中国元宇宙大会2022 中国元宇宙大会2022年几月几号开

❶ 派商中国(昆明)元宇宙生态发布会是什么组织


早在脸书宣布更名为“Meta”之前,这家社交媒体巨头就丛前开始进军元宇宙并多点开花,从VR前端设备切入,并在战略层面全面开始元宇宙业务。其中,游戏正是脸书对元宇宙社交场景布局的赛道之一。近年来,脸书频频收购VR游戏工作室如Ready at Dawn、Beat Games、Downpour Interactive等。今年6月,脸书宣布收购虚幻引擎游戏创作平台《Crayta》的开发商Unit 2 Games,进一步发力用户游戏创作平台的建设。

“元宇宙是最近几年越来越热的一个概念,大家对元宇宙的广泛讨论,也离不开对游戏未来形态的一种关注和想象。这背后,恰好是因为游戏与科技的关系正在变得愈发紧密。”腾讯游戏团队向记者透露,游戏作为一个“超级数字场景”,也将生长出很多不同类型的形态。未来的游戏,也许会出现元宇宙级别的虚拟世界,但也很可能是其它的表现形式,不同品类、不同轻重度、不同目的或功能的游戏会并存。目前头部游戏厂商的元宇宙概念游戏大多市场反响热烈,创造了大量营收。Axie Infinity是全球首个基于NFT概念取得大量营收的游戏产品,8月1日至26日收入超过3亿美元,达到了全球单款游戏收入的第一梯队。4月28日,A股游戏龙头世纪华通在Roblox平台推出元宇宙游戏《LiveTopia》,游戏上线不到5个月时间,月活跃用户就超过4000万,而在Roblox平台上的用户数也超过1亿。

❷ 元宇宙世界大会什么时候开

网络Create AI开发者大会将于2021年12月与开发者和网民见面。今年的Create大会将在“元宇宙”里举办,把开发者装进这个虚拟的空间。

网络Create AI开发者大会是网络自2017年起推出的科技顶会,也是全球首个专注于AI开发者的大会。第一届AI开发者大会上,网络公布了完整的AI生态开放战略;在随后的两届大会上,网络均推出多种AI技术,轰动国内外。





❸ 联想发声明回应司马南质疑,百度将发布国内首个元宇宙


( 新浪 科技 )此前,司马南公开质疑联想 2009 年将 29 % 股权转让给泛海集团,“ 涉嫌国有资产流失 ”,引发热议。对此,联想控股今日发布声明,回应有关股权转让等事项。

联想控股在声明中表示,2009 年,按照企业国有资产交易相关规定,中国科学院控股有限公司通过北京产权交易所公开挂牌交易,转让了联想控股 29 % 股权。本次转让,严格按照国有资产产权交易相关要求进行了审计、资产评估和备案。联想控股表示,经专业机构认定,联想控股归属于母公司所有者权益账面值为 77.2 亿元,评估值为 92.6 亿元。本次交易联想控股归属于母公司所有者权益溢价至 95 亿元,对应的 29% 股权交易价格为 27.55 亿元。联想强调,本次股权转让,实现了国有资产的保值增值,历次中央巡视和国家审计署审计均未对此提出过任何异议。


( IT之家 )12 月 10 日,网络宣布将于 12 月 27 日发布元宇宙产品 “ 希壤 ” ,届时网络 Create 2021( 网络 AI 开发者大会 )将在 “ 希壤 ” 举办。这是国内首次在元宇宙中举办的大会,可同时容纳 10 万人同屏互动。

据了解,“ 希壤 ” 的造型是一个星球,城市设计融入了大量中国元素,将在视觉、听觉、交互三大方面实现技术创新突破。12 月 27 日起,用户可在个人电脑、手机、可穿戴设备上登录 “ 希壤 ”,创造专属的虚拟形象,听会、逛街、交流、看展。

3、《 绝地求生 》将自 2022 年 1 月 12 日起转为免费 游戏

( 新浪 科技 )《 绝地求生 》( PUBG ),俗称 “ 吃鸡 ”,是一款战术竞技 游戏 ,Steam 平台现价 98 元。官方今日宣布,《 绝地求生 》将会在 2022 年 1 月 12 日起转为免费 游戏 ,届时所有玩家都可以享受到这款 游戏 带来的乐趣。


( 新浪 科技 )中通快递正式为全部自有渠道下单客户默认免费提供隐私面单服务。通过中通快递寄件小程序、手机端、官网打印出的面单将会默认隐藏收件人及寄件人电话号码。

收寄件人信息仅在面单上进行隐藏,如实际收件派件过程中需要查看用户信息( 如收件人手机号码 ),快递员可通过掌中通等系统进行查看。部分第三方驿站或快递柜,如菜鸟驿站、丰巢快递柜无法直接获取隐藏之后的用户信息,则在投递时可在掌中通中查看用户实际号码进行投递。




❹ FBEC2021@HTC中国区总裁汪丛青:元宇宙不是越来越虚拟化,而是越来越真实化


❺ 中国元宇宙+赋能实体经济峰会议程安排|元宇宙头榜

中国元宇宙+赋能实体经济峰会 暨中国民协元宇宙工委会员正式发布仪式


















清博智能、华夏双创研究院 、论坛网HXLTTV、 元宇宙头榜










第三项:黄运成(中国证监会原司长) 致辞

第四项:邢春晓 清华大学信息技术研究院副院长致辞


第六项 :徐亭(中民协元宇宙工委联席会长)宣读新进会员名单

第七项 :吴高斌(中民协元宇宙工委秘书长)宣布元宇宙全国案例


2、北京 (产业:乔琦副会长、高泽龙联席秘书长)

3、深圳 (产融:吴高斌秘书长、刘媛副秘书长、韩蔚干事)

4、杭州 (技术应用:王东常务副会长、余颜浠联席秘书长)

