币圈可以进吗 币圈现在还能提现吗

① 币圈出金现金怎么算


② 现在挖矿炒币这么火爆,有什么风险吗
























































1. 密码,私钥被盗,钱包和交易所里的所有数字资产丢失(无法找回)

2. 你的信息会被地下黑产卖来卖去,几乎没有隐私

3. 如果你在其他地方(银行,证券交易所)使用相同或类似的密码,其他地方的资产也会被盗


1. 增加密码强度,不要重复使用密码,不要在网上发送密码

2. 电脑不要裸奔(不装安全杀毒软件),不要上乱七八糟的网站(“黄赌毒”的网站是木马病毒的重灾区)

3. 所有需要输入重要信息(账号,密码,个人信息)的地方,都留意一下网址是否是官网,避免被钓鱼

4. 任何人(家人、亲戚或朋友)通过网络找你借钱,要密码,要账号…都打电话验证一下,是否是本人操作。






1. 选择交易量大, 历史 较长,口碑较好的交易所

2. 如果打算长期持有,就不要将大量数字资产放在交易所,将不打算交易的币存在自己的钱包

3. 一定要注意钱包的使用安全

4. 可以同时使用多个交易所,平摊风险









③ 币安怎么出币







④ 2022年还能玩币圈吗


⑤ 币圈otc没有了咋办

1、 在中国的OTC圈,赵东算是一个先行者。“赵东在OTC圈的口碑还算不错,他是那批‘币圈大佬’中最早做OTC的,也是圈内最知名的OTC商家之一。
2、 ”王方对一本区块链表示。公开资料显示,和早年的其他币圈大佬一样,赵东炒过币,开过矿场,但都以失败告终。炒币爆仓一度让他欠下6000万元的债务。而他最终得以翻身,靠的就是OTC交易。

⑥ 2022年怎样整出火币网的现金



10月8日,火币创始人李林在朋友圈表示,已经将旗下股权转让与香港百域资本(About Capital ),他不再是Huobi Global的股东,也不直接或者间接拥有Huobi Global的任何权限。

字里行间看,这是一个相当决绝的再见。李林不愿再和Huobi Global有任何关系的表态跃然纸上,这是表态给谁看的?



实际上,7月份的时候,某外媒就报道称,火币交易所创办人李林寻求出售他手中近60%的火币股份,随后该消息得到火币发言人证实。据称,两个潜在买家分别是FTX交易所创始人Sam Bankman-Fried 、被美国FBI调查、逃至格林纳达担任驻WTO大使的波场创始人孙宇晨。但是,两位潜在买家均表示否认。报道还称,李林对火币交易所的股价是20-30亿美元, 由此计算,他持有的近60%股份价值高达18亿美元(约合128亿元人民币)。



2022年9月,有自称火币内部人士在Medium上爆料称, 火币着急出手可能是因为现任CTO带领投资Vires亏损 1.5 亿美元,再加上国内监管越来越严,这成为李林卖掉火币的催化剂。

爆料文章称,李林在2021年四季度把global业务交给朱桦后,与市场总监潘思宇开始主导着整个公司投资和发展新项目。不过,爆料者指朱、潘二人将当时火币“机枪池”的1.5亿美元,投到Waves链上核心借贷协议Vires Finance。没想到,随着LUNA爆雷,vires也暴雷了。朱桦在vires里面投入的1.5亿美元亏损殆尽,这笔资金是已经落败的huobi大半年的收入,也就是说,朱桦一把梭哈,把huobi赔进去了。更摩幻的就是,这个事情在开除了两个一线操作人员之后,居然不了了之。


⑦ 币圈现在为什么无法上线


⑧ 币圈100万出金怎么出

币圈100万出金的操作流程是:首先,登录币圈官网;其次,进入“我的钱包”,选择“提现”;然后,输入提现地址及金额;最后,完成“短信确认” 即可完成提现。

① How to calculate the cash withdrawal from the currency circle

For example, if you open an account, then only you have the right to deposit and withdraw money. Others cannot help you deposit money, let alone help you withdraw money on your behalf. This is three-party remittance. For example, if you want to deposit money into your account, you must bring your ID card with you in person because he needs to verify your ID card. If you use your family member's ID card to remit money, even if the money arrives, the platform will verify that the money is not your own and will refund it to you. This is a three-party remittance.

