比特币开合约要多少手续费呢 比特币开合约要多少手续费用

『壹』 比特币手续费



1. 筹备你要发送的比特币




2. 阻止大量微额(st)支付冲击网络


3. 数额越大、币龄(age)越高优先级越高

如果你发送金额太小或者是你的比特币刚开采出来不久,那么你的转账就不再免费之列。每一个交易都会分配一个优先级,这个优先级通过币的新旧程度、交易的字节数和交易的数量。具体来说,对于每一个输入(inputs)来讲,客户端会先将比特币的数量乘以这些币在块中存在的时间(币龄,age),然后将所有的乘积加起来除以此次交易的大小(以字节为单位),计算公式:priority = sum(input_value_in_base_units * input_age)/size_in_bytes,计算结果如果小于0.576,那么该交易就必须支付手续费。这也是为什么你在OKCoin比特币提现的时候都要加一个0.0001的原因了,因为OKCoin钱包内的比特币转账频繁,比特币在块中的时间比较短,因此需要支付手续费。如果你确实有大量的小额输入,比如小矿工,又想免费转出,这时候你可以加一个数额大的、币龄大的比特币金额,就会将平均优先级提高,从而可以免费转出比特币。

4. 每千字节的收费

在转账的最后客户端会计算本次转账的大小(以字节为单位),大小一般取决于输入和输出的数额大小,计算公式如下:148 × 输入数额 + 34 × 输出数额 + 10,如果该次转账的大小超过10000字节但是优先级符合免费的标准,那么仍然可以享受免费转账,否则需要支付手续费。每1000字节的费用默认是0.0001BTC,但是你也可以在客户端里进行追加,依次打开选项卡“设置>选项>主要”进行手续费的调整。如果你在设置的手续费小于0.0001BTC按0.0001算。当本条规则适用时将会取代步骤2的规则而不是累加。

『贰』 比特币提币手续费是多少

现在的手续费,我也不太清楚。但是听说2018年2月17日 00:00 至2018年2月19日 23:59 活动期间,所有新老用户,全币种充值提现手续费全免,不限交易次数。

『叁』 比特币交易平台GODBTC怎么收取手续费


『肆』 比特币中国的交易平台手续费怎么算


『伍』 比特币合约交易后正负含手续费吗




CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
// Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined.
if (halvings >= 64)
return 0;

CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years.
nSubsidy >>= halvings;
return nSubsidy;


比特币网络规则内置交易费用结构,取决于系统推荐的(标准)客户端。 我们拿比特币核心(bitcoin core)打个比方,看看转帐时,需要过哪几道:



好比, Bob给Alice转了2枚比特币;Rose又给Alice转了3枚比特币,那么两次转账金额会单独地趴在Alice的钱包中,直到被花出去。(注意:两笔转账不会“自动合并”为5BTC)。




若交易“输出”(包括找零)小于0.01BTC,则收取0.0001BTC的手续费。 “选币”时,算法会尽量避开那些找零金额低于0.01BTC的币。


若发送的比特币金额过小,或币龄过低,则很有可能被收取费用。 每笔交易都有优先级,由“输入”的年龄、金额和交易输入数量决定。

具体而言就是, 客户端将每一笔输入的金额与该输入在区块中存在的时间相乘,将所有乘法结果相加再除以交易字节大小。





148 * 输入数量 + 34 * 输出数量 + 10

若长度小于10000字节且在第3步中有足够高的优先级,那么这笔交易最终被确认为免费,反之需收费, 费用默认为0.0001BTC/千字节(不足1k的按1k计算)。 可自行在客户端相关设置中更改交易费数额。 低于0.0001BTC的设置不会生效。新费用设置生效后,将覆盖步骤2中的费用,两者不叠加。


1. 过犹不及

说:Alice钱包中趴着两笔“输入”,金额分别为1BTC和2BTC。然后Alice想买杯2.99999BTC的咖啡。这时就不存在选币这一说了,因为有且只有两笔输入,都用上才够咖啡钱,剩下0.00001BTC找零。注意,步骤2提到: 若交易“输出”(包括找零)小于0.01BTC,则收取0.0001BTC的手续费。 说明,咖啡交易将被征收0.0001BTC的手续费。结果就是交易会失败,因为Alice手里的余额不足。


2. 人品爆发


最后,这笔凑出来的奖金大小是51203字节。是这样,交易大小超过10000字节,费用增至0.0005BTC/每千字节(其实早期的交易费用就是0.0005,后来变成0.0001的),那么, 这里的手续费就是52*0.0005 = 0.026BTC。 比玩家的本儿还高。