5、重庆 (生态治理:郑杰副秘书长)分论坛






皇甫晓涛 北交大中国文化产业研究院院长、中民协元宇宙工委名誉会长


沈阳 清华大学元宇宙文化实验室主任、中民协元宇宙工委专家委员会副主任、中民协元宇宙工委常务副会长级高级专家


马天诣 民生证券研究院元宇宙首席分析师、中民协元宇宙工委首席分析师


刘涛 全国勘查设计大师

第五项:虚拟人在 银行的应用

田丰 商汤智能产业研究院院长

第六项:元宇宙在视频行业应用:全“心”赋能 全“新”体验

王东宇 会畅通讯首席技术官


郑伟钿 佳都科技数字孪生产品线首席技术官


冯丙强 东方国信副总裁、中国通信工业协会两化融合委员会首席专家


宣宏量 全国版权运营中心主任




负责人:吴高斌秘书长 刘媛副秘书长、韩蔚干事


领导发言:李亚平 中国机电一体化协会会长、中民协元宇宙工委名誉会长


杨金才 欧洲科学院院士、深圳市社会组织总会联合党委第一书记、中民协元宇宙工委会长级高级专家


张洪生 中国传媒大学文化产业管理学院执行院长,文化经济研究所所长,中央网信办中国网络社会组织联合会首席专家


金巍 国家金融与发展实验室文化金融研究中心副主任,北京立言金融与发展研究院副院长

第四项 元宇宙与新零售的投资机会与挑战

孟祥普 京东元宇宙筹建人


廖文健 廖文剑,蓝源资本创始人及董事局主席、中民协元宇宙工委常务副会长


周志伟 投资者关系总监


贺文 中国科协科技创新体系研究所执行所长、前海梧桐创新金融首席执行官


王东 中民协元宇宙工委常务副会长、旗点商学院院长


尧一尧 深国大数据总裁


侯壮 山水比德助理总裁、数字科技总院副院长


邓鹏飞 华夏知交所总裁


肖飒 大成律所




负责人:王东副会长 余颜浠联席秘书长


领导发言:徐亭会长 中民协元宇宙工委联席会长


丁方 人大文艺复兴研究院院长、意大利卡拉拉美术学院院士、中民协元宇宙工委会长级高级专家


李鸣 IEEE计算机协会区块链和分布式记账技术标准化技术委员会主席、中民协元宇宙工委会长级高级专家


谭敏 BSN联盟秘书长


王一夫 国家超算天津中心渲染平台主任、天津大学硕导


胡显刚 子弥实验室副主任


戴柄祥 国家大数据重点工程实验室主任助理、研究员


孟虹 中央美院信息中心主任


杨星 新浪VR总裁


邓伟平 微众银行区块链战略负责人


林松涛 拓尔思副总裁


郎清平 清博智能总裁


王丽云 浙江工商大学副教授







徐匡一 俄罗斯工程院外籍院士


叶军 中国自贸区数字经济研究院院长


宋志光 同济大学教授、ARKDELPHI元宇宙实验室主任


孟毅 海尔衣联网研究院院长


罗飞 国信公链


郝汉 深圳市前海智慧版权研究院院长


蔡恒进 武汉大学教授


赵永新 河北金融学院教授、保定元宇宙协会创会会长


李祖希 清博智能研究院院长


邓鹏飞 华夏知交所总裁


1、贺铿 第十一届全国人大财经委副主任、九三学社第十二届中央委员会副主席

2、张勤 全国政协常务、中国科协原副主席、中国核能院院士

3、李伯虎 两院院士、亚洲仿真学第一人

4、郑健龙 两院院士

5、黄运生 中国政监会原司局长

6、黄江南 中民协元宇宙工委名誉会长、改革四君子之一、著名投资家

7、潘毅 中民协元宇宙工委会长、中科大理工大学筹备学院院长

8、李雨航 联合国数字安全联盟理事长兼首席科学家、国际云安全联盟CSA 大中华区主席兼研究院院长

9、邢春晓 清华大学信息研究院副院长、中民协元宇宙工委学术委员会主任

10、杨天举 泛华集团总裁、中国产业发展促进会城市建设与基础设施专家组组长、中国工程设计专家委员会秘书长、中国工程担保专家委员会会长

11、朱嘉明 改革四君子之一、著名经济学家

12、张彦国 中民协元宇宙工委 名誉会长、中国通信工业协会副会长

13、陈少峰 中民协元宇宙工委高级顾问、北大文产院学术委员会主任

14、丁方 中国人民大学文艺复兴研究院院长、意大利卡拉拉美术学院院士

15、皇甫晓涛 中民协元宇宙工委 名誉会长、北交大中国文化产业研究院院长

16、杨天举 法国欧洲科学艺术与人文学院院士、俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士

17、李鸣 IEEE区块链分布式账本主席、区块链首席专家

18、沈阳 清湖大学新闻传媒学院元宇宙实验室主任、中民协元宇宙工委学术委员会副主任

19、张洪生 中国传媒大学文化产业管理学院执行院长

20、刘涛 全国勘探设计大师

21、李肃 和君集团总裁

22、李大学 中民协元宇宙工委常务副会长、磁云数字创始人董事长、京东集团终身技术顾问

23、王东 中民协元宇宙工委常务副会长、中国通信工业协会数字经济分会副会长、旗点商学院院长

24、廖文剑 蓝源资本创始人、董事局主席

25、马天诣 民生证券研究院元宇宙首席分析师、中国元宇宙分析第一人

26、田丰 商汤智能产业研究院院长

27、谭敏 BSN秘书长

28、孟毅 海尔衣联网研究院院长

29、乔琦 百城市长公益论坛理事会理事长

30、郝汉 前海智慧版权研究院院长

31、尧一尧 深国大数据总裁

32、张峰 格力信息总裁







❻ 百度AI开发者大会,将持续探索元宇宙,智能交通将会迎来怎样的重大变革



❼ 元宇宙世界大会何时开




❽ 百度将发布元宇宙产品希壤,负责人:尚处于初期产业探索阶段


12月10日,网络宣布将于12月27日发布元宇宙产品“希壤” ,届时网络Create 2021(网络AI开发者大会)将在希壤APP举办。这是国内首次在元宇宙中举办的大会,可同时容纳10万人同屏互动。

❾ 元宇宙虚拟会议怎么开


❿ 中国首家元宇宙新闻与传播学院在南开大学推出,还有哪些信息需要了解



❶ What is the organization of Paishang China (Kunming) Metaverse Ecological Conference?

