界与现实世界在经济系统、社交系统、身份系统上密切融合,并且允许每个用户进行内容生产和世界编辑。

『叁』 华为的星光巨塔是蓝色光标创造的吗

摘要据华为官微,华为公司日前发布了基于虚实融合技术Cyberverse(河图)的AR交互体验App“星光巨塔”。通过“星光巨塔”,九色神鹿能穿越时空出现在华为园区里,承载星光能量的高塔会伫立在闪闪发光的湖面上。进入这个世界,次元壁将彻底打破,现实与虚拟融为一体。华为河图之“星光巨塔”提供了多种LBS AR玩法。参与者进入App就可以看到一个虚实融合的世界,在这里可以收集能量、搜索宝箱、寻找NPC、占领能量塔、团战打BOSS,以取得最终的胜利。

『肆』 蓝色光标是个什么样的公司是谁创办的


『伍』 蓝色光标是元宇宙概念吗


『陆』 蓝色光标是个什么样的公司主要是做什么的








『柒』 元宇宙概念公司有哪些他们的优势是什么


一. 中青宝



『捌』 蓝色光标发展历程



2007年,蓝色光标公关关系机构跻身霍尔姆斯报告全球公关公司250强2009年,蓝色光标传播集团入选福布斯“中国潜力企业200强 ”




2013年,投资英国公关集团Huntsworth、收购全球最大社会化媒体传播公司We Are Social、收购西藏山南东方博杰广告有限公司;作为唯一一家中国公司跻身《广告时代》世界最大的50家广告公司,按收入排名第17

2014年,收购全球顶级设计公司fuseproject、收购北美传播巨头Vision 7、收购香港最大独立广告公司METTA;



2015年,名列霍尔姆斯报告全球公关公司排名第14位,问鼎2015 PR Week亚洲排行榜


『玖』 蓝色光标的历程

1996年9月蓝色光标成立,赵文权担任本公司第1任总经理 ;第一批客户实达、APC开始合作。
1998年10月MarcoMedia Night 1(香格里拉)
2000年11月MarcoMedia Night 2(香格里拉)
金奖; 因客户263、TCL、联想相关案例获得三个银奖:
2002年1月MarcoMedia Night 3(北京之夜)
2003年7月中国国际公关协会最佳案例奖评选中,蓝色光标因联想国际化案例获得金奖;因客户ebay、招商银行、箭牌 、中信华平注资哈药案例获得4个银奖。
2004年1月MarcoMedia Night 4(798艺术区)
2004年7月中国国际公关协会最佳案例奖评选中,蓝色光标因联想换标获得金奖;因客户263、联想万亿次电脑、思科、联想Legend World相关案例获得4个银奖。
2005年4月成立9个分区办事处:福建/福州, 黑吉/哈尔滨, 晋蒙/太原, 深桂/深圳, 苏皖/南京, 湘赣/长沙, 新疆/乌鲁木齐, 云贵/昆明, 浙江/杭州,此时蓝色光标包括先期成立的北京总部、广州、上海、成都、西安、沈阳、济南、武汉、郑州、长春,构成全国19个机构的服务网络,成为同行业中唯一一家完成全国布局的公关公司
2006年9月MarcoMedia Night 5(嘉里中心)
2007年 8月美国权威的公关咨询机构HOLMES发布全球主导企业报告,根据经营业绩对全球专业公关公司排名250家,蓝色光标位居第75位,中国本土公关公司中唯一的入选企业
2013年4月25日蓝色光标宣布将以约3.5亿元人民币收购全球公关巨头Huntsworth 19.8%的股份,成为其第一大股东。
2013年12月17日,蓝色光标收购We Are Very Social Limited 7512普通股及16224优先股,收购完成后,蓝标国际持有We Are Very Social Limited 82.84%股权。
2014年12月16日,蓝色光标传播集团收购北美传播巨头Vision 7,交易后蓝色光标预计持有Vision 7公司85%的股份。
2015年6月,同时收购中国两大移动广告公司。其中,以2.89亿美元收购Domob Limited 100%的股权和多盟95%的股权;以6120万美元收购亿动51%的股权,同时以1000万美元对亿动进行增资。

