奇亚币官方矿池协议 奇亚币挖矿是什么

『壹』 什么是ChiaChia(奇亚)价值

名称:Chia 中文名称:奇亚
每块收益:每10分钟64个Chia奖励 减半策略:3年一减半,第十三年起每10分钟4Chia

在Chia 的网络中不存在矿工、挖矿,而是农场、农民、播种。通过引入新的共识机制Pos+Pot (Proof Of Space +Proof Of Time),借助廉价、冗余且高度分散的未使用硬盘存储空间来验证其区块链,从而创造一种优于比特币的数字货币。
Chia Network是一个去中心化的开源全球区块链,与传统的工作量证明加密货币相比,其浪费更少,去中心化程度更高,更安全。它的灵感与比特币区块链相似,但是在Chia中,资源不是计算能力,而是磁盘空间。为了实现这一目标,比特币中使用的“工作证明”被“空间证明”代替,因此磁盘空间成为达成分散式“中本聪式”共识以验证交易的主要资源和时间证明。Chia网络还是一家智能交易平台公司。2021年3月18日,Chia Network正式发布Chia 1.0主网,代币为XCH,并已开放挖矿(farm)活动。
与现有加密货币的不同,Chia 使用硬盘上的闲置磁盘空间来运行空间证明(Pospace),并与另一个共识算法-时间证明(Potime)进行协调来验证区块链。Chia 农民的收益与资源量-存储空间成正比;如果你有 10 倍的空间,你会得到 10 倍的奖励。但这里的 Post 不同于 Filecoin 也不同于比特币的采矿机制。Chias用空余磁盘空间播种与比特币矿机用算力挖矿一样,V;BBKX008,但是Chia 更适合普通用户的参与,减少额外的 Asic,算力,电力消耗。Chia的机制天然地对集中化的播种有抑制作用。






『贰』 在华强北,看清挖矿生意局中人的焦虑、欺骗和“信仰”

文 | 吴俊宇

编辑 | 谢丽容




现在,挖币服务是这里的宠儿。这个风口最早出现在2017年。那年,虚拟代币价格在中国暴涨。手中掌握着大量高算力 游戏 显卡的华强北电脑大商家利用手中资源转型“矿业”。







恰恰在同一时间,虚拟代币新一轮牛市来临,“矿工”们对显卡的需求水涨船高。为了解决这个问题,大量本该用于 游戏 设备的显卡被转移到了“挖矿”市场。“显卡荒”全面爆发。





三四五层原本以电脑商家为主,销售、维修、组装、配件是其主业。 2017年虚拟代币价格暴涨后,不少嗅觉灵敏的商户变身“矿业服务公司”,出售显卡、硬盘、矿机,甚至还提供矿机托管、运维的“一条龙”服务。

走出赛格电子市场,便可进入72层的赛格广场写字楼。这里是部分电子卖场档口卖家隐匿的“办公区域”。办公室门口悬挂着“XX矿业”、“XX 科技 ”门牌,其一些在楼下档口有进一步意向的买家,会被卖场商家带来这里“深入洽谈”。




不过,显卡价格这样大涨,让一些只想做电脑周边生意的小商家苦不堪言,“没有几个 游戏 玩家愿意花上万元买张显卡”。

那么华强北的显卡似乎只能卖给“矿工”。 但是“挖矿”有风险,投机买家在嗅到危险的时候,更多时候只询价、不购买。压力几乎都传导到了华强北的中小卖家身上——囤显卡缺资金,风险也大;不囤,生意来了抓不住。他们已陷入两难。




流入“挖矿”市场的显卡成为“残卡”后,还会回流至华强北。通常“残卡”可用于 游戏 ,但其使用寿命大大缩短。




玩家通常在主机 游戏 时顺便挖矿,不会考虑收益。其实,这种“挖矿”一般 “只赔不赚”。因为单片显卡通常不会全速运转,算力有限“挖矿”效率低,个人用电“挖矿”成本太高。

2017年后,国内大量出现发行数字代币(ICO)非法融资现象,比特币、以太坊价格高涨,草根大众玩家开始参与炒币、挖矿。显卡挖掘以太坊,被 探索 成了完整投机产业。



比特币矿机,对小玩家来说门槛高、成本高。同样具备高算力的高端 游戏 显卡逐渐成为矿机替代品。



显卡抗风险能力强也是重要因素。出现“币难”“矿难”时,二手显卡可抛售给 游戏 玩家。 一位自称需要200片显卡的采购者直言,在部分高校或科研机构,高性能显卡由于支持大数据运算,采购时可报销,兼备科研、“挖矿”功能,合规检查容易蒙混过关。





华强电子世界一家“矿业”公司蔡姓负责人说,传统电脑业务早就不赚钱,几乎所有电脑卖家都在卖显卡和矿机。 该公司虽档口不足5平方米,但在赛格广场写字楼54层有办公区,公司20余人,渠道、销售、仓库均有专人负责。








矿机托管也有前提,按照其门店负责人的说法,“采购100片以上显卡才能托管”。以当日该店七彩虹RTX3070 9700元一片,主机1600元一台报价计算,这一投入将达百万元。









显卡挖矿成了大玩家的 游戏 ,中小玩家空间在收窄。今年4月,英伟达宣布将从硬件层面杜绝显卡“挖矿”的可能性。在政策、技术、成本因素影响下,显卡“挖矿”的门槛在变高,风险在变大。






如同显卡一样,硬盘价格暴涨、卖家缺货的故事又在重新上演。西部数据HC320 6T硬盘为例,2020年价格仅为千元,今年价格已在2000元以上。




『叁』 奇亚币还能涨起来吗

6、背景。2021年4月,硬盘价格暴涨。经研究发现是新区块链货币的流行造成的,这种货币就是嘉币,英文名为Chia currency。硬币是由英国电信之父布拉姆·科恩推出的。它有一个官方后台平台。同时,它的功能确实是比特币的升级,所以有很多乐观的朋友和很多入局的资金,导致硬盘价格上涨。子币的共识实现依赖于硬盘载体,在时空特征上与种子匹配即可找到硬币。这种匹配算法确实比之前的海量计算要少很多。但2021年4月,嘉雅币交易所没有成立,嘉雅币也没有上市,但上市没有问题,因为嘉雅币的投资者有一定的背景。Qibi也有自己的开发语言Chialisp,这是一个明显的改进。

