中信证券 元宇宙 中信元宇宙报告

㈠ 什么是元宇宙股票

1.元宇宙股是指涉及VR / AR设备、游戏等的股票。元宇宙股3月10日,被称为“元宇宙第一股”的roblox上市。上市第一天,公司市值达到450亿美元,较一年前的估值增长了10倍。“超宇宙”的概念也吸引了马化腾、扎克伯格、张一鸣等领导人来争夺布局。Facebook曾斥资20亿美元收购ocule,将其作为metauniverse的关键入口;字节跳跃计划向元宇宙和非功能性函数以及元宇宙的布局砸去50亿元。 Metauniverse起源于美国作家Neal Stephenson的假设:在未来,人类可以通过设备和终端,通过连接进入计算机模拟的虚拟三维“现实”,现实世界中的一切都被数字化了。通过数字隔离,人们可以在虚拟世界中做任何现实生活中的事情,虚拟世界的行为也会影响现实世界。 在现实中,游戏构建的虚拟空间可能是进入元世界最快的入口。
苏州证券指出,AR / VR等技术在构建元宇宙的接入渠道方面正变得越来越成熟:AR / VR技术解决了虚拟世界与现实世界之间的交互接入问题。随着技术的成熟,随着价格的降低和市场的普及,AR / VR将变得更容易获得和使用,技术的提高也使得用户体验不断提高,5g,区块链等技术的发展也为构建元宇宙虚拟世界提供了支持。 中信证券提出从两大主线把握投资机会:一是技术层面:现阶段,技术层面与元宇宙之间仍存在差距,将带动一系列技术层面的投资机会,包括基础设施目标、交互设备目标、人工智能目标等;云计算。

㈡ 在「中信证券」工作或实习是一种怎样的体验


中信证券股份有限公司(英文名称:CITIC Securities Company Limited)是中国证监会核准的第一批综合类证券公司之一,前身是中信证券有限责任公司,于1995年10月25日在北京成立,注册资本6,630,467,600元。




㈢ 以商业模式卡位元宇宙发展路径的元宇宙标的是那几家公司


㈣ 元宇宙必须绑定邮箱吗

邮箱服务主要为通知类事件或者找回密码等场景用, 为了和私人邮箱分离开,还是开通了阿里云的企业邮箱,邮箱后缀可以是网站域名。开通企业邮箱一定确保域名解析生效。

㈤ 说说你所理解的元宇宙



元宇宙的八个关键特征:即Identity (身份)、Friends(朋友)、Immersive(沉浸感)、Low Friction(低延迟)、Variety(多样性)、Anywhere(随地)、Economy(经济)、Civility(文明)。



㈥ 元宇宙怎么注册

(操作环境:iPad2020 15.1 云宇宙v4.10.4)

㈦ 在「中信证券」工作或实习是一种怎样的体验





㈧ 元宇宙真的是下一代互联网吗








㈨ 百度AI开发者大会,将持续探索元宇宙,智能交通将会迎来怎样的重大变革



㈠ What are Metaverse stocks

1. Metaverse stocks refer to stocks involving VR/AR equipment, games, etc. Metaverse Stocks On March 10, Roblox, known as the “first stock in the Metaverse”, went public. On the first day of listing, the company's market value reached US$45 billion, a 10-fold increase from its valuation a year ago. The concept of "super universe" has also attracted leaders such as Ma Huateng, Zuckerberg, and Zhang Yiming to compete for layout. Facebook spent US$2 billion to acquire Ocule as a key entrance to the metauniverse; Byte Jump plans to spend US$5 billion on the metaverse, non-functional functions, and the layout of the metauniverse. Metauniverse originated from the hypothesis of American writer Neal Stephenson: In the future, humans can enter the computer-simulated virtual three-dimensional "reality" through devices and terminals through connections, and everything in the real world has been digitized. Through digital isolation, people can do anything in real life in the virtual world, and actions in the virtual world will also affect the real world. In reality, the virtual space constructed by the game may be the fastest entrance to the metaworld.
2. With the help of the epidemic, the boundaries between games and life are being eliminated. Wherever there are voices, there are rivers and lakes. There are 12 main types of concept stocks in the Yuanverse, namely Shunwang Technology, Baotong Technology, Perfect World, Digital Video, Wanxing Technology, Langte Optics, Crystal Optoelectronics, Guoguang Electric, Quer Shares, Tianshen Entertainment, Super Map Software, Holy Sky Network.
Extended information
Suzhou Securities pointed out that technologies such as AR/VR are becoming more and more mature in building access channels to the metaverse: AR/VR technology solves the interaction between the virtual world and the real world. Enter the problem. As the technology matures, as the price decreases and the market becomes more popular, AR/VR will become easier to obtain and use. The improvement of technology has also led to the continuous improvement of user experience. The development of 5g, blockchain and other technologies has also provided a The Metaverse virtual world provides support. CITIC Securities proposes to seize investment opportunities from two main lines: First, the technical level: At this stage, there is still a gap between the technical level and the Metaverse, which will lead to a series of technical level investment opportunities, including infrastructure targets, interactive equipment targets, artificial intelligence targets, etc. Smart targets and more; cloud computing.

