币圈投资故事 币圈有哪些投资赚钱路径

❶ 币圈小白第十一篇:小资金玩小币大资金玩大币原则


两个标准,时间和量,为什么要时间呢?火币平台包括币安上一些骗人的币种,他们开了几百个假账号,自导自演,自买自卖,创造了很高的交易额。比特币教主夫人2019年亲自经历过火币上一个币,成交量一直放大,直接上20亿,进入火币的前七名。一个新币,有这么大的交易量,总感到不对劲,先盈利出来了,结果,几天以后大跌!跌到交易量只有3000万,昨天看了火币 网这个币,交易量不到60万了,完全成了一个死盘!

所以说,交易量短期大的,极可能是庄家故意刷单出来的,因为现在的交易所,恨不得 大家疯狂刷单赚手续费!币圈的交易所,远不能像正规的交易所那样规范,管理漏洞非常多。


小币,是指日交易 不到一个亿的,成了火币交易平台上的主力,数目众多,它们就像妖艳的娼妓,用尽撩拔手段引诱你去买单!你有时会赚到很爽,但也会让人跌到怀疑人生。





❷ 大家好,我是那个赚了300%的合约小白













❸ 熊市,也就CX币让我赚钱了|比特币等数字货币行情分析【8月3日救赎说币】
















CCEC :这个是万象币,万象平台的平台币,众筹价格1元,最高60元,目前21.1元。这个币有人跟我说过,说这种币,不能以技术指标去看。好吧,但是我用技术指标去看,觉得目前还有的跌。

CGK: 同样是万象平台的币,众筹1.5元,最高十几块。目前来看,前面底部明显,这次上涨之后macd在0轴之上,死叉回调,可以找一个点买,挂单4.5元,止损4元。

ZRX: 前几天说了要止损,现在看行情还是没啥变化,空军优势,目前跟随大盘一起跌。开启了下跌的波浪,有仓位的先出局,后续等跌不动的时候,再接回来,这是优质币。

AAC: 7月底放量上涨了一波,现在又跟随大盘一起跌了,前面底部还是很明显的,有仓位的可以接着持有,没有仓位的,暂时别买,还不知道什么时候启动呢。别套住了就尴尬了。

PAY: pay在6.30和7.17号放量上涨了两拨。从技术角度来看,是属于吸筹的行为。目前的行情走势跟随大盘一起跌,空军优势还是很明显的。不过这个币既然有吸筹行为,我们就可以越跌越买,别人不怕,我们怕什么。现价5.3,建议反人性买半仓。后续半仓看情况加仓还是追多。

KICK: 这个币居然在熊市涨了三倍,真是太可惜了,早怎么没有人找救赎要行情分析呢!!!目前来看,现在是最合适的卖出时候,不卖的,后悔去吧。标准的加速破前高之后的乌云盖顶形态,再看看KDJ,背离向下。此币绝对要跌。

BUBO :空头优势,无量,无成交,不好建议买卖。有多人进去就跌,没人进去就涨,这玩意你怎么玩?跟随大盘可能性大。

SEELE: 跌得不成样子了,这样的币种,怎么样都不会去关注买点的,先跌70%以上再考虑买不买吧。有仓位的,反弹上涨就立马卖,不要犹豫。

PNT: 跌停了,从7.25号就开始跌停了,也就是说社区不砸盘了。嘿嘿,可以买一点,因为他不跌了啊。但是这个币种,基本面没啥了不起的。自己可以适当买一些吧。

AE: 下跌中继,现在开始新的一轮跌,阔怕,有的赶紧跑吧!


好了,今天就分享到这里,以上代表救赎个人的想法和见解,如果有补充和不同的见解,大家一起进群促进交流 。

❹ 区块链币圈众生相 低调的暴富者与焦虑的小白

区块链币圈众生相 低调的暴富者与焦虑的小白





















❺ 盘点小白在币圈需要了解的基本玩法

区块链概念仿佛一夜之间火遍全球,伴随区块链而出现的币圈,更是成为造就无数财富神话的沃土。一时间,无论是大户还是小散,几乎所有人都把目光投向了这个圈子,带着大量资金前赴后继地涌进来,生怕慢人一步便会错失良机。 事实上,作为一个新兴行业,许多投资者在对区块链几乎是一无所知的情况下便贸贸然进了场,最终自然也就逃不过被“收割”的命运。既然我们进入币圈都是奔着赚钱而来,那你是否真的认真想过,怎样才能在币圈赚到钱?或者说,怎样在币圈更稳定地赚钱?方法一:项目众筹在币圈,项目众筹无疑是最让投资者感到兴奋的玩法。通过这种方式,许多投资者的资产在短时间内翻了数十倍乃至数百倍,想象空间无限巨大。然而今时不同往日,如今市面上出来众筹的项目数量急剧增加且良莠不齐,当前众筹的项目,破发风险极大,一旦投资失败,极有可能导致投资全部归零。方法二:短线炒币短线炒币,也叫做波段。在币圈,短线炒币是最普遍的玩法,也是大多数人进入币圈解锁的第一姿势。然而,在区块链世界做短线投资无疑就是在赌运气,风险极大。如果你以为跟着某些“短线大神”的K线分析就能在币圈无往而不利,那么恭喜,你离一个合格的韭菜已经不远了,三年之内不亏完算我输。方法三:搬砖套利所谓搬砖,其实就是利用各个币种在不同平台的交易价格不同,从价低的平台买入,再转到价高的平台卖出,这中间的差价,自然就是搬砖所得利润。讲到这里,你以为搬砖就是稳赚不赔的赚钱方法吗?Too young too simple!搬砖其实是一门技术活,由于不同交易所处理提币速度不同,在提币的这段时间,两个市场的价格极有可能发生反转,加上在不同交易所之间提币需要手续费,事实上稳赚不赔的只有交易平台。