『肆』 一文读懂为什么要挖奇亚Chia币与FIL有什么不同之处

多重签名和原子交换是更复杂的智能交易的基石,也是许多更简单的控制和保管安排的核心。这使得公司可以要求三个签名者中的两个人从钱包中花钱,或者完成比特币和Chia(奇亚)币之间的交易,而不需要信任其他方提出并完成互换。IETF BLS签名协议也使多个签名方案变得更容易,对参与者来说也更安全,因为签名可以合并,不必按顺序或在同一时间或地点发生。






彩色币允许个人、金融机构、企业和政府发行链上资产,这些资产继承了Chia Network区块链的智能交易能力,并依赖于时空证明提供的全球去中心化安全验证。ERC-20代币是目前最被认可的彩币形式,但其局限性很大。他们所依赖的Solidity智能合约存在着安全风险。此外,对于终端用户来说,它们并不像是Ethereum区块链的原生部分,而且需要钱包和数字货币交易所单独启用每个资产。最近的安全研究表明,它们也很容易在交易所被伪造。Chialisp彩色币继承了Chialisp的所有能力,这使得它们更适合高合规性的资产发行,并使它们能够更原生地适用于奇亚钱包。


在企业方面,一家美国的对冲基金可以利用奇亚彩币来管理认购所有权,并让投资者出示数字身份证明其公民身份、投资者资格和KYC/AML状态--所有这些都可以原生到奇亚网络的区块链上。政府可以向任何完成了所需KYC数字身份证明的人发行其国内货币支持的稳定币。Chia Network的区块链上的彩色币可以用于存储或开环的公司礼品卡,债务发行,股权发行,以及任何相关的资产发行,跟踪和管理。

由于Chialisp是一种通用的开发语言和环境,所有这些示例功能都可以根据用例的需要进行混合和匹配。开发人员可以利用Chialisp提供的工具集创建新的和目前无法想象的功能,而无需改变Chia Network的协议或环境,同时Chialisp将提供这些控制和应用的安全性和可审计性。我们相信,Chialisp将成为新兴的De-Fi运动的最佳工具。


『伍』 奇亚币到底是个啥起底硬盘挖矿始末





所谓奇亚币,其实和比特币同宗同源,都属于虚拟的数字货币,同时都具有去中心化、可交易、虚拟匿名,以及等换价值等货币特性,它是由Bit Torrent的发明人 Bram Cohen 创立,和比特币类似,Chia将是一个全球开源的去中心化网络,使用其原生加密货币运营支付结算系统,将被称为Chia(奇亚)或 XCH,这也是奇亚币chia的由来。























『陆』 实锤!K32或都将失效,Chia官方5月17号推出矿池






官方推特声明对于之前chia市场乱象 (现在许多自己搭建的矿池有复制粘贴算力产币等这对所有人是不公平的)


『柒』 奇亚币还能涨起来吗

1、奇亚币在P盘后完全依赖硬盘容量挖矿的加密货币,一度冲上了接近2000美元的高位,也让矿工们趋之若鹜,纷纷购买大容量硬盘挖矿。甚至一度让大容量的SSD以及HDD断货涨价,2TB的NVME SSD价格曾一度飙升到4000元以上,而10TB以上的机械硬盘也曾经卖到断货。
4、可以简单算一下,按照目前的整个矿池的算力,加上算法P盘速度的调整,按照每TB硬盘挖矿的速度来看,要挖一个奇亚币,得花2700天的时间。现在一个奇亚币的价格大概在400美元,这样1TB的硬盘每天的收益不足0.15美元,也就是一天大概能赚1元钱。当然了,大多数矿工肯定都不会只用1TB的硬盘挖矿,SSD直接挖矿也不现实。不过这实实在在展现了现在矿工回本是多么困难的事情。 如果是个普通矿工,买一个10TB的硬盘,按照现在的行情,10TB的企业级硬盘最便宜都要在2000元左右,如果每TB一天只赚1元钱,那么10TB每天赚10元,要回本就得每天24小时不停挖上200天才行。如果算上P盘用的高速SSD,处理器、内存等成本,那么回本时间还会缩短一些。

『捌』 chia奇亚币怎么挖矿


『玖』 Chia(奇亚)这个币如何买


『一』What is the value of ChiaChia

Name: Chia Chinese name: Chia
Earnings per block: 64 Chia reward halving strategy every 10 minutes : Halved every 3 years, 4 Chia every 10 minutes starting from the 13th year

In the Chia network, there are no miners or mining, but farms, farmers, and sowing. By introducing a new consensus mechanism, Pos+Pot (Proof Of Space +Proof Of Time), it uses cheap, redundant and highly decentralized unused hard drive storage space to verify its blockchain, thereby creating a digital currency superior to Bitcoin currency.
Chia Network is a decentralized, open-source global blockchain that is less wasteful, more decentralized and more secure than traditional proof-of-work cryptocurrencies. It is similar in inspiration to the Bitcoin blockchain, but in Chia the resource is not computing power but disk space. To achieve this, the "Proof of Work" used in Bitcoin was replaced by "Proof of Space", so disk space became the primary resource for reaching decentralized "Satoshi-style" consensus to verify transactions and Proof of Time. Chia Network is also an intelligent trading platform company. On March 18, 2021, Chia Network officially released the Chia 1.0 mainnet, the token is XCH, and mining (farm) activities have been opened.
How Chia works
Unlike existing cryptocurrencies, Chia uses idle disk space on your hard drive to run Proof of Space (Pospace) and coordinates it with another consensus algorithm - Proof of Time (Potime) to verify the blockchain. Chia farmers' income is directly proportional to the amount of resources - storage space; if you have 10x the space, you will get 10x the reward. But Post here is different from Filecoin and different from Bitcoin’s mining mechanism. Chias uses free disk space for seeding, just like Bitcoin mining machines use computing power to mine, but Chia is more suitable for ordinary users to participate, reducing additional ASIC, computing power, and electricity consumption. Chia's mechanism naturally inhibits centralized seeding.

Summary of Chia FAQs:
Can I continue to plot if I accidentally shut down or exit the software?
No, we can only do it again!

