最早的比特币矿池 比特币最早矿机

A. btccom矿池怎么样

BTC.com 矿池(Pool.BTC.com)是目前最优秀的SHA256算法币种矿池.理由如下:
二. 矿池的存在对比特币来讲有哪些利弊?
1、对采矿权的垄断会使剩余49% 算力的矿池颗粒无收最终导致退出竞争,瞬间破产。矿井池的算力超过50%。如果发动51%的攻击,很容易占据整个网络的所有有效算力。

B. 比特币最早(09年,10年哪会儿)是怎么挖的


C. 鱼池矿池怎么了


D. 比特币是怎么产生的


E. 鱼池F2Pool是如何成为中国最大的比特币矿池


F. 比特币矿池全球排名

ViaBTC(Viabtc Technology Limited)成立于2016年5月,是一家专注于数字货币领域的创新型技术服务公司。凭借强大的技术实力,我们研发了全球领先的比特币矿池,并推出了多个竞争币矿池以及云挖矿合约产品。ViaBTC的含义为“通过比特币”,我们的愿景是“通过比特币,让世界更美好”。

G. 比特币挖矿,到底如何挖- 解析虚拟货币挖矿流程和原理



身为目前最火红数位货币之一的比特币,由于获取难度高,且物以稀为贵的条件下,导致比特币的相对价值非常高。在数位货币市场上,比特币被当成一种「股票」操作,它可以用来当作保值品投资,也可以将其转换成各国货币并存入现行银行 帐户 ,许多网络商店甚至支持直接使用比特币购买商品。想要获得比特币的话,最直接快速的方法就是金钱购买,目前一个比特币的价值大约等同于30万左右,这是近一年来,价格最低的一段时间,想要直接用金钱购买比特币加入这股数位货币风潮的话,现在或许是最好的时机。
















矿池 :早期比特币还不兴盛的时候,大部分人都用自己的电脑来挖矿,最早当然是用尽CPU的能力来运算,接着有人发现用显示卡的GPU Stream Processors来计算会快更多,可是当大家纷纷投入挖矿以后,出现了很多为挖矿优化的设备,一般个人电脑根本拼不过,因此需要加入矿池(Mining Pool)来挖矿,由服务器集合所有使用者的运算力量来挖,再由一定比例回馈使用者(矿工),才不会发生挖了老半天却拼不过专业挖矿机,花了电费却什么都得不到的情形。

矿机 :由于显卡虽然挖矿速度较快,但是显示晶片原本并不是专门用于挖矿,因此用显卡挖矿不仅很耗电而且发热量又高,如果是3、4张显卡所组成的挖矿电脑,更是耗电,最后计算起来很可能挖比特币的收益都还不够付电费呢!因此从2013年开始,挖比特币的重心逐渐转移到专业矿机上,这种矿机区分为两大类型:

挖矿的过程并不复杂,只需要下载「挖矿程序」其实就能开始挖矿。网络上的挖矿软件百百款,这里我们将以NiceHash Miner 这款软件举例说明。

首先,根据手上显卡厂商下载对应的NiceHash Miner 版本并开启软件,在正式开始挖矿以前,有几个步骤要先设定。


接下来在挖矿程序中点击「钱包」(Wallet)选项,将刚刚复制的数位码贴上后即可完成储存目标设定。在左下方的「硬件信息」(Hardware Details)选项中,系统预设会找到你电脑使用的显卡型号,也可以在这里开启处理器加入挖矿的行列,可根据需求和喜好设定。


一切都准备就绪后,就可以按下中间的「开始挖矿」(Start),你的电脑会自动开启命令执行视窗进行挖矿,不同的挖矿软件无论每次挖矿的动作成功与否,都会释出不同的通知指令,以NiceHash 为例,成功挖矿时视窗上将会出现的绿色的指令通知。但这时候软件挖到的比特币数额其实非常小,需要长时间连续不间断的挖矿才能挖到完整一个比特币。




如果没有打算将比特币当作保值品来看的话,你可以到币托或是MaiCoin 等网站里,将获得的比特币转换成人民币,换取现金到现行的银行帐户中供其他使用,如果不想换成人民币的话,也可以将比特币转换成其他虚拟货币来持有;此外,目前网络上还有许多网站或服务是支持比特币付款的。