方法四:领空投领空投,也叫薅羊毛。为了让潜在投资者获得代币相关信息,一些项目方会经常性地进行空投,往用户的钱包地址打币,由于空投一般是免费领取,这种方式也受到相当一部分用户的热捧。空投看似是一种零成本赚钱的方法,实际上,一些诈骗团伙经常会以高额的空投奖励诱惑人,再诱导用户输入私钥,最后把用户钱包地址上的代币全部转走。由此可见,空投也并非绝对的稳赚不赔。  方法五:投资Kssbtc平台,做稳定理财。


❻ 子航说币:币圈小白连“区块链”是什么都不知道



就像我们的手机能运行,底层是安卓或者ios系统作为支撑一样。那区块链是个什么技术呢?怎么那么厉害啊?可以让比特币那么值钱!区块链的英文叫block chain,block是块的意思,可以脑补一下摔倒或者撞到某个东西,就可能有一块块淤青是不是,区块链中的块,里边装的是一些交易信息的数据块,某个东西,就可能有一块块淤青是不是,区块链中的块,里边装的是一些交易信息的数据块,区块链中的链,连接的是数据块,这像一个大帐本,所有用这个区块链条账本的人,都可以直接查询到里边按顺序排列起来的任何交易信息,并且难以篡改。那它是怎么做到?






因为,最终的结论就是:这个技术构建了比特币的价值,那么这个技术逻辑也能用于很多其它的领域。也许某一天你会欣然发现——咦?我现在用的是某某区块链技术公司的产品!?就像很多年前,某一天你不知不觉用上了QQ开始学会上网看视频打 游戏 一样。那话说回来,所谓比特币是区块链早期的资产是什么意思呢?为什么会增值?按以上提到的场景,所谓代币,就是群里大家通过参与记账获得系统发放的代币。这些代币就是区块链资产。(大家参与记账的行为俗称——挖矿。)比特币本身就是比特币区块链网络系统的价值代币







❼ 币圈的阴暗面(都是干货)


2.怎么买/卖 Ⅰ.FGI定投 Ⅱ.周线kdj 周线macd金叉死叉 Ⅲ.ma60牛熊线

你是币圈小白, 但我不知道你有多“白”,懂不懂设止损、挂单呢?有没有确定你的投资策略呢? 如果都没有,有没有准备学呢?然后你打算投些比特币,这个真得好好夸一下, 币圈的币种那么多,你玩比特币一定是最正确的决定 ,因为比特币套不住人

有哪些建议?!其实所有的实操建议都是围绕着两个问题—— ⒈买什么;⒉怎么买/卖,评判标准是什么。

上面两个问题,在这篇回答里全部会被解决,甚至涉及到 心态 、FGI、周线macd、周线kdj、指标共振 的买卖方法都会教你。

最大的庄家其实就是交易所 ,比如火币、币安、OKEX。注意,但是这里并没有说最大的持币量是,交易所,最大的持仓者,很可能是那些早年“极客”,这类人把比特币当做收藏品,不是庄家。

2. 交易所业务员带你爆仓、让你入金,他拿佣金

江湖上流传一句话,BG交易所的业务员比用户还多,意思就是他们有很多的业务员拉人入他们平台,只要入了,业务员就有回扣,这个其实还算好的,更有恶心的, 他们会故意带你玩合约,让你爆仓。


❽ 几张币圈表情包述说你的炒币两三事





❾ 别人疯狂我恐惧,别人恐惧我疯狂
















❶ The eleventh article of the currency circle newbie: The principle of playing with small coins with small funds and playing with big coins with big funds

What is a big coin? A currency with a transaction volume of up to one year and a daily transaction volume of one billion is called a big coin

There are two standards, time and volume. Why do we need time? The Huobi platform includes some deceptive currencies on Binance. They opened hundreds of fake accounts, directed and performed themselves, bought and sold themselves, and created a high transaction volume. The Bitcoin leader’s wife personally experienced Huobi’s last coin in 2019, and the trading volume continued to increase, directly reaching 2 billion, making it into the top seven of Huobi. A new coin has such a large trading volume, but I always feel something is wrong. I made a profit first, but then it plummeted a few days later! The trading volume dropped to only 30 million. Yesterday I looked at Huobi.com and found that the trading volume was less than 600,000. It has become a dead market!

Therefore, if the trading volume is large in the short term, it is very likely that the dealer deliberately brushes the orders, because the current exchange is eager for everyone to frantically brush the orders to earn handling fees! Exchanges in the currency circle are far from being as standardized as regular exchanges, and there are many management loopholes.

Therefore, some bad guys in the currency circle, guided by the interests of the exchange, continue to artificially create transactions. The superficial trading volume is unsustainable because they pay handling fees to the exchange!

Small coins, which refer to daily transactions of less than 100 million, have become the main force on the Huobi trading platform. There are many of them. They are like coquettish prostitutes, using all their tricks to lure you into paying. ! Sometimes you will make a lot of money, but it will also make you doubt your life.

A small coin like this has fallen by more than 20% twice in a row, and dropped by 40% in a few days, cutting it in half. If the position is heavy, it will greatly damage and traumatize a person's spirit, and it will be difficult to recover. Come here, so just play with the light position. For small coins, establish a principle. If there is a possibility of falling, how do you deal with it? Think about it before betting!

In fact, you will understand if you look at the proportion of currency holdings of Grayscale Fund, the world's largest professional trader and professional investor in currency trading. Bitcoin ranks first, followed by Ethereum. They are all old currencies and are currently the most popular on the Internet. FIL holds only 0.02% of the currency.

