币圈2000万 币圈发行量排名

㈠ 18年买3000狗狗币现在有多少








































㈡ 最近屎币狗狗币shib那么火吗屎币狗狗币什么平台怎么买



㈢ shib会超过狗狗币吗


















狗狗币和shib币官方 交易 平台: https://m.qqtn.com/k/okex

㈣ 币圈中有1000万一个币的吗


㈤ shib币发行量是多少

发行量为1000万亿。2022年Shiba Inu社区锁定了Uniswap总供应量的50%,并丢掉了钥匙! 剩下的50%被烧成维塔利克·巴特林( Vitalik Buterin),而且该币是Shiba Inu社区沿着这条道路走的第一个项目,因此每个人都必须在公开市场上购买,使得开发人员不能在社区中倾销自己的团队代币以确保公平和完全的去中心化。
shib最先开始在抹茶上市、虽然虎符还有火币、okex、币安等平台也接连上线了。shib上线火币的当天就超过百分之三百多的涨幅,市场的热度非常的高昂。shib起初的价格是:0.000,000,000,0001又是一堆的零。总量 1000 万亿,一半500万亿,直接打给了 V 神。等同于(或寄希望于)一半的 Shib 永远销毁,永远归零。
shib是什么犬 shib的形象是柴犬,这也是shib为什么叫柴犬币的由来。shib该币起始于2020年8月,是去中心化自发社区建设的实验项目,开发小组的目的是把开发的人物发给任何有时间和技术的参与者,为此他们降火的SHIB作为激励。 至于它有没有价值不好说,其实狗币也没什么价值,吹的人多了,韭菜多了,就会吸引手拿镰刀的资本出现。不过在世界首富马斯克的带货中,狗狗币涨疯了,狗屎币也变香了,“币圈带货之王”的称号绝非浪得虚名。

㈥ goma是什么币价值是多少




TORII是专注于NextGen可替代代币和数字资产的下一代去中心化金融协议,致力于打造BSC链上的金融服务平台。总发行量32000枚代币,初始上市价格为80美元每代币。而作为对标的YFI于2020年7月21日上线,总发行量36000枚代币,价格为34美元每代币,目前最高价格达每枚代币93540美元。作为YFI 完善版本的TORII的潜力不可限量。获得TORII代币的方式之一就是质押GOMA产生TORII收益!

二、AGR (BSC链游平台 对标全球目前最火的链游AXS)

三、STEM(强大的NFT基础设施,对标全球目前最大的NFT平台 opensea)
STEM作为一个可替代和不可替代代币的去中心化基础设施,团队的愿景是做一个任何人都易于实施的NFT平台。无论是创作者、艺人、开发者还是品牌,STEM平台都让创建和启动 NFT 变得容易,而无需了解区块链技术。并将使创建和启动NFT变得容易且具有成本效益!而且支持在任何区块链上创建和启动NFT!到时必定会成为NFT的头部平台!

㈦ 币圈前十名币种的发行量


㈧ 币圈MeMe新贵SHIB INU 大火,几日内上涨超30%,发生了什么

币圈熟悉MeMe的人都知道Shib Inu,即柴犬币,以年暴涨24万倍而闻名,虽然几个月以来从高点阴跌80%,但近几日又开始暴涨,短短几天上涨超过了30%,Shib发生了什么、背后有怎样的故事?

先简单介绍Shib诞生及发展 历史 的关键时间点及重大事件:





大家对柴犬币可谓毁誉掺半、褒贬不一,有人认为其一钱不值,但Shib Inu社区一直在持续不断地推进Shib生态建设,热爱Shib的人们也在采取各种措施,促进Shib的发展和币价的提升。


1、Shib Inu拥有自己的交易平台,试图通过去中心化的交易系统建设富有生机活力的shib ecosystem;


3、Shib持有者不断增加,最新WhaleStats数据显示,Shiba Inu持有者数量已经超过110万,创 历史 新高;