其他还有很多网络零售商也支持买家使用比特币在平台上购买商品,国外电子产品零售业龙头之一的newegg 就是其中之一,它们和Bitpay 电子钱包合作,让消费者可以在购买商品时,选择使用比特币进行支付。其他还有像是NASDAQ 的线上百货零售商Overstock、纽约地产公司邦德纽约或是利用信用卡定世界各国旅馆获得比特币现金回馈的PointHound 等等,种类非常多。




首先最直接的问题就是显卡,由于显卡是矿工们最主要的挖矿工具,它们需要大量显卡加快挖矿的速度,借此抢在他人以前获得比特币,也导致目前无论是NVIDIA 还是AMD 显卡在全球都出现缺货的情形,同时也造成显卡价格上涨,尤其是高阶的显卡问题更严重,常常会需要以比厂商建议售价高出许多的价格购买,也让想要单买显卡帮电脑升级的民众购买困难。






# 科技 日报#

H. f2pool是哪个国家








I. 比特币挖矿机的进化史是怎样的呢


J. 国内eth十大矿池排名

1、 以太坊
F2Pool 是中国最大的比特币和莱特币挖矿系统矿池之一。数据显示,鱼池目前是全球第二大矿池,仅次于蚂蚁矿池。
微比特是一家专业的数字货币技术服务商。其服务范围包括数字货币交易平台、数字货币矿池、云挖矿合约。成立于2016年5月,同年6月上线比特币矿池,11月上线云挖矿产品。 2017年3月,微比特获得由BitTaiwan领投的2000万元A轮融资,以拓展交易所业务。 6月,微比特即将上线数字货币交易平台。
58COIN&1THash 是 58COIN 下的业务。 58COIN依靠矿池构建比特算力。这是58COIN与矿机厂商、矿池、矿主共同准备的一项新业务。用户只需支付矿机费、电费、管理费即可享受稳定的挖矿服务。用户可以随时在后台查看。目前业务为矿机销售及托管、矿机租赁及标准云算力服务。
8、Binance 矿池

A. How about the btccom mining pool

BTC.com mining pool (Pool.BTC.com) is currently the best SHA256 algorithm currency mining pool. The reasons are as follows:
--The highest BTC computing power mining pool: BTC.com mining pool BTC computing power increased from about 400P in June 2018 to over 9000P on May 30, 2018. In less than a year, the computing power increased by 20 More than twice that.
--Led by a technical expert, with superior strength and stable performance.
--A variety of auxiliary tools to facilitate mining management (mining pool app + batch management tools) and improve mining efficiency (smart agent + VIP Server + multi-node global layout)
--The best ad-free customer group in the entire network directly communicates with customers through QQ, WeChat, Telegram and other channels. The most professional operators are available more than 16 hours a day to answer questions from users. Various problems encountered in the mine.
--The best income distribution model: FPPS
--The most scientific workload statistics method, which records and counts each share corresponding to its mining difficulty, which is fair.
--The most complete peripheral factory, producing all kinds of exquisite and interesting peripheral products throughout the year, and shipping them to miners from time to time.
--Currently supports SHA256 series mining of multiple currencies such as BTC, BCH, UBTC, etc., and supports one-click switching to the target currency.
--It is reported that other algorithmic currencies will also gradually come online.
Extended information: How to choose an Ethereum mining pool?
Select a mining pool. The first thing to do is to understand the allocation model of the mining pool. The current revenue distribution models of mining pools include: PPS, PPLNS, PPS+, FPPS, etc. The specific end of each mode will not be explained here, you can check it online.
So, for people who mine Ethereum ETH, the common distribution modes are the PPS and PPLNS distribution modes. If you are pursuing short-term high returns and require immediate results, you can consider a mining pool with a PPS distribution model to obtain income by contributing your own computing power. However, you generally need to pay a higher handling fee, usually 3%-5%. The handling fee, what is left after the mining pool deducts the handling fee is your income.
2. What are the pros and cons of the existence of mining pools for Bitcoin?
The existence of mining pools reduces the difficulty of mining virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin, lowers the threshold for mining, and truly realizes the concept of Bitcoin mining that everyone can participate in. However, its disadvantages are also very obvious, because the computing power is connected to the mining pool, and as a mining pool, it will control extremely large computing power resources. In the Bitcoin world, computing power represents accounting rights, and computing power represents everything. If a single mine's computing power reaches more than 50%, it will be easy to launch a 51% attack on Bitcoin and other similar virtual digital currencies. The consequences will be dire:
1. The monopoly on mining rights will leave the remaining 49% Mining pools with no computing power will eventually withdraw from the competition and go bankrupt instantly. The computing power of the mining pool exceeds 50%. likeIf a 51% attack is launched, it will easily occupy all the effective computing power of the entire network.
2. The monopoly on accounting rights, double payment through 51% attacks, and multiple uses of a sum of money will directly destroy the credit system of Bitcoin. and make its credibility disappear.
3. Monopoly of distribution rights. Because a single mining pool (or an alliance of several mining pools) occupies the computing power of the entire network through a 51% attack, the remaining mining pools can be quickly squeezed out and closed. Because there is no competition, mining pools can allocate their own revenue, charging miners heavy fees and taxes.