Big institutions are not stupider than us, right? They have big funds, safety comes first, and income comes second.

Small funds play with small coins, big funds play with big coins, don’t do it upside down!

❷ Hello everyone, I am the contract novice who made 300%.

Buffett said: "Investment is simple, but not easy." The essence of investment is to obtain and Wealth that matches our own cognition is not wealth obtained out of thin air, so the key is that we must continue to strengthen our cognition and practical abilities.

For investors, they are often blind and follow the herd at the beginning. We all know that the currency market is unpredictable and investment requires rationality. However, when it comes to actual trading, they are often full of confidence.operate.

We all understand the truth, but we still take the wrong path of investment. I think many people are like me. I feel that after being in the currency circle for a long time, I understand all the principles of investment. . However, it is difficult to truly find lessons in an environment full of temptations without having a hard time in real investment transactions.

BG's simulated trading competition allowed me to truly experience the ups and downs of mentality in real trading, and I also learned a lot of experience.

At the beginning, I opened a short position on BTCXNBG. I felt that it was a virtual disk operation with heavy positions. However, the market continued to rise in the later period, and I felt that it did not matter if the virtual currency was locked up. In the end, I really suffered heavy losses. After thinking about it, although there are actual differences between the game and the real offer, the principles are the same and the mentality is the same. If you operate on the real offer, the losses are conceivable, so I regret it.

In the next few days, I followed the analyst's strategy and carefully conducted several transactions based on the strategy combined with my actual situation and position opening habits. The effect was still very obvious. Several orders in a row have made huge profits!

In addition to being able to immerse ourselves in real scenes and experience changes in trading mentality, in fact, what we can gain from the simulated trading competition is much more than that. It’s more about the overall perception and experience of contract trading. I think most novice contract players have this feeling. Why is it easy to lose money when playing contracts? After several days of contract operations, I have summarized the following three reasons:

The first point: lack of basic professional knowledge. To play contracts, you need to understand and learn relevant knowledge, especially for novices. Without professional knowledge, you can only fumble around in the investment market like a blind person, and the probability of losing money is very high. At this point, the courses of the BG Exchange Research Institute are very easy to understand and are particularly friendly to novice users.

The second point is lack of experience and patience. Since novices are not familiar with the market and have no operating experience to refer to, they always want to make profits immediately. After opening a position, they will close the position immediately if there is a slight profit. Such operations often result in missing bigger market trends. Even if you open another position, the income will be greatly reduced.

The third point is over-trading due to unstable mentality. Once you find that the market is not good for you, you will easily panic and only want to reduce losses, so you blindly open and close positions. Novices have no time to take into account how much they have traded. times, whether to make a profit. Trading is not about quantity, it should be about quality.

This time, instead of participating in a competition to compete for rankings, it is better to learn the basic operations of contract trading in advance. After all, if you do real trading right from the start, you will lose real money if you are not careful.Silver, for the sake of safety, many conservative players like me choose to familiarize themselves with advanced strategy techniques or gameplay rules in simulated games. When you feel comfortable and confident before proceeding with real trading, profits will come easily. After all, contracts are the hottest investment project at the moment, and honing your skills can quickly grab the first wave of dividends.

The investment market is far from as simple as imagined. In addition to market games, the emotions and attitudes of the participants are also very important. The investment principles are stable and unchanging, and what determines the success of the investment is how to apply these principles flexibly.

❸ In the bear market, only CX coins made me money | Market analysis of Bitcoin and other digital currencies [Redemption on currency on August 3]

Redemption, focusing on Bitcoin and other digital currencies Through analysis and research, we never follow everyone else’s opinions on news events, but only talk about unique opinions. So far, we are the only self-media in the currency circle that explains the market through videos and novels.

The following information absolutely sincerely represents the redemption transposition operation and provides everyone with an analysis from the heart.


At this time, what else is there to analyze? Those who should cut their flesh should cut their flesh, and those who don’t want to cut their flesh should hold on, because most people in the market are dead. Well, maybe you will be in the bull market as soon as you cut it!

But to be honest, the long-term currency belief in salvation has also collapsed. When I went to TMD value investment and worked for the TND team, I saw no resistance at all.

In this bear market, it was CX coins that made me make money. What they are playing is a conspiracy, so they just hold meetings to attract the people behind them to enter.

Did you all see an advertisement for Redemption’s official account yesterday? That platform BYEX turned out to be.

BYEX is such a gameplay. A capable community builds a node, and there are guaranteed to be 100 partners under the node. Partners must pay money to enter. Of course, partners have a lot of rights and interests, such as free offline learning of blockchain, platform currency subscription quota, priority subscription for high-quality projects, currency listing rewards for recommended listings, listing fees, etc. One hundred nodes, and one hundred partners under each node. If this thing succeeds, it will indeed be a new generation of FT, and it will definitely last longer than FT. Because the base of their population is there.

They have an advantage that the currency circle does not have, that is, they are all novices from the outside world. Just like those aunts who buy gold, they tell you that gold will rise, so they go and buy it. Haha, gold How much can it rise! ! !

If you think about it carefully, it would be feasible for 10,000 of these aunts to enter the market, listen to the courses and buy the platform currency, etc. to rise sharply. The most important thing about their platform is that outsiders used to play with capital to attract partners.

It’s a pity that platform coins cannot be purchased, there is no crowdfunding, only super partnershipsOnly talents can subscribe. Otherwise, this platform currency must be developed a little bit. With the funds of outsiders, it is not difficult to create a platform currency.

