币圈的历史背景是什么 币圈的历史背景有哪些

『壹』 为什么币圈原始



2019年6月,Babel Finance首席执行官Flex Yang 与记者Shiraz Jagati 讨论了原始比特币的话题。在接受采访时,Yang解释说,原始比特币本质上是没有交易历史的Token,这对于某些实体而言可能非常有价值。Yang指出,原始比特币买家来自美国和其他监管更严格的地区。当然,卖家大多来自中国矿工。“购买者可能会追捧这些Token,因为它们的新颖性以及在监管不确定性方面的合规性。实际上,原始比特币可能不利于家庭基金或直觉/个人购买。“

Babel Finance创始人强调:“显然,人们对原始(或白色)Token更有信心,因此,它们继续获得高额溢价。

Jagati不仅与Yang进行了对话,还与区块链监控公司Ciphertrace的首席执行官Dave Jevans谈了关于原始比特币的话题。Jevans在七月表示,对对冲基金来说,这是一个很大的担忧,他们担心整个基金可能会受到一些不良Token的污染。虽然这不太可能影响那些持有少量资产的人,但规模较大的交易员可能在不知不觉中持有更多被盗资产,通过关联降低其投资池的价值。”

Babel Finance创始人Flex Yang还在原始比特币这一主题上写了一篇综合意见社论。Yang指出,更严格的法规可能对所谓的“干净”比特币产生更多需求。

『贰』 机制币历史背景及种类有那些如何辨别











5、民国元年(1912年)国民政府铸造孙中山开过纪念币,也就是常说的“小头”。1912年1月3日,南京临时政府宣告成立。为庆祝推翻帝制,建立民国,南京造币厂于同年铸造发行了中华民国开国纪念币。孙小头中华民国开国纪念币版别很多,还有广州版、海南版、湖南版,中央版,湖南版,海南版,广州版,还有五星,分上下两种细版有右三花、左右三花、单日开、日字花等。总计已知小头版别约165种,加上未知30种左右,估计全国现存版别总量不会超过200种. 另外还有许多的纪念币!



8、中华苏维埃造(中华苏维埃共和国国造 壹圆 马克思像)一种是中华苏维埃共和国国造,壹圆,马克思像。另一种是中华苏维埃共和国国币,壹圆,列宁像。《1934年川陕省造中华苏维埃共和国一元银币》图案中央珠圈内为大写面额“壹元”字样,外围上环是“中华苏维埃共和国”八字,下环是“川陕省造币厂造”七字,两侧分列有五角星;背面图案中央是地球,地球正中缀有镰刀、斧头,外围上环是“全世界无产阶级联合起来”十一字,下环有“一九三四年”年份字样,两侧分列有四瓣花星。该币直径为39毫米,重约26.1—26.7克,含银量为75%—88%,这种银币版式较多,正面五角星有实星、空星、线星三种。(中国苏维埃造列宁像大胡子版镰刀斧头壹圆银币) 中国苏维埃造列宁像大胡子版镰刀斧头壹圆银币工农银行孤品大珍直径39毫米重量26.7克公元1931年。(鄂豫皖省苏维埃政府造 壹圆)稀世珍宝。鄂豫皖根据地是工农红军在大别山地区创建的红色政权。因而他的铸造银元少量,流传下来的更少,所以更加珍贵!


『叁』 PI币3个创始人背景是真的吗









2008年爆发全球金融危机,同年11月1日,一个自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人在P2P foundation网站上发布了比特币白皮书《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》 ,陈述了他对电子货币的新设想——比特币就此面世。2009年1月3日,比特币创世区块诞生。

『肆』 币圈的兴起是怎样的














说到兴起 以太坊功不可没:




『伍』 币圈是什么


『陆』 币圈是什么时候开始的


『柒』 一个时代结束!比特币矿场彻底告别国内历史舞台,再见了青春


这两天,比特币矿场最集中的地区,四川矿工向全世界播报: “我们关机了”。 继内蒙,青海,贵州之后,最后的希望四川也彻底告吹。 币圈迎来 历史 性的一天,比特币矿场在国内彻底成为了 历史 。 再见,四川。再见,CHINA。再见,无数人的青春。

