币圈 新闻 币圈新闻资讯

1. 币圈那些事


11月21日消息,Uniswap创始人Hayden Adams回应此前关于“Three Arrows Capital首席执行官SuZhu表示已经放弃支持以太坊”推文并表示,Layer1公链优先去考虑扩容而不是去中心化,这个无可厚非,许多用户都希望这样。但放弃以太坊是一个很糟糕的选择,这简直是对ETH2.0和以太坊Layer2开发人员的侮辱,特别是那些从以太坊开发者身上获得了巨大财富的人


11月21日消息,印度商业大亨阿南德·马辛德拉(Anand Mahindra)表示,他没有在加密货币上投资“一卢比”。Mahindra分享了一些新闻消息的屏幕截图,这些新闻声称他使用加密货币投资平台赚了很多钱。对此,Mahindra表示是假新闻。(Deccan herald)


11月21日消息,美国众议院的10名议员联合致信众议院议长南希佩洛西,呼吁佩洛西解决基础设施法中加密条款的问题。这封信由 Darren Soto、Ro Khanna、Stacey Plaskett、Eric Swalwell、Tim Ryan、Susan Wild、Marc Veasey、Jake Auchincloss、Al Lawson 和 Charlie Crist 签署。该信强调“那些在加密货币市场上获利的人应该缴纳公平的税款”,并敦促监管机构确保加密技术不会让犯罪分子更容易规避法律法规。我们必须对加密货币进行合理的监管,但该立法不应在监管时削弱加密行业。(Bitcoin.com)

精选 V神:Arbitrum团队和社区做的很棒,希望能得到更多项目的支持






2. 12.8号 虚拟币圈 新闻速递

12.8号 虚拟币圈 新闻速递

1.12月7日消息,加密借贷公司Nexo宣布与机构加密托管人富达数字资产(Fidelity Digital Assets)进行一项新的合作,以推出一系列产品,旨在为机构投资者提供更多的加密业务。

2.专注于加密货币的酒店预订平台Travala表示,在民意调查后,现已接受Shiba Inu(SHIB)作为一种支付方式。这意味着SHIB现在可用于预订全球超过220万家酒店和住宿。


4.据美国中央情报局 (CIA) 局长Bill Burns透露,他们已经建立了几个加密项目,此消息传出后再次引发加密社区热议,因为此前有阴谋论称CIA参与创造了比特币。

5.根据The Block Research的数据,11月以太坊挖矿收入连续第七个月超过比特币。上个月,比特币矿工的收入为16.9亿美元,环比下降2%。相反,以太坊矿工的收入为19.9亿美元,与10月份相比增长了11.8%,11月份的总体收入是比特币矿工收入的1.18倍。

6.全球最大的NFT市场OpenSea已任命Brian Roberts为其首位首席财务官。Roberts此前担任拼车应用Lyft的首席财务官,他拥有丰富的经验。虽然Roberts向彭博社承认,他对加密行业的经验并不丰富,但他很快就分享了为该平台筹集更多资金的意图。Roberts还表示,OpenSea首次公开募股IPO可能很快就会发生。这仅仅意味着,该公司可能会首次在证券交易所向公众出售其股权。

7.12月7日,据Crypto Quant分析师Venture Founder透露,第三大BTC巨鲸在一天内购入2,700多枚BTC,过去两周内累计购入超5,600枚BTC。据数据显示,BTC自12月4日从58,000美元暴跌至42,000美元的低点时,该巨鲸没有进行任何购买行为。但在12月7日早些时候,BTC收回50,000美元支撑位后,该巨鲸以平均50,621美元的价格购买了2,702枚BTC,本次购买投入接近1.4亿美元。

3. 币圈MeMe新贵SHIB INU 大火,几日内上涨超30%,发生了什么

币圈熟悉MeMe的人都知道Shib Inu,即柴犬币,以年暴涨24万倍而闻名,虽然几个月以来从高点阴跌80%,但近几日又开始暴涨,短短几天上涨超过了30%,Shib发生了什么、背后有怎样的故事?

先简单介绍Shib诞生及发展 历史 的关键时间点及重大事件:





大家对柴犬币可谓毁誉掺半、褒贬不一,有人认为其一钱不值,但Shib Inu社区一直在持续不断地推进Shib生态建设,热爱Shib的人们也在采取各种措施,促进Shib的发展和币价的提升。


1、Shib Inu拥有自己的交易平台,试图通过去中心化的交易系统建设富有生机活力的shib ecosystem;


3、Shib持有者不断增加,最新WhaleStats数据显示,Shiba Inu持有者数量已经超过110万,创 历史 新高;

4、近期,Shiba Inu 开发者 Shytoshi Kusama 宣布与一家名为 Welly' s 的意大利快餐店合作,Wellys 进行了全面的品牌重塑,将 Shiba Inu 的 LOGO 柴犬作为新的吉祥物,采用了新的口号,并调整了菜单和营销策略;另有一些零售商店也在考虑把Shib作为支付货币;