For more information, please use the WeChat ID below to consult. We will wait and see the rise of this platform.

Assistant WeChat ID: xbnw521. When adding, please indicate whether you are adding a partner for consultation or adding a beautiful woman to chat.

Regarding yesterday’s coins, I maintain yesterday’s view. Yesterday I asked everyone to leave a message. I will now analyze the coins for them.

Bitcoin: Judging from the shape, it will slowly fall to the support position of US$7,143, with strong support of US$6,821. But these are all based on thoughts. Redemption will only fall there and go long, not short. Most people in the market are desperate, disappointed and crying. The salvation is to buy slowly and go long unilaterally. Especially for various copycats, if there is any sign of a banker, I will definitely ambush you. I don’t ask for the lowest price, but I ask not to miss it.

CCEC: This is Vientiane Coin, the platform currency of Vientiane platform. The crowdfunding price is 1 yuan, the maximum is 60 yuan, and it is currently 21.1 yuan. Someone told me about this currency, saying that this kind of currency cannot be viewed based on technical indicators. Okay, but I looked at it using technical indicators, and I think it’s still going down.

CGK: It is also the currency of Wanxiang platform, crowdfunding is 1.5 yuan, and the maximum is more than ten yuan. At present, the previous bottom is obvious. After this rise, the macd is above the 0 axis and the dead cross pulls back. You can find a point to buy with a pending order of 4.5 yuan and a stop loss of 4 yuan.

ZRX: I said I would stop the loss a few days ago, but now I see that the market has not changed much. The air force has the advantage, and it is currently falling with the market. A falling wave has started, and those with positions will be out first, and then take them back when the price stops falling. This is a high-quality currency.

AAC: There was a surge in volume at the end of July, and now it has fallen together with the market. The previous bottom is still very obvious. Those who have positions can continue to hold it. Those who do not have positions, don’t buy it for now. I don’t know when it will start. Don't be embarrassed if you get caught.

PAY: Pay increased in volume twice on 6.30 and 7.17. From a technical point of view, it is an act of collecting funds. The current market trend is falling along with the broader market, and the air force's advantage is still very obvious. However, since this currency has accumulation behavior, we can buy more as it falls. If others are not afraid, what should we be afraid of? The current price is 5.3. It is recommended to buy a half position against human nature. The subsequent half position will depend on the situation, whether to increase the position or to pursue the long position.

KICK: ThisThe currency actually tripled in the bear market. It’s such a pity. Why hasn’t anyone asked for market analysis before? ! ! From the current point of view, now is the most appropriate time to sell. If you don't sell, you will regret it. The standard dark cloud cover pattern after accelerating to break the previous high. Look at KDJ again, the divergence is downward. This coin is definitely going to fall.

BUBO: Short advantage, no volume, no transaction, not recommended for buying or selling. If many people enter, it will fall, if no one enters, it will rise. How do you play this thing? It is highly possible to follow the market.

SEELE: The price has fallen terribly. For such a currency, no one will pay attention to the buying point. Let it fall by more than 70% first and then consider whether to buy it. If you have a position, sell immediately if it rebounds and rises, don't hesitate.

PNT: It has dropped to the limit, and it has started to drop to the limit since July 25th, which means that the community will not smash the market anymore. Hey, you can buy some, because it won’t fall anymore. But the fundamentals of this currency are nothing great. You can buy some for yourself.

AE: The decline continues, and now a new round of decline begins. If you are afraid, please run away!

If you want to analyze any currency, you can leave a message in the background. Because I am a newly opened public account and I don’t know what is going on with Tencent. I haven’t activated the message function yet, so I can’t interact.

Well, that’s it for today. The above represents my personal thoughts and opinions on salvation. If you have additional and different opinions, please join the group to promote communication.

❹ The low-key rich people and anxious novices in the blockchain currency circle have a low-key relationship with each other

The newly rich people and the anxious novices in the blockchain currency circle have a low-key relationship with each other

Since Bitcoin’s surge, blockchain has also stood in the forefront of public attention. After visiting dozens of communities, the author found that all the content about writing about blockchain technology is actually only read by a small group of people. People are not interested in the principle of how blockchain can achieve the decentralization of digital currency. Even What the basic blockchain is is sometimes poorly understood, but this does not stop the public from being enthusiastic about blockchain and various digital currencies.

Perhaps it is because I don’t understand and am full of curiosity that I am more likely to be deceived by various scammers into making uncut leeks. The tide of blockchain is rushing forward, and the living beings on the shore are really diverse.

The first type is the blockchain novice group.

Characteristics: Afraid of not being able to catch the fast train to riches, feeling anxious and nervous but feeling unable to do anything. They don’t know how to mine and earn coins, nor how to buy and trade in the market, nor even where the market is. Their understanding of blockchain and various currencies actually comes from envy, jealousy, and hatred because the people around themPeople become rich overnight by buying coins. The novice group seems to be eager to trade all the time, but they don't dare to make a move. Holding cash to wait and see makes them more and more anxious and nervous, afraid of missing out and a little afraid of losing money.

The second type is the blockchain project promotion crowd.

Features: Crazy joining groups to attract people and dump project links. The author found in various communities that most of these links are used to attract people to register on the condition of issuing digital currency or sending mining machines. Such people will join the group and attract people wherever they see people in social groups. They are "working hard". What's more, if you create a group by yourself and get enough people in, all members will be banned. After that, the group owner or administrator will frantically dump the link. The link content is basically a routine, with a project introduction and registration address, and ends with Register and receive free mining machines or coins as bait. This kind of behavior that does not take into account the personal feelings of the group members is really incredible. This group of people knows a little bit about blockchain and the currency circle, but they don’t actually know much about technology. Some of them also hold the promoted project coins themselves, and feel a little relieved that they can join the game early, and firmly believe that the value will appreciate in the future and make a lot of money.