② Mining and speculating are so popular now, are there any risks?

The currency circle is relatively hot now because of the popularity, because the operation of Bitcoin will make the currency circle popular. As for other Doge coins, etc., it is necessary to invest a small amount of money in currency speculation, and you may receive big profits. This is a greedy thinking of a greedy person.

Nowadays, currency speculation is actually very risky, because the currency being speculated is not legal currency. What follows is that if it is not backed by legal currency, it will go bankrupt and disappear overnight. .

Therefore, investing in other currencies is actually a trap, a deep pit. I advise everyone not to play with this kind of currency.

Mining and speculating on coins is also a high-risk and high-yield subdivision. There are several specific risks that need to be noted:

1. The capital investment of professional mining machines is risky. . Digital cryptocurrency is mostly based on algorithms and hard disk storage production methods to obtain profits, so it has high requirements on machines (mining machines), especially processors. Distributed storage like IPFS has high requirements on hard disks. These The capital investment is huge, a high-end mining machine can cost hundreds of thousands!

2. The risk of the mining explosion rate of the selected currency. The explosion rate of each currency is different. This is closely related to the competition of mining. If you are mining Bitcoin, there are so many Bitcoin mining machines now that they are very competitive. In addition, Bitcoin every four years The mining rate is decreasing. If your mining machine does not have enough computing power, it will be difficult to mine Bitcoin.

3. Risk of energy consumption investment. Mining is a high-energy-consuming industry. Mining machines usually have to work 24 hours a day, and the demand for electricity is very large. Without reasonable electricity price support, mining in the early stage will basically be at a loss.

4. The risk of policy changes. At present, countries around the world have different attitudes towards digital cryptocurrency. For example, China strictly prohibits it, and private mining will be banned once discovered. And the attitudes of some countries change frequently, such as Iran and Russia. When the policy is acquiesced, you may make huge profits, but when it is controlled and cracked down, there may be risks.

5. The investment risk of the pledged coins required for mining. Once many mining coins are connected to the main network, you can participate in mining. As long as your computing power and all aspects meet the requirements, even if you mine the mine, you will not be able to participate in mining.You can sell the mined coins immediately. Because the mainnet basically has a rule that requires part of the pledged coins, the mainnet is also afraid that you will suddenly be disconnected for no reason! Only when the coins you mine are far greater than the pledged coins, will a part of the coins be gradually released for you to trade. And these pledged coins are a big investment! Even bank interest is a risk!

6. The risk of currency market conditions to mining. The currency market fluctuates up and down, and everyone knows this. If the currency you mine does not perform well, or collapses, then naturally the currency you mine will be worthless, and risks will naturally exist.

Of course, the above is just an analysis of the various risks that may arise from coin mining. But if the market price of the cryptocurrency you mine is high enough, everything will be a solvable problem.

Although it is popular, but also because of its popularity, there are many risks of crisis in the currency circle!

Speaking more broadly, virtual currencies are currently not subject to legal protection, national supervision, and policy factor risks

Xiaoli said that everyone is currently trading on centralized exchanges. To put it bluntly, they run a casino and they have the final say. It’s normal to cut you off if you’re unhappy. The exchange is risky!

Nowadays, there are so many types of coins that it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake coins! There is a risk of being cut directly! I won’t go into details, but there are many, many risks to talk about...

There are risks in mining and speculating, but generally speaking, the risk of mining is less than speculating.

After all, graphics cards are a necessary product for some people. You can always find a taker in the end, but this is not necessarily true for currency speculation.

When playing spot, the normal rise and fall of profits and losses are the same as stocks.

Playing with contracts, with small investment and high returns, it is easy to liquidate your position.

When high leverage encounters sharp rises and falls, you will also face the risk of unplugging the network cable from the platform.

