币圈质押释放是什么意思啊 币圈质押释放是什么意思呀

① 币圈资金池质押什么意思


② 数字货币中的质押挖矿是什么意思和比特币挖矿有什么区别


③ Filecoin基础:解读Filecoin质押机制



在设计 FIL 币质押机制时,既要考虑新矿工加入网络的成本,又要考虑应对扇区故障、罚款(保证矿工持续储存数据)的成本,同时又要激励矿工长期维护网络的健康稳定发展。因此, 质押 机制是网络长期稳定发展的关键。







前置质押 是矿工在密封扇区过程中需要质押一定数量的 FIL币以保证数据的正常密封(算力正常增长),它包括两个部分:第一部分是在数据密封完成后(PreCommitSector消息)需要质押一定数量的 FIL币以促使矿工完成密封数据(扇区)的证明过程;第二部分是在完成扇区证明(ProveCommitSector消息)时需要质押一定量的FIL币;该过程中,第一部分在扇区证明完成前质押被解除,第二部分则需要在扇区到期(官方默认为540天)后一次性解除。


后置质押 是指矿工挖矿后获得的爆块奖励,先释放25%,还有75%分180天线性释放。


市场质押 是为保证客户数据交易的正常进行,需要对一定数量的FIL币进行质押。


据区块链浏览器filfox.info数据显示,一个32G扇区第一部分(PreCommitSector)目前需要大约0.073 FIL,第二部分(ProveCommitSector)大约0.2631 FIL。






因网路初期全网算力较小,单个扇区封闭需要较多的质押,矿工为了追求算力的快速增长,需要大量的质押 FIL币;但由于网络中代币流通有限,许多矿工需要通过借贷、交易所合作等多种途径获得FIL币。


在什么情况下 会 受到惩罚




(二)当 WindowPost过程出现异常时,质押中的一部分FIL币将被销毁(第一天不会被扣除);


质押 机制的作用










质押机制 存在的 问题


当前的抵押机制还存在一些问题,社区和官方正在不断改进,目前主要的 FIP (Filecoin Improvement Proposal)有:






更多的 FIP在不断的被提出和讨论中。



④ 数字货币中的质押挖矿是什么意思和比特币挖矿有什么区别

2. 支持质押经济的币种有哪些?
分布式储存 (Data Distributed Storage) 简称“DDS”,也是采取质押挖矿的模式。
DDS发行机制:不做私募,不卖节点,无币项目方。 随进随出,随挖随卖,没有大户,人性风控,生态赋能。
1、发行总量:DDS 发行总量 1.8 亿枚,总量恒定。发行价格锚定 0.5USDT。
2、设计原理:DDS 团队对全球投资回报率较高的数据存储相关行业区块链进行了统计分析并绘制散点图,分析结果显示,结合发行单价便于计量的用户体验,发行总量取 1.8 亿枚。
根据矿工数量贡献空间大小挖矿,严格按照硬件设备参与挖矿数量、质押通证和挖矿产量、Token 价格,三者三角函数进行产出。第二年开始每年产量减半,8 年挖完,第八年将剩余产量全部挖出。

⑤ flow币怎么质押











⑥ 虚拟币讲的释放是什么意思



① What does staking in the currency pool mean?

Staking means that you own a certain token and pledge it in a project to obtain another new token for free. , the original pledged tokens can be redeemed, and the entire process does not consume energy. Bitcoin mining relies on mining machines to obtain Bitcoins through actual calculations, which has extremely high requirements for equipment and energy.

② What is the difference between pledge mining in digital currency and Bitcoin mining?

Pledge mining can be understood as a demand deposit placed in a bank in life, such as CellETF (celletf.io) mining, and Bitcoin mining simply means that miners across the entire network work together to solve a problem. Whoever solves it first will be rewarded with Bitcoin.

③ Filecoin Basics: Interpretation of the Filecoin Pledge Mechanism

The pledge mechanism is the FIL generated by miners during the mining process, block explosion sealing, block explosion and data transactions. Coin pledge and release mechanism.

When designing the FIL coin pledge mechanism, we must consider not only the cost of new miners joining the network, but also the cost of responding to sector failures and fines (to ensure that miners continue to store data) , and at the same time, miners must be encouraged to maintain the healthy and stable development of the network in the long term. Therefore, the staking mechanism is the key to the long-term stable development of the network.