The third type is ordinary programmers who have early experience in entering the currency circle.

Characteristics: There are stories or experiences of mining coins. In terms of mentality, most people fall into the category of people who slap their thighs and regret. Since there was a certain technical threshold for coin mining in the early years, this group of people came into contact with coin mining very early because of their technical status. They are also early users of Bitcoin. At that time, they were mining coins, and they were very simple at heart. Some people brought their friends to dig with them, or even helped their friends dig (the friends didn’t understand technology, so they basically mined for their friends). When these people mine coins, they do not think that they may become rich one day in the future or even achieve financial freedom. Therefore, many people have already chosen to cash out when the price of Bitcoin reaches 200 to 600.

What’s dramatic is those people who don’t understand technology and have programmer friends mine for them. Some people sadly forget the keys to mine coins because they don’t understand technology or don’t care, or they lose their original keys. The system files left their Bitcoins frozen forever. Those who couldn't find them regretted and wanted to die, while those who found the keys or system files finally received high rewards. Programmers who cashed out early and people who forgot their keys or lost system files, after seeing the sky-high price of Bitcoin, they patted their thighs and regretted it, and at the same time they were ready to move, regretful and anxious.

The fourth type, the CEOs who operate the project

Characteristics: After seeing Bitcoin, the Ethereum bosses are making a lot of money and can no longer control their hearts. Excited, he quickly jumped into the rolling torrent. They have fantasies about the future, but also have anxiety after encountering supervision. But CEOs who really want to do something in the industry are actually more welcoming to supervision. Such groups consider more about the healthy and long-term development of the industry ecology.

FifthKinds, business giants

Characteristics: Some business giants are cautiously waiting, some have already embraced it, and some have avoided issuing coins to try the widespread application of smart contracts in blockchain technology. Wanda’s recent deployment on the blockchain has been widely reported by the media.

The sixth type, investment tycoons

Characteristics: Low profile has become synonymous with them. They rarely brag about how much money they have made on Bitcoin, but they also rarely mention how much they have been cheated.

As investment tycoons with a keen sense of smell, any new trends are the focus of their attention. Many of them not only observe calmly with the eyes of bystanders, but also silently pay attention to seed companies with real potential. This group appears to be very low-key on various occasions.

The seventh type, media from all parties

Characteristics: strive to supplement basic knowledge of blockchain and track various materials in the currency circle. This group can be simply divided into two camps. Some are dedicated to pure information reporting and in-depth industry analysis. They use a third party's perspective to see and interpret various phenomena that occur in the industry. The other camp chooses to endorse new things. Of course, they often use critical and skeptical thinking to discover the real and reasonable applications of blockchain.

The rolling tide is coming, and all living beings are in various forms. How to understand the blockchain currency circle? How to avoid scammers in the currency circle? The next article on the Blockchain Bubble Headlines and WeChat public accounts will present the current deceptions and routines in the form of examples.

In the end, there is the same saying, listen to both and you will be enlightened, and listen to one side and you will be dark. I only represent the views of Blockchain Bubble and cannot be used as investment guidance for you.

❺ Take stock of the basic gameplay that novices need to know in the currency circle

The concept of blockchain seems to have spread all over the world overnight, and the currency circle that emerged with the blockchain is even more It has become a fertile ground for creating countless wealth myths. For a time, almost everyone, whether they were large investors or small investors, set their sights on this circle, pouring in with large amounts of capital, fearing that if they were slow, they would miss the opportunity. In fact, as an emerging industry, many investors have entered the market hastily without knowing almost anything about blockchain, and in the end they will naturally not escape the fate of being "harvested". Since we all enter the currency circle to make money, have you really thought about how to make money in the currency circle? In other words, how to make money more stably in the currency circle? Method One: Project Crowdfunding In the currency circle, project crowdfunding is undoubtedly the most exciting method for investors. In this way, the assets of many investors have increased dozens or even hundreds of times in a short period of time, and the space for imagination is infinite. However, today is different from the past. The number of crowdfunding projects on the market has increased sharply and the quality is mixed. The current crowdfunding projects have a great risk of failure. Once the investment fails, it is very likely that all investments will be lost. Method Two: Short-term currency speculation Short-term currency speculation, also called swing. In the currency circle, short-term currency speculation is the most common way to play, and it is also the first step for most people to enter the currency circle to unlock. However, making short-term investments in the blockchain world is undoubtedly gambling on luck and is extremely risky. If you think you can succeed in the currency circle by following the K-line analysis of some "short-term masters", then congratulations, you are not far from being a qualified leek. If you don't lose money within three years, I will lose. Method 3: The so-called arbitrage of moving bricks. In fact, it is to take advantage of the different transaction prices of each currency on different platforms. Buy from the platform with a lower price, and then sell it to the platform with a higher price. The price difference in the middle is naturally the price difference between the two currencies. Profit from bricks. Speaking of which, do you think that moving bricks is a sure-fire way to make money? Too young too simple! Moving bricks is actually a technical job. Since different exchanges process currency withdrawals at different speeds, during the period of currency withdrawals, the prices of the two markets are very likely to reverse. In addition, it takes time to withdraw currency between different exchanges. As for handling fees, in fact, only the trading platform can make a profit without losing money.

