币圈控制权之争视频下载 币圈管控

❶ 国美股权之争 始末

黄光裕独资拥有的 Shinning Crown向国美电器发函要求召开股东大会并撤销陈晓、孙一丁的职务。时隔一日,国美董事局就驳回了黄光裕这一要求,并且向香港特别行政区高等法院提起诉讼,控告黄光裕在2008年一月二月前后的违规行为。事情发展至此,“黄陈”两人已正式决裂,再无挽回余地可言。

❷ 如何看待BAT争相限制虚拟货币,与币圈“划清界限”


❸ 独家: 以太币暴跌, 谁之过 !




以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin




❹ 比特币价格突然上涨,骤涨骤跌,你还会相信它吗




❺ 快手抢的快币能换现金吗








❻ 疯狂币圈背后,十万瞬间清零,投资虚拟货币有哪些风险




❼ 股权结构与控制权争夺之间存在怎样的相互影响


❽ 区块链有哪些生态圈

这些现象说明了什么呢,说明区块链这个技术,有着非常大的商业价值,谁都希望能在这片未知的土地上开垦出一片新天地。所以,区块链技术发展到今年呢,已经不仅仅是单纯的底层技术了,而是形成了一套完整的生态系统,下面我们就从“币圈”和“链圈” 两个方面跟大家聊一聊:区块链的生态圈是怎么样的,带大家了解区块链行业的一个全貌。
第一节 币圈
所以呢,正是这样一种模式, 让币圈项目方成为一个离钱最近的地方,他们很容易圈钱,当然也很容易禁不住诱惑,或者蓄谋已久,圈了钱就跑路。项目方发token的详细流程一般是这样的:
比特币挖矿说到底是算力的竞争,谁的算力强大,谁挖到比特币的几率就越大。所以,在整个币圈的商业系统里面,矿机厂商是一个非常不可忽视的存在。我们看一个数据就知道了:2018年胡润百富榜区块链行业里面, 排在首富的就是来自矿机厂商——比特大陆的合伙人,詹克团先生。另外,根据招股书,比特大陆上半年净利润7.43亿美元,同比增涨了近8倍,它一度占据全球比特币矿机70%以上的市场份额,成为矿机行业龙头。不止矿机,比特大陆在矿池(也就是一种合作挖矿的模式)方面依旧占据了近乎垄断的地位:就目前来看,全球前六大矿池算力占79.2%的份额。
其实,早在2012年,美国就宣布要发售一台蝴蝶矿机,但是这个事情后来被很多人认为是一场骗局,因为这个蝴蝶矿机拖了好几年才发售,这几年还让其他国家的矿机研发变得非常惶恐,都在拼命抢时间,某种意义上来说,蝴蝶矿机也算是带动了矿机行业的繁荣。所以呢,到了2013年,矿机就已经进入一个百花争鸣的季节,大量ASIC矿机就被提出来了:或宣布研发,或宣布预售,或以现货形式,出现了:烤猫矿机,鸽子矿机,TMR 矿机,比特儿矿机,兰德矿局,小蜜蜂矿机,阿瓦隆原厂和各种代工,花园矿机,Smart 矿机等等......可能大家没听过这些矿机 ,因为这些基本上都死了,留下来的比特大陆、嘉楠耘智、亿邦股份,成为了矿机巨头。
讲到这里,我们可以发现,无论是项目方、交易所、媒体,还是矿机,可以说是一种 “一荣俱荣一损俱损”的关系。牛市里,项目方拿融资有钱发token,上到交易所,交易所赚到了上币费和交易费,token 身家增加还能让项目方再赚一笔,然后找媒体投放广告,媒体赚到广告费,那么币价高了,矿工热情高涨,矿机也卖得好了。但是到熊市呢,完全
第二节 链圈
提到想象空间,对于链圈来讲,其实主要围绕的就是“区块链+”这个话题:区块链+ 金融、区块链+保险、区块链+农业、区块链+娱乐、区块链+人工智能,区块链+等等任何的行业......说白了就是区块链场景的落地,把这些想象变成现实,就好比把互联网普及到千家万户一样。

❾ 币圈轮回饶过谁
























































❿ 比特币有什么用




2、 2014年1月7日,淘宝发布公告,宣布1月14日起禁售比特币、莱特币等互联网虚拟币等商品。西维吉尼亚州民主党参议员乔·曼钦(JoeManchin)2014年2月26日向美国联邦政府多个监管部门发出公开信,希望有关机构能够就比特币鼓励非法活动和扰乱金融秩序的现状予以重视,并要求能尽快采取行动,以全面封杀该电子货币。

3、 2017年5月12日,全球突发比特币病毒疯狂袭击公共和商业系统事件!全球有接近74个国家受到严重攻击!






