以太币效率最高的矿池是 以太币效率最高的矿池是什么

『壹』 btccom矿池怎么样

BTC.com 矿池(Pool.BTC.com)是目前最优秀的SHA256算法币种矿池.理由如下:
二. 矿池的存在对比特币来讲有哪些利弊?
1、对采矿权的垄断会使剩余49% 算力的矿池颗粒无收最终导致退出竞争,瞬间破产。矿井池的算力超过50%。如果发动51%的攻击,很容易占据整个网络的所有有效算力。

『贰』 以太坊挖矿,哪个矿池挖矿收益高


『叁』 以太坊矿池排名

1. Ethpool(Ethermine) ETHpool.org是第一个官方的以太坊矿池。此前由于工作量超负荷,该矿池不接受新用户,只接受老客户。因此,许多新矿工被迫转向单独挖矿,因为那时还没有其他可替代的矿池。 在Ethpool上挖矿,必须安装以太坊的C++ETH版本。 市场占有率:23% 当前矿池算力:399.1GH / s 挖矿奖励结算模式:PPLNS 费率:1.0%
2. Nanopool Nanopool虽然是新矿池,但已经是目前以太坊上最大的矿池之一。份额(Share)的复杂性是静态的,相当于50亿。在该矿池上进行挖矿的最低哈希率仅为5 Mhesh / s。此外,此矿池根据PPLNS方案计算挖矿奖励,其中N是最近10分钟内所有接受的份额。 Nanopool的服务器遍及全球,官网页面简洁直观。但是这个矿池的最低支付门槛相对较高,建议连接3个服务器,避免等待长时间的付款期。 市场占有率:8% 当前矿池算力:16,176.3GH / s 挖矿奖励结算模式:PPLNS 费用:1.0% 网址:https://eth.nanopool.org/
3. F2Pool(鱼池) F2Pool是2019年最受欢迎的矿池之一。F2pool的服务器主要位于中国、其他亚洲国家和美国。F2pool.com因其开放性,可访问性和易用性而备受矿工喜爱。矿工在F2Pool上注册后才可以挖矿。 以太坊挖矿需要一个显卡矿机。 市场占有率:10% 当前矿池算力:19.38TH / s 挖矿奖励结算模式:PPS+ 费率:2.5% 网址:https://www.f2pool.com/
4. Sparkpool(星火矿池) 在ETH,GRIN和BEAM生态系统中,最强大的中国资源库是Sparkpool,它是与全球矿工合作的开放资源。 在挖矿之前,你需要配置矿机。基于AMD GPU处理器的以太坊挖矿收益更高。它需要闪存改进的BIOS并调整MSI Afterburner或AMD驱动程序设置中的超频选项。 市场占有率:29% 当前矿池算力:56.96TH / s 挖矿奖励结算模式:PPS + 费用:1.0% 网址:https://www.sparkpool.com/
5. Dwarfpool 在DwarfPool,矿工的信用等级分为RBPPS或HBPPS。使用RBPPS,只要有A值,你就可以获得对应奖励。HBPPS计提算法是基于时间的股份支付。每小时计算一次所有推广和发现的区块。 该矿池具有经过优化的最佳挖矿引擎,拒绝率较低,透明且详细的统计信息。每小时进行一次支付结算,服务器遍布世界各地。 市场占有率:6% 当前矿池算力:2377109 MH / s 挖矿奖励结算模式:HBPPS 费用:1.0% 网址:https://dwarfpool.com/

『肆』 比特币矿池全球排名

ViaBTC(Viabtc Technology Limited)成立于2016年5月,是一家专注于数字货币领域的创新型技术服务公司。凭借强大的技术实力,我们研发了全球领先的比特币矿池,并推出了多个竞争币矿池以及云挖矿合约产品。ViaBTC的含义为“通过比特币”,我们的愿景是“通过比特币,让世界更美好”。

『伍』 挖以太坊ETH怎么选择矿池


『陆』 国内eth十大矿池排名

1、 以太坊
F2Pool 是中国最大的比特币和莱特币挖矿系统矿池之一。数据显示,鱼池目前是全球第二大矿池,仅次于蚂蚁矿池。
微比特是一家专业的数字货币技术服务商。其服务范围包括数字货币交易平台、数字货币矿池、云挖矿合约。成立于2016年5月,同年6月上线比特币矿池,11月上线云挖矿产品。 2017年3月,微比特获得由BitTaiwan领投的2000万元A轮融资,以拓展交易所业务。 6月,微比特即将上线数字货币交易平台。
58COIN&1THash 是 58COIN 下的业务。 58COIN依靠矿池构建比特算力。这是58COIN与矿机厂商、矿池、矿主共同准备的一项新业务。用户只需支付矿机费、电费、管理费即可享受稳定的挖矿服务。用户可以随时在后台查看。目前业务为矿机销售及托管、矿机租赁及标准云算力服务。
8、Binance 矿池