5、数月来,Shib社区在推动罗宾汉交易市场(Robinhood Markets)上线Shib,签名已经超越55万,大家对此充满信心和期待;罗宾汉CEO虽然不予承认,但商业新闻网站ZeroHedge发推说,罗宾汉最快可于二月份上前Shib。


4. 币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓,这究竟发生了什么

腥风血雨!币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓! 比特币跌破了39000美元关口,24小时跌幅超过了14%,较今年4月创下的历史高点回落了40%。此外,以太坊跌破了2900美元关口,跌幅超17%;币安币、狗狗币等都暴跌约22%。近几天来发生了虚拟货币的崩盘。


5. 又一数字货币借贷平台暂停提款!币圈为何频频爆雷





6. 疯狂币圈背后,十万瞬间清零,投资虚拟货币有哪些风险




7. 币圈那些事

Web3基础设施Deeper Network发布AtomOS ver 1.1.10.rel

11月2日消息,Web3基础设施、去中心化网关Deeper Network发推称,AtomOS ver 1.1.10.rel已经发布,更新如下: 1. 对共享流量(黑名单)部署web过滤规则; 2. 修复交易消失问题; 3. 修复内存池; 4. 减少支付存款; 5. 提高固件更新速度; 6. 提高WIFI功能; 7. 改善内部日志。


11月2日消息,新加坡金管局(MAS)局长孟文能(Ravi Menon)受访时表示:如果加密经济能以某种方式起飞,我们希望成为领军者之一。它能创造就业机会,创造附加值,我认为除金融部门外,其他行业也有望从中受益。我们认为最好的方法不是取缔或禁止,相反,金管局在实施强有力的监管,让公司可以在继续运营的同时满足金管局的要求,应对多重风险。他说基于加密的活动是对未来的投资,目前尚未显现出明确形式。但如果不参加这场比赛,新加坡可能被甩在后面。更好地了解潜在收益和风险也会带来帮助。目前约170家公司申请了MAS的相关许可证,仅3家公司获批,2家公司的申请被驳回。(彭博社)


11月2日消息,据 The Block Crypto Data 数据显示,10 月比特币矿工收入达 17.2 亿美元,该月收入 历史 第二(今年 5 月为 17.5 亿美元)。矿工的绝大部分收入来自于区块奖励(98.38%),每个区块的奖励约 6.26BTC,收入的 1.62% 来自于交易费用(2747 万美元)。


11月2日消息,GPU制造商英伟达高管Richard Kerris接受彭博采访时表示元宇宙作为相互连通的虚拟世界,将很快成为现实。他说:你可能认为你不会进入元宇宙,但我保证在五年内,我们所有人都会以这样或那样的方式进入其中。顶级公司也将建立在相互连接的虚拟世界之上。目前,英伟达正积极布局该领域,包括利用其芯片帮助渲染元宇宙世界。英伟达还打造了一个用于创建虚拟空间的软件平台Omniverse。该公司也在推动最早由动画公司皮克斯开发的通用场景描述标准(USD),以统一虚拟世界的物理规则,实现设备和软件的相互兼容。(彭博社)


金色 财经 报道,Netflix爆火网剧《鱿鱼 游戏 》催生的同名加密货币“鱿鱼币”(SQUID)在过去一周飙升超过230000%,一度达到2861.80美元,随后轰然崩塌,美东时间周一早上回落至零。据最新数据显示,SQUID价格已经跌至0.003489美元,目前市值仅为5.62美元。目前还不清楚鱿鱼币的情况是否如此,根据此前披露的消息,用户无法在去中心化交易所PancakeSwap上出售鱿鱼币,因此很多人认为SQUID是一场骗局,而其背后的发行方应该已经切走210万美元的投资者资金。

8. 年底区块链战役打响最后一枪,Vpay或将成为币圈热土、顶级公链孵化器


























    Vpay app注册下截 http://t.cn/EzDJwwq

9. 币圈牛市:有人操盘盈利过亿,有人失望清空离场 |非凡“疫”年



可在现实世界,我们是骑手、老师、空乘、编剧、金融人、 旅游 人……






过去的2020年,一定会在 历史 上留下重重一笔。


恐慌成为常态。2月3日,鼠年A股开市第一天,沪指跌幅8.73%,盘初两市超2900只个股跌停。海外市场也如是,3月,10天里美股经历4次熔断,美国国会甚至通过了2.3万亿美元的美国 历史 上最大规模的经济刺激计划。





























小雪接触数字货币是在2018年,当时进了一家 财经 媒体公司。“你恐怕真的难以想象2018年上半年的时候,这个圈子有多狂热,所有圈内的人谈论这件事情的时候,举手投足之间都会装一下X。”








