币圈第二大公链是什么 币圈三大公链

Ⅰ 币圈哪个币有落地应用的


Ⅱ 全球一共有多少条区块链公链













Ⅲ 区块链三大公链是什么

公有区块链(Public Block Chains)是指:世界上任何个体或者团体都可以发送交易,且交易能够获得该区块链的有效确认,任何人都可以参与其共识过程。公有区块链是最早的区块链,也是应用最广泛的区块链,各大bitcoins系列的虚拟数字货币均基于公有区块链,世界上有且仅有一条该币种对应的区块链。
行业区块链(Consortium Block Chains):由某个群体内部指定多个预选的节点为记账人,每个块的生成由所有的预选节点共同决定(预选节点参与共识过程),其他接入节点可以参与交易,但不过问记账过程(本质上还是托管记账,只是变成分布式记账,预选节点的多少,如何决定每个块的记账者成为该区块链的主要风险点),其他任何人可以通过该区块链开放的API进行限定查询。
私有区块链(Private Block Chains):仅仅使用区块链的总账技术进行记账,可以是一个公司,也可以是个人,独享该区块链的写入权限,本链与其他的分布式存储方案没有太大区别。传统金融都是想实验尝试私有区块链,而公链的应用例如bitcoin已经工业化,私链的应用产品还在摸索当中。

Ⅳ 揭秘比特币全球第一大券商“币安”

马斯克的一把火,让比特币再度成为公众性话题。毫无疑问,比特币正在成为影响世界货币支付的 历史 性趋势。


2017年7月,加拿大华人赵长鹏与前一下 科技 副总裁何一联合创办“币安”,定位为世界级的区块链资产交易平台,币安的核心团队以及投资顾问团队也由全球50多个国家和地区的成员组成。


与当红的Coinbase相比,币安也是有其明显的优势之处:拥有最多可投资币种的开放式交易平台,让投资者和交易者实现灵活多变的投资结构优化和组合;以智能链(BSC) 为代表的、助力节点、代币持有者、开发者和用户均能获益的生态赋能价值,使得其运营模式的长期价值得以凸显;以前两者为核心所带来海量高净值用户的强劲盈利能力。






在国内,但斌等投资界大佬也纷纷表达了对比特币投资价值的认同,并开始积极布局。 吸引专业投资者从观望到积极入场,一个根本性原因就在于比特币正在成为数字货币的代表,其投资性和交易性被越来越广泛认可,其稀缺性、可长期保存、可以变现的多重投资价值,正随着时间不断显现。



而作为全球第一大比特币券商币安公司——这家由华人控制的交易平台在2020年度的机构开户数量猛增46%。伴随着2020年末至今的比特币牛市,币安的交易量不断刷新 历史 记录, 24小时交易量已经超越A股。


根据 CoinMarketCap基于流量,流动性,交易量以及对所报告交易量合理性的置信度对加密货币现货交易所所进行的排名和评分。币安排名第一,其24小时交易量几乎是Coinbase的8倍。



巴菲特曾经说过: “投资者应考虑企业的长期发展,而不是股票市场的短期前景。价格最终将取决于未来的收益。在投资过程中如同棒球运动中那样,要想让记分牌不断翻滚,你就必须盯着球场而不是记分牌。”





更重要的是,从上币到交易,币安正在为投资者打造“一条龙服务”。对于平台币BNB,币安联合创始人何一明确表态 “BNB大于币安”,币安目前并不寻求上市,全部价值赋能到BNB上面,成为其既定战略。






区块链通常分为三类:公有链(Public blockchain)、私有链(Private blockchain)和联盟链(Consortiumblockchain)。




以太坊这样一套完整的智能合约功能,为整个数字货币生态的发展提供了极大的推动作用,这是以太在 历史 上曾经造就的辉煌。









比特币持续上扬的行情证明,越来越多的主流机构都在配置比特币等加密资产,人们通过比特币进入加密资产世界,最终也会 探索 加密资产领域的其他资产,比如仅次于比特币的币安币。作为提供交易铲子乃至更进一步炼金术的币安,也就站在了币圈的投资中心点。

Ⅳ 全球公认的五大公链


Ⅵ 波卡币为什么这么火币圈新宠

说到含着金钥匙出生的项目,波卡一定榜上有名。其创始人是区块链领域的专家。他就是以太坊的核心开发者,《以太坊黄皮书》的作者,以太坊前CTO——Gavin Wood博士。

要说V神是以太坊概念的发起者,Gavin Wood 才是实现以太坊的人,可谓是以太坊的开山鼻祖。后来他意识到以太坊本身有其缺陷,无法实现他的web3.0愿景,无法推动重建。因此,他从以太坊社区走出来,创立了一个新的区块链项目——波卡。所以很多人认为波卡卡是以太坊的挑战者。










