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『一』What will happen if you don’t pay the phone bill for China Unicom’s Apple contract phone?

In this case, it is recommended that you contact your friend to inquire clearly about the relevant agreement contents when handling the contract policy for the mobile phone at that time. Generally, the phone cannot be shut down due to arrears, the phone cannot be used separately from the card, and the package cannot be changed. If violated, the phone will be locked and the phone cannot be used. In serious cases, the user will be blacklisted, affecting personal reputation and the processing of China Unicom business.

『2』Can I buy Apple contract machine?

It can be purchased.
If it is a China Unicom Apple contract machine, it means that if you purchase an Apple contract machine through China Unicom’s online business hall, mobile phone business hall mall and other channels, and at the same time apply for an iPhone contract plan to access the Internet, you can enjoy a preferential price to purchase the contract machine. During the contract period, The corresponding level of phone charges will be refunded according to the contract. It is recommended that you contact the manual customer service at your home location for consultation. The specific policies of China Unicom at your home location shall prevail.

『三』What is Apple’s contract phone?

Contract phone refers to the type of mobile phone customized by communication operators and mobile phone manufacturers. Users must use the phone with the specified The operator signs a contract, and the lease payment must be paid in one lump sum (mostly in the name of depositing phone bills).

『四』 Is the Apple contract machine good? Is it the same as a normal mobile phone? Is there anything different about the phone?

You need to check whether it is a customized phone. If it is not a customized phone, it doesn’t matter. It is the same as an ordinary phone. However, you must complete the contract before you can change the package or port the number to install the network. Otherwise it will be a breach of contract. If it is not a customized machine. Machines are the same as other machines. Use it with confidence

How about "Wu" China Unicom iphone contract phone

China Unicom Apple contract phone is a good choice. Let’s take a look at the benefits of the contract phone:

1 , Ensure that the mobile phone is absolutely genuine and you will not buy parallel imports or copycat phones;

2. Generally, after two years, you will save about 30%-50% of the cost. The higher the monthly consumption, the greater the savings. Many;

In fact, the contract machine is a strategy of the operator, taking a small loss now to bind long-term high-end customers. For users, if the phone bill consumption is already high, then China Unicom's Apple contract phone is a very good choice, which can save a lot of money. The higher the monthly consumption, the more savings.

『Lu』 Is the Apple mobile phone contract phone good?

The contract phone is very good. It has the same configuration as the ordinary phone. In terms of price, the contract phone has a discount on airtime rebates. In terms of long-term use, It is more affordable, and the bare metal is not bound by a contract. Nowadays, the iPhone phones of the National Bank are basically all Netcom. It is recommended to choose based on personal actual use.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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