合约开后调整倍数收益怎么算的 合约开后调整倍数收益怎么算出来的

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『叁』 POPEx的合约收益是怎么计算的


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『陆』 币安合约交易调整倍率会有交易费

2.资金费率(F)= 溢价指数(P)+Clamp(0.03% - 溢价指数(P),0.05% 到 -0.05%)
结算资金 = 持仓名义价值××资金费率
价格指数是参照一篮子各大现货交易市场的价格,根据其交易量加权平均后得到的综合价格指数。参考的交易市场包括:Bitfinex, Binance, Huobi, OKEX, Bittrex, HitBTC假设我们将价格指数暂定为现货价格,我们以此来计算标记价格(用于计算各交易对的持仓浮动盈亏)。账户实际盈亏以平仓时成交的市场价格为准。

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『玖』 合约100倍收益怎么算


『拾』 OKEX合约收益率怎么计算


『一』How to calculate the contract leverage multiple?

The leverage multiple is equal to (position margin * contract multiple) divided by the total amount of funds.
Commission is the same as for stocks, it depends on the rate your brokerage gives you. Generally, you don’t need to calculate it yourself, the relevant information will be given. Contract leverage is a financial derivative of digital currency. Leverage and contracts are two types of trading products in digital currencies. Leverage involves the operation of borrowing and repaying currency, while contracts directly magnify the multiple and agree on a delivery date after the transaction. The leverage ratio is a calculation of how much margin is required to open a contract of a certain value.

『二』How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times the full contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan, and you get an increase of ten points. Your income is 200 yuan (+100). The next day your account is 300 yuan. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and increase it by ten points, your income is 600 yuan (+300), and so on.
But If it falls by 5 points, your principal will be gone, which is commonly known as liquidation.

『三』How is the contract income of POPEx calculated?

This depends on your leverage and margin before you can calculate it specifically. Just give me a chestnut and you will know. For example, if you are short Ethereum with 100 US dollars and 50 times leverage (the current price of Ethereum is 200 US dollars), and Ethereum falls to 140 US dollars one hour later, your profit will be: 100*50/200* ( 200-140)=1500 US dollars. Of course, transaction fees, etc. will also be deducted in actual operations.

『四』The relationship between Huobi contract multiples and earnings

The leverage multiple determines the amount of profit or loss. One of the most important concepts in contract trading is leverage. The so-called leverage trading is to use a small amount of funds to invest several times the original amount. The leverage multiple determines the amount of profit or loss.

『五』Digital currency contract, open 80 contracts, 75 times profit, how to calculate it?

This calculation based on percentage is relatively accurate, it is still possible, you can consult.

『Lu』 There will be transaction fees when adjusting the trading ratio of Binance futures transactions

Binance’s discount rate is only applicable to currency standards, not applicable to spot and USDT Contracts and other products can enjoy discounted rates within 30 days, and the discounted rates will be cancelled.
1. The key role of the funding rate is to narrow the price difference between the futures market and the corresponding spot market. In this case, it is the BTC/USDT trading pair.
2. Funding rate (F) = premium index (P) + Clamp (0.03% - premium index (P), 0.05% to -0.05%)
3. Funding rate is calculated every 8 hours. Only when you hold a position in any direction in the current time interval, you will be charged or paid the corresponding funding fee. If you do not have a position, you will not be charged or paid funding fees.
4.When the funding rate is positive, the long side needs to pay the corresponding amount to the short side based on the notional value of the contract; when the funding rate is negative, the short side needs to pay the corresponding amount to the long side based on the notional value of the contract. .
Extended information:
Settlement Fund Calculation Formula
Settlement Fund = Position Nominal Value××Funding Rate
The Funding Rate consists of 2 parts, the interest rate part and the premium part. Especially the latter explains why the price of the perpetual contract will converge with the underlying price trend.
Perpetual contract prices may differ significantly from mark prices. In this case, the premium index will be used to promote convergence of trends in the two prices.
1. The funding rate has 2 hard cap limits to ensure leverage and promote stable market behavior. Binance does not charge any fees during the fund rate transfer process, and the funds are transferred directly between the long and short parties. Since the unrealized profit and loss of positions is the main reason for forced liquidation, and the maximum leverage of perpetual contracts can reach 20 times, it is very important to accurately calculate the profit and loss of positions to avoid unnecessary liquidation.
2. The intrinsic value of the contract is the core basis of the perpetual contract. The price index is obtained by referring to the weighted average of prices in major mainstream trading markets, and the price index is the main component of the marked price.
The price index is a comprehensive price index obtained by referring to the prices of a basket of major spot trading markets and based on the weighted average of their trading volumes. The reference trading markets include: Bitfinex, Binance, Huobi, OKEX, Bittrex, HitBTC. Assume that we tentatively set the price index as the spot price, and we use this to calculate the mark price (used to calculate the floating profit and loss of each trading pair's position). The actual profit and loss of the account is based on the market price of the transaction when the position is closed.