It started with games
Yuan Yingzi, project manager of the international game company Ubisoft France’s Strategic Innovation Laboratory, told reporters, “Games can be said to be a very good scenario for experimenting with the metaverse, because games naturally have entertainment attributes, user Rich virtual scenes such as interaction, recharge transactions, etc. This is why Facebook, as a social media company, has also acquired a large number of game, VR, and AR start-ups."

As early as Facebook announced that it would change its name to "Meta "Previously, this social media giant began to enter the metaverse and blossomed in many aspects, starting from VR front-end equipment, and comprehensively started metaverse business at a strategic level. Among them, gaming is one of Facebook’s layouts for the metaverse’s social scene. In recent years, Facebook has frequently acquired VR game studios such as Ready at Dawn, Beat Games, Downpour Interactive, etc. In June this year, Facebook announced the acquisition of Unit 2 Games, the developer of the Unreal Engine game creation platform "Crayta", to further develop the construction of a user game creation platform.
Many interviewees believe that games are widely considered to be the best breakthrough for the metaverse and the most likely application scenario to take the lead in realizing the concept of the "metaverse".
It can be seen from public information that domestic Internet giants such as Tencent, Bytedance and NetEase are also developing Metaverse games. At present, ByteDance has acquired Pico, a VR software and hardware manufacturer, and invested in Code Qiankun, a mobile game developer of the youth creative social platform "Restart the World". Netease invested in the 3D virtual social platform Imvu in January this year.

In 2021, Tencent announced 4 Metaverse concept games at the game conference. Tencent also became an investor in the US$150 million G round of financing of Roblox, the first stock in the metaverse game, before it went public, and became the exclusive agent for the product distribution of Roblox in China. Gao Duan
“The metaverse is a concept that has become increasingly popular in recent years. The extensive discussion of the metaverse is also inseparable from the concern and imagination for the future form of the game. Behind this, it is precisely because The relationship between games and technology is becoming increasingly close.” The Tencent game team revealed to reporters that games, as a “super digital scene”, will also develop many different types of forms. In future games, there may be metaverse-level virtual worlds, but it is also likely to be other forms of expression. Games of different categories, different severity, different purposes or functions will coexist. At present, most Metaverse concept games from leading game manufacturers have received enthusiastic market response and generated a large amount of revenue. Axie Infinity is the world's first game product to generate substantial revenue based on the NFT concept. Its revenue exceeded US$300 million from August 1 to 26, reaching the first echelon of global single game revenue. On April 28, A-share gaming leader Century Huatong announced on RThe metaverse game "LiveTopia" was launched on the oblox platform. In less than 5 months after the game was launched, it has more than 40 million monthly active users, and the number of users on the Roblox platform has exceeded 100 million.

❷ When will the Metaverse World Conference open?

The Network Create AI Developer Conference will meet developers and netizens in December 2021. This year's Create conference will be held in the "Metaverse", bringing developers into this virtual space.

The Network Create AI Developer Conference is the top technology conference launched by the Network since 2017. It is also the world's first conference focused on AI developers. At the first AI Developers Conference, the Internet announced a complete AI ecological opening strategy; at the following two conferences, the Internet launched a variety of AI technologies, which caused a sensation at home and abroad.

Closed in 2020 due to the epidemic. In 2021, the Network Create Conference will meet the public in the "Metaverse" space, ushering in the highlight moment of network AI technology.

The Internet and the "Metaverse":

In fact, the Internet has already explored the "Metaverse". In mid-August, the Internet World Conference co-sponsored by the Internet and CCTV can be watched simultaneously at the Internet VR World branch venue.

At the main venue of CCTV, through XR technology, the newly released "car robot" can meet the hosts Sa Beining and Robin Li "through time and space", using AR, VR, MR and other visual interaction technologies to integrate , achieving an "immersive" experience of seamless switching between the virtual world and the real world.

(Sina Technology) Previously, Sima Nan publicly questioned Lenovo's transfer of 29% of its equity to Oceanwide Group in 2009, which was "suspected of the loss of state-owned assets", triggering heated discussions. In response, Legend Holdings issued a statement today in response to matters related to equity transfers.

Legend Holdings stated in the statement that in 2009, in accordance with the relevant regulations on corporate state-owned asset transactions, Chinese Academy of Sciences Holdings Co., Ltd. transferred 29% of Legend Holdings' equity through public listing and trading on the Beijing Equity Exchange. This transfer was audited, asset evaluated and filed in strict accordance with the relevant requirements for state-owned asset property rights transactions. Legend Holdings said that as determined by professional institutions, the book value of Legend Holdings’ owner’s equity attributable to the parent company is 7.72 billion yuan, and the assessed value is 9.26 billion yuan. In this transaction, Legend Holdings’ owner’s equity premium attributable to the parent company reached 9.5 billion yuan, and the corresponding 29% equity transaction price was 2.755 billion yuan. Lenovo emphasized that this equity transfer has achieved the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets, and no objections have been raised in previous central inspections and National Audit Office audits..

2. The network will release the first metaverse in China

(IT Home) On December 10, the network announced that it will release the metaverse product "Xi" on December 27. "Xi Yang", when Network Create 2021 (Network AI Developer Conference) will be held in "Xi Yang". This is the first domestic conference held in the metaverse, which can accommodate 100,000 people interacting on the same screen at the same time.

It is understood that the shape of "Xirang" is a planet, and the urban design incorporates a large number of Chinese elements, which will achieve technological innovation breakthroughs in the three major aspects of vision, hearing, and interaction. Starting from December 27, users can log in to "Xirang" on personal computers, mobile phones, and wearable devices, create exclusive virtual images, attend meetings, go shopping, communicate, and watch exhibitions.

3. "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" will become a free game starting from January 12, 2022

(Sina Technology) "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" (PUBG), commonly known as "Eat "Chicken" is a tactical competitive game, currently priced at 98 yuan on the Steam platform. Officials announced today that "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" will become a free game starting from January 12, 2022, when all players can enjoy the fun of this game.

4. ZTO Express provides free privacy express service by default: hiding recipient and sender phone numbers

(Sina Technology) ZTO Express is officially fully self-owned By default, customers who place orders through the channel are provided with a private form service free of charge. Invoices printed through the ZTO Express shipping applet, mobile phone, and official website will hide the recipient and sender phone numbers by default.