『柒』 2miners矿池怎么样

2Miners是最受欢迎的山寨币矿池之一。 该矿池具有18种加密货币,两种挖矿模式:矿池和单人模式,18种语言以及直观的界面。 矿池中有超过18000个用户,最近24小时内向用户支付的奖励总额为一百万美元。
矿池中最受欢迎的加密货币是以太坊。 超过11000个用户正在挖矿ETH。2Miners数据中心位于欧洲,美国和亚洲,从而最大程度地提高了每个地区用户的加密货币挖矿效率。 奖励每两个小时支付一次。因此,从2月开始,如果要免费使用RaveOS,应切换到2Miners矿池。山寨币矿池 2Miners 近期发现了一个影响以太坊「epoch switch」的网络漏洞,且该漏洞影响 ETC 网络。2Miners 表示,ETC 的 Thanos (ECIP-1099)的网络硬分叉升级引发了一些问题,因为 ECIP-1099 提议减少网络中的算力,当转换到 epoch 时矿池并没有验证数据(尽管它是合法的)。2Miners 随后发现该漏洞位于用于维护以太坊和 ETC 的核心库中。2Miners 表示,「经过深入研究,我们发现许多基于 Ethash 的加密货币所使用的核心库之一的数学值有偏差。」该问题可能导致某些节点接受较新的数据到区块链,而另一些节点则不接受,从而造成了可能导致链分裂的潜在严重情况(类似于此前的以太坊网络故障)。
一、由于比特币全网的运算水准在不断的呈指数级别上涨,单个设备或少量的算力都无法在比特币网络上获取到比特币网络提供的区块奖励。在全网算力提升到了一定程度后,过低的获取奖励的概率,促使一些“bitcointalk”上的极客开发出一种可以将少量算力合并联合运作的方法,使用这种方式建立的网站便被称作“矿池”(Mining Pool)。在此机制中,不论个人矿工所能使用的运算力多寡,只要是透过加入矿池来参与挖矿活动,无论是否有成功挖掘出有效资料块,皆可经由对矿池的贡献来获得少量比特币奖励,亦即多人合作挖矿,获得的比特币奖励也由多人依照贡献度分享。

『捌』 星火矿池和鱼池哪个好


『玖』 鱼池矿池怎么了


『拾』 中国十大矿池

随着矿池的发展,越来越多的投资者会选择矿池进行挖矿,目前在中国排名前十的矿池有:(1)蚂蚁矿池;(2)F2Pool;(3)BTC.com;(4)微比特;(5)币印;(6)BTC.TOP;(7)火币矿池;(8)Binance Pool;(9)OKEXPool;(10)58COIN&1THash。
1、 蚂蚁矿池。蚂蚁矿池是比特大陆投入很多资源开发的高效的数字货币矿池,致力于为矿工提供更友好的界面、更完善的功能、更方面的使用和更丰厚透明的收益,并为数字货币的发展做出更多的贡献。蚂蚁矿池提供比特币、莱特币、以太坊等多种数字货币的挖矿服务,并支持PPS、PPLNS、SOLO等多种付款方式。
2、 F2Pool。F2Pool是Bitcoin和Litecoin挖矿系统里中国最大规模的矿池之一。据Blockchain.info数据显示,目前F2Pool是全世界第二大挖矿池,仅次于Antpool。
3、 BTC.com。BTC.com是全球领先的比特币数据服务商与矿池、钱包解决方案提供商。自2015年起,BTC.com团队从区块浏览器等行业基础设施入手,致力于在各个细分领域建立新标准,钱包、矿池、行情、资讯等领域均能见到BTC.com品牌的身影。
(1) 矿池位置_选择一个在附近有服务器的池。检查矿池是否在与用户所在的国家或地区相同的服务器。这将帮助用户进行更有效地进行开采。
(2) 哈希率和矿工数量。矿池的哈希率越高,获得的加密货币就越多。但如果同一个矿池里工作的矿工数量过多,所获得的收入也将随之大大减少。用户应该寻找一个矿工数量适中的矿池来创造收入。
(3) 挖矿费用和提现门槛。每个矿池都有费用和可以提取到加密货币钱包的最小提现金额。费用通常几乎相同,范围从1%到3%。
(4) 奖励分配类型。如今的服务平台主要使用4种类型的奖励分配PPS,PPS +,PPLNS和FPPS。
(5) 便捷的统计数据。每个矿池都提供有关支付方式,费用,奖励金额,限额,提取的资金和其他参数的重要信息。

