罗永浩谢绝币圈邀请 罗永浩flag

⑴ 罗永浩怎么欠的6个亿

























⑵ 看视频《罗永浩专访罗翔》后





我从不掩饰对罗永浩的喜欢和欣赏,他的聪明和有趣,还有在诙谐幽默中透出的憨厚,对我有着天然的魔力。 受我影响,这些年,老公和孩子也都会跟着一起看他的每一场演讲。




他说,读书是对抗人生虚无的一个重要手段 。他喜欢看文学书,因为文学作品设计的虚拟人物,在我们想不到的人生情境中展开,可以穷尽我们人生的思考。他也喜欢看伟大的思想家的著作,来提高他思想的厚度。

在大众的认知中,刑法学跟普通老百姓的关系看起来有点遥远,当罗永浩问他 教刑法学为何还能走红 时,罗翔老师说,刑法是最能承载法律所要追求的公平和正义的,而每一个民众心中,都有对公平和正义的渴望。


罗翔说, 人接触黑暗,有两种可能,一种是更加渴望光明,一种是被黑暗同化 ,就像顾城写的诗:黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它去寻找光明。





对社会恶劣案件,怎么看待大众的愤怒? 他个人觉得民众的愤怒是合理的,因为民众没有愤怒的话,那么正义就缺乏基本的群众基础,但民众的愤怒有时候要注意,它可能会想决堤的洪水一样,所以有时候法律就可能像那个堤坝,它把愤怒安置在堤坝之内,让愤怒不至于溢过堤坝去造成新的灾害。



针对 “正义也许会迟到但不会缺席” 这个话题,罗翔老师认为这个世界是有正义的,如果这个世界没有正义,他所学的东西没有任何意义,朴素的情感也告诉人们,当你认为一个事情不正义,那一定有与此相对应的正义这个概念,否则你说一个事情不正义是毫无意义的,你的愤怒也没有任何意义。


那如何来追求正义? 他说,这其实就是法律的现实主义的一个考量,就像:世界上有没有圆?




法律上有很多很多内在的哲学 ,支撑了这样一个庞大的法律体系,但这些哲学在它下面,可能又是互相冲突的。



这个世界在他看来,法制精神还确实有待不断发展,因为 法制强调两点,一是良法而治,二是普遍遵守 。




在政法大学两年一度的 “最受本科生欢迎的十大老师“ 盛典上,给罗翔的颁奖词是:兼具法律人的理智和社会人的温度,师者善诱循循,坚持做法治之光。


罗翔的独特之处在于,他除了案例还会讲哲学讲文学,讲正义的起源,讲刑法与道德的关系。 他甚至在课堂上张嘴来一段诗歌,讲起古代劫富济贫、盗亦有道的侠客,他背一遍李白的《侠客行》。







⑶ 罗永浩谢绝币圈邀请是怎么回事


在被列入“老赖”名单后,罗老师发文称,自 2018 年下半年出现经营危机以来,锤子科技最多时欠了银行、合作伙伴和供应商约 6 个亿的债务。



2014年5月20日,锤子科技创始人罗永浩在国家会议中心举办的发布会上正式发布了Smartisan T1手机。

锤子手机的技术团队,由前摩托罗拉资深工程经理钱晨,现任锤子科技CTO以及200位工程师组成,并且Smartisan T1 由前苹果工业设计总监,ammunition设计公司创始人Robert Brunner和他的团队设计。


⑷ 虚拟货币圈几位大神天才,V神、BM、孙宇晨,哪个更胜一筹呢






1994年,一个小男孩出生于俄罗斯,父母给他起名Vitalik Buterin。受程序员父亲的影响和熏陶,V神在很小的时候就开始接触计算机编程。

2011年,V神从他父亲那里了解到比特币。在论坛上认识一些人之后,他被邀请为一个比特币博客写文章,当时,他写一篇文章可以得到 5 个比特币(价值 3.5 美元)。可惜的是,由于当时只有很少的人关注比特币,这个博客网站很快关停了。

2013 年,V神周游全球,他曾有一段时间待在中国,他的中文也很好,常和中国网友在论坛上用中文交流。






BM原名Daniel larimer,币圈一般都叫他BM。BM诞生于美国的工程师家庭,从小在他老爸的指导下在Mac上进行编程。

BM在09年比特币出现之前,就已经开始研究开发一种数字货币了,而就在BM研发数字货币的时候,比特币横空出世。但是发现比特币存在可测量性的问题 很难支持小型支付,于是他就和中本聪在论坛里互怼起来。


