火龙币是什么 火龙币是传销吗

Ⅰ gba口袋妖怪火龙不死机版怎么过12路口那

经过10号路后来到了宁静的11号路,虽说有1个训练师,但是比前面要少很多,这里有1个树果和怪兽中心,博士的助手说如果PM种类达到20以上就能给出不变石,是人是不会用的。小智进入黑暗的依亚隧道,太暗了,来光吧,闪光术~~周围一切照亮了,哈哈!这里结构十分复杂,比奥西米山难得多!训练师也很多,可能导致怪兽频死或技能不够用而无法恢复,带上精神片和BB艾依吧。终于通过了依亚隧道,出口还有训练师,又要战斗!小智来到了西奥镇,一个美丽的小镇(我最喜爱这个小镇了,即使不喜欢标志性建筑——精灵塔)先补血,然后别急着进精灵塔,没用的!往左出镇,来到8号路,训练师很多,这里的草丛需要用居合斩打开??去山野市的路同样被堵住了,小智走地下通道,很快到了9号路,再走一会的路程便到了达西市,这城市很热闹(我也喜欢),不管是百货商店还是游戏厅都坐落于达西市,去一幢大楼,问老奶奶要茶,能去山野市了,去楼顶得到依布。去商场楼顶,买饮料和小妹妹换招式机!接着去城里的五星级餐厅,问厨师拿硬币盒就能去游戏厅玩游戏了,在游戏厅发现一个人很诡异,原来是火箭团的,打败他后他逃了,点击壁画能开通火箭团基地的楼梯,基地里有很多装置,乱走的话一定会头晕!绕完圈圈后到了B4,和团员打后他会给出电梯钥匙,进入电梯到B4,打败守卫后便去会会他们的老大,他的PM不怎么样,打败他后得到西罗夫斯奇,再去精灵塔,2楼遇到对手,这次可长进了不少,但还是被打败了,精灵塔有鬼斯和可拉克拉,也有幽灵系训练师,用恶系或幽灵系对战吧,5楼有个结界,能补血,中间拿到灵符。6楼有个东西是嘎拉嘎拉,不能捕捉。小智在7楼打败3个火箭团团员,拯救出老人,他感谢了小智,给了你怪兽笛,以后就不用清醒药了,怪兽笛能恢复沉睡状态,现在也可以去唤醒卡比兽了 。

Ⅱ 冒险岛2老司机金币每天可以获得多少个

副本装备产出:各职业专属武器,紫色防 具
技能描述及应对技巧:火龙全屏嘶吼,对玩家进行攻击,使玩家眩晕。玩家可以跳下台阶躲避(图里跳太慢了,所以没躲掉,emmmm~),骑士也可以开无敌(十杀骑:1! 队友:???)
技能描述及应对技巧:火龙全屏嘶吼,对玩家进行攻击,使玩家眩晕。玩家可以跳上台阶躲避,骑士也可以开无敌(十杀骑:1! 队友:???)此处有小技巧可以进坑,自己研究吧~就不提示啦(可以看看GIF~)
副本装备产出:各职业专属武器,紫色防 具
技能描述及应对技巧:火龙全屏嘶吼,对玩家进行攻击,使玩家眩晕。玩家可以跳下台阶躲避(图里跳太慢了,所以没躲掉,emmmm~),骑士也可以开无敌(十杀骑:1! 队友:???)
技能描述及应对技巧:火龙全屏嘶吼,对玩家进行攻击,使玩家眩晕。玩家可以跳上台阶躲避,骑士也可以开无敌(十杀骑:1! 队友:???)此处有小技巧可以进坑,自己研究吧~就不提示啦(可以看看GIF~)

Ⅲ 原始传奇新开了吗,道招双月灵,180究极火龙私服


Ⅳ 口袋妖怪绿叶版使用小火龙的全攻略



出了码头,我到了1号小岛的大型PC屋里,却被告知电力设备出了问题,不能使用电脑,也不能通信,需要两块宝石才能修复,但不知宝石在哪里。于是我就在这个岛上随便逛逛,到了岛屿的北部,发现一个山洞。里面有温泉,走到温泉的中心可以让精灵恢复体力。与旁边一个老大爷对话还能得到特技06碎石。继续向北,发现一座山。好奇心驱使着我继续前进。在山顶终于遇到了传说中的精灵火焰鸟,经过一番大战,终于收服了它。之后回到码头,现在可以去2号岛屿了。一路狂飙来到2号岛,在岛上的游戏中心里有人告诉我他的女儿去3号小岛采集果实,至今未归,他很担心。助人乃快乐之本,我答应帮他寻找小女孩。在小岛北部有一间小屋,如果把一开始选的主兽(妙娃种子、小火龙和杰尼龟)放在首位,那么里面的人会教给它们新的3招必杀技(暴烈燃烧、水柱加农炮和硬化植物,威力150,命中90,攻击完后一会合不能动)。继续去坐快艇狂飙到3号岛。一上岛就发现一伙飞车党在瞎逛。来到村庄后发现飞车党与村民起了争执,于是我上去劝解。没想到飞车党居然把矛头指向我,来者不惧,我将他们一一打败,他们只好遗憾地离开村庄。一路左行进入树果森林。到了最深处终于找到了小女孩,但他她却一动不动。这时突然跳出一只素利柏,原来是它在用超能力捣鬼,我一下解决了它,之后小女孩得救,与她父亲说话会有奖励的(如果不说话是无法发展剧情的)。我也回到了1号小岛,被一个人送回了绿岛。现在只差常磐市的道馆没有去过了,飞到常磐市,发现道馆的门已经打开。馆主不是别人,正是火箭队老大阪木!他的实力这时已经强了很多,要小心应对。战胜他后得到绿色徽章。然后与他说话,他消失了,在原位可以找到装备在精灵身上努力值加倍的道具。我现在已有了8枚徽章,可以去挑战精灵联盟了。途中再次遇到对手,正好试试自己的实力。经过了一路的徽章检查,我进入冠军之路。这里需要将石头推到白色的装置上打通道路。经过一路颠簸,终于来到了目的地——精灵联盟。在PC屋恢复体力并购买了必要的道具之后,我进入小精灵联盟,向四大天王发起了最后挑战。在艰难战胜了四大天王之后,却被告知对手已经先我一步战胜了四大天王,如果我想成为新一任的口袋霸者,必须再战胜对手。事已至此,只能硬着头皮上了,经过最后的决战,我终于成为了新一任的口袋霸者。大木博士得知我成为了新一任的口袋霸者,带我进入了口袋殿堂,只有强者才能进- - 很辛苦,加分吧