B. How was Bitcoin first mined (in 2009 or 2010)

Hello, this is a virtual currency, which was later It’s the hype that makes it popular. Hope it will be adopted

C. What happened to Yuchi Mining Pool

Fuzhi Mining Pool is unstable and may be shut down.
1. Fishpool, established in Beijing in April 2013, is the world's leading and China's earliest Bitcoin mining farm; Fishpool has developed into the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Zcash. ; Mining pool technology continues to maintain its leadership, its earnings are open and transparent, and it adopts an original architecture to effectively prevent DDoS attacks. As the computing level of the entire Bitcoin network increases exponentially, a single device or a small amount of computing power cannot obtain the block rewards provided by the Bitcoin network on the Bitcoin network.
2. After the computing power of the entire network increases to a certain level, the low probability of obtaining rewards prompted some "Bitcoin" geeks to develop a method that can combine a small amount of computing power for joint operations. Websites set up in this way are called "pools".
Extended information:
1) The mining pool is the entire network of Bitcoin mining, collectively referred to as the mining pool. The entire mining pool is divided into many mining pools, and Fishpool is one of them. After F2Pool accesses the mining pool by purchasing physical mining machines, everyone mines together through computing power. After the coins are mined, they will be distributed to everyone. How much computing power is required to get the corresponding number of coins;
The existence of mining pools reduces the difficulty of mining virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin and lowers the mining threshold. Really 2) mining pools allow everyone to participate Bitcoin mining concept. But its disadvantages are also very obvious, because the computing power is connected to the mining pool. As a mining pool, it will control extremely large computing power resources. In the world of Bitcoin, computing power represents accounting rights, and computing power is everything. If the computing power of a single mining pool reaches more than 50%, it will be easy to launch a 51% attack on Bitcoin and other similar virtual digital currencies, and the consequences will be dire.
3) Mining pools can invalidate the mining pool with the remaining 49% of the computing power, and instantly withdraw from the competition and go bankrupt. The computing power of the mining pool exceeds 50%. If a 51% attack is launched, it can easily occupy all the effective computing power of the entire network. Behaviors such as monopolizing accounting rights and double payments can be carried out through 51% attacks, and a sum of money can be used multiple times, which will directly destroy the credit system of Bitcoin and make its credit disappear. Monopoly distribution rights. Since a single mining pool (or a multi-mining pool alliance) occupies the entire network's computing power through a 51% attack, it can quickly squeeze out the remaining mining pools., causing it to go bankrupt. Since there is no competition, mining pools can allocate their own revenue and charge miners high fees and other high taxes.