6月20日0点,四川800万负荷,集体断电,集体关闭。比特币全网平均算力跌至126.83EH/s,相比 历史 最高点下降36%。 大批具有中国背景的比特币矿池,比如Huobi Pool、Binance、AntPool及Poolin,近24小时算力下降幅度高达36.64%、25.58%、22.17%、8.05%。

比特币挖矿十年,一个时代怆然结束! 十年间,比特币矿场从一个矿工开始,短时间可挖180多万枚比特币,到如今 千万矿场竞发,一币难求。 十年间,从中本聪, “宝二”,“江卓尔” ,比特币矿场默默无闻赚小钱,到疯狂赚大钱。十年间,比特币从1万枚换一个披萨饼到单枚价值几十万, 国内一直是比特币最大的矿池聚集地。 十年间,矿场曾经为西部发展奉献了自己的一份力,解决过剩的电力,带来GDP。 但是十年后,一切结束,并已成为 历史 。

犹记得去年这个时候,比特币减半刚出,又恰好处于国内解封期,圈里第一个大会就是 四川成都丰水期矿业大会。 到年底大涨,几多辉煌,几多风光。 而今天,时过境迁,盛夏吹起秋瑟风。 四月比特币 历史 新高的时候,还在帮一个算力交易平台做全网内容宣发。现在他们砍了很多业务线,之前的策划也无疾而终。从零散的算力交易到构建一个算力金融市场的愿景,随政策而止,随地域而迁。究竟什么时候能建成,还是一个未知数。从当年的矿业繁荣到今夜璀璨星河,不见绿光,清风虽细难吹我,明月何尝不照人。

『捌』 币圈起源(2009-2010)





值得一提的是:在这个创世区块上中本聪留下了唯一可验证其真实身份的签名,The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second lout for banks(2009年1月3日,财政大臣正处于实施第二轮银行紧急援助的边缘),相应的,后来的币圈称之为创世签名。








2010年5月22日,美国一名叫Laszlo Hanyecz 的程序员在比特币论坛上发帖,希望用10000个比特币换两个披萨,最终有人同意用两张披萨进行交换,而当时,两张披萨的价值是25美元。

这一被后世称为比特币匹萨日的交易被无数媒体记载,浓墨重彩。用现在的眼光看来,这笔交易意义非凡,犹如 历史 上很多简陋但影响深远的会议;但在当时,何其不像在 游戏 道具商城随手买一件观赏性道具图个心欢?



#比特币[超话]# #欧易OKEx# #以太坊# #数字货币#

『玖』 币圈那些事


10月31日消息,今年迄今为止,狗狗币的涨幅高达10,360%,远高于BTC过去一年的350%涨幅和ETH 12个月的 1,014%涨幅。大约八年前,狗狗币网络于2013年12月6日推出,而今天,有45种基于Meme的加密资产,其名称中带有 “dog” “shiba” 和“inu”字样。(Bitcoin News)

eToro CEO Yoni Assia:比特币到50万美元需要一点时间

10月31日消息,eToro CEO和联合创始人Yoni Assia表示,在2010年购买了第一个比特币,11年后仍在投资比特币并经营一家加密公司。加密仍然是一个新兴的资产类别,比特币是第一个也是最大的加密货币,它只有12 年的 历史 。比特币达到500,000美元可能需要一些时间,但BTC和更广泛的加密货币的未来是光明的。(Cointelegraph)


10月31日消息,Kraken 最近发布了一份名为“Shocktober”的报告表示,BTC的1年恢复供应量提供了长期持有者供应活动的详细视图。该指标显示了在指定时间范围内处于休眠状态后变得活跃的代币数量。从2020年第四季度到2021年上半年,少量比特币重新进入流通。BTC的HODL Waves指标反映了BTC在特定时间内未移动的流通供应量的百分比。数据表明长期持有者没有在9月的疲软期间卖出,也没有在10月的强势期间卖出。(beincrypto)

火币全球战略总监Jeff Mei:GameFi是一个非常热门的行业

苹果联合创始人Steve Wozniak:比特币具有数学上的纯粹性和可靠的格式

10月31日消息,苹果联合创始人Steve Wozniak在接受雅虎 财经 采访时表示,比特币具有数学上的纯粹性和非常可靠的格式,在人类控制下无法轻易修改,而政府可以创造新的美元。 Wozniak还认为,加密可以“有效地”用于支付,现在已经有很多数字支付方式。但是加密支付具有匿名性,难以追踪。去年12月,Wozniak成立了一家基于区块链的能源效率领域的企业,名为Efforce。(financial express)