Ⅶ trx和trc20一样吗

都在说,现在DEFI啊 公链啊 这条赛道已经彻底堵死了,没有更多机会了

在科技领域,就算是苹果谷歌亚马逊阿里巴巴 腾讯京东网络
这就是后来者:波场 TRX

很多人猜测可能是DEFI的原因, 比如波场的JUSTSWAP JST这些生态的加成

波场里面的USDT TRC20
下面的内容我会细细道来这个USDT TRC 20的厉害之处

ETH公链上面的 USDT ERC 20
波场TRX公链上面的 USDT TRC20
但是如果你要是体验过TRX上面的USDT TRC20的话,客观地说良心话
就像这个世界已经有苹果 三星 华为了
但是小米也有很大的一个市场! 因为得屌丝者得天下!
世界上有了京东 淘宝 天猫,

在USDT这个强应用的基础之上再次叠加DEFI JUSTSWAP 等等生态和
BTT JST这些矩阵的加成之下

USDT TRC20得屌丝者得天下
USDT ERC20这些太贵太慢
TRX其他矩阵内部的项目会有加成效应比如:BTT JST等等


柚子EOS !!


Ⅷ 公链币有哪些

2、ETH又叫以太币, 是目前最大的公链,是一个平台和一种编程语言,使开发人员能够建立和发布下一代分布式应用。Ethereum可以用来编程,分散,担保和交易任何事物:投票,域名,金融交易所,众筹,公司管理, 合同和大部分的协议,知识产权,还有得益于硬件集成的智能资产。以太坊将使用混合型的安全协议,前期使用工作量证明机制(POW),用于分发以太币。
3、EOS币是一个专为商用分布式应用设计的一款区块链操作系统。英文全称Enterprise Operation System,又叫柚子币。EOS币是采用了一种新型区块链架构,通过并行链和DPoS 的方式解决了延迟和数据吞吐量的难题,堪称以太坊(Ethereum)的劲敌。EOS币提供帐户,身份验证,数据库,异步通信以及在数以百计的CPU或群集上的程序调度。EOS项目旨在实现一个区块链体系架构,该区块链每秒可以支持数百万个交易,同时普通用户无需支付使用费用。

Ⅸ 币圈十大交易所

2、OKEXOKEX资产3535.06万美元,拥有635个交易对,24小时成交额60.79亿美元。OKEX是全球著名的数字资产国际站之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的现货和衍生品交易服务,隶属于OKEX Technology Company Limited。
3、ZBG。ZBG资产1.05亿美元,共有80个交易对,24小时成交额8.04亿美元。ZBG.com在2018年成立于香港,凭借创新、高效和全球化的运营,ZBG在短时间内迅速跻身行业世界前十,被誉为新一线国际站。 目前平台已支持七国语言访问,为全球180万加密资产投资者提供服务,平台日均活跃超过12万。
5、TSLA Global。TSLA Global是一家于2017年10月在阿拉伯联合酋长国注册的加密货币交易所。资产19.37亿美元,共有287个交易对,24小时成交额67.35亿美元。是世界上第一个使用P2P形式的全球加密货币交易平台。

Ⅹ 国内有名的区块链公链有哪些


Ⅰ Which currency in the currency circle has implemented application

MetaMask is a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask allows users to access their Ethereum wallet via a browser extension or mobile app, which can then be used to interact with decentralized applications. Of course, you first need to have a MetaMask wallet and go to chrome.google.com/webst

Ⅱ How many public blockchain chains are there in the world

Global public blockchain chains There are:

1. BTC:

Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large amount of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses A distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire p2p network confirms and records all transaction behaviors, and uses cryptographic design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation.

2. ETH:

Ethereum (Ethereum) is a global open source platform for distributed applications. It came into being to solve the problems existing in the Bitcoin network. The blockchain system provides developers with a platform to build and publish applications on the blockchain.

Ethereum can be used to program, decentralize, secure and trade anything including voting, domain names, financial exchanges, crowdfunding, company management, contracts and most agreements, intellectual property, smart assets, etc. It was issued on July 24, 2014, and the total initial issuance amount during crowdfunding was approximately 72 million ETH.

3. ICP:

The DFINITY team has been committed to researching the underlying technology of blockchain since 2015 and is committed to developing a blockchain-based , a secure and powerful next-generation application-level blockchain global computer. DFINITY is building a new decentralized public cloud computing service.

4. ADA:

Cardano is based on peer-reviewed academic research and embodies the spirit of openness and transparency. All research and technical specifications supporting Cardano are publicly released, and all Cardano development activities are open to the public. It is designed by a global team of experts who are leaders in their respective fields and developed by IOHK and its partners, with IOHK developing the technology, the Cardano Foundation overseeing development and promotion, and Emurgo driving commercial applications.

5. VET:

VET is converted from VEN according to the ratio of 1VEN:100VET. The Vechain platform is a global ledger-based information interaction and collaboration cloud platform based on block technology. Through the connection between API and application layer, people, things or things in the real world can be digitized to realize the interconnection of information.