D. How Bitcoin was created

Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency that does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. Bitcoin was officially born on January 3, 2009, and was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008. It is generated through a large number of complex calculations based on specific algorithms. After the birth of Bitcoin, it was not recognized by many people, but today, Bitcoin has become one of the hottest spots in the global investment market.
Extended information: 1. The basic process of mining Bitcoin:
1. Buy a decent GPU card, register a Bitcoin wallet, and then download a free mining application.
2. Choose a Bitcoin mining pool to register and create an account.
3. Choose a trading platform to register and temporarily store the mined Bitcoins here.
4. After mining the Bitcoin, import it into the domestic website through the platform, and list the Bitcoin you want to sell on the website or leave it for appreciation.
Operating environment: UC Browser version 13.6
2. The value, meaning and principle of Bitcoin
1. Value: (1) Bitcoin is a digital virtual currency, its quantity is limited, but Can be exchanged for the currencies of most countries, which is the current maximum value of Bitcoin. (2) Bitcoin can be used to recharge and purchase in-game equipment. In the virtual world, the value of Bitcoin is higher than real currency.
2. Meaning: (1) The original intention of the designers of Bitcoin was to build a free, orderly currency exchange world without a central center. The emergence of Bitcoin realized this original idea of ​​​​the designer. (2) Bitcoin’s calculation time is infinite, but human life is limited, which to a certain extent maintains the long-term and eternal development of Bitcoin. (3) The system’s encryption technology ensures the security of Bitcoin, and it is also well used and packaged.
3. Principle: Unlike real currency, Bitcoin is not issued by a specific monetary institution. It is produced by extensive calculations based on specific algorithms. By its very nature, Bitcoin is a special solution generated by some complex algorithm. Each special solution is the only solution to the equation, and once solved, you own this special currency.

E. How F2Pool became the largest Bitcoin mining pool in China

F2Pool was the earliest mining pool in China and was closed due to poor management. For a while, probably last July, but it opened again soon. This batch of them not only opened mining pools, but also made mining machines. The Shenyu mining machine failed because of chip problems. In 2015, we built another Litecoin mining machine and crowdfunded it.
The F2Pool mining pool has not had any particularly major safety accidents. In addition, large foreign mining pools often have 51% problems.This problem also gives Yuchi F2Pool the opportunity to develop rapidly. They are all people in the industry. They also run information websites and have a wide network of contacts.

F. Global ranking of Bitcoin mining pools

1. Ant Mining Pool
Ant Mining Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool dedicated to providing miners with a more user-friendly solution. With complete functions, 67% more convenient use and Douqiu, Ant Pool provides mining services for multiple digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and supports PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO. and other payment methods.
2. Fishpool
Fishpool is the world’s largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool. Founded in Beijing in April 2013, it is the world’s leading and China’s earliest Bitcoin mining pool; Fishpool has developed into The world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Zcoin; the mining pool technology continues to maintain leadership, the income is open and transparent, and the original architecture is used to effectively prevent DDoS attacks.
3. BTC Mining Pool< br>BTC.com is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider, mining pool, and wallet solution provider. Since 2015, the BTC.com team has started with industry infrastructure such as block browsers and is committed to developing solutions in various segments. Establishing new standards in the field, the BTC.com brand can be seen in wallets, mining pools, market prices, information and other fields.
4. ViaBTC
ViaBTC (Viabtc Technology Limited) was established in May 2016. An innovative technology service company focusing on the field of digital currency. With strong technical strength, we have developed the world's leading Bitcoin mining pool and launched multiple alternative currency mining pools and cloud mining contract products. The meaning of ViaBTC is " Through Bitcoin", our vision is to "make the world a better place through Bitcoin."
5. Dragon Pool
Dragon Pool. Known as the mining pool that knows the best about miners, it provides mining for Bitcoin and Ethereum Services.
6. Huobi Mining Pool
Huobi Mining Pool creates a new model of POW and POS mechanisms in the blockchain field, providing users with main chain voting, information, and points financial management services.
7. Bixin Mining Pool
In Bixin Mining Pool, we achieve real-time data updates, reasonable market rates, and convenient and fast payments. Mining has never been so simple.
8. BW Mining Pool< br>BW Mining Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool, committed to providing miners with a more friendly interface, more complete functions, more convenient use and more generous and transparent income. The mining pool provides Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum Mining services for various digital currencies such as Fang, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS and PPLNS.
9. Biyin Mining Pool
Decentralization makes the world a better place, Biyin Mining Pool team The technology output serves more than 500,000 mining equipment and more than 100,000 independent miners around the world.
10. Xingzhong Mining Pool
An open and transparent, efficient and stable innovative comprehensive digital currency minePool, Xingzhong Mining Pool - Bitcoin mining pool, Litecoin, Ethereum mining pool, the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool, high income, top technical support and services

G. Bitcoin Mining, how to mine - analysis of the process and principles of virtual currency mining

What does it mean that there are many kinds of cryptocurrency circulating on the Internet? Such as Bitcoin, Ether, Ripple, etc., but the one that everyone hears most often is Bitcoin. It can be said that "miners" around the world are trying their best. To obtain it, many people not only regard it as a simple trend to follow, but some even regard it as an asset for investment. Bitcoin is also the main reason for the current global shortage of graphics cards. There are countless miners, Mining farms operate all the time, and they buy graphics cards in large quantities just to get ahead of other competitors.

