币圈怎么止盈 币圈止损设置多少合适

㈠ 火币上币币交易止损怎么设置




㈡ 币圈怎么设置买卖点


㈢ 请问移动止损(或追踪止损)是什么如何设置



㈣ 怎样挂单止损


㈤ 怎么设置止盈止损


㈥ 如何设置止损啊


㈦ 止损点如何设定


















㈧ 现货黄金怎么设置止损


㈨ 币圈合约交易风控之止损办法










1 、定量止损法


1) 是投资者能够承受的最大亏损。这一比例因投资者心态、经济承受能力等不同而不同。同时也与投资者的盈利预期有关。

2) 是交易品种的随机波动。这是指在没有外界因素影响时,市场交易群体行为导致的价格无序波动。定额止损比例的设定是在这两个数据里寻找一个平衡点。这是一个动态的过程,投资者应根据经验来设定这个比例。一旦止损比例设定,投资者可以避免被无谓的随机波动震出局。

2 、技术止损法



3 、无条件止损法


㈠ How to set the stop loss for Huobi Listed Coin trading

Place an order: You have turned on "Order Confirmation" in your personal settings and entered the trigger price and order price in the trading panel. , quantity, and click "Buy" or "Sell". The system pops up to prompt you for a second confirmation. Unless you authorize and agree, the system will not issue a stop-profit or stop-loss order.

Place an order: You turn on "Order Confirmation" in your personal settings, enter the trigger price, order price, and quantity in the transaction panel, and then click "Buy" or "Sell". The system pops up to prompt you for a second confirmation. Unless you authorize and agree, the system will not issue a stop-profit or stop-loss order. Query: For stop-profit and stop-loss orders, you can query the order record in "Current Order". After the stop-profit and stop-loss order is triggered, the "Trigger Condition" field will be highlighted in green. After the stop-profit and stop-loss order is "all completed", you can enter the order, Cancellation: Stop-profit and stop-loss orders can be canceled before "all transactions are completed".

The trigger price of stop loss must be a little higher than the transaction price. It is triggered first, and the system entrusts the pending order, and then continues to fall. If the transaction price falls, the transaction is completed. If the trigger price is lower than the transaction price, that is to say, it has crossed the transaction price before triggering. If it continues to fall, the transaction cannot be completed. The transaction cannot be completed unless it rebounds to the transaction price. This should be the case. I asked and found out on the Internet. You said It is correct to stop loss and close long positions. The counterparty price is lower than the trigger price, and the actual transaction is completed between the trigger price and the counterparty price.

㈡ How to set the buying and selling points in the currency circle

In the currency circle, you can set the buying and selling points according to the following methods.
1. Based on technical analysis: Set buying and selling points based on historical price trends, support and resistance levels and other technical indicators. For example, determine the appropriate buying or selling price based on technical indicators such as moving averages, MACD, and RSI.
2. Based on risk preference: Set buying and selling points based on investors' risk tolerance and market expectations. For example, if investors have a higher risk tolerance, they can appropriately lower the purchase price when the price fluctuates greatly to obtain higher returns.
3. Based on market events: Set buying and selling points based on the development trend of market events. For example, when policy, community, technology and other events occur, the appropriate buying or selling price point can be determined based on the degree of impact of the event on the price of digital currency.

㈢ What is a trailing stop (or trailing stop) and how to set it up

Trailing stop
When buying or selling at a certain price Sell, after the stop loss is set. If the trailing stop is not set, the color is black by default. If it is set, it will be displayed in yellow.
If the trailing stop loss is set to a certain point (such as 120 points, take buying as an example). This function will take effect when the exchange rate exceeds your buying price by 120 points. The stop loss point will be raised every 120 points as the exchange rate reaches a new high. The system will automatically close the position after the exchange rate falls back to the point.
But if the exchange rate does not move upward, but insteadIf it runs downward, the stop loss price you set first will take effect.
As for the moving stop loss on the mt4 platform, whether it works when the machine is shut down, the last one will work.
Trailing stop loss