㈡ What is it like to work or intern at "CITIC Securities"?

Working or interning at "CITIC Securities" is a good experience.

CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. (English name: CITIC Securities Company Limited) is one of the first batch of comprehensive securities companies approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Its predecessor was CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. in October 1995. It was established in Beijing on the 25th with a registered capital of 6,630,467,600 yuan.

On August 29, 2019, the Guangdong Enterprise Federation and the Guangdong Entrepreneurs Association jointly announced the 2019 Guangdong EnterprisesOn the list of the top 500 service industries in Guangdong, CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. ranked 62nd; the Guangdong Enterprise Federation and the Guangdong Provincial Entrepreneurs Association jointly announced the list of the top 100 service industries in Guangdong in 2019, and CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. ranked 26th.

On May 28, 2021, CITIC Securities was included in the first batch of "whitelists" of securities companies.

On November 23, 2020, the Guangdong Provincial Communications Administration notified multiple apps of potential data security and infringement of user rights and interests, and issued a "Notice on Disposal of Illegal and Violating Apps" to App operators ”, among which the CITIC Securities APP was required to make corrections within a time limit because “the application integrates multiple third-party SDKs that can collect personal information, but does not clearly state in the privacy policy whether to share information with third parties.”

㈢ Which companies are targeting the Metaverse that are blocking the development path of the Metaverse with their business models

Abstract Recently, the "Metaverse concept" has become popular in the A-share market. The Metaverse concept sector recently launched by Oriental Fortune has shown a surge for four consecutive days. On September 7, the Metaverse concept rose by more than 6%. On the same day, Wanxing Technology, Baotong Technology, Zhongqingbao, Jiachuang Video, Perfect World, SuperMap Software, United Optoelectronics, etc. followed the rise. As of midday on September 8, Wondershare Technology, Perfect World, etc. all maintained gains.

Does the Metaverse have to be bound to an email address?

The email service is mainly used for scenarios such as notification of events or password retrieval. In order to separate it from the personal email, Alibaba Cloud's corporate email is opened at The email suffix can be Website domain name. When opening a corporate email, you must ensure that domain name resolution takes effect.
Extended information: 2021 is called the "first year of the super universe" by the industry. Over the past year, the concept of superuniverses has been very popular. Domestic and foreign companies have begun to pursue concepts related to the Metaverse, especially in Metaverse games. Internet and technology giants such as Facebook, Microsoft, and ByteDance began to make plans through investment and self-research. Analysts said that this Metaverse game is a game supported by blockchain-based technology. It can combine VR, AR, 5G, and cloud computing to create a community ecology and promote economic activities and civilization. At present, Metaverse games are still in the nascent stage of development. The establishment and popularization of related concepts have not yet had a certain impact. The industry’s understanding and recognition of Metaverse games is relatively lacking. VR and AR will be one of the common manifestations of the metaverse. Through virtual reality and visual technology, they improve the feeling of human-computer interaction, enhance the reality of virtual situations, and provide a deeper sense of immersion. However, VR is only one form of expression of metaverse games, and it also requires other underlying technical support, such as blockchain, 5G, AI, etc. A CITIC Securities research report pointed out that the most important difference between Metaverse games and virtual reality games is that Metaverse games establish a community that combines the virtual world with the player community. Players are no longer simple experiencers;members of the community. The deeper the immersion, the stronger the connection to the community. Metaverse games allow user groups to form stable communities. Each player is responsible for creating content for users. In these communities, different users form strong connections by producing content, consuming content, destroying content, etc. User behaviors are no longer separate and independent, the community gives them social meaning, and players have the goal of building a community together.

㈤ Talk about your understanding of the Metaverse

First of all, we need to understand what the concept of the Metaverse is. Metaverse is a collection of virtual time and space. It is a virtual world that is linked and created using scientific and technological means. It maps and interacts with the real world. It is a digital living space with a new social system. So let me talk about what I know about the Metaverse.

1. The origin of the concept of the metaverse.

The eight key features of the Metaverse: Identity, Friends, Immersive, Low Friction, Variety ), Anywhere, Economy, Civility.

Each feature has its own path to achieve. There are three major implementation paths: ①Immersion and superposition. The representative of the immersive path is VR technology; ② Radical and progressive. There have always been two ways to lead to the metaverse: radical and gradual; ③ open and closed. There are also two types of relationships between open and closed paths in the metaverse.

Summary: The above is all my understanding of the Metaverse. In the real world, most of us work and are called laborers. As we enter the Metaverse Era, most people are not working, and a small number of people are doing the work of innovating, creating and commanding robots. Therefore, most people will change from laborers to play workers in the Metaverse Era, and entertain themselves in the Metaverse. play, thereby further generating economic value. This is the logic of capitalization in the metaverse. Therefore, the development of the metaverse is very necessary.