Pledge mechanism classification

< p> Filecoin’s pledge mechanism is divided into three types: pre-pledge, post-pledge and market pledge.

Pre-pledge means that miners need to pledge a certain amount of FIL coins during the process of sealing sectors to ensure the normal sealing of data (normal growth of computing power). It consists of two parts. : The first part is that after the data sealing is completed (PreCommitSector message), a certain amount of FIL coins need to be pledged to prompt the miners to complete the certification process of the sealed data (sector); the second part is that the pledge is required when the sector certification (ProveCommitSector message) is completed A certain amount of FIL coins; in this process, the first part of the pledge is released before the sector certification is completed, and the second part needs to be released once after the sector expires (the official default is 540 days).

Post-staking refers to the block reward obtained by miners after mining. 25% is released first, and 75% is released linearly in 180 days.

MarketPledge means that in order to ensure the normal progress of customer data transactions, a certain number of FIL coins need to be pledged.

According to data from the blockchain browser filfox.info, the first part of a 32G sector (PreCommitSector) currently requires approximately 0.073 FIL, and the second part (ProveCommitSector) requires approximately 0.2631 FIL. .

Which roles must participate in the pledge mechanism

Those who participate in Filecoin pledges are mainly miners, and there are currently about 1,469 people on the entire network. Active miners.

Due to the small computing power of the entire network in the early stage of the network, more pledges are required to close a single sector. In order to pursue rapid growth in computing power, miners need a large amount of pledged FIL coins. ; However, due to the limited circulation of tokens in the network, many miners need to obtain FIL coins through various channels such as loans and exchange cooperation.

Under what circumstances will you be punished

In the current economic model, pledged coins are deducted under the following circumstances: :

(1) If the sector certification (commit2) is not completed in time during the sector sealing process, the first part of the previous pledge will be directly destroyed;

(2) ) When an exception occurs in the WindowPost process, part of the pledged FIL coins will be destroyed (will not be deducted on the first day);

(3) Three types of consensus errors

The role of the pledge mechanism

Network security is a key role of the Filecoin pledge mechanism, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects:


Cost of new miners joining the network: The pledge mechanism sets a certain cost of joining the network to increase the stickiness of miners and ensure that miners will not quit easily. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider that the cost will not be too high to hinder new miners. Miners join the network.

Sector failure penalty: Since miners need to submit space-time proofs to ensure the true and effective storage of data, occasional sector failures or malicious shutdowns lead to data loss, so a certain amount The FIL coin pledge can meet the penalty payment for sector failure and downtime, thereby ensuring the stability of data storage.

Incentivize miners to maintain network health and stability in the long term: two types of pledge machines: front-end and back-endThe system ensures that miners need to pledge a large amount of FIL coins. Taking into account long-term factors, it is more rational for miners to continue to make behaviors that are beneficial to the network.

Problems with the pledge mechanism

The current pledge mechanism still has some problems, and the community and officials are constantly improving it. At present, The main FIPs (Filecoin Improvement Proposal) are:

The sector where the error occurs for the first time will not be penalized after successful recovery to accommodate occasional failures in machine or data operations. Question: For details, see https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0002.md

25% of the block reward will be released immediately, and the remaining 180 days will be released linearly to solve the problem of insufficient early token supply affecting the growth of the entire network: For details, see https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0004 .md

More FIPs are constantly being proposed and discussed.

Conclusion: The quality assurance mechanism can effectively ensure that miners provide long-term and stable data storage services to customers and provide a solid infrastructure for the Filecoin ecosystem.

④ What is the meaning of staking mining in digital currency and what is the difference between Bitcoin mining?

