圈币能赚钱是真的吗 圈币是什么软件的

❶ 5G币投资可靠吗是骗人的吗


❷ 币圈staking是什么意思


❸ 币圈ido是什么意思







❹ 币圈bsc是什么意思呢

平衡计分卡 时期
该阶段Robert Kaplan与David Norton研究的结论“平衡计分卡:驱动绩效的量度”发表在92年《哈佛商业评论》一月与二月号,基本上,平衡计分卡强调,传统的财务会计模式只能衡量过去发生的事项(落后的结果因素),但无法评估企业前瞻性的投资(领先的驱动因素),因此,必须改用一个将组织的愿景转变为一组由四项观点组成的绩效指标架构来评价组织的绩效。此四项指标分别是:财务(Financial)、客户(Customer)、内部运营(Internal Business Processes)、学习与成长(Learning and Growth)。
藉着这四项指标的衡量,组织得以明确和严谨的手法来诠释其策略,它一方面保留传统上衡量过去绩效的财务指标,并且兼顾了促成财务目标的绩效因素之衡量;在支持组织追求业绩之余,也监督组织的行为应兼顾学习与成长的面向,并且透过一连串的互动因果关系,组织得以把产出(Outcome)和绩效驱动因素(Performance Driver)串联起来,以衡量指标与其量度作为语言,把组织的使命和策略转变为一套前后连贯的系统绩效评核量度,把复杂而笼统的概念转化为精确的目标,藉以寻求财务与非财务的衡量之间、短期与长期的目标之间、落后的与领先的指标之间,以及外部与内部绩效之间的平衡。

❺ 币圈和链圈的区别是什么

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

❻ 虚拟货币、数字货币、加密货币、代币、通证有什么区别
















加密货币基于去中心化的共识机制 ,与依赖中心化监管体系的银行金融系统相对。






❼ 区块链有哪些生态圈

这些现象说明了什么呢,说明区块链这个技术,有着非常大的商业价值,谁都希望能在这片未知的土地上开垦出一片新天地。所以,区块链技术发展到今年呢,已经不仅仅是单纯的底层技术了,而是形成了一套完整的生态系统,下面我们就从“币圈”和“链圈” 两个方面跟大家聊一聊:区块链的生态圈是怎么样的,带大家了解区块链行业的一个全貌。
第一节 币圈
所以呢,正是这样一种模式, 让币圈项目方成为一个离钱最近的地方,他们很容易圈钱,当然也很容易禁不住诱惑,或者蓄谋已久,圈了钱就跑路。项目方发token的详细流程一般是这样的:
比特币挖矿说到底是算力的竞争,谁的算力强大,谁挖到比特币的几率就越大。所以,在整个币圈的商业系统里面,矿机厂商是一个非常不可忽视的存在。我们看一个数据就知道了:2018年胡润百富榜区块链行业里面, 排在首富的就是来自矿机厂商——比特大陆的合伙人,詹克团先生。另外,根据招股书,比特大陆上半年净利润7.43亿美元,同比增涨了近8倍,它一度占据全球比特币矿机70%以上的市场份额,成为矿机行业龙头。不止矿机,比特大陆在矿池(也就是一种合作挖矿的模式)方面依旧占据了近乎垄断的地位:就目前来看,全球前六大矿池算力占79.2%的份额。
其实,早在2012年,美国就宣布要发售一台蝴蝶矿机,但是这个事情后来被很多人认为是一场骗局,因为这个蝴蝶矿机拖了好几年才发售,这几年还让其他国家的矿机研发变得非常惶恐,都在拼命抢时间,某种意义上来说,蝴蝶矿机也算是带动了矿机行业的繁荣。所以呢,到了2013年,矿机就已经进入一个百花争鸣的季节,大量ASIC矿机就被提出来了:或宣布研发,或宣布预售,或以现货形式,出现了:烤猫矿机,鸽子矿机,TMR 矿机,比特儿矿机,兰德矿局,小蜜蜂矿机,阿瓦隆原厂和各种代工,花园矿机,Smart 矿机等等......可能大家没听过这些矿机 ,因为这些基本上都死了,留下来的比特大陆、嘉楠耘智、亿邦股份,成为了矿机巨头。
讲到这里,我们可以发现,无论是项目方、交易所、媒体,还是矿机,可以说是一种 “一荣俱荣一损俱损”的关系。牛市里,项目方拿融资有钱发token,上到交易所,交易所赚到了上币费和交易费,token 身家增加还能让项目方再赚一笔,然后找媒体投放广告,媒体赚到广告费,那么币价高了,矿工热情高涨,矿机也卖得好了。但是到熊市呢,完全
第二节 链圈
提到想象空间,对于链圈来讲,其实主要围绕的就是“区块链+”这个话题:区块链+ 金融、区块链+保险、区块链+农业、区块链+娱乐、区块链+人工智能,区块链+等等任何的行业......说白了就是区块链场景的落地,把这些想象变成现实,就好比把互联网普及到千家万户一样。