Ⅲ What are the three major public chains of blockchain?

The three major public chains of the blockchain refer to BTC, ETH, and ADA
The blockchain public chain is also called the blockchain public chain. The public chain means that anyone can The data in the system can be read at any time. Public chains are often completely decentralized. This feature prevents everyone and institutions from controlling or tampering with the data on the chain.
Extended information:
Blockchain is a term in the field of information technology. In essence, it is a shared database, and the data or information stored in it has the characteristics of "unforgeable", "full traces left", "traceable", "open and transparent" and "collectively maintained". Based on these characteristics, blockchain technology has laid a solid foundation of "trust" and created a reliable "cooperation" mechanism, which has broad application prospects.
1. Public Blockchains
Public Block Chains means: any individual or group in the world can send transactions, and the transactions can be effectively confirmed by the blockchain , anyone can participate in its consensus process. The public blockchain is the earliest blockchain and the most widely used blockchain. The virtual digital currencies of all major bitcoins series are based on the public blockchain. There is only one blockchain corresponding to this currency in the world. .
2. Consortium (Industry) Blockchains
Industry Blockchains (Consortium Block Chains): Multiple preselected nodes are designated within a certain group as bookkeepers, and each block is generated by all preselected nodes. Nodes jointly decide (pre-selected nodes participate in the consensus process), other access nodes can participate in transactions, but do not participate in the accounting process (it is essentially still managed accounting, but becomes distributed accounting, how many pre-selected nodes, how to decide each The bookkeeper of the block becomes the main risk point of the blockchain), and anyone else can conduct limited queries through the open API of the blockchain.
3. Private Blockchain
Private Block Chains: Only use the general ledger technology of the blockchain for accounting. It can be a company or an individual, and the blockchain can be used exclusively. With write permissions, this chain is not much different from other distributed storage solutions. Traditional finance is trying to experiment with private blockchains, while applications of public blockchains such as Bitcoin have been industrialized, and application products of private blockchains are still being explored.

Ⅳ Revealing the world’s largest Bitcoin brokerage “Binance”

Musk’s popularity has made Bitcoin once again a public topic. There is no doubt that Bitcoin is becoming a historic trend affecting world currency payments.

But in fact, the No. 1 trading platform in the currency circle is not Coinbase, but Binance.

In July 2017, Canadian Chinese Zhao Changpeng and former Vice President of Technology He Yi jointly founded "Binance", positioning it as a world-class blockchain asset trading platform. Binance's core team and investorsThe financial advisory team also consists of members from more than 50 countries and regions around the world.

Within 50 days since Binance was launched, its users have covered more than 180 countries and regions. Currently, Binance supports approximately 120 cryptocurrencies, and it is expected that new currencies will continue to be launched in the future, providing global investors with more diverse trading options.

Compared with the popular Coinbase, Binance also has its obvious advantages: it has an open trading platform with the largest number of investable currencies, allowing investors and traders to achieve flexible investment structures. Optimization and combination; the ecological empowerment value represented by Smart Chain (BSC), which can benefit nodes, token holders, developers and users, highlights the long-term value of its operating model; the former two It brings strong profitability to the core with a large number of high-net-worth users.

Because of this, after Coinbase announced its listing, traders and investors in the currency circle immediately turned their attention to Binance. How to seize the opportunity and share the dividends of Binance, which is still in its explosive period, has become one of the hottest topics in the industry.

"You have to keep your eyes on the court"

Bitcoin's market value has hit new highs recently, and it has been widely recognized by mainstream investment institutions.

Tesla announced that it had invested US$1.5 billion in Bitcoin in January this year and accepted Bitcoin as a payment method for the purchase of electric vehicles. Musk also changed the avatar on his social media account to an anime character embracing the Bitcoin symbol.

Another big news comes from Goldman Sachs Group - Goldman Sachs has restarted its cryptocurrency trading department and will provide trading services for clients such as Bitcoin futures and non-deliverable forward contracts (NDF).

In China, big names in the investment community such as Dan Bin have also expressed their recognition of the investment value of Bitcoin and have begun to actively deploy it. A fundamental reason for attracting professional investors to switch from wait-and-see to actively entering the market is that Bitcoin is becoming a representative of digital currency. Its investment and trading properties are increasingly widely recognized. Its scarcity, long-term storage, and ability to be liquidated The value of multiple investments is emerging over time.

As a result, Bitcoin’s trillion-dollar market value is just the beginning. With the participation of companies, investors and the public from various countries, the value of Bitcoin transactions and investments will be further amplified.

The reason why Coinbase can create the "myth" with a valuation of hundreds of billions of dollars is that as a trading platform, its business volume and revenue will rise rapidly with the continuous increase in the scale and frequency of Bitcoin transactions. .