Ⅳ 怪物猎人中3毒属性的武器有那些

吉克琳迪 720 绿 毒320 22100 强化:雌火龙的逆鳞*1 雌火龙的棘*2 稀有金龟子 *5 村

大吉克琳迪刚 960 蓝 毒440 41400 强化:雌火龙的上棘*4 雌火龙的红玉*1 雌火龙的上鳞*5

大吉克琳迪天 912 蓝 毒440 41400 强化:雌火龙的上棘*4 雌火龙的红玉*1 雌火龙的坚壳:*5 街

原者之刃 720 绿 毒300 生产:斗技王的硬币*5 雌火龙的硬币*5 红莲石*5


带毒者 252 绿 毒180 27900 强化:柔软的皮*5 可怕的爪*3 漂亮的喙*2 村

喷毒者 252 毒180 强化:柔软的皮*5 可怕的爪*3 漂亮的喙*2

毒枪 414 绿 毒240 33300 强化:可怕的爪*3毒袋*3龙玉*2 街

强毒枪 437 青 毒290 51200 强化:可怕的锐爪*3 猛毒袋*3 可怕的上皮*3 街


Ⅵ 冒险岛2火蜥蜴副本怎么打 黑炎龙兽打法通

副本装备产出:各职业专属武器,紫色防 具
技能描述及应对技巧:火龙全屏嘶吼,对玩家进行攻击,使玩家眩晕。玩家可以跳下台阶躲避(图里跳太慢了,所以没躲掉,emmmm~),骑士也可以开无敌(十杀骑:1! 队友:???)
技能描述及应对技巧:火龙全屏嘶吼,对玩家进行攻击,使玩家眩晕。玩家可以跳上台阶躲避,骑士也可以开无敌(十杀骑:1! 队友:???)此处有小技巧可以进坑,自己研究吧~就不提示啦(可以看看GIF~)
副本装备产出:各职业专属武器,紫色防 具
技能描述及应对技巧:火龙全屏嘶吼,对玩家进行攻击,使玩家眩晕。玩家可以跳下台阶躲避(图里跳太慢了,所以没躲掉,emmmm~),骑士也可以开无敌(十杀骑:1! 队友:???)
技能描述及应对技巧:火龙全屏嘶吼,对玩家进行攻击,使玩家眩晕。玩家可以跳上台阶躲避,骑士也可以开无敌(十杀骑:1! 队友:???)此处有小技巧可以进坑,自己研究吧~就不提示啦(可以看看GIF~)

Ⅶ 哪个平台有比较多的区块链资讯


Ⅷ 火龙天龙帝王威虎秒杀主宰装备的F

首先,英雄锁定天殇,为什么一定要天殇呢,因为天殇太强大了,至于怎么个强大法,用过天殇的N字大绝招的人就知道.后面也会慢慢讲到.出来后,选英雄天殇,选取方法是,用小精灵去雇佣兵商店买四五个兽族步兵,就那个2000金币的那个,然后传送到出生点那个大门那儿,用步兵将门的左下脚堵住,其实就是在那儿挤成一团,然后用小精灵传送问号进门,那个传送的圈要点在门里的左方,这样就把问号传到了门里,然后就选取了天殇.然后将步兵拖往时常去的地方以便传送,,一般是左边地图中间那瀑布那放一个,星痕那儿放一个,书店放一个,左上角疯老头那一个,星痕右边那个绿皮的风暴撕裂者那旁边一个. 有了天殇,学第一个技能,加了1000全属性,然后传送到门外,打烂那儿的石头,有一个是生命宝石,可以拿去卖,一个是能量之书.然后把小精灵拖往地图右上方一个叫星痕的熊猫那儿领取寻找老婆任务,因为任务要1木的押金,所以,把小精灵身上的生命宝石卖掉,就可以接,然后传送到出生点左边,那个黑衣服的是星痕的老婆,拿到信物之后交任务有10木的奖金.这段时间你的英雄就把地图中场那些石头打烂,这样可以升级到19,然后将10木在书店换成钱,去买两个猎头,两辆车子,一辆去砸出生点上面点那个商店背后的黑色的矮树,有几率出90W武器,一辆车子隔墙砸雇佣兵商店对面的柱子,那个砸武器的车子砸了之后拖回来帮着砸柱子.一个猎头拖去A出生点门口那个门的心灵,小精灵接那个噩灵任务,就是那个奖励30木的.然后用剩下的猎头A那个躲在刚砸武器那地方附近的一个怪.得到的30木,换成钱,但留10木以后领任务.如果有90W攻击的武器,就带上,然后去帮猎头打门,如果没有,就去买一本升级书,到20,学那个20级的技能.这样就可以帮猎头把门打开了.这时候车子已经把柱子砸烂了,而且你应该在第一根柱子砸烂时,砸第二根,用车子那个群攻键砸第二根柱子,就能砸到.然后,小精灵领取能量水晶和神曲任务.在基地左方上面一点会出现一个小石塔,英雄A掉它就有了神曲的上半卷,然后小精灵到英雄墓,就是你砸的柱子那把砸出来的东西捡了,然后在那右边有个传送圈,小精灵进去后,英雄传过来将那里的一个酒桶打烂,就有神曲下半卷,然后传送到星痕那,将换的那本书卖掉,有1000木,然后到瀑布把拣来的那两个宝贝在淋澡的神秘人那升到满级后卖掉,因为升级后卖掉更值钱.然后回基地买个凤凰,把凤凰拖去把英雄墓那火球用那个烈炎技能烧死,然后烧死那3个后来出来的小兵,最后用凤凰打拦剩下的柱子,然后用小精灵拣起那些红字的装备,英雄去拣木头,然后传送凤凰回基地,再把那些武器到瀑布那升级来卖掉.就有N多的木头了.凤凰去出生点上方那的传送点去用火烧白虎,烧死后,把那挡路的树木烧掉,小精灵去拣那儿的东西.把玄冰魄给英雄带上.另外一个直接卖掉,白虎圣痕扔在基地旁边.英雄吃书至一百级,用100级大技能去秒杀掉风暴.把拣来的装备给英雄,那个可乐拿到星痕下面那个熊猫那会换成L的护身符,然后小精灵在星痕那做签名任务,换得的生命护符和英雄的L护身符到那个熊猫那可以换7魔兽徽章.然后买四个巨魔巫医将风暴围住.小精灵跑到那边很多水人的地方的右边中间,有个不易发现的蓝色的龙飘在天上,用英雄杀掉它,再杀掉旁边的水人,如果暴了火刹冰魄就不用打了,如果RP太差,没出,就去星痕处领寻找天殇的任务,凡是叫你找天殇的时候,你就去你的出生地点那转,就可以了.然后用英雄墓那爆的炼狱火种和打到的龙牙,到疯老头处买根神秘木棒点元素融合,就合成绝天龙牙,到瀑布将龙牙升级满,带上龙牙和火刹冰魄去出生点上方那个商店那点龙牙解封,合成真绝天龙牙,放在装备栏第一格,然后天殇的100级技能也快满了,到风暴那,点龙牙,则变成一条龙,然后飞向风暴上面黑色区域的瀑布中间,进去后等会儿,等他变回人,也可以去打那BOSS,被秒掉之后复活.然后用小精灵传一个小兵进来,用英雄放BOSS一个大技能后闪人,要快,还切记不要把小兵传送走了,以后好方便再进来.等技能恢复再去放一个,直到放倒它为止.这段时间就去利用射程优势打风暴.风暴暴的装备除了傲剑红尘之外都卖掉.等BOSS被杀时,爆的黎冰剑放在装备栏第二格,红尘第三格,7魔兽勋章最后一格,如果有多的红尘就带上.然后杀掉第一波偷袭怪,现在去买两个毒龙塔,摆在基地前面一点的那两个方孔里面.去星痕那挑战前面两个任