Publish several pictures in parallel, what should I do if I don’t set the time interval?
If the time interval is not set, the plot will fail. Generally, the interval is set to at least 10 minutes

Can my laptop be mined?
As long as your SSD exceeds 330GB, you can mine, but I don’t recommend you use a laptop. Laptop SSDs have a lifespan. It is recommended to use a desktop or enterprise-level computer.SSD. There is an EXCEL summary of enterprise-level SSD performance in the group.
When did this coin start to be mined? The mainnet was launched on March 18th. The transfer function will be opened 6 weeks after the launch.
Are there any applications for this chia?

Currently none
Can I find someone to take pictures for me and then sell me a mechanical hard drive filled with writing?
I don’t recommend it, because p’s picture is associated with the wallet, and the wallet and the picture need to be sent to you together. Do you think it is safe for both people to have mnemonic phrases in their hands?

After I fill up my mechanical hard drive, do I still need an SSD?
No need, you can take out the mechanical hard drive and connect it to an idle computer for mining online, or even to a Raspberry Pi

『二』 in Huaqiangbei , see clearly the anxiety, deception and "belief" of people in the mining business

Text | Wu Junyu

Editor | Xie Lilong

Huaqiangbei, a man who was once What is regarded as China's copycat electronic trading center is undergoing another craziness: mining - the act of mining virtual tokens such as Bitcoin and Ethereum through computing power.

"Serving every miner well is the company's first tenet, and creating higher profits is the meaning of our existence." A banner for a "professional miner service provider" hangs prominently in the Huaqiangbei SEG Electronics Market.

With its ability to smell and grasp business opportunities, Huaqiangbei may be the leader in China's offline electronic trading market. In the past ten years, even if its voice has become smaller and smaller, Huaqiangbei has accurately grasped the trends in consumer electronics, servers, and even Internet celebrity cosmetics.

Coin mining services are the darling here right now. This trend first appeared in 2017. That year, virtual token prices skyrocketed in China. The large Huaqiangbei computer business, which has a large number of high-computing game graphics cards in its hands, is using its resources to transform into a "mining industry."

The so-called mines are actually data packets, and these data packets need to be decrypted. Earlier, this decryption work was performed by the CPU (Central Processing Unit). Later, people found that the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) mounted on the graphics card was more suitable for mining.

Why? The most important thing about mining is that the hardware has high computing power but the calculation method is simple. The characteristic of CPU is that it can handle complex operations, but its computing power is not as good as that of GPU, which is exactly the opposite.

Someone gave an example. In terms of mining, CPU is for PhD students, and graphics card stream processing is for high school students. High school students can do this job, and there are far more high school students than doctoral students.

Whatever the "miners" need, Huaqiangbei will provide it. Miners need "high school students" to mine and make money for them, so Huaqiangbei "serves everyone well""a miner".

The graphics card market is relatively stable. If the virtual currency market remains hot, this will indeed be a good business. But now, things are changing.

Half a year ago, The global core shortage is coming. The three upstream graphics chip manufacturers AMD, Intel, and Nvidia are in short supply. The core shortage has also affected the graphics card market, and the output of domestic downstream graphics card manufacturers such as ASUS, Colorful, MSI, and GALAX has declined.

At exactly the same time, a new bull market for virtual tokens was coming, and the demand for graphics cards by "miners" was rising. In order to solve this problem, a large number of graphics cards that were supposed to be used for gaming equipment were transferred to the "mining" market. . The "graphics card shortage" broke out in full force.

In order to allow more potential "miners" to enter the game, the large merchants in Huaqiangbei not only packaged "one-stop services", created a bigger pie, and even dug out another A business opportunity - hard disk mining, the new story is still repeating.

Here, deception and speculation have not changed for more than ten years, they have just changed their forms. For those who have a persistent belief in side income For the "miners", this may not be a scam, but more of an opportunity that others cannot see.

They believe that as long as they always "believe", they may become lucky people.

The entrance to Huaqiang North is SEG Electronics Market and Huaqiang Electronic World. The two major electronic stores gather sellers of computers, communications, networks, security, audio-visual, and electronic components.

The third, fourth and fifth floors Originally, it was mainly a computer merchant, with sales, repairs, assembly, and accessories as its main business. After the price of virtual tokens skyrocketed in 2017, many merchants with a keen sense of smell turned into "mining service companies", selling graphics cards, hard drives, and mining machines. It even provides "one-stop" services for mining machine hosting, operation and maintenance.

Walking out of the SEG Electronics Market, you can enter the 72-story SEG Plaza office building. This is where some electronics store stall sellers hide "Office area". The door signs of "XX Mining" and "XX Technology" are hung at the door of the office. Some buyers who have further intentions at the stall downstairs will be brought here by the store merchants for "in-depth negotiations."

“Real-time quotes, prices vary every hour, and you also have to ask about channel inventory. ”

“More than 10 pieces are out of stock. A deposit is required and will be shipped in 2-3 days. ”

In Huaqiangbei, this situation is very common. Everything sold basically follows this logic.

However, the sharp rise in graphics card prices has made some people who just want to make computers The small businesses in the surrounding business are miserable. "Few gamers are willing to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy a graphics card."

Then it seems that Huaqiangbei's graphics cards can only be sold to ""Miners". But "mining" is risky. When speculative buyers smell danger, they more often only inquire about prices and do not buy. The pressure is almost all transmitted to the small and medium-sized sellers in Huaqiangbei - lack of funds to hoard graphics cards, risks They are also big; if they don’t stock up, they won’t be able to catch business when it comes. They are in a dilemma.

Offline small and medium-sized sellers are out of stock, and online e-commerce channels are also out of stock. JD.com, Taobao, Tmall and other online Only one RTX3070 series graphics card of each brand in the channel can be purchased, or it will directly prompt that it is out of stock. The price of the ASUS JD.com self-operated store is 13,000 yuan, but it is actually out of stock.

The supply of goods is concentrated in channels and in the hands of large sellers. However, , big sellers are not satisfied with just selling graphics cards, they want to provide one-stop services.

Some salesmen also said that there are still tens of millions of yuan worth of stock in the warehouse. If the inventory is not enough, just pay a 50% deposit. You can get the goods through channels.

After the graphics cards that flow into the "mining" market become "remnant cards", they will also flow back to Huaqiangbei. Usually "remnant cards" can be used for games, but their service life is greatly shortened .