没想到引来了中本聪本尊的回应:“If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.”(如果你不信或者不理解,我也没时间去说服你,抱歉。)








7月, 孙宇晨 发布区块链项目—— 波场,拉上这些年认识的大佬,包括比特大陆吴忌寒、OFO戴威、、薛蛮子等。8月21日,波场直接在币安平台开启认筹,5亿个波场币在53秒内以0.01元的价格出售完毕。其实也才500万而已,有这么多资本给背书,自己随便抢一下不就完了吗。

之后赶上了94事件, 要求相关项目进行清退,币圈陷入恐慌,ICO瞬间冷却下来。孙宇晨苦思之后,想到了一个营销方法:因为波场最开始对标的就是以太坊,碰瓷以太坊的创始人V神怎么看都合情合理。

之后,V神的推特下水军出没,常常出现踩以太坊夸波场的言论。V神跑去看看波场,白皮书抄的,代码抄的,啥也没有的空气啊。这下彻底怒了,回怼道: “如果以太坊被波场取代的话,那么人们将失去希望!”

孙宇晨一看V神下水了,营销已经成功。颇为“绅士”的回应: “如果波场取代以太坊,我将为以太坊树碑立传。”

2017年12月,孙宇晨发动豪车攻势,交易排名前列者送玛莎拉蒂、奔驰等礼品。一波波骚操作下来,2018年1月,波场达到 历史 最高点1.3元,相比发行价暴涨了130倍,流通市值近22亿美元。一时间,孙宇晨豪言壮语, “马云做到了1000亿用了十年,但我只用了四个月。”











⑸ 抖音罗永浩是谁 罗老师个人简介


2、罗永浩于2012年4月8日宣布做智能手机,2013年3月27日发布基于安卓(android)的深度定制操作系统,2013年5月以4.7亿人民币估值获得7000万风险投资。2014年5月20日,罗永浩正式发布了首款智能手机产品Smartisan T1。


4、2019年12月3日,罗永浩也首次公布自己成为Sharklet Technologies公司的全球合伙人。

⑹ 罗永浩发布会哽咽时 他的好友比特币首富李笑来凭空多2亿






为了解决公司的资金为题,他跟得到和陌陌直播分别签了一年“ 卖身契 ”,才得到资金,公司有钱运作。








⑴ How did Luo Yonghao owe 600 million yuan

How did Luo Yonghao owe 600 million yuan

How did Luo Yonghao owe 600 million yuan, news on January 5, recent news , Luo Yonghao's execution information has been cleared, and currently only the equity frozen information remains. In addition, Luo Yonghao is currently not restricted from high consumption. He has also been very active in online media recently. Why does Luo Yonghao owe 600 million?

Why did Luo Yonghao owe 600 million yuan1

Luo Yonghao owed 600 million yuan because his company, Smartisan Technology, was in crisis. As a large enterprise, this kind of economic flow crisis is undoubtedly very dangerous. of. After that, Luo Yonghao owed nearly 600 million yuan to banks and partners who believed in him. Although he owed money, Luo Yonghao stood up and took on everything, making it clear that no matter how long it took, no matter what method he used, He will make up for everyone's losses.

I have to say that Luo Yonghao is indeed a real man. After that, Luo Yonghao did fulfill his promise. As the founder of a listed company, Luo Yonghao put down his face! Use various methods to raise money, hoping to pay back all the money you owe. Originally, as the founder of the company, he did not need to be responsible for so much, but because he had a joint relationship with the company and guaranteed more than 100 million, he was restricted from high consumption.

Over the years, because of his responsibility to the company and his reluctance to give up Smartisan Technology, Luo Yonghao spent all his time making money and repaying money. Many netizens have He praised Luo Yonghao as a real man of this era. It is not terrible for a man to owe money. What is terrible is that after he owes money, he wants to be a douchebag and refuses to pay back the money.

When he first owed money, many people were quite controversial about Luo Yonghao's various behaviors. Some people thought that he might choose to live like this for the rest of his life like other indebted entrepreneurs. Some people think that Luo Yonghao will definitely bear the responsibility to the end. It has to be said that he has used his actions to prove that it is a correct decision for his partners to trust him.