4、近期,Shiba Inu 开发者 Shytoshi Kusama 宣布与一家名为 Welly' s 的意大利快餐店合作,Wellys 进行了全面的品牌重塑,将 Shiba Inu 的 LOGO 柴犬作为新的吉祥物,采用了新的口号,并调整了菜单和营销策略;另有一些零售商店也在考虑把Shib作为支付货币;

5、数月来,Shib社区在推动罗宾汉交易市场(Robinhood Markets)上线Shib,签名已经超越55万,大家对此充满信心和期待;罗宾汉CEO虽然不予承认,但商业新闻网站ZeroHedge发推说,罗宾汉最快可于二月份上前Shib。


㈨ 有名的数字货币的平台币有哪些哪个比较好






㈩ 什么钱包支持shib

TPIM 这些都支持ship。shib刚上线火币,okex,价格也是暴涨了500%,两日上涨3倍,整个加密圈子都被SHIB刷屏了,感觉行业又开上历史的倒车了!不过很多小伙伴发现很多钱包不支持shib柴犬币,还有就是shib币放在哪个钱包安安全?下面就一起来看看支持柴犬币的钱包目前来说TPIM这些都支持ship,在钱包里找到ETH钱包,添加SHIB代币,就会出现SHIB地址然后从交易所正常提币即可,另外注意的是请选择华为荣耀50(安卓系统)手机下载钱包,

㈠ How much does it cost now to buy 3,000 Dogecoins in 2018?

How much does it cost now to buy 10,000 Dogecoins in 2017?

Although Dogecoin is not as well-known in the currency circle as cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, it is well known to many people and is as well-known as these major currencies. The 10,000 Dogecoins bought in 2017 are now worth more than 1 million, but investing in digital currencies must be done with a reliable exchange to be safe.

What is Dogecoin?

Dogecoin is called "Dogecoin/Dogecoin" and is based on the Scrypt algorithm. It is the second largest virtual currency in the world after Bitcoin. Originally created as a joke, the icon referenced the funny-looking Shiba Inu and became very popular on the Internet. However, since its creation, this cryptocurrency has gained popularity and its value has increased dramatically. A large online community has been supported by many loyal supporters over the years. The community has used Dogecoin to do incredible things: using cryptocurrency to raise money for the Jamaican bobsled team to compete in the Sochi Winter Olympics, and to fund a project to dig wells in rural Kenya to provide drinking water.

Can Dogecoin be bought with RMB?

You can buy it, but you can't trade it directly. Need to trade on the platform.

The specific operation method is as follows: First, transfer RMB to the trading platform account in the form of transfer, convert RMB into legal currency QC (one RMB to one QC), then find the seller on the legal currency account and use legal currency Make a purchase and the seller will transfer the currency to the account. When converting digital currency into RMB, it can also be converted through transactions in a legal currency account.

As an electronic cash based on blockchain technology, Dogecoin has obvious advantages in technical applications. As a new decentralized system, Dogecoin’s appeal is endless. On the other hand, compared with Bitcoin, the mining fee cost of Bitcoin transfer is too high. The mining fee during the peak period of the network is as high as several hundred yuan. This situation is difficult to apply to daily payments. Secondly, Dog Food also has unique advantages in terms of circulation and transfer confirmation. In addition, Dogecoin itself has civilian characteristics and can be easily obtained by everyone. In addition, it is not very expensive in terms of price and has a wide range of uses. It is a grassroots currency in the currency circle.

How to check the price of Dogecoin purchased in November 2018?
How many times has the DOGE coin increased? At the end of 2017, the topic of Dogecoin was at its peak. Many people were speculating that 2018 was the Year of the Dog, and Dogecoin would definitely rise sharply. However, until the end of 2018, Dogecoin did not see a sharp rise? Dogcoin? Dogecoin was born on December 12, 2013. It originated from the European and American annual buzzword Doge, which is as popular as domestic tycoons. It is based on the Scrypt algorithm

How many times has the dog/DOGE currency increased? At the end of 2017, the topic of Dogecoin was at its peak, and many people were speculating about the future of Dogecoin in 2018.This year is the Year of the Dog, and Dogecoin will definitely rise sharply. However, until the end of 2018, Dogecoin has not seen a sharp rise? Dogecoin was born on December 12, 2013, and its popularity is no less than that of domestic tycoons. The European and American annual buzzword Doge is based on the Scrypt algorithm. After the Dogecoin system was launched, with the help of reddit, data showed that the attention of the reddit Dogecoin community exceeded 75,000, far exceeding LTC, and the traffic showed explosive development. , so how many times has Dogecoin increased since its release? The editor of Coin Circle has collected relevant data and will tell you in detail how many times the DOGE coin has increased?

