比特币合约开仓均价和持仓均价区别在哪 比特币合约开仓均价和持仓均价区别大吗

⑴ 持仓均价和开仓均价,求教


⑵ 持仓均价和开仓均价分别是个什么概念,有什么区别和联


⑶ 民生银行T+D中,持仓均价和开仓均价是什么意思


⑷ 期货软件显示的买均价和开仓均价各具体指什么


⑸ 期货市场中的持仓均价与开仓均价不明白


⑹ 期货开仓均价怎么算


⑺ 黄金T+D开仓均价和持仓均价是什么意思盈亏看哪个结算


⑻ 黄金TD里面的开仓均价和持仓均价是什么意思



⑼ 比特币永续合约中的开仓均价指的是什么


⑴ The average position price and the average opening price, please advise

The average position price is yesterday’s settlement price, which is convenient for you to calculate mark-to-market profit and loss. The average opening price is the actual cost of opening a position. , it is convenient for you to calculate the floating profit and loss concept: Mark-to-market profit and loss: Compared with yesterday, today’s profit and loss Floating profit and loss: Compared with the opening cost, the total profit and loss

⑵ The average position price and the average opening price are respectively What is the concept, what is the difference and the connection?

The average position price is the average price after you buy it in batches. If you buy it all at once, the average position price is the first time you buy it. price, the average opening price is the average of the highest and lowest opening prices on the day

⑶ In Minsheng Bank T+D, what is the average position price and the average opening price

< p>The average position price is the settlement price of the previous trading day, and the average opening price is the average price of all positions opened at different times and at different prices. The trial floating profit and loss is the difference between the average position price and the latest price. T+D implements a daily debt-free system, and the profit and loss of the day is settled every day. The real profit and loss depends on the average opening price and closing price

⑷ The average buying price and the average buying price displayed by the futures software What does the average opening price specifically mean?

Because futures are settled once a day, the average price of your position (average buying price) the next day is the average position price after settlement on the previous day. Every day Mark-to-market profit and loss is the intraday floating profit and loss calculated based on the average position price; while the average opening price is the average opening price of your purchase price when opening the position, and the floating profit and loss is calculated based on this price. For example: You bought 1 lot of M1105 at 3,000 yuan/ton and 3,200 yuan/ton respectively. Yesterday’s settlement price was 3,300 yuan/ton. Then, your average buying price (average position price) today is 3,300 yuan/ton. , and your average opening price is 3,100 yuan/ton. As long as you don't change hands or change positions, then your average opening price is fixed, while the average position price changes every day.

⑸ The average position price and the average opening price in the futures market are not clear

There are two reasons for the average position price. First, if you open a position using different prices, the system will calculate the average opening price for you; second, the average position price is yesterday's settlement price of the contract you hold (sometimes plus a handling fee). Today's floating profit and loss is based on yesterday's settlement price. Please check again to see if it matches. If you still haven't figured it out, you can go to my space and leave me a message~

⑹ Futures opening average How to calculate the price

The 5 lots you closed the position with are the 5 lots out of the 10 lots you opened with 4,000.
The average opening price of the remaining 15 lots is (4000*5+4020*10)/15=4013.33 yuan

⑺ What are the average opening price and average holding price of gold T+D It means that the profit and loss depends on which settlement

[Buy the average opening price] The opening contract price is the same, and the contract price is the average opening price. The opening price is different, and the average price of each opening contract is the average.
【Buy position average price】Buying the average position price has no impact on your absolute profit or loss. The average position price is the settlement price on the previous trading day. If you have a new position in the day's trading, the average position price is the previous day's position
The average of the price and the new opening price.
The balance of the day = the balance of the previous day + deposit - withdrawal - handling fee + profit and loss of the day + deferred fee

⑻ What do the average opening price and average position price in gold TD mean?

The average opening price is the average price of the orders you buy or sell. The average position price is calculated based on the daily settlement price. Gold T+D is settled every day. The second trading day is based on the previous day. The settlement price is used to calculate the average position price, so the average opening price and the average position price are incompatible. Generally, you don’t need to pay attention to the average position price. Just remember the average opening price. For details, please consult my user name QQ number< br />
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⑼ What is the average opening price in the Bitcoin perpetual contract?

The average opening price refers to the user’s opening price. The average cost price of the position will not change with settlement and can accurately display the user's actual opening cost

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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