Method 4: Receive airdrops and receive airdrops, also called harvesting wool. In order to allow potential investors to obtain token-related information, some project parties will regularly conduct airdrops and transfer coins to users' wallet addresses. Since airdrops are generally free of charge, this method is also popular among a considerable number of users. Airdrops seem to be a way to make money at zero cost. In fact, some fraud gangs often lure people with high airdrop rewards, then induce users to enter their private keys, and finally transfer all the tokens in the user's wallet address. It can be seen that airdrops are not absolutely guaranteed to make money without losing money. Method 5: Invest in the Kssbtc platform for stable financial management.

The safest way is to join a blockchain company, invest in projects, and follow the team! KssBit's one-stop digital currency fund redemption platform KssBit integrates quantification, strategy, AI arbitrage, Defi, ETF and other comprehensive profit-making fund platforms. The platform supports BTC, USDT, and ETH currency-based financial management, providing sustained income and surviving bull and bear markets. At the same time, there are a variety of funds to choose from, which are robust and aggressive to meet the needs of different users. All funds can be deposited and withdrawn at any time, with real-time settlement. No lock-up, irregular period, flexible and convenient. This is the most stable and realistic way to "make sure you make money without losing money" at the moment!

❻ Zihang talks about currency: Newbies in the currency circle don’t even know what “blockchain” is

First of all, I believe that before everyone learns about blockchain, You’ve heard of Bitcoin first, right? Because we all know that the first people to hold Bitcoin made money!

But one point of view is wrong: What point of view? Many people believe that Bitcoin is the blockchain. In fact, Bitcoin is just a type of blockchain asset, and it is the earliest blockchain asset. The concept of blockchain comes from Bitcoin. The reason why Bitcoin can be so arrogant and independent enough isIt does not rely on any organizational structure, because the underlying layer is supported by blockchain technology.

Just like our mobile phones can run, the bottom layer is supported by Android or ios system. So what kind of technology is blockchain? Why is it so powerful? Can make Bitcoin so valuable! The English name of blockchain is block chain, and block means block. You can imagine that if you fall or bump into something, you may have bruises, right? The blocks in the blockchain contain some The data block of transaction information, something, may have a bruise, right? The block in the blockchain contains some data blocks of transaction information, and the chain in the blockchain connects the data blocks. , this is like a big ledger. Anyone who uses this blockchain ledger can directly query any transaction information arranged in order, and it is difficult to tamper with. So how does it do it?

Let’s give a simple example using local materials: There are now a total of 100 readers who are linked through the Internet to form a blockchain network system. Please pay attention! We are not reading this article now, but a blockchain network system. In this system, I ask one of the people, say this person is called panda, to borrow 10 yuan, and then panda transfers the 10 yuan to me in the network system. Then my account or wallet increased by 10 yuan. As for panda, who lent money to Bibi, his account lost 10 yuan. After this transaction is completed, other people in our blockchain network system, after seeing it, will take a small notebook and record the matter. My account will increase by 10 yuan, and panda's account will decrease by 10 yuan.

That’s not right, then what are you doing when you are full and have nothing to do? Why should we record these small and medium-sized "bad things"? It’s because the network system will pay wages to those who participate in recording. As long as she records it once, the system will automatically reward tokens that are common in this network system. As long as there is money, everyone is willing to do anything. In reality, there are actually countless individuals in a blockchain system, which means that our group not only has only 13 people, but they don’t know each other yet, but they can all communicate with each other on the system chain and record them in the blockchain in order. For this transaction in the network, if one day I want to default on the debt and no longer plan to pay back 10 yuan to panda, then I must convince more than 51% of the people in the blockchain network system to delete this record or tamper.

If it were replaced by real-world computing power, it would be almost impossible and would require huge costs. This is the characteristic of blockchain technology - decentralized collaboration, transaction data is difficult to tamper with, and transaction information is transparent and queryable. Its main function is to solve two problems that are difficult to solve on the Internet - one is trust, and the other isIt's value transfer.

The so-called trust, according to the above scenario, is that I may default on the loan and take the money and run away; the value transfer is: my borrowing account should increase by 10 yuan, while the panda account becomes -10 Yuan money exchange. Then we may have questions again, isn't Alipay and WeChat payment solved now? Wouldn’t it be enough to just confirm the account and transfer the money directly and send a red envelope? Yes, Alibaba and Tencent exist based on solving these two problems. but! Thinking about it from another perspective, if a mere blockchain technology can solve these two problems now, can huge and complex institutions like Alibaba and Tencent be abandoned?

Rebuilding a new network system to apply it to more fields is on the way.

Because, the final conclusion is: this technology builds the value of Bitcoin, then this technical logic can also be used in many other fields. Maybe one day you will be happy to discover - Huh? I am now using a product from a certain blockchain technology company! ? Just like many years ago, one day you unknowingly used QQ and started to learn to watch videos and play games online. Having said that, what does it mean that Bitcoin is an early asset of the blockchain? Why does it add value? According to the scenario mentioned above, the so-called tokens are the tokens issued by the system to everyone in the group by participating in accounting. These tokens are blockchain assets. (The behavior of everyone participating in bookkeeping is commonly known as mining.) Bitcoin itself is the value token of the Bitcoin blockchain network system

Then why is it Will it add value? Because its quantity is limited, the number of issuances is determined at one time from the beginning of the establishment of the network system and will never be issued additionally.

So, in the future, the more people participate in accounting in a certain blockchain network, the number of people who get it will gradually decrease, and value-added will become inevitable. This is like Alibaba's early stocks. After the Alipay application is launched, the more people participate in using it, the more it is needed, and Alibaba's stocks will inevitably increase in value.