❽ 关于币圈,有哪些是需要我们了解的










❾ 币圈ICO是什么


❶ Is 5G coin investment reliable? Is it a lie?

The mainstream digital currency market is not good right now. If you are still trying to cut coins in a pyramid scheme, you have no objection. Be careful with your principal!

❷ What does staking in the currency circle mean?

Staking in the currency circle is actually a business model that earns interest by holding currency, that is, token holders use staking, voting, delegation and locking tokens. You can obtain block rewards, dividends and other benefits through actions such as coins. In layman's terms, it is an investment method in which currency holders "generate currency with currency", which is somewhat similar to a bank's savings and interest earning (interest earned by holding currency), so we usually call it the POS equity pledge economy.
In POS or similar POS mechanisms, anyone can earn coins by staking crypto assets and locking positions. The rate of return is calculated on a currency basis, and the size of the rate of return depends on the inflation model of crypto assets. ATOM and XTZ, which are relatively popular this year, have adopted the staking model. The figure below shows the annualized yield of staking of some crypto assets. From the second half of this year to next year, projects such as Ethereum 2.0 and ADA will start staking.
Most of the earliest crypto assets imitated the POW mechanism used by BTC, that is, the proof-of-work mechanism. The nodes in the blockchain network are mining machines that rely on computing power to obtain block rewards. Energy waste is relatively large. To put it bluntly, Staking is mining by mortgaging assets. The more assets you mortgage, the higher the benefits you will get.
However, relatively speaking, there is a certain threshold for participation, and newcomers will not be able to distinguish whether it is a gimmick or real staking, but this is a new trend in the future. The EOS super node election was highly hyped last year. Those super nodes need to lock up a certain amount of EOS to receive the annual additional issuance reward of EOS. This is also considered staking.
BTM's side chain Bystack adopts the Dpos mechanism. Nodes participating in the election need to have 1 million BTM. After becoming a node, these BTM will be locked, and the node will receive a certain amount of BTM rewards. This is also Staking.
There are generally two ways to participate in staking: the first is to pledge through the official wallet of the main network or a decentralized wallet such as imtoken. This staking method is relatively safe, and it only performs on-chain delegation at the equity level. The private key will not be leaked; the other option is to put the coins in a centralized wallet or mining pool. For example, Huobi Mining Pool supports the equity pledge of many currencies, but it is equivalent to giving your own coins to others for safekeeping, and is not as safe as The first type, but the threshold is relatively low.

❸ What does ido mean in the currency circle?

IDO is "InitialDigitalAssectsOffering", which means the first issuance of blockchain digital assets. This statement originates from the concept of initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market. It is the first blockchain digital asset produced by an enterprise blockchain project through asset digitization.Product anchoring, the behavior of general digital assets raised through asset bonds and crowdfunding.

IDO is a digital asset trading model with "asset certificate" as the core of the transaction. The greatest significance of IDO (Initial Asset Token Offer and Repurchase Issuance) is that the issuer of digital assets ensures the safety of the investment principal in the initial issuance through a repurchase offer.

1. What does ICO mean in the currency circle?
ICO is a common way for projects in the blockchain industry to raise funds through mainstream digital assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Its concept is also derived from the stock market IPO. of.