时间从来不会因为任何事情而停止,币圈的故事仍在继续,对阿鲲来说,尽管成败有时,但浪潮未止,数字货币是钱眼里的机遇,更是 科技 带给人类的命运,他的眼光不只投向已经到来的2021年。

阿鲲说:“数字货币是一个大趋势,就像秦朝统一货币的意义一样巨大,也许未来的某一天全球都在使用同一种数字货币(BTC),全球流通,区块链技术也会是人类的未来,因为我坚信 科技 与技术是宇宙的最终奥秘。引用马斯克的话,人类会走出地球,定居火星,使用狗狗币(doge)。”

10. “币圈茅台”Luna币暴跌99%,股市到底发生了什么



1. Things in the currency circle

Uniswap founder: Giving up on Ethereum is a very bad choice

News on November 21, Uniswap founder Hayden Adams responded to the previous tweet about "Three Arrows Capital CEO SuZhu said he has given up supporting Ethereum" and said that the Layer 1 public chain prioritizes expansion rather than decentralization. This is understandable and many users want this. But abandoning Ethereum is a very bad choice. It is simply an insult to ETH2.0 and Ethereum Layer 2 developers, especially those who have gained huge wealth from Ethereum developers

Indian business tycoon clarifies: Not investing “a single rupee” in cryptocurrency

News on November 21, Indian business tycoon Anand Mahindra stated that he has not invested in cryptocurrency Invest "one rupee" on it. Mahindra shared screenshots of some news messages claiming that he made a lot of money using a cryptocurrency investment platform. In response, Mahindra said it was fake news. (Deccan herald)

Members of the U.S. Congress ask the Speaker of the House of Representatives to revise the encryption provisions in the infrastructure law

According to news on November 21, 10 members of the U.S. House of Representatives jointly sent a letter to the House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, called on Pelosi to address encryption provisions in the infrastructure law. The letter was signed by Darren Soto, Ro Khanna, Stacey Plaskett, Eric Swalwell, Tim Ryan, Susan Wild, Marc Veasey, Jake Auchincloss, Al Lawson and Charlie Crist. The letter stresses that “those who profit in cryptocurrency markets should pay their fair share of taxes” and urges regulators to ensure that crypto does not make it easier for criminals to circumvent laws and regulations. We must regulate cryptocurrencies appropriately, but this legislation should not cripple the crypto industry while regulating it. (Bitcoin.com)

Featured Buterin: The Arbitrum team and community have done a great job, and hope to get support from more projects

News on November 21, Vitalik An hour ago, I expressed my praise for Arbitrum’s expansion work in Arbitrum’s discord community, indirectly responding to the question raised by SuZhu, founder of Three Arrows Capital: I know many people feel uncomfortable with the statement that “the Ethereum team doesn’t care about users.” Frustrating, but as the backbone of the solution to the handling fee problem, you have achieved great results.Great progress has been made. We have now obtained a withdrawal channel from Binance, and we hope to receive support from more projects in the future (we are about to develop a decentralized cross-Rollup bridge).

El Salvador will issue $1 billion in BTC bonds and use 500 million of them to buy more BTC

According to news on November 21, the President of El Salvador confirmed that he is building the first Bitcoin city , will issue $1 billion in BTC bonds on the Bitcoin side chain Liquid. Fund infrastructure construction in Bitcoin cities by issuing Bitcoin bonds. The President of El Salvador plans to use $500 million of the $1 billion BTC bond to buy more Bitcoin. (BitcoinMagazine)

Online gift card store GiftChill accepts SHIB as a payment method

On November 21, according to Globenewswire, online gift card store GiftChill announced the addition of SHIB to their platform ShibaInu as payment method.

2. No. 12.8 Virtual Currency Circle News Flash

No. 12.8 Virtual Currency Circle News Flash

1. According to news on December 7, the crypto lending company Nexo announced that it will cooperate with Institutional crypto custodian Fidelity Digital Assets has entered into a new partnership to launch a series of products aimed at providing institutional investors with more crypto exposure.

2. Cryptocurrency-focused hotel booking platform Travala said it now accepts Shiba Inu (SHIB) as a payment method following a poll. This means SHIB can now be used to book more than 2.2 million hotels and accommodations around the world.

3. According to official news, Coinbase announced the launch of the open source cryptographic library Kryptology, aiming to help developers innovate using the most advanced encryption technology.

4. According to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Bill Burns, they have established several encryption projects. After this news came out, it once again triggered heated discussions in the encryption community because there were previous conspiracy theories. The CIA participated in the creation of Bitcoin.

5. According to data from The Block Research, Ethereum mining revenue exceeded Bitcoin for the seventh consecutive month in November. Last month, Bitcoin miners’ revenue was $1.69 billion, down 2% month-on-month. In contrast, Ethereum miners’ revenue was $1.99 billion, an increase of 11.8% compared to October, and overall revenue in November was 1.18 times that of Bitcoin miners.

