支持fil的冷钱包 defi钱包是什么意思

㈠ tac是什么币


㈡ defi表是什么


㈢ DeFi是什么,怎么学习

去中心化金融(英语:Decentralized finance,俗称DeFi)是一种基于区块链的金融,它不依赖券商、交易所或银行等金融机构提供金融工具,而是利用区块链上的智能合约(例如以太坊)进行金融活动。

DeFi 围绕着去中心化应用程序(也称为DApp)展开,这些应用程序在称为区块链的分布式账本上执行金融功能,这项技术最初由比特币流行,此后得到了更广泛的应用。

交易不是通过集中式中介机构(如加密货币交易所或华尔街的传统证券交易所)进行,而是在参与者之间直接进行,由智能合约程序进行调解。这些智能合约程序或 DeFi 协议通常使用开源运行由开发人员社区构建和维护的软件。

DApps 通常通过支持Web3 的浏览器扩展或应用程序访问,例如MetaMask,它允许用户通过数字钱包直接与以太坊区块链交互。

许多这些 DApp 可以互操作以创建复杂的金融服务。例如,stablecoin持有者可以借类似资产USD硬币或DAI到流动池在借/借贷协议等AAVE,并允许其他人通过沉积自己抵押借贷那些数字资产,通常超过的量贷款。

该协议根据资产的即时需求自动调整利率。一些 DApp 通过区块链预言机获取外部(链外)数据,例如资产价格。

此外,Aave 还推出了“闪贷”,即任意金额的无抵押贷款,可在单个区块链交易中取出并证明偿还。虽然闪电贷可以有合法用途,例如套利、抵押品掉期、自我清算和平仓杠杆头寸,但 DeFi 平台的多种漏洞利用闪电贷来操纵加密货币现货价格。

另一个 DeFi 协议是Uniswap,它是一个在以太坊区块链上运行的去中心化交易所或 DEX。Uniswap 允许交易在以太坊区块链上发行的数百种不同的ERC20代币。

Uniswap 不是使用中心化交易所来填写订单,而是鼓励用户形成流动性池,以换取交易者在流动性池内外交换代币所赚取的交易费用的一部分。



因此,DEX 由基于数学公式的自动做市商提供支持,从而可以通过考虑协议中存在的流动性来估计两种资产之间的汇率。

由于没有中心化方运行 Uniswap(平台最终由其用户管理),并且任何开发团队都可以利用开源软件,因此没有实体来检查使用该平台的人的身份以遵守KYC/AML规定。目前尚不清楚监管机构将对 Uniswap 等平台的合法性采取什么立场。


该stablecoin基于借贷平台,MakerDAO,贷记作为第一个获得大量使用的 DeFi 应用程序。


2020 年 6 月,Compound Finance 开始在其平台上奖励加密货币的贷方和借方,除了向贷方支付典型的利息外,还提供一种称为 COMP 代币的新加密货币单位,该代币用于 Compound 平台的治理,但也可交易关于交流。


2020 年 7 月,《华盛顿邮报》撰写了一篇关于去中心化金融的入门读物,其中包括有关高产农业、投资回报和所涉及风险的详细信息。

2020 年 9 月,彭博社表示,就价格变化而言,DeFi占加密货币市场的三分之二,DeFi 抵押品水平已达到 90 亿美元。复仇看到在2020年开发商的上升归因于DEFI的兴趣增加。

2020 年 9 月,彭博社表示,就价格变化而言,DeFi占加密货币市场的三分之二,DeFi 抵押品水平已达到 90 亿美元。复仇看到在2020年开发商的上升归因于DEFI的兴趣增加。

DeFi 吸引了大型加密货币风险投资家,如Andreessen Horowitz、 Bain Capital Ventures和Michael Novogratz。

㈣ defi代币是什么

DeFi(去中心化金融Decentralized Finance的简称),也被称为开放式金融,是指借助于区块链网络(特别是以太坊)而创建的金融应用生态系统。

DeFi 生态之中的用户,对于资产具有完全的控制权,借助于P2P网络、去中心化应用程序(DApp)参与到 DeFi 之中。













稳定币通过发行通证、审计其储备和管理其价格挂钩的新模型在数字资产市场风生水起。稳定币只是区块链发行的通证,旨在与外部资产(主要是美元、黄金或其他资产)保持稳定挂钩。加密抵押的稳定币包括Maker's Dai,其中基础资产(例如ETH)根据当前抵押率相对于借贷资产(Dai)进行了过度抵押。迄今为止,以法定货币抵押的稳定币是最受欢迎的,因为监管合规、无审计风险,例如Tether,USDC和Gemini Dollars。