2. The differences between IDO and ICO
1. To put it simply, IDO itself does not raise funds. Instead, it allows users who value the value of the project to spontaneously use themselves by launching task bounties. Knowledge, time, attention and other skills to obtain TOKEN reward incentives from the project side.

2. IDO is a bit like an upgraded version of ICO. Essentially, both project teams have locked tokens. The difference is that the first issuance of ICO raised user funds for project construction, while IDO did not raise funds, but distributed community construction to users, allowing everyone to work together to build the development of community projects.

3. IDO is suspected of trying to circumvent supervision. Because in the ICO era, everyone’s funds are used to develop projects, while in the IDO era, everyone’s resources are used to develop projects. The essence of the two is similar. In addition, if the project's token economic design is unreasonable, IDO will not be much different from the point currency.
However, despite the above differences, they all raise funds by selling shares; all potential investors take risks for the potential huge gains.

❹ What does bsc mean in the currency circle?

The full name of BSC coin is BSCToken, and the total supply is 1,000,000,000 BSC. BSC currency has become the first model of domestic physical chain reform. Based on the physical assets represented by the Beautiful Southern Pastoral Complex, BSC currency will support various securitization tokens such as registration, circulation, mortgage lending, etc., becoming a new model for blockchain value release, and building a global tourism value exchange ecosystem with unlimited potential. , laying a certain foundation for the development of China’s blockchain. ”
Extended information
The purpose of designing the balanced scorecard is to establish a performance management system that “realizes strategic guidance” to ensure the effective execution of corporate strategies. Therefore, people usually call the balanced scorecard a tool to strengthen the enterprise The most effective strategic management tool for strategic execution.
Balanced Scorecard Creates Performance
Balanced Scorecard can effectively solve the problem of disconnection between formulating strategy and implementing strategy, blocking the "execution funnel". Balanced Scorecard The card system includes strategic maps, balanced scorecards, personal scorecards, indicator cards, action plans, and performance appraisal scales. Under the display of intuitive charts and functional cards, abstract and general department responsibilities, work tasks and Undertaking relationships, etc., appear to be clearly hierarchical, clear in quantification, and simple and clear.
Balance PlanScorecard Period
In this stage, the conclusions of Robert Kaplan and David Norton's study "The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance" were published in the January and February issues of Harvard Business Review in 1992. Basically, the Balanced Scorecard Emphasize that the traditional financial accounting model can only measure events that have occurred in the past (laggy outcome factors), but cannot evaluate the company's forward-looking investments (leading drivers). Therefore, it is necessary to use a model to transform the organization's vision into a set of A performance indicator framework consisting of four perspectives to evaluate organizational performance. The four indicators are: Financial, Customer, Internal Business Processes, and Learning and Growth.
Through the measurement of these four indicators, the organization can interpret its strategy in a clear and rigorous way. On the one hand, it retains the traditional financial indicators that measure past performance, and also takes into account the measurement of performance factors that contribute to financial goals; In addition to supporting the organization's pursuit of performance, it also supervises the organization's behavior to take into account learning and growth. Through a series of interactive causal relationships, the organization can connect output (Outcome) and performance drivers (Performance Driver) to measure Indicators and their measurements serve as language to transform the organization's mission and strategy into a coherent set of systematic performance evaluation measures, and to transform complex and general concepts into precise goals, thereby seeking to find a balance between financial and non-financial measurement, short-term and The balance between long-term goals, between lagging and leading indicators, and between external and internal performance.