As the world’s largest Bitcoin brokerage, Binance, a Chinese-controlled trading platform, saw a 46% increase in the number of institutional account openings in 2020. With the Bitcoin bull market from the end of 2020 to the present, Binance’s trading volume continues to refresh historical records, and its 24-hour trading volume has exceededA shares.

If we compare Binance with Coinbase, we can clearly see the gap between the two.

Cryptocurrency spot exchanges are ranked and rated by CoinMarketCap based on traffic, liquidity, volume, and confidence in the reasonableness of reported volumes. Coinbase ranks first, with its 24-hour trading volume being almost 8 times that of Coinbase.

As of now, the market value of Binance Exchange's token "BNB" (similar to a brokerage stock) has become the third largest global digital currency after Bitcoin and Ethereum, with a market value of more than 39 billion US dollars.

In an interview with Bloomberg in December last year, Binance founder Changpeng Zhao predicted that the net profit for the whole of 2020 is expected to reach US$1 billion (6.4 billion yuan). Data shows that CICC achieved a net profit of 6.828 billion yuan to 7.552 billion yuan in 2020, which means that Binance’s net profit in the past year has been comparable to CICC.

Buffett once said: "Investors should consider the long-term development of the company rather than the short-term prospects of the stock market. Prices will ultimately depend on future earnings. In the investment process, just like in baseball, you must To keep the scoreboard rolling, you have to keep your eyes on the field, not the scoreboard."

Obviously, in the baseball game of Bitcoin, investors need to find the leading side on the field, and Binance Evidently the slugger with the most home runs in baseball.

"The value of making shovels"

Like any emerging investment field, how to identify the most valuable industrial value links in this field is the key to maximizing investment returns.

As the world’s largest digital currency trading platform, Binance has the moat advantage of aggregating resources in the international currency circle; at the same time, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), represented by the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), assists nodes, token holders, The ecological empowerment value that both developers and users can benefit from can continue to attract all parties to settle in and achieve high activity and strong stickiness; Binance has industry leading advantages in terms of the number and quality of investment and transaction users in the currency circle. , and thus has impressively strong profitability.

More importantly, from currency listing to trading, Binance is creating a “one-stop service” for investors. Regarding the platform currency BNB, Binance co-founder He Yi clearly stated that "BNB is greater than Binance". Binance is not currently seeking to be listed. All value is bestowed on BNB, which has become its established strategy.

Binance has established an international development positioning since its inception, which not only allows it to quickly attract investors from all over the world, but also allows it to simultaneously capture changes in user needs in major markets around the world, thereby responding to Carry out continuous iterative upgrades on your own.

From centralized trading service platform to decentralized trading platform, from BNBWhen it comes to BSC, Binance’s innovative awareness and self-evolution ability in the currency circle are the key to its continuous catching up with its opponents.

In this regard, Binance is not only a "shovel seller", but also a "shovel maker."

Another "treasure" of Binance

Binance not only has the "value of making shovels" + exchange, it is also building a public chain.

Blockchains are usually divided into three categories: public blockchain, private blockchain and consortium blockchain.

The main difference between these three types of blockchains is that the public chain is open to everyone and anyone can participate; the alliance chain is open to specific organizational groups; and the private chain is open to a certain person or entity.

The reason why Ethereum is famous in the currency circle is that the Ethereum smart contract is the first project in the blockchain field to provide smart contract functions. The Bitcoin network is the earliest digital currency network. Its main function is for value transmission or payment value scale. Bitcoin itself does not have the function of a smart contract.

However, after the emergence of Ethereum smart contracts, a large number of projects appeared to use Ethernet smart contracts to issue their own tokens. A large number of projects ran on the Ethereum public chain, establishing Ethereum as a global The foundation of the largest public chain.

A complete set of smart contract functions such as Ethereum has provided a great boost to the development of the entire digital currency ecosystem. This is the glory that Ethereum has achieved in history.

Currently, the leading public chain ETH (Ethereum) is the second largest digital currency in market value after Bitcoin. However, the bottleneck of ETH’s development is network congestion and high gas fees, while Binance’s public chain Chain BSC solves this problem very well.

There is no doubt about the technical capabilities of ETH, but projects and users have chosen to vote with their feet. BSC, which is faster and has lower GAS fees, has become a new choice for users. This change has also become a new choice between the Ethereum system and The fierce competition between BSC and BSC began. As the GAS on BSC, BNB also became the winner of this competition, and the Coinbase effect became the third largest digital currency in the world.

The competition between Binance BSC and ETH is very similar to Alibaba and eBay many years ago. For users, whether it is investment or other trading activities, choosing a platform that can provide a better user experience and lower usage costs is the starting point for their decision-making. Binance BSC made full use of its strengths in speed, fees, etc. to attack the "shortcomings" of ETH, and ultimately won the hearts of a large number of users.