However, what exactly is Bitcoin mining mining? Is it too late to get into mining now? What hardware equipment do I need to prepare to start mining?

As one of the most popular digital currencies at present, Bitcoin has a very high relative value due to its high difficulty in obtaining and the fact that things are rare and expensive. In the digital currency market, Bitcoin is treated as a "stock" operation. It can be used as a hedging investment, or it can be converted into currencies of various countries and deposited into current bank accounts. Many online stores even support the direct use of Bitcoin. coins to purchase goods. If you want to get Bitcoin, the most direct and quick way is to buy it with money. The current value of one Bitcoin is about 300,000, which is the lowest price in the past year. If you want to buy Bitcoin directly with money, join With this digital currency trend, now may be the best time.

The method of purchasing Bitcoin is actually very simple. First, you need to create an electronic wallet on the Internet that can store Bitcoin. There are many types of electronic wallets on the Internet. In this article, we will use "Coin Trust" (BitoEX) is an example. After entering the BiTo homepage, directly click "Free Application" in the center of the screen and enter your account number and password to create an e-wallet. After completing the mailbox account authentication, you will get an e-wallet exclusive for you. After logging in, you can enter the e-wallet and Browse the current balance. Because you have just applied, the account balance is zero. At this time, you can directly select the "Buy Bitcoin" function to start trading.

However, the most important information on this page is actually the "wallet address" located on the upper right. This is not only used during transactions, but this wallet address will also be used as Bitcoin during subsequent mining. storage target.

However, due to the high unit price of Bitcoin, which often costs more than 20,000 to 300,000 yuan, if you do not want to buy Bitcoin directly with money, another way is to obtain it through mining.

1. After entering the BiTo website, click "Free Application" in the center of the screen to start creating a personal e-wallet.

2. Enter the email address and password used to log in to the wallet. It is recommended to use strong symbols or alphanumeric characters as the password combination.

3. After completing the steps, you can enter your personal e-wallet page, where you can keep an eye on the amount in your wallet at any time.

The issuance of Bitcoin has its own time and quantity. Approximately every ten minutes, the code will execute the issuance of new Bitcoins and grant them to a certain (group) of people participating in Bitcoin transactions. Therefore, obtain Newly issued Bitcoins are like acquiring newly unearthed gold mines, so those who acquire Bitcoins are likened to miners. The "mining" action of miners is called "mining" in English. This is a method that Bitcoin users can consider, but only professional miners are "possible" to obtain Bitcoin.

If you want to start mining, you need to make some preparations before starting, including hardware investment costs and operating costs.

The former refers to the purchase, installation, electricity bills, depreciation, space, cooling, etc. of hardware;

The latter refers to the costs required to maintain the continued operation of these hardware.

After combining the two, it can be found that the cost required for mining is actually very huge, which also causes some people who have a large amount of funds to set up mining-specific hardware equipment to "rent" to recover the cost. This This mining model is packaged as a "commodity" and sold on the open online market. When Bitcoins are mined, the mines will be divided according to the payment ratio of each tenant. This mining model is also the so-called "Cloud Mining".

There are three main ways to mine Bitcoin. In addition to cloud mining, there are also "independent mining" and "joint mining". However, due to the current increasing difficulty of mining, and there are more and more The more competitors squeeze in, the less likely it is that you can mine independently by yourself today. Although you can obtain all the benefits on your own once you successfully mine, generally the more feasible approach is to use the latter. "Joint mining" is the concept of team mining. When the mine is mined, the whole group divides the mine according to the proportion of each person's contribution.

Due to the increasing difficulty of mining, it is extremely difficult for individuals to obtain Bitcoin through graphics card mining.

Miners with large amounts of capital will rent mining machines, and eventually even lease the mining machines to others to make a profit.