Some small sellers will take the initiative to tell buyers the real situation, but they do not rule out selling "remnant cards" as "new cards".

"Graphics card mining" trend It was gradually formed after 2017.

Before 2017, some Bitcoin players used computer graphics cards to "mine" at home while holding and trading tokens. The purpose was to highlight their personal identity and express their "Bitcoin Belief".

Players usually mine while playing console games and do not consider the profits. In fact, this kind of "mining" usually "only loses but does not make any profit". Because single-chip graphics cards usually do not It will operate at full speed, the computing power is limited, the "mining" efficiency is low, and the cost of "mining" for personal electricity is too high.

After 2017, a large number of illegal financing phenomena of digital tokens (ICO) appeared in China. The prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum have soared, and grassroots players have begun to participate in currency speculation and mining. Graphics card mining of Ethereum has been explored as a complete speculative industry.

On September 4 of the same year, the People's Bank of China and seven other After the ministries and commissions issued the "Announcement on Preventing Financing Risks of Token Issuance", the virtual token market briefly plunged and then went underground. A large number of grassroots players still avoid supervision and participate in speculation through "over-the-counter transactions". Therefore, speculation and "mining" "Mining" has not been eradicated.

In the past, the first choice for "mining" was originally a mining machine. However, the price of a single mining machine was high and its use was single. The original price of mainstream mining machines was 10,000-20,000 yuan. The machine has been sold to 50,000 yuan each. Mainstream mining machines are used to mine Bitcoin. However, the price of Bitcoin has been high for a long time, the "mining" efficiency is low, the arbitrage space is insufficient, and there is a large risk of loss. Even if small players mine Bitcoin Afterwards, the currency is often held for a long time and cannot be liquidated in time.

Bitcoin mining machines have high threshold and high cost for small players. High-end gaming graphics cards that also have high computing power are gradually becoming a substitute for mining machines.

Compared with mining machines, graphics cards are common, cheap, flexible, and have a low threshold. Take NVIDIA RTX3060/3070 as an example. In 2020, they are priced at 2,500 yuan and 4,000 yuan respectively. The graphics card mining machine consists of a computer host plus 4-8 graphics cards. It is easy to assemble and disassemble and can be used in a variety of scenarios.

Graphics card mining machines can be used to mine mainstream currencies such as Ethereum, as well as altcoins such as Dogecoin. The former has stable prices and frequent transactions, while the latter has greater room for arbitrage. Some graphics card sellers even directly use the slogan "graphics card mining, guaranteed profit without loss".

The strong risk resistance of the graphics card is also an important factor. When "currency difficulties" or "mining difficulties" occur, second-hand graphics cards can be sold to gamers. A purchaser who claimed to need 200 graphics cards bluntly said that in some universities or scientific research institutions, high-performance graphics cards can be reimbursed at the time of purchase because they support big data operations and have both scientific research and "mining" functions, making it easy to pass compliance inspections.

A technical person in the currency circle recalled, "The situation began to change at that time, and the graphics card market was in chaos."

"Graphics card mining" began to spread from the personal behavior of players. Huaqiangbei computer sellers smell speculation.

These sellers are "first come, first served". They have graphics cards, hard drives, and hosts, can assemble them, and can also get inventory from upstream channels. Driven by the currency market and the mining boom, "mining" has become a logical choice.

"The profit from repairing, assembling and selling a computer is only 100-200 yuan. The profit from selling a graphics card is 100-200 yuan. Big buyers sometimes purchase hundreds or even thousands of graphics cards a day. ."

The person in charge of a "mining" company in Huaqiang Electronic World, surnamed Cai, said that the traditional computer business has long stopped making money, and almost all computer sellers are selling graphics cards and mining machines. Although the company's stall is less than 5 square meters, it has an office area on the 54th floor of the SEG Plaza office building. There are more than 20 people in the company, and there are dedicated personnel in charge of channels, sales, and warehouses.

Another "mining company" in SEG Electronics Market is a mom-and-pop store that took root in Huaqiangbei more than ten years ago and is the earliest computer wholesaler.

In 2017, this company stockpiled a large number of graphics cards and mining machines. In September, regulatory policies were introduced, the prices of graphics cards and mining machines plummeted, and the company suffered serious losses. The founder of the company put graphics cards and mining machines into the "mining factory" and eventually recovered the losses.

"Later, when the market picked up, I made money by speculating on coins, making money by selling first-hand mining machines, making money by selling second-hand mining machines, and I also made money by mining. The boss tasted the benefits and decided to do this." The person in charge of his store People say that after the companyTo transform "mining", in addition to selling mining machines and graphics cards, it also provides mining machine hosting and operation and maintenance services, claiming to "provide overall solutions."

After September 2020, the "currency market" once again ushered in a new round of bull market, and the "transformation" process of computer merchants accelerated. The original main business of computers has become a side business, and sellers have changed their names to "mining". The scrupulous seller was half-hidden. The light sign on the left showed computer assembly, and the light sign on the right showed the sale of mining machines.

Graphics card "mining" is not suitable for operation at home. Due to the high noise and high power consumption, when two graphics cards are running "mining" at full speed at the same time, the noise can be as high as 100 decibels. When the seller was helping the buyer test the graphics card, a dramatic scene occurred: the graphics card caught fire.

In fact, 200 days to pay back your capital is only an ideal situation. The "mining" cycle is generally three years, mining factories are difficult to find, and computing power may be stolen. Once the graphics card is damaged or the mining machine fails, dedicated personnel will be required to repair it. It will also be difficult to define the ownership of mining machines after three years. The current mainstream practice in mining factories is to take away the mining machines after three years. This approach is an "overlord clause", but it has become an unspoken rule in the currency circle.

He reminded that the mining machine is not visible from the beginning to the end. There may be problems in any link, even in the procurement and transportation process. There are too many pitfalls.

There are also prerequisites for mining machine hosting. According to the person in charge of its store, "you must purchase more than 100 graphics cards to be hosted." Based on the store’s quoted price of 9,700 yuan for a Colorful RTX3070 and 1,600 yuan for a console on that day, this investment will reach one million yuan.

Although the buyer is promised "guaranteed profit without loss", the actual situation is that the compensation must be compensated.