6. Ope, the world’s largest NFT marketnSea has appointed Brian Roberts as its first chief financial officer. Roberts previously served as chief financial officer of ride-sharing app Lyft, and he has extensive experience. While Roberts admitted to Bloomberg that he doesn’t have a lot of experience with the crypto industry, he was quick to share his intention to raise more funding for the platform. Roberts also said an OpenSea initial public offering could happen soon. This simply means that, for the first time, the company may sell its shares to the public on a stock exchange.

7. On December 7, according to Crypto Quant analyst Venture Founder, the third largest BTC whale purchased more than 2,700 BTC in one day, and has purchased more than 5,600 BTC in the past two weeks. According to data, the whale did not make any purchases when BTC plummeted from $58,000 to a low of $42,000 on December 4. But early on December 7, after BTC regained the support level of $50,000, the whale purchased 2,702 BTC at an average price of $50,621, investing nearly $140 million in this purchase.

3. SHIB INU, the upstart MeMe in the currency circle, became a big hit. It rose by more than 30% in a few days. What happened?

Anyone familiar with MeMe in the currency circle knows that Shib Inu, also known as Shiba Inu coin, is It is famous for its annual surge of 240,000 times. Although it has dropped 80% from its high point in the past few months, it has started to rise sharply again in recent days, rising by more than 30% in just a few days. What happened to Shib and what is the story behind it?

First, let’s briefly introduce the key time points and major events in the history of Shib’s birth and development:

1. Shib is a virtual currency running on the Ethereum chain. It was born in August 2020. In January, the initial issuance was 1000 trillion;

2. On May 9, 2021, affected by Musk’s tweet that he was looking for a Shiba Inu, the Shiba Inu coin soared nearly 1,200% in one day, rapidly From a penniless junk altcoin to the world’s number one cryptocurrency;

3. On May 13, 2021, Vitalik, a well-known figure in the currency circle and the founder of Ethereum, expressed his condolences to the Indian coronavirus The rescue fund donated 50 trillion SHIB tokens;

4. On May 17, 2021, Buterin destroyed 45% of the Shiba Inu coin SHIB coins.

Everyone has mixed opinions about Shib Inu Coin, and some people think it is worthless. However, the Shib Inu community has been continuously promoting the construction of Shib ecology, and people who love Shib are also taking measures to Various measures are taken to promote the development of Shib and increase the currency price.

See what’s happening in Shib’s developmentSome facts are as follows:

1. Shib Inu has its own trading platform and is trying to build a vibrant shib ecosystem through a decentralized trading system;

2. Countless Business owners and Shib enthusiasts reduce the total amount of Shib and improve its scarcity attributes through Shib burning activities, such as:

3. Shib holders continue to increase. The latest WhaleStats data shows that Shiba Inu holders The number has exceeded 1.1 million, a record high;

4. Recently, Shiba Inu developer Shytoshi Kusama announced a cooperation with an Italian fast food restaurant called Welly's, and Wellys has conducted a comprehensive rebranding , using Shiba Inu's LOGO Shiba Inu as the new mascot, adopting a new slogan, and adjusting menus and marketing strategies; some retail stores are also considering using Shib as a payment currency;

5 , for several months, the Shib community has been promoting the listing of Shib on Robinhood Markets, and the number of signatures has exceeded 550,000. Everyone is full of confidence and expectations for this; although Robinhood CEO did not admit it, the business news website ZeroHedge tweeted that Robinhood You can go to Shib as early as February.

The above does not constitute investment advice, and it is up to the viewer to decide whether to purchase Shib. It can be revealed that Lao Wu is optimistic about the future of Shib. He holds more than 100 million Shib in his hand, which is not much. He plans to hold the currency for five years, watching the storms rise and waiting for the rain to fall and the flowers to bloom, which is the joy of life.

4. The currency circle collapsed and 220,000 people liquidated their positions. What exactly happened

A bloody storm! The currency circle collapsed collectively, and 220,000 people liquidated their positions! Bitcoin fell below the $39,000 mark, falling more than 14% in 24 hours and falling 40% from the all-time high set in April this year. In addition, Ethereum fell below the $2,900 mark, a drop of more than 17%; Binance Coin, Dogecoin, etc. all plummeted by about 22%. A collapse of virtual currencies has occurred in recent days.

Bitcoin is a self-describing digital currency. However, most Bitcoin users use it as a vehicle for speculative investment rather than as a commodity. The fact that the public is increasingly concerned has led to an increase in demand for Bitcoin, while the amount of Bitcoin actually used to purchase goods has remained the same. Trading charts show that many Bitcoin users buy it as a speculative tool. So there is a risk of collapse.

5. Another digital currency lending platform suspends withdrawals! Why the currency circle frequently explodes?

Strictly speaking, there are three main reasons why the currency circle frequently explodes. First, there is a lack of supervision., the second is lack of recognition, and the third is too high risks. In other words, because the characteristics of currency circle products are very different from traditional currencies, currency circle products will frequently explode.