How many times has the DOGE coin increased?

According to market data, the current circulating market value of Dogecoin is US$537 million. As of the time of writing, the price of Dogecoin is US$0.004517, the highest price in history is US$0.018773, and the lowest price in history is US$0.00008547. Investment The return rate is 708.05%, which is an increase of 708.05 times.

How many times has the DOGE coin increased? Dogecoin historical price list

Dogecoin historical price list

1. In 2016, the highest price of Dogecoin was US$0.000455;

2.2017 , the highest price of Dogecoin was US$0.009411;

3. In 2018, the highest price of Dogecoin was US$0.017087;

4. In 2019, the highest price of Dogecoin was US$0.003866;

5. In 2020, the highest price of Dogecoin was US$0.004484;

How many times has Doge/DOGE currency increased? Dogecoin historical price list

What is the investment prospect of Dogecoin in 2021?

1. Comments from Bitcoin 99 Degrees:

Newbies in the currency circle may feel unreliable when they see this name for the first time. As an old coin, transfer money Kuai, which focuses on reward and charity culture, and distributes fairly, has withstood 4-5 years of market testing. More and more people recognize Dogecoin, and the value of Dogecoin has steadily increased. This is also due to a group of people in the Dogecoin community. Due to unremitting promotion, there are already implemented reward applications, including some applications on Facebook and Twitter that support Dogecoin rewards. The summary is: there is popularity, consensus and implementation.

The disadvantage of Dogecoin is that the annual inflation is 5%, which means an increase of 5 billion Dogecoins in circulation every year. This will cause a long-term suppression of prices, and Dogecoin itself has no hematopoietic ability. Dogecoin is originally based on the charity reward culture, so if Dogecoin wants to increase its value, there may not be much room for appreciation. Stability and convenience are the characteristics of Dogecoin.

2. Comment from stray:

Dogecoin originated from a joke. As the first batch of altcoins, it can be said that there is no technology at all. But the dog community has given it life. Its tipping culture and charity spirit have made the dog still active in the currency circle after five years of baptism. There are three major categories of digital currency, currency, public chain certificates, and project tokens. As a supplementary currency for Bitcoin change payment, Dogecoin has its advantages in transfer speed and cheap fees. The highly active promotion of the community has given it With its additional value, I believe dogs will perform well with the development of Bitcoin!

3. Comments from Franco:

From a The cute dog started to warm up a large number of fans and fans. The first impression of dogs is natural, and the charity and tipping goals promoted are also very popular. The project itself has quantitative easing, moderate growth and remains active. There are localized service association groups to support the implementation of application scenarios to a certain extent. As a veteran-level dog token, the technology is outdated. Holding hands with the Queen of Ether, if it can be transformed into complementary resources and mutual promotion, it will undoubtedly open up another vast world.

How many times has the DOGE coin increased? Through the above introduction, I believe everyone has some understanding of the issue of how many times the Doge/DOGE currency has increased. For investors who want to invest in Dogecoin, they must be prepared for everything, because the ups and downs of digital currency prices are normal. , while bringing the possibility of getting rich overnight, you must also be aware of the high risks that come with it. Therefore, novices in the currency circle must do enough homework and be fully mentally prepared when entering the market. If you want to know more relevant knowledge, you can follow the currency circle. The editor of the currency circle will continue to update relevant reports in the future!