The recipient’s and sender’s information is only hidden on the receipt. If user information (such as the recipient’s mobile phone number) needs to be viewed during the actual collection and delivery process, the courier can use systems such as PalmTong Check it out. Some third-party post stations or express lockers, such as Cainiao Post and Fengchao Express lockers, cannot directly obtain the hidden user information. When delivering, you can view the user's actual number on Palm during delivery.


The material of this article comes from the Internet and is compiled and edited by the Artificial Intelligence Industry Chain Alliance. It does not represent the position of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Chain Alliance. Please indicate when reprinting, if there are copyright issues involved in the work. , please contact us to delete or perform related processing!

Editor: Zero

❹ FBEC2021@HTC China President Wang Congqing: The Metaverse is not becoming more and more virtual, but becoming more and more real

On December 10, 2021, sponsored by the Guangdong Game Industry Association and Guangdong Virtual Reality Industry Technology InnovationAlliance, Shenzhen Science and Technology Association, Shenzhen Internet Culture Market Association, sponsored by Gyro Technology, co-organized by Shenzhen Science and Technology Development Exchange Center, Hengyue Maker Cube, industry leading media game gyroscope, VR gyroscope, gyroscope e-sports, gyroscope finance , the 2021 Future Business Ecological Link Conference and the 6th Golden Top Awards Ceremony (referred to as "FBEC2021") co-sponsored by Gyro Media and Gyro Media opened grandly in the Banquet Hall on the 6th floor of Sheraton Shenzhen Greater China Hotel!
At the Power of China 20215 GXR Industry Summit, Wang Congqing, President of HTC China, delivered a speech on the theme of "From Internet to Metaverse".
The following is the transcript of the speech:
Friends of the VR Gyro Conference, I am very honored to be invited to talk about some trends in the metaverse and VR industry this year. I will talk about what I think is important in the past two years, as well as some industry developments in the next five to ten years.
The topic of the metaverse is particularly big this year, but I think it is important to not put all the focus on the virtual world; secondly, the metaverse is a very good concept, but it is not meant to replace the offline reality. Instead of experiencing the world, we hope that the offline and virtual worlds can develop together.
In fact, I am very lucky. I have had the opportunity to participate in many big industry technology waves over the years. From the mobile phones and the Internet in the 1980s and 1990s to the 2000s, and then to the VR wave in the five to ten years before us, in the next ten or twenty years, the virtual world metaverse or the big wave of VR and XR will actually have a great impact on our society. The impact on our lives will be greater than the previous waves combined. HTC has also done a lot of work to support this industry, and I think everyone has some recognition of this.
From the first round of hardware development, in fact, in the first hundred years, we added different screens and different devices into our lives. In the next ten, twenty, and thirty years, we These devices will be gradually replaced with XR devices, one by one. In the end, our equipment may be gone, and there will be only a chip in our head. But before that, we will go through several stages of development, from PCVR to all-in-one machines to glasses to contact lenses, so there is actually a lot of room for development and opportunities for everyone in the next few decades.
As hardware develops, content has also been developing simultaneously. In the past, radio only had one-dimensional information, that is, sound, but now TV is actually two-dimensional. Every time a new device comes in, there is new content, and new interactivity is added. In the current XR industry, there is a larger three-dimensional space and three-dimensional world for us to interact. We can happily return to a very primitive, completely natural method of interaction.
In fact, I think the most representative one is the world described in "Ready Player One". In this world, it basically replaces the real world, and everything done in the real world can appear in the virtual world. In fact, the development of the metaverse and the real world can have a parallel positive development.
In order to give everyone a better understanding of what the Metaverse is like, I have listed some important principles:
First, there is only one Metaverse. If many people say they are doing it, in fact, this is all Incorrect. Because there is only one real Metaverse, just like the real Internet. And no one company or no one person can own this metaverse.
Secondly, it must have an open environment where anyone who wants to can enter. Anyone can use it with any device, rather than just relying on a certain brand of device or a certain device. You can use it even without XR equipment or VR equipment.
Anyone in it can influence the world. He doesn't just come to participate, use or watch the content. Unlike watching TV now, he can only absorb information, but can influence it.
So as I said just now, it is basically the next generation of the Internet. The picture just now is a picture of the Internet, with different servers and different clouds. The simplest way to explain the Metaverse is that the current Internet took decades to create and make it three-dimensional, and then use it with XR and VR equipment. it.
I think the closest thing to the Metaverse now is actually VRChat. VRChat is an open world. Anyone can create his or her own small world in it. There are already 60,000 to 70,000 small worlds in it.
There will also be virtual transactions in the metaverse, so you can see that on ROBLOX, buying a virtual package is more expensive than the real package, which is a bit unimaginable. Even more exaggerated than this is another recent incident involving NFT. Beeple made a picture that he spent more than ten years painting. In the end, the picture was auctioned for more than 60 million U.S. dollars, as well as NyanCat and other cases.
NFT is actually a very good thing and a very important thing, especially in the virtual world, you need it to help you prove your property. But now it's a bit of a bubble. In the first half year, the number of these transactions has basically dropped by 80 to 90%. In fact, it will return to normal after a while.
As for what the Metaverse is, analyst Jon Favreau also recently gave an explanation, believing that the Metaverse has seven layers, and the seven layers combined can be called the "Metaverse". Based on what he said, I added some different descriptions about the parties involved in these seven levels.
In fact, it can be seen that most of the details that constitute the metaverse he mentioned do not yet exist, or are still in the initial stage of creation, so there are still many opportunities for different companies in Qinmeng to develop these capabilities and help Build the metaverse of the future.
I made such a small diagram to explain the relationship between the Metaverse and the Internet. The Metaverse is not actually replacing the Internet, but enhancing it or adding to it.
In the past, we used the website ID, but now we use UniversalID, which is a universal ID that can be used everywhere. In the past, we were a website and an APP, the future is world and experience. In the past, we watched pictures and videos, but in the future everything will be three-dimensional content. In the past, we watched short videos and live broadcasts. In the future, I think we will watch live broadcasts of life, allowing different celebrities, virtual people or real people to share their 360-degree lives with everyone. In the past, everyone was absorbing the content, but in the future, everyone will be immersed in life. I think this is actually a big change.
As for the relationship between humans and machines, we used to use PCs and mobile phones to interact. In the future, we will add VR and XR devices to use it, using our hands, our language, our eyes, and even Our brain waves.
In the past, we used advertising as support, or sold factual items/content. In the future, we will actually use virtual transactions. There is also a recent concept called "Play-To-earned", which makes money by playing games. In the future, it will Making money by living in a virtual world is very similar to what you do in the real world now.
In the past, we used some money given by the government, such as Virtual Currency and money given by games, which were all independent. In fact, it was difficult to interact with each other. Exchange, but in the future we will need to use some coins and NFTs created by the blockchain for transactions.
Now we are all using APPs, which are independent APPs and independent games. In the future, they should all be interconnected. Small world, each world is a corner of the metaverse. In the past, we accumulated "likes" and fans to give us a sense of satisfaction, but now or in the future, we will accumulate real memories and relationships with real friends, much like us Some offline practices.
The Metaverse is not becoming more and more virtual, but becoming more and more real, making virtual life and digital life more real. HTC has also been building the Metaverse and VR in the past 20 years Ecosystem, including our equipment, our store and our different art and content studios, our VIVE ecosystem.
This year we launched VIVEFlow equipment to make VR equipment thinner and lighter. What we need to do now is , so that anyone, whether male or female, young or old, can use it, so the thinness and lightness of the device is very important.
There are some milestone developments in the industry this year:
The word "Metaverse" It has come out. After it comes out, everyone will understand that there is a metaverse. It was a completely unfamiliar concept before, connecting the metaverse and XR. Many companies are increasingly recognizing this trend and are willing to invest, and some even plan to invest. Tens of billions or hundreds of billions. In addition, there are more and more investors, venture capital, strategic investments and acquisitions.
We have also seen that all-in-one machines can basically replace PCVR in many scenarios, so in our view In the future, all-in-one machines are becoming more and more important in the overall user experience and market share.
And the thinning and lightness of the equipment I just mentioned will allow a larger user group to start using VR.
In addition, the concepts of NFT and Play-to-earned have really taken off, starting with the concept of virtual transactions.Come, more people will be prepared to accept virtual life in the future.
So what trends should everyone pay attention to next year?
First, in the short term, there will be several closed small metaverses fighting with each other to see who can really win this market. There will also be people organizing standardization so that everyone can start interconnecting, but this will take a lot of time to truly realize.
More and more 3A-level content and 3A-level experiences will begin to appear. The combination of AI and NPC will also make the metaverse more interesting, because there are more people who can interact with you in it, and Not only real people can interact.
Second, the usage rate of B2B will also become higher and higher. In fact, we have seen that in the past one or two months, many companies have said that they have purchased tens of thousands of devices to help users and employees have better contact.
Third, offline experience will become increasingly important.
Back to the Metaverse, now everyone talks about the Metaverse, but what words will be used to represent the virtual world next year? I don't know either. But I feel that the word "Metaverse" will be changed to another name in the next year or so. Then let's look further. What will our world look like in the next ten or nine years?
In fact, it won’t take nine years, probably five or six years. The network data of the Metaverse will far exceed the data on the Internet now. Although its user base may not be so large, its data usage rate should be very high. big. The sales of XR devices will exceed the sales of mobile phones and PCs combined.
The time we spend on mobile phones has been increasing, but in the future of the metaverse, we will not only spend four or five hours. From waking up to going to bed, more of this time will be spent in virtual reality. The metaverse world.
I even think that for some countries in the development stage, the Metaverse will be a good opportunity to overtake many first-class countries in a corner. I even think that the number of new billionaires or billionaires that can be created in the Metaverse in the future will exceed the billionaires that the Internet has brought to everyone in the past 20 to 30 years.
China actually has a better chance of achieving the complete metaverse experience (overtaking in corners). Because I think the most difficult part now is not the technical aspect, but how to have a unified view of the entire ecosystem and how to use it? Mainland China’s advantage lies in the influence of national policies and industries, so it can more quickly allow everyone to use unified and standardized methods to realize the Metaverse experience.
I think that entering the life of the Yuanverse will actually help solve environmental protection or many environmental problems. It will allow everyone to go out less, go on less business trips, use less power, and buy less things, which will help the world. to face environmental issues.
Actually, I think that after the metaverse is established, the concept of country will not be so important. Everyone will think that I am a human being and we are human beings. This will reduce conflicts and wars, allowing us to have a more peaceful earth.
Finally, I would like to remind everyone that I hope we can work together to solve some of the barriers and problems just mentioned.For the Metaverse, give our next generation a better universe, not necessarily a Metaverse, but a Bettervers, not a Metaverse. I hope what I just said has some inspiration for everyone.