❶ The beginning and end of the battle for Gome's equity

The beginning and end of the battle for control of Gome
July 2006
Gome acquired Chen Xiao's "Yongle", and the home appliance industry " The combination of "eldest" and "third" brought Chen Xiao and Huang Guangyu together, with Chen Xiao serving as the president of "New Gome". Huang Guangyu once said publicly that he could never find a more suitable candidate for president.
From the end of 2008 to the beginning of 2009
Huang Guangyu was investigated for economic crimes, and Chen Xiao was pushed to the front desk and began to gain real power. However, due to the uncertainty of Huang Guangyu's case, Chen Xiao himself and the Gome management team still maintain awe of Huang Guangyu.
However, after Huang Guangyu was detained, he issued instructions to Gome's management many times, emphasizing his personal status in Gome and requiring Gome to take measures that would benefit him personally and reduce his guilt and punishment. But the plan was not adopted.
June 2009
Chen Xiao successfully introduced Bain Capital, saving Gome but hurting Huang Guangyu. An insider said that even if there was a conflict between the two at the time, it was not made public. The introduction of Bain was the direct cause of the break between Huang and Chen.
July 2009
Including Chen Xiao, 105 Gome managers received stock options totaling 383 million shares. Huang Guangyu was very dissatisfied with the board of directors after learning about it and asked to cancel the incentive mechanism, but it was not adopted.
May 2010
At the Gome shareholders meeting, Huang Guangyu voted five times in a row to veto the proposal to appoint Zhu Jia, managing director of Bain Investments, and three other people as non-executive directors, but this was rejected by the board of directors. . The conflict has now become public.
On August 4, 2010, Huang Guangyu sent a letter requesting a shareholders’ meeting to remove Chen Xiao and other positions, officially kicking off the battle for control of Gome.
August 2010
Shining Crown, solely owned by Huang Guangyu, sent a letter to Gome requesting to convene a shareholders’ meeting and remove Chen Xiao and Sun Yiding from their positions. One day later, Gome's board of directors rejected Huang Guangyu's request and filed a lawsuit with the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, accusing Huang Guangyu of violating regulations around January and February 2008. Things have developed to this point, and "Huang Chen" and "Huang Chen" have officially broken up, and there is no room for recovery.
September 28, 2010
Gome’s special general meeting of shareholders was held at the Regal Hong Kong Hotel in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
Gome's major shareholder Huang Guangyufang's motion to remove Chen Xiao as chairman of the board of directors was not passed. Huang Guangyu's sister Huang Yanhong and personal lawyer Zou Xiaochun failed to be elected as executive directors. Chen Xiao will continue to be at the helm of Gome.

❷ How do you view BAT’s scramble to restrict virtual currencies and “draw a clear line” with the currency circle?

I think the Internet has increased its supervision of digital currencies. It is understood that whether in WeChat groups or online post bars, there are many various virtual currency businesses such as transaction matching, APP development, and currency issuance. There are even people contracting these businesses, forming a one-stop industry.chain. Another merchant revealed that the leverage ratio for virtual currency-related contract transactions can reach up to 500 times. And blockchain is the latest “industrial revolution”. However, it is undeniable that there are many "smart people" who are crazily engaged in various "illegal money-making" activities under the banner of blockchain.

❸ Exclusive: Who is to blame for the collapse of Ethereum!

In 2017, digital assets seemed to be on the "Renaissance", flying all the way. In addition to Bitcoin (BTC), which has attracted much attention, Litecoin (LTC) and Ethereum (ETH) have also appeared on the celebrity list of the currency circle.

Among them, Litecoin rose from 25 yuan at the beginning of the year to a maximum of 380 yuan, a 15-fold increase, while Ethereum rose from 70 yuan to 2,800 yuan, a 40-fold increase. It has to be said that Ethereum has succeeded Bitcoin to become the asset leader of the new generation.

The only problem is that it has risen too fast. There are no investments in the market that only rise but never fall.

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin

The above is the reason for the price fluctuation of Ethereum (ETH).

In general, there are risks in currency speculation, so investment needs to be cautious. In addition, you must do a background check before investing in an ICO project. Don’t be blinded by the so-called huge returns. This loss is irreversible!

Finally, I hope investors will invest rationally and not let your favorite investment become a speculative product, otherwise it will lose its own value and become worthless. I also hope you will remind investors around you to stay sensible.

❹ The price of Bitcoin suddenly rises, rises and falls suddenly, do you still believe it?