『一』How about btccom mining pool

BTC.com mining pool (Pool.BTC.com) is currently the best SHA256 algorithm currency mining pool. The reasons are as follows:
--The highest BTC computing power mining pool: BTC.com mining pool BTC computing power increased from about 400P in June 2018 to over 9000P on May 30, 2018. In less than a year, the computing power doubled More than 20 times.
--Led by a technical expert, with superior strength and stable performance.
--A variety of auxiliary tools to facilitate mining management (mining pool app + batch management tools) and improve mining efficiency (smart agent + VIP Server + multi-node global layout)
--The best ad-free customer group in the entire network directly communicates with customers through QQ, WeChat, Telegram and other channels. The most professional operators are available more than 16 hours a day to answer questions from users. Various problems encountered in the mine.
--The best income distribution model: FPPS
--The most scientific workload statistics method, which records and counts each share corresponding to its mining difficulty, which is fair.
--The most complete peripheral factory, producing all kinds of exquisite and interesting peripheral products throughout the year, and shipping them to miners from time to time.
--Currently supports SHA256 series mining of multiple currencies such as BTC, BCH, UBTC, etc., and supports one-click switching to the target currency.
--It is reported that other algorithmic currencies will also gradually come online.
Extended information: How to choose an Ethereum mining pool?
Select a mining pool. The first thing to do is to understand the allocation model of the mining pool. The current revenue distribution models of mining pools include: PPS, PPLNS, PPS+, FPPS, etc. The specific end of each mode will not be explained here, you can check it online.
So, for people who mine Ethereum ETH, the common distribution modes are the PPS and PPLNS distribution modes. If you are pursuing short-term high returns and require immediate results, you can consider a mining pool with a PPS distribution model to obtain income by contributing your own computing power. However, you generally need to pay a higher handling fee, usually 3%-5%. The handling fee, what is left after the mining pool deducts the handling fee is your income.
2. What are the pros and cons of the existence of mining pools for Bitcoin?
The existence of mining pools reduces the difficulty of mining virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin, lowers the threshold for mining, and truly realizes the concept of Bitcoin mining that everyone can participate in. However, its disadvantages are also very obvious, because the computing power is connected to the mining pool, and as a mining pool, it will control extremely large computing power resources. In the Bitcoin world, computing power represents accounting rights, and computing power represents everything. If the computing power of a single mine reaches more than 50%, it will be easy to launch a 51% attack on Bitcoin and other similar virtual digital currencies. The consequences will be terrible:
1. The monopoly of mining rights will cause the remaining 49% Mining pools with no computing power will eventually withdraw from the competition and go bankrupt instantly. The computing power of the mining pool exceeds 50%.If a 51% attack is launched, it can easily occupy all the effective computing power of the entire network.
2. The monopoly on accounting rights, double payment through 51% attacks, and multiple uses of a sum of money will directly destroy the credit system of Bitcoin. and make its credibility disappear.
3. Monopoly of distribution rights. Because a single mining pool (or an alliance of several mining pools) occupies the computing power of the entire network through a 51% attack, the remaining mining pools can be quickly squeezed out and closed. Because there is no competition, mining pools can allocate their own revenue, charging miners heavy fees and taxes.

『二』Ethereum mining, which mining pool has the highest mining profits

The profits of each mining pool fluctuate, and no profit is always the highest. Mining pool.
If you want to get the highest income, the best thing is to find a conscientious mining software. The mining industry has been in the mining industry for so long, and the services in this area are also quite complete.

