特朗普π币 特朗普btc

『壹』 网传特朗普选举活动涉及洗钱,面对国内如此多的问题,特朗普还能连任么


『贰』 特朗普炮轰选举舞弊没上热搜,结果他坐的儿童款小桌子被网友们恶搞了吗


『叁』 特朗普欲借国情咨文挽回民意做什么










『肆』 特朗普兑现竞选承诺是怎么回事





『伍』 马上要被赶出白宫,特朗普再被曝出猛料:请求中国帮助他再次当选,中国会同意吗



『陆』 美国大选划上了句号,特朗普如何自处


『柒』 特朗普发文称邮寄选票是“骗局”,为何要这么说




『捌』 如何看待媒体报道特朗普有意参选2024年美国总统这件事





4、但是基于我个人的判断,特朗普在2021年1月20号大概率以和平的方式卸任美国总统,2024年的事情谁也说不清楚,但是我认为他大概率不会被共和党提名,所以他想参加2024年美国大选的可能性也很低,当然如果他有兴趣 它可以给共和党的其他总统候选人站台拉选票。


『玖』 特朗普美国大选的最新让步是什么



『拾』 特朗普中期选举演讲是真的吗


『一』 It is rumored on the Internet that Trump’s election activities involved money laundering. Faced with so many problems in the country, can Trump still be re-elected?

It is best for him not to be re-elected, but he will be better It doesn’t matter what you or I say, it doesn’t matter,

『二』Trump’s attack on election fraud did not become a hot search, but the small children’s table he sat on was pranked by netizens


According to US media reports, Trump held another press conference, during which there were many funny things. When a reporter interrupted him, Trump angrily accused the other person of being an impolite person and told The other party, this tone is really bad now. Are you not afraid of death when talking to the current president like this? Maybe these remarks are indeed funny, but what everyone is most interested in is not Trump's arrogance, but the small table in front of Trump. When it was reported by the media, many people said that the focus of this press conference turned out to be a table, during which Trump said that there was definitely something wrong with the US presidential campaign.

Delivering a speech with the theme of "Building a Safe, Strong and Proud America", he hopes to demonstrate his achievements in the first year of his administration and set the tone for the second year. Foreign media analysis said that Trump hopes to use the opportunity of this State of the Union address to regain the trust of voters and pave the way for the Republican midterm elections.

Talk about the infrastructure plan

The White House’s infrastructure plan includes spending at least $200 billion in federal funds over the next 10 years to stimulate states, localities and the private sector With an investment of at least US$800 billion, the entire plan may reach a scale of US$1.7 trillion. Trump is expected to spend some time outlining the trillion-dollar infrastructure plan, which includes rebuilding roads, bridges and transit systems, and calling on members of Congress from both parties to support his plan because he believes it is "broadly bipartisan." s project".

Talk about immigration and border wall issues

Immigration plans are expected to occupy a large proportion in this State of the Union address. Trump will emphasize the importance of immigration reform in his State of the Union address and continue to push for proposals to give "legal status" to 1.8 million undocumented immigrants in exchange for Congress appropriating $25 billion to "build the wall" and border security costs. In addition, Trump will also propose limiting the number of relative immigrants for U.S. citizens and canceling the green card lottery.

The US Chinese website pointed out that the White House wanted to create an emotional atmosphere in the State of the Union address to show that all the current achievements of the Trump administration are because of an "unusual" person like Trump. of president. According to two senior Trump administration officials, the tone of Trump's speech will be "optimistic" and he will point out that he is "very committed" to improving the lives of all people in the United States. Trump will also try to convince the people that he is not taking the United States in the "wrong" direction.

Tuesday’s State of the Union address is expectedIt will also cover issues such as U.S. foreign policy, tax reform, counter-terrorism, and the Korean Peninsula. However, given that Trump often acts out of common sense, it remains to be seen whether he will give an impromptu speech and make another shocking statement.

In November, the United States will hold midterm elections, which are congressional elections held halfway through the presidential term. One-third of the seats in the Senate and all seats in the House of Representatives will be replaced. The results will often change the balance of power in the government. . This will also be Trump's first national performance test after taking office and will become a referendum on his leadership.

Things before the country.

『四』Why did Trump fulfill his campaign promises?

China News Service, January 26 (Xinhua) U.S. President Trump has quickly launched a series of policies since he officially took office on the 20th. A series of new policies have changed many policies during the Obama administration.

Trump has said that after taking office, he will require US military generals to submit a complete action plan against the "Islamic State" extremist organization within 30 days. At the inauguration ceremony, he also said: "We will unite the civilized world to oppose extremist terrorism, and we will completely eradicate it from the face of the earth."

Currently, Trump has not yet proposed how to combat extremism. The specific policies of the “Islamic State”. However, Secretary of Defense Mattis and Secretary of Homeland Security Kelly, who were the first members of the Trump administration to be confirmed by the Senate, are both retired U.S. military generals with tough styles.