『拾』 蓝色光标最新消息

1,无上限投入巨资:蓝色光标【市值182亿】表示元宇宙相关的虚拟人IP和技术、XR技术、虚拟空间等业务方向是公司未来会重点关注并全力投入的赛道,公司对这一领域的投资额度不设上限,公司管理层和投资部目前正在对相关标的进行全面的调研和谈判,公司可支持超10亿的资金投入布局元宇宙相关赛道,全面构建公司的自有IP、技术和内容核心能力。 解析:敢于无上限的投入元宇宙,肯定是非常看好元宇宙的未来,A股第一家。
2、注册专业元宇宙公司:蓝色光标成立全资子公司“蓝色宇宙数字科技有限公司”,该公司将作为蓝色光标专注探索元宇宙相关投资和运营业务的主阵地,将整合蓝色光标已经具备的虚拟直播间、虚拟IP运营相关资源和团队,全面推进元宇宙相关业务的探索和落地。 解析:专业的事情专业的人来做,这也是A股首家上市公司成立专业的元宇宙公司。
3、与专业公司合作:蓝色光标与【当红齐天】及旗下子公司齐乐无穷签署战略合作协议,双方将联合推动XR体验在重点行业的应用拓展及商业化项目落地。 当红齐天的背景:国内顶尖的XR沉浸式体验解决方案企业,股东有张艺谋以及中航信托、小米等。旗下以VR为主题的SoReal超体空间,正密集推出众多创新项目,其中包括近5000平米5G+XR体验空间的上海迪士尼小镇项目,将于近期落成并开放体验。同时,面积达2.2万平方米、融合众多知名IP,及VR、AR、全息影像等前沿技术的首钢“1号高炉SoReal超体空间”,将呈现全球顶尖的沉浸式娱乐体验,成为全球首个文化科技赋能工业遗存的创新展示窗口。
5,点评:未来蓝色光标有可能和facebook成立合资公司共同开发中国元宇宙市场,如果达成,那么蓝色光标的市值上千亿都指日可待。 C、业绩大增:关于VR/AR的标的公司,公司参与的基金以及公司投资部正在积极洽谈,未来也会是蓝标的重要投资方向,公司在未来希望有自己的IP、技术,甚至平台。披露的三季报显示,2021年前三季度,公司实现营业收入314.83亿元,同比增长9.10%;归母扣非净利润5.94亿元,同比大增30.13%;经营性现金流6.40亿元,同比大增166.11%。
6,资金充裕:因国际业务引入战略投资者和公司近年来优异的经营活动现金流表现 公司目前有充沛的现金储备,蓝色光标2021年三季报亦显示,当期末货币资金为35.71亿元。 E、其它元宇宙相关资讯:

『一』Luo Yonghao revealed his next entrepreneurial project "Yuanshi Company", which technology field his entrepreneurial project is in?

As a celebrity entrepreneur on the Internet, Luo Yonghao once had a brilliant career. He has also fallen into underestimation. Now he has experienced many entrepreneurial failures, but this still has not defeated him. As the concept of the Yuan Universe explodes, our teacher Luo Yonghao also announced online that his next startup company will also be the "Yuan Universe Company". You know, the concept of the metaverse was previously proposed by Zuckerberg. Not long ago, Luo Yonghao also started his own metaverse plan. Does this mean that Luo Yonghao already has a new job?

The most important thing is that the concept of the metaverse was first proposed by Zuckerberg. As a latecomer, you can’t say that other people’s concepts are immature, right?

『二』 Is the blue cursor a concept of the metaverse?

Hello, yes. Market analysts say that Blue Cursor is the leading variety of Metaverse concepts in the market in the near future. The company originally focused on digital media marketing services. Currently, the company announces its detailed progress in the Metaverse on an interactive platform to provide more fundamental support for the market.

On December 10, the market focus product BlueFocus posted 32 interactions on the investor interaction platform, explaining to investors the company’s current layout in the Metaverse. According to the content of the platform, the company currently has a number of metaverse-related businesses under development. In the future, it will focus on creating virtual human IP and virtual space; at the same time, the company is negotiating with Blue Label's corporate customers for executive virtual human avatar business. In addition, the virtual live broadcast room project jointly developed by BlueFocus and Alibaba Damo Academy has entered the implementation stage.