At the beginning of the issuance, that is, when the market opened, I bought 1,000 yuan of Dogecoin. How much is it worth now?
It is worth 800,000 yuan, because when the market opened, it was 0.002497 yuan each, 1000÷0.002497 = 400,000 yuan. Now it is 2 yuan each, a total of 800,000 yuan

30 million Shiba Inu coins can be converted into RMB. How much?
Based on the latest value of one Shiba Inu coin exchanged for RMB, 30 million Shiba Inu coins are equivalent to approximately 5,862 yuan. Many people may be very unfamiliar with the so-called Shiba Inu coins. In fact, Shiba Inu Coin is also a virtual currency. Shiba Inu Coin is another popular virtual currency after Dogecoin. An important reason why Shiba Inu Coin is sought after by people is because the circulation of this virtual currency is so large. In 1000 trillion.

This is also one of the reasons why this currency is so worthless when exchanged for RMB, because its circulation is so large. If the circulation is so large, why is it still worth investing in? Woolen cloth? We know that Musk, a madman who invests in virtual currencies, has made huge profits on Dogecoin and Bitcoin.Musk once commented on the Shiba Inu coin at an economic summit.

Investors can trade equity coins in the short term. This sentence undoubtedly tells many investors that Shiba Inu coins have certain investment effects and can bring great benefits to investors. Since people like Musk have affirmed the market value of Shiba Inu Coin, then Shiba Inu Coin will naturally rise. However, everyone must also know one thing. Musk relies on this kind of thing to make money.

In fact, we cannot completely believe what he said, and sometimes what Musk said may not be good advice that can make us make money. We must know that his ultimate goal is to let him and his The company can have the effect of making money. He also said similar words when investing in Bitcoin and Dogecoin, so the market's pursuit of Shiba Inu Coin is not as enthusiastic as it was originally.

As an online virtual currency that ranks among the top 20 virtual currencies in the world, Shiba Inu Coin was not favored by people when it was born. The circulation of 1,000 trillion indicates that this online currency is a joke. But the capital market makes us feel so nonsensical. A currency as big as Shiba Inu Coin with a circulation can be speculated by some hot money.

In a word, if people want to invest in Shiba Inu Coin, they should still buy it cautiously and rationally because this virtual currency has a circulation of more than 10 billion. It is very likely that people will become rich overnight, but it is also very likely that people will go bankrupt overnight. Virtual currency cannot be traded as normal currency. There are certain risks in the purchase of virtual currency. Everyone must understand this.

How much does it cost to buy 3,000 Dogecoin in 2018?
There is currently no data analysis showing the value of Dogecoin in 2022. You can refer to the price of Dogecoin exceeding $0.5 in 2021. Dogecoin is expected to become the second Bitcoin.

The circulation of Dogecoin has now exceeded 120 billion, and its low value makes it an ideal currency for small payments.

Dogecoin (Dogecoin, also known as Dogecoin) is the second largest virtual currency in the world after Bitcoin in terms of number of users. It was created by IBM engineer Billy Markus based on the Scrypt algorithm on December 8, 2013. Officially launched. Although it is impossible for Dogecoin to increase in value to hundreds of thousands of yuan a piece, currently one Dogecoin is only about 2 yuan, and there is still a lot of room for appreciation. In the future, it may also rise to 10 yuan or even 100 yuan a piece. Dogecoin is still worth investing in. Now many celebrities are carrying Dogecoin. The wealth train of digital currency will come faster than you think. Control your positions well, know how to take profits, know how to buy, and know how to sell. The ups and downs in the middle are normal. If you don’t sell, don’t look, when you want to sell, that’s the price you’ll finally settle at.

㈡ Is Shib, Dogecoin, so popular recently? Is Shib, Dogecoin, so popular?How to buy it on any platform

This year’s shit coin Dogecoin is very hot in the currency circle, with a familiar formula and a familiar taste. At present, virtual currencies are once again experiencing crazy prices. When the main weight varieties such as Bitcoin During the consolidation period, hundreds of altcoins ushered in a carnival moment, and stories of “getting rich overnight” were quietly circulating in various communities.