Finally, there is the risk of cash withdrawal, and it is easy to freeze the card.

First, let’s talk about the risks of virtual currency mining. Take the most typical mining of Bitcoin and Ethereum as an example. Bitcoin mining requires the purchase of professional mining machines. Each mining machine sells for about 10,000 yuan. Ethereum mining requires the purchase of a graphics card for mining. Currently, The price of each graphics card is around 7,000. As far as the most basic mining equipment is concerned, for ordinary people, purchasing several Bitcoin mining machines or graphics cards at one time will cause considerable financial pressure. During the mining process, the miner consumes a large amount of electricity, so if the electricity cost is too high, it is very likely to cause losses. If residents use electricity to mine, they may suffer huge losses. During mining, you also need to consider the damage and maintenance of the mining machine.

Then there are the risks of currency speculation. The virtual currency market is traded all the time and lacks supervision, so the price manipulation of virtual currencies is very obvious and crazy..

The first risk of currency speculation lies in the price manipulation of virtual currencies. The issuance cost of many virtual currencies is very low, and can be issued for tens of thousands of yuan. Once this kind of altcoin is listed on a virtual currency exchange, the project party may frantically sell the virtual currency in hand until the price of the virtual currency approaches 0 indefinitely, and is finally removed from the exchange and cannot be traded.

The second risk of currency speculation is that virtual currency exchanges take away users’ virtual currency assets and run away. Therefore, you must be careful when choosing an exchange.

The third risk of currency speculation lies in the contract trading of virtual currencies. The entry threshold for the virtual currency market is low, and small funds can leverage large funds through contract transactions and leverage transactions. The benefits are great, but the risks are even greater. You may lose all the funds in your account at any time.

The above are the main risks of mining and currency speculation, as well as the risk of encountering black money in the process of converting virtual currency into RMB after profit from currency speculation. These risks are relatively controllable.

The sudden rise and fall must be a big risk. If you dig a hole, you need to invest in equipment. If you are a small business, you have no cost advantage, no management advantage, and you may not be able to make back the electricity bill.

Everything has risks. If there were no risks, everyone would have made a fortune long ago. The risk of speculating in coins lies in your cost price. For example, one Bitcoin costs 390,000. The price you pay for speculating and buying one is 390,000. If it falls below 390,000, won’t you panic? Some people may rush to sell at 350,000 to try to reduce their losses. The risk of mining lies in whether you will encounter mining disasters. In a bear market, the coins you mine for a day are not enough to deduct your electricity bill. The second is cloud computing power mining. You have to understand the reliability and authenticity of the platform. After all, there are more funds in the currency circle now, and you will get into trouble if you don't pay attention.

There are definitely risks in speculating in coins.

When I first learned about Bitcoin, it cost hundreds of thousands per coin.

After a while, it dropped to 20,000 to 30,000,

If you need money, can you afford it?

If so Can the borrowed one hold up?

If the money comes from selling your house, how will you face your family?

In short, it shouldn’t affect your life.

Buffett says not to invest with borrowed money.

It is better to hold it for a long time.

If you don’t have money, don’t invest so much,

Be within your own tolerance.

One thing to believe: the higher the return, the greater the risk.

As the saying goes, one day in the currency circle is one year in the stock market. Without a strong heart, one cannot withstand the ups and downs of currency speculation in one day. Especially when the amount of funds is large, the mentality will collapse.It's the norm.

So, do you think the risk is big?

First of all, mining is relatively professional and requires in-depth research on the project, finding your beliefs, and giving yourself a reason to insist on investing in costs and continue mining. Judging from the current general environment, the cost of mining investment is getting higher and higher, and it is difficult to see obvious benefits in the short term. It is suitable for people who have faith and can persist in the long term. Financial freedom is not a dream.

Secondly, for most leeks, mining is too advanced. Most people may not even know what decentralization and blockchain are, and they just watch the crazy rise of virtual currencies. If it goes up, you can't resist the urge to rush in. There is a saying that goes well, money earned through luck is often lost through strength in the end, and the loss may be even greater.

