阅文集团合约怎么样知乎 阅文集团合约怎么样可靠吗

⑴ 阅文集团签约会不会是假的


⑵ 如何看待这次阅文的新合同



今天一早,看到某乎热榜中阅文上榜,网络上也有很多关于阅文集团的消息,主要内容就是说阅文集团的新合同是奴隶条款,压榨作者,但是人家腾讯确实是有钱,很多热搜刚冲上去就又下来了,幸好后买你很多阅文的大V作者也出面发声了,让我们得以知道真实情况是如何的,其中就包括我非常熟悉的一个作者: 天蚕土豆,直到天蚕土豆这次发声,我才知道为什么他的《斗破苍穹》和《武动乾坤》会被改成那样子,原因就是这两本书的著作权根本不是他的,就算他想插手也没有办法,本来不是他的原因,但是却让他背斗气化马的锅背了那么久,确实是挺对不起人家的,毕竟当时自己也喷了,通过这个我们可以发现,天蚕土豆这种大V作者尚且如此,更别说底层的小作者了。



⑶ 阅文集团无人性的合约,公然偷盗作者血汗钱,是什么给了他们这么大胆子





⑷ 阅文修改合同,作家称阅文是良心企业,文化产业将迎来繁荣吗




⑸ 阅文霸王合同惹众怒,众多大神发声怒斥阅文,此次事件我们读者该怎么做












⑹ 像阅文集团的作家合约具有法律效益吗


⑺ 阅文集团的签约稿酬是多少


⑻ 阅文霸王合同是怎么回事


⑼ 与阅文签了合同以后,所有版权都不是作者的了吗


⑽ 如何看待最近闹得沸沸扬扬的阅文霸王合同






上海知识产权法院 民 事 判 决 书 (2019)沪73民终138号

⑴ Is the signing of China Literature Group a fake one?

The signing of the China Literature Group is not a fake.
But if someone signs a contract with you, it must be fake.
General signing messages are sent from the Writer's Assistant's site. It is a message sent by the system. If it is a person or something sending you a message, it must be fake.
In addition, there are problems in China Literature’s signing contract.
This is best if you are underage. Because there are still many opportunities for you to develop yourself in the online literary world.
But now, my advice is not to sign. We have to wait until the storm has passed.
If you want to ask what the controversy is about, I can only say that you should go to Zhihu and check it out for yourself. Go check out things related to Yuewen. There you have it.
Good luck!

⑵ What do you think of this new Yuewen contract?

I think this Yuewen contract has an overlord clause, which is really excessive. Although this contract incident has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with it, but as a passerby, I think the appearance of China Literature Group is really ugly.

1. China Literature’s new contract aroused public outrage, and many online writers ran away overnight.

Early this morning, I saw that China Literature was listed on a certain hot list. There was also a lot of news about China Literature Group on the Internet. The main content was about China Literature. The group’s new contract has slave clauses, squeezing authors, but Tencent is indeed rich, and many hot searches have gone down as soon as they hit the top. Fortunately, the big V authors who later bought many of your articles also came forward to speak out, letting us know. What is the real situation, including an author I am very familiar with: Tiancan Tudou. It was not until Tiancan Tudou spoke out this time that I knew why his "Fights Break the Sphere" and "Martial Arts" were changed like that. The reason is that the copyright of these two books does not belong to him at all. Even if he wants to intervene, there is nothing he can do. It is not his fault in the first place, but it is really sorry for him to bear the blame for the fighting spirit for so long. After all, I also complained about it at that time. Through this, we can find that even big V authors like Tiancan Tudou are like this, let alone small authors at the bottom.

This new contract for China Literature has directly caused many Internet article authors to run away. In the past, online article authors and China Literature Group basically shared a 50-50 split. Although the copyright did not belong to them, they could still get part of the income. However, this time the contract directly stated that "if the operating expenses for the month exceed If the author's fee is "fee", then the income of the online article author will be negative. Not only will he not make any money, but he will also have to pay for it. This is definitely unacceptable, so many online article authors will run away and let the original author write the article himself. Went (the original author is also China Literature Group).