There is also a trailing stop loss. Whenever you place a trailing stop loss, it will start immediately and will never fail to start. For example, at 1.2000 For more euros, set the exchange rate at 30 points and immediately make a stop loss at the current price - 30 points. For example, if you buy more than 1.2000 euros and set a trailing stop loss at 30 points, the stop loss will immediately be displayed as 1.2000-30=1.1970. Every time it goes up 1 point, the stop loss will be Just move up 1 point. Stop loss can only continue to decrease, not increase. Even if the stop loss is knocked off, it will only be within 30 points or less. We call this ---- (trailing stop loss). This kind of trailing stop loss, which has only a small loss and tracks in the direction of profit,
is the best stop loss.
The trailing stop loss function allows traders to establish a stop loss and let the market move in your favor. Automatically lock in profits. You can click the "Advanced Order" button in the "Create Market Order", "Create Pending Order" or "Stop Loss Order" window to create a trailing stop loss. Please keep in mind that this feature does not prevent losses.
Trailing stops on the trading platform are dynamic and follow the market as it moves in the trader's favor, even tracking changes as small as tenths of a pip. Before setting a trailing stop, you must set a stop loss as the starting level for your stop loss order. To set a stop-loss order as a trailing stop, simply select the "Trailing Stop" box. For every tenth of a pip the market moves in your favor, your stop loss moves by the same amount. In other words, if you buy, the stop loss will move up when the currency pair rises; if you sell, the stop loss will move down when the currency pair falls.
Example: You buy EUR/USD at 1.5492(1), set a stop loss of 20 pips at 1.5472(1), and then select the "Trailing Stop" box to activate the trailing stop.
EUR/USD rose 30.2 pips to 1.5522(3). Every tenth of a point the market moves, your stop loss will automatically move up to 1.5502(3) to lock in profits.
EUR/USD rises, and the stop loss continues to move upward. EUR/USD is down with stop loss at 1.5502(3). When EUR/USD drops to 1.5502(3), the platform will execute stop loss to close your position.
Trading example description market order:
, stop loss
If EUR/USD rises
1.5522(3) The new stop price of power trailing stop is:
MoveStop loss does not prevent losses, the goal of using this feature is to lock in profits when the market direction is in your favor.
Trailing stop loss
This kind of stop loss is the point you set for each tick of the exchange rate (such as 20 points). The trailing stop loss only works, and not bit by bit. Ground movement is 20:20 ground movement.
Is the worst stop loss.

㈣ How to place a stop-loss order

Set a stop-loss price and place a conditional order based on the stop-loss price.

㈤ How to set stop-profit and stop-loss

Stop-loss point
For example, you bought a certain stock for 10 yuan and it fell after buying it
There are three types Methods to set stop loss points:
1. When the stock price falls by a certain proportion. For example, if the decline reaches 10-15%, the position will be closed. The proportion needs to be determined based on market conditions and one's own psychological endurance.
2. When the stock price falls below a certain price, for example, if the stock falls below 8 yuan, stop the loss and exit the position.
3. Time stop loss. For example, when a stock reaches a certain point in time (sensitive point, event point), no matter where the price is, exit the position (this is a stop-loss method I summarized from the "Benefit Analysis Method", and I often use this method. method, the same is true for the profit stop point). For example, the 8.8th, the opening day of the Beijing Olympic Games, was a time stop loss point. On this day, the stock index fell sharply! That is to say, July 7, the last trading day before August 8, is an extremely important sensitive point, "a major event point and a major time point." Setting a stop loss can avoid annihilation due to a wrong investment decision.
Profit stop point
This is not a neat correspondence with the stop loss point, which must be clarified. Because they don't know how to set a profit stop point, some people originally doubled their money, but ended up losing money and regretting it unbearably. So, what should be done? For example, if you buy a certain stock for 10 yuan, and then it rises to 12 yuan, with a profit of 20%, you will regret it if you get out and it goes up again. If you don't get out, you will be afraid that the profit will be lost or even turn into a loss.
At this time, you can set the profit stop point in three ways:
1. Set the ratio. Suppose you buy a stock for 10 yuan and then it rises to 12 yuan, you can set the stock to exit the position when it retraces 10%. That is, if the stock pulls back from 12 yuan to 10.8 yuan, it will come out once the pullback is in place. If the pullback is not in place, keep holding it, and then steadily correct the profit-taking point (which must be strictly observed) to bring your own profits close to maximizing.
2. Set the price. For example, if you buy a stock for 10 yuan and then it rises to 12 yuan, set it to exit the position if it falls below 11 yuan. If it does not fall to this price but continues to rise to 13 yuan, then set it to exit if it falls below 12 yuan. Yuan to exit the position... In this way, the standard is gradually raised through price setting, locking in one's profits, and not regretting exiting the position in advance.
3. Set a profit stop point based on time, that is, when time reaches a certain critical point, it is suspected that an upward cycle is complete.If successful, exit the warehouse promptly.

