币圈大神都在哪里 币圈大佬app

Ⅰ 车库咖啡币圈都有哪些大佬


Ⅱ 恳求个位币圈大佬推荐好有安全的比特币钱包,,,


Ⅲ 币圈的项目方怎么找


Ⅳ 想找些币圈直播平台,求推荐啊


Ⅳ 币圈客户在哪里找


Ⅵ 90后“币圈大佬”孙宇晨到底是什么来头

Ⅶ 如何识别山寨币、空气币和传销币
























Ⅷ 有没有币圈大神在哪里学习呢 怎么区分哪些货币能做哪些不能做 什么模式的好呢


Ⅸ GOKO交易所谁哪个币圈大佬投资的


Ⅹ 想知道币圈大佬都在哪些平台看比特币价格行情


Ⅰ Who are the big guys in the garage coffee currency circle?

Bao Erye’s real name is Guo Hongcai, the leader of the garage coffee currency circle. He also led a large number of Internet entrepreneurs from Zhongguancun to enter In 2012 and 2013, Mr. Bao, a mentor in the currency circle, drank entrepreneurial coffee in the garage every day in Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship Street to prepare for his own business. At that time, he gathered Li Lin, Xu Mingxing, Li Xiaolai, Cai Wensheng, Xue Manzi, Zhao Dong, Du Jun, Ji Xiaowu, Ling Lianwei, Hu Zhensheng, Liu Hui, Fan Tianjiang, Zhao Guofeng, Peng Song, Shen Dahai, Tian Jia, Duan Lijun, etc. are actually a group of people. Behind them are Liu Song, CTO of YOU+, Wu Xing, CEO of Youcai.com, Zhao Changyu, investment VP of Tiantiantou, and Liu Junyan, CEO of Huanxin Cloud, all of whom entered the currency circle in 2017 under the leadership of Mr. Bao. Today has become a legend.

Ⅱ Please recommend a good and safe Bitcoin wallet to the big guys in the cryptocurrency circle,,,,,,

You can see it and use it if you log in on Huobi.com

< p>Ⅲ How to find project parties in the currency circle

Generally, you can find them in the project group.
The new project group of the currency circle will often send out the address of the latest launched currency. The online platform is mainly in the early days of the currency circle. Everyone knows that the new currency fluctuates greatly, so it is suitable for small players.

Ⅳ I want to find some currency circle live broadcast platforms, please recommend me

Go to the BiXiaobai platform. Their platform contains a large number of currency circle media, and there must be live broadcast media


IV Where to find customers in the currency circle

You can find customers through blockchain currency groups, communities, public accounts, currency speculation websites, etc.
The currency circle is a term or concept in the blockchain industry. It is a circle formed by a group of people who pay attention to virtual encrypted digital currencies or issue their own digital currencies to raise funds. Among them, Bitcoin is an important part of the currency circle. A virtual encrypted digital currency.
According to different types of cryptocurrencies, the currency circle is mainly divided into three types:
First of all, Bitcoin is the first blockchain.
Secondly, after Bitcoin, many new blockchains were created - these blockchains are called altcoins. NEO, Litecoin, and Cardano are solid examples of altcoins.
The third major type of cryptocurrency. Examples of these include Civic (CVC), BitDegree (BDG), and WePower (WPR). In addition to the above, the cryptocurrencies that the currency circle focuses on also include some of the world’s top cryptocurrencies.

Ⅵ What is the origin of Sun Yuchen, the "coin boss" born in the 1990s?

Ⅶ How to identify altcoins, air coins and MLM coins

How to identify altcoins, air coins and MLM coins? With the popularity of digital currency, a trend of investing in digital currency has been sought after by people. However, many altcoins, forked coins, etc. have been spawned during the heat wave. So, as an ordinary player in the currency circle, how to identify altcoins and fake coins? What about coins and MLM coins?

Teach you to identify what altcoins and shorts areQi coins and MLM coins?

1. Altcoins

As Bitcoin is hyped, China’s domestic virtual currencies have become popular. They are collectively called “altcoins” in the industry, with more than 30 types. Such as infinite coins, quark coins, zeta coins, red coins, invisible gold bars, etc. After some currencies were launched on the market, the trading prices fluctuated, attracting many speculators to participate in transactions. It is not easy to find a high-quality altcoin with good reputation. The altcoins with good reputation in the international market include Litecoin LTC, Future Coin NXT, Infinity Coin IFC, Prime Coin XPM, MEC Coin, Molecular Coin MOL, Apple Coin APCCOIN, and Sunshine Coin. coin ssc. These currencies have high mining quality and strong resilience in the trading market.