一方面,DeFi 的发展受制于底层公链的性能。目前的 DeFi 项目,主要搭建在以太坊网络之上。目前以太坊的性能瓶颈比较突出,距离突破瓶颈还有较长的路要走,这样的状况下那些对性能要求较高的 DeFi 项目,将处于比较尴尬的境地。另一方面,去中心化的金融项目,相对于传统金融产品,使用难度大很多,对用户的认知要求较高,这也会很大程度上影响DeFi的发展速度。另外,DeFi项目(sushi、Yam、Yfii等)过山车般的大起大落也让人对其安全性抱有警惕,如何不断积累用户信任也是未来需要关注的重点。

㈤ 对于DeFi 我需要做些什么

DeFi,全称为Decentralized Finance,即“去中心化金融”或者“分布式金融”。过去的几个月里,业内到处都在谈论DeFi,让所有想要忽视都难。DeFi的到来,让许多人兴奋不已,也有人说是超级泡沫。不论如何,它给整个区块链大生态都带来了很多,
最重要的工具是一个 web3 钱包,它可以存储资金并与以太坊区块链交互。一些最流行的 web3 钱包包括 :

移动端钱包 APP:Coinbase Wallet, imToken, Huobi Wallet
硬件冷钱包:Ledger 、Trezor
链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

㈥ defi的用处是什么

1、DeFi当前的主体功能。 我们知道,传 统金融(中心化金融)的核心功能是借贷、 延伸的话有支付、期货、期权、保证金、投资管理等方面。 DeFi(开放金融),作为一种 无需许可的金融生态 ,其功能特性的发挥,首先必然是要围绕传统金融的核心功能的即借贷而进行的,这一点是首先能想到的。 于是,当前,我们看到了:在借贷方面, DeFi应用的蓬勃发展,如 MakerDAO--以太坊上的央行、Compound--自动化商行、Dharma--点对点借贷。 其中MakerDAO、Compound当前锁定的资产分别达到3.29亿美元、9960万美元, 远超其他DeFi项目( 数据可能不准确,因不知何故Defipulse.com今天打不开。) 它们类似于传统金融的银行,是加密的DeFi银行,从资产价值的角度衡量的话,占据当前 锁定在以太坊 DeFi中的总价值6.8亿美元的 大半个江山 。 另外,我们也看到 在交易与支付方面出现的Defi有:Kyer,Uniswap,Bancor。它们相当于传统金融的纽交所、上交所、纳斯达克 等。在金融衍生品、投资管理方面出现的有:Augur--二元期权、dYdY---保证金交易、Melonport5等, 它们相当于传统金融的基金、证券公司。 但在交易支付和金融衍生品方面出现的这些DeFi项目的体量跟借贷类的比较 差距还较大 。 也就说当前的DeFi在业务领域的发展,和传统金融如出一辙 ,和传统金融一样主体功能也主要集中在借贷, 不同的是 DeFi是在虚拟货币世界里,通过链上资产的借贷,实现资产保值增值。 说道这里,可能不禁会想, 借贷会不会成为DeFi的立足之本 ?毕竟去年一年的数据和最近的数据给人透漏了太多的想象空间:TokenInsight发布的《2019 DeFi行业年度研究报告》称:锁定在以太坊 DeFi中的总价值(USD)在2019年从2.9亿美元增至6.8亿美元,价值翻了一倍以上。今日,DeFi Pulse数据显示:锁定在DeFi应用中的ETH突破300万枚,现为302.3万枚,续刷历史新高。 试想传统金融已经盛行那么多年,DeFi想从已成熟的传统金融那里分一杯羹,谈何容易,当前这个体量,在币圈可喜可贺, 但和传统金融相比,只能算是九牛一毛,漫漫之路才刚刚开始, 个人认为DeFi要想最终站稳脚跟,未来,主要看其能否充分发挥以下几个方面的作用。 2、DeFi 的关键作用在哪里? 一是满足一些特定群体需求,发挥和传统金融雷同的作用。 现实世界中存在一些人, 想要自己完全掌控自己的资产,掌控自己的金融服务,这是DeFi被需要的关键, 因DeFi具有去中介、无须许可、透明,其能充分满足这种群体的掌控自己资产的欲望;但不得不承认, 并不是所有人都具有管理资产的意愿或能力, 因为我们会经常听到”专业的事交给专业的人做”这样的说法;因此,从这个角度看,DeFi可以和传统金融平行存在,以满足不同群体的需求,各搞各的,最后以客户群体需求论成败。 二是发挥 资金托管服务作用,成为传统金融的补充。 我们知道,在现实世界中,我们在进行大额交易时, 经常会有资金托管方 ,比如,我们在进行购房时,在未过户前,一般会将资金放在托管银行,过户完成,由银行将放款划给售房者,这样的目的主要是为了保护买卖双方的权益,避免任何一方不诚信情况的发生。 但在币圈,经常会发生交易所、钱包跑路,钱、币不翼而飞的情况。究其根源是因为币圈缺乏资金托管服务 ,这对币圈来说是一大刚需, 但当前的情况是,很少有传统银行愿意做、敢于提供 ,所以,以DAO形式的DeFi托管业务是否可以在这一块探索发展, 成为传统金融的有益补充呢 。 三是DeFi的世界和现实世界是独立存在的,这点是DeFi存在的关键 不需要担保、不需要各种资料的提供,而且 在DeFi里的借贷抵押不会影响现实世界的你的信誉 ,不会因数字货币资产的抵押而影响到你的住房贷款、消费贷款的额度。 小结: 从以上几点来看,DeFi还是很有用武之地的,但,我们不得不谈及的一个问题就是金融监管问题,传统金融 严格的KYC、AML,意味着执照、许可和认证,而 DeFi的本质是去中心, 无需许可的金融生态,所以,这种完全 链上的金融模式,能否在强监管国度成长起来,但是金子,总会发光的。