❺ What is the difference between currency circles and chain circles

Many people are stupid about "chain circles", "coin circles" and "mining circles" It’s hard to tell the difference, but aside from those connections, the essences of the three are actually quite different. In the blockchain ecosystem, it is currently roughly divided into three circles, namely the “chain circle”, “coin circle” and “mining circle” . The three are related to each other, but they are also very different.
Chain Circle - Chain Circle, the representative of the technical school. The threshold is higher than the other two circles, and it mainly focuses on the development and application of blockchain technology. , so it is more difficult for ordinary people to get in.
Blockchain can be divided into three stages: private chain, public chain and alliance chain.
Coin circle-coin circle, can be said to be the most A colorful circle. It focuses on speculating on encrypted digital currencies and is the circle with the lowest entry barrier among the three circles. The main characteristics are currency issuance and speculation. The coins issued based on blockchain technology are mainstream currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. , the risk is smaller. The coins issued by ICO are altcoins, which have certain risks. The hype is caused by the lack of supervision in the industry and common back-end trading. Currently, ICO has been banned in China.
Mining Circle - Mining Circle , is a circle of people who focus on "mining". This mining is different from mining in life, but to obtain virtualAn act performed with pseudo-monetary rewards, and those who participate in mining are called miners.
Mining requires the use of tools. In the early days, mining could be done through ordinary computers. Later, as the number of miners continued to increase, it began to develop into mining machine mining and mining pool mining. Mining requires high costs, such as huge power consumption, and electricity bills are also a large expense.
The threshold of the mining circle is slightly higher than that of the currency circle, but lower than that of the chain circle. Most people have heard of mining, but there are still fewer people who actually participate in mining.
Compared to the chain circle and the currency circle, the mining circle is also affected by the external natural environment, such as damage to the mining machine in the mine.
In the current context, it is meaningless to hype the concept of blockchain. Blockchain practitioners must find ways to contribute value to this society and create wealth instead of evaporating wealth. Therefore, we do not distinguish between currency circles and chain circles. Those who can create value are good circles.
The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot of the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. workstation. The professional position is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

❻ What are the differences between virtual currency, digital currency, cryptocurrency, token, and pass

1. Different definitions:

1. Virtual currency: < /p>

Virtual currency refers to non-real currency.

2. Digital currency:

Digital currency is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency. Digital gold coins and cryptocurrency are both digital currencies (DIGICCY).

3. Cryptocurrency:

Cryptocurrency is a trading medium that uses cryptographic principles to ensure transaction security and control the creation of trading units.

4. Token (pass):

An item that is similar in shape and size to currency, but has a limited scope of use and has no currency effect. Its token is a token in English The homophony of Token.

2. Different characteristics:

1. Virtual currency:

Virtual currency is not a general equivalent, but an expression of relative value. In other words, it is a symbol of expression; it can also be said that virtual currency is personalized currency. In another way, it can also be called information currency.

2. Digital currency:

It is an unregulated, digital currency, usually issued and managed by developers, and accepted and used by members of specific virtual communities.

3. Cryptocurrency:

Cryptocurrency is based on a decentralized consensus mechanism, as opposed to the banking financial system that relies on a centralized regulatory system.

4. Tokens (tokens):

Usually required to be exchanged for money and used as vouchers in stores, amusement parks, public transportation, etc.To use services, exchange items, etc.

(6) Extended reading on currency circle model

At this stage, digital currency is more like As an investment product, due to the lack of a strong guarantee institution to maintain the stability of its price, its role as a measure of value has not yet emerged and it cannot serve as a means of payment. As an investment product, the development of digital currency is inseparable from trading platforms, operating companies and investments.

Digital currency is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the blockchain technology it relies on is decentralized and can be used in other fields besides digital currency. This is why Bitcoin is so popular. One of the reasons; on the other hand, if digital currency is widely used by the public as a currency, it will have a huge impact on the effectiveness of monetary policy, financial infrastructure, financial markets, financial stability, etc.

❼ What are the ecosystems of blockchain?