『撒』 Huobi futures trading, what do five times and ten times mean?

Hello, five times and ten times mean leverage. For example, if you have 1,000 yuan of Bitcoin, you can only make 70 contracts when it doubles, but by adding leverage, you can do 350 or 700 contracts. With added leverage, the more orders you place, the greater the risk and reward.

『8』How to calculate the leverage adjustment during the contract?

Futures trading is contract leverage.

The first thing is to understand the contract, or standard contract, which is actually similar to a standard, such as a water heater. It must meet national standards before it can be sold in a store. The standard contract of this futures can also be understood in this way. Only wheat, copper, coffee, and eggs that meet certain standards can be used as trading objects. As long as they meet the standards, the same kind of commodities from different sources can be sold as delivery products.

Let’s talk about leverage trading. In vernacular, 1 yuan can lend you up to 9 yuan, and you can use 9 yuan that does not belong to you to participate in the transaction. Of course, you have to bear the consequences of the 9 yuan transaction. You know, you only have 1 yuan.

You can participate in transactions with only 1 yuan, you can also choose 1-10 yuan to participate in the transaction. The part exceeding 1 yuan is leverage, which is called added leverage. In fact, you borrow money. The higher the leverage, the more you borrow. Therefore, the inherent risks in the futures trading mechanism are very high, and you need to have good self-control.

Application of futures leverage:

Control the position ratio.

The main reference factors are the capital scale and the market band adjustment ratio. Basically, the opening ratio does not exceed 30%, and the limit level is 50%.
2. Set stop loss and take profit targets.

The main reference factors are fund size and risk appetite. The stop loss and take profit targets of different operating modes are different, generally 20% and 50%.

3. Avoid "getting rich suddenly" and pursue "slow water".

The unification and practice of this understanding is one of the crucial foundations in the process of pursuing a balanced high leverage in the futures market. Mental balance means that whether you are analyzing the market or trading operations, whether you are making profits or floating losses, you can maintain an objective, calm and principled rational state. Only in this way can you survive the rise and fall of the futures market. You can truly enjoy the benefits of high leverage and avoid falling into various market traps due to mental imbalance.

『玖』How to calculate 100 times the profit of a contract

100 times means the profit and loss are magnified 100 times. This is easy to understand~ For example, stocks are not leveraged. If it rises by 1 yuan, you It also makes a profit of 1 yuan, but 100 times, that is, an increase of 1 yuan, a profit of 100 yuan, and of course the loss becomes 100 yuan. As for the leverage of the perpetual contract, it is the leverage multiple selected by the user to open the position. Initial margin rate: =1/Leverage multiple Maintenance margin rate: The minimum margin rate required by the user to maintain the current position. When the margin rate is less than or equal to the user's current required maintenance margin rate, a liquidation is triggered.
Isolated margin: Margin rate = (fixed margin + unrealized profit and loss)/position value = (fixed margin + unrealized profit and loss)/(face value * number of lots / latest mark price)

『Shi 』 How to calculate OKEX contract yield rate

Rate rate = income/margin required to open a position

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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