㈦ DeFi的用处到底在哪里


㈧ DeFi是什么有什么特点

DeFi,即 Decentralized Finance,常被称作:分布式金融或者去中心化金融。也被称做Open Finance,即开放式金融。它实际是指用来构建开放式金融系统的去中心化协议,旨在让世界上任何一个人都可以随时随地进行金融活动。包括:货币发行、货币交易、借贷、资产交易、投融资等。



a. 有资产管理需求的个人无需信任任何中介机构,新的信任在机器和代码上重建;

b. 任何人都有访问权限,没人有中央控制权;

c. 所有协议都是开源的,因此任何人都可以在协议上合作构建新的金融产品,并在网络效应下加速金融创新。

㈠ What is tac

1 The special codon TAC in DNA is actually a special codon (codon) in DNA, which is the four nucleic acids (adenine (A)) in DNA. , guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T)). Because when synthesizing proteins, the codon AUG in mRNA is the start code for all synthesis, and its counterpart in DNA is TAC (ATCG in DNA corresponds to UAGC in RNA). From this point of view, TAC is not only the beginning of RNA synthesis, but also the starting point of a gene, which facilitates scientists' research on genes. (A gene is defined as a DNA fragment that records the information for synthesizing a protein, and an mRNA records the information for a gene).

What is a defi meter?

It is used on motor vehicles. Commonly used ones include oil temperature, oil pressure, water temperature, exhaust temperature, turbine, etc.

㈢ What is DeFi and how to learn

Decentralized finance (English: Decentralized finance, commonly known as DeFi) is a kind of finance based on the blockchain. It does not rely on financial institutions such as securities firms, exchanges or banks to provide finance. Tools, instead utilizing smart contracts on a blockchain (such as Ethereum) to conduct financial activities.

DeFi revolves around decentralized applications (also known as DApps) that perform financial functions on a distributed ledger called a blockchain, a technology originally popularized by Bitcoin. It has since become more widely used.

Trading is not conducted through a centralized intermediary such as a cryptocurrency exchange or a traditional stock exchange on Wall Street, but directly between participants, mediated by smart contract programs. These smart contract programs, or DeFi protocols, often use open source to run software built and maintained by a community of developers.

DApps are typically accessed through Web3-enabled browser extensions or applications, such as MetaMask, which allows users to interact directly with the Ethereum blockchain through a digital wallet.

Many of these DApps can interoperate to create complex financial services. For example, stablecoin holders can borrow assets like USD coins or DAI into liquidity pools in borrow/loan protocols such as AAVE, and allow others to borrow those digital assets by depositing their own collateral, typically exceeding the amount of the loan.

The protocol automatically adjusts interest rates based on the immediate demand for the asset. Some DApps obtain external (off-chain) data, such as asset prices, through blockchain oracles.