❺ China Metaverse + Empowering the Real Economy Summit Agenda Arrangement | Metaverse Top List

China Metaverse + Empowering the Real Economy Summit and China National People’s Association Metaverse Industry Official release ceremony of committee members

May 27th-29th (combination of online and offline)

1. Background

Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Metaverse With the dual-wheel drive of Metaverse industrialization and industrial Metaverse transformation as its mission, the Working Committee will build an enabling platform for the implementation and collaborative innovation of the Metaverse industry.

Approved on October 13, 2021, it was unveiled on October 30 by He Keng, deputy director of the Financial and Economic Committee of the 11th National People's Congress and vice chairman of the 12th Central Committee of Jiusan Society. The world's first Metaverse academician think tank has been launched, with nearly 20 academicians including Zhang Qin, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former vice-chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, and academician of the International Academy of Nuclear Energy, Li Bohu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zheng Jianlong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and foreign academicians.

The president is Pan Yi, an academician of the American Academy of Medical and Bioengineering, an academician of the National Academy of Engineering of Ukraine, a chair professor and dean of Shenzhen University of Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the honorary presidents include Huang Jiangnan, one of the four reformers, and China Mechatronics Association. President Li Yaping, Vice President of China Communications Industry Association Zhang Yanguo, Executive Director of Beijing Jiaotong University China Cultural Industry Research Institute Huangfu Xiaotao, etc.