BlueFocus is a data technology company that empowers enterprises to operate intelligently in the era of big data and social networks. Its business involves marketing services, digital advertising and international business, and its services cover marketing Communication and smart operations based on data technology, the service area covers major markets around the world. BlueFocus was established in July 1996 and is headquartered in Beijing with 23 regional offices across the country. For more than 20 years, with the business philosophy of "professionalism and execution", we have provided professional services to customers, starting from the direct effects of media communication and on-site activities, to influencing the target audience's cognition, opinions and attitudes, to ultimately promoting the enterprise The improvement of brand image and increase in sales help customers achieve competitive advantage and business success step by step. It is under the guidance of this concept that BlueFocus has risen and prospered, developing from the IT field to telecommunications, automobiles, finance, medical care, fast moving consumer goods, government and non-profit organizations, and from central cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to Nationwide.

The company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the popular Qitian and its subsidiary Qile Wuxing. The two parties will jointly promote the application expansion and commercialization projects of XR experience in key industries. Promotional materials show that Qitian is an XR immersive experience solution company, with shareholders including Zhang Yimou andAVIC Trust, Xiaomi, etc. Qile Wuxian is a technology company focusing on XR high-simulation simulation.

Metaverse is a new Internet application and social form that integrates virtual and real technologies and is created by integrating a variety of new technologies. It is linked and created through the use of scientific and technological means, and maps and interacts with the real world. virtual world, a digital living space with a new social system.

The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires a large number of transformations in content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. [23] It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, and closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system. , and allows each user to perform content production and world editing.

『三』 Is Huawei’s Starlight Tower created by a blue cursor?

Abstract According to Huawei’s official Weibo, Huawei recently released an AR based on virtual and real fusion technology Cyberverse (Hetu) Interactive experience App "Starlight Tower". Through the "Starlight Tower", the nine-color sacred deer can travel through time and space and appear in the Huawei campus. The tower carrying starlight energy will stand on the sparkling lake. Entering this world, the dimensional wall will be completely broken, and reality and virtuality will be integrated. Huawei Hetu's "Starlight Tower" provides a variety of LBS AR gameplay. When participants enter the App, they can see a world that blends reality and reality, where they can collect energy, search treasure chests, find NPCs, occupy energy towers, and fight BOSS in team battles to achieve the final victory.

『四』 What kind of company is BlueFocus and who founded it

It was co-founded in 1996 by several like-minded young people. In 8 years, BlueFocus has developed into one of the largest professional public relations agencies in China, with branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an and other places, with a total of more than 150 employees. Shanghai BlueFocus,. ..

『五』 Is the blue cursor a concept of the metaverse?

Good summary, the topic of the metaverse is still hotly discussed in the outside world, from science fiction movies to technological realization to When business is possible, the company's creative team and business team have produced numerous metaverse research and analysis reports; among the company's entire staff, the creative virtual human trainee "Blue Zero One" is a virtual human; in business On the front line, the company is already helping customers build the King of Glory virtual idol group, participating in the operation of the QQ Dance virtual idol "Xingpu", and is also helping many customers with the image design and content operation of the virtual digital live broadcast business. Thank you for your attention to Blue Cursor!

『Lu』 What kind of company is Blue Cursor and what does it mainly do

BlueGuangbiao is a data technology company that empowers enterprises with smart operations in the era of big data and social networks. Its business involves marketing services, digital advertising and international business. Its services cover marketing communications and smart operations based on data technology. Its service areas cover major areas around the world. market.

BlueFocus was established in July 1996 and is headquartered in Beijing with 23 regional offices across the country. For more than 20 years, with the business philosophy of "professionalism and excellent execution", we have provided customers with professional services, starting from the direct effects of media communication and on-site activities, to influencing the target audience's cognition, opinions and attitudes, to ultimately promoting The improvement of corporate brand image and increase in sales help customers achieve competitive advantage and business success step by step.

It is under the guidance of this concept that BlueFocus has led the rise and prosperity of the local public relations industry, developing from the IT field to telecommunications, automobiles, finance, medical care, fast moving consumer goods, government and non-profit The organization has developed from central cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to the whole country.

(6) BlueFocus established Yuanshi Company. Further reading:

According to the 2007 industry report of the China International Public Relations Association, BlueFocus is the only company in the Companies with operating income exceeding RMB 100 million. It has more than 25 Fortune 500 customers in industries covering high-tech, consumer goods, finance, industry, real estate, medical care, etc. In 2012, it also won the "2012 China Public Relations Industry Outstanding Employer Award".

Blue Cursor ranks 19th among the top 100 private enterprises in Beijing and 7th among the top 100 private enterprises in the cultural industry in Beijing. It is one of the top 30 cultural enterprises in the capital and the co-chairman unit of the Beijing Cultural Industry Investment and Financing Association. , the executive director unit of the Capital Cultural Industry Association, the vice president unit of the China Advertising Association, and the vice chairman unit of the China 4A Association.