This is another "treasure" of Binance, which also makes it equivalent to the sum of the enlarged version of Coinbase+ETH.


In the future development of the currency circle, how to define the investment value of a digital currency trading platform? The first is Binance’s technical capabilities. The authoritatively certified memory matching technology has a processing speed of up to 1.4 million orders/second, which is much higher than the industry average. This is an indispensable technology for the currency circle that emphasizes transaction response speed. Service infrastructure.

As a trading platform, Binance adopts strict selection criteria and only selects projects with good credit, large user base, and strong liquidity. The probability of a project being selected by Binance is 3%, which is lower than the admission rate of Harvard University. On this basis, Binance supports approximately 120 cryptocurrencies and 240 trading combinations. In terms of transaction quality and transaction openness, Binance has integration capabilities that other platforms cannot match.

In an era where the global currency continues to be over-issuance, countless investors hope to find new investment opportunities to ensure the preservation and appreciation of their own funds and assets.

The continued rise of Bitcoin proves that more and more mainstream institutions are allocating crypto assets such as Bitcoin. People enter the world of crypto assets through Bitcoin and will eventually explore other assets in the field of crypto assets. , such as Binance Coin, second only to Bitcoin. As a provider of trading shovels and even further alchemy, Binance stands at the center of investment in the currency circle.

IV The five globally recognized public chains

NO.1, Ethereum (ETH)
NO.2, Xiaoyi (NEO)
NO.3, Quantum (QTUM)
NO.5, Quark (QKI).
Extended information:
1. Quantum is committed to creating another blockchain system different from Bitcoin and Ethereum. It hopes to realize point-to-point value transfer through value transmission protocols and expand blockchain technology and Application boundaries. It seems that this is definitely a high definition.
2. The technical design of quantum mainly lies in its compatibility, including the compatibility of Ethereum and Bitcoin and the downward compatibility of quantum, as well as the module design and consensus mechanism of quantum. Quantum adopts an innovative POW consensus mechanism, namely Ipow.
3. The founder of EOS is the famous BM. BitShares, Steem, etc. were all founded by this person. The most widely circulated thing on the Internet is BM's conversation with Buterin. BM sharply asked Buterin how to solve the scalability problem of Ethereum, which shows his great reputation. However, the most topical aspect of EOS is its large number of issuances and its one-year crowdfunding period.
4. As a public chain that competes with Ethereum, the most technical feature of EOS is that it can simplify the generation and management of user accounts, and can restore accounts. This improves security in the eyes of users, and it claims to support hundreds of users. The transaction speed of 10,000 tps has also attracted public attention, because this is a speed that cannot be matched by Bitcoin and Ethereum.
5. Xiaoyi is the earliest district in ChinaOne of the blockchain projects, its white paper defines it as: a decentralized network protocol based on blockchain technology that digitizes assets and rights in the physical world and conducts financial services such as registration and issuance, transfer transactions, clearing and delivery through a peer-to-peer network. Xiaoyi can be used in equity crowdfunding, P2P online lending, digital asset management, smart contracts and other fields.
6. Bitcoin can be said to be only suitable for cryptocurrency scenarios, while Ethereum can be interpreted as blockchain + smart contract. It has Turing completeness and supports smart contracts. It creates a complex logic that can be implemented in various commercial and non-commercial environments, hiding the complexity of the underlying technology and allowing application developers to focus more on application logic and business logic.
7. The shortcoming of Ethereum is that it has poor scalability. Like Bitcoin, it suffers from the dilemma that every transaction needs to be processed by every node in the network. A transaction of 2000tps may lead to rapid growth of storage on the Ethereum chain and congestion. As more applications are connected, there may be more congestion in the future. Fortunately, Ethereum full nodes only need to store state rather than the complete blockchain.
8. Although Ethereum transactions are becoming more and more congested, its price on the platform has been rising steadily, and the 10,000 mark has been exceeded. Even if the congestion problem of Ethereum cannot be solved in the future, its investment price will not be low.

VI Why is Polkadot the new favorite in the Huobi circle

When it comes to projects born with golden keys, Polkadot must be on the list. Its founders are experts in the blockchain field. He is the core developer of Ethereum, the author of the "Ethereum Yellow Paper", and the former CTO of Ethereum - Dr. Gavin Wood.

To say that Buterin is the initiator of the concept of Ethereum, Gavin Wood is the person who implemented Ethereum, and can be said to be the originator of Ethereum. Later, he realized that Ethereum itself had its flaws and was unable to realize his web3.0 vision and promote reconstruction. Therefore, he walked out of the Ethereum community and founded a new blockchain project - Polkadot. So many people think that Polkadot is a challenger to Ethereum.