Released the first Metaverse industry expert think tank with nearly a hundred experts, and jointly released the first Metaverse white paper. It has completed 5 scenarios, 6 infrastructures, and more than 20 scenario bases, and jointly released Blockchain Metaverse digital identity standard, an ecological alliance, a national copyright base, nearly 100,000 online trainings, hosted the Metaverse infrastructure and application seminar training of the Talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and published 5 Metaverse industry books , the world's first Metaverse+ book, has been highly recommended by NVIDIA, Amazon,, Internet, 360, and China Telecom. The first global digital economy Metaverse Summit Forum, the first Metaverse China Conference, etc. were launched.

2. Organizational structure

1. Guidance unit

China Private Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association

2. Sponsor
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China Private Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association Metaverse Working Committee

Metaverse Community: 17 institutions

China Financial Information Center

Co-sponsored by: Institute of Contemporary Social Service DigitalCollection Center

3. Undertaken by

Lianjia Technology, Qidian Business School, SXR Technology Think Tank, Guoxin Public Chain, Huaxia Zhibo, Beijing Micai Culture, Shuzang International , Art Plus Technology, Shuzang 265, Zhongpin Chuanglian

4. Co-organizer

Qingbo Intelligence, Huaxia Mass Entrepreneurship Research Institute, Forum Network HXLTTV, Yuan Universe Top List

5. Special Support

Guosen Zhongshu Investment, Orient Huifu Investment, Yuan Universe Media

3. Agenda

1. May 27th (Friday)


Main venue

Moderator : Deputy Secretary-General Liu Yuan

The first item: Speech by Huang Jiangnan (Honorary Chairman of the Yuanzhou Working Committee of the China Democratic Association for Democracy)

The second item: Pan Yi (The People’s Political Consultative Conference of the People’s Republic of China) Speech by Xieyuan Universe Working Committee

Third item: Speech by Huang Yuncheng (former director of China Securities Regulatory Commission)

Fourth item: Xing Chunxiao Information Technology Research at Tsinghua University Speech by the Vice President of the Institute

The fifth item: Xu Ting (co-chairman of the Yuanzhou Working Committee of the China Democratic Association) work report

The sixth item: Xu Ting (the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) Co-chairman of the Xieyuan Universe Working Committee) announced the list of new members

Item 7: Wu Gaobin (Secretary-General of the Yuanyuan Universe Working Committee of the China Democratic Association) announced the national case of the Yuan Universe

Item 8: The host announces the agenda of various activities and relevant persons in charge

2. Beijing (Industry: Vice President Qiao Qi, Co-Secretary-General Gao Zelong)

3. Shenzhen (Industry and Finance: Secretary-General Wu Gaobin, Deputy Secretary-General Liu Yuan, Director Han Wei)

4. Hangzhou (Technical Application: Executive Vice Chairman Wang Dong, Co-Secretary-General Yu Yanxi)
5. Chongqing (Ecological Governance: Deputy Secretary-General Zheng Jie) Sub-forum


Beijing Industry Session

Person in charge: Vice President Qiao Qi, Secretary-General Gao Zelong

Moderator: Vice President Qiao Qi, Secretary-General Gao Zelong

The first item: Yuan Cosmology

Huangfu Xiaotao, Dean of the China Cultural Industry Research Institute of Beijing Jiaotong University and Honorary Chairman of the Yuanxiang Working Committee of the China Democratic Association for Democracy
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The second item: Metaverse Cross-scope Development

Director of the Metaverse Cultural Laboratory of Tsinghua University in Shenyang, Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of the Metaverse Working Committee of the China Democratic Association for Democracy, China Democratic Association for Democracy Senior expert at the level of executive vice president of the Metaverse Working Committee

The third item: Top Ten Scenarios of the Metaverse

Ma Tianyi, Chief Analyst of the Metaverse, Minsheng Securities Research Institute, China Chief Analyst of the Metaverse Working Committee of the Association for Democracy and People’s Political Consultative Conference

The fourth item: Overview of the Metaverse

Liu Tao, National Exploration and Design Master

The fifth item: Virtual The application of people in banks

Dean of Tianfeng Shangtang Intelligent Industry Research Institute

The sixth item: The application of Yuanverse in the video industry: the whole "heart" empowers the whole " New” experience

Wang Dongyu, Chief Technology Officer, Huichang Communications

Item 7: Application practice of digital twins in smart cities

Zheng Weidian Jiadu Technology Chief Technology Officer of Digital Twin Product Line

Item 8: Digital Transformation and Metaverse

Feng Bingqiang, Vice President of Dongfang Guoxin, Chief Expert of China Communications Industry Association’s Integration Committee of Informatization and Informatization
Item 9: Copyright and the Metaverse

Director of the National Copyright Operation Center Xuan Hongliang

2. May 28 (Saturday)
< br /> 14:00-17:30

Shenzhen Industry and Finance Special Session

Person in charge: Secretary-General Wu Gaobin, Deputy Secretary-General Liu Yuan, Director Han Wei
< br /> Moderator: Deputy Secretary-General Liu Yuan

Leader’s Speech: Li Yaping, President of China Mechatronics Association, Honorary President of Yuanxi Working Committee of China Democratic Association for Democracy

Chapter One item: Yuanshi investment and financing does not need false fire but needs to empower the real economy

Yang Jincai, academician of the European Academy of Sciences, first secretary of the Joint Party Committee of the Shenzhen Federation of Social Organizations, and chairman of the Yuanshi Working Committee of the China Democratic Association Senior expert

The second item: Metaverse and the development of digital cultural industry

Zhang Hongsheng, Executive Dean of the School of Cultural Industry Management, Communication University of China, Director of the Institute of Cultural Economics, Central Committee Chief Expert of China Federation of Internet Social Organizations, Cyberspace Administration of China

Item 3: Investment Trends in Yuanshi Cultural Industry

Deputy Director of Cultural Finance Research Center, Jinwei National Finance and Development Laboratory director, Vice President of Beijing Liyan Institute of Finance and Development

The fourth investment opportunity and challenge of Metaverse and New Retail

Meng Xiangputin, founder of Dongyuan Universe

Item 5: Development Trend of Yuanshi Integrated Industry and Education Investment