3. The risk is too high

You must know that because the currency circle products do not have physical functions or actual value in any sense, therefore The value of currency circle products is more based on people's subjective ideas, thus lacking the support of objective things. At the same time, it is also out of touch with the traditional market economy, which results in currency circle products having very high risks. Under such circumstances, once people lack confidence in the currency circle products, the value of the currency circle products will decline significantly, and naturally there will be frequent thunderstorms.

In general, there are three main reasons why frequent explosions occur in the currency circle. One is the lack of supervision, the other is the lack of recognition, and the third is that the risk is too high.

6. Behind the crazy currency circle, 100,000 yuan can be wiped out in an instant. What are the risks of investing in virtual currencies?

In the crazy currency circle, players race against time. Some people double their principal a hundred times, while others But he experienced his wealth being wiped out instantly. This week, the currency circle has experienced a bloody storm. According to CoinGecko data, cryptocurrencies lost more than $600 billion in the previous week. Thrilling plots are staged every night, and many people wake up with their accounts cleared.

What are the risks of virtual currencies?

Let’s take Btc as an example. Don’t always think about this thing. It must have a very bright future. We must also see the risks. In other words, we must look at anything. We have to look at it the other way around, we have to look at this thing from the perspective of dialectical materialism. If there is one person who controls more than 50% of the computing power, then this thing is actually already It is a centralized product, but in reality, whether this situation will occur, or in which direction this thing will develop after it occurs, this thing itself is full of unknowns, so since it is unknown, It is the risk itself, so when we do anything, we must see both the good side and the risk. See the bad side of him.

7. Things in the currency circle

Web3 infrastructure Deeper Network releases AtomOS ver 1.1.10.rel

News on November 2, Web3 infrastructure , the decentralized gateway Deeper Network tweeted that AtomOS ver 1.1.10.rel has been released, and the updates are as follows: 1. Deploy web filtering rules for shared traffic (blacklist); 2. Fix the transaction disappearance problem; 3. Repair the memory pool ; 4. Reduce payment deposit; 5. Improve firmware update speed; 6. Improve WIFI function; 7. Improve internal logs.

Chief of the Monetary Authority of Singapore: We want to be a leader in the crypto economy

According to news on November 2, Ravi Menon, the head of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), said in an interview: If encryption Somehow the economy can take off, and we want to be one of the leaders. It creates jobs, it creates added value, and I think other industries besides the financial sector are expected to benefit from it. We believe that the best approach is not to clamp down or ban. On the contrary, the HKMA is implementing strong supervision so that companies can continue to operate while meeting the requirements of the HKMA and dealing with multiple risks. He said crypto-based activities are investments in the future that have yet to take a clear form. But by not participating in this race, Singapore could be left behind. A better understanding of potential benefits and risks can also help. At present, about 170 companies have applied for MAS-related licenses, only 3 companies have been approved, and the applications of 2 companies have been rejected. (Bloomberg)

Data: Bitcoin miners’ revenue reached US$1.72 billion in October, 98.38% of revenue came from block rewards

News on November 2, according to The Block Crypto Data data shows that Bitcoin miners’ income reached US$1.72 billion in October, the second-largest monthly revenue in history (US$1.75 billion in May this year). The vast majority of miners' income comes from block rewards (98.38%), with each block reward being approximately 6.26 BTC, and 1.62% of income coming from transaction fees ($27.47 million).

NVIDIA: Metaverse will soon become a reality

According to news on November 2, GPU manufacturer NVIDIA executive Richard Kerris said in an interview with Bloomberg that the Metaverse is interconnected The virtual world will soon become a reality. He said: You may not think you're going to be in the Metaverse, but I guarantee within five years, all of us will be in it in one way or another. Top companies will also be built on interconnected virtual worlds. At present, NVIDIA is actively deploying in this field, including using its chips to help render the world of the Metaverse. Nvidia also created Omniverse, a software platform for creating virtual spaces. The company is also promoting the Universal Scene Description Standard (USD), which was first developed by animation company Pixar to unify the physical rules of the virtual world and achieve mutual compatibility between devices and software. (Bloomberg)

Squid Coin has returned to zero after soaring 2,300 times

Golden Finance reported that the eponymous cryptocurrency "Squid Coin" was spawned by Netflix's popular online drama "Squid Game" (SQUID) soared more than 230,000% in the past week, once reaching $2,861.80, and then collapsed, returning to normal on Monday morning ETDropped to zero. According to the latest data, the price of SQUID has dropped to $0.003489, and its current market value is only $5.62. It is unclear whether this is the case with Squid Coin. According to previously disclosed information, users cannot sell Squid Coin on the decentralized exchange PancakeSwap. Therefore, many people believe that SQUID is a scam, and the issuer behind it should have cut it off. Taken $2.1 million in investor funds.