Why did Luo Yonghao owe 600 million 2

According to news on January 5, the "Enterprise Information Query Platform" App showed that recently, Luo Yonghao's executor information has been cleared, and currently only the equity frozen information remains. In addition, Luo Yonghao There is currently no restriction on high consumption. "A certain enterprise information query platform" shows that Luo Yonghao is associated with more than 30 companies and serves as the legal representative of 5 surviving companies.

He has also been very active in online media recently. Someone asked him which field he would start a business in. Luo Yonghao's answer was: "VR/AR/MR". To be more specific, he would start a business in the related technology industries of the Metaverse.

We all know that the underlying foundation of the Metaverse is to build a virtual world based on real environment experience. So, how should this virtual world be presented? How to interact with the real world is an optional direction for entrepreneurship in the Yuanverse.

According to Luo Yonghao’s idea, after paying off the debt early next year, he will immediately announce a new business venture, which means that he is likely to announce his real business venture early next year. project. Of course, after Luo Yonghao left Smartisan Technology, he also supported the products of many technology companies, but unfortunately he failed to do so. This time, Luo Yonghao wanted to stand up for himself, re-select a direction, and then start over.

As early as when Smartisan Technology was still in operation, Luo Yonghao began to pay attention to VR and publicly published relevant recruitment information. At that time, Smartisan Technology probably wanted to develop a VR glasses, but was affected by Impact, the project may not be completed. In an event organized by Geek Park last year, Luo Yonghao once again stated that he was optimistic about the AR/VR market in the long term, which also provided some clues about the direction of his entrepreneurial venture again.

From the perspective of related industries, the development of the underlying industries of the Metaverse is still at a very early stage. There are still opportunities to enter the market now. It depends on how Luo Yonghao understands the Metaverse and what he will do. What kind of products have been launched?

So, the question is, will you still support Luo Yonghao then?

Why did Luo Yonghao owe 600 million?

From being a famous teacher at New Oriental to founding Niubo.com, then opening English training classes, Smartisan mobile phones, and now selling goods through live broadcasts, Luo Yonghao seems to buy every time When he reaches the high position of various "industry funds", it seems that the god of luck is never on his side. It seems that he is targeted by the world every time. Many people even jokingly call him the industry ghost lamp (which industry he is in, which industry he is in) The industry will become depressed or even close down), but is this really the case?

I recently saw a speech by Luo Yonghao on the Internet about "changing the world." He said: "Everyone will change the world when they come to this world, or you will change the world." If you become a disgusting person or a gangster, the world will become a little disgusting. Or if you become a good person, the world will become a little better. If you choose to commit suicide, then the suicide rate in this world will increase. A little higher, many people end up becoming the people they once hated and educate young people: This is maturity, anything that changes the world is just a child's idea." This speech triggered controversy among many netizens.

First of all, everything has two sides, one is positive and the other is negative, so let’s start with the positive side to analyze it.

We may have all dreamed of changing the world when we were young, like Jack Ma, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. I think the reason why these great men succeeded was not only because they were able to skillfully seize the opportunities of the times, What’s more, they can really solve some problems for the people, solve some problems for this society, and even solve some problems for the world. For example: Jack Ma solved the problems of shopping and payment (Taobao and Alipay), Ma Huateng solved Question about communication(The creation of WeChat and QQ), Wang Wei (President of SF Express Group) solved the problem of express transportation...

In contrast, many officials and so-called celebrities today seem to be sitting in a glamorous position. position, but doing some shady things. I think this is not due to the pathology of this society, but to the pathology of human beings, and to our own pathology. Maturity is not about becoming a disgusting person, a person who obviously can't stand the world, but still flocks to it.

After reading Luo Yonghao's autobiography, my biggest feeling is that he is really a very honest and tenacious person. Honesty is because I feel that every sentence he writes is true and not adulterated at all. His tenacity is due to his tortuous experience, just like his work - "Life is endless, endless tossing", although he has suffered repeated defeats, he has suffered repeated defeats. The reason why Internet celebrities are Internet celebrities must be unique from ordinary people. I think Luo Yonghao’s uniqueness lies in his tenacity.

Next, I want to talk about Luo Yonghao’s negative side - overconfidence. In the early days of the creation of Smartisan mobile phone, he once issued a claim: " Smartisan mobile phone is the best in the world, do not accept To refute, it is only a matter of time before we surpass Apple." If a person is confident, he may seize opportunities that do not belong to him, but if he is too confident, he will soon be slapped in the face by reality. The so-called arrogant soldier must be defeated. This may also be an important factor in his repeated defeats. It must not always be a coincidence that he stands at the forefront of various industries every time.