Israel's "Haaretz" commented on this, "In terms of national security and foreign affairs, Trump's team is at least hawkish, if not belligerent."

"Wu" is about to be kicked out of the White House, and Trump is exposed again: asking China to help him be re-elected, will China agree?

Trump and his Conflicts have arisen between competitors because the US general election is approaching. In fact, there is a lot of uncertainty about whether he can be elected, because his opponent has clearly stated that if Trump loses the election, he will not take the initiative to withdraw from the White House. The military will be asked to help him evacuate the White House, and even if he asks China for help, it may not be of any use.

In fact, from a personal point of view, I hope to help him, but from another perspective, I hope to help him, because now you know what Trump is Like, an administrative style, but if you suddenly change it, you won’t know. If you suddenly change a president, you have no idea what he wants to do and what his real goal is, but now you know Trump quite well. , we know quite clearly what he wants to do.

『Lu』 The U.S. election has come to an end, how does Trump deal with himself

The tumultuous U.S. election has finally come to an end, but Trump is still pretending Silly, he is unwilling to admit the fact that he has failed. According to the Global Times, U.S. President Trump congratulated Americans at a press conference on Tuesday because he felt that the epidemic this time can be controlled and that the vaccine is early. There it isRapid development, and at the same time, he also boasted that the 30,000-point explosion of Dow Jones was due to his own contribution. After saying these words, Trump did not communicate with anyone or answer reporters’ questions, and left directly. The entire press conference lasted only two minutes, which was also the shortest press conference held by Trump since he took office.

『撒』 Trump issued an article calling mail-in voting a "scam", why did he say that?

Trump issued an article calling mail-in voting a "scam" ", why do you say that?

Some netizens believe that Twitter attached a disclaimer to US President Trump’s tweet criticizing Democrats for promoting mail-in voting, saying that the tweet violated Twitter’s “ Citizenship and Electoral Fairness” rules, and they have confirmed that they will not change this statement, which also illustrates certain problems.

There should be a complicated procedure for voting in this way. Both Trump and Biden are facing the same problem. Now Mr. Trump has been infected with the new coronavirus, so under the current situation, everything is unknown. As ordinary people, we can only wait and see what happens. Do you think the mail-in ballot method is reliable?

『8』How do you view media reports that Trump intends to run for President of the United States in 2024?

I have the following views on this matter:

1. Trump has not yet admitted that he lost the election. In a social media message posted not long ago, he seemed to be full of confidence in his re-election. He said that something big might happen in the near future. Therefore, his focus at the moment should be on how to achieve re-election, not on how to plan to continue to participate in the US presidential election in 2024.

The reason is very simple. Once Trump plans to participate in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, it already shows that Trump will take the initiative to admit defeat in the showdown with Biden. Therefore, I personally think that it is unlikely that Trump would intend to run for the 2024 US presidential election. At least at this stage, it is not something he should consider.

Trump and Pompeo seem to be full of expectations for both being re-elected

4. But based on my personal judgment, Trump will There is a high probability that he will step down as President of the United States in a peaceful way on January 20. No one can say what will happen in 2024, but I think there is a high probability that he will not be nominated by the Republican Party, so the possibility that he will participate in the 2024 US election is also very low. , of course, if he's interested it could give other Republican presidential candidates a leg up.

(Yan Zi has a point of view)

『Nine』What is Trump’s latest concession in the US election?

According to the latest news from foreign media, Trump is accepting When reporters asked questions, he made his latest concession remarks on the US election. Reporter asks: If the Electoral College votes for Biden, will you leave the White House?? Trump replied: Of course I will leave the White House, but I think a lot will happen between now and January 20 next year. Since the U.S. election, Biden and Trump have captured the world's attention. The period was so touching that people didn't know who was going to win. Starting from the end of the U.S. election on November 7, Biden was elected to the new term the next day. The President of the United States, Trump, has always refused to acknowledge Biden's victory. He first tweeted acknowledging his victory and then questioned election corruption. Biden, on the other hand, revoked Trump's policies on his first day in office. It can be said that the two sides are really at odds. It's you and me, water and fire are incompatible, and the battle is fierce.

Perhaps Trump is confident, and he still has one last "big trick". In American history, presidents have always issued frequent pardons before leaving office to exercise the power that belongs to the president. Last right. On November 25, Trump pardoned a former national security adviser on his team. With the power of pardon in his hand, will he also leave a pardon order for himself, his family, and those who follow him? Thinking about it this way, under the power, he may have the confidence.

『Shi』Is Trump’s midterm election speech true?

Half-truth and half-false...
It’s all lies, it’s definitely not true It works.
However, it is impossible to tell the whole truth.
So, it can only be half-truth and half-falsehood. This is in line with objective reality.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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