8. The last shot of the blockchain battle is fired at the end of the year, Vpay may become a hot spot in the currency circle and a top public chain incubator

The application of blockchain technology, from abroad to domestic, from Although it is not recognized that it can be gradually applied, digital currency has also been accepted and adopted by various countries, and its development cannot be underestimated.

The application of digital assets in many blockchain projects requires a platform for circulation and communication. From scratch, the project needs strong support from technology research and development to widespread application rather than stillborn. There is a blockchain incubator. vpay has nearly 3 million users, with an increase of 20,000 people every day. Strong data support enables Many digital public chains and angel round crowdfunding came for this purpose.

vpay, mid-October, good things happen one after another.

On October 11, International E-Network officially opened up the digital sharing of 50 exchanges around the world, achieving synchronization of data from major exchanges around the world.

On October 13th, ABS chain crowdfunding opened a new encryption world.

On October 19, VTS Internet of Things public chain started crowdfunding.

On October 18, the ASX opened for registration; on October 22, VRT and the ASX (AOEX) over-the-counter trading area made a strong debut.

In October, there were also Vpay Cambodia study tours, V charity events, etc. A package of activities allowed the Vpay family to enjoy a feast of wealth, and also made many people in the currency circle lock Vpay and add vitality.

                                                                                            Business studies from CambodiaYou don’t know much about the great and good news coming from the hospital, let alone don’t understand it.

If you are still doubting the security, the feasibility, and the prospects of Vpay, then you may once again lose the opportunity to make big money. Keep up with the rhythm of the platform. Today next year will be the harvest season for everyone. You will make money you have never made before, not hundreds of thousands, but maybe millions, or even tens of millions.

1. Vpay cooperates with the National Bank of Vanuatu, a South Pacific island country, to issue Vpay bank cards, and the balance can be withdrawn directly through the bank card.

2. The Lao national government is preparing to use government actions to promote Vpay nationwide and regard Vpay as the "Alipay" of Laos.

3. At the end of October, E-Net and Australia-Net will open VRT transactions. Friends in the currency circle can enter Vpay from the capital market, exchange USDT for VRT, and then use VRT to increase the balance by five times, and then use it in reverse The balance is exchanged for Vpay coins to participate in crowdfunding. Old members can also use VRT to withdraw cash to their bank cards through the above two exchanges. E-Net Exchange is connected to the top 17 exchanges in the world, which means that as long as you log in to E-Net, you are logging into the 17 largest exchanges in the world.

4. At the end of October, 100,000 communities began to be formed. The tool is "WeChat", the participants are all members, and the qualifications are members who can obtain the right to operate super nodes. Super nodes can enjoy dividend rights for 14 years. Members at the big-name level have already started to make plans. Members who are not big-name but understand their belief in Vpay are preparing to spend more money to invest in dozens of VIPs, and then win the right to operate super nodes.

5. The platform has been upgraded from version 1.0 to version 2.0. From allowing members to join Vpay to manage their finances five times to allowing members to hold various Vpay crowdfunding chains, they will become multi-millionaires. If you can still speculate in coins in the currency circle, your wealth can reach another level.

6. The balance is currently consumed offline in 58 countries, and the balance can be converted into the legal currency of each country at any time.

7. The "SMTH", "IPC", "ABS" and "VTS" public chains crowdfunded on the Vpay platform have become the country's national strategic layout for building smart cities and smart societies. The prices of these public chains are expected to rise sharply soon. (VariousOfficial media can find news reports on the country’s practical applications of these public chains. )


Friends who are willing to believe in Vpay and are willing to follow the Vpay platform to earn millions of wealth, please understand the above content carefully.

Everyone has two paths to choose from. Which path you choose is up to you. Of course, you can also choose not to choose any path and just follow the old path step by step.

No matter you choose to share and promote members, or choose to invest additionally, the purpose of limiting this time is to enable you to participate in crowdfunding. Only by participating in crowdfunding can you buy the public chain of crowdfunding. Your wealth can grow exponentially.

There are no leeks in the currency circle, only players. Vpay is a place where merchants, consumers, investors, and entrepreneurs compete on the same stage to achieve financial freedom.

Seize the opportunity and wealth will belong to you.

Vpay app registration download http://t.cn/EzDJwwq

9. Bull market in the currency circle: Some people make profits of over 100 million, while others leave the market in disappointment | Extraordinary " "Epidemic" Year

Editor's Note

In the online world, we laugh at ourselves as workers. We have no names, only symbols.

But in the real world, we are riders, teachers, flight attendants, screenwriters, financiers, tourists...

In the past 2020, we were just a drop in the sea of ​​all living beings, and we were also the common people. The oneness of breathing.

When the ordinary life comes and encounters the extraordinary "epidemic" year, we are worried and confused together, but also moved and looking forward to it.