First it was the dogecoin DOGE, which rose so much that people couldn’t understand it; then there was the “shit coin” SHIB, which rose 280,000 times this year; the highest surge in a single day was 500%, and now it’s LOWB again. It has already increased 60 times in just a few days. In addition, the Akita dog coin AKITA has increased 840 times, and the pig coin PIG has increased 656 times... Various animal coins have emerged and are very popular. See you soon.

Will Shib surpass Dogecoin?

Shib is a currency that has been ridiculed recently because its name translates to Shit Coin, but it It is actually listed on OKEx, which shows that shib has great potential. Many people think that shib will be the next dogecoin, and some people think that shib will replace dogecoin. In fact, no one knows how much shib will rise in the future. I can only understand that the current momentum is very strong, and it is up to you whether you want to buy it or not.

1. Will Shib surpass Dogecoin?

It is difficult to surpass.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and now there is a shib after Dogecoin. Why? Because Bitcoin, Ethereum and the like are no longer accessible to ordinary people. They are too expensive and risky. is big, and Dogecoin is also rising higher and higher, but ordinary people see that the currency circle is so hot, and want to join. Shib is really suitable to join. When there are more and more cheap virtual currencies, people participating also There will be more and more, and when 70% of people participate, the virtual currency will collapse.

2. Can shib rise to one yuan?

Yes, it is difficult.

Erdogecoin has a circulation of 1,000 trillion, uniswap 50%, and 50% is destroyed, which means the circulation is 500 trillion.

If there are enough people hoarding coins, reaching more than half of the circulating supply, no one can hold on to it, and people keep joining in, Ergou will continue to rise. After all, doge’s car has not been on, so let’s give up hope. On Ergou, don’t really talk about one dollar. Those who hoard coins will smash the market in large numbers and bring down the price.

When the price of Ergou is low, buy one or two million coins and keep them. When the money is lost, don’t worry about the transaction. Set a psychological price for yourself, such as 0.000013 dollars to buy. Just sell it for zero. It's okay to hold Ergou for a long time with several million, but don't buy tens of millions or hundreds of millions. When the market starts to fall, it will fall miserably, but it will not be fatal.

In the short term, the situation is still good. There are many people joining, and it is much more popular than ordinary unknown coins. In the past few days, it is best to continue short-term trading, buy at low prices at the opening, and wait until the afternoon orIf you sell at a high closing price, earning 30-50% every day is much better than holding it for a long time.

Don’t be greedy and have to reach 100% or 200% before selling. Just sell at 20-30%.

3. How to make money from Dogecoin and Shib

I think it is to increase the position of the platform currency ht

1. The sharp rise and fall of Dogecoin will stimulate domestic players to speculate on Shib


2. Outsiders will go to Huobi to watch the excitement. This wave of shib pulls started from OK, but Huobi eventually became a hot search. It can be seen that novices will go to Huobi

3. Huobi's trading volume has increased, profit growth has become more certain, and the rise in ht currency prices has become more certain

We can still profit from it without participating in this excitement of skyrocketing and plummeting.

Official trading platform for Dogecoin and Shibcoin: https://m.qqtn.com/k/okex

㈣ Are there 10 million coins in the currency circle< /p>

There should be none. The most exaggerated currency currently known is 1 currency 1200 US dollars. If you have been speculated to 10 million per coin, it is really an exaggeration. It is recommended not to buy. Only a very small number of people can make money from the currency circle.

㈤What is the issuance volume of shib coins?

