移动合约优惠怎么这么少啊 中国移动合约优惠

A. 移动话费合约减免6个月每个月减4元现在需要停用号码打客服说需要去营业厅交违约金再停号违约金怎么算


B. 移动合约套餐是什么意思







A. The mobile phone bill is reduced by 4 yuan per month for 6 months. Now that the number needs to be deactivated, I called customer service and said that I need to go to the business office to pay liquidated damages and then cancel the number. How to calculate the liquidated damages

You have a contract. To stop using your phone, you need to unbundle the contract plan first, and then handle the shutdown service. You need to go to the business hall to handle it.
The six-month exemption is four yuan per month. After you have enjoyed it for several months, just add it up. This is the preferential amount. The liquidated damages depend on the original agreement. It is recommended to go to the business office for consultation.

B. What does mobile contract package mean?

Mobile contract package means that when users apply for preferential services (discount purchase of mobile phones, or recharge phone bills to send mobile phones, etc.) Mobile phone consumption package signed by the company. Contract packages usually include the following:

The package contract period is usually at least one year.

Plans include limited talk time or data.

During the contract period, the package fee will be deducted every month (actually the monthly minimum consumption).

The machine is contracted and the card cannot be separated.

In fact, contract packages are not cheap. For users who do not have high mobile phone consumption, this contract package will increase consumption, so you need to consider it when applying. clear.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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