Ⅰ How to pass the 12th intersection in I GBA Pokemon Fire Dragon Undead Edition

After passing the 10th road, I came to the quiet road 11. Although there is 1 trainer, there are fewer than before. There are a lot of them. There is a tree fruit and monster center here. The doctor's assistant said that if the PM type reaches 20 or more, it can give an aphrodisiac stone, which humans cannot use. Xiaozhi entered the dark Eya Tunnel. It was too dark. Come on, use the Flash Technique. Everything around him lit up, haha! The structure here is very complex, much more difficult than Mount Osimi! There are also many trainers, which may cause monsters to die frequently or have insufficient skills to recover. Bring a mental tablet and BB Aiyi. Finally passed the Eia Tunnel, there is a trainer at the exit, and we have to fight again! Xiaozhi came to Theo Town, a beautiful town (I love this town the most, even if I don't like the iconic building - Elf Tower). First replenish your blood, and then don't rush into the Elf Tower, it's useless! Go left out of the town and come to Road 8. There are many trainers. Do you need to use Iai Slash to open the grass here? ? The road to Yamano City was also blocked. Xiaozhi took the underground passage and soon arrived at Route 9. After a short walk, he arrived at Darcy City. This city is very lively (I like it too). Whether it is a department store The game arcade is still located in Darcy City. Go to a building and ask the old lady for tea. You can go to Yamano City and go to the roof to get Eevee. Go to the rooftop of the shopping mall, buy drinks and trade move machines with your little sister! Then go to the five-star restaurant in the city, ask the chef to get the coin box, and then you can go to the game hall to play games. I found a strange person in the game hall. It turned out to be the Rockets. After defeating him, he escaped. Click on the mural to open the game. There are a lot of devices on the stairs of the Rocket Corps base. If you walk around randomly, you will definitely get dizzy! After completing the circle, you reach B4. After fighting the group members, he will give you the elevator key. Enter the elevator to B4. After defeating the guard, go to meet their boss. His PM is not very good. After defeating him, you will get Sirovs. Odd, I went to the Elf Tower again and met an opponent on the 2nd floor. I made a lot of progress this time, but I was still defeated. In the Elf Tower, there are Guisi and Korakla, and there are also ghost trainers. You can fight with evil or ghost types. Well, there is a barrier on the 5th floor that can replenish blood, and you can get the magic talisman in the middle. There is something called Gala Gala on the 6th floor that cannot be captured. Xiaozhi defeated three members of the Rocket Team on the 7th floor and rescued the old man. He thanked Xiaozhi and gave you the Monster Flute. You will no longer need sobriety medicine. The Monster Flute can restore the sleeping state, and you can now wake up Kirby. .