The issuance volume is 1,000 trillion. In 2022, the Shiba Inu community locked up 50% of Uniswap’s total supply and lost the keys! The remaining 50% was burned into Vitalik Buterin, and the coin was the first project along this path for the Shiba Inu community, so everyone had to buy it on the open market, making Developers cannot dump their team tokens in the community to ensure fairness and complete decentralization.
Expansion information:
shib was first listed on Matcha, although Huofu and other platforms such as Huobi, okex, and Binance have also been launched one after another. On the day shib was listed on Huobi, the price increased by more than 300%, and the market enthusiasm was very high. The initial price of shib is: 0.000,000,000,0001, which is another pile of zeros. The total amount is 1000 trillion, half of which is 500 trillion, which was directly sent to V God. It is equivalent to (or hoping for) that half of Shib will be destroyed forever and return to zero forever.
What kind of dog is a shib? The image of a shib is a Shiba Inu, which is why the shib is called a Shiba Inu coin. The shib currency started in August 2020. It is an experimental project of decentralized spontaneous community construction. The purpose of the development team is to distribute the developed characters to any participant who has the time and technology. For this reason, they launched SHIB as excitation. As for whether it has value, it’s hard to say. In fact, Dogecoin has little value. The more people bragging about it and the more leeks, the more capital will appear with sickles in hand. But in the world's richest man MasDuring Gram’s sales, Dogecoin has gone up like crazy, and dog shit coins have also become popular. The title of “King of Sales in the Currency Circle” is by no means unearned.
According to market news in 2022, the issuance volume of shib coins is 1,000 trillion, which is still very large. 50% of the total supply has been locked in Uniswap, and the remaining 50% is destroyed to the Buterin address. Everyone buys on the open market, ensuring fair and complete distribution, and the development team does not own any tokens and cannot dump them to the community. community situation. Two days after its release in 2022, the Shiba Inu Coin community is already quite large. According to Etherscan, the number of transfers in 2022 will reach 230,000, and there are already 67,700 addresses. If users of centralized exchanges are taken into account, SHIB currency holders have at least exceeded 100,000.

㈥ What is goma and what is its value?

1. goma

GOMA is officially listed for trading on pancakeswap on BSC. GOMA is a true super-deflationary community Defi token that focuses on staking, mapping and NFT. It not only draws on the successful cases of other similar tokens, but also has many of its own unique development advantages and highlight mechanisms. Once it was launched, it gained a large number of players in the currency circle. Favored by the company, it has achieved phased success with tens of thousands of currency-holding addresses. The total issuance of GOMA is 1,000 trillion. Due to the powerful deflation mechanism, 89.6% of the tokens have been burned as of the time of my posting. The total circulation is still about 104 trillion, and as it continues to be destroyed, The total amount in circulation will deflate and become less and less. GOMA is a project with a complete ecology, and its ecology covers almost all the hottest tracks in the entire currency circle and the most promising areas in the current currency circle.

2. Expansion information

Project introduction of GOMA ecosystem
1. TORII (King of BSC chain DeFi, benchmarking YFI of ETH chain)
TORII is focused on NextGen The next generation decentralized financial protocol that can replace tokens and digital assets is committed to building a financial service platform on the BSC chain. The total issuance is 32,000 tokens, and the initial listing price is $80 per token. As a benchmark, YFI was launched on July 21, 2020, with a total circulation of 36,000 tokens and a price of $34 per token. The current highest price is $93,540 per token. As a complete version of YFI, the potential of TORII is unlimited. One of the ways to obtain TORII tokens is to stake GOMA to generate TORII income!

2. AGR (BSC chain game platform, benchmarking the world's most popular chain game AXS)
AGR is an online multiplayer game, the game mode is similar to the extremely popular Ball Battle. It can be understood as a ball battle game in the encrypted world. This will be a new generation of blockchain casual games. The game is easy to get started and you can earn tokens while playing the game. This is huge for peopleIts appeal, take a look at the popularity of AXS! The token is expected to be launched in the Q4 quarter, with a total circulation of 1 billion tokens. The only way to obtain it is to pledge GOMA to obtain AGR tokens! The early staking income is considerable.

3. STEM (powerful NFT infrastructure, benchmarking opensea, the world's largest NFT platform)
STEM is a decentralized infrastructure for fungible and non-fungible tokens. The team's vision is Make an NFT platform that is easy for anyone to implement. Whether you are a creator, artist, developer or brand, the STEM platform makes it easy to create and launch NFTs without having to understand blockchain technology. and will make creating and launching NFTs easy and cost-effective! And supports creating and launching NFT on any blockchain! It will definitely become the leading platform for NFT by then!