The currency circle is open 24 hours a day, all year round. The biggest risk is that the rise and fall are endless. It can double several times a day, or it can be cut in half in a minute, or even return to zero and disappear.

Therefore, I think that currency speculation is suitable for small gains and big gains, and a small amount of money to achieve a miracle. However, the greed of human nature determines that most people's final outcome is to get a small profit first, and then lose their bottoms, and they will be miserable.

In two cases, the same amount of 100,000 yuan entered the industry. With luck and strength, one person earned 20 million yuan a year, escaped unscathed, and gained wealth. A person doubles his earnings to 700,000, and then loses 90%, all in vain.

Which one do you think you will be?

The boom of blockchain has revitalized the currency circle. Coin speculation, especially investment in digital currencies, has become mainstream. Many people can’t help but take risks and cross the gray area to get rich overnight. Although the central bank has issued relevant policies To rectify it, but it can only restrict it and never achieve the purpose of radical cure. So is the risk of currency speculation big? What risks may exist? Please see the analysis below.

1. Personal Risk

In the process of investing in digital currencies, the biggest risk is not others, but yourself!

Our deposits , investment stocks, securities, etc. There will be a centralized organization to help us defend against attacks, help us handle disputes, and help us retrieve our passwords.

But in the world of digital currency. These safety measures are all put into our own hands.

If you do not control your personal risks, you may encounter:

1. Passwords and private keys are stolen, and all digital assets in wallets and exchanges are lost (unable to Retrieve)

2. Your information will be sold and sold by the underground industry, with almost no privacy

3. If you are in other places (banks, stock exchanges ) use the same or similarPasswords, assets elsewhere will also be stolen


1. Increase password strength, do not reuse passwords, and do not send passwords online

2. Don’t run naked on your computer (do not install security and anti-virus software), and don’t go to messy websites (“pornographic, gambling and drug” websites are the hardest hit areas for Trojan viruses)

3. All important information needs to be entered (account number, password, personal information), pay attention to whether the website address is an official website to avoid being phished

4. Anyone (family, relatives or friends) who asks you to borrow money through the Internet needs a password , if you need an account... please call to verify whether it is done by me.

To summarize: when investing in Bitcoin, the biggest risk is ourselves! We need to learn more and understand some knowledge about network security, so as to effectively avoid the disappearance of the appreciated coins in our hands. !

2. Platform risk

Platform risk is actually the risk of the exchange. The coins that everyone puts on the exchange are actually stored in the centralized wallet of the exchange.

If the exchange is attacked by hackers, the exchange will suffer huge losses. At least the exchange will bear the loss itself, and at worst the exchange will go bankrupt.


1. Choose an exchange with large trading volume, long history and good reputation

2. If you plan to hold it for a long time, Just don’t put a large amount of digital assets on the exchange, and store the coins you don’t intend to trade in your own wallet

3. Be sure to pay attention to the security of the wallet

4. You can use it at the same time Use multiple exchanges to share risks

3. Policy risks

Maintain a positive attitude towards blockchain. The government and many companies are researching and applying blockchain technology. . However, there are certain restrictions on investment in digital assets. At present, the volume of digital assets is not large. If it grows rapidly, it may have a certain impact on the financial industry.

In addition, due to globalization and decentralization, it also involves asset outflows, breaking foreign exchange restrictions to a certain extent.

Are there any policy risks in my current trading?

On-site trading is completely in compliance with domestic laws and regulations, so on-site trading is relatively safe. OTC transactions are not fully compliant from a legal perspective and may be affected by policies, so it is not recommended that you store your coins in OTC exchanges for a long time.


4. Legal Risks

High returns are not only accompanied by extremely high investment risks, but also legal risks that cannot be ignored. And the risk of receiving stolen money is to freeze the card.

③ How to withdraw coins from Binance

How to withdraw coins from Binance, click here to log in to Binance official website, select [Trading] - [Margin Trading] in the navigation menu bar to enter the margin trading interface . Click [Isolated Margin] and select the trading pair (such as ZIL/BTC).