Liao Wenjian Liao Wenjian, founder and chairman of the board of directors of Blue Origin Capital, executive vice president of the Yuanshi Working Committee of the China Democratic Association< br />
The sixth item: Metaverse Industrial Capital Development Logic

Zhou Zhiwei, Director of Investor Relations

The seventh item: Yuanverse SPAC actual combat

He Wen, Executive Director of China Association for Science and Technology Innovation System Research Institute and CEO of Qianhai Wutong Innovation Finance

Item 8: Investment and Challenges of Cultural Tourism Metaverse

Wang Dong, Executive Vice Chairman of the Metaverse Working Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Dean of Qidian Business School

Item 9: Cloud-Network Integration and Metaverse

Yao Yi President of Yaoshen Guo Big Data

Item 10: "Digital Design and Metaverse Cultural Tourism"

Hou Zhuang, Assistant President of Shanshui Bide, Vice President of Digital Technology Institute

Item 11: Compliance and Circulation Ecology of Digital Collections

Deng Pengfei, President of China Securities Exchange

Item 12: Metaverse + Compliance Discussion

Xiao Sa Dacheng Law Firm

3. May 29 (Sunday)

< br /> Hangzhou Technology Session

Person in charge: Vice President Wang Dong, Co-Secretary-General Yu Yanxi

Moderator: Yu Yanxi

Leader’s speech: President Xu Ting, Co-Chairman of the Metaverse Working Committee of the China Democracy Association

The first item: Art Metaverse

Ding Fang, President of Renmin University Renaissance Research Institute, Academician of the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, Italy, and senior expert at the chairman level of the Metaverse Working Committee of the China Democratic Association

The second item: Blockchain and Metaverse

Li Ming IEEE Computer Society Chairman of the Blockchain and Distributed Accounting Technology Standardization Technical Committee and Chairman-level senior expert of the Metaverse Working Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

The third item: BSN supports the Metaverse

Tan Min Secretary General of BSN Alliance

Item 4:Application of Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality in the Metaverse Field

Wang Yifu, Director of Rendering Platform of National Supercomputing Tianjin Center, Master Supervisor of Tianjin University

Fifth Item: Metaverse and Intelligent Industry< br />
Deputy Director of Hu Xiangang Zimi Laboratory

Item 6: Big Data and Metaverse

Dai Bingxiang, Assistant Director of National Big Data Key Engineering Laboratory, Researcher

Item 7: Metaverse Thinking

Meng Hong, Director of the Information Center of Central Academy of Fine Arts

Item 8: How to hold a meeting in the Metaverse ?

Yang Xing, President of Sina VR

Item 9: Privacy Security and Metaverse

Deng Weiping, Head of Blockchain Strategy at WeBank

Item 10: Semantic intelligence gives virtual humans “interesting souls”

Lin Songtao, Vice President of Torsi

Item 11: Metaverse Research Office

Lang Qingping, President of Qingbo Intelligence

Item 12: Rural Revitalization Metaverse

Wang Liyun, Associate Professor, Zhejiang Gongshang University

4. May 30 (Monday)


Chongqing Ecology Special Session

Person in Charge: Zheng Jie Deputy Secretary-General

Leader’s speech: Honorary President Zhang Yanguo

The first project: Exploration of Automotive Metaverse Technology

Xu Kuangyi, Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering

The second item: Trade Metaverse

Ye Jun, Director of China Free Trade Zone Digital Economy Research Institute

The third item: Metaverse Ecology Construction

Song Zhiguang, Professor of Tongji University, Director of ARKDELPHI Metaverse Laboratory

Item 4: Industrial Metaverse

Meng Yi Haier Internet of Clothing Research Institute Dean

The fifth item: Building the national sovereign metaverse infrastructure

Luo Fei Guoxin Public Chain

The sixth item: Metaverse era numbers Development Opportunities for Copyright

Hao Han, President of Shenzhen Qianhai Intelligent Copyright Research Institute

/> Item 7: Basic Logic of Digital Collections

Professor Cai Hengjin, Wuhan University

Item 8: Financial Metaverse

Professor Zhao Yongxin, Hebei University of Finance , Founding President of Baoding Metaverse Association

Item 9: Metaverse Virtual Human

President of Li Zuxi Qingbo Intelligence Research Institute

Chapter Ten items: Compliance and circulation ecology of digital collections

Deng Pengfei, President of China Securities Exchange

6. Invited guests

1. He Keng 11th Deputy Director of the Financial and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress, Vice Chairman of the 12th Central Committee of the Jiusan Society

2. Zhang Qin, Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former Vice Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, and Academician of the China Nuclear Energy Academy

/> 3. Li Bohu, academician of both academies and the first person in simulation in Asia

4. Zheng Jianlong, academician of both academies

5. Huang Yunsheng, former director of the China Political Supervision Commission
6. Huangjiangnan Honorary Chairman of the Yuanshi Working Committee of the Chinese People's Association for Democracy, one of the Four Gentlemen of Reform, and a famous investor

7. Pan Yi, Chairman of the Yuanshi Working Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, University of Science and Technology of China Dean of the University Preparatory School

8. Li Yuhang, Chairman and Chief Scientist of the United Nations Digital Security Alliance, Chairman of the International Cloud Security Alliance CSA Greater China and Dean of the Research Institute

9. Xing Chunxiao, Vice Dean of the Information Research Institute of Tsinghua University, Director of the Academic Committee of the Yuanxi Working Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Chairman, Secretary-General of China Engineering Design Expert Committee, Chairman of China Engineering Guarantee Expert Committee

11. One of Zhu Jiaming’s Four Gentlemen of Reform, a famous economist

12. Zhang Yanguozhong Honorary Chairman of the Yuan Universe Working Committee of the China Association for Democracy and People's Political Consultative Conference, Vice President of China Communications Industry Association

13. Chen Shaofeng, Senior Advisor of the Yuan Universe Working Committee of the China Association for Democracy and People's Political Consultative Conference, Director of the Academic Committee of Peking University Institute of Culture and Industry
< br /> 14. Ding Fang, Dean of the Renaissance Research Institute of Renmin University of China, Academician of the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, Italy