The clerk said that he made more than 100,000 yuan from currency speculation in 2020. These days, he has made tens of thousands of yuan from speculating on "Shiba Inu Coin". He also expressed regret that he sold it too early because "it has risen by more than 10 yuan today." Times."

Another clerk unfortunately suffered a loss. Due to the high price of purchasing graphics cards, the "mining" income cannot cover the cost. "If you don't sell, you won't lose. It will definitely go back up, and you will still make money when the time comes."

When further asked about the state's policy supervision of "mining", the person in charge of the above-mentioned store promised that it is legal, formal, and free. People control it, and even said that "mining" is recognized under the new legal provisions.

The fact is exactly the opposite. In February this year, Inner Mongolia issued the "Several Guarantee Measures to Ensure the Completion of the Dual Control Targets of Energy Consumption during the "14th Five-Year Plan" (Draft for Comments)", which mentioned accelerating the elimination of backward energy sources. Excess capacity includes “steel, titanium alloys, calcium carbide, coke, graphite electrodes, thermal power and virtual currency mining.” Similar policies and regulations are also being formulated or introduced in various places.

In order to try our bestWhen selling graphics cards and "mining" services, sellers spare no effort to create an unreal pie for some customers who are not very professional and are eager to get rich. Moreover, in order to attract more people, this pie is still expanding.

Speculators in Huaqiangbei have created a way to "get on the bus" with a lower threshold, using hard drives to mine an altcoin called "Chia Coin".

In January 2020, the price of a single Ethereum was less than a thousand yuan, and the price of a single RTX3060 graphics card was less than 2,000 yuan. In May 2021, the price of a single Ethereum has reached 27,000 yuan. The price of the RTX3060 graphics card has tripled, and the price of the RTX3070, regarded by "miners" as the most cost-effective, has exceeded 10,000 yuan.

Graphics card mining has become a game for big players, and the space for small and medium players is shrinking. In April this year, Nvidia announced that it would eliminate the possibility of "mining" with graphics cards at the hardware level. Under the influence of policy, technology, and cost factors, the threshold for graphics card “mining” is getting higher and the risks are getting bigger.

In this case, the "Chia Coin-Hard Drive" combination appeared in Huaqiangbei. Many stores directly hung out the door signs of "Chia" and trained bystanders on the spot to "open fields and mine".

If "graphics card - Ethereum" is a substitute for "mining machine - Bitcoin", then "hard disk - Chiacoin" is a substitute for "graphics card - Ethereum".

Compared with "graphics card mining", "hard disk mining" has low noise and low power consumption. After the computer is running, the "mining" program uses the free space on the hard disk to repeatedly erase and write data to generate virtual tokens.

This type of store usually claims to be "professional in providing Chia computing power services." New words such as "cloud computing power" have replaced old words such as "graphics card" and become its marketing tool. Some sellers even promised to help buyers use the computing power of Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, and Tencent Cloud to access mining pools for "mining."

Due to user privacy protection, cloud vendors are unable to check "mining" behavior in some cases. However, cloud vendors are trying to use technical means to contain the mining phenomenon. Once the mining process is discovered, they will directly warn and stop services.

Just like graphics cards, the story of hard drive prices skyrocketing and sellers running out of stock is happening again. Take the Western Digital HC320 6T hard drive as an example. The price in 2020 was only a thousand yuan, but this year the price is already more than 2,000 yuan.

The office building is still brightly lit, and "mining" companies of all sizes continue to operate here. Some offices even have more than ten people gathered here.

In the virtual token market, the "consensus mechanism" is regarded as an important driving force that continuously promotes price increases. Whether they are players in the currency circle, "mining" sellers, or professional "miners" all say, "Only if you believe in it can it rise. If you don't believe it, how can it rise?"

"The currency price has risen so well, the industry is booming, and everyone is happy. Why do you care so much? This is a world-wide, revolutionary change."

『三』 Chia Coin Still Can it rise?

Yes. As more and more people participate, it's only a matter of time before the number increases. The volatile price of XCH token will definitely be there. This is a brand new blockchain network. If you believe it and give it some time, you may get extra surprises!
1. The so-called Chia currency actually has the same origin as Bitcoin and is a virtual digital currency. At the same time, it has the currency characteristics of decentralization, tradability, virtual anonymity and equivalent exchange. It was created by Bram Cohen, the inventor of BitTorrent. Similar to Bitcoin, Chiacoin will be a global open source decentralized network, and its native cryptocurrency will be used to operate a payment settlement system. The system will be called Chiacoin or XCH. This is also the Subcoin principle. To understand the principle of Chia coins, you must understand how Chia coins are produced, and you must also understand the space-time characteristics of Chia coins accordingly.
2. Space certification is an encryption technology that proves that they allocate unused hard disk space to storage space. In order to be used as a consensus method, it is necessary to link proof of space with proof of time. PoT ensures the consistency of the blocking time between the two and improves the overall security of the blockchain.
4. Space certification is regarded as a way to prove that there is some unused storage space on the hard disk. Users of the Chia blockchain will "seed" unused space on their hard drives by installing software that stores a set of encrypted numbers on the disk into a "map." These users are called "farmers". When the blockchain broadcasts the challenge for the next block, farmers can scan their plots to see if they have the hash closest to the challenge. The probability of a farmer winning a block is the percentage of the total space owned by the farmer compared to the entire network.
5. Proof of time requires that the time interval between blocks is very short. The time proof is implemented through the verifiable delay function VDF, which takes a certain amount of time to calculate, but is very fast to verify. The key idea of ​​VDFs is that they require sequential computation, and since having many parallel machines does not generate any profit, waste of power is minimized. There may be relatively few VDF servers ("Timelords"), as the fastest VDF servers will always be at the front, and it only takes one fast, fair Timelord on the network to complete a block and push the chain forward. Sometimes the principles are difficult to understand. Let's use an analogy. The old Bitcoin blockchain is being mined, the plains are gone, and mining in the mountains is getting harder and harder. Jia coins are similar to fishermen. Its hard drive was used as a fish pond. The system keeps throwing fish into the online fish pond. Whoever can catch the net quickly will catch the fish.
6. Background. In April 2021, hard drive prices skyrocketed. After research, it was found that it was caused by the popularity of the new blockchain currency. This currency is Jia Coin, whose English name is Ch.ia currency. The coin was launched by Bram Cohen, the father of British Telecommunications. It has an official backend platform. At the same time, its function is indeed an upgrade of Bitcoin, so there are many optimistic friends and a lot of funds entering the game, causing the price of hard drives to rise. The consensus implementation of sub-coins relies on hard disk carriers, and coins can be found by matching the spatio-temporal characteristics with the seeds. This matching algorithm is indeed much less computationally intensive than the previous one. But in April 2021, the Jiaya Coin exchange was not established, and Jiaya Coin was not listed. However, there is no problem with the listing, because the investors of Jiaya Coin have a certain background. Qibi also has its own development language Chialisp, which is a clear improvement.
7. Sub-currency income. On April 18, 2021, Bitcoin fell sharply. The reason for the decline is estimated to be related to Jia Ya, so Jia Ya's income will increase, but virtual currency investment is risky. If you don't have much principal and don't have time, you should consider it carefully. However, there are still some guarantees for those who entered the market in the early stage.
8. Coin has an innovative Satoshi Nakamoto consensus algorithm that eliminates the energy requirements of proof of work from the system. Compared to other cryptocurrencies, Chia will have better security due to its decentralized blockchain. Chialisp is Chia's new intelligent trading programming language that is powerful, easy to audit and secure, and will provide the security, transparency and ease of use promised by cryptocurrency. Coin also uses more modern encryption tools to achieve richer intelligent transaction functions. Qibi is taking a new and advanced approach to funding, building and supporting blockchain through public, for-profit and open source development companies