I think the temporary rise does not mean anything. After all, currency speculation is like the stock market, no one can tell for sure.

I have many colleagues who speculate in currencies around me. Some make money and many lose money. Experienced big ups and downs. If your judgment is more accurate and you know how to sell and buy at the right time, you can still make a small living expenses. My colleague who holds Bitcoin probably hasn’t sold it yet. He bought it at a low price, but then it reached a high point and started to fall, so he hasn’t sold it yet.

Whether you believe it or not is really up to you. As long as you don’t indulge in it and delay your business, you can still make some small investments.

❺ Can the Kuai coins grabbed by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash?

Can the Kuai coins grabbed by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash? Can Bitcoins not recognized by the central bank and promoted by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash? History has changed Tell us that the competition in the currency circle is getting more and more intense, and the platform currency is the one that brings the competition consciousness to the extreme. Economic issues in the currency circle, directly use bnb as an example, it has an extremely important historical position. Can the Kuai coins grabbed by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash? Can the Bitcoin that is not recognized by the central bank and promoted by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash? Fetai, a fork of Bitcoin, has often played the role of a last resort for large investors in history, and must have cash supplies. , otherwise it will be mentionedLeave early.

Bitcoin is a virtual currency invented by the maintainers of the Bitcoin protocol. Regardless of whether it is domestic or foreign, except for currency speculators, it is ultimately anchored to real currency. Despite this, bnb is still Bitcoin Value anchoring, in every aspect. Bitcoin-related companies can use BNB to pay. Can the Kuaishou grabbed by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash? Can the Bitcoins that are not recognized by the central bank and promoted by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash? From the current point of view, the coins promoted by Kuaishou cannot be used with BNB. Go and redeem. The promotion cost of the fetai platform is greater than that of the historical bnb, so if you want to obtain the coins issued by the fetai platform, you must exchange it with the historical bnb, or through a series of activities, you can become the founder of fetai in order to receive all the coins given by the platform. currency.

However, Kuaishou has also been curbing the promotion of activities on the fetai platform, but from the perspective of traffic, it is still Kuaishou’s core competitor. In addition to fetai, Kuaishou is also using various methods on other platforms. Charge traffic fees. bnb is mainly distributed from Bitcoin, and the constructive incentives of users are the driving force for its continued development. It’s understandable if you don’t transfer money without an app and can trade. After all, Bitcoin is very convenient, but big players don’t want to transfer money. Bnb can be used to exchange. Even if BNB has less circulation than Bitcoin, big players will never trade casually and will use BnB. Come for cash.

With such demand and motivation, the popularity of bnb is self-evident.

Can Bitcoin be exchanged for cash? History has told us that because of the backing of the blockchain, the development of Bitcoin in the past hundred years has been sufficient to exert its decentralized value anchoring properties. If Bitcoin can really be used in various types of payments, and can even technically replace the country's legal currency, then the growth space of Bitcoin is self-evident. However, with the development of Bitcoin today, except for BTC, its own value is far from being realized. In theory, BTC will get closer and closer to the limit of Bitcoin circulation, become more and more balanced, and will also experience a period of splitting in the entire currency circle.

Before the next split period comes, the value of Bitcoin may be separated from the issue of Bitcoin expansion. This is the key to the development of Bitcoin, and it is also the core point of national prohibition. This possibility cannot be ruled out, but we will not make such a decision.

We will tighten this up in the future. We will also try our best to manage our own finances to avoid encountering a black swan event during the rise of Bitcoin and not being able to take advantage of the bullish situation to make profits. Can the Kuai coins grabbed by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash? Can the Bitcoins that are not recognized by the central bank and promoted by Kuaishou be exchanged for cash? For Kuaishou, people who don’t understand it have no idea about mainstream Bitcoins such as btc, bch, btc2, eth, and eos. Coins need to be improved quickly.

❻ Behind the crazy currency circle, 100,000 yuan was cleared instantly. Where to invest in virtual currency?Some risks

In the crazy currency circle, players are racing against time. Some people have doubled their principal a hundred times, while others have experienced their wealth being wiped out instantly. This week, the currency circle has experienced a bloody storm. According to CoinGecko data, cryptocurrencies lost more than $600 billion in the previous week. Thrilling plots are staged every night, and many people wake up with their accounts cleared.

What are the risks of virtual currencies?