Cloud mining is gradually being shaped into a financial product. Rental fees are collected in the form of monthly or annual rents, and when the mines are mined, they are distributed to the lessees in proportion.

Mining pool: In the early days when Bitcoin was not yet booming, most people used their own computers to mine. Of course, the earliestAfter exhausting the power of the CPU for calculations, some people discovered that it would be much faster to use the GPU Stream Processors of the graphics card to calculate. However, when everyone started to invest in mining, many equipment optimized for mining appeared, and ordinary personal computers simply couldn't compete. , so you need to join a Mining Pool to mine. The server gathers the computing power of all users to mine, and then gives a certain proportion back to the users (miners), so that it will not happen that you can’t compete with professional mining after mining for a long time. Mining machines, spending electricity bills but getting nothing.

Mining machine: Although the graphics card has a faster mining speed, the display chip is not originally used for mining. Therefore, mining with a graphics card not only consumes a lot of power but also generates high heat. If it is 3. A mining computer composed of 4 graphics cards consumes even more power. In the final calculation, it is very likely that the income from mining Bitcoin is not enough to pay the electricity bill! Therefore, starting from 2013, the focus of mining Bitcoin has gradually shifted to professional mining machines, which are divided into two major types:

The mining process is not complicated, you only need to download the "mining program" ”In fact, you can start mining. There are hundreds of mining software on the Internet. Here we will use NiceHash Miner as an example.

First, download the corresponding NiceHash Miner version according to the graphics card manufacturer you have and open the software. Before officially starting mining, there are several steps to set up.

The most important information on the electronic wallet page is the wallet address. In addition to being the information that Bitcoin buyers and sellers must use when trading, it is also the target address for Bitcoin storage during mining. Click on the currency depository. After entering the wallet address on the page, you will get a string of "unnamed wallet address". Please copy this string of digital codes and save it well.

Next, click the "Wallet" option in the mining program and paste the digital code you just copied to complete the storage target setting. In the "Hardware Details" option at the bottom left, the system will find the graphics card model used by your computer by default. You can also turn on the processor here to join the mining process, which can be set according to your needs and preferences.

In the "Wallet" option, paste the location of your personal electronic wallet. Once the Bitcoin is mined, it will be stored in the wallet.

After everything is ready, you can click "Start" in the middle, and your computer will automatically open the command execution window for mining. Different mining software will Whether the mining operation is successful or not, different notification commands will be released. Taking NiceHash as an example, a green command notification will appear on the window when mining is successful. However, the amount of Bitcoin mined by the software at this time is actually very small, and it requires continuous and uninterrupted mining for a long time to mine a complete Bitcoin.

Each software displays different notifications when mining. NiceHash uses green text to remind you of the mining of Bitcoins.

Depending on the scale of mining, the amount of Bitcoin obtained each time you successfully mine is different. It requires continuous mining for a long time to obtain a complete Bitcoin.

Whether you use money to buy it directly, or use various mining modes, how do you use Bitcoin after you obtain it? First of all, you can save it as an investment product. Since people around the world are trading Bitcoin almost all the time, its currency value is also constantly fluctuating. You can sell it when its price reaches its highest point in the future. , based on the highest average price of more than 500,000 last year, one Bitcoin is now about 250,000, and it is possible to make a profit that is more than twice the cost.

If you don’t plan to use Bitcoin as a store of value, you can go to a website such as BitTool or MaiCoin to convert the Bitcoin you received into RMB, and exchange it for cash into your current bank account. For other uses, if you don’t want to exchange it for RMB, you can also convert Bitcoin into other virtual currencies to hold; in addition, there are currently many websites or services on the Internet that support Bitcoin payment.

There are many other online retailers that also support buyers to use Bitcoin to purchase goods on the platform. Newegg, one of the leading foreign electronic product retail industry, is one of them. They cooperate with Bitpay e-wallet to allow Consumers can choose to pay with Bitcoin when purchasing goods. Others include Overstock, an online department store retailer on NASDAQ, Bond New York, a New York real estate company, or PointHound, which uses credit cards to book hotels around the world and get Bitcoin cash back, etc. There are many types.

In the past year, the highest value of Bitcoin has exceeded 500,000, so it is also a good choice to regard it as a store of value.