In addition to the founder, the Polkadot team is also a highlight. The Web3 Foundation behind Polkadot commissioned five teams and more than 100 developers to build Polkadot. In addition to the technical team, there are also dedicated teams responsible for community and growth, business cooperation, education and training, fund distribution, etc. In July this year, Polkadot also announced that three new executives were added to the leadership team, many of whom had previously worked at Microsoft. So it can be said that Polkadot was born with a golden key.

What is Polkadot? Polkadot is also called Dotcoin, and its full English name is Polkadot. It is the culmination of the Web 3.0 and new public chain craze, and is known as the public chain with the greatest potential in the future.

DOT was issued in May 2019. So far, it has been listed on 103 exchanges, with a circulating market capitalization of US$10.151 billion. The currency that has been among the top ten currencies in the currency circle for a long time has now exceeded dogecoin, ranked eighth.

Why is Polkadot so popular?

1. The founding leadership team is awesome. As just analyzed, Polkadot’s leadership team comes from the Ethereum community, and the project development team is very gorgeous, consisting of 30 top developers, including various experts in system programming, cryptography and distributed systems. The technical and operational leadership teams have a clear division of labor, and they are all leaders in the cryptocurrency industry, so they have developed quickly by leveraging the power of Web 3.0.

2. Excellent technology. Polkadot is a decentralized Internet where users have complete control. The Internet it envisions is one in which everyone’s identity and data are controlled by themselves and are not affected by any centralized organization. Polkadot aims to connect private chains, alliance chains, public chains, open networks, oracles and future technologies that have not yet been created.

3. Polkadot can link multiple blockchains. Stuck within the structure is a project that can be infinitely expanded. The core structure of Polkadot is a relay chain, which then connects multiple parallel chains and transit bridges through slots (the transit bridge can link other chains with different consensus mechanisms from Polkadot, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum). But one relay chain can only link 100 slots, but one of the slots can link to another parallel relay chain. This new relay chain can link 100 slots, so unlimited scalability can be achieved. Similar to it it can have multiple forks.

4. The time for Polkadot’s development is very suitable. PokCard is developed based on Web3.0. As a consensus engine, PokCard will connect other Web3.0-oriented projects and act as the underlying connector. For example, as a decentralized and encrypted information publishing system, the famous distributed storage project IPFS will also be integrated with PokCard. It can be said that Polkadot conforms to the trend of Web3.0 and the development trend of the times.

5. Polkadot has a viable source of funding. Polkadot has designed an exquisite mechanism to keep funds for ecological construction together. This mechanism is the Ministry of Finance. The treasury is a DOT fund pool through which the transaction costs, penalties and benefits on Polkadot are increased, and the funding sources of these three departments are designed into Polkadot’s economic model, which means that as long as Polkadot keeps running, The treasury will have a constant source of funds. At the same time, Polkadot’s team can also be decentralized and gradually move towards a decentralized governance level.

Is Ⅶ trx the same as trc20?

There is a popular argument recently!
Everyone is saying that now the track of DEFI and public chains has been completely blocked, and there are no more opportunities
I have read some articles in self-media recently
They all It is full of emotions and arguments: it is said that the only public chain track in the future is Ethereum, and other public chains including EOS and Tron are only possible.There is only one road, no way out

For this view, if you have enough independent thinking ability, you only need to do in-depth critical thinking to find that it is actually untenable!
For example:
15 years ago, everyone thought that Nokia had completely dominated the world, and no one could shake Nokia’s dominance in the mobile phone field. It was just that everyone’s vision and thinking were limited at that time.
In the field of technology, even Apple, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com
In fact, everyone internally has a sense of crisis and knows that evolution and change are rapid, and it is entirely possible for latecomers to catch up.
How can we say that ETH has completely won?
Today, I feel that there is a potential competitor that is very powerful and lethal, and may compete with Ethereum in the future!
This is the latecomer: TRON

In fact, the rights and wrongs of Sun Yuchen have been discussed too much in domestic forums
But in fact, everyone has a negative opinion about Sun Yuchen. The judgment is still unfair. If an entrepreneur like Lao Sun is abroad, such as the United States
The United States will think that Sun Yuchen is a successful entrepreneur and highly respect him. For example, Sun Yuchen is on Twitter in the United States. There are many fans, and everyone still recognizes Lao Sun very much
But Lao Sun’s image in China seems to be that of a liar who cut other people’s leeks and ran to the United States. In fact, it is very different
In Coin In the circle, there are more people who are more messy than Justin Sun
And in fact, Justin Sun is still working on the project seriously. Those of us who have held TRX for a long time have not lost money at all in about three years. Money, and I have made a lot of money
Why is it said today that Justin Sun’s TRON has great potential and may increase by more than 50 times?
Many people speculate that it may be due to DEFI, such as TRON’s JUSTSWAP JST and other ecological bonuses
Actually, it is not! !
Not at all! !
Not at all! !