Let’s take Btc as an example. Don’t always think about this thing. It must have a very bright future. We must also see the risks. In other words, we must look at anything. We have to look at it the other way around, we have to look at this thing from the perspective of dialectical materialism. If there is one person who controls more than 50% of the computing power, then this thing is actually already It is a centralized product, but in reality, whether this situation will occur, or in which direction this thing will develop after it occurs, this thing itself is full of unknowns, so since it is unknown, It is the risk itself, so when we do anything, we must see both the good side and the risk. See the bad side of him.

❼ What is the interaction between equity structure and control rights competition?

Company control rights competition is a method of transferring corporate control rights in the corporate control rights market, which refers to various Various strategies and behaviors adopted by different management groups to seize decision-making control of a company. Operators who have control over a company can directly or indirectly obtain benefits in various monetary forms, mainly including "shared benefits from control" and "private benefits from control". The former refers to the increase in company value due to the improvement of corporate management and supervision by major shareholders, while the latter refers to the use of control rights by major shareholders to seize corporate profits. A 1999 World Bank report pointed out that the transfer of corporate control rights increases the value of shareholders' shares, and achieves the rational allocation and effective utilization of assets through the transfer of corporate control rights. The main ways to fight for company control include mergers and acquisitions and agency rights fights. The former is the main way to fight for corporate control. Corporate mergers and acquisitions can be divided into corporate mergers and corporate acquisitions. Company merger refers to an act in which the acquiring company purchases all the equity of the target company through the capital market, causing the target company to lose its legal personality or change its legal entity. Company acquisition refers to the act of the acquiring company acquiring part of the stock of the target company through the capital market to obtain control of the target company. A proxy fight is an act in which dissenting shareholders collect proxy voting rights through the capital market to gain control of the shareholders' meeting. The entrustment of shareholders' rights is the basis for the existence of proxy contests. Shareholders' voting rights can be entrusted to other shareholders, creating competition for entrusted voting rights. Controlling the entrusted voting rights can control the shareholders' meeting, and then control the board of directors and control the company.
In fact, we can choose to start our own business. I think Tencent Maker Space is a good platform.

❽What ecosystem does blockchain have?