During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox, China Business Network specially launched the special topic "Extraordinary 'Epidemic' Year". These seemingly ordinary human journeys reflect the extraordinary changes of the "epidemic" year, and also describe the endless soul of craftsmen.

If every day without dancing is a failure of life, then every ordinary and extraordinary person among us is making life more passionate.

Text/Xun Shilin

In the past 2020, there will definitely beIt left a huge mark in history.

Since mid-January, the black swan of the new coronavirus epidemic has spread around the world. In this era of globalized capital flows, one issue that everyone is worried about, whether individuals or institutions, whether poor or rich, is what to do with their wealth.

Panic became the norm. On February 3, the first day the A-share market opened in the Year of the Rat, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 8.73%, and more than 2,900 stocks in the two cities fell by the limit at the beginning of the session. The same is true for overseas markets. In March, US stocks experienced circuit breakers four times in 10 days, and the US Congress even passed the largest economic stimulus plan in US history of US$2.3 trillion.

On the contrary, digital currency has experienced a year of headwinds. From the big rise at the beginning of the year to the March 12 tragedy, Bitcoin once fell to a price of less than $4,000. Over time, it recovered and re-entered the upward trend, entering the first year of DeFi. At the end of the year, Bitcoin ushered in a big explosion. By the beginning of 2021, the price reached US$40,000, pushing the currency circle further. It seems that even the old leeks began to shout that the bull market has arrived.

So, in 2020, have people in the currency circle really made money?

Trader born in 1998: Trading profit of over 100 million

"I would like to introduce you to a great guy, born in 1998." A senior practitioner in the currency circle This is the introduction to the author.

His name is Qingtian (pseudonym). He was born in 1998. He is 22 years old and has graduated from high school. For Qingtian, 2020 is a year of reorganization and a comeback. Three years after bidding farewell to the currency circle, he returned to the currency circle and reappeared on the trading platform of the crypto asset market.

As lucky as he was, he happened to catch up with the bull market. This year, Qingtian made a profit of more than 100 million yuan from trading in the crypto asset futures market. "Although my assets are only more than 10 million yuan, for me, it can be regarded as realizing the value of being a trader."

But now he suffers from severe insomnia and only does Sleeping four or five hours is very stressful. "You see, now we basically chat in the evening." At only 22 years old, he is more cautious and mature. "Although I had about 30 million yuan in assets at the time, I was very cautious in my operations this year because of previous failures."

Qingtian recalled the joys and sorrows of just entering the currency circle. years.

In 2017, he just turned from the stock market to the crypto asset market. At the end of 2016, digital currencies such as Bitcoin began to enter the public eye.

2017 can also be called the first round of bull market in the confidential asset market. However, unfortunately, it began to stagnate in the second half of 2018, and then another round of bull market occurred at the end of 2020, which happened to be a cycle on a sunny day.

"At the beginning of 2018, a lot of big things happened in the currency market, and the market was also crazy. I earned my first million.. ”

Unfortunately, in February 2018, Qingtian listened to his friends and thought that Bitcoin would plummet. He tried to go short, but his position was liquidated. In five or six days, Qingtian lost two coins. Thirty million yuan.

The maximum short-selling profit is only 100%, but there is no upper limit for losses. In 2018, Qingtian not only suffered an investment failure, but was also deceived by his "partners" , the other party directly took the money and ran away.

"That was the time when I was most collapsed. I was bankrupt and even thought about committing suicide. "Qingtian said.

But Qingtian did not give up. He kept reviewing his past experiences and opened a Weibo account to talk about his experience. "One day, someone suddenly wanted to give me start-up capital. It was a turning point in my mentality. "

Qingtian started to form his own paid group because a big investor in the group gave some good investment advice. "He gave me a Bitcoin, plus other income he earned, I I had the opportunity to make a comeback, and with this one Bitcoin, I later doubled my value dozens of times. "

Looking back on the comeback in 2020, Qingtian said: "For me, 2020 is a year to prove myself, and it is also a magical year. Looking forward to 2021, I think there will still be some opportunities in the currency circle. After all, the Federal Reserve is still firing up the money printing press at full capacity. The advice to people who are interested in the currency circle is that this market is full of risks and opportunities. Sometimes you think of heaven and sometimes you think of hell. "

New media people who sit back and watch the ups and downs: the bull market makes no money

"Many things cannot be thought about in hindsight from God's perspective. There are no ifs in this world. In 2018, everyone was very hesitant. At that time, many people even wondered whether this industry would disappear in the future. The same is true for the bull market in 2020. "Xiao Lizi (pseudonym) expressed his feelings about this year in this way.