Of course, there are currently many projects applying blockchain technology, but most of them have not found a landing scenario. However, the more people believe that a project created using blockchain technology will be used in the future. If necessary, the price of the tokens of this project will be pushed up. Therefore, there are far more investment opportunities in blockchain assets than in the ordinary stock market. If you invest in a value project, then it may skyrocket like Bitcoin a few years ago, which skyrocketed from 130,000 per coin to a little over 40,000 now. In other words, you don’t need to consider any investment opportunities in other varieties. A few years ago, if you bought Bitcoin with your eyes closed and then ignored it and just went about your own business, the return on this investment would be 100 times in one year.

Profit! How much is that right? The opportunities in this industry are far more than these, almost all currencies,There will always be opportunities for sudden increases or decreases, but this increase or decrease is not like the 10% daily limit in stocks. Blockchain assets disappear for trading around the world 24 hours a day, and are implemented on a T+0 basis, and there is no limit on the increase or decrease. The price of any variety is completely affected by the limit of rise and fall and the pursuit of funds. Most varieties have experienced an increase of more than 100% throughout the year, or even several times higher. This kind of investment opportunity is also very common in other markets. Hard to find.

The currency circle is like Tai Chi. Only when a person is in a state of tranquility can he feel the opponent's strength and intention in the push hand for the first time. What I felt at the time was that only by clearing myself could I receive information to the maximum extent and quickly, and make correct judgments and responses. The same is true in the currency circle.

This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute buying or selling advice. Buy and sell based on it at your own risk!

❼ The dark side of the currency circle (all dry goods)

1. Don’t play with contracts and leverage, take this as your bottom line
2. Invest your spare money
3. Don’t play in the primary market
4. Never play in small exchanges

1. What to buy
2. How to buy/sell Ⅰ. FGI fixed investment Ⅱ. Weekly kdj Weekly macd golden cross and dead cross III.ma60 bull and bear line

You are a novice in the currency circle, but I don’t know how “white” you are, understand. Don’t know how to set stop loss and place orders? Have you determined your investment strategy? If not, are you ready to learn it? Then you plan to invest some Bitcoins. You really have to boast about this. There are so many currencies in the currency circle. It must be the most correct decision for you to play Bitcoins, because Bitcoins can’t trap anyone.

Any suggestions? ! In fact, all practical suggestions revolve around two questions - 1. What to buy; 2. How to buy/sell, and what are the criteria for judging.

The above two questions will all be solved in this answer, even involving mentality, FGI, weekly macd, weekly kdj, and indicator resonance We will teach you all the trading methods.

The largest bookmakers are actually exchanges, such as Huobi, Binance, and OKEX. Note, but it does not say here that the largest currency holders are exchanges. The largest holders are probably those early "geeks". These people regard Bitcoin as collectibles, not bankers.

2. The exchange clerk takes you to liquidate your position and deposit money, and he gets a commission

There is a saying in the world that BG Exchange has more clerks than users, which means That is, they have many salespeople to attract people to their platform. As long as they joinIf you do, the salesperson will get a kickback, which is actually quite good, but what’s even more disgusting is that they will deliberately let you play with the contract to make you liquidate your position.

The more money you make when you liquidate your position, the greater the rebate, so don’t play with contracts and leverage. They are only played by rich people, and the risk factor is very high!

❽ A few currency circle emoticons tell a few things about your currency speculation

I selected a few currency circle emoticons, which vividly express my joining the currency circle in the past six months. The subsequent mental journey.

Six months ago, I was recommended to BIEX, a new perpetual contract trading platform, by a friend who has been speculating in currencies for many years. Under the temptation of a free 0.0005 BTC for new registered users, I plunged into the currency circle. This magical circle. At that time, I didn’t know that I was about to become what everyone calls a “leek”. With a passionate heart for speculating on Bitcoin, I turned on small leverage, and based on some mathematical common sense, I used the principal of 0.0005 BTC to do two or three waves of short-term operations, which almost doubled in a short time. I thought to myself that I can make money pretty quickly, so I might as well get 100 times leverage and multiply it dozens of times. Hahahaha, as a result, I experienced the first liquidation in my life (and hopefully the last time). Fortunately, my principal was given free of charge, which is only a few dozen yuan in RMB, which is like eating a McDonald's meal. And I was successfully promoted from Xiaobai to New Leek, and I have been on the road of Leek ever since.

After the liquidation, I gained experience and started to join discussion groups for market analysis in batches. I secretly observed the pictures drawn by the big guys and the market knowledge they analyzed. People from the official discussion group occasionally came out. Call for orders. As a newbie, I decided to learn other people's trading first, and when I learned the skills, I would create my own trading style. So, I took out about 5,000 yuan that I originally had in Yu'e Bao, exchanged it for 0.1 BTC, and started my copying career. From then on, I only dared to open the leverage to 10 times, sometimes losing money, sometimes making profits. When there is a loss, I only dare to eat steamed buns; when there is a gain, I buy lamer. The more frustrated I became, the more courageous I became, and I gradually invested my spare money every month into my career in currency speculation. In general, after half a year, I still made a few thousand dollars. As a leek who once almost lost money and was left with only his pants, I am very happy.

Half a year has passed, and I have become an old leek. When I travel to Bitcoin forums, I can always see some hesitant new leek and desperate currency users. I also see it on Zhihu Some "angry youth" who have never been exposed to Bitcoin are jealous when they see someone in the currency circle getting rich. Hesitant novices and those who are envious should not hesitate. Like me, I entered the currency circle from scratch and used my spare time to learn to speculate in currencies. Not to mention making a lot of money, it is still very good as an effective investment. choose. As for those desperate currency investors, remember this sentence: "When heaven is about to give a great responsibility to a person, he must first work hard on his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions." Today's liquidation The lesson is to better shed wealth for tomorrow. Come speculate with me!