注: 使用Paypal手续费为 4.4% + 0.3 USD/每笔。

好比,1280刀转账,1280*4.4% + 0.3 = 56.62 刀


这是个真事儿,见:Bitcoin Transaction

3. 机关算尽,不掏钱

有种交易踏在免费的悬崖边上,大小为9999字节,堪称交易费躲闪之王。全部输入中只有一个是1聪(satoshi,即比特币最小单位,0.000 000 01 BTC = 1 satoshi, 以致敬比特币创始人Satoshi Nakamoto);但是有另一个大额输入拉高了优先级,免除交易费用。


捎带脚说一句,手续费其实不是强制的。有些矿工并没有很在意这些收费标准,也会把一些没有手续费的交易记录到区块中。使用标准客户端的“原始交易”(raw transactions)界面能创建手续费低于标准费用的交易,而且,还是有可能人品爆发的被矿工打包入块的。

『陆』 比特币交易手续费

在AAX的比特币最小最小提币量为0.00100000 ,提币手续费 0.00040000。
比特币币币交易手续费:挂单0.060% / 吃单 0.100%。
比特币合约币交易手续费:挂单0.04% / 吃单0.06%。

『柒』 比特币交易手续费是多少

比特币钱包互转是没有手续费的 兑换现今看你是用哪一家每家手续费不同 大概1~3%

『捌』 okex比特币永续合约的资金费用是怎么计算的啊


『一』Bitcoin handling fee

Bitcoin transaction fees are generally: between 0.0001-0.0005BTC. Of course, the amount accepted by each miner and miners' association is different. Sometimes, there is no handling fee for large Bitcoin transactions, such as more than 100 BTC. Small transactions below 0.01 BTC will be charged a certain amount of handling fees. Of course, some Bitcoin clients can set Bitcoin transaction fees. If you set the transaction fee very low, the transaction confirmation time will be very long.
First of all, you should understand that this fee is awarded to miners to encourage miners to continue mining and provide sufficient computing power for Bitcoin to ensure the security of the Bitcoin network. At present, the main income of miners is to obtain BTC rewards by creating new blocks (Block), but this reward is halved every 4 years. As time goes by, Bitcoin transaction fees will gradually replace Bitcoin rewards.
Under what circumstances do I need to pay a handling fee? What is the amount?

The Bitcoin system has a series of network rules, including fee rules. This series of rules is also "what the client should do." When you use the Bitcoin client (wallet, Bitcoin-Qt) to send Bitcoins, the entire process is roughly divided into the following steps:

1. Prepare the Bitcoins you want to send

The client is responsible for collecting the Bitcoin balance in your wallet (Bitcoin-Qt) in preparation for payment, because every Bitcoin you receive is stored in your wallet until you spend it.

If you withdraw 3BTC and 2BTC twice from OKCoin, their records in your wallet are independent of each other, that is, one 3BTC and one 2BTC, instead of being merged into 5BTC (the wallet only records the transaction details, The balances are not combined, but you can see the total balance on the wallet interface). As time goes by, your wallet will accumulate many such amounts of Bitcoin. It is conceivable that OKCoin Bitcoin wallet There should be thousands of such records. So when you send Bitcoin, the wallet must decide which of the above records is best for this send.

The bitcoins you get in a transaction are called "inputs", and the bitcoins you spend are called "outputs". There are multiple inputs and outputs in your wallet .

2. Prevent large amounts of micro (st) payments from impacting the network

If you deposit less than 0.01 BTC to the OKCoin Bitcoin trading platform (including changes in funds within your wallet) , you have to pay a handling fee of 0.0001. The wallet has an established rule when preparing your payment amount, which is to try to prepare the payment amount among many inputs.Avoid changes in the amount less than 0.01 BTC (for example, if you want to recharge 5.005 BTC to OKCoin Bitcoin, the wallet should choose 3+2.005 or 1+1+3.005 instead of 5+0.005).

3. The larger the amount and the higher the age of the coin, the higher the priority

If the amount you send is too small or your Bitcoin has just been mined, Then your transfer is no longer free. Each transaction is assigned a priority based on the age of the coin, the number of bytes in the transaction, and the number of transactions. Specifically, for each input (inputs), the client will first multiply the number of Bitcoins by the age of these coins in the block, and then add all the products and divide by this The size of the transaction (in bytes), calculation formula: priority = sum(input_value_in_base_units * input_age)/size_in_bytes. If the calculation result is less than 0.576, then the transaction must pay a handling fee. This is also the reason why you have to add 0.0001 when withdrawing Bitcoin from OKCoin. Because Bitcoin transfers in OKCoin wallet are frequent and the time of Bitcoin in the block is relatively short, so you need to pay a handling fee. If you do have a large amount of small input, such as a small miner, and want to transfer it out for free, then you can add a large amount of Bitcoin with an older currency, which will increase the average priority and allow you to transfer it for free. Out of Bitcoin.