Ⅱ How many gold coins can veteran players in MapleStory 2 get per day

Copy information: Absorbing the dark breath of the fallen fairies, the Black Flame Dragon Beast hatched from the egg. He sprays huge fireballs, burning everything around him to ashes. The lava forbidden area is like a flaming hell. Who will be the hero who steps on the flames to challenge the Black Flame Dragon?
Copy time limit: None
Number of rewards: 5 times a week
Number of people entering: up to 10 people
Copy information: After absorbing the dark aura of the fallen fairies, the Black Flame Dragon Beast hatched from the egg. He sprayed huge fireballs, burning everything around him to ashes, and the lava bannedThe earth is like a flaming hell, and who will be the hero who steps on the flames to challenge the Black Flame Dragon?
Dungeon limited time: None
Number of rewards: 5 times a week
Number of people entering: Maximum 10 people
Entry conditions: level 50/equipment points 1710
Team: 1 priest, 1 knight, 8 DPS
Dungeon equipment output: exclusive weapons for each profession, purple armor
/>How to beat the Salamander Dungeon in MapleStory 2
Weapons: It is recommended to wear purple weapons and strengthen them. If conditions are limited, blue weapons +9 can also be used, but the clearance speed will be much slower.
Armor: If you want to save some mushroom coins, it is recommended to buy a purple piece of clothing and strengthen it. If conditions are limited, blue equipment is also acceptable, but you may have to pay more mushroom coins for tuition;
Jewelry: Just suit your own matching habits. The current version has higher benefits from damaging BOSS. Stacking defense penetration and attack speed will also work.
Mushroom Coins: Whether you are a newbie or an experienced driver, please prepare some Mushroom Coins. When the three free resurrections are used up, remember to use the Mushroom Coins to stand up. Don’t be a cadaver. Compare your feelings to others.
If there is a tombstone, go home and click on the nurse sister in the upper right corner, wash it, and you can be resurrected for free.
Recovery medicine: Although there is a priest, he cannot take care of everyone, but sometimes they are raised by stepmothers and cannot add blood. Drink one more bottle = one less death = save mushroom coins;
Open the output statistics to know your output every time. It is always good to improve.
PS. Wait at the stairs before entering the dungeon. Walking too fast and driving too fast will break the bridge, otherwise friends who haven’t come in yet will hang up to watch your output!
Tips on how to play the Black Flame Dragon Beast Clearance strategy
[P1 stage]
Skill 1: Brutal collision
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon rushes brutally on the steps, and continuously attacks the player. Those who are hit by the fire dragon The player will get the negative state "Burn", which will cause the player to continue to lose blood. A total of 10 layers can be superimposed, which is very draining of blood. Players should try not to face the fire dragon for output, just look for the tail and sideways output! Pay attention to avoid. To superimpose a layer of DEBUFF, please remember to clean the angels on both sides to remove the Fire Dragon; Burn; status.
Skill 2: Breathing fire!
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will breathe fire in one direction, covering a large area. If you can avoid it, avoid it. If you can't avoid it, you need to find a priest yourself and let the priest increase your blood like crazy. If the DEBUFF level is too high, remember to find a little angel to clean it.
Skill 3: Sweeping tail and face slap + fan-shaped sweeping the floor
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon runs to the corner and performs a fan-shaped tail flicking attack. Players should avoid. If the blood volume drops quickly, the floor will be swept immediately. Most of them start from the middle first, and then randomly on both sides. At this time, the priest can return to the blue formation in the middle, allowing teammates to go crazy in the "virtual zone"!
Skill 4 : Rolling in place,The tail calls you
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will jump on the spot and then roll around like a child who hasn't eaten a lollipop. Please stay away from the tail. There are some tricks to avoid~explore on your own!
Skill 5: Roar in full screen
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon roars in full screen, attacks the player and stuns the player. Players can jump down the steps to dodge (the jump in the picture is too slow, so I didn’t dodge, emmmm~), and the knight can also be invincible (ten-kill knight: 1! Teammates: ???)
Skill 6: Laser strafing !
Skill description and coping skills: Fire Dragon runs to the corner and shoots laser fire in front of him. This skill of Fire Dragon does very high damage and is a direct GG without purple armor.
There are concave and convex pits on the steps. Players can jump into the pits to avoid lasers, or they can jump off the cliff. The knight can prompt his teammates to assemble for invincible dodge. PS: There are many tips to penetrate the laser. I won’t demonstrate it here, just explore it by yourself
It will enter P2 at about 5000W. The fire dragon will run to the innermost part of the dungeon map. Before entering the second stage, players need to step on the BUFF at the bridge to prevent them from being burned to death on the fire bridge before entering the second stage.
[P2 stage]
Skill 1: Crazy full-screen fire breathing
Skill description and coping skills: After landing, the priest's milk will be full of blood for the first time, and then they will come to the left and stand in position. The priest prepares crazy milk (regular·milk+angel·milk+cross milk·+milk·bubble). After two consecutive fire breaths, the laser will be released, and you need to be invincible or climb the wall to avoid it. (The passerby team is recommended to climb the wall in advance to avoid. There are no knights. Even if there are knights, there are no invincible ones. Even if there are invincible ones, you can’t eat them. ^_^)
Skill 2: Full-screen roar
Skill description and response Technique: The fire dragon roars across the screen, attacks the player, and stuns the player. Players can jump up the steps to avoid, and knights can also be invincible (Ten kills of knights: 1! Teammates: ???) There are tips here to get into the trap, study it yourself ~ no prompts (you can look at the GIF ~) < br />Skill three: Laser strafing
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon performs laser strafing on the spot. The fire dragon's skill does very high damage and is a direct GG without purple armor. There are concave and convex pits on the steps. Players can jump into the pits to avoid lasers, or they can climb the wall. The knight can prompt his teammates to assemble for invincible dodge.
Skill 4: Random Fire Floor
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will spit fire at random locations on the ground to form a fire ring. The forward swing is very long, please avoid it immediately! This is not a drill! Mengxin recommends this Move around like crazy, don't output. Use less displacement, more movement!
Skill 5: Sweep the floor
Skill description and countermeasures: The fire dragon performs a fan-shaped tail flick attack. Players should avoid.
Entry conditions: level 50/equipment points 1710
Team: 1 priest, 1 knight, 8 DPS
Dungeon equipment output: exclusive weapons for each profession, Purple Armor
How to fight the Salamander Dungeon in MapleStory 2
Weapons: It is recommended to wear purple weapons and strengthen them. If conditions are limited, blue weapons +9 are also available, but the clearance speed will be much slower.
Armor: If you want to save some mushroom coins, it is recommended to buy a purple piece of clothing and strengthen it. If conditions are limited, blue equipment is also acceptable, but you may have to pay more mushroom coins for tuition;
Jewelry: Just suit your own matching habits. The current version has higher benefits from damaging BOSS. Stacking defense penetration and attack speed will also work.
Mushroom Coins: Whether you are a newbie or an experienced driver, please prepare some Mushroom Coins. When the three free resurrections are used up, remember to use the Mushroom Coins to stand up. Don’t be a cadaver. Compare your feelings to others.
If there is a tombstone, go home and click on the nurse sister in the upper right corner, wash it, and you can be resurrected for free.
Recovery medicine: Although there is a priest, he cannot take care of everyone, but sometimes they are raised by stepmothers and cannot add blood. Drink one more bottle = one less death = save mushroom coins;
Open the output statistics to know your output every time. It is always good to improve.
PS. Wait at the stairs before entering the dungeon. Walking too fast and driving too fast will break the bridge, otherwise friends who haven’t come in yet will hang up to watch your output!
Tips on how to play the Black Flame Dragon Beast Clearance strategy
[P1 stage]
Skill 1: Brutal collision
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon rushes brutally on the steps, and continuously attacks the player. Those who are hit by the fire dragon The player will get the negative state "Burn", which will cause the player to continue to lose blood. A total of 10 layers can be superimposed, which is very draining of blood. Players should try not to face the fire dragon for output, just look for the tail and sideways output! Pay attention to avoid. To superimpose a layer of DEBUFF, please remember to clean the angels on both sides to remove the Fire Dragon; Burn; status.
Skill 2: Breathing fire!
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will breathe fire in one direction, covering a large area. If you can avoid it, avoid it. If you can't avoid it, you need to find a priest yourself and let the priest increase your blood like crazy. If the DEBUFF level is too high, remember to find a little angel to clean it.
Skill 3: Sweeping tail and face slap + fan-shaped sweeping the floor
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon runs to the corner and performs a fan-shaped tail flicking attack. Players should avoid. If the blood volume drops quickly, the floor will be swept immediately. Most of them start from the middle first, and then randomly on both sides. At this time, the priest can return to the blue formation in the middle, allowing teammates to go crazy in the "virtual zone"!
Skill 4 : Rolling on the spot, the tail calls you
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will take off on the spot, and then roll on the spot like a child who has not eaten a lollipop. Please stay away from the tail. There are some tricks to avoid~explore on your own!
Skill 5: Roar in full screen
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon roars in full screen, attacks the player and stuns the player. Players can jump down the steps to avoid (pictureThe jump is too slow, so I didn’t dodge it, emmmm~), the knight can also be invincible (10 knights killed: 1! Teammate: ???)
Skill 6: Laser strafing!
Skill description and Coping skills: The Fire Dragon runs to the corner and shoots the laser in front. The Fire Dragon's skill does very high damage and is a direct GG without purple armor.
There are concave and convex pits on the steps. Players can jump into the pits to avoid lasers, or they can jump off the cliff. The knight can prompt his teammates to assemble for invincible dodge. PS: There are many tips to penetrate the laser. I won’t demonstrate it here, just explore it by yourself
It will enter P2 at about 5000W. The fire dragon will run to the innermost part of the dungeon map. Before entering the second stage, players need to step on the BUFF at the bridge to prevent them from being burned to death on the fire bridge before entering the second stage.
[P2 stage]
Skill 1: Crazy full-screen fire breathing
Skill description and coping skills: After landing, the priest's milk will be full of blood for the first time, and then they will come to the left and stand in position. The priest prepares crazy milk (regular·milk+angel·milk+cross milk·+milk·bubble). After two consecutive fire breaths, the laser will be released, and you need to be invincible or climb the wall to avoid it. (The passerby team is recommended to climb the wall in advance to avoid. There are no knights. Even if there are knights, there are no invincible ones. Even if there are invincible ones, you can’t eat them. ^_^)
Skill 2: Full-screen roar
Skill description and response Technique: The fire dragon roars across the screen, attacks the player, and stuns the player. Players can jump up the steps to avoid, and knights can also be invincible (Ten kills of knights: 1! Teammates: ???) There are tips here to get into the trap, study it yourself ~ no prompts (you can look at the GIF ~) < br />Skill three: Laser strafing
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon performs laser strafing on the spot. The fire dragon's skill does very high damage and is a direct GG without purple armor. There are concave and convex pits on the steps. Players can jump into the pits to avoid lasers, or they can climb the wall. The knight can prompt his teammates to assemble for invincible dodge.
Skill 4: Random Fire Floor
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will spit fire at random locations on the ground to form a fire ring. The forward swing is very long, please avoid it immediately! This is not a drill! Mengxin recommends this Move around like crazy, don't output. Use less displacement, more movement!
Skill 5: Sweep the floor
Skill description and countermeasures: The fire dragon performs a fan-shaped tail flick attack. Players should avoid.

Ⅲ Is the original legend newly opened? Daozhao Double Moon Spirit, 180 Ultimate Fire Dragon Private Server

When each server is newly opened, it is the fourth day after the server is opened or the server is merged The first siege battle automatically starts on the third day. There are many sand city activities. Players can check the introduction of these activities in detail. They are all related to occupying the sand city, and the rewards are very rich.