The development of cryptocurrency to this day has made “blockchain technology” popular, and the development of blockchain technology has become what everyone expects. In our country, both giant companies such as BATJ (Network, Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com) and "new emerging" companies such as Didi and OFO are actively exploring blockchain technology. Throughout the world, Walmart, Mastercard,
IBM, and giant automobile manufacturers are all trying to use blockchain technology to solve industry pain points. In addition, there are companies such as Japan's Kodak that are in decline and hope to fight a "turnaround" through blockchain.
What do these phenomena indicate? It shows that the blockchain technology has great commercial value, and everyone hopes to open up a new world in this unknown land. Therefore, with the development of blockchain technology this year, it is no longer just a simple underlying technology, but has formed a complete ecosystem. Below we will tell you about it from the two aspects of "currency circle" and "chain circle" Let’s talk about: What is the blockchain ecosystem like? Let’s take you to understand the whole picture of the blockchain industry.
Section 1: Currency Circle
In the currency circle, these terms are always important: project parties, exchanges, media, and mining machine manufacturers. Next, let’s take a detailed inventory of how Something happened.
1. Project Party
The project party in the currency circle can be understood this way: anyone who issues tokens is the project party. Note, it is a currency circle. There are also some project parties that do not issue coins, such as Alibaba, Tencent, and NetEase, which are also working on blockchain projects. They do not issue coins and only focus on technology. What about these project parties that do not issue coins? It mainly focuses on the role of blockchain in data security and supply chain, which we will mention later.
Going back to the topic of project parties in the currency circle, for example, the recently controversial Elastos and the previous TRON are all project parties in the currency circle, as well as the recently popular blockchain games. They also belong to the currency circle project side when it comes to earning tokens in games.
A subversive aspect of the currency circle project is that it combines the project and the token, directly replacing the equity with the token, and the token can be directly circulated. This is a very revolutionary feature that allows many initial projects to more easily raise funds. After financing, the feedback tokens can be circulated on digital currency trading platforms, and investors can also exit well.
This "financing-investment" approach seems to be another way to realize the circulation of equity listings and transactions in disguise.
So, it is this kind of model that makes the currency circle project team the place closest to money. It is easy for them to trap money. Of course, it is also easy for them to be tempted, or have planned for a long time, and run away after trapping money. road. The detailed process for project parties to issue tokens is generally as follows:
The first step is to build a token system, which is similar to making an app application. This is not very complicated because Ethereum is open source. Similar to Android and Applefruit system, developers can develop specific applications on it;
The second step is to write a white paper, which is similar to a business plan. The white paper is similar to a business plan and mainly includes the team situation and technical situation of the project. and other information;
The third step is to find someone to endorse, and find some influential industry figures to promote it;
The fourth step is to start promotion and marketing, find some blockchain media to push soft articles, and attract Cooperation, we will mention this below;
The fifth step is to find financing;
The sixth step is to go to the exchange and the token begins to spread widely.
2. Exchange
After talking about the project side, let’s talk about the exchange. If the project party is a producer, then the things they produce must be sold and traded, right? The exchange is a trading place for project party tokens. If the project team's token is similar to a stock, then the exchange in the currency circle is similar to the secondary market of the stock market. It’s just that exchanges in the currency circle have more power. They have the right to review currency listings and can decide to list or delist currencies.
Of course, if the project team wants to list the currency, it has to pay a huge fee to the exchange for listing the currency. When investors trade in the exchange, they also need to pay handling fees or withdrawal fees. Each exchange has handling fee and withdrawal fee rules. Not all the same. In fact, listing fees, handling fees, and withdrawal fees constitute the profit model of cryptocurrency exchanges. Of course, in addition to these three profit models, the exchange’s profit models also include: “market maker” business to earn price differences, That is, the exchange creates liquidity through continuous buying and selling, acts as a market maker, and earns business spreads at the same time.
Currently, due to the increasingly fierce competition in the industry, listing fees and handling fees will become less and less, or even unnecessary, so regular profits will account for less and less, and other profits will appear. Model, for example: platform currency, leverage fee. Let’s talk about the platform currency first. Platform coins are coins issued by exchanges: OKB and Binance Coin are platform coins. These platform coins issued by exchanges can be exchanged for BTC and ETH. At the same time, the increase in the value of the platform coins themselves can lay a solid foundation for the development of the exchange. For users, holding platform currency can enjoy benefits such as handling fee discounts, platform dividends, and special activities of the exchange. This is the platform currency. The leverage fee is the currency financing function on the platform, which supports margin trading and charges a certain percentage of handling fees to currency financing users.
The above mentioned are actually ecosystems built through the exchange’s own resource output. Now, exchanges are actively deploying the entire industry to obtain income, such as establishing capital, mining pools, wallets, incubators, engineering academies, funds, etc. We believe that if the exchange wants to develop in the long term, it must deploy the entire industry chain, find new hot spots in the industry, and build a complete ecosystem. Therefore, it must increase the proportion of strategic profits.
3. Blockchain media
In the past two years when blockchain has become popular, not only have there been many project parties, but also media have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Currently, more thanThere are about 200 well-known blockchain media outlets. The content on the blockchain media platform probably revolves around the following points: policies, hackers, exchanges, bosses, and project parties. In addition to text, the operation method of blockchain media also includes community activities, such as inviting “big guys” to join the group to share. In this way, high-quality content can be accumulated and some traffic can be earned at the same time.
Why must we mention blockchain media? It’s because there are actually some differences between blockchain media and the media in our impressions. What's the difference? The difference is that there are some interests between the blockchain media and the project parties and exchanges mentioned above. We just said that the project party is like a "producer" and the exchange is like a "sales market". Then, the role played by the media is like an "advertising platform". If a project wants to sell well, it needs publicity and advertising, so blockchain media plays such a role. Therefore, the investors of some blockchain media are now project parties and exchanges.