4. Charge per kilobyte

At the end of the transfer, the client will calculate the size of the transfer (in bytes). The size generally depends on the input and the output amount, the calculation formula is as follows: 148 × input amount + 34 × output amount + 10. If the size of the transfer exceeds 10,000 bytes but the priority meets the free standard, you can still enjoy free transfer, otherwise you need to pay Handling fee. The default fee per 1000 bytes is 0.0001 BTC, but you can also add additional fees in the client and open the tab "Settings > Options > Main" to adjust the handling fee. If the handling fee you set is less than 0.0001BTC, it will be calculated as 0.0001. When this rule is applied it will supersede the rule in step 2 rather than being cumulative.

『二』What is the handling fee for Bitcoin withdrawal

I don’t know much about the current handling fee. But I heard that during the event from February 17, 2018 00:00 to February 19, 2018 23:59, all new and old users will be free of charge for deposits and withdrawals in all currencies, with no limit on the number of transactions.

『三』How does the Bitcoin trading platform GODBTC charge handling fees

Follow itIts trading platform is similar, with no handling fees for deposits and transactions, and some labor fees for withdrawals.
But please note that there is a minimum limit on withdrawals:
The maximum daily BTC withdrawal limit is 200BTC; the minimum limit is 0.002BTC;
The daily maximum LTC withdrawal limit is 5000LTC; the minimum limit is 0.2 LTC;
The maximum daily RMB withdrawal amount is 200,000 yuan; the minimum is 200 yuan

『四』How to calculate the transaction fee of Bitcoin China’s trading platform

For example, EASYBTC does not require any handling fees for ordinary users to buy or sell. That is to say, some advertisers need to spend money, so you might as well register to experience it.

『五』Does there be a handling fee after a Bitcoin contract transaction?

When people promote Bitcoin, they often say: "You can transfer money to all kinds of people for free." In fact, this is not the case. Yes, sometimes a handling fee is required.

In 2013, the price of one Bitcoin was $20. In 2017, it cost $20 to transfer one Bitcoin.
The purpose of the handling fee is firstly to encourage miners to keep mining, and secondly to maintain the security of the Bitcoin network (stability maintenance fee?). The basic mining salary for early miners was relatively high, 50 BTC per block, but after the genesis block, every 210,000 blocks (every four years), the basic salary was halved. After all 21 million Bitcoins are mined, transaction fees serve as mining rewards.

The code for the halving algorithm looks like this.

CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
// Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined.
if (halvings >= 64)
return 0;

CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years.
nSubsidy >>= halvings;
return nSubsidy;
The reward was halved from 50 Bitcoins to 25 Bitcoins in 2012, and from 25 Bitcoins to 12.5b Bitcoins in 2016. It will probably be halved again in 2020 to 6.25 Bitcoins.

So, how to determine when to pay transaction fees and how much to pay?

The transaction fee structure is built into the Bitcoin network rules and depends on the (standard) client recommended by the system. Let’s use Bitcoin Core as an analogy to see what steps are required when transferring money:

1. Which coins should be spent?

The client first determines which coins to use to complete the payment.

For example, Bob transfers 2 Bitcoins to Alice; Rose transfers 3 Bitcoins to Alice, then the amounts of the two transfers will be kept in Alice's wallet separately until they are spent. . (Note: The two transfers will not be "automatically combined" into 5BTC).

So, after a while, different amounts of Bitcoin will accumulate in the wallet, so I say, you have to consider which ones to use for payment.

The available amount is called the "input" of the transaction, and the final amount sent (including the change returned to the wallet) is called the "output".

2. Avoid too fragmentary payments

If the transaction “output” (including change) is less than 0.01BTC, a handling fee of 0.0001BTC will be charged. When "selecting coins", the algorithm will try to avoid coins whose change amount is less than 0.01 BTC.

3. Old coins and large-amount transactions are given priority

If the amount of Bitcoin sent is too small, or the currency age is too low, fees are likely to be charged. Each transaction has a priority, determined by the age of the "input", the amount, and the number of transaction inputs.

Specifically, the client multiplies the amount of each input by the time the input exists in the block, adds all the multiplication results and divides them by the transaction byte size.

If the result is less than 0.576, a transaction fee will be charged. Therefore, if you have a bunch of fragmented and/or very new "inputs" and don't want to pay handling fees, you can just add a large and older input to the transaction. Here, the more critical thing is the average amount x age.