IV A complete guide to using Charmander in Pokemon Green Leaf

At the beginning, the protagonist came out from home, walked around the village, then walked up and wanted to play in the village Play. As a result, he was stopped by Dr. Oak, who told the protagonist that there were many wild spirits in the grass outside the village.Ling, don't go out rashly, and called the protagonist to his research institute. Choose an elf! Your opponent chooses an elf that restrains you after you have made your choice. Just as he was about to leave the research institute, he was stopped by his opponent and started the first battle. After a difficult victory, he walked up and walked out of the village. Someone gave the protagonist medicine for his wounds on the road. Then we came to the first city: Joban City. When you arrive at the SHOP, the salesperson gives you a package and returns it to the doctor. The doctor gives you and your opponent a monster illustration. At this time, the real adventure has just begun. After leaving the institute, go to the opponent's house above and ask his sister for the map necessary for travel (if you don't ask for it now, you won't be able to get it later).
After passing through Joban City, head north and enter the Evergreen Forest. There are many trainers inside. Challenge them one by one! This forest is a bit complicated, but there is only one way out, so it is easy to get out of the forest. After arriving at Hibi City, the passage on the right was guarded and could not be passed. You can go to the museum first to gain some knowledge. Come to Xiaogang's rock gym to challenge, and you can get a gray badge after defeating it. At this time, when you return to Joban City, you can meet your opponent on the left again. He has become stronger! From Hibi City, go to the right. There are also people who give you running skills. (You can run by pressing B, it’s much faster, it’s cool) Then we came to Moon View Mountain. You can buy a Magikarp from the PC next to the cave for 500 yen. In the cave, we encountered resistance from some of Team Rocket's minions, and also encountered an archaeologist. After defeating him, we chose one of the two fossils (the fossil helmet on the left, the ammonite beast on the right). Finally got out of the cave and arrived at Huatian City. There is a bicycle shop here, and the bicycles in it are too expensive to buy. Come to the water gym to challenge Xiaoxia, and get the blue badge after defeating her. Afterwards, you go north and meet your opponent again. After defeating him hard, he gives you a character guide. Continue going north, pick off the many minions and come to a room in the northeast corner. After entering, talk to Pippi, then start the computer. Dr. Masaki comes out. After a while of chatting, he gives the protagonist a boat ticket (an important prop that will be used later). Returning to Huatian City, the police have given way. Entering the room, you find that it is in a mess. Enter through the hole in the wall and find a Rocketeer. After defeating him, you get the burrowing skill. Since the road on the right is blocked by a big tree, we can only go down. On the way, you pass by a breeding house, where there are people who help you raise elves. Since there are people blocking the way in the room below, we can only go through the tunnel. After running wildly for a while, we arrived at Dry Leaf City. Since the way to the gym was also blocked by a tree, I went to a room in the upper left corner first. After a long discussion with the people inside, I got an exchange coupon (which can be taken to a bicycle shop in Huatian City to redeem a bicycle^_^). You can also get a basic fishing rod in the hut to the left of the PC's house. Come to the pier, show your ticket to the sailor, and enter the ship. Challenge trainers from all over the world, and you can also find three fruits in the kitchen trash can (if you don’t take it now, you won’t be able to get it later). I was about to go to the top floor, but I met my opponent again. After defeating me, I went to the captain's room. The captain was feeling unwell, and he got better after giving him a massage. To express his gratitude, he gave me the stunt 01 Iai Slash. Then you can challenge the gym. After defeating Ma Zhishi, you will get the orange badge.

Exit the pier and go right, and you will find a cave (Gopher's Hole). After passing through, go down and come to a hut. Talk to a person. If you have more than 10 elves, you can get the No. 05 stunt flash. Go to the museum in Hibi City and enter through the back door by cutting down a tree, and you can get a piece of amber. At this time, go to the road on the right side of Huatian City. After defeating a group of trainers, you will come to a cave. At this time, it is best to go to the PC next to it to restore your physical strength. After entering the cave, use the flash stunt to brighten your field of vision. After a lot of trouble, we left the cave and went down to Ziyuan City. There is a ghost tower built in memory of the dead elves. Climbing up the stairs, I found that there were many people inside, all using ghost elves. There are also wild elves who are actually ghosts, unable to see their true colors and unable to fight. Just as I was about to reach the top floor, a strange elf suddenly appeared and blocked my way. I had no choice but to go downstairs. Talking to the residents revealed that in order for the elf to reveal its true form, ghost glasses are needed. Go below the city first, where a Kirby is sleeping, blocking the way. Return to Ziyuan City, go left through an underground passage, and arrive at Tamamishi City. There is a department store and a department store, as well as an arcade. You can go to the department store and ask an old lady to get tea (an important item, you must get it). You can also get an Eevee from the back door to the top floor. Go to the 5th floor of the department store and go up the stairs to the top floor. Buy three types of drinks for the little girl in exchange for three skills. Then go challenge GYM! The gym this time is a grass-type gym, so it should be easy! After defeating, you will get the Rainbow Badge. Talk to a person in a room to get a coin box, and then you can go to the arcade to play games. I saw a suspicious person in front of a painting and started fighting at every turn. After defeating him, he disappeared. I studied the painting (pressed the A button), and a staircase suddenly appeared on the right. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs. Let's go in and take a look. After getting the elevator key on the 4th underground floor, he took the elevator to the 4th underground floor again and found the boss of Team Rocket: Sakagi. After defeating it, you will get ghost glasses, which can reveal the original form of the elf in the ghost tower. Returning to the Ghost Tower, the mysterious elf finally showed his true face. It turned out to be a Gala Gala. Let its soul ascend to heaven (defeat it) and then go up to rescue Old Man Fuji. As a thank you gift, he gave me the Magic Flute. Now you can capture the two Kirby beasts sleeping in the middle of the road. Come to Kirby and use the Elf Magic Flute. It wakes up. Conquer it! After the Kirbymon in Tamamushi City is subdued, cut down the tree and go to the nearby house to obtain the stunt 02 Flying Technique. Now you can fly freely between the cities you have visited. After going downhill for a while, we arrived at Shizhu City. The poison gym here has an invisible wall that needs to be passed through to reach the place where the gym leader is. Get the Heart Badge after defeating him. You can get an intermediate fishing rod in the house next to the PC house (the one on the right). An old man in the building on the left said that his dentures fell off and asked me to help him find them. I readily agreed. Enter the spirit aboveIn the wilderness area, there are many elves for you to capture. I went to a place and finally found the dentures. Then we continued deeper, and within 600 steps we reached a room at the deepest point, and asked the people inside to get Stunt 03 Surfing Technique, and now we could freely walk on water. After leaving the wilderness area, I returned the dentures to Grandpa. In order to thank me, Grandpa gave me Special Skill 04. Suddenly, I remembered that I had not been to the city in the middle of the map, so I flew to the nearest city, Yuchong City, and passed through the passage on the right. The guard said he was thirsty, so I gave him the tea given by the old lady, and he let me go. Entering Yamabuki City, I found that they were all members of Team Rocket, so I came to Yamabuki Building and found that it had been occupied by them. I broke in immediately. A nurse on the 9th floor will help you regain your strength, which saves you the time of returning to the PC. Find the master key to open the door below the 5th floor and go to the 3rd floor. After opening a door, go to a teleport point to the 7th floor and find that your opponent is also there. After defeating him, I talked to the person next to me and he gave me a riding dragon. Finally, he reached the top floor through a teleportation point, defeated Sakagi again, and rescued the company president. To express his gratitude, he gave me a Master Ball (you can only get one in the whole game process, you can catch any elves, so use it with caution). Then I went to the gym and found that there were two gyms? ! Enter the gym on the left and defeat the gym owner after winning all the way. He wanted to give me an elf, but I couldn't persuade him because of his kindness, so I had to accept it. There are two elves here, choose one from the two (Savarang on the left, Aibilang on the right). Then we came to the gym on the right and found a lot of teleportation devices. You must go in the opposite direction from where you arrived (for example, if you teleport to the lower left corner, then you should go to the upper left corner). After defeating the hall owner, you will get the Full Moon Badge. At this time, go to the dark cave entrance on Route 10, walk up, and pass through a waterway to an unmanned power plant. A thunderbird was found in the deepest part. This opportunity is not to be missed, time will never come again, hurry up and get it! If you kill it or run away, it will disappear. Use instant save to fix it. Then return to Shizhu City and go down through a section of waterway to Shuangzi Island. After entering Twin Islands, you have to push a few rocks into the water to block the flow of water before you can move forward. I encountered a frozen bird in the deepest part, get it! Return to your home and surf down for a while before arriving at Green Island. There is a research institute on the island that can restore previously obtained fossils and amber into elves. Went to the gym, only to find the door locked. Later I learned that the key is in the abandoned building on the left. There are a series of mechanisms inside that need to be controlled and switched, and the key is finally obtained in the deepest part. Get the Fire Badge after defeating the Fire Gym Leader. After leaving the gym, I was pulled by a man on a speedboat to a strange place (Orange Islands).