『 3』 Ethereum mining pool ranking

1. Ethpool (Ethermine) ETHpool.org is the first official Ethereum mining pool. Previously, due to overloaded workload, the mining pool did not accept new users and only accepted old customers. As a result, many new miners were forced to switch to solo mining because there were no alternative mining pools at that time. To mine on Ethpool, the C++ ETH version of Ethereum must be installed. Market share: 23% Current mining pool computing power: 399.1GH/s Mining reward settlement mode: PPLNS Rate: 1.0%
2. Nanopool Although Nanopool is a new mining pool, it is already the largest on Ethereum. One of the mining pools. The complexity of Share is static and is equivalent to 5 billion. The minimum hash rate for mining on this pool is only 5 Mhesh/s. Additionally, this pool calculates mining rewards based on the PPLNS scheme, where N is all accepted shares in the last 10 minutes. Nanopool's servers are all over the world, and the official website is simple and intuitive. However, the minimum payment threshold of this mining pool is relatively high, and it is recommended to connect to 3 servers to avoid waiting for a long payment period. Market share: 8% Current mining pool computing power: 16,176.3GH/s Mining reward settlement mode: PPLNS Fee: 1.0% Website: https://eth.nanopool.org/
3. F2Pool (Fish Pool) F2Pool is one of the most popular mining pools in 2019. F2pool’s servers are mainly located in China, other Asian countries and the United States. F2pool.com is loved by miners for its openness, accessibility, and ease of use. Miners can only mine after registering on F2Pool. Ethereum mining requires a graphics card mining rig. Market share: 10% Current mining pool computing power: 19.38TH/s Mining reward settlement mode: PPS+ Rate: 2.5%Website: https://www.f2pool.com/
4. Sparkpool (Spark Pool) In the ETH, GRIN and BEAM ecosystem, the most powerful Chinese resource pool is Sparkpool, which cooperates with global miners Open source. Before mining, you need to configure the mining machine. Ethereum mining based on AMD GPU processors is more profitable. It requires flashing an improved BIOS and adjusting overclocking options in MSI Afterburner or AMD driver settings. Market share: 29% Current mining pool computing power: 56.96TH/s Mining reward settlement mode: PPS + fee: 1.0% Website: https://www.sparkpool.com/
5. Dwarfpool In DwarfPool, miners The credit rating is divided into RBPPS or HBPPS. Using RBPPS, as long as you have an A value, you can get the corresponding reward. The HBPPS accrual algorithm is time-based share-based payment. All promoted and discovered blocks are calculated hourly. The pool has the best optimized mining engine, low rejection rate, transparent and detailed statistics. Payments are settled hourly, with servers located around the world. Market share: 6% Current mining pool computing power: 2377109 MH/s Mining reward settlement mode: HBPPS Fee: 1.0% Website: https://dwarfpool.com/

『四』 Global ranking of Bitcoin mining pools

1. Ant Pool
Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that is committed to providing miners with more user-friendly, complete functions and more
br>67% Convenient to use and Douqiu, Ant Pool provides mining services for multiple digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO.
2. FishPool
FPool is the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool. Founded in Beijing in April 2013, it is the world's leading and China's earliest Bitcoin mining pool; FPool has developed into the world's largest Bitcoin, Litecoin, A comprehensive digital currency mining pool for Ethereum and Zcash; the mining pool technology continues to be leading, the income is open and transparent, and it adopts an original architecture to effectively prevent DDoS attacks.
3. BTC Mining Pool
BTC.com is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider, mining pool, and wallet solution provider. Since 2015, the BTC.com team has started with industry infrastructure such as block browsers and is committed to establishing new standards in various segments, wallets, and mining pools. BTC.com brand can be seen in fields such as , market, information and other fields.
4. ViaBTC
ViaBTC (Viabtc Technology Limited) was established in May 2016. It is a company focusing on dataAn innovative technology service company in the digital currency field. With strong technical strength, we have developed the world's leading Bitcoin mining pool and launched multiple alternative currency mining pools and cloud mining contract products. ViaBTC means "via Bitcoin" and our vision is "making the world a better place through Bitcoin".
5. Dragon Pond
Dragon Pond. Known as the mining pool that knows miners best, it provides mining services for Bitcoin and Ethereum.
6. Huobi Mining Pool
Huobi Mining Pool creates a new model of POW and POS mechanisms in the blockchain field, providing users with main chain voting, information, and points financial management services.
7. Bixin Mining Pool
In Bixin Mining Pool, we achieve real-time data updates, reasonable market rates, and convenient and fast payments. Mining has never been so simple.
8. BW Mining Pool
BW Mining Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that is committed to providing miners with a friendlier interface, better functions, more convenient use and more transparent returns. The pool provides mining services for multiple digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS and PPLNS.
9. Biyin Mining Pool
Decentralization makes the world a better place. The technical output of the Biyin Mining Pool team serves more than 500,000 mining equipment and more than 100,000 independent miners around the world. .
10. Xingzhong Mining Pool
Open and transparent, efficient in income, stable and innovative comprehensive digital currency mining pool, Xingzhong Mining Pool - Bitcoin mining pool, Litecoin, Ethereum mining pool, the world's largest comprehensive Digital currency mining pool, high income, top technical support and services