『拾』 9年涨了1300万倍中国“比特币”首富李笑来,如今怎样了



『一』Why the currency circle is original

Blockchain provides a record of every transaction that occurs when people send or receive digital assets. This doesn’t mean that people can’t use mixers like Tor, Cashfusion, etc. to obfuscate transaction data. But most people are unaware of such tools and their trading dates back to the advent of cryptocurrencies. When a miner mines a block, the mining operation or mining pool is rewarded 12.5 Bitcoins per block.

The 12.5 Bitcoin reward is made up of Bitcoins that have never been traded because they are brand new and untouched (because they have never been traded after their initial issuance), the cryptocurrency Enthusiasts refer to these as "raw Bitcoins" and institutional investors will allegedly pay a 10-20% premium to acquire these raw Bitcoins.

In June 2019, Babel Finance CEO Flex Yang discussed the topic of original Bitcoin with journalist Shiraz Jagati. In an interview, Yang explained that raw Bitcoins are essentially tokens with no transaction history, which can be very valuable to certain entities. Yang noted that original Bitcoin buyers came from the United States and other regions with stricter regulations. Of course, most of the sellers are from Chinese miners. “Buyers may pursue these Tokens due to their novelty and compliance amid regulatory uncertainty. In fact, raw Bitcoin may not be conducive to home funds or intuitive/individual purchases.”

The founder of Babel Finance emphasized: “Obviously, people have more confidence in original (or white) Tokens, and therefore, they continue to command high premiums.

Jagati not only had conversations with Yang; Dave Jevans, CEO of blockchain monitoring company Ciphertrace, spoke out about raw Bitcoin. Jevans said in July that this was a big concern for hedge funds, who were concerned that the entire fund could be subject to some bad Token contamination. While this is unlikely to affect those holding small amounts of assets, larger traders may unknowingly hold larger amounts of stolen assets, reducing the value of their investment pools through correlation."< br />
Babel Finance founder Flex Yang also wrote a comprehensive opinion editorial on the topic of original Bitcoin. Yang noted that stricter regulations could create more demand for so-called “clean” Bitcoin.

『二』Historical background and types of machine-made coins, how to identify them

Machine-made coins are various metal currencies made by machines rather than by hand. In China, coins mainly refer to metal coins made by modern machines, including gold coins, silver coins, copper coins, as well as nickel coins, aluminum coins, antimony coins, magnesium coins, pewter coins (lead coins), etc. andMachine-made coins include grout coins. Grout coins are modeled after machine-made coins and are made by filling them with metal grout. China's earliest machine-made coins (machine-made copper coins) were approved by Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, to establish the Guangdong Mint in the 13th year of Guangxu (1887). The production of machine-made copper coins began in the 15th year of Guangxu (1889). This is the history of Chinese coins. The beginning of the title "mechanical currency". The central mint of the Qing government has always been in Tianjin, because the royal family believed that setting up a mint in Beijing would affect the dragon's veins. Until the Republic of China, there was no minting factory in Beijing. After the Kuomintang established its capital in Nanjing, the Nanjing Mint in the Qing Dynasty became the temporary central mint of the National Government. In 1933, the construction of the Shanghai Mint was completed, and with the support of the United States, it was officially designated as the central mint of the Kuomintang. In addition, there are several major coinage centers such as Tianjin, Nanjing, Wuhan, Anqing, Chengdu, and Chongqing. From this time on, the coinage in most places across the country gradually became unified, at least in terms of shape, face value, etc., which lasted for a long time. However, during the Republic of China It was only later that chaos broke out again.

Machine-made silver coins began in Europe in the 15th century and flowed into China during the Ming Dynasty Wanli (1573-1620).

1. In the 58th year of the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty (1793), the central government cast the "Qianlong Treasure of the Qing Dynasty" for the first time in Tibet. In addition, there are Jiaqing Treasures, Daoguang Treasures, etc.