Coin Circle Secrets: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
Coin Circle Revealed: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
Note: You can refer to the "Margin Trading Steps" or "Leverage Tutorial" videos in the middle of the trading page to learn about margin trading.

Coin Circle Secrets: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
2. Transfer margin

In the trading panel, click [Transfer] on the right to transfer margin or transfer assets out.

Coin Circle Secrets: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
On the transfer page that pops up, confirm the transfer from "Spot Account" to "Isolated Margin Account" (such as ZILBTC Isolated Margin Account), select "Currency", "Quantity", and click [Confirm].

Coin Circle Secrets: How to trade and withdraw money on Binance?
Note: Click the switch button on the left to switch from "ZILBTC isolated account" to "spot account".

④ Can you still play currency circles in 2022?

You can’t play currency circles in 222.
Currency circles are considered illegal currencies in China and are not recognized. If you are a veteran in the currency circle, it should not affect you, but if you follow the formal channels, it is expressly prohibited. The current currency circle is full of confusion, and many decentralized currency transactions are themselves scams. So don’t take risks, ignore state regulations and do things you shouldn’t do. If you suffer losses, no one will help you recover.

⑤ What to do if OTC disappears in the currency circle

You don’t have to worry about this. If there is demand, there will be a market. The currency circle will only become a currency circle for a small number of people, and second-tier exchanges will No impact at all. Early currency enthusiasts should know that a few years ago, many platforms in the currency circle did not have the function of OTC deposits and withdrawals of fiat currencies. At that time, users who wanted to buy and sell digital currencies had to do so through over-the-counter transactions. Later, considering the user convenience of the trading platform, Major platforms have only begun to integrate OTC legal currency trading functions. For example, Binance did not have an OTC function before. Many users who wanted to trade purchased Usdt or other currencies over the counter and transferred them to Binance for trading. So even if Binance and Huobi cannot OTC, there will be other methods. The market needs constant optimization and improvement to develop better!
Many international payment institutions support OTC. Currently, Binance and Huobi have withdrawn, but they can still be sold. Among the three major exchanges, only the OK (OUYi) platform has not withdrawn. You can use OK, try your best. Choose a merchant with a good reputation. Cryptocurrency can buy a car, a house, coffee, anything you want. There are many nowInternational payment institutions PayPal, Visa, and Bitpay all support cryptocurrency payments, so don't worry, the future will definitely be currency-based. What you need to do is to accumulate more coins and wait for the new era to continue.
The currency circle refers to the circle formed by people who pay attention to or invest in virtual encrypted digital currencies; OTC refers to the over-the-counter trading platform for the purchase and sale of virtual encrypted digital currencies. During OTC transactions, users usually temporarily store digital assets on the platform and conduct transactions through pending orders. The biggest difference is that the buying and selling methods and processes of digital currencies are agreed upon and carried out by both parties themselves, without going through the platform. The so-called OTC refers to transactions completed through one-on-one private negotiations between buyers and sellers outside the exchange. In layman's terms, it means "pay money with one hand and coins with the other hand." In addition, most major exchanges and wallets also have their own OTC trading areas. Here, OTC merchants can directly trade with currency speculators.
Extended information:
1. In China's OTC circle, Zhao Dong is considered a pioneer. "Zhao Dong has a pretty good reputation in the OTC circle. He was the first to do OTC among the 'big guys in the currency circle' and is also one of the most well-known OTC merchants in the circle.
2." Wang Fang said to a book Blockchain representation. Public information shows that, like other big names in the currency circle in the early years, Zhao Dong speculated in coins and opened a mine, but all ended in failure. He once owed a debt of 60 million yuan due to currency speculation and liquidation. And he was finally able to turn over, relying on OTC trading.

⑥ How to generate cash from Huobi in 2022

On October 8, the long-dormant currency circle exploded Big news: The actual controller of Huobi, one of the three major domestic virtual currency exchanges, has changed hands. Huobi founder and largest shareholder Li Lin transferred nearly 60% of his shares at one time and successfully cashed out billions of dollars, successfully "laundering" Bai" came ashore.