There is a hot comment under his speech "Changing the World": This society is very strange. Even if they think he is right, most people still choose to become a little bit disgusting, even if they become disgusting. Diandian, I still think he is right. Yes, there are indeed a lot of helplessness in real life, just like many things, we know clearly that they are wrong and immoral, but we still choose to do them. I often wonder, will the world get better or worse? I think that only when everyone can stick to their own moral bottom line, can maintain their own kind nature, and can have the slightest consideration and the slightest hesitation when doing something they know is immoral but have to do, the world will be prosperous. Maybe it will become a little better because of you.

⑵ After watching the video "Luo Yonghao Interview with Luo Xiang"

At the beginning of the video, Luo Yonghao and Luo Xiang were walking and chatting, and suddenly a shout came from behind: Teacher Luo, please sign your name. . The two stopped, took out their pens, and showed humility to each other. The girl ran forward and asked: Who is Luo Zhenyu? The two shook their heads in embarrassment, and Luo Yonghao used his usual tone: Go away, go away, it's so annoying.

I watched a short video that tied three internet celebrities together and "taunted" them. I couldn't stop watching it.

I got to know Luo Yonghao from the time when he founded Niubo.com. At that time, Niubo.com was really popular, gathering famous speakers such as Liang Wendao, Han Han, Lian Yue, Chai Jing, etc. to provide various styles. The website's popularity soared due to their unique articles. I occasionally went up there to watch them "quarrel"..

Later, I watched Lao Luo having dinner and chatting with old men in Beijing’s cultural circle, watching him establish an English training school, watching his Smartisan mobile phone go on the market, and watching him become an Internet celebrity’s live broadcast to promote goods. He repays 600 million in debt every year, and I heard that he has recently become involved with the "Metaverse".

I have never concealed my love and appreciation for Luo Yonghao. His intelligence, fun, and honesty revealed in his humor have a natural magic power for me. Under my influence, my husband and children have watched every speech he gives over the years.

The words "feeling" and "responsibility" are what he has been practicing over the years, and they have slowly penetrated into me. He can break into his favorite industry at all costs for the sake of his feelings, or he can refuse to go bankrupt when he is heavily in debt because of his responsibility. He was complacent when he succeeded, and thought about death when he failed. The first half of his life became a legend. Although some people laughed at his ignorance and stupidity, he was able to live such a hearty life and die without regrets.

Teacher Luo Xiang has been popular for a long time. I only got to know him from talk shows. At that time, I was moved by his knowledge and his compassion for the people at the bottom of society. I watched this video again today and I am completely a fan. .

Every word Mr. Luo said in the interview could hit my heart directly.

He said that reading is an important means to fight against the emptiness of life. He likes to read literary books, because the fictional characters designed in literary works unfold in life situations that we can’t imagine, and can exhaust our thoughts in life. He also likes to read the works of great thinkers to enhance the thickness of his thoughts.

In public perception, the relationship between criminal law and ordinary people seems a bit distant. When Luo Yonghao asked him why his teaching of criminal law is still popular, teacher Luo Xiang said that criminal law is the most important The law pursues fairness and justice, and every citizen has a desire for fairness and justice in their heart.

Many times, fairness and justice are like seeds, buried in our hearts. It may be an original setting of human beings. When your lectures inspire people’s desire for fairness and justice, this The seeds may explode, and the knowledge will spread. He will find the knowledge interesting and relevant to him, and it will satisfy his expectations for fairness and justice.

Luo Xiang said that when people come into contact with darkness, there are two possibilities: one is to desire light more, and the other is to be assimilated by darkness, just like the poem written by Gu Cheng: The night gave me black eyes, But I use it to find light.

When you choose light, you will definitely encounter some doubts. You feel that there may be no light in this world, and darkness may be the normal state of life. At this time, you need perseverance.

Being exposed to so many dark cases makes me reflect on myself from another perspective. He believes that there is a Zhang San living in everyone's heart. The human heart hides the corruption of the entire world, and many sinful things mayWe wouldn’t do it, but would we want to? It may just be a heartbeat without action, so these cases will make you reflect on your own heart. Can you set up a moral valve in your heart to lock these dark thoughts from turning into actual life?