In addition, Aave has launched “flash loans,” unsecured loans of any amount that can be taken out and proven to be repaid in a single blockchain transaction. While flash loans can have legitimate uses, such as arbitrage, collateral swaps, self-liquidation and unwinding leveraged positions, multiple vulnerabilities in DeFi platforms exploit flash loans to manipulate cryptocurrencies.Cryptocurrency spot prices.

Another DeFi protocol is Uniswap, which is a decentralized exchange, or DEX, that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. Uniswap allows trading of hundreds of different ERC20 tokens issued on the Ethereum blockchain.

Rather than using a centralized exchange to fill orders, Uniswap encourages users to form liquidity pools in exchange for a share of the trading fees traders earn by exchanging tokens within and outside the liquidity pools.

These liquidity pools allow users to switch from one token to another in a completely decentralized manner while maintaining control of their funds. At the same time, liquidity providers are encouraged to deposit tokens for a portion of the fees generated by transactions.

After pooling their tokens, liquidity providers may remain completely passive, as the smart contract automatically adjusts the liquidity provision logic based on current market prices.

Thus, DEXs are powered by automated market makers based on mathematical formulas, making it possible to estimate the exchange rate between two assets by taking into account the liquidity present in the protocol.

Since there is no centralized party running Uniswap (the platform is ultimately governed by its users) and any development team can leverage the open source software, there is no entity to check the identity of people using the platform to comply with KYC/AML Regulation. It’s unclear what stance regulators will take on the legality of platforms like Uniswap.


The stablecoin was based on the lending platform, MakerDAO, and was credited as the first DeFi application to gain significant usage.

It allows users to borrow Dai, the platform’s native token pegged to the U.S. dollar. Through a set of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain that govern the lending, repayment and liquidation processes, MakerDAO aims to maintain stable value in a decentralized and autonomous manner.

In June 2020, Compound Finance began rewarding cryptocurrency lenders and borrowers on its platform, offering a new cryptocurrency unit called COMP tokens in addition to typical interest payments to lenders , the token is used for the governance of the Compound platform but can also be traded on exchanges.

Other platforms have followed suit, launching a phenomenon known as "yield farming" or "liquidity mining", where speculators actively move cryptocurrencies between different pools on a platform and between different platforms Asset to maximize its total return, which includes not only interest and fees, but also the value of additional tokens received as rewards.

In July 2020, The Washington Post wrote a primer on decentralized finance that included details about productive farming, investment returns, and the risks involved.

2020 9In March, Bloomberg stated that DeFi accounted for two-thirds of the cryptocurrency market in terms of price changes, and DeFi collateral levels had reached $9 billion. Ethereum saw a rise in developers in 2020 attributed to increased interest in DeFi.

In September 2020, Bloomberg stated that DeFi accounted for two-thirds of the cryptocurrency market in terms of price changes, and DeFi collateral levels had reached $9 billion. Ethereum saw a rise in developers in 2020 attributed to increased interest in DeFi.

DeFi has attracted large cryptocurrency venture capitalists such as Andreessen Horowitz, Bain Capital Ventures, and Michael Novogratz.

㈣ What is defi token?

DeFi (short for Decentralized Finance), also known as open finance, refers to the use of blockchain networks (especially It is a financial application ecosystem created by Ethereum).

Users in the DeFi ecosystem have complete control over assets and participate in DeFi with the help of P2P networks and decentralized applications (DApps).

Advantages of DeFi

DeFi is so popular because of its unique advantages. DeFi mainly includes:

1. Open lending protocol

Compared with traditional credit structures, open and decentralized lending has many advantages, including: integrated digital asset lending, Digital asset collateral, instant transaction settlement and novel methods of secured lending, no credit checks, standardization and interoperability. Collateralized lending using open protocols such as MakerDAO and Dharma aims to reduce counterparty risk without the need for an intermediary, relying on the minimization provided by Ethereum.

2. Issuance platform and investment

Famous security token issuance platforms such as Polymath and Harbor provide issuers with the opportunity to issue tokenized securities on the blockchain. Frameworks, tools and resources. They have prepared their own standardized token contracts for securities (i.e. ST-20 and R-Token), which are uniquely positioned to meet regulatory requirements with automated compliance and customizable trading parameters. Likewise, they integrate with service providers (such as broker-dealers, custodians, legal entities, etc.) to assist issuers with their offerings.