㈥ How to register for Yuan Universe

You can register on the official website, and you can register on the interface with login options.
The Metaverse Game is a very free and classic world of fantasy and miracles. The Metaverse Game is a game with very unique gameplay. In this game, players can experience an unprecedented gaming experience and various cute and interesting gameplay methods. , making the entire game more exciting, mysterious game scenes waiting for you to explore the game experience, the entire game pattern is fully opened, what are you waiting for, join the game quickly and explore the mysterious world.
Extended information
2021 is called the "first year of the super universe" by the industry. Over the past year, the concept of superuniverses has been very popular. Domestic and foreign companies have begun to pursue concepts related to the Metaverse, especially in Metaverse games. Internet and technology giants such as Facebook, Microsoft, ByteDance, etc. have begun to lay out their plans through investment and self-research..
Analysts said that this Metaverse game is a game supported by blockchain-based technology. It can combine VR, AR, 5G, and cloud computing to create a community ecology and promote economic activities and civilization. At present, Metaverse games are still in the nascent stage of development. The establishment and popularization of related concepts have not yet had a certain impact. The industry’s understanding and recognition of Metaverse games is relatively lacking.
VR and AR will be one of the common manifestations of the metaverse. Through virtual reality and visual technology, they improve the feeling of human-computer interaction, enhance the reality of virtual situations, and provide a deeper sense of immersion. However, VR is only one form of expression of metaverse games, and it also requires other underlying technical support, such as blockchain, 5G, AI, etc.
CITIC Securities research report pointed out that the most important difference between Metaverse games and virtual reality games is that Metaverse games have established a community that combines the virtual world with the player community. Players are no longer simply experiencers, but members of the community. The deeper the immersion, the stronger the connection to the community. Metaverse games allow user groups to form stable communities. Each player is responsible for creating content for users. In these communities, different users form strong connections by producing content, consuming content, destroying content, etc. User behaviors are no longer separate and independent, the community gives them social meaning, and players have the goal of building a community together.
(Operating environment: iPad2020 15.1 Cloud Universe v4.10.4)

㈦ What is it like to work or intern at "CITIC Securities"

Very good Experience, after all, CITIC Securities is a very large company with many top talents and you can learn a lot. Many people dream of interning and working in large organizations, so that they can increase their experience and get to know many people. Working as an intern at a large company or platform is not an easy task. You often have to go through many difficulties, and there are very few places. If you have the opportunity to get such an opportunity, don't give it up. Regarding the experience of working or interning at CITIC Securities, I have the following opinions:

1. Being able to have a deep understanding of the content of the work

Interning in such a large unit, the content of daily work They are all very heavy and can make you very experienced in future work, so you can get a very good feeling. An internship is an activity that allows you to experience work in advance and allows you to learn a lot about work. First of all, it will make you realize the content of your work, so that you can work calmly in the future. Remember these work contents, after all, you will be able to solve the difficulties quickly in the future. And you can't just hang around in such a big company, and you will be kicked out if you are not careful.

If you have any opinions about working internship at CITIC Securities, please leave a message in the comment area below.

Is the Metaverse really the next generation of the Internet?

The Metaverse is likely to be the next generation of the Internet.

2At the beginning of 2020, due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia, many people began to work from home. Although we can't meet each other in the physical world, we are more closely connected online, or in the digital world. Thinking back to the invention of television, to computers, to smartphones, we have gradually become less focused on the physical world.

Whether it is work or life, everyone spends more and more time "online". In the future, a highly digital world will appear in the metaverse era, and the dimensional wall between the physical world and the virtual world will be broken. Compared with the current Internet, the Metaverse will allow us to have a more immersive and real "online" experience.

It is a persistent, shared, three-dimensional virtual space. Everyone in the metaverse can enjoy safe and exciting free-solo rock climbing. Everyone can communicate, work, and shop in this world more immersively, and have a high degree of freedom in time and space. The Metaverse is a new digital space that carries humankind’s future lifestyle.

A simpler definition is: the Metaverse is the next generation of the Internet, which is also the third generation of the Internet. Of course, the Metaverse is still in its early stages, and people in technology, business, investment and other industries have different understandings of the Metaverse from their own perspectives.

The metaverse did not appear suddenly. Since the birth of the Internet, the development of network technology and the digitalization of the world have been moving towards the metaverse. Metaverse-related technologies are still in their infancy, so major technology companies are making arrangements in advance.

The reason why major Internet companies are deploying the Metaverse is because the Metaverse is the next generation wave of the Internet.

㈨ Baidu AI Developers Conference will continue to explore the metaverse and what major changes will come to intelligent transportation

The Network AI Developers Conference will continue to explore the metaverse and intelligent transportation. What major changes will transportation usher in? Let's discuss this issue below, hoping that this content can help friends in need.

Previously, research by CITIC Securities pointed out that driverless driving is expected to become a trillion-yuan market and is expected to solve the problem of rising human capital costs and traffic safety. , driver shortage and many other problems, among which the industry market space in the city's opening-up situation is larger. With the continuous improvement of relevant laws and regulations, the continuous technological development of autonomous driving companies themselves, the gradual improvement of the upstream and downstream of the entire industry chain, and the close cooperation between midstream and downstream OEMs and scenario parties, the rate of autonomous driving is likely to accelerate. .

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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