『四』Read why you should mine in one article How Chia Coin is different from FIL

Multi-signatures and atomic swaps are the building blocks of more complex smart transactions and are at the core of many simpler control and custody arrangements. This allows a company to require two of the three signers to spend money from a wallet, or complete a transaction between Bitcoin and Chia coins, without trusting the other party to propose and complete the swap. The IETF BLS signature protocol also makes multiple signature schemes easier and safer for participants because signatures can be merged and do not have to occur in sequence or at the same time or place.

For example, an authorized payee whitelist allows a company to delegate spending authority from a controller to a payroll administrator, who can only pay to addresses set by the controller or financial director. This mitigates the possible consequences of a successful email phishing attempt or hacker attack on the payroll administrator. It also makes embezzlement difficult. We intend to use our distributed identity wallet to make it particularly flexible, but first implemented our reference version in the form of a parent wallet and a child wallet.

Limit wallets allow the creation of wallets that can only spend a certain number of coins within a specified period of time. You can put a year's living expenses in your wallet,But the limit is to spend only 1/52 of the funds in the wallet per week. If the wallet is stolen or hacked by a third party, once it is confirmed that it is out of control, you can use the main wallet to transfer back the balance of funds that have not been stolen. Chia released a limit wallet on the testnet in August 2020.

Paper Wallets with Delayed Recovery:

Current best practice in cryptocurrency is to keep a paper wallet as a backup of your active wallet or hot wallet. This is necessary for many reasons, including the fact that hardware can malfunction and it's easy to have your hardware lost or stolen. However, it is very possible for a paper wallet to be stolen and take complete control and steal all your funds. Paper wallets with delayed recovery functionality allow you to store a Smart Transaction that initiates a delayed process to recover the funds in your hot wallet, but it is not a copy of your private keys. If someone steals your paper wallet and initiates a recovery, your active wallet can recognize this and transfer the funds to a new wallet you control. Initiating a backup restore can optionally require a security deposit to further deter attempts to steal funds from paper wallets.

Chialisp implements a digital identity wallet with deep recovery options and allows individuals and organizations to add identities and permissions on top of permissionless blockchains. Users can delegate control of their identity to a family member or legal advisor in a pseudonymous manner, in a manner that can either be restored by the delegator or allow the delegator's own identity to be restored and used. This enables certain types of trust/trustee relationships and is a route to digital inheritance. This also gives asset providers on the Chia Network blockchain a way for end users to complete processes such as KYC/AML and present that proof from their digital identity wallet in order to be able to obtain equity, hedge fund subscriptions or Government-backed stablecoin. The asset issuer or verification service can also easily revoke these credentials if they determine that someone's identity has changed.

Colored coins allow individuals, financial institutions, enterprises and governments to issue on-chain assets that inherit the smart transaction capabilities of the Chia Network blockchain and rely on the global decentralized security provided by proof of space and time. verify. ERC-20 tokens are currently the most recognized form of lottery coins, but they have great limitations. The Solidity smart contracts they rely on have security risks. Additionally, they do not appear to be a native part of the Ethereum blockchain to end users, and require wallets and digital currency exchanges to enable each asset individually. Recent security research shows that they can also be easily counterfeited on exchanges. Chialisp colored coins inherit all the capabilities of Chialisp, which makes them more suitable for high-compliance asset issuance and enables them to work more natively with Chia wallets.

Unlike Solidity, Chia color coinsIt can be used to create short-lived value, so applications on the Chia blockchain generally do not require flash loans. This has been one of the Achilles’ heel of DeFi on Ethereum. Ephemeral colored coins combined with Chia’s native exchange capabilities and partially completed transactions of any complexity are superior building blocks for the kind of arbitrage applications and transactions DeFi projects are trying to build.

On the corporate side, a U.S.-based hedge fund could use Chia Coins to manage subscription ownership and allow investors to present digital IDs to prove their citizenship, investor qualifications and KYC/AML status -- All of this is native to the Chia Network’s blockchain. Governments can issue stablecoins backed by their domestic currency to anyone who completes the required KYC digital identity proof. Colored coins on Chia Network’s blockchain can be used to store or open-loop corporate gift cards, debt issuance, equity issuance, and any related asset issuance, tracking and management.

Since Chialisp is a general-purpose development language and environment, all of these sample features can be mixed and matched according to the needs of the use case. Developers can leverage the toolset provided by Chialisp to create new and currently unimaginable functionality without changing the Chia Network’s protocols or environment, while Chialisp will provide the security and auditability of these controls and applications. We believe that Chialisp will be the best tool for the emerging De-Fi movement.

The choice of Chialisp and BLS signatures makes the implementation of payment channels simpler and more straightforward than current payment channels for Bitcoin or Ethereum. The field of payment channels is developing at a rapid pace, so the company hopes to adopt the best technologies emerging from the second-tier community after the launch of the Chia Network mainnet.