❾ When others are crazy, I am afraid, and when others are afraid, I am crazy

The currency price has plummeted recently, which is beyond people's expectations. Many newcomers to the currency market are once again at a loss. EOS is already online. According to the rules, it should be rising all the way. How could this happen? The market's behavior is somewhat irregular. According to past experience, once the application behind any currency has a breakthrough, its market value will soar in a short period of time. This abnormal phenomenon obviously surprised everyone.

Did we underestimate, or was everyone deceived? In principle, the so-called public chain coins by experts will be favored in the future and are a good investment direction and choice. If a currency player makes mistakes even with the most basic rules and the simplest choices, it proves that he is not a qualified investor. This cyclical decline once again proves that many people are not qualified investments.

Those who still hold it in their hands after several cycles must not all be old leeks. Just like me, I missed the best selling opportunity at the beginning because I didn't know how to operate. When you can operate it, the coins in your wallet will shrink significantly. Even if you sell them at that time, they will not be worth a few dollars. So I kept holding it until it finally rose sharply.

At that time, I had the illusion that I had become a qualified investor. Faced with the ban on the platform, the currency price dropped to a cabbage price. After going through such hard times, seeing the skyrocketing prices again, I feel that everything is natural, because I have endured it to the end, and all the hardships have been rewarded. To be honest, if I had known how to operate it at that time, I would have been out of trouble long ago, and it would have been impossible to get where I am now.

So when it fell for the second time, like most young leeks, I was extremely conflicted and panicked. After all, it is the wealth and life of the whole family, and we are the type of people who cannot afford to lose when we win. Counting today's decline, it should be the second cycle. A dear friend told me very early on that he should keep a record of a fixed time every month. After a year or two, I will definitely find some patterns in it. When my friends told me this, they always used the excuse of not understanding and rejected their kindness. Today, it seems that the method he taught is very practical.

Yesterday was the first time the "Coin Circle Golden Horse Award" was shared offline. A friend asked Mr. Zhang Yingping, a senior blockchain expert in Xi'an, a question that most people are concerned about. "Digital currencies have been plummeting recently. What should Qi Shan do for us newbies in the currency circle?" ? The answer given by Teacher Zhang is to learn, think, and stay together to stay warm. Perhaps the offline sharing of the Golden Horse Award in the currency circle is to give everyone a platform to communicate with each other, warm each other, and empower each other.

Every time Mr. Zhang answers a question, he will point out that everything he says is only at the level of logic and reasoning and does not represent the final investment direction. As Mr. Xiaolai said, many people try to use it in different scenarios. Find one to suit them allA method used by people everywhere. This is inherently a lazy thought, afraid of thinking, and wanting to get something that does not belong to you is a kind of greed.

The three core factors that determine investment are "the size of the money, the period of use, and the wisdom behind the money." Of course there are other factors. But in terms of these three factors, there are rarely two investors in similar situations. A person who invests 1,000 yuan and a person who invests 100,000 yuan will have completely different feelings when encountering cyclical shocks. If you borrow money to invest, you must have a completely different mentality than those who invest with spare money.

Therefore, at any time, smart investors will always give some ambiguous answers when asked by others. They will treat the specific situation in detail and will adapt to everyone at any time. The focus is behind the funds. wisdom. Another thing worth noting is that while the size of the fund is important, more important than it is the growth ratio. Smart investors don't care about the size of the capital, but the maximum return created by the capital.

A few days ago, a friend in the currency circle saw the currency market plummeting. He said something outrageous, "Now is an excellent opportunity to enter the market. There will never be such a low price again." "He said: "The current EOS has fallen to close to the cost price. If you don't invest, you will miss a great opportunity." I suddenly remembered a very familiar saying. Just because I thought differently at first, I finally survived. are different.

Going back to the chaos of September 4 last year, when national policies were further standardized, regulatory measures were introduced one after another, and major platforms were banned, digital currencies plummeted. The EOS I bought for about ten yuan suddenly dropped to about three yuan. Most people panicked, fearing that the thing would rot in their hands. There was a large-scale sell-off, but there was another wave of people who picked up the bargains with a basket and bought in large quantities when EOS was at its worst. Many people have accumulated hundreds of thousands or millions of coins, and now they have basically achieved financial freedom.

This is a bit like the United Airlines incident. After the incident of United Airlines beating a passenger, people all over the world condemned this famous airline, and Buffett was no exception. United Airlines stock has been falling all the way, and its market value has shrunk by 1/3 in a short period of time. Buffett unexpectedly made a big bet and bought up United Airlines stock. In just a few months, billions of dollars were netted.

A saying that Buffett often talks about is "I am afraid of others when they are crazy, and I am crazy when others are afraid." Behind his eccentric and maverick approach lies his great wisdom. Many people are often overly superstitious about the market and believe in scientific calculations. In fact, Mr. Market is not always rational and sometimes makes miscalculations. If you are a smart investor, be sure to seize those miscalculation opportunities.

It has long been known that Warren Buffy had a timecard investing strategy. I took out a time card with only thirty boxes on it, and kept reminding myself that there are only thirty times in my life.investment opportunities. It will remind you not to operate frequently, to treat every cycle with caution, and to treat every opportunity with caution. Don't just focus on small money, but stand on a higher dimension and seize some important opportunities. If done correctly, a time card can be enough to help you achieve financial freedom.

Original: Plateau Maike Maike's Essay

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 区分虚拟货币和代币的区别虚拟货币是指实际不存在、以虚拟状态存在的货币,比如比特币、莱特币、以太坊等等的虚拟数字;代币是指可以充当货币职能,可以用于购买物品交易的货币形式。虚拟货币在某种情况下,比如