3. Decentralized prediction markets

Decentralized prediction markets are one of the most compelling components of open finance. They are highly complex but have huge potential. . Augur launched a censorship-resistant prediction market last year, and other platforms like Gnosis have begunFollow suit. Prediction markets have long been a popular financial tool for risk hedging and speculation on world events, and decentralized prediction markets can do just that.

4 Exchanges and Open Markets

Exchanges in open finance mainly consider decentralized exchange (DEX) protocols and P2P markets. First, a DEX is a P2P asset exchange on Ethereum between two parties, where there is no third party acting as an intermediary for the transaction, such as Coinbase or other centralized exchanges. DEXs also use some highly innovative methods to exchange tokens, such as atomic swaps and other non-custodial methods to exchange one asset for another with minimal settlement time or risk. The most popular DApp of all time on Ethereum is the decentralized exchange IDEX. While many “DEXs” claim that they are indeed decentralized or non-custodial, it’s still wise to be cautious before using them.

P2P markets on Ethereum have huge long-term potential and may eventually encompass markets for native digital assets and tokenized real-world assets.

5. Stablecoins

Stablecoins are taking off in the digital asset market through a new model of issuing tokens, auditing their reserves, and managing their price pegs. Stablecoins are simply tokens issued on the blockchain that are designed to be stably pegged to external assets (mainly the U.S. dollar, gold, or other assets). Crypto-collateralized stablecoins include Maker's Dai, where the underlying asset (e.g. ETH) is over-collateralized relative to the lending asset (Dai) based on the current collateralization rate. Stablecoins collateralized by fiat currencies are by far the most popular due to regulatory compliance and no audit risk, such as Tether, USDC and Gemini Dollars.

Disadvantages of DeFi

On the one hand, the development of DeFi is limited by the performance of the underlying public chain. The current DeFi projects are mainly built on the Ethereum network. At present, the performance bottleneck of Ethereum is quite prominent, and there is still a long way to go before it can break through the bottleneck. Under such circumstances, those DeFi projects with higher performance requirements will be in a rather embarrassing situation. On the other hand, decentralized financial projects are much more difficult to use than traditional financial products and have higher cognitive requirements for users, which will also greatly affect the development speed of DeFi. In addition, the rollercoaster-like ups and downs of DeFi projects (sushi, Yam, Yfii, etc.) have also made people wary of their security. How to continuously accumulate user trust is also a focus that needs to be paid attention to in the future.

㈤ What do I need to do for DeFi?

DeFi, the full name is Decentralized Finance, which is "decentralized finance" or "distributed finance". In the past few months, DeFi has been talked about everywhere in the industry, makingIt’s hard to ignore anything. The arrival of DeFi has excited many people, and some people say it is a super bubble. Regardless, it brings a lot to the entire blockchain ecosystem,
The most important tool is a web3 wallet, which can store funds and interact with the Ethereum blockchain. Some of the most popular web3 wallets include:
Open source Google Chrome and Firefox plug-in wallet: MetaMask

Mobile wallet apps: Coinbase Wallet, imToken, Huobi Wallet
Hardware Cold wallet: Ledger, Trezor
After selecting the wallet, the next step is to create the wallet address. Master the basic concepts: wallet address, public key and private key, mnemonic phrase. During the process of creating the wallet address, please be sure to Pay attention to the backup mnemonic phrase, which is your only proof of control over the asset.
The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot of the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. workstation. The professional position is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