㈥ How to set a stop loss

1. That’s because there is no “safe distance” for the stop loss you set. Generally speaking, the stop loss price should be set at the purchase price below 3%.
2. Financial transactions are definitely risky. We must temporarily bear some book losses in order to obtain greater benefits. Every time you place an order, in the short term, the market will not make you money immediately according to your wishes, but will fluctuate up and down repeatedly. At this time, you should maintain great patience. If you don't have such patience and stop your losses as soon as the market drops, it will never be possible to make money.

㈦ How to set the stop loss point

How to set the stop loss point

What does the stop loss point mean?

As we all know, "stop loss" can be divided into There are two completely different application mechanisms of stop loss, namely protective stop loss and follow-up stop loss. Since stop loss often occurs in very unfavorable situations, it always reminds people of unpleasant things. Therefore, people are often reluctant to talk about it. this topic. However, in actual operation, no one can guarantee that no mistakes will be made. How to limit losses to a smaller range, or maximize vested interests as much as possible, is very realistic for every investor, especially small and medium-sized investment traders who have recently entered the market, and they need to use it rationally. Stop loss.

Stop loss is a necessary means to control risks. Investors should have their own styles on how to make good use of stop loss tools. In trading, it is very important for investors to grasp the overall position and trend of the market. Use stop loss more often in high price circles, less or no use in low price circles, and it should depend on the market movement trend in mid price circles. Going with the trend and making good use of stop loss points is the only way for investors to win.

How to set the stop loss point reasonably?

There are two types of stop loss point setting methods: the first type is the formal stop loss, which is the reason for buying or holding. If the conditions disappear due to changes in market conditions, positions must be closed or losses stopped immediately. The second type is auxiliary stop loss. In practice, the most commonly used ones include the maximum loss method, retracement stop loss, sideways stop loss, expected R multiplier stop loss, key psychological price stop loss, tangent support stop loss, and moving stop loss. Moving average stop loss, cost moving average stop loss, Bollinger Band stop loss, fluctuation stop loss, K-line combination stop loss, chip intensive area stop loss, CDP (counter-trend operation) stop loss, etc. Investors should make judgments based on their own risk tolerance and choose a stop-loss method that suits them.

Sharing practical experience of stop loss points

Generally, you start to be alert at the 10 moving average, and the loss is caused by the 20 moving average. In the worst case, the loss is caused by the 30 moving average. Discipline must be strictly enforced

Setting a good stop loss point is a very important task for an investor. It can help investors correct mistakes and prevent huge losses, and plays a very important role. But stop lossThere are also a lot of skills in setting up points. If it is set too high, it is easy for the dealer to shake up the market, clean out the market, and lose the profits that should be earned; if it is set too low, it is easy to increase unnecessary losses. Based on many years of practical experience, the author has summarized some techniques for setting stop losses for investors' reference.

(1) Set a stop loss point 3% below the cost price. If it falls below, you should stop the loss and exit. It shows that the stock price trend may be judged incorrectly. After exiting the market, re-identify the trend before entering the market. You can also set 5% as a stop loss point, and the maximum limit should not exceed 10%, because the range is too large to have a stop loss effect.

(2) When the 5-day moving average crosses the 10-day moving average at a high level and forms a death cross, it is used as a stop loss point. Using moving averages as stop-loss points is a method often used by technical analysts. Practice has proven that this method is very effective and easy to master.

(3) Use the rising trend line as a stop loss point. When the stock price rises, an upward channel will often be formed. When the stock price falls below the rising trend line at the lower edge of the rising channel, it will be used as a stop loss point, indicating an upward trend. The trend may turn.

(4) When the stock price breaks through an important pressure line, but fails to stand firm and breaks this line again, it is used as a stop loss point. Therefore, the breakthrough may not be successful or it may be a false breakthrough made by the dealer.

(5) In a unilateral rising market, the SAR indicator gives a sell signal as a stop loss. The SAR indicator's stop loss function is very accurate and effective for strong markets and strong stocks.

