移动合约卡未到期注销怎么处罚的 移动合约卡没到期可以注销吗

⑴ 中国移动注销手机卡,这样违约金是多少

有合约活动的话 需要按合约消费金额X剩余月数X30% 缴纳违约金解除活动 然后只要不欠费就可注销 余额可以转移到其他本地移动号上 现在移动不能三月欠费自己销了 会和联通一样累计欠费记黑名单

⑵ 移动卡在合约期内注销要交违约金吗注销的方法是什么


⑶ 中国移动未到期强制注销手机卡


⑷ 移动合约套餐没到期就取消违约金怎么算











⑸ 我有张合约移动卡一年的,用了4个月没用了今年六月到期才能注销,已欠五百多,不去注销丢卡会有什么后果


⑹ 移动的合约卡没到期可以销户吗






1、 后付费客户办理销户时,应提供有效身份证件(委托他人办理的,代办人应同时提交委托人及本人有效身份证件原件;单位客户办理的,须持单位有效证件及本人有效证件)。

2、 不可办理异地用户销户。如果本人无法办理,可以委托他人代为办理,但需要带齐委托人和被委托人的身份证原件。如果不办理销户而导致号码欠费后停机,号码持有人则被拉入归属地营业厅的黑名单。

3、 协议期内的用户,原则上不可办理销户业务。

4、 用户需结清同一客户下所有用户号码的逾期欠费、当期欠费以及办理业务号码的本月实时话费后才可办理销户业务。

⑺ 移动合约卡未到期就不用了会有什么影响

可能会支付一定的违约金 具体情况需要本人持身份证到营业厅申请办理

⑻ 移动合约套餐没到期就取消违约金怎么算


⑴ How much is the penalty for canceling the mobile phone card of China Mobile?

If there is a contract activity, you need to pay a penalty according to the contract consumption amount You can cancel the balance and transfer it to other local mobile numbers. Now China Mobile cannot cancel it if it is in arrears for three months. It will accumulate arrears and be blacklisted like China Unicom

⑵ If you cancel the mobile card within the contract period, you will have to pay a breach of contract What is the cancellation method for Jinma?

If the mobile phone card of China Mobile cannot be canceled during the contract period, it can only be canceled after the contract expires.

⑶ China Mobile is forced to cancel the mobile phone card before it expires

Summary: Account cancellation is not allowed. China Mobile users cannot cancel their accounts during the contract period. During the contract period (generally for one year), users cannot discard the mobile phone card directly. Otherwise, it will affect their credit standing and result in the inability to apply for China Mobile in the future

⑷ How to calculate the liquidated damages if the mobile contract package is canceled before it expires

Voluntarily give up the discount part of the original package and pay the fee again. The specific implementation shall be in accordance with the liability for breach of contract when signing the contract.

Liquidated damages are also late payment fees. The calculation of the late payment fee for that month is three thousandths of the daily arrears amount.

The calculation of the late payment fee for the next month is that after deducting the contract package fee at the beginning of the next month, the previous arrears amount must be added, multiplied by three thousandths, and multiplied by the number of days. By analogy, the number of months in arrears must be added to the previous amount multiplied by three thousandths multiplied by the number of days.

(4) What are the penalties for canceling a mobile contract card before it expires? Extended reading :


The contract has an agreement and if you cannot be in arrears, it will affect your personal credibility.

1. If the mobile phone number is in arrears for two months, it will be shut down, and if it is shut down for more than three months, it will be canceled.

2. If the owed fees are not paid in full three months after the shutdown, the number will be canceled by the system, and the user will also be blacklisted by China Unicom. Until the owed fees are paid in full All China Unicom services will be restricted and cannot be processed. Including future arrears will be listed as personal credit, future trips to buy tickets or apply for loans will be affected as personal credit evaluation, so users are advised not to default.

3. When the mobile phone number is not in use, you must go through the shutdown or logout service.

4. Before canceling the mobile phone number, you must cancel or change the association between the mobile phone number and third-party applications, such as bank card binding, online account association, financial business payment, etc. < /p>

The contract machine was processed under your identity verification name, and you were blacklisted for violating the agreement. After being blacklisted by China Mobile, if you open a mobile phone number again, you need to make up for the previous arrears, which will also affect your credit rating.

⑹ Can the account be canceled if the mobile contract card has not expired?

It is not possible to cancel the account.

China Mobile users cannot cancel their accounts during the contract period. During the contract period (usually one year), users cannot directly discard the mobile phone card. Otherwise, your credit will be affected and you will be unable to apply for a China Mobile mobile phone card in the future.

Phone users who fail to register with their real names will be suspended or their accounts will be cancelled. From the date of shutdown, the mobile phone card will be canceled after 90 days, which is three months. Therefore, mobile phone users within the contract period need to always use the mobile phone card.

(6) What are the penalties for canceling a mobile contract card before it expires? Further reading:

Rules for account cancellation:

< p>1. Post-paid customers should provide valid identity documents when canceling their accounts (if entrusting others to handle the process, the agent should submit the original valid identity documents of the client and himself/herself at the same time; for corporate customers, the valid identity certificates of the company and himself/herself must be presented) certificate).

2. Account cancellation for users from other places is not allowed. If you are unable to handle it yourself, you can entrust someone else to handle it on your behalf, but you need to bring the original ID cards of both the entruster and the entrusted person. If the account is not canceled and the number is in arrears and then shut down, the number holder will be blacklisted by the local business office.

3. In principle, users within the agreement period are not allowed to cancel their accounts.

4. Users must settle the overdue arrears, current arrears of all user numbers under the same customer, and the real-time phone bills of this month for the business number before they can handle the account cancellation business.

⑺ What will be the impact if the mobile contract card is not used before it expires

A certain amount of liquidated damages may be paid. In specific cases, you need to go to the business office with your ID card to apply


⑻ How to calculate the liquidated damages if the mobile contract package is canceled before it expires

All you have to do is give up the discount part of the original package and pay the fee again. The specific implementation shall be in accordance with the liability for breach of contract when signing the contract.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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