As the craze caused by Bitcoin around the world has not stopped yet, there are still many Bitcoin users who are mining, whether using team mining or cloud mining mode. This craze has indirectly caused many problems.

Graphics cards are seriously out of stock

The first and most direct problem is the graphics card. Since graphics cards are the main mining tool for miners, they need a large number of graphics cards to speed up mining. The rush to get Bitcoin before others has also led to the current shortage of NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards around the world. It has also caused the price of graphics cards to rise, especially for high-end graphics cards. The problem is more serious, and it is often necessary to pay more than what the manufacturer recommends. The much higher selling price also makes it difficult for people who want to buy a graphics card alone to upgrade their computers.

The process of mining is to combine the graphics card and computerTo maximize the effectiveness, if you can successfully obtain Bitcoin, that's it. What's even worse is that not only do you not get the mine, but you even spend more money. The mining process not only requires maintaining the temperature of the computer host at all times, but the host also needs to be operated in a ventilated room to prevent the host from overheating. Continuous mining for a long time is also harmful to the product life of the graphics card.

In addition, electricity costs must also be taken into consideration during the mining process. According to statistics from the "Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index" report, the total electricity consumption of Bitcoin mining in the past year has accumulated to 29.51 trillion. Watt-hour, accounting for about 0.13% of the world's total electricity consumption. It sounds like a small proportion, but this number has exceeded the annual electricity consumption of nearly 160 countries around the world, which shows how much power consumption is consumed by mining. Although Bitcoin does have its appeal, miners still have to consider many cost issues and impacts on the road to mining.

On the retailer's website, you can see that whether it is NVIDIA or AMD graphics cards, the high-end versions are almost out of stock.

During the mining process, a large amount of performance will be consumed by the processor and graphics card, causing their temperature to rise and reducing their product life.

According to statistics, Bitcoin’s electricity consumption in the past year has exceeded the electricity consumption of the yellow countries and regions in the figure.


H. Which country is f2pool from?


Fuzhi, founded in Beijing in April 2013, is the world's leading and China's earliest Bitcoin mining pool; the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool.

Yuchi has a team composed of top domestic talents with high education, high technology and high quality. The founders Shenyu and Wang Chun, as the first opinion leaders in the blockchain industry in China, lead The team built China’s first digital currency mining platform.

The operating principle of the mining pool:

Assume that 1 million people participate in Bitcoin mining, the entire network has 400P computing power, and 90% of the miners are 1P ( If the computing power below 1024T) is invested in a 1T mining machine, it will account for 1/400,000 of the entire network's computing power. In theory, one block can be mined every 400,000 10 minutes on average, which means it takes 7.6 years to mine. One block and get 50 Bitcoins at once.

So, if I find 9 more miners with 1T computing power mining machines and reach an agreement, there will be a total of 10 of us. If any one of them mines a block, the proportion of each person’s computing power will be calculated. Let's divide it equally, then we are a whole, with a total of 10T computing power, then it takes an average of 0.76 years to dig a block.

Then what we get is 5 Bitcoins mined in 0.76 years. What if we organize 100 people, 1,000 people, 10,000 people or even 100,000 people?If there are 100,000 people, then one block can be mined in 40 minutes on average. As a member of the team, my income will become stable. This is the basic principle of the mining pool, that is, everyone forms a team to mine Bitcoin. You can refer to the joint buying in the lottery.

I. What is the evolutionary history of Bitcoin mining machines

Since the birth of Bitcoin, Bitcoin mining has gone through the following four stages: CPU mining → GPU Mining → Professional mining machine mining → Mining pool mining. On January 3, 2009, Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first batch of Bitcoins using a computer CPU. As everyone recognizes Bitcoin, more and more people are mining, the computing power of the entire network continues to increase, and the mining difficulty gradually increases. The first graphics card mining software was released on September 18, 2010. A graphics card is equivalent to dozens of CPUs, and mining capabilities have been significantly improved. Later, someone invented professional mining equipment based on mining chips, namely mining machines. The current industry-leading Antminer is equipped with nearly 200 BM1387 chips, equivalent to the computing power of more than 30,000 GPUs. As more mining machines join in mining, it becomes difficult for a single mining machine to mine Bitcoin. As a result, miners gathered their mining machines together to form mining farms and mining pools.