2. The real machine-made coins were officially launched in Taiwan during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. Before Zheng Chenggong regained Taiwan (this happened in the Southern Ming Dynasty and the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty), Taiwan was invaded by the Dutch colonists. . After the Qing government unified Taiwan, the Taiwan government imitated several types of silver coins.

The first type is "Silver Cake of Birthday Star", also called "Husband Cake". On the front of the coin is a birthday star with "Silver Cake with Foot Pattern" and "Made in Daoguang Year" on the front. On the back is a tripod in the middle and next to it. The Manchu meaning is "Taiwan House Cast"

The second type of "Ruyi Silver Cake" is also called "Flower Basket Silver Cake". Since silver cakes need to be tested for silver and marked during circulation, the remaining Taiwanese silver cakes are often unrecognizable, but this is normal.

The third type of "Bi Bao Silver Cake" is also known as "Jianshen Silver Cake". Front: cornucopia, with the words "military" and "pay" written on the left and right, and "footprint passage" below. Back: Ruyi Yuanbao and Xiangzi cross double pens, with "Fuku" on the top and "Full Weight Six and Eight" stamps on the bottom. There are often many stamps.

3. In the mid-Guangxu period, Longyang was cast in Guangdong and then imitated in various provinces. It started in Guangdong in 1889, the fifteenth year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty, and was circulated in the market the following year. The more representative silver coins of this period include: "Guangxu Yuanbao" Kuping is seven cents and three cents, commonly known as "Qi San reverse version". Differentiated by dragon postures, there are sitting dragons (dragons in a squatting posture, the most common), standing dragons (dragons in a standing posture), wandering dragons, flying dragons (dragons with wings that appear to be flying), etc. ; In addition, there are dragon patterns with various postures such as water dragon, square dragon, reverse dragon, long-tailed dragon, humpbacked dragon, panlong, and dragon.

4. In April of the second year of Xuantong (1910), after research by the Currency Survey Bureau of the Qing government, the Du Branch reported "Determining the Currency System"The Qing government believed that it was feasible and feasible, and issued an edict on April 16: "China's national currency unit will be named Yuan immediately, and silver will be temporarily named Yuan." The basic currency is one yuan as the main currency, with seven cents and two cents as the main currency;

There are also three types of silver coins: 50 cents, 25 cents, and 10 cents, and nickel coins of 5 cents, 2 cents, 1 cent, 5 cents, and 1 cent. Lisi copper coins are auxiliary coins. The silver dollar is stipulated as the standard currency and the silver dollar becomes the legal tender. "Qing Silver Coin" is also called "Qing Xuan San". According to the changes of the dragon's beard, it can be divided into long bearded dragon, short bearded dragon and curved bearded dragon. , anti-dragon, etc.

5. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the National Government minted Sun Yat-sen's commemorative coins, which are often called "small heads". On January 3, 1912, the Nanjing Provisional Government The founding of the Republic of China was proclaimed. To celebrate the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Republic of China, the Nanjing Mint minted and issued commemorative coins for the founding of the Republic of China in the same year. There are many versions of Sun Xiaotou's commemorative coins for the founding of the Republic of China, including Guangzhou version, Hainan version, Hunan version, Central Edition, Hunan edition, Hainan edition, Guangzhou edition, and five-star edition, which are divided into upper and lower fine editions with three flowers on the right, three flowers on the left and right, single-day flowers, day-flowers, etc. In total, there are about 165 known small-head editions. Including about 30 unknown types, it is estimated that the total number of existing versions in the country will not exceed 200. In addition, there are many commemorative coins!

6. In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), Yuan Shikai's profile one-dollar silver coins began to be minted. , which is what we often call Yuan Datou. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the Nanjing Mint Factory designed and trial-minted a commemorative silver coin with a portrait of Yuan Shikai for the founding of the People's Republic of China. The coin was worth one yuan. It was available in two types: light edge and toothed edge, with various formats. Because Yuan Shikai refused He went south to take office, so this coin was not officially minted and issued. It is rare and extremely precious. Yuan Xiang Hongxian silver coin: front image of Yuan Shikai in military uniform, back: there is a flying dragon with spread wings in the middle, with upper and lower rings of "Chinese Empire", "Hongxian Chronicle" and flying dragon Signed version. In addition, there are many versions of commemorative coins - the silver coins issued in circulation are three years, eight years, nine years, and ten years (one dime of five years).