After leaving the pier, I arrived at the large PC room on Island No. 1, but was told that there was a problem with the power equipment. I couldn’t use the computer or communicate. It took two gems to repair it, but I didn’t know. Where are the gems. So I wandered around the island and found a cave in the north of the island. There is a hot spring inside, and walking to the center of the hot spring can restore the elves' strength. Talk to the old man next to you and you can get Special Skill 06 Gravel. Continue north and find a mountain. driven by curiosityKeep me going. At the top of the mountain, I finally met the legendary Elf Flame Bird, and after a battle, I finally conquered it. After that, return to the dock and now you can go to Island 2. We drove all the way to Island No. 2. Someone in the game center on the island told me that his daughter went to Island No. 3 to collect fruits and has not returned yet. He was very worried. Helping others is the foundation of happiness. I promised to help him find the little girl. There is a hut in the north of the island. If you put the main beasts you selected at the beginning (Muela Seed, Charmander and Squirtle) first, then the people inside will teach them three new special moves (violent burning). , water column cannon and hardened plants, power 150, hit 90, cannot move for a while after attacking). Continue to take a speedboat ride to Island No. 3. As soon as we got to the island, we found a group of speedsters wandering around. When I arrived at the village, I found that the speedsters had a dispute with the villagers, so I went up to try to persuade them. Unexpectedly, the speedsters actually pointed their finger at me. I defeated them one by one, and they had no choice but to leave the village with regret. Go left all the way into the fruit forest. When we reached the deepest part, we finally found the little girl, but she didn't move. At this time, a Suliba suddenly jumped out. It turned out that it was using super powers to cause trouble. I solved it immediately. After that, the little girl was saved. There will be rewards for talking to her father (if you don't talk, the plot will not progress). I also returned to Island No. 1 and was sent back to Green Island by myself. The only thing I haven't been to now is the gym in Joban City. I flew to Joban City and found that the door of the gym had been opened. The owner of the museum is none other than Team Rockets boss Osakagi! His strength has become much stronger at this time, so be careful when dealing with him. Defeat him and get the green badge. Then talk to him and he disappears. In his place you can find the item that doubles the effort value of the elf. I now have 8 badges and can challenge the Elf Alliance. On the way, I met my opponent again, just in time to test my strength. After passing the badge inspection all the way, I entered the championship road. Here you need to push the stone onto the white device to open the way. After a bumpy journey, we finally arrived at our destination - the Elf Alliance. After recovering my strength in the PC house and purchasing the necessary props, I entered the Elf Alliance and launched the final challenge to the four kings. After defeating the four kings with difficulty, I was told that my opponent had already defeated the four kings before me. If I wanted to become the new pocket king, I had to defeat my opponent again. At this point, I had no choice but to bite the bullet. After the final battle, I finally became the new pocket tyrant. Dr. Oak learned that I had become the new Pocket Dominator and took me into the Pocket Palace. Only the strong can enter - - It’s very hard, give me extra points

Ⅳ Weapons with 3 poison attributes in Monster Hunter What kind of weapons are there?

To be honest, if you can’t go out on the streets, you still have very few weapons. . .
Great Sword:
Jiklindi 720 Green Poison 320 22100 Enhancement: Female Charmander's Reverse Scale*1 Female Charmander's Thorn*2 Rare Scarab*5 Village

Big Jiklin Di Gang 960 Blue Poison 440 41400 Enhanced: Female Fire DragonThe upper spines of the female fire dragon*4 The ruby ​​of the female fire dragon Ruby*1 Female Fire Dragon's Hard Shell:*5 Street

Original Blade 720 Green Poison 300 Production: Fighting Skill King's Coin*5 Female Fire Dragon's Coin*5 Red Lotus Stone*5< br />
Tachi MS does not have it. . .

Pan Shou:
Poison carrier 252 Green poison 180 27900 Strengthening: Soft skin*5 Scary claws*3 Beautiful beak*2 Village

Spray poison 252 Poison 180 Enhancement: Soft skin*5 Terrifying claws*3 Beautiful beak*2

Poison gun 414 Green poison 240 33300 Enhancement: Terrifying claws*3 poison Bag*3 Dragon Jade*2 Street

Poison Gun 437 Green Poison 290 51200 Enhancement: Terrible Sharp Claw*3 Poison Bag*3 Terrifying Epithelium*3 Street

There is no Axe-cutting MS either

VI How to defeat the Black Flame Dragon in the Salamander Dungeon in MapleStory 2