The development of cryptocurrency to this day has made "blockchain technology" popular, and the development of blockchain technology has become what everyone expects. In our country, both giant companies such as BATJ (Network, Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com) and "new emerging" companies such as Didi and OFO are actively exploring blockchain technology. Throughout the world, Walmart, Mastercard,
IBM, and giant automobile manufacturers are all trying to use blockchain technology to solve industry pain points. In addition, there are companies such as Japan's Kodak that are in decline and hope to fight a "turnaround" through blockchain.
What do these phenomena indicate? It shows that the blockchain technology has great commercial value, and everyone hopes to open up a new world in this unknown land. Therefore, with the development of blockchain technology this year, it is no longer just a simple underlying technology, but has formed a complete ecosystem. Below we will tell you about it from the two aspects of "currency circle" and "chain circle" Let’s talk about: What is the blockchain ecosystem like? Let’s take you to understand the whole picture of the blockchain industry.
Section 1: Currency Circle
In the currency circle, these terms are always important: project parties, exchanges, media, and mining machine manufacturers. Next, let’s take a detailed inventory of how Something happened.
1. Project Party
The project party in the currency circle can be understood this way: anyone who issues tokens is the project party. Note, it is a currency circle. There are also some project parties that do not issue coins, such as Alibaba, Tencent, and NetEase, which are also working on blockchain projects. They do not issue coins and only focus on technology. What about these project parties that do not issue coins? It mainly focuses on the role of blockchain in data security and supply chain, which we will mention later.
Going back to the topic of project parties in the currency circle, for example, the recently controversial Elastos and the previous TRON are all project parties in the currency circle, as well as the recently popular blockchain games. They also belong to the currency circle project side when it comes to earning tokens in games.
A subversive aspect of the currency circle project is that, combining projects and tokens, directly replacing equity with tokens, and tokens can be directly circulated. This is a very revolutionary feature that allows many initial projects to more easily raise funds. After financing, the feedback tokens can be circulated on digital currency trading platforms, and investors can also exit well.
This "financing-investment" approach seems to be another way to realize the circulation of equity listings and transactions in disguise.
So, it is this kind of model that makes the currency circle project team the place closest to money. It is easy for them to trap money. Of course, it is also easy for them to be tempted, or have planned for a long time, and run away after trapping money. road. The detailed process for project parties to issue tokens is generally as follows:
The first step is to build a token system, which is similar to making an app application. This is not very complicated because Ethereum is open source. Similar to Android and Apple systems, developers can develop specific applications on it;
The second step is to write a white paper, which is similar to a business plan. The white paper is similar to a business plan and mainly includes the team situation of the project. , technical status and other information;
The third step is to find someone to endorse and find some influential industry figures to promote it;
The fourth step is to start promotion and marketing, find some blockchain media to promote Soft articles, cooperation, we will mention this below;
The fifth step is to find financing;
The sixth step is to go to the exchange, and the token begins to spread widely.
2. Exchange
After talking about the project side, let’s talk about the exchange. If the project party is a producer, then the things they produce must be sold and traded, right? The exchange is a trading place for project party tokens. If the project team's token is similar to a stock, then the exchange in the currency circle is similar to the secondary market of the stock market. It’s just that exchanges in the currency circle have more power. They have the right to review currency listings and can decide to list or delist currencies.
Of course, if the project team wants to list the currency, it has to pay a huge fee to the exchange for listing the currency. When investors trade in the exchange, they also need to pay handling fees or withdrawal fees. Each exchange has handling fee and withdrawal fee rules. Not all the same. In fact, listing fees, handling fees, and withdrawal fees constitute the profit model of cryptocurrency exchanges. Of course, in addition to these three profit models, the exchange’s profit models also include: “market maker” business to earn price differences, That is, the exchange creates liquidity through continuous buying and selling, acts as a market maker, and earns business spreads at the same time.