㈦ Circulation volume of the top ten currencies in the currency circle

The first place is Bitcoin, with a total of 21 million coins.
Bitcoin is currently the most widely used digital currency and is called digital gold by investors. It was born on January 3, 2009. It is a digital cryptocurrency transmitted through peer-to-peer (P2P), with a total amount of 2100 Thousands of pieces. The Bitcoin network releases a certain number of coins every 10 minutes and is expected to reach its limit in 2140.
Second place, Ethereum. Ethereum is the token of Ethereum, which serves as a medium for paying transaction fees and computing service fees (GAS) on Ethereum. Similar to BTC, this cryptocurrency can be traded with other cryptocurrencies or other fiat currencies and is one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin. It was issued on July 24, 2014, and the total initial issuance amount during crowdfunding was approximately 72 million ETH.

㈧ MeMe’s new upstart SHIB INU in the currency circle is a big hit. It has risen by more than 30% in a few days. What happened?

Anyone familiar with MeMe in the currency circle knows that Shib Inu, the Shiba Inu coin, has It is famous for its 240,000-fold surge. Although it has dropped 80% from its high point in the past few months, it has started to skyrocket again in recent days, rising by more than 30% in just a few days. What happened to Shib and what is the story behind it?

First, let’s briefly introduce the key time points and major events in the history of Shib’s birth and development:

1. Shib is a virtual currency running on the Ethereum chain. It was born in August 2020. In January, the initial issuance was 1000 trillion;

2. On May 9, 2021, affected by Musk’s tweet that he was looking for a Shiba Inu, the Shiba Inu coin soared nearly 1,200% in one day, rapidly From a penniless junk altcoin to the world’s number one cryptocurrency;

3. On May 13, 2021, Vitalik, a well-known figure in the currency circle and the founder of Ethereum, expressed his condolences to the Indian coronavirus Relief fund donates 50 trillion SHIBToken;

4. On May 17, 2021, Vitalik destroyed 45% of the Shiba Inu coin SHIB coins.

Everyone has mixed opinions about Shib Inu Coin, and some people think it is worthless. However, the Shib Inu community has been continuously promoting the construction of Shib ecology, and people who love Shib are also taking measures to Various measures are taken to promote the development of Shib and increase the currency price.

Please take a look at the following facts about the development of Shib:

1. Shib Inu has its own trading platform and is trying to build a vibrant and dynamic trading system through a decentralized trading system. shib ecosystem;

2. Countless business owners and Shib enthusiasts use Shib burning activities to reduce the total amount of Shib and improve its scarcity attribute, such as:

3. Shib sustainability The number of Shiba Inu holders continues to increase. The latest WhaleStats data shows that the number of Shiba Inu holders has exceeded 1.1 million, a record high;

4. Recently, Shiba Inu developer Shytoshi Kusama announced a partnership with a company called Welly' s Italian fast food restaurant, Wellys conducted a comprehensive rebranding, using Shiba Inu's LOGO Shiba Inu as the new mascot, adopting a new slogan, and adjusting its menu and marketing strategies; some other retail stores are also considering Use Shib as a payment currency;

5. For several months, the Shib community has been promoting the listing of Shib on Robinhood Markets, and the number of signatures has exceeded 550,000. Everyone is full of confidence and expectations in this; Robinhood CEO Although it denied it, business news website ZeroHedge tweeted that Robinhood could come to Shib as soon as February.

The above does not constitute investment advice, and it is up to the viewer to decide whether to purchase Shib. It can be revealed that Lao Wu is optimistic about the future of Shib. He holds more than 100 million Shib in his hand, which is not much. He plans to hold the currency for five years, watching the storms rise and waiting for the rain to fall and the flowers to bloom, which is the joy of life.

㈨ Which of the well-known digital currency platform coins are better?