Dungeon information: Absorbing the dark aura of the fallen fairies, the Black Flame Dragon The beast hatches from the egg. He sprays huge fireballs, burning everything around him to ashes. The lava forbidden area is like a flaming hell. Who will be the hero who steps on the flames to challenge the Black Flame Dragon?
Copy time limit: None
Number of rewards: 5 times a week
Number of people entering: up to 10 people
Copy information: After absorbing the dark aura of the fallen fairies, the Black Flame Dragon Beast hatched from the egg. He sprays huge fireballs, burning everything around him to ashes. The lava forbidden area is like a flaming hell. Who will be the hero who steps on the flames to challenge the Black Flame Dragon?
Copy time limit: None
Number of rewards: 5 times per week
Number of entries: up to 10 people
Entry conditions: level 50/equipment points 1710
Team recommendations: 1 priest, 1 knight, 8 DPS
br />Dungeon equipment output: Exclusive weapons for each profession, purple armor
How to fight the Salamander dungeon in MapleStory 2
Weapons: It is recommended to wear purple weapons and strengthen them. If conditions are limited, blue weapons +9 are also available Yes, but the clearance speed will be much slower.
Armor: If you want to save some mushroom coins, it is recommended to buy a purple piece of clothing and strengthen it. If conditions are limited, blue equipment is also acceptable, but you may have to pay more mushroom coins for tuition;
Jewelry: Just suit your own matching habits. The current version has higher benefits from damaging BOSS. Stacking defense penetration and attack speed will also work.
Mushroom Coins: Whether you are a newbie or an experienced driver, please prepare some Mushroom Coins.When the three free resurrections are used up, be sure to remember to use mushroom coins to stand up. Don't be a dead party. Compare your feelings to yourselves.
If there is a tombstone, go home and click on the nurse sister in the upper right corner, wash it, and you can be resurrected for free.
Recovery medicine: Although there is a priest, he cannot take care of everyone, but sometimes they are raised by stepmothers and cannot add blood. Drink one more bottle = one less death = save mushroom coins;
Open the output statistics to know your output every time. It is always good to improve.
PS. Wait at the stairs before entering the dungeon. Walking too fast and driving too fast will break the bridge, otherwise friends who haven’t come in yet will hang up to watch your output!
Tips on how to play the Black Flame Dragon Beast Clearance strategy
[P1 stage]
Skill 1: Brutal collision
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon rushes brutally on the steps, and continuously attacks the player. Those who are hit by the fire dragon The player will get the negative status 'Burn', which will cause the player to continue to lose blood. A total of 10 layers can be superimposed, which is very draining of blood. Players should try not to face the fire dragon for output, just look for the tail and sideways output! Pay attention to avoid. To superimpose a layer of DEBUFF, please remember to clean the angels on both sides to relieve the fire dragon's 'burn' state.
Skill 2: Breathing fire!
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will breathe fire in one direction, covering a large area. If you can avoid it, avoid it. If you can't avoid it, you need to find a priest yourself and let the priest increase your blood like crazy. If the DEBUFF level is too high, remember to find a little angel to clean it.
Skill 3: Sweeping tail and face slap + fan-shaped sweeping the floor
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon runs to the corner and performs a fan-shaped tail flicking attack. Players should avoid. If the blood volume drops quickly, the floor will be swept immediately. Most of them start from the middle first, and then randomly on both sides. At this time, the priest can return to the blue formation in the middle, allowing teammates to go crazy in the "virtual zone"!
Skill 4 : Rolling on the spot, the tail calls you
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will take off on the spot, and then roll on the spot like a child who has not eaten a lollipop. Please stay away from the tail. There are some tricks to avoid~explore on your own!
Skill 5: Roar in full screen
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon roars in full screen, attacks the player and stuns the player. Players can jump down the steps to dodge (the jump in the picture is too slow, so I didn’t dodge, emmmm~), and the knight can also be invincible (ten-kill knight: 1! Teammates: ???)
Skill 6: Laser strafing !
Skill description and coping skills: Fire Dragon runs to the corner and shoots laser fire in front of him. This skill of Fire Dragon does very high damage and is a direct GG without purple armor.
There are concave and convex pits on the steps. Players can jump into the pits to avoid lasers, or they can jump off the cliff. The knight can prompt his teammates to assemble for invincible dodge. PS: There are many tips for wearing lasers. I won’t demonstrate them here. Explore by yourself
Around 5000W will enter P2. The fire dragon will run to the innermost part of the dungeon map. Before entering the second stage, players need to step on the BUFF at the bridge to prevent them from being burned to death on the fire bridge before entering the second stage.
[P2 stage]
Skill 1: Crazy full-screen fire breathing
Skill description and coping skills: After landing, the priest's milk will be full of blood for the first time, and then they will come to the left and stand in position. The priest prepares crazy milk (regular·milk+angel·milk+cross milk·+milk·bubble). After two consecutive fire breaths, the laser will be released, and you need to be invincible or climb the wall to avoid it. (The passerby team is recommended to climb the wall in advance to avoid. There are no knights. Even if there are knights, there are no invincible ones. Even if there are invincible ones, you can’t eat them. ^_^)
Skill 2: Full-screen roar
Skill description and response Technique: The fire dragon roars across the screen, attacks the player, and stuns the player. Players can jump up the steps to avoid, and knights can also be invincible (Ten kills of knights: 1! Teammates: ???) There are tips here to get into the trap, study it yourself ~ no prompts (you can look at the GIF ~) < br />Skill three: Laser strafing
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon performs laser strafing on the spot. The fire dragon's skill does very high damage and is a direct GG without purple armor. There are concave and convex pits on the steps. Players can jump into the pits to avoid lasers, or they can climb the wall. The knight can prompt his teammates to assemble for invincible dodge.
Skill 4: Random Fire Floor
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will spit fire at random locations on the ground to form a fire ring. The forward swing is very long, please avoid it immediately! This is not a drill! Mengxin recommends this Move around like crazy, don't output. Use less displacement, more movement!
Skill 5: Sweep the floor
Skill description and countermeasures: The fire dragon performs a fan-shaped tail flick attack. Players should avoid.
Entry conditions: level 50/equipment points 1710
Team recommendations: 1 priest, 1 knight, 8 DPS
Dungeon equipment output: exclusive weapons for each profession, purple armor
How to beat the Salamander Dungeon in MapleStory 2
Weapons: It is recommended to wear purple weapons and strengthen them. If conditions are limited, blue weapons +9 can also be used, but the clearance speed will be much slower.
Armor: If you want to save some mushroom coins, it is recommended to buy a purple piece of clothing and strengthen it. If conditions are limited, blue equipment is also acceptable, but you may have to pay more mushroom coins for tuition;
Jewelry: Just suit your own matching habits. The current version has higher benefits from damaging BOSS. Stacking defense penetration and attack speed will also work.
Mushroom Coins: Whether you are a newbie or an experienced driver, please prepare some Mushroom Coins. When the three free resurrections are used up, remember to use the Mushroom Coins to stand up. Don’t be a cadaver. Compare your feelings to others.
If there is a tombstone, go home and click on the nurse sister in the upper right corner, wash it, and you can be resurrected for free.
Recovery medicine: Although there is a priest, he cannot take care of everyone, but sometimes they are raised by stepmothers and cannot add blood. manyDrinking a bottle = one less death = saving mushroom coins;
Open the output statistics and know your output every time. It is always good to improve.
PS. Wait at the stairs before entering the dungeon. Walking too fast and driving too fast will break the bridge, otherwise friends who haven’t come in yet will hang up to watch your output!
Tips on how to play the Black Flame Dragon Beast Clearance strategy
[P1 stage]
Skill 1: Brutal collision
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon rushes brutally on the steps, and continuously attacks the player. Those who are hit by the fire dragon The player will get the negative status 'Burn', which will cause the player to continue to lose blood. A total of 10 layers can be superimposed, which is very draining of blood. Players should try not to face the fire dragon for output, just look for the tail and sideways output! Pay attention to avoid. To superimpose a layer of DEBUFF, please remember to clean the angels on both sides to relieve the fire dragon's 'burn' state.
Skill 2: Breathing fire!
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will breathe fire in one direction, covering a large area. If you can avoid it, avoid it. If you can't avoid it, you need to find a priest yourself and let the priest increase your blood like crazy. If the DEBUFF level is too high, remember to find a little angel to clean it.
Skill 3: Sweeping tail and face slap + fan-shaped sweeping the floor
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon runs to the corner and performs a fan-shaped tail flicking attack. Players should avoid. If the blood volume drops quickly, the floor will be swept immediately. Most of them start from the middle first, and then randomly on both sides. At this time, the priest can return to the blue formation in the middle, allowing teammates to go crazy in the "virtual zone"!
Skill 4 : Rolling on the spot, the tail calls you
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will take off on the spot, and then roll on the spot like a child who has not eaten a lollipop. Please stay away from the tail. There are some tricks to avoid~explore on your own!
Skill 5: Roar in full screen
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon roars in full screen, attacks the player and stuns the player. Players can jump down the steps to dodge (the jump in the picture is too slow, so I didn’t dodge, emmmm~), and the knight can also be invincible (ten-kill knight: 1! Teammates: ???)
Skill 6: Laser strafing !
Skill description and coping skills: Fire Dragon runs to the corner and shoots laser fire in front of him. This skill of Fire Dragon does very high damage and is a direct GG without purple armor.
There are concave and convex pits on the steps. Players can jump into the pits to avoid lasers, or they can jump off the cliff. The knight can prompt his teammates to assemble for invincible dodge. PS: There are many tips to penetrate the laser. I won’t demonstrate it here, just explore it by yourself
It will enter P2 at about 5000W. The fire dragon will run to the innermost part of the dungeon map. Before entering the second stage, players need to step on the BUFF at the bridge to prevent them from being burned to death on the fire bridge before entering the second stage.
[P2 stage]
Skill 1: Crazy full-screen fire breathing
Skill description and coping skills: After landing, the priest's milk will be good for the first time, and thenCome to the left and take a good position together. The pastor will prepare crazy milk (regular milk + angel milk + cross milk + milk + foam). After two consecutive fire breaths, the laser will be released, and you need to be invincible or climb the wall to avoid it. (The passerby team is recommended to climb the wall in advance to avoid. There are no knights. Even if there are knights, there are no invincible ones. Even if there are invincible ones, you can’t eat them. ^_^)
Skill 2: Full-screen roar
Skill description and response Technique: The fire dragon roars across the screen, attacks the player, and stuns the player. Players can jump up the steps to avoid, and knights can also be invincible (Ten kills of knights: 1! Teammates: ???) There are tips here to get into the trap, study it yourself ~ no prompts (you can look at the GIF ~) < br />Skill three: Laser strafing
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon performs laser strafing on the spot. The fire dragon's skill does very high damage and is a direct GG without purple armor. There are concave and convex pits on the steps. Players can jump into the pits to avoid lasers, or they can climb the wall. The knight can prompt his teammates to assemble for invincible dodge.
Skill 4: Random Fire Floor
Skill description and coping skills: The fire dragon will spit fire at random locations on the ground to form a fire ring. The forward swing is very long, please avoid it immediately! This is not a drill! Mengxin recommends this Move around like crazy, don't output. Use less displacement, more movement!
Skill 5: Sweep the floor
Skill description and countermeasures: The fire dragon performs a fan-shaped tail flick attack. Players should avoid.