Currently, due to the increasingly fierce competition in the industry, listing fees and handling fees will become less and less, or even unnecessary, so regular profits will account for less and less, and other profits will appear. Model, for example: platform currency, leverage fee. Let’s talk about the platform currency first. Platform coins are coins issued by exchanges: OKB and Binance Coin are platform coins. These platform coins issued by exchanges can be exchanged for BTC and ETH. At the same time, the increase in the value of the platform coins themselves can contribute to the development of the exchange.Laying a solid material foundation, for users, holding platform currency can enjoy benefits such as handling fee discounts, platform dividends, and special activities of the exchange. This is the platform currency. The leverage fee is the currency financing function on the platform, which supports margin trading and charges a certain percentage of handling fees to currency financing users.
The above mentioned are actually ecosystems built through the exchange’s own resource output. Now, exchanges are actively deploying the entire industry to obtain income, such as establishing capital, mining pools, wallets, incubators, engineering academies, funds, etc. We believe that if the exchange wants to develop in the long term, it must deploy the entire industry chain, find new hot spots in the industry, and build a complete ecosystem. Therefore, it must increase the proportion of strategic profits.
3. Blockchain Media
In the past two years when blockchain has become popular, not only have there been many project parties, but also media have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Currently, there are about 200 well-known blockchain media. Go home. The content on the blockchain media platform probably revolves around the following points: policies, hackers, exchanges, bosses, and project parties. In addition to text, the operation method of blockchain media also includes community activities, such as inviting “big guys” to join the group to share. In this way, high-quality content can be accumulated and some traffic can be earned at the same time.
Why must we mention blockchain media? It’s because there are actually some differences between blockchain media and the media in our impressions. What's the difference? The difference is that there are some interests between the blockchain media and the project parties and exchanges mentioned above. We just said that the project party is like a "producer" and the exchange is like a "sales market". Then, the role played by the media is like an "advertising platform". If a project wants to sell well, it needs publicity and advertising, so blockchain media plays such a role. Therefore, the investors of some blockchain media are now project parties and exchanges.
The recent period has been a bear market, and many blockchain media have laid off large-scale layoffs. The reason is simply a shortage of projects and insufficient funds. Therefore, if blockchain media simply relies on investment from project parties and exchanges, as well as advertising revenue, it is actually far from enough. When the bear market comes and project parties and exchanges are affected, then the media will inevitably face a very serious situation. Brutal winter. Therefore, many blockchain media are now also issuing tokens to project parties (the most typical ones are content communities such as Bihu and Biche, which both belong to a media platform and issue tokens to project parties), or some Blockchain media is doing business such as wallets and selling mining machines and renting computing power.
However, we believe that blockchain media, as a media, still plays a role in guiding public opinion after all. Therefore, it is still necessary to return to the essence and be a place to transmit industry value information, rather than a place to pile up advertisements. Therefore, blockchain media should still keep up with the development of technology to achieve its own survival and development, relying on the advantages of blockchain technology and based on the consensus mechanism in the token system to achieve media success.There may be a certain amount of room for imagination in this aspect regarding the reasonable distribution of business interests.
4. Mining machine manufacturers
Bitcoin mining is ultimately a competition for computing power. Whoever has stronger computing power has a greater chance of mining Bitcoin. Therefore, in the entire business system of the currency circle, mining machine manufacturers are an existence that cannot be ignored. Let’s look at a piece of data and we’ll know: In the blockchain industry on the Hurun Report 2018, the richest person is Mr. Zhan Ketuan, a partner from the mining machine manufacturer Bitmain. In addition, according to the prospectus, Bitmain’s net profit in the first half of the year was US$743 million, an increase of nearly 8 times year-on-year. It once occupied more than 70% of the global Bitcoin mining machine market share and became the leader in the mining machine industry. Not only mining machines, Bitmain still occupies a near-monopoly position in mining pools (that is, a cooperative mining model): as of now, the top six mining pools in the world account for 79.2% of the computing power.