There is actually a super trump card in Sun Yuchen’s TRON ecology, and it is a trump card that everyone has ignored—a trump card that has been seriously ignored! !
USDT TRC20 in Tron
In the following content, I will explain in detail the power of USDT TRC 20

Currently USDT is available in four public chains :
They are:
USDT OMNI on the BTC public chain
USDT ERC 20 on the ETH public chain
USDT EOS on the EOS public chain
USDT TRC2 on the TRX public chain0
Anyone who has used Bitcoin and Ethereum’s USDT knows how expensive the fees are!
How slow and slow the speed inside is! !
But if you have experienced USDT TRC20 on TRX, objectively speaking, it is a conscience
This is still a very conscience, very smooth and silky experience
Here: we often say in the currency circle These public chains have no practical applications and are just speculating on concepts. USDT can be said to be a real and real demand, and it has real applications
Why is USDT on TRX more lethal?
An iron rule once again: Those who win the diaosi win the world! !
Just like the world already has Apple, Samsung and Huawei
But Xiaomi also has a huge market! Because those who win the diaosi win the world!
With JD.com, Taobao and Tmall in the world,
Pinduoduo also has a huge market, because diaosi people win the world, and
Pinduoduo’s current market value has completely surpassed JD.com
If there is a huge market for stablecoins in the future, because the vast majority of users are still diaosi
The diaosi effect of TRON’s TRX and USDT can also capture a large number of users, and the more sinking, the greater the number of users.
The explosive power may be stronger in the later stage! !
This is not a hype but a real application

On the basis of the strong application of USDT, DEFI JUSTSWAP and other ecology and
BTT JST matrices are superimposed again With the bonus
I believe that Tron should be a very strong opponent of Ethereum in the future
According to the current price of Tron, it is indeed very low
In the bull market, one A 50-fold increase should not be difficult, because the following logic is too hard:

Those who win USDT TRC20 will win the world
Diaosi users are the majority
USDT ERC20 is too expensive Too slow
USDT is fast and cheap
TRX’s other matrix internal projects will have bonus effects, such as: BTT JST, etc.
If you continue to use decentralized finance on the ETH main chain If you do, you will have to pay a huge handling fee
But none of these old leeks in our currency circle are fools
They will pay more in vain
It is easy to come up with a In conclusion, everyone will rotate among these new leeks and old leeks who want to make money
The next trend is not blown up, and there is no congested network

Public chain world
There are only three heroes who can make waves in decentralized finance now

And when
Ethereum’s network is completely blocked
A transaction will cost about 0.5 Ethereum
This kind of cost is not affordable by humans
I am more optimistic about it It was the king of the year - the pain in everyone’s heart
Youzi EOS!!
What’s the reason?
Listen to me in detail
Tell you why this time is the time for EOS to show its power
First of all, EOS adopts
DPOS, a consensus mechanism that has been ridiculed and criticized by everyone The degree of centralization is too high
However, its effect in saving handling fees is basically unparalleled
Everyone who has used MYKEY and a series of other applications on Yuzu will be impressed by this silky smoothness I feel extremely happy about the experience
It is highly likely that EOS will surpass Ethereum’s DEFI
Because the ecology will also be migrated and adjusted
You can wait for the right opportunity and you can do it in moderation Reasonable leaps have occurred in practice
This is really what it looks like
For DEFI, everyone is increasingly aware that handling fees are extremely important! !
Therefore, in the coming
time, I believe that projects that can save everyone the handling fee will be favored
that is Yuzu! !
A particularly important reason:
Bihu’s MYKEY will become a huge main force in the future

As you can see, many people who play DEFI now play on mykey, and they have a real experience. Very good
Moreover, Bihu and MYKEY are both important applications built on EOS
They have greatly facilitated the use of decentralized finance by newcomers
And as soon as everyone comes up Wanbihu and MYKEY will take advantage of the trend to participate in Youzi’s projects, such as
Big Harvest DFS!
We see a large number of people playing Big Harvest, isn’t this all because of Bihu?
And the whole experience is very smooth and comfortable, much more comfortable than on uniwsap
br />From the perspective of ease of use and ease of use, EOS’s decentralized finance can be said to have won the agenda
So what is the last extremely important reason?
That is:
EOS has been underestimated and short-sold for a long time
The potential energy has been accumulated and squeezed for a long time, and the follow-up is really huge space
EOS has been complained about , BM and BB have been insulted by everyone for a long time
This is a sign that the mood has bottomed out, in fact, it is the rhythm of rebound

Ⅷ What are the public chain coins?