So in a sense, these legal trainings, on the one hand, really make me long for light, and on the other hand, they also make me reflect on myself, so I may not be so sharp about people and things. You may be able to view people and things in this world with a more tolerant attitude. After all, when one finger points to others, four fingers point to oneself.

Teacher Luo Xiang believes that his tolerance is not his nature, but depends on training. When people climb towards the bright side, many others think it is a kind of hypocrisy, but only humans are hypocritical, animals are not It would be hypocritical. In this sense, maybe these dark things, firstly, make him long for light, and secondly, make him understand his own heart.

How do you view the public’s anger towards socially egregious cases? He personally thinks that the people's anger is reasonable, because if the people are not angry, then justice lacks a basic mass foundation. However, sometimes we should pay attention to the people's anger, it may be like a flood that bursts a dike, so sometimes the law may Like that dike, it keeps anger within the dike so that it will not overflow and cause new disasters.

The reason why criminal law is called criminal law is that first of all, it has a punishment called punishment. To a large extent, it is a paradoxical existence. On the one hand, it must punish crimes; The power itself to restrict and punish crimes. If any power is not restricted, it may be alienated.

The public’s anger is just, and we need this sense of justice, which provides an endless source of living water for criminal law. But on the other hand, this so-called anger must also be regulated. You cannot go beyond the law to carry out lynchings, so it may be a balance. The law must listen to the voice of the people, but cannot transcend their prejudices.

Regarding the topic "Justice may be late, but it will not be absent", Teacher Luo Xiang believes that there is justice in this world. If there is no justice in this world, what he has learned has no meaning. Simple Emotions also tell people that when you think something is unjust, there must be a corresponding concept of justice. Otherwise, it is meaningless for you to say that something is unjust, and your anger is meaningless.

He very much agrees with Plato’s understanding of justice. As early as 2,000 years ago, humans had discussions about justice, which were based on three viewpoints: one with and one without (might equals justice). , and eclectic skepticism. Confirming that there is justice in the world is the prerequisite for the existence of law.

How to pursue justice? He said that this is actually a consideration of legal realism, like: Is there a circle in the world?

There must be a concept of circles in the world, but people drawThere is no perfect circle, so justice may be like a conceptual circle. People will always move towards justice, and the law will always move towards justice, but in reality the law is a flawed justice. Flawed justice does not mean it is not justice.

Criminal law stipulates the procedures for pursuing justice. In other words, law pursues order. There is a problem here. Many times the power to maintain order itself will become the destroyer of order. They think it is very satisfying to indulge their own righteous emotions, like that kind of chivalrous spirit, killing one person in ten steps and leaving no trace for thousands of miles. But this way of upholding justice may ultimately break through justice. In the law, what must be accepted is a kind of flawed justice. This is a fact that we humans have to accept.

This is why the law emphasizes procedural justice. You must pursue justice according to procedures and cannot yearn for the justice in your heart. After all, it's often the good intentions that bring people to hell on earth. Therefore, justice delayed is slightly better than justice not waiting at all.

There are many, many inherent philosophies in law that support such a huge legal system, but these philosophies may conflict with each other underneath.

He said that training in law allowed him to learn more from foxes rather than from hedgehogs. The ancient Greek poet once wrote a famous poem: A hedgehog sees the world from one thing, and a fox sees everything in the world. The fox is that kind of pluralism, the hedgehog is that kind of monism.

Law training allowed him to embrace pluralism in a more diverse way, allowing him to always know that the world is a mixture of many interests. Many times it is not a duel between good and evil. It is a duel between good and good. They are all beautiful values, but there are conflicts between these beautiful values. How to find a compromise among these conflicting values ​​sometimes requires a kind of pluralistic wisdom. .

In his opinion, in this world, the spirit of the legal system still needs to be continuously developed, because the legal system emphasizes two points, one is governance by good laws, and the other is universal observance.

Government by good law means that the law itself is good. But many people do not have this basic consensus and believe that the law is just a tool. Why should the law pursue good?

In terms of general compliance, many people’s concept is that you have to follow the rules, but I don’t have to.

If everyone who truly agrees with the concept of the rule of law can truly have justice in his heart and is willing to be bound by the rules, especially when he has some power, then he can do A kind of inheritance of the light of the rule of law. Light has a gathering effect. If everyone is a light, the light will shine even more if we hold each other together.