Another company that researches mining machine chips - "Canaan", after inventing China's first Bitcoin mining machine, began to engage in research on chips in the fields of blockchain and artificial intelligence. In just a few years In 2006, it also became an internationally renowned chip company.
In fact, as early as 2012, the United States announced that it would release a butterfly mining machine. However, this matter was later considered by many people to be a scam, because the butterfly mining machine was delayed for several years before being released. In the past few years, It has also made the research and development of mining machines in other countries very frightened, and they are all scrambling for time. In a sense, the butterfly mining machine can be regarded as driving the prosperity of the mining machine industry. So, by 2013, mining machines have entered a season of blooming, and a large number of ASIC mining machines have been proposed: either announced research and development, or announced pre-sale, or in the form of spot goods, appeared: Roast Cat Mining Machine, Pigeon mining machine, TMR mining machine, Biter mining machine, Rand Mining Bureau, Little Bee mining machine, Avalon original factory and various OEMs, Garden mining machine, Smart mining machine, etc... maybe Everyone has never heard of these mining machines, because they are basically dead. The remaining ones, Bitmain, Canaan, and Yibang, have become mining machine giants.
However, as a derivative industry under the prosperity of the cryptocurrency market, the price of mining machines is closely related to the cryptocurrency market: in the bull market, mining machines are often in short supply, and miners pay several times higher prices to buy from "scalpers" It is not uncommon to buy mining machines. At this time, mining machine manufacturers have entered a bonus period. But in a bear market, mining machine manufacturers will also be affected by some adverse effects. Miners' enthusiasm for mining wanes, and some manufacturers have to lower the price of mining machines to recover costs. For example, when Bitcoin plummeted in March this year, a certain model of mining machine sold by Huaqiangbei was sold at a price reduction of 5,000 yuan. The price dropped from about 19,000 yuan per unit to
14,000 yuan.
At this point, we can find that whether it is the project party, the exchange, the media, or the mining machine, it can be said to be a relationship of "one prospers, one loses, and both suffer". In the bull market, project owners have enough money to issue tokens through financing, go to the exchange, the exchange earns currency listing fees and transaction fees, and the increase in token value allows the project party to make another profit, and then find the media to advertise, and the media earns advertising fees, then the currency price will be high, and the miners will be enthusiastic The prices are rising, and mining machines are also selling well. But in the bear market, it is completely the opposite sign. Everyone is facing a cold winter, so this is a relationship of "one prosperes, one loses, and both suffer".
The currency circle is introduced here first, let’s introduce the chain circle next.
Section 2 Chain Circle
Chain circle refers to the circle that focuses on blockchain technology. Compared with the currency circle, the chain circle is quite low-key. However, without the technical support of the chain circle, the currency circle cannot exist. Therefore, the chain circle is often ignored, but in fact it is very important. The implementation of future blockchain scenarios will also rely on the technology of the chain circle as a support.
At present, the Chain Circle project mainly focuses on the aspect of data security in the supply chain. We mentioned at the beginning that Wal-Mart, Mastercard, IBM, and those giant automobile manufacturers are trying to use blockchain technology to solve some industry pain points involving data security, such as: the circulation safety of fresh food, vaccines Security, transaction data security, copyright protection, etc.
In terms of supply chain, the most typical example is the express delivery industry. SF Express is currently trying to use blockchain technology to solve pharmaceutical logistics safety. In addition, Alibaba is actively deploying blockchain in Xiongan New Area; Tencent, Internet, NetEase, and JD.com have developed a number of online games based on blockchain. Although these projects are not yet very mature, they have enriched the blockchain The business model provides some relatively broad imagination space.
When it comes to imagination, for the blockchain community, it actually mainly revolves around the topic of "Blockchain+": Blockchain+Finance, Blockchain+Insurance, Blockchain+Agriculture, Blockchain + entertainment, blockchain + artificial intelligence, blockchain + and any other industry... To put it bluntly, it is the implementation of blockchain scenarios. Turning these imaginations into reality is like spreading the Internet to thousands of households. The same as the household.
Blockchain, the underlying technology, was actually a currency system at first, serving Bitcoin. However, as it develops today, this technology has evolved into an idea of ​​change and innovation. Or methods, these ideas and methods are indeed solutions to some pain points in the current Internet era.