BlueFocus continues to explore new marketing technologies and methods, and has accumulated more than 100 technical patents and software copyrights, and has released the first intelligent automated human-computer interaction product family in the marketing industry, the "Little Blue Robot Family" , promotes and leads industry changes, and has been recognized as a "Maker Space" and "Beijing Design Innovation Center" by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission.

『撒』 What are the advantages of Metaverse Concept Company?

There are many companies involved in Metaverse-related concepts, mainly those involving VR or Metaverse-related designs. company of. These companies also have different advantages and disadvantages. Next, I will give you three examples of Yuanverse companies that have experienced relatively large increases.

1. Zhongqingbao

Zhongqingbao released a message on their official WeChat on September 6 this year, saying that they would launch the Metaverse game "Brew Master". Once this news came out, it directly caused Zhongqingbao to shoot up to the daily limit price. In just one month, it nearly doubled or tripled. This company also has VR-related technologies and has created a theme park that combines Internet entertainment with traditional tourism industries.

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『8』The development history of BlueFocus

BlueFocus was established in September 1996, and Zhao Wenquan served as the first general manager;

In 2005, service The network covers 24 cities in China. In 2006, it was selected as the "Public Relations Agency of the Year" at the Asia-Pacific Public Relations Awards held by Hong Kong MEDIA magazine.

In 2007, BlueFocus Public Relations Agency ranked among the global Holmes Report Among the top 250 public relations companies in 2009, BlueFocus Communication Group was selected into Forbes' "Top 200 Chinese Potential Enterprises"

On February 26, 2010, it was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange

In 2011 , acquired SNC, Accurate Sunshine Brand, and acquired Media Broadcasting Interactive

In 2012, it acquired Jinjiu Advertising Company, ranking among the largest public relations companies in Asia and the 24th largest in the world in the Holmes Report< /p>

In 2013, it invested in the British public relations group Huntsworth, acquired We Are Social, the world's largest social media communication company, and acquired Tibet Shannan Dongfang Bojie Advertising Co., Ltd.; as the only Chinese company ranked among the world's largest companies in "Advertising Age" 50 advertising companies, ranked 17th by revenue

In 2014, it acquired the world's top design company fuseproject, North American communication giant Vision 7, and Hong Kong's largest independent advertising company METTA;

2015 In 2015, Blue Label E-commerce and Blue Label Mobile Internet were established;

In 2015, the international business group was established, and the overseas headquarters was put into operation in Silicon Valley. It acquired Duomeng and invested in Yidong, becoming China Mobile Advertising No. 1 agency;

In 2015, it ranked 14th among global public relations agencies in the Holmes Report, and topped the 2015 PR Week Asia rankings

In 2016, it ranked among the top public relations agencies in the world. Helms Report ranks 9th among global public relations firms