At the University of Political Science and Law’s biennial “Top Ten Most Popular Teachers for Undergraduates” ceremony, the award speech given to Luo Xiang was: a teacher who has both the rationality of a legal person and the warmth of a social person.He is good at following the advice and sticks to the light of legal rule.

In 2020, when online classes made Luo Xiang the most out-of-the-box law exam teacher, when fate pushed him to a bigger stage, the title of "Most Popular among Undergraduates", It is still what Luo Xiang values ​​most.

The unique thing about Luo Xiang is that in addition to cases, he also talks about philosophy, literature, the origin of justice, and the relationship between criminal law and morality. He even opened his mouth to read a poem in class, talking about the chivalrous knights in ancient times who robbed the rich and gave to the poor, and were also good at stealing. He recited Li Bai's "The Journey of the Chivalrous Man".

He would say in the law examination class, "Don't attach marginal value to your life." When he was answering questions for others, he would casually say: Go and read "Bible Poems" 84:6", that's what I said to you.

He hides himself in criminal law theory, Socrates and Plato. He positions himself as "a mouthpiece for the wisdom of ancient sages." He does not need to perform any new performances, as long as he embodies the wisdom of sages. If you pass it on, your mission will be accomplished.

It is these that constitute Luo Xiang’s charm and make him the Luo Xiang he is today.

No matter how much opposition and slander there are from the outside world, Luo Xiang has changed my understanding of law. It is no longer boring, it can be as charming as philosophy, religion and literature; Luo Xiang It also changed my understanding of law teachers. It turns out that he is not boring and boring, and he can write poems and songs at his fingertips.

The books you read and the roads you travel will leave a mark on you. From Teacher Luo Xiang, I see the ubiquity of philosophy and the importance and value of reading.

This video taught me so much.

⑶ What happened when Luo Yonghao declined the invitation from the currency circle?

The incident of "Teacher Luo declined the invitation from the currency circle" started after Teacher Luo was included in the list of "Lao Lai".

After being included in the list of "Lao Lai", Mr. Luo issued an article saying that since the business crisis in the second half of 2018, Smartisan Technology owed banks, partners and suppliers about 600 million at most. of debt.

(3) Extended reading of Luo Yonghao’s currency circle video:

Life achievements

On May 20, 2014, Smartisan Technology was founded Luo Yonghao officially released the Smartisan T1 mobile phone at a press conference held at the National Convention Center.

The technical team of Smartisan mobile phones is composed of Qian Chen, the former senior engineering manager of Motorola, the current CTO of Smartisan Technology, and 200 engineers. Smartisan T1 is composed of former Apple industrial design director and founder of ammunition design company Robert Brunner and Designed by his team.

Lao Luo believed that the engineer’s ideas were completely uninteresting to him. The ideal mobile phone product that fascinates him should be one that makes people love it.It's easy to use, the interface is very nice, the design is considerate and user-friendly, and it's highly intuitive, so you don't have to read the manual.

⑷ Among the great gods and geniuses in the virtual currency circle, which one is better, V God, BM, and Sun Yuchen?

When it comes to the great gods in the virtual currency circle, the first one is undoubtedly Bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of

But this master has never seen the light of day. He disappeared after publishing a paper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" on October 31, 2008. He has disappeared from people's sight, and only his legend is left in the world.

How did Satoshi Nakamoto hide his identity on the Internet where human flesh search is so powerful?

Some people say that Satoshi Nakamoto is not a person at all, but a behind-the-scenes organization. Some people say that Satoshi Nakamoto is dead. There are still some people who have come forward to admit that they are Satoshi Nakamoto, but they cannot to people's recognition. This figure in the "Genesis" of the virtual currency circle may only exist in people's legends.

V God, the founder of Ethereum.

In 1994, a little boy was born in Russia, and his parents named him Vitalik Buterin. Influenced and influenced by his father, a programmer, Buterin began to be exposed to computer programming at a very young age.

In 2011, Buterin learned about Bitcoin from his father. After meeting some people on a forum, he was invited to write for a Bitcoin blog, and at the time, he could get 5 Bitcoins (worth $3.50) for writing a post. Unfortunately, because very few people paid attention to Bitcoin at the time, the blog site quickly shut down.

In 2013, V God traveled around the world. He stayed in China for a while. His Chinese is also very good, and he often communicates in Chinese with Chinese netizens on forums.