『五』How to choose a mining pool for mining Ethereum

Choosing a mining pool generally depends on the allocation model of the mining pool. , mining pool rejection rate, delay and other aspects should be considered. There are many income models, such as PPS, PPLNS, PPLNS+, etc. If you want to have long-term stable and high income, you can choose the PPLNS model. If you do it in the long term, the income will be much higher than the PPS model. Of course, the lower the rejection rate and latency of the mining pool, the better. The other thing is the stability of the mining pool. If something goes wrong every now and then, it’s definitely not going to work. All things considered, you can try the AA mining pool, which is good in all aspects.
Hope it is useful to you, please adopt it!

『Lu』 Ranking of the top ten domestic eth mining pools

1. Ethereum
It is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider and mining pool and wallet solution provider business. Since 2015, the team has started with industry infrastructure such as block explorers and is committed to building new standards in various sub-fields. Brands can be seen in wallets, mining pools, quotes, information and other fields.
2. F2Pool
F2Pool is one of the largest Bitcoin and Litecoin mining system mining pools in China. Data shows that F2Pool is currently the second largest mining pool in the world, second only to AntPool.
3. Qianyin
Biyin was established in November 2017 and was built by the original core team. teamIts products and technology output now serve most of the Bitcoin computing power on the entire network; within two years, it has created multiple products spanning multiple vertical fields such as blockchain browsers, mining pools, and wallets. Biyin Mining Pool is a professional mining pool that supports mining of all mainstream currencies. Currently supported currencies include: BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, ETH, DCR, DASH, and XMR.
4. Huobi Mining Pool
Huobi Mining Pool is the world’s first mining pool platform that integrates digital asset mining and trading. It adopts a new distribution model FPPS based on the POW mining mechanism. Most mining pools on the market adopt the traditional PPS settlement and distribution model. In contrast, Huobi’s FPPS model reduces miners’ packaging fees, and each miner can increase profits by about 5%. Through this move, Huobi Mining Pool differentiates itself from other mining pools and attracts miners to join.
5. Ant Pool
Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool developed by BitTaiwan using a large amount of resources. Committed to providing miners with a more friendly interface, more complete functions, more uses, and more generous and transparent benefits. Make more contributions to the development of currency. Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that is committed to providing miners with a friendlier interface, better functions, easier use and more transparent benefits. Ant Pool provides Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum mining services for a variety of digital currencies, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO.
6. Webit
Webit is a professional digital currency technology service provider. Its service scope includes digital currency trading platforms, digital currency mining pools, and cloud mining contracts. Founded in May 2016, the Bitcoin mining pool was launched in June of the same year, and cloud mining products were launched in November. In March 2017, Weibit received 20 million yuan in Series A financing led by BitTaiwan to expand its exchange business. In June, Weibit will be launched on the digital currency trading platform.
7. 58COIN&1THash
58COIN&1THash is a business under 58COIN. 58COIN relies on mining pools to build bit computing power. This is a new business prepared by 58COIN together with mining machine manufacturers, mining pools, and mine owners. Users only need to pay the mining machine fee, electricity fee, and management fee to enjoy stable mining services. Users can view it in the background at any time. The current business includes mining machine sales and hosting, mining machine leasing and standard cloud computing services.
8. Binance Mining Pool
The current mining pool structure is mainly divided into three categories. The first category is Bitcoin POW mining pools, including Mining Pool, Printcoin, and Ant Pool owned by Bitmain; the second category is other mining pools, such as Ethereum Mining Pool and Spark Mining Pool; and the third category is exchange mining pools. Pools, such as Huobi Pool, OK Pool, and Binance Pool. As the "digital economic operating system" of the new world, Binance is in the field of digital asset trading and circulation, in the field of blockchain market education, in the field of decentralized circulation exploration, and the asset circulation platform is in cloud computing.In the field of market and digital asset big data, in the field of financial derivatives, and other ecosystems, we have achieved good results and created global influence. Of course, for the real economy in the field of blockchain and digital economy, "cloud computing power platform", that is, mining pool, Binance has also created another "commercial connotation" in a very short period of time.
9. OKEXPool
In the published data, OKExPool has rapidly developed from a market share of about 0% in October 2019 to the sixth largest mining pool in terms of market share. However, on the hashrate trend curve, OKExPool’s hashrate dropped sharply in January 2020. Some market participants told PANews that the reason for the rapid decline in OKExPool's computing power may be the addition of more centralized small mines, and there is currently a lack of investors to join the computing power structure.
Although exchanges are generally newcomers to the mining pool field, the mining pool business held by exchanges still has certain natural advantages over traditional companies.
After years of stable operation, Lybit Mining Pool was initially a private mining pool with the largest computing power in the entire network. Now facing the market of Ethereum, we sincerely invite all miners to share the mining benefits brought by its technology. The newly upgraded and revised Lebit mining pool system is more in line with customer needs, with richer content and simpler operation.

