币圈百晓生 币市白晓生

Ⅰ 百晓生兵器谱上的排名是怎么样的




Ⅰ What is the ranking of Bai Xiaosheng’s weapon spectrum?

The ranking of all Bai Xiaosheng’s weapons spectrum is: Tianji Stick, Dragon and Phoenix Double Ring, Xiao Li Flying Sword, Songyang Iron Sword , Marquis Wen's silver halberd, snake whip, diamond iron crutch, green devil's hand, and East China Sea jade Xiao.

This ranking, which is a great honor in the eyes of others, is really a shame in his eyes, so he destroyed his silver halberd, found a new way, used his hands as soldiers, and practiced better. for terrifying stunts. It's a pity that he didn't succeed at the beginning. He first responded to Li Xunhuan's request and was deliberately defeated by Ah Fei's sword.

Li Xunhuan asked him to kill Lin Xianer to free A Fei, but Lu Fengxian was deceived by Lin Xianer and seriously injured Li Xunhuan's confidant Lin Lingling, who had lost her virginity to him, causing her to die in Li Xunhuan's arms; later she was defeated miserably. At the hands of Shangguan Jinhong, he fell into despair and gave up on himself.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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