J. Ranking of the top ten domestic eth mining pools

1. Ethereum
It is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider and mining pool and wallet solution provider . Since 2015, the team has started with industry infrastructure such as block explorers and is committed to building new standards in various sub-fields. Brands can be seen in wallets, mining pools, quotes, information and other fields.
2. F2Pool
F2Pool is one of the largest Bitcoin and Litecoin mining system mining pools in China. Data shows that F2Pool is currently the second largest mining pool in the world, second only to AntPool.
3. Qianyin
Biyin was established in November 2017 and was built by the original core team. The team's products and technology output now serve most of the Bitcoin computing power on the entire network; within two years, it has created multiple products spanning multiple vertical fields such as blockchain browsers, mining pools, and wallets. Biyin Mining Pool is a professional mining pool that supports mining of all mainstream currencies. Currently supported currencies include: BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, ETH, DCR, DASH, and XMR.
4. Huobi Mining Pool
Huobi Mining Pool is the world’s first mining pool platform that integrates digital asset mining and trading. It adopts a new distribution model FPPS based on the POW mining mechanism. Most mining pools on the market adopt the traditional PPS settlement and distribution model. In contrast, Huobi’s FPPS model reduces miners’ packaging fees, and each miner can increase profits by about 5%. Through this move, Huobi Mining Pool differentiates itself from other mining pools and attracts miners to join.
5. Ant Pool
Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool developed by BitTaiwan using a large amount of resources. Committed to providing miners with a more friendly interface, better functions, and moreMore uses, more generous and transparent benefits. Make more contributions to the development of currency. Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that is committed to providing miners with a friendlier interface, better functions, easier use and more transparent benefits. Ant Pool provides Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum mining services for a variety of digital currencies, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO.
6. Webit
Webit is a professional digital currency technology service provider. Its service scope includes digital currency trading platforms, digital currency mining pools, and cloud mining contracts. Founded in May 2016, the Bitcoin mining pool was launched in June of the same year, and cloud mining products were launched in November. In March 2017, Weibit received 20 million yuan in Series A financing led by BitTaiwan to expand its exchange business. In June, Weibit will be launched on the digital currency trading platform.
7. 58COIN&1THash
58COIN&1THash is a business under 58COIN. 58COIN relies on mining pools to build bit computing power. This is a new business prepared by 58COIN together with mining machine manufacturers, mining pools, and mine owners. Users only need to pay the mining machine fee, electricity fee, and management fee to enjoy stable mining services. Users can view it in the background at any time. The current business includes mining machine sales and hosting, mining machine leasing and standard cloud computing services.
8. Binance Mining Pool
The current mining pool structure is mainly divided into three categories. The first category is Bitcoin POW mining pools, including Mining Pool, Printcoin, and Ant Pool owned by Bitmain; the second category is other mining pools, such as Ethereum Mining Pool and Spark Mining Pool; and the third category is exchange mining pools. Pools, such as Huobi Pool, OK Pool, and Binance Pool. As the "digital economic operating system" of the new world, Binance is in the field of digital asset trading and circulation, in the field of blockchain market education, in the field of decentralized circulation exploration, the asset circulation platform is in the field of cloud computing, and in the market and digital asset industry. In the field of data, in the field of financial derivatives, and other ecosystems, they have achieved very good results and created global influence. Of course, for the real economy in the field of blockchain and digital economy, "cloud computing power platform", that is, mining pool, Binance has also created another "commercial connotation" in a very short period of time.
9. OKEXPool
In the published data, OKExPool has rapidly developed from a market share of about 0% in October 2019 to the sixth largest mining pool in terms of market share. However, on the hashrate trend curve, OKExPool’s hashrate dropped sharply in January 2020. Some market participants told PANews that the reason for the rapid decline in OKExPool's computing power may be the addition of more centralized small mines, and there is currently a lack of investors to join the computing power structure.
Although exchanges are generally newcomers to the mining pool field, the mining pool business held by exchanges still has certain natural advantages over traditional companies.
Lybit mining pool has experienced stable operation for many years.OK, initially it was a private mining pool with the largest computing power in the entire network. Now facing the market of Ethereum, we sincerely invite all miners to share the mining benefits brought by its technology. The newly upgraded and revised Lebit mining pool system is more in line with customer needs, with richer content and simpler operations.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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