『撒』 How about 2miners mining pool

2Miners is one of the most popular altcoin mining pools. The pool features 18 cryptocurrencies, two mining modes: pool and solo mode, 18 languages, and an intuitive interface. There are over 18,000 users in the mining pool, and the total rewards paid out to users in the last 24 hours was $1 million.
The most popular cryptocurrency among mining pools is Ethereum. More than 11,000 users are mining ETH. 2Miners data centers are located in Europe, the United States, and Asia, maximizing cryptocurrency mining efficiency for users in each region. Rewards are paid out every two hours. Therefore, starting in February, if you want to use RaveOS for free, you should switch to the 2Miners mining pool. Altcoin mining pool 2Miners recently discovered a network vulnerability that affects the Ethereum “epoch switch” and affects the ETC network. 2Miners said that the network hard fork upgrade of ETC's Thanos (ECIP-1099) caused some problems because ECIP-1099 proposed to reduce the computing power in the network and the mining pool did not verify the data when switching to epoch (even though it was legal of). 2Miners subsequently discovered that the vulnerability was located in the core library used to maintain Ethereum and ETC. 2Miners said, “After in-depth research, we discovered that one of the core libraries used by many Ethash-based cryptocurrencies has skewed mathematical values.” The issue may cause some nodes to accept newer data into blockschain, while other nodes do not accept it, creating a potentially serious situation that could lead to a chain split (similar to previous Ethereum network failures).
Extended information:
1. Since the computing level of the entire Bitcoin network continues to rise exponentially, no single device or a small amount of computing power can obtain the blocks provided by the Bitcoin network on the Bitcoin network. award. After the computing power of the entire network increased to a certain level, the probability of obtaining rewards was too low, prompting some geeks on "bitcointalk" to develop a method that can combine a small amount of computing power for joint operation. Websites established using this method It is called "Mining Pool". In this mechanism, regardless of the amount of computing power available to individual miners, as long as they participate in mining activities by joining a mining pool, regardless of whether they successfully mine a valid data block, they can obtain a small amount of money through their contribution to the mining pool. Bitcoin rewards, that is, when multiple people cooperate in mining, the Bitcoin rewards obtained are also shared among multiple people according to their contribution.
2. The mining pool is a fully automatic mining platform, that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool to provide computing power and obtain profits. There are three main allocation methods for mining pools: "PPLNS, PPS, and PROP". The existence of mining pools reduces the difficulty of mining virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin, lowers the mining threshold, and truly realizes the concept of Bitcoin mining that everyone can participate in. But its disadvantages are also very obvious, because the computing power is connected to the mining pool. As a mining pool, it will control extremely huge computing power resources. In the Bitcoin world, computing power represents accounting rights, and computing power is everything. If a single mining pool's computing power reaches more than 50%, it will be able to easily launch a 51% attack on Bitcoin and other similar virtual digital currencies. The consequences will be very dire: monopolizing mining rights, monopolizing accounting rights, and monopolizing distribution rights.

『8』Which is better, Spark Pool or Fish Pond?

Compared with Spark Pool and Fish Pond, Fish Pond is better.

『玖』What happened to Yuchi Mining Pool?