Compared with the popularity of virtual currency, its supervision may be blank, which also makes the industry express concerns about the development of the industry. For those involved, the biggest risk is that no one takes over.

From the perspective of domestic "altcoins", there are very few people who actually make money through mining. Most people speculate in transactions: buying at low prices and selling at high prices.

And if there is no taker, the "altcoin" will collapse soon.

2. Air coins

In June 2017, a group of domestic speculators’ air coins began to enter the market. The typical feature of these companies is that the team backgrounds look relatively gorgeous, but they do not have any past historical achievements, let alone checking the project code progress on GitHub. The teams only came into contact with the blockchain in 2017.

They didn’t even set up a company. They mainly relied on packaging a good concept that blockchain is omnipotent to deceive laymen into crowdfunding investments. The color of speculation is particularly obvious. However, benefiting from market dividends, these coins have appreciated more than 5 times.

However, just a few months later, these frothy air coins were exposed as frauds and were exposed by media reports. These companies became the hardest hit area for regulatory governance.

A friend in the currency circle once told me how they felt after issuing coins: Now all the money is blown by the strong wind, so you can spend it as you like.

3. MLM coins

MLM coins are undoubtedly air coins, but when it comes to MLM coins, let’s make a comparison first. Bitcoin is open source and limited in quantity. There are 21 million coins in total, and every Bitcoin generated is transparent and free from any manipulation.

The source code of "MLM coins" is not open, and the speed and quantity of coins generated are controlled by the company or the platform. As long as the platform developer is willing, "MLM coins" can be issued unlimitedly.

You can understand MLM coins as various digital currencies similar to Q coins, which do not use any blockchain technology at all. As long as Tencent is willing, it can distribute it unlimitedly. Therefore its future value is almost zero.

How to avoid being a leek

1. There is no substantive content in the white paper, and keywords with no substantive meaning are frequently used: transparency, trustlessness, and decentralization! There is also the supervision of funds in the white paper.The format and project schedule are not clear, so be careful!

2. Make the project look huge and lavish, with no obvious profit model and commercial value, and take a detour.

3. All the energy is put into promotion. There is no innovation in the code, and no solid innovative technology can be seen. It is basically broken.

4. The team information is not transparent, the team is over-packaged, and the team is advertised as all foreign senior programmers, and then it is found by a few big names in the currency circle, or celebrity influencers. Such projects should be cautious.

5. Whether a project is reliable or not can also be judged from the choice of consensus algorithm, PoW, PoS, PDBFT, DPOS, DAG??, here is the most painful step for Aircoin altcoins to reach this stage. The most difficult thing to write is basically just making up nonsense.

The above is how to identify altcoins, air coins and MLM coins. Regarding digital currency investment, I would like to remind everyone that buying is risky and investment needs to be cautious.

Ⅷ Is there any master in the currency circle who can learn from it? How to distinguish which currencies can be used and which cannot be used?

The answer is all about the foreign exchange market, people clearly say It's cryptocurrency. The introduction to the currency circle starts with understanding the birth of digital currency. That is, you must first realize the decentralized value of digital currency before you can distinguish the currencies on the market. The first is the mainstream currencies that put technology and concepts first, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., and the second is the various altcoins born from the former. Of course, there are also some CX coins that gain attention with the help of new concepts such as "resonance". You must have heard of how many people were deceived by the 2017 token issuance scam, so looking at the model depends on the originality and the problems it solves. If you are a programmer, you can read books like "Mastering Bitcoin" to learn. If not, you can also read the introductory book "Ten Years of Blockchain" and then join various communities. There is generally a lot of information there for beginners. refer to. The second is trading. Domestically, we still focus on stablecoin trading and OTC. There is an exchange (Biyi) that is doing activities in this area, and you can actually experience the operation process of the currency market.

Ⅸ Who invested in GOKO Exchange?

The details are not clear, just speculation. Currently, it is a new exchange. According to the announcement on its official website, it has a strategic partnership with Golden Finance, Nvxia Blockchain, and Dimensionality Reduction Security when it first debuted. Moreover, the first three exchanges all have the same big figure in the currency circle. Maybe this company is invested by the same person.

Ⅹ I want to know which platforms the big guys in the currency circle use to watch Bitcoin prices

I should be able to answer this question

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

『壹』 2015全球虚拟币排名前十是哪些货币国内的虚拟货币有成千上万种,虚拟货币圈鱼龙混杂,参差不齐。传销币非常猖獗,每天跑路的,死掉的,新生的都不计其数。其中,国产虚拟货币的佼佼者有元宝币、瑞泰币、