This incident through readingI hope that online article platforms can pay more attention to the rights of online article authors and give them the most basic respect, instead of treating them as a writing machine and exploiting them endlessly. Although China Literature wants to launch free reading The idea is good, but if it is based on the premise of squeezing the authors of online articles, I would rather not do it. If Yuewen really escapes this time, will the other online writing platforms do the same thing? Even, I think comics may be affected.

⑶ China Literature Group’s inhumane contract blatantly steals authors’ hard-earned money. What makes them so bold?

The disparity in supply, the weakness of online article authors, and the lack of legal provisions The loopholes have given China Literature Group huge room to show off its power in its "cannibalism" contract.

1. There is a huge disparity between the size of the online writing market and the number of online writing platforms.

my country's copyright laws and regulations have been working hard to improve and revise them, but the speed of improvement is really unable to withstand the ability of these people to drill holes. The leaked terms of the contract between China Literature Group and the author of the online article not only state in black and white that all copyrights belong to the group, but also extract monthly reward money, and also order Party B not to leak the contents of the contract. As long as one of the clauses is violated, this will The contract will be immediately void.

From the beginning to the end of the contract, the status of Party A and Party B is unequal, every word is domineering, and even the author's own behavior must be controlled. Since the contract is a public document, why is it required to be kept confidential? I really hope that the day our country’s copyright laws and regulations are improved, these parties who eat human flesh and blood and drink human bone marrow will be punished as they should be, and humble Internet article authors will be given a space to survive.

⑷ China Literature has revised its contract. The writer calls China Literature a conscientious enterprise. Will the cultural industry prosper?

I don’t think the cultural industry will prosper just because of this incident. , or in other words, the prosperity of the cultural industry is not directly related to this contract modification. First of all, the reason why Yuewen revised the contract was entirely because there were many unreasonable things before, which caused excessive oppression and infringement of the author's interests. Although the contract was later modified, it only returned part of the power to the writers. But the prosperity of the cultural industry requires the efforts of the platform, and the continuous innovation of writers requires a broader creative environment.

2. The prosperity of the cultural industry again requires the joint efforts of different classes

It is not just online novels that maintain the cultural industry, and the rise of online novels requires more than just creation. the efforts of the author. Creators who want to create broader and more innovative content must also be given space to create and open up limitations. The cultural industry covers all aspects and requires the joint efforts of different people and creators.

⑸ The Yuewen Overlord Contract has aroused public outrage, and many great experts have spoken out angrily against Yuewen. What should we readers do in this incident?

We readers can just pay attention to this matter quietly. You can publish your ownViews, but do not take the initiative to do anything for the author, because this is essentially a commercial dispute of interest between China Literature and the author, not a strong one bullying the weak.

01 As soon as I entered, I saw Chang Wei playing Laifu

For many For readers like me, the first impression given by the Overlord Contract incident in China Literature is that as soon as we entered the door, we saw Chang Wei calling Laifu, and the most intolerable thing is that this "Laifu" is not a stranger. A person, but a person who has brought us joy in the past and now, a person we once wanted to be, a friend we have never met but have known for a long time.

Is China Literature’s contract excessive? Very excessive.

Why is it so excessive? Because the author can accept it.

Why is it acceptable to the author? Because they are really acceptable.

Because although this contract is excessive, the previous contracts were also excessive, because they already had copyright issues many years ago. Lost, because for most authors, they actually don’t care about copyright.

After all, the chance of getting copyright for an author who is not LV5 is no better than winning the lottery. After all, not everyone’s contract is like this. , Dashen and Platinum can still get the copyright. After all, how can the contract between Poujie and Dashen be the same?

So, they sat silently and watched the winner. Therefore, they did not interrupt updates. Therefore, they actually silently accepted the new contract long ago. , so we readers really become a nosy dog.

Maybe, we really should grow up, stop being childish, and let that boy live in our memories.

Next time, when something like this happens and we watch the show quietly, those of us who spend money to read books should be our dads and watch them quietly. When it comes to acting, stop being so naive.