The recent period has been a bear market, and many blockchain media have laid off large-scale layoffs. The reason is simply a shortage of projects and insufficient funds. Therefore, if blockchain media simply relies on investment from project parties and exchanges, as well as advertising revenue, it is actually far from enough. When the bear market comes and project parties and exchanges are affected, then the media will inevitably face a very serious situation. Brutal winter. Therefore, many blockchain media are now also issuing tokens to project parties (the most typical ones are content communities such as Bihu and Biche, which both belong to a media platform and issue tokens to project parties), or some Blockchain media is doing business such as wallets and selling mining machines and renting computing power.
However, we believe that blockchain media, as a media, still plays a role in guiding public opinion after all. Therefore, it is still necessary to return to the essence and be a place to transmit industry value information, rather than a place to pile up advertisements. Therefore, blockchain media should still keep up with the development of technology to achieve its own survival and development, relying on the advantages of blockchain technology and based on the consensus mechanism in the token system to achieve a reasonable distribution of interests in the media industry. In this aspect, there may be some room for imagination.
4. Mining machine manufacturers
Bitcoin mining is ultimately a competition for computing power. Whoever has stronger computing power has a greater chance of mining Bitcoin. Therefore, in the entire business system of the currency circle, mining machine manufacturers are an existence that cannot be ignored. Let’s look at a piece of data and we’ll know: In the blockchain industry on the Hurun Report 2018, the richest person is Mr. Zhan Ketuan, a partner from the mining machine manufacturer Bitmain. In addition, according to the prospectus, Bitmain’s net profit in the first half of the year was US$743 million, an increase of nearly 8 times year-on-year. It once occupied more than 70% of the global Bitcoin mining machine market share and became the leader in the mining machine industry. Not only mining machines, Bitmain still occupies a near-monopoly position in mining pools (that is, a cooperative mining model): as of now, the top six mining pools in the world account for 50% of the computing power.79.2% share.
Another company that researches mining machine chips - "Canaan", after inventing China's first Bitcoin mining machine, began to engage in research on chips in the fields of blockchain and artificial intelligence. In just a few years In 2006, it also became an internationally renowned chip company.
In fact, as early as 2012, the United States announced that it would release a butterfly mining machine. However, this matter was later considered by many people to be a scam, because the butterfly mining machine was delayed for several years before being released. In the past few years, It has also made the research and development of mining machines in other countries very frightened, and they are all scrambling for time. In a sense, the butterfly mining machine can be regarded as driving the prosperity of the mining machine industry. So, by 2013, mining machines have entered a season of blooming, and a large number of ASIC mining machines have been proposed: either announced research and development, or announced pre-sale, or in the form of spot goods, appeared: Roast Cat Mining Machine, Pigeon mining machine, TMR mining machine, Biter mining machine, Rand Mining Bureau, Little Bee mining machine, Avalon original factory and various OEMs, Garden mining machine, Smart mining machine, etc... maybe Everyone has never heard of these mining machines, because they are basically dead. The remaining ones, Bitmain, Canaan, and Yibang, have become mining machine giants.
However, as a derivative industry under the prosperity of the cryptocurrency market, the price of mining machines is closely related to the cryptocurrency market: in the bull market, mining machines are often in short supply, and miners pay several times higher prices to buy from "scalpers" It is not uncommon to buy mining machines. At this time, mining machine manufacturers have entered a bonus period. But in a bear market, mining machine manufacturers will also be affected by some adverse effects. Miners' enthusiasm for mining wanes, and some manufacturers have to lower the price of mining machines to recover costs. For example, when Bitcoin plummeted in March this year, a certain model of mining machine sold by Huaqiangbei was sold at a price reduction of 5,000 yuan. The price dropped from about 19,000 yuan per unit to
14,000 yuan.
At this point, we can find that whether it is the project party, the exchange, the media, or the mining machine, it can be said to be a relationship of "one prospers, one loses, and both suffer". In the bull market, the project party gets financing to issue tokens, and then goes to the exchange. The exchange earns the token listing fees and transaction fees. The increase in the token net worth can also allow the project party to make another profit, and then find the media to advertise, and the media earns Advertising fees, then the currency price will be high, the enthusiasm of miners will be high, and the mining machines will be sold well. But in the bear market, it is completely the opposite sign. Everyone is facing a cold winter, so this is a relationship of "one prosperes, one loses, and both suffer".
The currency circle is introduced here first, let’s introduce the chain circle next.
Section 2 Chain Circle
Chain circle refers to the circle that focuses on blockchain technology. Compared with the currency circle, the chain circle is quite low-key. However, without the technical support of the chain circle, the currency circle cannot exist. Therefore, the chain circle is often ignored, but in fact it is very important. The implementation of future blockchain scenarios will also rely on the technology of the chain circle as a support.
At present, the chain circle project mainlyIt focuses on the aspect of data security in the supply chain. We mentioned at the beginning that Wal-Mart, Mastercard, IBM, and those giant automobile manufacturers are trying to use blockchain technology to solve some industry pain points involving data security, such as: the circulation safety of fresh food, vaccines Security, transaction data security, copyright protection, etc.
In terms of supply chain, the most typical example is the express delivery industry. SF Express is currently trying to use blockchain technology to solve pharmaceutical logistics safety. In addition, Alibaba is actively deploying blockchain in Xiongan New Area; Tencent, Internet, NetEase, and JD.com have developed a number of online games based on blockchain. Although these projects are not yet very mature, they have enriched the blockchain The business model provides some relatively broad imagination space.
When it comes to imagination, for the blockchain community, it actually mainly revolves around the topic of "Blockchain+": Blockchain+Finance, Blockchain+Insurance, Blockchain+Agriculture, Blockchain + entertainment, blockchain + artificial intelligence, blockchain + and any other industry... To put it bluntly, it is the implementation of blockchain scenarios. Turning these imaginations into reality is like spreading the Internet to thousands of households. The same as the household.
Blockchain, the underlying technology, was actually a currency system at first, serving Bitcoin. However, as it develops today, this technology has evolved into an idea of ​​change and innovation. Or methods, these ideas and methods are indeed solutions to some pain points in the current Internet era.