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Ⅷ Fire Dragon, Tianlong Emperor Weihu instantly kills the F that dominates the equipment

First of all, the hero locks on Tianshang. Why does it have to be Tianshang? Because Tianshang is too powerful. As for how powerful it is? This method is known to those who have used Tianshang’s N-word ultimate move. It will be discussed later. After coming out, choose the hero Tianshang. The selection method is to use the elf to go to the mercenary store to buy four or five orc infantry. , the one with 2,000 gold coins, and then teleport to the gate at the birth point, use infantry to block the lower left foot of the door, in fact, just squeeze into a ball there, and then use the elf to teleport the question mark into the door, and the teleportation circle is in the door. To the left, the question mark is passed to the door, and then Tianshang is selected. Then drag the infantry to the place where they often go for teleportation, usually one is placed next to the waterfall in the middle of the map on the left, and one is placed next to the star mark. There is one in the bookstore, the one next to the crazy old man in the upper left corner, and the one next to the green-skinned Stormripper on the right side of Star Trace. With Tianshang, learn the first skill, add 1000 full attributes, then teleport outside the door and fight Among the stones there, one is a life gem that can be sold, and the other is a book of energy. Then drag the elf to the panda named Xinghen in the upper right corner of the map to receive the task of finding a wife, because the task requires a deposit of 1 wood. , so, after selling the life gem on the elf, you can receive it, and thenTeleport to the left side of the birth point. The one in black is Xinghen's wife. After getting the token, you will get a bonus of 10 wood if you turn in the task. During this time, your hero will smash the stones in the middle of the map, so that you can upgrade to 19. Then exchange 10 wood for money in the bookstore and buy two headhunters and two cars. One car is used to smash the black tree behind the shop above the spawn point. There is a chance of producing a 90W weapon. The other car is used to smash the mercenaries through the wall. After smashing the pillar opposite the weapons store, the weapon-breaking car was dragged back to help smash the pillar. A headhunter dragged the soul of the door at the door of the birth point A. The elf took the evil spirit task, which was the one that rewarded 30 wood. Then Use the remaining headhunter A to hide a monster near the place where you just smashed the weapon. Exchange the 30 wood you get into money, but keep 10 wood to receive the mission later. If there is a weapon with a 90W attack, bring it with you, and then go to help The headhunter opens the door. If you don't have one, buy an upgrade book. Go to level 20 and learn the level 20 skill. In this way, you can help the headhunter open the door. By this time, the car has smashed the pillar, and you should be in the first place. When one pillar is broken, smash the second pillar and use the group attack button on the car to hit the second pillar. Then, the elf will receive the energy crystal and the Divine Comedy mission. A small stone tower will appear a little above the left side of the base. , Hero A drops it and gets the first half of the Divine Comedy. Then the elf goes to the hero's tomb and picks up the stuff that came out of the pillar you smashed. Then there is a teleportation circle on the right. After the elf enters, the hero Send it here and smash a wine barrel there to get the second half of the Divine Comedy. Then send it to Xinghen and sell the book you exchanged for 1,000 wood. Then go to the waterfall and put the two treasures you picked up at the waterfall. Sell ​​the mysterious man in the shower after he reaches full level, because it is worth more when sold after the upgrade. Then go back to the base and buy a phoenix, drag the phoenix to the Tomb of Heroes and burn the fireball in the Tomb of Heroes with the Fierce Flame skill, and then burn it to death. The three minions who came out later used the phoenix to block the remaining pillars, and then used the elf to pick up the red-letter equipment. The hero picked up the wood, then teleported the phoenix back to the base, and then upgraded the weapons to the waterfall to sell them. There are a lot of wood. Phoenix goes to the teleportation point above the birth point to burn the white tiger with fire. After burning it, burn the trees blocking the road. The elf goes to pick up the things there. Give the black ice soul to the hero. Take the other one and sell it directly, and throw the White Tiger Stigmata next to the base. The hero eats the book to level 100, and uses level 100 skills to kill the storm instantly. Give the picked equipment to the hero, and take the Coke under the star mark. The panda will be exchanged for the L amulet, and then the elf will do the signature mission at Xinghen. The life amulet and hero's L amulet obtained in exchange for it can be exchanged for 7 Warcraft badges at the panda. Then buy four Troll Witch Doctors. Surrounded by a storm. The elf ran to the right center of the place where there are many water people. There is a blue dragon floating in the sky that is not easy to find. Use the hero to kill it, and then kill the water people next to it. If it gets angry, You don’t need to fight the Ice Soul. If the RP is too low and it doesn’t come out, go to Xinghen to get the quest to find Tianshang. Whenever you are asked to find Tianshang, just go to your birthplace and that’s it. .then use heroUse the purgatory fire that exploded in the tomb and the dragon tooth that you got. Go to the crazy old man to buy a mysterious stick and fuse the elements to synthesize the dragon tooth. Go to the waterfall to upgrade the dragon tooth to full, and bring the dragon tooth and the fire brake ice soul. Unblock the dragon tooth in the shop above the birth point, synthesize it into the True Sky Dragon Tooth, and place it in the first slot of the equipment slot. Then Tian Shang's level 100 skills are almost full. Go to the storm and click on the dragon tooth to turn it into a dragon tooth. Dragon, and then fly to the middle of the waterfall in the black area above the storm. After entering, wait for a while. When he changes back to a human, you can also fight the BOSS. After being killed instantly, he will be resurrected. Then use the elf to send a minion in, and use the hero to release it. The BOSS will dodge after a big skill. Be quick and remember not to teleport the minions away so that they can come in later. Wait for the skill to recover and then place another one until you knock it down. During this time, use the range advantage to fight the storm. .Sold all the equipment of Storm Storm except Aojian Hongchen. When the BOSS is killed, put the exploded Li Bingjian in the second grid of the equipment column, the third grid of Hongchen, and the last grid of 7 Warcraft Medals. If there are more Take Hongchen with you. Then kill the first wave of sneak attack monsters. Now buy two poisonous dragon towers and place them in the two square holes in front of the base. Go to Xinghen to challenge the first two tasks

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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