『Nine』 The history of BlueFocus

BlueFocus was established in September 1996, with Zhao Wenquan Serves as the first general manager of the company; starts cooperation with Shida and APC, the first batch of customers.
Shanghai office was established in June 1997
Lenovo, AMD, and Cisco began to cooperate in March 1998; Blue Cursor Guangzhou and Chengdu offices were established
MarcoMedia Night 1 (Shangri-La) in October 1998 )
Blue Cursor changed generals in July 1999, and Gao Peng was appointed as the second general manager
Xi’an office was established in June 2000
MarcoMedia Night 2 (Shangri-La) in November 2000
/>In January 2001, in the China International Public Relations Association’s Best Case Award Selection, BlueFocus won three awards for its clients UFIDA, Cisco, and Lenovo cases
Gold Award; Won three silver awards for cases related to clients 263, TCL, and Lenovo:
In February 2001, BlueFocus entered the TOP10 companies of the China International Public Relations Association for the first time, and has ranked at the top of the TOP list every year since.
January 2002 MarcoMedia Night 3 (Beijing Night)
First campus recruitment in November 2002
In January 2003, Zhao Wenquan was appointed as the third general manager
2003 In the China International Public Relations Association's Best Case Award selection in July, BlueFocus won a gold award for Lenovo's internationalization case and four silver awards for its clients eBay, China Merchants Bank, Wrigley, and CITIC Warburg Pincus' investment cases in Harbin Pharmaceutical.
Changchun office was established in October 2003
MarcoMedia Night 4 (798 Art District) in January 2004
In July 2004, the blue cursor was selected for the Best Case Award of China International Public Relations Association Won a gold award for Lenovo's brand change; won four silver awards for cases related to Customer 263, Lenovo Trillion Computers, Cisco, and Lenovo Legend World.
In November 2004, offices in Shenyang, Jinan, Wuhan and Zhengzhou were established.
In May 2005, BlueFocus Gao Peng was appointed as the Director of the Public Relations Company Committee of the China International Public Relations Association
In April 2005, 9 regional offices were established: Fujian/Fuzhou, Heiji/Harbin, Shanxi-Mongolia/Taiyuan , Shenzhen Guangxi/Shenzhen, Jiangsu and Anhui/Nanjing, Hunan and Jiangxi/Changsha, Xinjiang/Urumqi, Yungui/Kunming, Zhejiang/Hangzhou. At this time, the blue cursor includes the previously established Beijing headquarters, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xi'an, Shenyang, Jinan, Wuhan, Zhengzhou and Changchun constitute a service network of 19 agencies across the country, becoming the only public relations company in the industry to complete a nationwide layout
In July 2006, BlueFocus merged to form Lan Jingwei
In 2006 September MarcoMedia Night 5 (Kerry Centre)
In November 2006, at the 2006 Asia Pacific Public Relations Awards held by Hong Kong MEDIA magazine, BlueFocus won the second place in the "Public Relations Company of the Year"
August 2007 HOLMES, the authoritative public relations consulting agency in the United States, released a report on leading global companies, ranking 250 professional public relations companies in the world based on operating performance. Blue Cursor ranked 75th, the only Chinese local public relations company selected
2007-2008 In 2007, Zhao Wenquan served as the director of the Public Relations Company Committee of the China International Public Relations Association for two consecutive terms
In July 2008, BlueFocus has cooperated with Lenovo, Cisco and other customers for ten years
In December 2007, according to the China International Public Relations Association in 2007 According to industry reports, BlueFocus is the only company with an annual operating income of more than 100 million yuan. It has more than 15 Fortune 500 customers and its industries cover high-tech, consumer goods, and finance., industry, real estate, medical, etc.
In January 2008, Zhao Wenquan was appointed CEO of BlueFocus Public Relations Agency; Mao Yuhui was appointed as BlueFocus Executive President
In January 2008, BlueFocus was restructured and established Beijing BlueFocus Brand Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
In May 2008, Beijing BlueFocus Brand Management Consulting Co., Ltd. acquired Xinfengyi
In October 2008, Mao Yuhui served as the president of BlueFocus
On February 26, 2010, BlueFocus Officially listed on the GEM, becoming the first public relations company listed in China with stock code 300058.
In August 2012, BlueFocus became the largest public relations company in Asia.
On October 30, 2012, BlueFocus won the Gold Award in the "Corporate Philanthropy" category at the Global Public Relations Summit.
On April 12, 2013, the draft for the acquisition of Berger Advertising was announced. After the acquisition is completed, BlueFocus will hold 100% of the equity of Berger Advertising.
On April 25, 2013, BlueFocus announced that it would acquire 19.8% of the shares of global public relations giant Huntsworth for approximately RMB 350 million, becoming its largest shareholder.
On December 17, 2013, BlueFocus acquired 7512 ordinary shares and 16224 preferred shares of We Are Very Social Limited. After the acquisition was completed, BlueFocus International held 82.84% of the equity of We Are Very Social Limited.
On July 17, 2014, BlueFocus announced that it had acquired 75% of the equity of Fuse in the United States for a consideration of 290 million yuan, starting its merger and acquisition model again. This was also the company's first equity acquisition in the United States.
On September 1, 2014, it acquired part of the equity of three e-commerce agency operating companies: Beijing Beilian Weiye Electronics, Hangzhou Wangying Technology, and Shanghai Kaijie Electronics. BlueFocus E-Commerce Co., Ltd. was established.
On December 16, 2014, BlueFocus Communications Group acquired North American communications giant Vision 7. After the transaction, BlueFocus is expected to hold 85% of the shares of Vision 7.
In June 2015, it simultaneously acquired two major mobile advertising companies in China. Among them, US$289 million was used to acquire 100% of the equity of Domob Limited and 95% of the equity of Domob; US$61.2 million was used to acquire 51% of the equity of Yidong, and US$10 million was used to increase the capital of Yidong.