Recently, there is a popular question in the currency circle The term "Staking economy" translates to staking economy.
This should be another new term that emerged after the "token economy" last year. Compared with the token economy, the pledge economy actually has a much greater interest relationship with our ordinary investors.
So today the editor of the DDS distributed storage ecological community will share with you what the pledge economy is and how investable it is?
Staking economy is essentially a kind of mining, but it is different from what we usually call Bitcoin mining and Ethereum mining.
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, BCH and other digital currencies are all digital currencies based on proof of work (POW). Therefore, under this mechanism, the generation of new currencies is a competition for computing power, so it is There are various mining machines. The most popular one with the highest market share at the moment is Bitmain’s mining machines.
When we want to participate in the mining of these digital currencies, we usually go to the market to buy a mining machine and then find a computer room ourselves.Or the mining machine is entrusted to a large mining farm for operation. After deducting the electricity and operating expenses from the coins mined by the mining machine every day, the rest is pure income.
“Staking” is another mining method. Digital currencies usually based on Proof of Stake (POS) and Proxy Proof of Stake (DPOS) use this mining method.
In this mining method, the nodes in the blockchain system do not need too high computing power, but only need to pledge a certain number of tokens. After running for a period of time, new currencies can be generated. The new currency is the income obtained through staking.
This is equivalent to depositing money in the bank and getting a certain amount of interest every year.
2. What are the currencies that support the staking economy?
Last year, the EOS mainnet was launched, and the masternode voting officially kicked off Staking.
What really makes this method popular is this year 2020. Since this year, a series of digital currencies mined through staking have begun to come online. On the one hand, the project party conducts extensive publicity in order to recruit nodes, and on the other hand, major powerful operators are also willing to cooperate with the project party as nodes to obtain stable income.
As a result, the staking mining economy quickly became popular both inside and outside the industry.
Data Distributed Storage, referred to as "DDS", also adopts a pledge mining model.
DDS application circulation pays for paid services of the entire ecosystem APP, such as: video website annual fees, online education, Internet celebrity live broadcasts, games, movies, restaurants, takeaways, social networking, etc.
DDS issuance mechanism: no private placement, no selling of nodes, no currency project owner. You can come and go as you go, dig and sell as you go, no big owners, humane risk control, and ecological empowerment.
1. Total issuance: The total issuance of DDS is 180 million pieces, and the total amount is constant. The issuance price is anchored at 0.5USDT.
2. Design principle: The DDS team conducted statistical analysis and drew scatter plots on blockchains in data storage-related industries with high global return on investment. The analysis results show that combined with the issuance unit price and user experience that facilitates measurement, the issuance The total amount is 180 million.
3. Distribution ratio:
5% candies distributed
5% pledged for circulation
90% mining
Mining is based on the number of miners contributing space and strictly in accordance with the hardware equipment Participating in mining quantity, pledged tokens and mining output, Token price, the trigonometric function of the three is used for output. The annual output will be halved from the second year onwards, and the remaining output will be dug out in the eighth year.

⑤ How to pledge flow coins

Pledge mechanism of coin mining

1. Pre-pledge. Before the start of mining, there is a process of sealing sectors to ensure the normal growth of computing power, which is called "encapsulation". The encapsulation period is divided into two stages. The first stage requires miners to provide a certain amount of FILTo encourage miners to completely complete the data encapsulation process of the entire sector; the second stage is to complete the sector certification, that is, after the encapsulation is completed, part of the FIL coins need to be pledged. In these two processes, the pledged coins will be released directly after the first phase is completed, and the second phase will be returned in one go after the 540-day pledge period.

2. Post-pledge. In fact, this is what is often called the 180-day linear release. 25% of the coins earned from mining will be released first, and the remaining 75% will be released evenly over 180 days.

3. Market pledge. This part is actually similar to the second stage of pre-pledge. In order to ensure the safety and reliability of later data transactions, miners need to provide a certain amount of FIL coins for pledge.

2. The pledge period of FIL coins

1. According to the rules of the official website, the total pledge period is 540 days. After 540 days, all pledges will be returned at once. currency.

2. Post-pledged, that is, the locked coins in the linear release rule will be gradually released within 180 days. This is also to ensure that the price of FIL coins can rise steadily and prevent some miners from doing so. Short-sightedness will destroy the Great Wall.

3. How many FIL coins are required for pledge

1. This is also determined according to the rules of the main network, but it is not static and involves computing power and data. In many aspects, 1T currently requires 6.91 FIL coins, 10 requires 69.1 FIL coins, and so on.

Expand to read

⑥ What does the release of virtual currency mean?

Generally, they are illegal fundraising or pyramid schemes that use virtual currency as a gimmick. There is a saying of release. You must let your funds settle for 3-6 months or even longer. Then during this period, new people will continue to come in and you will make money, otherwise the capital chain will break and run away. Cherish life and stay away from illegal fund-raising

Hope to adopt, thank you

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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