『五』 What is Chia coin and the whole story of hard drive mining

In recent days, whether in the field of digital currency or hardware, Chia coin is Chia. It has almost replaced Bitcoin and has become a common hot word in both industries. Without any other, it is still mining, but this time the protagonist of mining is not the graphics card, but the hard disk.

Hard drive? Mining? That's right, the DIY industry, which was originally treacherous, has increasingly deviated from the general direction of the DIY industry due to Chia currency, Chia, and hard drive mining. You sing and I appear on the stage, and all kinds of monsters and monsters come one after another, all wanting to take advantage of DIY. Currently, we are trapped in a strange circle, trying to cut off a piece of meat and get a share of the pie. As a result, the previous graphics card mining industry was out of stock, forcing second-hand graphics cards to exceed sky-high prices. As well as the current hotness, there is a vague possibility of repeating the "graphics card" phenomenon. Mining” is the same as the hard disk hoarding crisis of “all people hoarding disks, all are P disks”.

So what exactly is hard drive mining? What is Chia, a currency that’s so weird that I’m baffled by it? Will hard drive mining cause another industry turmoil like graphics card shortages? Today, the author andLet's learn about the whole process of hard drive mining together, and learn about Chia coins and hard drive mining together.

Before understanding hard drive mining, we need to know the origin and value of Chia, that is, what exactly is the thing mined from our hard drive.

The so-called Chia currency actually has the same origin as Bitcoin. They are both virtual digital currencies. They also have currency characteristics such as decentralization, tradability, virtual anonymity, and equal exchange value. It is Founded by Bram Cohen, the inventor of Bit Torrent, similar to Bitcoin, Chia will be a global open source decentralized network that uses its native cryptocurrency to operate a payment and settlement system, which will be called Chia or XCH. This is also the origin of the Chia currency.

Chia requires a large-capacity hard drive

Unlike Bitcoin, which requires a graphics card to provide computing power for mining, Chia requires ordinary users to utilize and expand their storage space in order to Get a higher probability of explosion and win rewards.

As mentioned above, the acquisition of Chia coins depends on the size of the user's own storage space. The larger the storage space, the higher the probability of seed explosion. The internal principle is that Chia coins are obtained by calculating and filtering the hash value stored in the hard disk to see if it is closer to the challenge value. The closer it is, the more Chia coins of the corresponding value can be obtained, which is commonly known as explosion. kind;

Matching proof is matching hash value

In fact, in the Chia currency circle, it is not accurate to use mining to describe this process. Farming may be a more appropriate description of hard disk. mining process.

Before mining (farming), we need to prepare a large-capacity mechanical hard drive to store a large amount of written data, and the amount of these randomly generated data will directly determine the probability of subsequent seed explosion; in addition, We also need to prepare high-performance solid-state drives for fast storage of cached files when writing files.

In P disk

When these hardware are ready, the system will start to generate random data on the mechanical hard disk, which is the process of P disk, that is, plot, the Chinese name is plot Drawing can be understood as land reclamation, that is, land development before harvesting. This process does not require much IO performance of the hard disk itself, and more emphasis is placed on capacity. The larger the capacity of the P disk, the higher the drawing area, and the land to be developed The larger it is, the higher the chance of subsequent explosion. This is also the direct reason why large-capacity mechanical hard drives are generally out of stock recently;

Accelerate P disk

In order to speed up the process of P disk , we need higher-performance solid-state drives as cache disks to improve overall efficiency.

After allocating the respective tasks of the mechanical hard disk and the solid-state hard disk, you can proceed to the P disk. After completing the P disk process, the system will start verification and matching, and the data will be stored inThe random files in the mechanical hard disk are matched one by one with the hash value of the random file and the hash value in the public network. When the pairing is successful, you can get the corresponding Chia coin reward, which is mining in the traditional sense. .

Regarding the subsequent impact of hard disk mining, the author will briefly discuss his thoughts from both short-term and long-term directions.

In the short term, the impact is huge and bad.

Those who suffer the most are ordinary users and regular enterprises who have urgent storage needs. Unlike graphics card mining, which has strict requirements on performance and equipment, the threshold is lower and only the capacity of the hard drive is important. Mining directly leads to individuals and groups of all sizes hoarding goods to varying degrees. They all want to take advantage of the hard disk mining crisis to hoard goods and then withdraw from the market to cut leeks, which in turn results in normal storage needs being unable to be met;

Those who just need it are deeply affected

Secondly, major dealers and after-sales service providers. The emergence of hard drive mining will greatly increase the failure rate of hard drives and reduce their service life. The surge in a large number of after-sales services and warranty services, the normal use and mining hard drives that are difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake will have a great impact on the distribution system and after-sales service system;

The market is completely out of stock

Finally, for manufacturers, the sudden hoarding crisis will affect and disrupt their annual production plans and break the upstream and downstream supply relationships. In view of the uncertainty of this crisis, manufacturers dare not easily carry out production. The supply and adjustment of quantity further aggravates the phenomenon of market shortages.

In the long run, the relationship between hard drive supply and demand will gradually remain balanced. Even after the hard drive crisis passes, the potential threat of oversupply will directly trigger a plunge in market prices.

Unlike graphics card mining, the threshold for hard drive mining is lower. Major storage manufacturers around the world can easily produce more hard drives with greater capacity and quantity, especially in the Chinese market, which supplies almost all the hard drives in the world. Most of the storage needs; therefore, when Chia truly forms a complete transaction link and becomes a well-recognized virtual currency, major manufacturers will be able to appropriately increase production capacity and supply sufficient hard disk capacity, even far away. exceeds demand, which leads to oversupply and price plunge.

After all, for manufacturers, there are no technical barriers that cannot be overcome when it comes to hard drives used for data storage.


『Lu』 is a real hammer! K32 may all become invalid. Chia will officially launch the mining pool on May 17th

Breaking news: Chia founder: It is expected to release the official mining pool solution prototype on May 17th. The previous K32 file of P New mining pools are not supported. If you need to access the official mining pool, you need to re-map.

As soon as this news came out, it caused a commotion among the miners, especially some big players who were in the process of P disking.I am particularly worried about whether the K32 will be invalid, and will the files that cost 150 yuan/T to replace P become useless?