『Shi』Blue Cursor Latest News

1. Unlimited investment of huge sums of money: Blue Cursor [market value 18.2 billion] represents Metaverse-related Virtual human IP and technology, XR technology, virtual space and other business directions are tracks that the company will focus on and fully invest in in the future. The company has no upper limit on the amount of investment in this field. The company's management and investment department are currently reviewing relevant targets. conductThrough comprehensive research and negotiation, the company can support over 1 billion in capital investment to lay out metaverse-related tracks and comprehensively build the company's own IP, technology and content core capabilities. Analysis: If you dare to invest in the Metaverse without any upper limit, you must be very optimistic about the future of the Metaverse. It is the first A-share company.
2. Register a professional Yuanverse company: BlueFocus established a wholly-owned subsidiary "Blue Universe Digital Technology Co., Ltd.", which will serve as BlueFocus's main focus on exploring Yuanverse-related investment and operating businesses. Integrate the resources and teams related to virtual live broadcast rooms and virtual IP operations that BlueFocus already has to comprehensively promote the exploration and implementation of Metaverse-related businesses. Analysis: Professional things are done by professional people. This is also the first A-share listed company to establish a professional Yuanshi company.
3. Cooperation with professional companies: BlueFocus signed a strategic cooperation agreement with [Denghong Qitian] and its subsidiary Qile Wuxian. The two parties will jointly promote the application expansion and commercialization projects of XR experience in key industries. The background of Qitian’s popularity: China’s top XR immersive experience solution company, with shareholders including Zhang Yimou, AVIC Trust, Xiaomi, etc. Its VR-themed SoReal super space is intensively launching many innovative projects, including the Shanghai Disney Town project with nearly 5,000 square meters of 5G+XR experience space, which will be completed and open for experience in the near future. At the same time, Shougang’s “No. 1 Blast Furnace SoReal Super Space”, covering an area of ​​22,000 square meters and integrating many well-known IPs and cutting-edge technologies such as VR, AR, and holographic imaging, will present the world’s top immersive entertainment experience and become the world’s first An innovative display window where cultural technology empowers industrial heritage.
4. Cooperation with many giants:
a. BlueFocus announced the business progress of the virtual live broadcast room jointly created with Alibaba Damo Academy: 34 units have been signed and sold at a price of 99,000 yuan/room. Purchase The brand covers leading enterprises in multiple categories such as maternal and infant, beauty, health care, household cleaning, and 3C. One of the beauty brands revealed that from 3:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on November 11 this year, the virtual live broadcast room sales reached 10,000 yuan, and the average stay time of the audience exceeded 40 seconds. The performance of the virtual anchor has far exceeded expectations. Currently, BlueFocus is still in contact with dozens of brands and is expected to sign contracts with over 100 brands in the short term.
b. As early as the beginning of this year, BlueFocus has begun to deploy Douyin e-commerce, Tencent private domain, cross-border e-commerce and other fields, fully entering the trading field, and providing customers with full-link promotion of "marketing + sales" Serve.
c. The company has in-depth cooperation with Tencent in games, animation, reading, etc.; at the same time, there is also in-depth cooperation in the virtual human business as the entrance to the metaverse.
d. The 2020 annual report shows that Facebook is BlueFocus’s largest supplier, with a cooperation amount of up to 12.8 billion yuan. The company’s strategy of actively entering the Metaverse coincides with Facebook’s strategy of vigorously developing Metaverse technology.
5. Comment: In the future, BlueFocus may establish a joint venture with Facebook to jointly develop the Chinese Metaverse market., if achieved, then BlueFocus’s market value of hundreds of billions is just around the corner. C. Great increase in performance: Regarding VR/AR target companies, the funds the company participates in and the company's investment department are actively negotiating, and it will also be an important investment direction of Blue Label in the future. The company hopes to have its own IP, technology, and even platform in the future. The disclosed three quarterly reports show that in the first three quarters of 2021, the company achieved operating income of 31.483 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.10%; non-net profit attributable to the parent company was 594 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.13%; operating cash flow was 640 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.13%. A huge increase of 166.11%.
6. Abundant funds: Due to the introduction of strategic investors in the international business and the company's excellent cash flow performance from operating activities in recent years, the company currently has ample cash reserves. BlueFocus's third quarter report for 2021 also shows that the monetary funds at the end of the period were 35.71 billion. E. Other metaverse related information:

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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