7. 1933 also In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, the National Government abolished the two yuan and changed it to the yuan, and promulgated the "Regulations on the Casting of Silver Standard Currency." On March 10, China's currency system began to abolish the use of silver taels and use silver dollars. The abolition of the two yuan and the change to the yuan would unify the currency, the national economy, and combat foreign economic plunder. All have positive effects. It is stipulated that each silver dollar weighs 26.6971 grams and contains 23.493448 grams of pure silver. (The previous local coins were shoddily made and cut corners, and the Shanghai business community resisted for eight years, resulting in "eight mistakes in ten years" and "eight mistakes in three years". "Back" and other versions). The front is a portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and the back is a sailboat pattern of "Chuanyang". The two most common dates are 22 and 23. The quantity of 22 is smaller than that of 23, and the quality is mostly similar. General. In 1935, the National Government implemented legal currency reform and banned the circulation of silver dollars. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, silver dollars were once again used in the market.

8. Made by the Chinese Soviet Republic (a one-yuan statue of Marx made by the Chinese Soviet Republic) It's the Chinese SovietMade in the Republic of China, one yuan, with a statue of Marx. The other is the national currency of the Chinese Soviet Republic, one yuan, with a statue of Lenin. "One-Yuan Silver Coin of the Soviet Republic of China Made in Sichuan and Shaanxi Province in 1934" In the central bead circle of the pattern is the uppercase denomination "One Yuan", the upper ring on the outer ring is the Chinese characters "Soviet Republic of China", and the lower ring is "Made by the Mint of Sichuan and Shaanxi Province" Seven characters, with five-pointed stars on both sides; the center of the back pattern is the earth, with a sickle and an ax in the middle of the earth. The upper ring is the eleven characters "Proletarians of the world unite", and the lower ring is "1934". "The year is inscribed with four-petaled flower stars on both sides. The coin has a diameter of 39 mm, a weight of about 26.1-26.7 grams, and a silver content of 75%-88%. This silver coin has many formats, and the five-pointed stars on the front include solid stars, empty stars, and linear stars. (The Chinese Soviet made a one-yuan silver coin with a bearded version of Lenin and a sickle and ax made by the Chinese Soviet Union. The Chinese Soviet made a one-yuan silver coin with a bearded version of Lenin and a sickle and ax. The Industrial and Agricultural Bank of China’s orphan Dazhen has a diameter of 39 mm and a weight of 26.7 grams. It is 1931 AD. (One yuan made by the Soviet Government of Hubei, Henan, and Anhui Provinces) A ​​rare treasure. The Hubei-Henan-Anhui base area was a red regime established by the workers' and peasants' Red Army in the Dabie Mountains. Therefore, he minted a small amount of silver coins, and even fewer were handed down, so they were even more precious!

10. After the founding of New China, the mold of the National Government was renovated and cast for the peaceful liberation of some ethnic minority areas. Except for the short-term use of silver coins for special reasons in Tibet, all kinds of silver coins are redeemed by the People's Bank of China at a certain price and are prohibited from circulation. At that time, a large number of post-minted silver coins were also used in the Gannan area. That is the "triangular circle". The first type, in March 1949, the first batch of triangular circles were cast. In 1951, many batches were cast one after another. Shenyang triangular round (as the name suggests, made in Shenyang), the second type, Chengdu triangular round (as the name suggests, made in Chengdu, because the Jiahe repair on the back is powerful and has a strong three-dimensional effect, so it is also called Chengdu bamboo flower, the number is slightly less than in Shenyang , but most of them are in better condition)

"三" Is the background of the three founders of PI coin real?

I checked it. Although they have names and surnames, they are officially Nowhere in the introduction was the project mentioned. They seem to have nothing to do with Pi coins.

The background of the founder should be true. First of all, although a PhD from Stanford University is famous, it has little effect on a project, let alone a currency project. There is no need to lie. This question is asked Pointless.

As for the number of miners, other than the project team, it cannot be verified. From my personal point of view, these are not important. The currency circle has come so far. Now all coins, including Bitcoin, are anonymous. International transfers.