According to Xiao Lizi's description, he also entered this circle in 2017. "I have been speculating in digital currencies for more than three years. In December of that year, he entered a blockchain company and was responsible for the new media sector, and has since been exposed to digital currencies. "

Xiao Lizi also witnessed the fiery, even crazy, currency circle. "It started to get popular in 2017, when ICO (initial coin offering) was very popular. To put it bluntly, traditional companies have to achieve a certain level. Only scale can lead to listing, and ICO in the currency circle means that as long as you have an idea and write a white paper, you can raise funds in the market. ”

“By 2018, the Big Bear Market has been completely wiped out, and many projects have finally returned to zero. "

Xiao Lizi said that he did not make any money in 2020. "Maybe it is also related to the fact that I entered this industry in a bear market. I have never experienced a big bull market and my thinking is relatively conservative. When the big trend comes, I see it rising a little and think it can't go up anymore, and then I start going short against the trend, and the losses are very serious. ”

Regarding the trend of digital currencies in 2021, Xiao Lizi does not have many ideas. He just believes that the bull market will not end so soon, because in the past bull markets were driven by the main force of Bitcoin. "They are purely pursuing profits, and the cycle of opening positions, pulling orders, and shipping is like this."

When talking about whether digital currencies have collectible value, Xiao Lizi said: "I have no idea about digital currencies. I don’t have much belief in it. I regard it as a speculative product. But I keep some Bitcoins. No matter whether it goes up or down, I won’t sell them. I just treat them as a collection and leave them to my children in the future. Maybe they will be worth 100. It’s 10,000 yuan each.”

The unemployed who are determined to leave: Just missed the so-called “bull market”

“Hey, I ran away before the bull market. Now I think, maybe I have to Break your thighs."

For Xiaoxue (pseudonym), the currency world in 2020 is like a dream. She is 25 years old and originally worked in investment-related work in the primary market. "Later, my boss led me into the currency circle, and I felt that this thing was really magical."

Xiaoxue came into contact with digital currency in 2018, when she joined a financial media company. "I'm afraid it's really hard to imagine how fanatical this circle was in the first half of 2018. When everyone in the circle talked about this matter, they would pretend to be X."

According to Xiaoxue According to the description, when she first joined the company, the company gave employees FT (digital currency) ICO quota, and she got a quota of 4,000 yuan.

She said: "What I didn't expect was that FT increased 100 times in two weeks, which was very crazy. But because the ICO quota was locked and required mining to unlock it every day, I didn't do it at that time. Not completely sold."

According to Xiaoxue's description, she had "lost her mind" because of the fierce rise at the time, and later invested in the new digital currency issued by Fcoin. "But basically no one accepted the new offer, hahahahaha, I lost money."

Xiaoxue did not give up the idea of ​​getting rich in the currency circle, and then bought Ether and Bitcoin intermittently. "But I couldn't see the hope of getting rich suddenly, especially when Bitcoin plummeted in the first half of last year, so I sold all my money and fled."

"However, what I didn't expect was that after the crash, A big bull market is coming. Maybe, without faith, you can’t make money in the cryptocurrency industry,” she said.

When talking about his views on digital currency in 2021, Xiaoxue felt that he might never return to this circle again. "I don't believe in Bitcoin anymore, and I don't believe in anything else. Maybe the future trend will be more volatile, and maybe it will rise, but I don't care anymore. I have decided to invest in the stock market!"

< p> A Kun (pseudonym), a senior practitioner in the currency circle, told the author that in fact, there are too many people with stories in the currency circle. “Every industry has its losses and profits, and it cannot be just because of one thing.After two bull and bear markets, no conclusion can be drawn. ”

Time never stops for anything, and the story of the currency circle continues. For Akun, although there are times of success and failure, the wave has not stopped. Digital currency is an opportunity in the eyes of money, and even more It is the destiny that technology brings to mankind. His eyes are not only focused on the year 2021 that has already arrived.

A Kun said: "Digital currency is a major trend, just like the significance of the unified currency of the Qin Dynasty. Maybe One day in the future, the whole world will be using the same digital currency (BTC), circulating globally, and blockchain technology will also be the future of mankind, because I firmly believe that technology and technology are the ultimate mysteries of the universe. To quote Musk, humans will walk off the earth, settle on Mars, and use doge. ”

10. “Cryptocurrency Moutai” Luna currency plummeted 99%, what happened in the stock market?

Cryptocurrencies in the stock market experienced major shocks and plummeted. Among them, Luna fell by 99% %, and other related cryptocurrencies fell sharply, causing panic among investors.

According to stock market news, on May 12, cryptocurrencies experienced huge declines in the capital market. One of them was once The cryptocurrency Luna, which investors call "Moutai in the currency circle", was the first to be hit, with a drop of as much as 99%. Its corresponding stock price in the capital market also fell directly from the original $119.5 to a price line of less than 6 cents. Faced with this, The majority of investors have been very panicked by the collapse of Luna currency. Looking back on the development of Luna, in fact, since the launch of this cryptocurrency, its operating model has been almost zero-collateral. It is closely linked to the UST currency, and even on the terra platform Related trading mechanisms were also designed for this purpose, causing its price to rise all the way.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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