15. Huangfu Xiaotao, Honorary Chairman of the Yuanshi Working Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Beijing Jiaotong University China Dean of the Institute of Cultural Industry

16. Yang Tianju, academician of the French Academy of European Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

17.Li Ming Chairman of IEEE Blockchain Distributed Ledger and Chief Expert of Blockchain

18. Director of the Metaverse Laboratory of the School of Journalism and Media, Qinghu University, Shenyang, and Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of the Metaverse Working Committee of the China Democratic Association

19. Zhang Hongsheng, Executive Dean of School of Cultural Industry Management, Communication University of China

20. Liu Tao, National Exploration Design Master

21. Li Suhejun President of the Group

22. Executive Vice Chairman of the Yuanshi Working Committee of the China Democratic Association for Democracy at Lee University, Founder and Chairman of CiCloud Digital, and Lifetime Technical Advisor of

23. Wang Dongzhong Executive Vice Chairman of the Yuanzhou Working Committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference, Vice Chairman of the Digital Economy Branch of China Communications Industry Association, and Dean of Qidian Business School

24. Liao Wenjian, founder and chairman of the board of directors of BlueSource Capital

25. Ma Tianyi, Chief Analyst of Metaverse at Minsheng Securities Research Institute, and the first person to analyze Metaverse in China

26. Dean of Tian Feng Shangtang Intelligent Industry Research Institute

27. Tan Min, Secretary General of BSN

28. Meng Yi, President of Haier Internet of Clothing Research Institute

29. Qiao Qi, Director of Hundred Cities Mayors Charity Forum Chairman of the Association

30. Hao Han, President of Qianhai Intelligent Copyright Research Institute

31. Yao Yiyao, President of Shenguo Big Data

32. Zhang President of Fenggli Information

33. Jiadu Technology

34. Huichang Communications

35. 263

36. Guomai Technology

37. Guangku Technology


❻ Baidu AI Developer Conference will continue to explore Metaverse, what major changes will intelligent transportation usher in

The Network AI Developer Conference will continue to explore the Metaverse, and what major changes will intelligent transportation usher in? Let's discuss this issue below, hoping that this content can help friends in need.

Previously, research by CITIC Securities pointed out that driverless driving is expected to become a trillion-yuan market and is expected to solve the problem of rising human capital costs and traffic safety. , driver shortage and many other problems, among which the industry market space in the city's opening-up situation is larger. With the continuous improvement of relevant laws and regulations, the continuous technological development of autonomous driving companies themselves, the gradual improvement of the upstream and downstream of the entire industry chain, mid-stream and downstream OEMs and sentimentWith Jing Fang's close cooperation, the drone's landing speed is likely to accelerate.

❼ When will the Metaverse World Conference open?

Hello, the Beijing World Metaverse Conference will be held on July 7th due to the epidemic.

The 2022 World Metaverse Conference, supported by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, hosted by the China Simulation Society, and hosted by Beijing Insight Future Exhibition Co., Ltd., is scheduled to be held at Beijing National Convention Center from July 7 to 9, 2023. Held at the Conference Center. With the theme of "Great Era, Great Ecology, and Great Integration", this conference aims to build a multilateral win-win platform for the docking of government, industry, academia, research, experience and capital, and exchange information on the development trends of cutting-edge technologies in the universe. , display the scientific and technological achievements and interactive experiences of the Metaverse ecological chain, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the Metaverse industry.

The conference follows the policy of "high-end, professional, international and market-oriented" and is mainly composed of four major sections: conference forum, exhibition display, user experience, and competition and awards. The conference forum has an overall structure of 1+2+8+X, which includes 1 opening ceremony, 2 plenary meetings, 8 theme forums and several unique experience activities; the exhibition display will be in the form of offline experience, and there will be More than 500 domestic and foreign companies engaged in artificial intelligence, VR/AR, Internet of Things, network computing, Unreal Engine, quantum technology, digital twins, digital collections, blockchain and wearable technology participated in the exhibition. Gathering global element resources , to make the 2022 World Metaverse Conference the highest-standard, largest and most influential industry event in the global metaverse field.

❽ Baidu will release the metaverse product Xiang, the person in charge: It is still an early-stage industry Exploration stage

The Paper

On December 10, the network announced that it would release the Metaverse product "Xirang" on December 27, when the network Create 2021 (Network AI Development Conference) will be held at the Xirang APP. This is the first domestic conference held in the Metaverse, which can accommodate 100,000 people interacting on the same screen at the same time.

❾ How to hold a Metaverse virtual conference

The "Global Metaverse Conference" will be held in Shanghai soon. The conference is jointly hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Government and China Mobile Communications Federation. The conference will include a Metaverse themed report, an industry leaders forum, an industrial hard technology forum, and an industrial investment forum. Composed, and the "Metaverse World Declaration V1.0" and "Universe Industry Plan V1.0" will also be released at the conference.

❿ China's first Metaverse School of Journalism and Communication was launched at Nankai University. What other information do you need to know?

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology has established the first university in China with a department of metaverse engineering. The metaverse is a new concept. My understanding of the metaverse mainly comes from the Internet. The original universe It is a virtual world parallel to the real world. It is a life world closely related to robots, natural people and virtual people. One of the basic technologies of the original universe is artificial intelligence. This is also a technology that can lead toStrategic technologies for new revolutions in technology, social transformation and industrial transformation.

How can we understand the Metaverse in the simplest way? Relatively simple is the future of Internet companies. The technology implemented by the company will provide humans with various creative virtual elements. There may be scene games, there may be life scenes, and people pass all types of items and tools, such as virtual bowls, refrigerators, Gas stoves, plates, and bars can create virtual online kitchen spaces, decorations, and own scenes, completely digital. Then enter the virtual space through the brain computer interface, main interface, etc., and create virtual dishes with smell and taste, such as virtual food and drinks, so that the brain can feel this feeling throughout the process. The clock has a sexual taste. At the same time, through the interaction between many scientific and technological personnel, friends are invited to create their own virtual kitchen. The image of the friend is completely determined by themselves. Through the technical chain block, in order to ensure that every image, identity, and credit payment system are Uniquely, we surf the internet while eating and the words in our brain are exactly the same in perception and reality.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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