In fact, it has no practical significance (needless to mention those island countries that generate income from Bitcoin), so in my opinion, as long as there are leeks, there will be people speculating, so naturally it can be done, don’t make any nonsense. Faith, all people who enter the currency circle do so to make money, not for those two words.

The concept of Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and wasOfficially born on January 3, 2009.

The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto’s ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P form of digital currency. Bitcoin’s transaction records are open and transparent.

Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.

Development history:

The global financial crisis broke out in 2008. On November 1 of the same year, a person claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto launched a P2P The Bitcoin white paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" was released on the foundation website, stating his new vision for electronic currency-Bitcoin was born. On January 3, 2009, the Bitcoin genesis block was born.

What is the rise of "Si" in the currency circle?

Let me introduce myself first:
< br />I entered the currency circle in 2017, and it’s been 6 years now.

Now I am working at a state-owned securities firm, there are mining machines in the currency circle, and I occasionally buy some news coins.

The rise of the currency circle is inseparable from Bitcoin. In fact, the blockchain is behind it. The earliest currency circles are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ico

Blockchain Everyone almost knows what it is, and those who don’t know it will find out immediately on the Internet.

Bitcoin is the inspiration of the blockchain world. Bitcoin has risen a lot, so everyone knows the blockchain.

The above may not be true.

Because I discovered that in fact, what everyone knows may be Bitcoin, but the ones that are out of the circle must be altcoins.

There was ICO in 2017, and now there is shib

How crazy is ICO? At that time, a king-level project (later found to be a heavenly death-level project) raised 80 million yuan and only needed 5 minutes.

That’s how crazy it is.

In addition, the ICOs at the beginning were relatively serious (mainly because they did not think they could deceive people) and the investment returns were also good, which made the currency circle quickly exit.

Of course, there were more and more scammers later.

Speaking of the rise of Ethereum, Ethereum is indispensable:

As the application cornerstone of the blockchain world, Ethereum has played an important role in the rise of every currency circle. effect. Its price has also increased from a few yuan to thousands of dollars now.

ico, private equity, defi

It is also one of the few practical applications of blockchain [face covering]

『五』 The currency circle is What

OS’s 4-hour trend is to shrink downward. At present, the currency price has fallen below the 10 moving average and the 50 moving average, driven by the decline of BTC, indicating that there will be a further downward trend in this range in the future. However, the short positions did not expand, indicating that EOS is still in a volatile market. Testing support in the lower zone 3.5 and upper zone 4. Today, the Huobi EOS exchange was officially put into operation, which has played a positive supporting role in the currency price.
The "currency circle" refers to a group of people who focus on speculation and encryption of digital currencies, and even issue their own digital currency fundraising (ICO for short). It is commonly known as "coin circle" in the industry.
Currency refers to digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. There are also circles, that is, trading circles, friend circles, and social circles. The issuance, trading, and everything related to digital currencies are currency circles.
Coin should be the trading circle in digital currency. Such a circle should be broad, including financial virtual currency transactions, as well as some specific exchanges, such as the hot Bitcoin copied online. Although it is a virtual currency, the price ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. It is said that the RMB has been copied to 130,000 Bitcoins. The increase is quite large and unstable, but the transactions are all real gold and silver transactions. I don’t know if this answer is what I want to ask.
The currency circle is mainly a small circle surrounding Bitcoin and digital currency, mainly including digital currency and digital currency miners, investors and traders. To trade digital currencies, you generally go to exchanges such as bitoffer, which provide digital currency trading services. Financial derivatives also have many new ways to play.
Coin is the gathering place for currency speculation, and the chain circle is the gathering place for various projects, one is investment and the other is financing! They are all about making money, but the money circle is based on individuals, and the chain circle is based on the team!

『Lu』 When did the currency circle start?

The first Bitcoin transaction was on May 22, 2009.
After that transaction, May 22 every year became the "Bitcoin Pizza Day" in the currency circle. The first currency exchange in the currency circle is quite commemorative.

『淒』 The end of an era! The Bitcoin mining farm completely bid farewell to the domestic historical stage and said goodbye to its youth

The website that checks the computing power has also been controlled by the risk!