❾ Who will be spared in the reincarnation of coins

In the past, when Cao concealed the truth from his prime minister, he deceived his widow and orphan. Unexpectedly, more than forty years later, widows and orphans would also be bullied.

In 196 AD, the world was in chaos, but in this year, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty ended his wandering life and was welcomed to Xuchang by Cao Cao.

From then on, the Cao family built a house belonging to Cao Wei on the land of the Han Dynasty openly and honestly, although Han's name was on the property certificate.

24 years later, Cao Pi forced Emperor Xian Liu Xie to abdicate. The Cao family officially changed the name on the real estate certificate to Wei.

It was not until forty years later that a man named Sima Yi began to emerge on the imperial stage. So Wei was changed to Jin.

But brick by brick it was still built by the man named Cao Cao.

However, history is always surprisingly similar. When the clouds of the past dissipate, what is left to today's people may be the next reincarnation.

In 2008, a man named Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin. Since then, there has been no trace, leaving only an operations team.

In 2017, Bitcoin mining pool owners began to master a large amount of computing power, so different voices began to appear towards Bitcoin.

The man who controlled 52% of the computing power decided to create his own Bitcoin, called BCH.

On the Bitcoin network, we are doing real Bitcoin.

Less than a year, a person who claims to be "Satoshi Nakamoto" decided to make a real BCH.

This is where the story begins??

In August 2018, Bitcoin Cash had differences of opinion on the November BCH upgrade. In the constant debate, it gradually divided into two factions:< br>
BitcoinABC and Bitcoin Cash Satoshi Vision (SV)

BitcoinABC is the team behind the original Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash forks, supported by Jihan Wu and Bitmain.

They have completed modifications to the current BCH code and plan a hard fork on November 15, 2018.

BitcoinABC updates include:

A new opcode OP_CHECKDATASIG that optimizes the BCH scripting language and allows verification of information from outside the blockchain. This facilitates the application of oracles and cross-chain atomic contracts.

Standardized transaction ordering, which is the technical basis for large-scale expansion in the future.

Other technical fixes and improvements.

However, on the other hand, Calvin Ayre and "Australian Satoshi" Craig Wright also announced their plans, Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision ( BCHSV). The BCHSV version will not support BitcoinABC’s planned modifications and the block size will be 128MB. They said last week:

We will not support the following updates, nor will we dedicate computing power to run software that accepts the following updates:


2. Canonical transaction ordering (The original topological sorting may hinder expansion, we will study it in depth)

However, in these fork disputes,

Bitcoin supporter Craig Wright is the technology The man behind the debate.

CraigWright's Coingeek is currently the BCH mining pool with the highest computing power, with an average computing power of 35.7% in the past three days.

The computing power of Bitmain’s two mining pools BTC.com and Antpool reached about 18%. Counting ViaBTC and BTC.top, their computing power has almost reached 35%.

Judging from the financial data previously released by Bitmain for its IPO, Bitmain holds a total of 1,021,316 BCH.

There is a very embarrassing situation there. The currency is in one's own hands, but the computing power is in the hands of others.

I wonder if this situation is a kind of irony for the mining bully?

BCHThe birth of

The curtain on the rampant fork currency last year was kicked off by Wu Jihan, Jiang Zhuoer and other large mining bosses.

At that time, BCH was still called BCC. At that time, everyone was more reserved about cutting leeks and did not dare to blatantly do so. Mainly because I'm afraid of being scolded. So Wu Jihan tricked a young man into taking the lead. This person is Yang Haibo.

Yang Haibo was also afraid of being scolded, so he added an eda system to BCC (that is, you can produce blocks by yourself without anyone mining). He also said that BCC is just a test product and will develop together with BTC.

At that time, no one recognized any forked coins. Miners and large investors all replaced BCC with BTC, turning BCC into a mess.

The three people were anxious, so they thought of a way to pull the offer on Jubi.com, where BCC cannot be deposited or withdrawn, so as to increase the price of BCC, and then attract miners to mine BCC, resulting in insufficient computing power of BTC and unable to withdraw money. block, and at the same time, Wu did not record transactions when Bitcoin produced blocks and made empty blocks.

At the same time, the three people spoke out together, criticizing btc for being slow in transfers and rubbish, and bcc will replace bcc. Who knows, after the majority of miners dug up BCC, they all dumped BCC and replaced it with BTC, causing the price of BCC to fall and BTC to rise.