If a transaction in step 3 was originally charged, but as time goes by, new blocks continue to be generated, then the "input" age in the original transaction will also increase, and further The transaction's priority is increased so fees incurred in step 3 may be waived.

4. "Weighing" charges (charged per kilobyte)

Finally, the client checks the byte length of the transactionSpend. The length depends on the number of inputs and outputs, and can be roughly calculated by the following formula:

148 * number of inputs + 34 * number of outputs + 10

If the length is less than 10,000 bytes and in If there is a high enough priority in step 3, then the transaction will eventually be confirmed as free, otherwise it will be charged. The default fee is 0.0001BTC/kilobyte (less than 1k will be calculated as 1k). You can change the transaction fee amount by yourself in the relevant settings of the client. Settings below 0.0001BTC will not take effect. After the new fee setting takes effect, it will overwrite the fee in step 2, and the two will not overlap.

Let’s talk about a few examples:

1. Too much is not enough

Say: There are two “inputs” in Alice’s wallet, each with an amount of 1 BTC. and 2BTC. Then Alice wants to buy a cup of coffee for 2.99999 BTC. At this time, there is no such thing as currency selection, because there are only two inputs, and both are used to get enough coffee money, leaving 0.00001 BTC as change. Note that step 2 mentions: If the transaction "output" (including change) is less than 0.01BTC, a handling fee of 0.0001BTC will be charged. Note that coffee transactions will be charged a handling fee of 0.0001 BTC. The result is that the transaction will fail because Alice does not have enough balance.

This is interesting: Alice has 3 BTC, but she cannot buy 2.99999 BTC of coffee. Alice can pay all 3 BTC to the merchant to avoid the handling fee (assuming the fee in step 3 is 0), but some merchants may require the exact amount to be paid.

2. Character explosion

Say: Alice’s character exploded. In a gambling game with odds of 64,000, she allocated 1,280 BTC with 0.02 BTC. When the website paid the bonus, I did not have the 1,280 BTC in my wallet, so I could only use various bits and pieces (including change) to make up for it.

In the end, the size of the bonus was 51203 bytes. That's right, if the transaction size exceeds 10,000 bytes, the fee increases to 0.0005 BTC/per kilobyte (in fact, the early transaction fee was 0.0005, and later became 0.0001), then the handling fee here is 52*0.0005 = 0.026 BTC. Higher than the player's book.

Of course, it is still cheaper than PayPal.

Note: The handling fee for using Paypal is 4.4% + 0.3 USD/per transaction.

For example, transferring 1280 knives, 1280*4.4% + 0.3 = 56.62 knives

Note: The mostThe last handling fee paid was 0.0286 BTC. It may be because the (recommended) standard client was not used to create the transaction, and then this client had a slight problem in calculating the fee.

This is a real thing, see: Bitcoin Transaction

3. Don’t pay until all the mechanisms are exhausted

There is a kind of transaction that is free On the edge of the cliff, with a size of 9999 bytes, it is the king of transaction fee dodges. Only one of all inputs is 1 satoshi (satoshi, the smallest unit of Bitcoin, 0.000 000 01 BTC = 1 satoshi, in tribute to Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin); but there is another large input that raises the priority and exempts the transaction cost.

Do I have to pay a handling fee?

As a side note, the handling fee is actually not mandatory. Some miners do not pay much attention to these charging standards and will record some transactions without fees into blocks. Using the "raw transactions" interface of the standard client can create transactions with lower fees than the standard fee, and it is still possible to be included in the block by miners due to bad character.

『Lu』 Bitcoin transaction fee

The minimum withdrawal amount of Bitcoin at AAX is 0.00100000, and the withdrawal fee is 0.00040000.
Bitcoin transaction fee: 0.060% for pending orders / 0.100% for taker orders.
Bitcoin contract currency transaction fees: 0.04% for pending orders / 0.06% for taker orders.
Different channels have different handling fees, which are for reference only.

『撒』 What is the Bitcoin transaction fee?

There is no fee for exchange between Bitcoin wallets. Now it depends on which one you use. The fee for each company is about 1~ 3%

『八』 How is the funding fee of okex Bitcoin perpetual contract calculated?

Funding fee = position value * funding rate, when the funding rate is positive When the funding rate is negative, the shorts pay the longs, that's what it means.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 库神冷钱包BCHC排名贫穷限制了我的想象力2. 什么是冷钱包通俗来说冷钱包就是将数字货币进行离线下储存的钱包,玩家在一台离线的钱包上面生成数字货币地址和私钥,再将其保存起来。而冷钱包是在不需要任