In 2013, 19-year-old Buterin entered the University of Waterloo in Canada. Being named with such a name shows that this university is by no means ordinary. The university is ranked third in Canada and one of the best schools in North America. It's a pity that Buterin only works in the blockchain. Eight months after enrolling in school, he followed the old path of many big guys: dropping out of school.

On January 23, 2014, 20-year-old V God published the article "Ethereum: A Next-Generation Cryptocurrency and Decentralized Application Platform" in Bitcoin Magazine, publicly proposing Ethereum for the first time. Technology related concepts.

Ethereum is no longer a single currency, but a brand new blockchain platform that allows anyone to build and use decentralized applications running on blockchain technology in the platform without any Limited to digital currency transactions.

If Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin opened the curtain of the blockchain revolution in the 21st century, then Buterin took over the torch from Satoshi Nakamoto and started the block chain together with Ethereum. The era of Chain 2.0 adds to the revolutionary pictureA rich and colorful stroke.

BM, the founder of EOS (Grapefruit Coin)

BM’s original name is Daniel larimer, and the currency circle generally calls him BM. BM was born in a family of engineers in the United States. He has been programming on Mac under the guidance of his father since he was a child.

BM had already begun to research and develop a digital currency before the emergence of Bitcoin in 2009, and just when BM was developing digital currency, Bitcoin came out. However, he found that Bitcoin had measurability problems and it was difficult to support small payments, so he and Satoshi Nakamoto started fighting each other in the forum.

In July 2010, BM felt that Bitcoin’s 10-minute transaction confirmation time was too long and inconvenient to use, so he posted a post publicly pointing out this in the world’s largest Bitcoin community at the time. One question is to propose improving the consensus mechanism.

Unexpectedly, it elicited a response from Satoshi Nakamoto: "If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry." If you don’t believe it or don’t understand it, I don’t have time to convince you, I’m sorry.)

Later this sentence became a golden saying in the currency circle, and translated into Chinese it is: I love to play, but I don’t want to play.

After that, BM itself developed the decentralized trading platform BTS (BitShares), and also created the DPOS (authorized proof of equity) consensus mechanism, which is different from Bitcoin's POW (proof of work).

Then BM developed STEEM and later EOS. BM has become the only company in the world that has successfully developed three decentralized systems based on blockchain technology continuously, and all of them have entered the world. 50 people.

Tron founder Justin Sun

Putting Justin Sun on this list, do you think: this is not a joke. It is true that Mr. Sun cannot reach the heights of the above people in terms of technology, but when it comes to marketing, it is estimated that few people in the currency circle can compare with Mr. Sun.

In 2015, Jack Ma founded Hupan University, and Justin Sun, as a representative of the blockchain industry, became the first batch of students at Hupan University. Since then, he has claimed to be Jack Ma's youngest disciple.

In 2017, ICO stood at the forefront. As an early participant in the blockchain, Justin Sun certainly cannot miss it.

In July, Justin Sun released the blockchain project Tron, attracting big names he has known over the years, including Bitmain Wu Jihan, OFO Dai Wei, Xue Manzi, etc. On August 21st, Tron started subscription directly on the Binance platform, and 500 million Tron coins were sold within 53 seconds at a price of 0.01 yuan.complete. In fact, it’s only 5 million. With so much capital backing it, wouldn’t it be enough to just grab it by yourself?

Later, the 94 Incident caught up, requiring related projects to be liquidated. The currency circle fell into panic, and ICOs instantly cooled down. After thinking hard, Sun Yuchen came up with a marketing method: because TRON initially targeted Ethereum, it made sense no matter how the founder of Ethereum, V God, thought it was reasonable.

After that, Buterin’s Twitter was infested with trolls, and comments that criticized the Ethereum wave market often appeared. Buterin went to look at Tron. He copied the white paper and the code. There was nothing there. Now he was completely angry and replied: "If Ethereum is replaced by Tron, then people will lose hope!"

Sun Yuchen saw that Buterin was in the water, and the marketing had been successful. Quite a "gentleman" response: "If TRON replaces Ethereum, I will establish a reputation for Ethereum."

In December 2017, Sun Yuchen launched a luxury car offensive, and those with the top rankings in transactions were given away Maserati and Mercedes-Benz. Waiting for gifts. After waves of operations, in January 2018, TRON reached a historical high of 1.3 yuan, a surge of 130 times compared to the issue price, with a circulating market value of nearly 2.2 billion US dollars. For a time, Sun Yuchen boasted, "It took Jack Ma ten years to achieve 100 billion, but it only took me four months."