In the past two days, miners in Sichuan, the area with the highest concentration of Bitcoin mines, have broadcast to the world: "We have shut down." Following Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, and Guizhou, Sichuan, the last hope, also completely failed. The currency circle has ushered in a historic day, and Bitcoin mining has completely become history in the country. Goodbye, Sichuan. Goodbye, CHINA. Goodbye, the youth of countless people.

At 0:00 on June 20, Sichuan had a collective power outage and shutdown with 8 million loads. The average computing power of the entire Bitcoin network fell to 126.83EH/s, a 36% decrease from the historical high. A large number of Bitcoin mining pools with Chinese background, such as HuobiPool, Binance, AntPool and Poolin have seen their computing power drop by as much as 36.64%, 25.58%, 22.17% and 8.05% in the past 24 hours.

After ten years of Bitcoin mining, an era sadly ends! In the past ten years, the Bitcoin mine started with one miner and was able to mine more than 1.8 million Bitcoins in a short period of time. Nowadays, tens of millions of mines are competing for mines, and it is difficult to find even one coin. In the past ten years, Satoshi Nakamoto, "Bao Er", and "Jiang Zhuoer" have gone from making small money in obscurity in Bitcoin mines to making big money like crazy. In the past ten years, Bitcoin has gone from being worth 10,000 for a pizza to a single coin being worth hundreds of thousands. China has always been the largest gathering place for Bitcoin mining pools. In the past ten years, the mine has contributed to the development of the western region, solving excess electricity and bringing in GDP. But ten years later, it was over and has become history.

I still remember this time last year, when the Bitcoin halving had just come out and it happened to be during the country’s unblocking period. The first conference in the industry was the Sichuan Chengdu Flood Season Mining Conference. By the end of the year, there will be a huge rise, which will be so brilliant and glorious. Today, times have changed, and autumn winds are blowing in midsummer. In April, when Bitcoin's historical high reached a new high, I was still helping a computing power trading platform to publish content for the entire network. Now they have cut many business lines, and their previous plans have come to nothing. From scattered computing power transactions to the vision of building a computing power financial market, it stops with the policy and moves with the region. Exactly when it will be completed is still unknown. From the mining boom back then to the bright stars tonight, there is no green light. Even though the breeze is fine, it can't blow me, but the bright moon doesn't shine on me.

『八』 The origin of the currency circle (2009-2010)

One day at the end of 2008, a person named Satoshi Nakamoto published an article on the forum: " Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". At the time, he may not have known how much impact his creation would have on the world in the years to come.

Only two months later, Satoshi Nakamoto The idea in his paper became a reality and a client program that could implement the Bitcoin algorithm was developed.

Today, the disk space of the entire blockchain has exceeded 20G

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And used his own computer to dig out the first block, known as the genesis block in history. Received a reward of 50 Bitcoins.

It is worth mentioning that on this genesis block, Satoshi Nakamoto left the only signature that can verify his true identity, The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second lout for banks (On January 3, 2009, the Chancellor was on the verge of implementing a second round of bank emergency assistance). Accordingly, the currency circle later called it genesis sign.

Regarding Satoshi Nakamoto, he is the well-deserved number one figure in the currency circle. But it left very few traces, only a few words on the geek forum during the wild days of Bitcoin. Since the end of 2010 until today, it has been completely silent on the Internet. It is not difficult for us to guess that during the ten turbulent years, the god behind the scenes retreated deep in the Iron Curtain, strolling around and watching the falling flowers and flowing water. "Although Satoshi Nakamoto is no longer in the world, his legend is everywhere in the world."

At this stage, the value of Bitcoin has not yet been conceived. Bitcoin at that time was more like a new toy, and only a few people knew about Bitcoin. ;Limited to its technical threshold, there are even fewer people who can mine Bitcoin. Mainly concentrated in the geek circle, mostly as a hobby.

But inadvertently, in the barbaric era of Bitcoin, gold was everywhere, leaving countless legends of making wealth, and hundreds of millions of coins were mined casually. With ten Bitcoins, you can have enough food and clothing today.

There are very few such stories, attracting countless people to dream of transcending classes.

Of course, some stories are also embarrassing: Bitcoins mined hard are stored in hard drives, but a few years later it is found that the hard drives are damaged or lost. There are numerous cases. Lift.