1. Binance Coin: The total circulation of Binance Coin is 200 million, and the opening price is less than 0.7 yuan. As BNB caught up with the 2017 bull market, the price once rose to more than 150 yuan, an increase of more than 200 times. The current price has fallen back to around 80 yuan. Binance Exchange promises never to issue additional BNB and will use 20% of the platform’s net profits every quarter to repurchase BNB and destroy it.

2. Ham: Huobi’s platform currency HT, called Ham in Chinese, is based onThe points system for blockchain issuance and management has a total circulation of 500 million, which is 2.5 times that of Binance. Different from BNB, HT does not use ICO or crowdfunding, but is given away through a recharge point card package, with the minimum cost being 1 US dollar.

3. GT: Gate platform currency GT was issued on April 8 this year, with a maximum increase of +109.78%. Overall, the circulation value and application of GT on Gate exchange The value is better than that of the emerging exchanges, but the deflationary value of the platform coins of the emerging exchanges is not inferior. New exchanges rely on their more aggressive buyback and destruction investments and execution efforts.

4. MX: Matcha now has more than 2 million users, 200,000 daily active users, and a daily transaction volume of more than 4.2 billion yuan. The monthly transaction volume has exceeded 77 billion yuan, making it a generous player. Get into the top 10 currency circles.

5. KCS: Before 1994, KCS gave away 88 KCS with real name. The highest price was about US$20, which can be regarded as a glorious past. In fact, KuCoin’s overseas promotion is quite good. You can check out their Twitter interactions. However, it is true that KCS was once brilliant, with a market value of tens of billions of yuan.

㈩ Which wallets support shib

TPIM These all support ship. Shib has just been listed on Huobi and okex, and the price has skyrocketed by 500%, rising three times in two days. The entire crypto circle has been swept by SHIB, and it feels like the industry is on the back foot again! However, many friends have found that many wallets do not support Shib coins. Also, which wallet is safe for shib coins? Let’s take a look at the wallets that support Shiba Inu Coin. Currently, TPIM supports ship. Find the ETH wallet in the wallet, add SHIB tokens, the SHIB address will appear, and you can withdraw coins from the exchange normally. In addition, please note Please choose Huawei Honor 50 (Android system) mobile phone to download the wallet.
There is no wallet platform to escape. Today’s wallets are decentralized and wallet data is stored on the chain. Just remember to help The mnemonic phrase can be opened and operated by connecting to any other wallet app. Memorizing the mnemonic phrase protects the assets. It is not safe to put it on the exchange. For example, the exchange closes down or malfunctions in 3 to 5 years, and there is no withdrawal of coins. Entrance, the coin is lost.
1. Currently there are not that many wallets that support shib. TPIM supports Shiba Inu Coin. However, with the launch of mainstream exchanges such as okex and Huobi, more and more wallets will support shib. Everyone You can look forward to it.
SHIB’s issuance is 1 trillion, and 500 trillion is given to Buterin. The circulation is also 500 trillion, reaching 1 cent or 1 yuan. How much capital is required? It seems impossible.
2. At present, SHIB is still flying, but the rate of appreciation has slowed down significantly. Can it be held for a long time? Let us witness the emergence of other dogecoins and shit coins.The rules of the game in the currency circle mislead the novices in the currency circle to further speculate, and also imply that those projects that focus on technology are not well implemented. Instead, they encourage project parties to speculate regardless of the cost. SHIB may not be the last infinite A currency that can be issued a hundred times.
3. Quick Pass: Now it generally refers to "online Quick Pass". Take the bank card issued to you by the bank, read the card information by swiping the card at the POS machine, and the cardholder enters the password to complete the payment.
Cloud QuickPass: Generate a virtual bank card on your mobile phone through a specific method, which is equivalent to putting the bank card information sent to you by the bank on your mobile phone, and the mobile phone is equivalent to the bank card. When paying, the usage method is similar to the above-mentioned online method, except that the "card swipe" action at this time is not the card issued to you by the bank, but your mobile phone. After waving your phone at the POS machine, enter the password and complete the payment. The meaning of "swiping a card" is a simple action of touching the bank card above the keyboard on the front of the POS machine, just like swiping a bus card when taking a bus.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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