In June 2019, Sun Yuchen spent 30 million to photograph Buffett's lunch, which attracted everyone's attention Looking forward to it, not because I am curious about how rich he is, but because I want to see how Buffett will defeat him. Because Buffett has said before that virtual currency is basically a fantasy.

According to the original plan, Sun Yuchen and Buffett would have lunch in San Francisco on July 25. No one expected that on the eve of lunch, Sun Yuchen suddenly announced that he would not go. The reason is: sudden kidney stones.

This wave of operations may even make Mr. Buffett sigh: See you soon.

Taking pictures of lunch attracted a wave of attention, letting go caused a wave of controversy, and finally eating a wave of marketing. How do you feel about the "three uses for one meal" operation? In January 2020, Justin Sun also "realized his dream" Buffett and had lunch with him.

As for other methods, such as:

When Luo Yonghao failed to start a business, he generously said "hiring him with a high salary" to help him solve his problems;

ofo was deeply stuck in the deposit During the refund crisis, he stood up and announced that he would "help his friend Dai Wei refund the deposits of 10,000 ofo users";

When he bravely resisted arrest, he stood up and announced that he would "provide a total of 100,000 yuan to Mr. Zhao Yu who was wrongly accused." 10 million yuan support plan";

There are also countless stories of mutual hostility with Wang Sicong and mutual quarrels with Wang Xiaochuan.

After reading the above introduction, would you still question if Justin Sun is a marketing genius?

⑸ Who is Luo Yonghao on Douyin? Teacher Luo’s personal profile

1. Luo Yonghao, male, was born in 1972 in Helong County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province (today’s Helong City). Founder of Smartisan Technology. He has successively founded Niubo.com and Lao Luo English Training School, and authored the book "My Struggle".

2. Luo Yonghao announced the development of smartphones on April 8, 2012, and released a deeply customized operating system based on Android on March 27, 2013. In May 2013, it was valued at RMB 470 million. Worth 70 million venture capital. On May 20, 2014, Luo Yonghao officially released the first smartphone product Smartisan T1.

3. On September 4, 2019, the Danyang People’s Court imposed a consumption restriction order on Luo Yonghao, and he was not allowed to choose second-class or above cabins on airplanes and ships. On October 31, Wu Dezhou stated that Luo Yonghao left the Nut mobile team.

4. On December 3, 2019, Luo Yonghao also announced for the first time that he had become a global partner of Sharklet Technologies.

⑹ When Luo Yonghao choked up during the press conference, his friend Li Xiaolai, the richest man in Bitcoin, gained 200 million out of thin air

Luo Yonghao and Li Xiaolai grew up together, worked together, and were awesome together. Compared with yesterday's launch of Smartisan mobile phone, Lao Luo was full of grievances, unwillingness and some kind of compromise. His good friend Li Xiaolai exceeded 100 million yuan due to Bitcoin, but his assets increased by 260 million yuan out of thin air.

Last night, at 19:30 on May 9, Lao Luo held a 2017 spring new product launch conference at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center and released Nut Pro.

The most impressive thing about last night’s Smartisan new product launch was the words Luo Yonghao choked with tears near the end——

If one day, this product Mobile phones can sell ten to twenty million units, and even idiots are using them. You must remember that this is a mobile phone made for you.

Behind Lao Luo’s words were full of grievances, unwillingness and some kind of compromise. It also represents some kind of choice.

In order to solve the company's funding problem, he signed a one-year "selling contract" with Dede and Momo Live respectively, and then he got the funds and the company had money to operate.

A last-ditch battle

Lao Luo was speechless with excitement

I admire Li Xiaolai’s investment vision and he has always insisted on holding Bitcoin, even during the surge at the end of 2013, did not sell off. It has grown to the present by tens of thousands of times.

I also admire Luo Yonghao’s craftsmanship. Luo Yonghao, who has persisted on the poker table until now, deserves to be respected.

Whether you are a craftsman or an investor, both have their own paths to success, but they also have their own pains.

But I believe there is one thing in common: a craftsman wants to gain "success""To succeed" often requires extreme forbearance and persistence, and to endure long-term material poverty.

And forbearance and persistence are also qualities that value investors need to possess, so that they do not feel that they are "suffering" amid bearish calls. ", take the fluctuations in stride.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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