Two of the most famous things are:

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Many cross-generational actions often occur calmly. For the authorities, it is just an extremely ordinary day. day.

On May 22, 2010, an American programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz posted on the Bitcoin forum, hoping to exchange 10,000 Bitcoins for two Pizza, eventually someone agreed to exchange it for two pizzas, which at the time were worth $25.

This transaction, known as Bitcoin Pizza Day by later generations, was recorded in countless media, with great color. From the current perspective, this transaction is of extraordinary significance, just like many simple but influential transactions in history.A far-reaching meeting; but at that time, why not just buy an ornamental prop in the game prop mall to make it happy?

Later, someone realized the monetary properties of Bitcoin. In July 2010, the world's first Bitcoin exchange, mt.gox, was established in Tokyo and was initially priced at US$0.09 per coin.

At this point, Bitcoin began to appear as a tradable currency. It got rid of the limitations of the geek circle and began to enter the public eye. Some investors with a sense of smell flocked in. As the New Year's Eve bell rings in 2011, Bitcoin has passed its barbaric era. In just one year, the price soared, reaching $1 in April of the following year and 10 times more than two months later.

#BTC[超话]# #OU YiOKEx# #Ethereum# #digital currency#

『九』Those things in the currency circle

Similar Dogecoin’s Meme crypto assets have reached 45

According to news on October 31, Dogecoin’s increase so far this year is as high as 10,360%, which is much higher than BTC’s 350% increase in the past year and ETH’s 12-month gain of 1,014%. The Dogecoin network launched nearly eight years ago on December 6, 2013, and today, there are 45 meme-based cryptoassets with the words “dog,” “shiba,” and “inu” in their names. (Bitcoin News)

eToro CEO Yoni Assia: It will take some time for Bitcoin to reach $500,000

According to news on October 31, eToro CEO and co-founder Yoni Assia said, Purchased first Bitcoin in 2010, still investing in Bitcoin and running a crypto company 11 years later. Crypto is still an emerging asset class, and Bitcoin, the first and largest cryptocurrency, is only 12 years old. It may take some time for Bitcoin to reach $500,000, but the future for BTC and the broader cryptocurrency is bright. (Cointelegraph)

Kraken Report: Bitcoin miners continue to maintain their Bitcoin holdings

News on October 31, Kraken recently released a report called “Shocktober "The report stated that BTC's 1-year recovered supply provides a detailed view of supply activity by long-term holders. This metric shows the number of coins that became active after being dormant for a specified time frame. From the fourth quarter of 2020 to the first half of 2021, small amounts of Bitcoin re-entered circulation. The HODL Waves indicator for BTC reflects the flow of BTC that has not moved during a specific period of timePercentage of supply. The data shows that long-term holders did not sell during September's weakness, nor did they sell during October's strength. (beincrypto)

Huobi Global Strategy Director Jeff Mei: GameFi is a very hot industry

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak: Bitcoin has mathematical purity and Reliable format

According to news on October 31, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said in an interview with Yahoo Finance that Bitcoin has mathematical purity and a very reliable format that cannot be controlled by humans. Easily modified, and the government can create new dollars. Wozniak also believes that crypto can be used “effectively” for payments, and there are already many digital payment methods. But crypto payments are anonymous and difficult to trace. In December last year, Wozniak established a blockchain-based enterprise in the field of energy efficiency called Efforce. (financial express)

『Shi』 China’s “Bitcoin” has increased 13 million times in 9 years, what’s going on with Li Xiaolai, the richest man in China’s “Bitcoin”?

In the Internet information age, China’s “wealth creation” The speed is very fast. In just two decades, Internet companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, and JD.com have produced dozens or even hundreds of billionaires. However, such "creation of wealth" is not a real myth. I believe that most people have heard of Bitcoin. According to the author's understanding, at the beginning of Bitcoin's issuance in 2009, 1 US dollar was equivalent to 1,300 Bitcoin is a very cheap virtual currency.

Entrepreneurs like Li Xiaolai, who have made money but never forget to repay society and establish education, are indeed worthy of respect. And his success is by no means accidental. If you don't have a shrewd mind, you won't be able to seize the opportunity to start a business and get rich, right?

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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