⑹ Is a writer’s contract like China Literature Group’s legally valid?

If the person signing the contract has full capacity for civil conduct and there is no fraud, threats, intimidation, etc., it is valid. , Yuewen has a legal team, how can it be possible to get an invalid contract?

⑺ How much is the remuneration for signing a contract with China Literature Group?

How much is the remuneration for signing a contract with China Literature Group? Yuewen Group has integrated several popular online novel websites and has more than 5 million writers. In 2016, it even announced a remuneration of 1 billion, which can be said to be a very impressive figure. But if you look closely, on average, each person only gets about 200 yuan. soThe remuneration of 11 seems to be a lot, but in fact the average amount of money distributed to each writer is very small.
In fact, even if we sign a contract with a platform, if we don’t have a fixed group of people to read our novels, our income will not increase. This is why some people update ten times a month. Tens of thousands of words only cost a few hundred yuan, while some people can make millions from one book. For online novels to make money, we need to have a book that becomes an instant hit, so that our subsequent novels will have a fixed audience to read them.
So when we write novels online, we should not give up because we don’t make any money at first. What writing novels requires is perseverance and luck. Just like many writers of fantasy novels, after they have certain masterpieces, some people will read their works even if they are terrible. For example, Tang Jia San Shao is an Internet writer I particularly like. The few novels he wrote later were obviously money-making works, but many people still read them.
In the final analysis, if online novels want to make money, it can actually be said to be traffic sharing. As long as someone reads your book, your income will be relatively high. If you want to write a novel, you can practice on a small website first. There is no need to go to China Literature Group to sign a contract from the beginning. The competition is too big and you will not be able to get ahead.

⑻ What is the China Literature Overlord Contract?

There are too many links to the web page. Let me give you a link to read for yourself

⑼ Signed with China Literature After the contract, do all copyrights no longer belong to the author?

I don’t know what to say, after all, I am not a legal professional. But I can see what you mean. All copyrights belong to Yuewen Agent, which means that any copyright you have, such as publishing paper books, audio books, and adapting movies and TV shows, must be decided by it. If you do it without its consent, it is an infringement. If it agrees, you will share the profits with it. Moreover, if the author dies, the copyright will completely belong to Yuewen. The author's books will still be sold, but the author's family will not inherit the profits from the copyright at all! Therefore, writers of reading articles must live well! Especially after writing a book, you must not give Yuewen money in vain!

⑽ What do you think of the recent uproar over the Yuewen Overlord Contract?

Rule the country according to law:

In view of the fact that Yuewen Overlord Contract The two agreements between Wen Company and Chang Shuxin both expired on January 24, 2019, and their rights and obligations were terminated due to the expiration of the contract period. Therefore, Yuewen Company’s claims 1, 2, and 3 have no contractual basis, and this court will not support them.

Article 107 of the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that if a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or performs its contractual obligations inconsistently with the agreement, it shall bear liability for breach of contract such as continuing to perform, taking remedial measures, or compensating for losses. . The fourth lawsuit filed against Yuewen Company requires a court to order Chang Shuxin to stop publicly making remarks that are detrimental to the image and reputation of Yuewen Company, and to delete the slanderous words in Chang Shuxin's Weibo account "Chang Shuxin-Yu Zui"The court of first instance supported the remarks that damaged the image and reputation of Yuewen Company. Chang Shuxin should take remedial measures and delete the three Weibo posts involved in the case.

To sum up, the court of first instance ruled: 1. Chang Shuxin deleted the Weibo account "Chang Shuxin-Yu Zui" on January 26, 2016 and Three Weibo posts involved in the case published on December 24, 2016 and January 25, 2017; 2. Chang Shuxin paid Yuewen Company liquidated damages of RMB 1,259,697 within ten days from the date of the judgment; 3. Rejection of Yuewen Company the remaining claims.

Reprinted from:

Shanghai Intellectual Property Court Civil Judgment (2019) Shanghai 73 Min Zhong No. 138

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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