1. Will the official release a new mining pool on May 17?
It is confirmed that the official will open its cooperative mining pool on May 17th.

2. The old plot file can continue to be used, but cannot join the official mining pool launched on the 17th?
Yes, the official information currently released clearly states that the old data K32 can be used in the future without replotting. However, the old K32 data cannot be added to the newly launched mining pool protocol, but it can continue to mine in SOLO. Mine, but you cannot join the official mining pool.

3. Will K32 files become invalid in the future?
will become invalid. The official explanation is that the K32 files will be obsolete with the iteration of technology in the future and will need to be redrawn. However, we will issue an announcement more than 3 months in advance.

The official Twitter stated that regarding the previous chaos in the chia market (now many self-built mining pools have copy-pasted computing power products) This is unfair to everyone)

1. After the official update iteration, all mining chia will be connected to the official mining pool to make the block explosion more stable.
2. The computing power of p-good disks currently on the market may not be able to be connected to the official in the future, and there may be a risk of not being able to explode the block. This is an official notice. I learned the actual situation through the Twitter of the founder of Chia If you don’t stop the disk pinning at this time and finish all the disk pruning, you may face the risk of buying a new hard drive and plucking the disk again once you connect to the official mining pool.
3. Special reminder for hard disk mining miners: Mining is a long-term and stable income for miners. We recommend that you wait for the official update around the 17th before starting the p disk, and at the same time cancel your own mining pool and connect to the official mining pool for more stability. The explosive block production of coins!
4. Now all the minerals that are still on the P disk are also in panic. It is understood that many conscientious miners have urgently stopped all P disks and waited for the official update to be completed and restarted!

『柒』 Can Chia coins still rise?

It’s difficult
1. Chia Coin, a cryptocurrency that relies entirely on hard disk capacity for mining after the P disk, once reached a high of nearly $2,000, which also attracted miners to buy large-capacity hard disks for mining. At one time, large-capacity SSDs and HDDs were out of stock and prices increased. The price of a 2TB NVME SSD once soared to more than 4,000 yuan, while the price of a mechanical hard drive above 10TB also increased.Sold out of stock.
2. However, compared with Ethereum and Bitcoin, whose prices are relatively stable, Chia currency is obviously not strong enough. Since its listing, the price of Chia Coin has continued to slide, and now it has even slipped to around $400, which is almost a cut in half. What makes the miners even more frustrated is that while the price is falling, the computing power of the entire Chia currency is constantly rising. After all, hard drives are easy to buy, and everyone can use the spare hard drive space to mine. After the P disk is completed, It depends on how much free hard drive space there is, and it will not put any burden on the warranty of the mechanical hard drive.
3. The result of the increase in computing power is that the mining speed of a single hard disk slows down. If the price of Chia currency has already dropped, the mining speed will slow down, which will greatly reduce the speed at which miners can recover their investment. . In the past few months, too many people have entered the Chia currency pit, and the capacity of the entire mine has reached 24EiB. At the same time, because Chia currency has adjusted the algorithm, the speed of the P disk has also slowed down. Even the fastest SSD can It can no longer achieve the efficiency of the past.
4. You can do a simple calculation. According to the current computing power of the entire mining pool, plus the adjustment of the algorithm P disk speed, based on the mining speed of each TB hard disk, it will cost 2700 to mine one Chia coin. Days of time. The current price of a Chia coin is about US$400, so the daily income of a 1TB hard drive is less than US$0.15, which means that you can earn about 1 yuan a day. Of course, most miners will definitely not use only a 1TB hard drive for mining, and direct mining with an SSD is also unrealistic. But this really shows how difficult it is for miners to recover their capital now. If you are an ordinary miner and buy a 10TB hard drive, according to the current market, the cheapest 10TB enterprise-level hard drive is around 2,000 yuan. If you only earn 1 yuan per TB per day, then 10TB will earn 10 yuan per day, and you have to get your money back. You have to dig 24 hours a day for 200 days. If you include the cost of the high-speed SSD, processor, memory, etc. used in the P disk, the payback time will be shortened.
5. If you are a large-scale mining owner, you will be even more unlucky. The price of hard drives above 10TB will be higher. For example, the price of 12TB reaches 3,600 yuan, and the price of 16TB is close to 6,000 yuan. The higher the cost, the faster the return on investment. Slowly, the larger the scale, the higher the investment, and the mine boss will probably shed more tears. So no matter how you look at it now, due to the soaring price of large-capacity hard drives, the increasing difficulty of mining Chia coins and the continued decline in prices, mining Chia coins is a choice that outweighs the gains and losses.
6. We expect that the bubble of Chia Coin will continue to burst, and it is possible that the price will drop below 400 US dollars. However, the threshold for Chia Coin mining is indeed very low. Anyone with a hard drive can mine it. It’s just a difference between mining more and less, so this is why Chia’s mining pool’s computing power is still increasing. However, for miners who specialize in mining Chia coins, the long payback period and too low profits may cause them to gradually lose interest in Chia coins.
7. The current price of solid state drives has returned toAt normal prices, not many people are buying large-capacity mechanical hard drives now. For ordinary users, the price is not exaggerated if they buy one below 8TB. Therefore, if there are users who just need to buy a hard drive, they can take advantage of the recent increase in e-commerce activities to do so

『八』 How to mine chia coins

3 On the 19th of March, the mainnet was launched. Chia officially stated that the transfer function will be opened 6 weeks after the launch. It is recommended to only choose the top for mining and not consider others, such as Chia Shensuan.

『玖』 How to buy the Chia currency?

This function has not yet been developed and cannot be bought or sold. Because Chia Shensuan Mining Pool is the industry-leading Chia Chia mining machine provider is also one of the few dedicated Chia mining service providers in the early stage of the industry. Over-the-counter transactions will occur in the later period. It is expected that transfers will be open six weeks after the mainnet goes online, and you can freely buy Chia coins by then. Got it! . If you are satisfied with my answer, please accept it

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

① 机制本和阵营本区别机制本和阵营本区别是剧本类型的不同。机制本通常是和阵营本一起出现,这个类型本子的热点也是大家一起争夺资源的时候,不过通常推理度不高,不喜欢的小伙伴可能就会觉得很无聊。机制本这种类