❽ What do we need to know about the currency circle?

If you have just entered the currency circle and are about to buy digital currencies, don’t worry, calm down and take a look. I guess the following content will be helpful to you.

1. What is a digital currency wallet
Many people say that a digital currency wallet is used to store digital currency. Generally speaking, there is no problem with this understanding, but in fact, a digital currency wallet is used to store digital currency. It is not a digital currency, but a tool for holding keys (private keys and public keys). With the keys, you can own the digital goods at the corresponding address.By using the digital currency payment address generated in the wallet, you can accept digital currency transfers from others to you, and you can also transfer the digital currency you own to others. Generally speaking, it can be understood as being used to store and trade digital currencies.

2. The structure of digital currency wallet
1. Address:
The wallet address is a string of characters used to transfer money. The wallet address can be understood as a bank card number. Tell anyone that anyone who knows your wallet address can transfer digital currency to your wallet address. Different digital currency addresses are also different. For example, the addresses of EOS and BTC are different.
2. Private key
The private key is a random number generated by the system through a cryptographic algorithm based on the random factors in the user environment. It can be thought of as a bank card password. For each transaction, the payer must issue a private key and the signature generated by the private key.
3. Public key
The public key is generated from the private key and appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address and is mainly used to generate the address.
4. Password
When creating a wallet, you need to set a password. The main uses of the password are: 1. The payment password when transferring money; 2. The password needs to be verified when importing the wallet. Passwords are actively set by users, but are much less secure than private keys. The password mainly plays the role of double protection.
5. Mnemonic phrase
The mnemonic phrase is another form of private key. Its function is equivalent to the private key. The mnemonic phrase is generally composed of 12-15 or more English words. The mnemonic phrase can be used to find the private key and restore the wallet, so the mnemonic phrase is very important. Most wallets will prompt users to back up the mnemonic phrase in order to restore the wallet.

3. Classification of digital currency wallets
Can be roughly divided into two categories, hot wallets (online wallets) and cold wallets (offline wallets)
(1) Hot wallets:
Also known as online wallet, it includes light wallet and heavy wallet (full node wallet). Wallets that need to be connected to the Internet can directly perform transaction operations.
1. Light wallet:
Does not store the complete blockchain, only saves data related to itself. It is small in size and can be run on mobile phones, computers, web pages, etc.
Advantages and disadvantages: Does not occupy memory, supports a variety of digital assets, good user experience, quick to get started with novices, but transaction verification is slightly slow

2. Heavy wallet (full node wallet)
Maintains all blockchain data, is completely decentralized, and synchronizes all data. It has better privacy and can verify the validity of transaction data locally.
The advantages and disadvantages of hot wallets: better privacy and faster verification of information, but data needs to be synchronized before each use, takes up a lot of hard drive space, and does not support multiple digital currency transactions.
(2) Cold wallet:
A cold wallet is a wallet that is not connected to the Internet, also called an offline wallet; such as professional hardware equipment, or writing the private key (mnemonic phrase) on paper.
1. Hardware wallet
Hardware wallet uses professional hardware to store digital currency, and stores the private key of digital assets in a separate chip, which is isolated from the Internet and can be plugged and played.
2. Paper Wallet
Write the private key on paper and store it, then delete it

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cold Wallet: It is relatively safe, but it is very troublesome to create a wallet and make transactions. It is difficult for novices to operate, and wallet prices are relatively expensive, generally ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of yuan. If you don’t have a large amount of digital assets, you don’t need to consider it.

4. How to choose a digital currency wallet
Light wallets are simpler and more convenient to use, generally support multiple currencies, and are generally suitable for newbies in the currency circle or for transactions and storage. Not a big user. For example, geekwallet
Hardware wallets are not connected to the Internet and are more secure, but the operations are relatively complex and are generally suitable for users with large transactions and storage volumes.

5. Precautions when using digital currency wallets

1. Keep your password well. Once lost, it cannot be retrieved. However, you can reset your password through a mnemonic phrase (provided you keep the mnemonic phrase safely).
2. Keep the private key well. The owner of the private key is the real owner of Bitcoin.
3. Keep the mnemonic phrase well. Once someone else gets the mnemonic phrase, they can transfer all the blockchain assets in the wallet corresponding to the mnemonic phrase.

❾ What is the currency circle ICO?

The currency circle is about the issuance, trading, speculation and all related activities of digital currency (virtual currency), as well as the participating individual users or institutions. Common digital currencies include Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc. Bitcoin is the most heard of here, and many people usually participate in the buying and selling of Bitcoin. Bitcoin was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, with a total number of only 21 million. Its issuance does not rely on any institution. As Bitcoin continues to be mined, the difficulty of generating Bitcoin will increase in the future, and the cost of obtaining Bitcoin may be higher than the price of Bitcoin itself.
The content of this article comes from: China Law Press "Financial Code of the People's Republic of China: Application Edition"

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