The three of them became furious and cursed online. In order to protect itself, bcc implemented the EDA model, which resulted in the extremely unstable block generation of bcc. In less than two months, Wu Hejiang could only contact a useless code farmer "Chang Yong" to hard fork bcc to remove the EDA system. .

In the past few days when bch removed eda, it was when Wu Jihan smashed btc and pulled bch, so bch rose extremely exaggeratedly from 0.05btc to 0.46btc in three days, an increase of 8 times. many. At this time, Wu Jihan's team began to feel proud. Wu Jihan also said smugly on Twitter, "We are all friends and we will develop together." Jiang Zhuoer and the losers also began to say: "This is the market's support for bch." , those who talk about controlling the market are all conspiracy theories."

Just when everyone thought that bch was going to continue to rise, these big investors started to ship, and bch was smashed, from 0.46 to 0.15. A large number of investors were harvested, and Wu Jihan The main battlefield of the market pull, South Korean exchange bithumb also suddenly suspended trading, allowing these large investors to cash out and run away.

Then the coins that forked Bitcoin began to slowly come out. Each one is larger than one block.

When did the grudge end?

Since the Australian Satoshi Nakamoto revealed that he is Satoshi Nakamoto on social networking sites, negative news has been spread many times.

The latest one is on February 27, 2018. The "fake Satoshi" was accused of defrauding a computer security expert of $5 billion worth of digital currencies and other assets.

But this "Satoshi Nakamoto" seems to be unable to effectively prove his identity, although Jiang Zhuoer wasThe identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has been fought for many times.

While Australian Satoshi Nakamoto was campaigning for BCH everywhere, Wu Jihan publicly said: "CSW did not support BCH earlier, but he suddenly supported it strongly. CSW has a long history."

This attitude is really thought-provoking, but we don’t know what’s going on.

Forking is a clever move?

Most people think that maybe the BCH fork is not a bad thing. At least it can prove that the BCH community is free and decentralized.

But for the real development of the blockchain, this kind of disorderly and chaotic forks is obviously not a good thing.

The real blockchain consensus should be established under orderly rules.

In an obvious battle for the right to speak, if the BCH fork succeeds, it will be a big crisis for Bitmain. After all, it is now at a critical moment for the IPO of Bitmain. .

Relatively speaking, if the Australian Satoshi Nakamoto fails to fork, it actually doesn’t matter. It is just adding another piece of black material to his own, and obviously, the Australian Satoshi Nakamoto has nothing to do with it. Don't care.

❿ What are the uses of Bitcoin?

Bitcoin can be used to cash in and can be exchanged for the currencies of most countries. Users can use Bitcoin to purchase some virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment, etc. in online games. As long as someone accepts it, Bitcoin can also be used to purchase items in real life.

Bitcoin is a P2P form of digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.

1. Bitcoin (Bitcoin: Bitcoin) was originally an online virtual currency that can be used to purchase items in real life. It is characterized by being decentralized, anonymous, and can only be used in the digital world. It does not belong to any country or financial institution, and is not subject to geographical restrictions. It can be exchanged anywhere in the world, and therefore is used as a money laundering tool by some criminals. .

2. On January 7, 2014, Taobao issued an announcement announcing that it would ban the sale of Internet virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin from January 14. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia issued an open letter to multiple regulatory agencies of the U.S. federal government on February 26, 2014, hoping that relevant agencies would pay attention to the fact that Bitcoin encourages illegal activities and disrupts financial order. , and requested that action be taken as soon as possible to completely ban the electronic currency.

3. On May 12, 2017, a global Bitcoin virus madly attacked public and commercial systems! Nearly 74 countries around the world have been seriously attacked!

4. Starting from August 1, 2017, the global Bitcoin trading platform will suspend deposit and withdrawal services. The Bitcoin China digital asset trading platform will stop new user registrations from September 14th, and digital asset transactions will be flat on September 30th.The station will cease all trading operations.

The concept of Bitcoin (BitCoin) was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto’s ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P form of digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.

(10) Extended reading on the video of the battle for control of the currency circle

Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. Specific algorithms are generated through a large amount of calculations. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors, and uses cryptographic design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation.

The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself ensure that currency value cannot be artificially manipulated by mass production of Bitcoins. Design based on cryptography allows Bitcoin to be transferred or paid only by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that its total quantity is very limited and it is extremely scarce. The currency system had no more than 10.5 million coins in 4 years, after which the total number will be permanently limited to 21 million coins.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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