Yuchi Mining Pool is unstable and may be shut down.
1. Fishpool, established in Beijing in April 2013, is the world's leading and China's earliest Bitcoin mining farm; Fishpool has developed into the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Zcash. ; Mining pool technology continues to maintain its leadership, its earnings are open and transparent, and it adopts an original architecture to effectively prevent DDoS attacks. As the computing level of the entire Bitcoin network increases exponentially, a single device or a small amount of computing power cannot obtain the block rewards provided by the Bitcoin network on the Bitcoin network.
2. After the computing power of the entire network increases to a certain level, the low probability of obtaining rewards prompted some "Bitcoin" geeks to develop a method that can combine a small amount of computing power for joint operations. Websites set up in this way are called "pools".
Extended information:
1) The mining pool is the entire network of Bitcoin mining, collectively referred to as the mining pool. The entire mining pool is divided into many mining pools, and Fishpool is one of them. After F2Pool is connected to the mining pool by purchasing a physical mining machine, everyone can mine together through computing power.. After the coins are mined, they will be distributed to everyone. How much computing power is required to get the corresponding number of coins;
The existence of mining pools reduces the difficulty of mining virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin and lowers the mining threshold. Really 2) mining pools allow everyone to participate Bitcoin mining concept. But its disadvantages are also very obvious, because the computing power is connected to the mining pool. As a mining pool, it will control extremely large computing power resources. In the world of Bitcoin, computing power represents accounting rights, and computing power is everything. If the computing power of a single mining pool reaches more than 50%, it will be easy to launch a 51% attack on Bitcoin and other similar virtual digital currencies, and the consequences will be dire.
3) Mining pools can invalidate the mining pool with the remaining 49% of the computing power, and instantly withdraw from the competition and go bankrupt. The computing power of the mining pool exceeds 50%. If a 51% attack is launched, it can easily occupy all the effective computing power of the entire network. Behaviors such as monopolizing accounting rights and double payments can be carried out through 51% attacks, and a sum of money can be used multiple times, which will directly destroy the credit system of Bitcoin and make its credit disappear. Monopoly distribution rights, because a single mining pool (or a multi-mining pool alliance) occupies the entire network's computing power through a 51% attack, it can quickly crowd out the remaining mining pools and cause them to go bankrupt. Since there is no competition, mining pools can allocate their own revenue and charge miners high fees and other high taxes.

『Shi』Top Ten Mining Pools in China

With the development of mining pools, more and more investors will choose mining pools for mining. Currently, in China The top ten mining pools are: (1) Ant Pool; (2) F2Pool; (3) BTC.com; (4) Weibit; (5) Biyin; (6) BTC.TOP; (7) Huo Coin mining pool; (8) Binance Pool; (9) OKEXPool; (10) 58COIN&1THash.
1. Ant Pool. Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that Bitmain has invested a lot of resources in developing. It is committed to providing miners with a friendlier interface, more complete functions, more convenient use and more generous and transparent benefits, and for the development of digital currency. Make more contributions. Ant Pool provides mining services for multiple digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO.
2. F2Pool. F2Pool is one of the largest mining pools in China in the Bitcoin and Litecoin mining system. According to Blockchain.info data, F2Pool is currently the second largest mining pool in the world, second only to Antpool.
3. BTC.com. BTC.com is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider, mining pool, and wallet solution provider. Since 2015, the BTC.com team has started with industry infrastructure such as block browsers and is committed to establishing new standards in various subdivisions. The BTC.com brand can be seen in wallets, mining pools, market prices, information and other fields. figure.
Extended information:
1. When choosing a mining poolThere are the following points to note:
(1) Mining pool location_Choose a pool with servers nearby. Check if the mining pool is on a server in the same country as the user. This will help users mine more efficiently.
(2) Hash rate and number of miners. The higher the hash rate of the mining pool, the more cryptocurrency you will receive. But if there are too many miners working in the same mining pool, the income earned will be greatly reduced. Users should look for a mining pool with the right number of miners to generate revenue.
(3) Mining fees and withdrawal thresholds. Each mining pool has fees and a minimum withdrawal amount that can be withdrawn to a cryptocurrency wallet. Fees are usually pretty much the same, ranging from 1% to 3%.
(4) Reward distribution type. Today's service platforms mainly use 4 types of reward distribution PPS, PPS+, PPLNS and FPPS.
(5) Convenient statistical data. Each mining pool provides important information about payment methods, fees, reward amounts, limits, withdrawn funds and other parameters.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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