1. BTC-Bitcoin
2. ETH-Ethereum currency.
3. EOS-Yozi Coin.
Extended information:
1. Bitcoin is called a peer-to-peer cash system. It was founded by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, ushering in the era of decentralized and peer-to-peer digital currency. After so many years of development, Bitcoin has become the first currency that everyone thinks of when talking about blockchain. It is also the currency with the strongest consensus among everyone. Bitcoin is the originator of digital currency. Its network has been operating safely for 10 years. Its technology is highly innovative and stable. It is a combination of cryptography, distributed networks, and economics.
2. ETH, also known as Ethereum, is currently the largest public chain. It is a platform and a programming language that enable developers to build and release the next generation of distributed applications. Ethereum can be used to program, decentralize, secure and trade anything: voting, domain names, financial exchanges, crowdfunding, corporate governance, contracts and most agreements, intellectual property, and smart assets thanks to hardware integration. Ethereum will use a hybrid security protocol and use the proof-of-work (POW) mechanism in the early stage to distribute Ether coins.
3. EOS coin is a blockchain operating system specially designed for commercial distributed applications. The full English name is Enterprise Operation System, also called grapefruit coin. EOS currency adopts a new blockchain architecture that solves the problems of delay and data throughput through parallel chains and DPoS. It can be called a strong rival of Ethereum. EOS coins provide accounts, authentication, databases, asynchronous communication, and program scheduling on hundreds of CPUs or clusters. The EOS project aims to implement a blockchain architecture that can support millions of transactions per second without requiring ordinary users to pay usage fees.
4. ADA is a project that sells fast digital payments and high-performance public chain development. With the consensus architecture of proof of equity, it can achieve ultra-high confirmation speed and extremely low handling fees. The project was very popular when it was launched in the early days. It once created the myth of getting rich 450 times within 2 months of its launch, and its market value once reached the top five in the currency circle. However, as the number of competing projects continued to increase, the project's competitive advantage continued to decrease. It once fell out of the top ten by market capitalization. However, now the project has begun to develop the public chain ecosystem. Through the complete SDK development tools, it can easily release various digital assets and even private chains, and has raised the support and debuggability of smart contracts to a new level. .

Ⅸ Top Ten Exchanges in the Currency Circle

1. Huobi. Huobi has assets of US$3.896 billion, 830 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$13.168 billion. Huobi.com is operated by Beijing Huobi Tianxia Network Technology Co., Ltd. and launched in September 2013. It is one of the world's leading Bitcoin trading platforms.
2. OKEX OKEX has assets of US$35.3506 million, 635 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$6.079 billion. OKEX is one of the world's famous digital asset international stations.To provide spot and derivatives trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum to global users, it is affiliated with OKEX Technology Company Limited.
3. ZBG. ZBG has assets of US$105 million, a total of 80 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$804 million. ZBG.com was established in Hong Kong in 2018. With innovative, efficient and global operations, ZBG has quickly become one of the top ten in the industry in a short period of time and is known as the new first-line international station. Currently, the platform supports access in seven languages ​​and provides services to 1.8 million crypto asset investors around the world. The average daily activity on the platform exceeds 120,000.
4. Binance. Binance has US$2.794 billion in assets, 796 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$9.165 billion. Binance is a trading platform focusing on blockchain assets created by a group of digital asset enthusiasts led by former okcoin co-founder Changpeng Zhao (CZ). Founder Zhao Changpeng had constant disputes with his old employer Okcoin. He was not very optimistic about it at first, but later found that the platform's performance was quite impressive.
5. TSLA Global. TSLA Global is a cryptocurrency exchange registered in the United Arab Emirates in October 2017. Assets are US$1.937 billion, with a total of 287 trading pairs and a 24-hour turnover of US$6.735 billion. It is the world's first global cryptocurrency trading platform using P2P format.
6. Bitflyer. BitFlyer has assets of US$1.555 billion, a total of 4 trading pairs, and a 24-hour transaction volume of US$74.2085 million. BitFlyer was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Japan. Bitcoin trading volume ranks first in Japan.
7. BiKiBiKi has assets of US$12.8098 million, a total of 300 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$807 million. BiKi Group was established in 2018 and is headquartered in Singapore. It is a global blockchain digital asset trading service provider. Currently, the group's business includes spot trading, derivatives trading, digital banking, blockchain industry investment and other businesses. In China The market has more than 40% of the new market share of small currencies, and has operation centers in 7 countries including Singapore, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Russia, and Turkey.
8. KuCoin. KuCoin has assets of US$18.5676 million, a total of 301 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$123 million.
9. Poloniex. Poloniex has assets of US$115 million, a total of 173 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$35.6298 million.
Poloniex was established in 2014, commonly known as P network, and is one of the world's leading cryptocurrency international sites. The Poloniex platform offers a variety of altcoin services.
10. B network. B network assets 7.79billion US dollars, with a total of 448 trading pairs and a 24-hour trading volume of US$896 million.
Bittrex, commonly known as B network, provides services for coins, US dollars and coins. Registration is very simple. Founded in 2015, Bittrex is an international Bitcoin site in the United States. It supports more than 200 trading pairs and has a daily trading volume of billions of yuan.

Ⅹ What are the famous public blockchain chains in China

There are many such as Xiaoyi Blockchain and Laikelib, which look promising.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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