㈥ What is the use of defi

1. The current main function of DeFi. We know that the core function of traditional finance (centralized finance) is lending, and by extension, payment, futures, options, margin, investment management, etc. DeFi (open finance), as a permissionless financial ecosystem, its functional characteristics must first of all be carried out around the core function of traditional finance, that is, lending. This is the first thing that can be thought of. So, currently, we see: in terms of lending, DeFi applications are booming, such as MakerDAO-the central bank on Ethereum, Compound-the automated commercial bank, and Dharma-peer-to-peer lending. Among them, the currently locked assets of MakerDAO and Compound have reached US$329 million and US$99.6 million respectively, far exceeding other DeFi projects (the data may be inaccurate, because for some reason Defipulse.com cannot be opened today.) They are similar to banks in traditional finance. Crypto DeFi banks, measured from an asset value perspective, account for more than half of the total value of $680 million currently locked in Ethereum DeFi. In addition, we have also seen the emergence of Defi in transactions and payments: Kyer, Uniswap, and Bancor. They are equivalent to the New York Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, etc. in traditional finance. Appearances in financial derivatives and investment management include: Augur--binary options, dYdY---Margin trading, Melonport5, etc., which are equivalent to traditional financial funds and securities companies. However, there is still a big gap between the size of these DeFi projects in transaction payments and financial derivatives and lending. In other words, the current development of DeFi in the business field is exactly the same as traditional finance. Like traditional finance, the main function is mainly focused on lending. The difference is that DeFi is in the virtual currency world and achieves asset value preservation through the lending of assets on the chain. value added. Having said this, you may not help but wonder, will lending become the foundation of DeFi? After all, last year's data and recent data reveal too much room for imagination: the "2019 DeFi Industry Annual Research Report" released by TokenInsight stated that the total value (USD) locked in Ethereum DeFi increased from 2.9 in 2019 billion to US$680 million, more than doubling its value. Today, DeFi Pulse data shows that the number of ETH locked in DeFi applications exceeded 3 million and is now 3.023 million, continuing to reach a new historical high. Just imagine that traditional finance has been popular for so many years. It is not easy for DeFi to get a share of the mature traditional finance. The current scale is gratifying in the currency circle, but compared with traditional finance, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket, and the road is long. It has just begun. I personally believe that if DeFi wants to finally gain a firm foothold, the future will mainly depend on whether it can fully play its role in the following aspects. 2. What is the key role of DeFi? One is to meet the needs of some specific groups and play the same role as traditional finance. There are some people in the real world who want to fully control their own assets and control their own financial services. This is the key to the need for DeFi. Because DeFi is disintermediated, permissionless, and transparent, it can fully satisfy the control of this group of people. desire to own assets; but we have to admit that not everyone has the will or ability to manage assets, because we often hear the saying "leave professional things to professionals"; therefore, from this perspective , DeFi can exist in parallel with traditional finance to meet the needs of different groups, each doing its own thing, and ultimately success or failure will be determined by the needs of the customer group. The second is to give full play to the role of fund custody services and become a supplement to traditional finance. We know that in the real world, when we conduct large-value transactions, we often have a fund custodian. For example, when we purchase a house, we usually place the funds in a custodian bank before the transfer is completed. After the transfer is completed, the bank The main purpose of transferring the loan to the house seller is to protect the rights and interests of the buyer and seller and avoid the occurrence of dishonesty on the part of either party. However, in the currency circle, it often happens that exchanges and wallets run away, and money and coins disappear. The root cause is that the currency circle lacks fund custody services, which is a major need for the currency circle. However, the current situation is that few traditional banks are willing to do it and dare to provide it. Therefore, DeFi custody in the form of DAOCan business explore and develop in this area and become a useful supplement to traditional finance? Third, the world of DeFi and the real world exist independently. This is the key to the existence of DeFi. It does not require guarantees or the provision of various information. Moreover, the loan mortgage in DeFi will not affect your creditworthiness in the real world. The amount of your housing loan and consumer loan will be affected by the mortgage of digital currency assets. Summary: From the above points, DeFi is still very useful, but one issue we have to talk about is financial supervision. The strict KYC and AML of traditional finance mean licenses, permits and certifications, while DeFi The essence is a decentralized, permissionless financial ecosystem. Therefore, whether this completely on-chain financial model can grow in a country with strong supervision, gold will always shine.

㈦ What is the use of DeFi?

At the beginning, I couldn’t understand DeFi. After reading a lot of information in this area on Xiaolian Finance, I understood that it is decentralized. Exchanges, online lending platforms, insurance platforms, decentralized wallets, etc. all belong to the DeFi category.

㈧What is DeFi and what are its characteristics

DeFi, namely Decentralized Finance, is often called: distributed finance or decentralized finance. Also known as Open Finance, that is, open finance. It actually refers to a decentralized protocol used to build an open financial system, aiming to allow anyone in the world to conduct financial activities anytime and anywhere. Including: currency issuance, currency transactions, lending, asset transactions, investment and financing, etc.

Lightning network, decentralized exchanges, online lending platforms, insurance platforms, decentralized wallets, etc. all belong to the category of DeFi.

The DeFi platform has three major advantages:

a. Individuals with asset management needs do not need to trust any intermediaries, and new trust is rebuilt on machines and codes;

< p>b. Anyone has access and no one has central control;

c. All protocols are open source, so anyone can collaborate on the protocol to build new financial products and Accelerate financial innovation under network effects.

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