Li Lin may cash out up to 12.8 billion

On October 8, Huobi founder Li Lin stated in Moments that he had transferred his equity to Hong Kong Baiyu Capital ( About Capital), he is no longer a shareholder of Huobi Global, nor does he directly or indirectly have any authority over Huobi Global.

Reading between the lines, this is a very decisive goodbye. Li Lin's statement that he no longer wants to have anything to do with Huobi Global is clearly on the page. Who is this statement for?

According to Kaijia Finance, this transaction does not include Li Lin’s Hong Kong-listed company Huobi Technology (HK:01611).

It is worth noting that the delivery of this transaction has raised many questions. Li Lin is physically in the country and has been unable to leave the country. This transaction is transferred overseas, which is equivalent to Li Lin placing tens of billions of personal wealth overseas. At the same time, after Huobi changes hands, will he go back to the old path and continue to do domestic business?The user’s business? This will probably attract regulatory attention, and there is still some uncertainty as to whether the transaction can be successfully completed.

In fact, in July, a foreign media reported that Li Lin, the founder of Huobi Exchange, was seeking to sell nearly 60% of his Huobi shares. Later, the news was confirmed by Huobi. People confirmed. It is said that the two potential buyers are Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX exchange, and Justin Sun, the founder of Tron who was investigated by the US FBI and fled to Grenada to serve as ambassador to the WTO. However, both potential buyers denied it. The report also stated that Li Lin’s share price of Huobi Exchange is US$2-3 billion. Based on this calculation, his nearly 60% stake is worth US$1.8 billion (approximately 12.8 billion yuan).

On the 2022 Hurun Global Rich List, Huobi’s Li Lin is on the list with assets of 11 billion. At present, Li Lin’s actual wealth exceeds Hurun’s statistics.

Huobi was founded in 2013. According to third-party platform data, the average daily currency trading volume is US$1 billion. In 2021, Huobi’s net profit exceeded US$1 billion, making it the second most profitable exchange in the world after Binance. However, even with such a profitable business and such a low valuation, Li Lin's equity transfer transaction does not seem to be smooth.

In September 2022, a self-proclaimed Huobi insider broke the news on Medium that Huobi’s rush to take action may be because the current CTO led the investment of $150 million in Vires, coupled with the increasing domestic regulation. Yan, this became the catalyst for Li Lin to sell Huobi.

The breaking article stated that after Li Lin handed over the global business to Zhu Hua in the fourth quarter of 2021, he and marketing director Pan Siyu began to lead the entire company's investment and development of new projects. However, the whistleblower pointed out that Zhu and Pan invested US$150 million from Huobi’s “machine gun pool” at the time into Vires Finance, the core lending protocol on the Waves chain. Unexpectedly, as LUNA thundered, vires also thundered. Zhu Hua lost all the US$150 million he invested in vires. This amount of money was the income of Huobi, which had already failed, for more than half the year. In other words, Zhu Hua lost Huobi's money in one go. What's even more confusing is that after firing two front-line operators, this matter went to nothing.

This incident was the catalyst for Li Lin to sell Huobi. Li Lin first stopped the "Machine Gun Pool" project, and then began planning to sell the company.

⑦ Why the currency circle cannot be launched now

The reasons are as follows:
1. The country has banned the trading of virtual currencies and some relevant policies have been issued to clearly prohibit the trading of virtual currencies.
2. There is a bubble in virtual currency. The currency circle website is more important in the transaction of virtual currency, and there is a bubble in virtual currency.

⑧ How to withdraw 1 million from the currency circle

The operation process of withdrawing 1 million from Biquan is: first, log in to the official website of Biquan; secondly, enter "My Wallet" and select "Withdrawal"; then, enter the withdrawal address and amount; finally, complete "SMS confirmation" will complete the withdrawal.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 2022年怎样整出火币网的现金10月8日,沉寂已久的币圈爆出重大新闻,国内三大虚拟货币交易所之一的火币(Huobi)实控人易主,Huobi创始人及最大股东李林一次性转让近60%股份,成功套现数十亿