(6) When the M head and head and shoulders top patterns clearly appear on the K-line chart, you should resolutely stop the loss. Therefore, when this pattern appears, it often heralds the beginning of a market decline.

(7) When the stock price moves between a box, once the lower end of the box is broken, the loss should be stopped and exited. When this happens, the stock price will often enter the next box-shaped operation, and selling when it just breaks out will reduce losses.

There are many techniques for setting stop loss points. The above are some very commonly used stop loss settings. If investors can effectively grasp it, they will be able to avoid huge losses, preserve precious funds, and prepare for the next opportunity. (The opinions in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice)

㈧ How to set stop loss for spot gold

Stop loss setting: When you place an order, you should think What is the stop loss price? Is the stop loss price reasonable? After placing the order, immediately fill in the stop loss price. Why should you fill in the stop loss at the beginning? That is, if the market is not what you want, then You can reduce losses as soon as possible. Stop loss means to stop losses. Only small losses can preserve your vitality.
Point judgment: The point at which you place an order is very important. Although spot gold is operated in two modes: long and short, there are actually four operating methods: low long, low altitude, high long, and high altitude. in unilateral momentum, these four modes are all advisable. If it is in a turbulent trend, remember not to go low or high and go long. This is equivalent to chasing the rise and killing the fall. Remember, many people chase the rise and kill the fall, resulting in losses. How to judge this point cannot be explained clearly in a few words. It is mainly based on analyzing the early high and low point pressure and support, and then judging it based on the K-line characteristics of the spot gold price and some indicators.
Position control: How to allocate funds is related to the amount of psychological endurance. If the position is too large or full, once the trend reverses, the losses will increase, and the psychological pressure will also increase. Often, the market trend cannot be carefully analyzed. This may cause incorrect operation. If you don't control your position well, if you encounter a better market, because your position cannot bear to add another position, you will miss the good market in front of you.
Stick to stop-profit: Many people often fail to do a good job of taking profit, thus turning a profit order into a loss order. Under a unilateral trend, the stop-loss method can be used to increase profit margins and mitigate fluctuations. In the market, taking profit often requires individuals to think about the point to close the position. Not every order must make tens of thousands. In the volatile market, sometimes a few hundred profits can add up. Friends who have made a real position should know that when the order is profitable, it is often sold out quickly. If you cannot hold it, you will flee in a hurry before it reaches the take-profit level. But when it is losing money, you are not in a hurry and just resist it. As a result, There are few profits and many losses.
Add a position: Adding a position is a science. In a unilateral momentum, you can appropriately add orders with the trend, but remember that you must never add orders against the trend. Adding orders against the trend will often increase losses, and it should not be done arbitrarily. Undo the change of counter-trend order stop loss.

㈨ Stop-loss method for currency contract trading risk control

Volatility and unpredictability are the most fundamental characteristics of the market. This is the basis for the existence of the market and the source of risks in transactions. The reason is that this is an immutable characteristic. There is never certainty in trading. All analysis and predictions are only possibilities. Trading based on this possibility is naturally uncertain. Uncertain behaviors must have measures to control the expansion of risks and stop losses. That's how it came about.

Stop loss occurs naturally during the trading process and is not deliberately made. It is an instinctive reaction of investors to protect themselves. The uncertainty of the market makes the existence of stop loss necessary and important. sex. Successful investors may have different trading methods, but stop loss is the common feature that ensures their success. Soros, the world's investment guru, said that investment itself has no risks, only out-of-control investments have risks. Learn to stop losses and never fall in love with losses. Stop loss is far more important than profit, because capital preservation is the first priority at all times, and profit is the second. It is quite effective to establish a reasonable stop loss principle. The core of a prudent stop loss principle is to prevent losses from continuing to expand.

Sometimes the biggest enemy of investment is the trader’s own ignorance and blind arrogance. Below we will take you to understand what stop loss is and the three major methods of stop loss in trading.

1. What is stop loss

Stop loss is also called "cutting the flesh". It means that when the loss of a certain investment reaches a predetermined amount, the position is liquidated in time to avoid the formation of a larger loss. Loss. Its purpose is to limit losses to a smaller range when investment mistakes occur. An important difference between investment and gambling is that the former can limit losses within a certain range through stop loss, and at the same time maximize the rewards for success. In other words, stop loss makes it possible to gain greater benefits at a smaller cost. . Countless bloody facts show that an unexpected investment mistake can be fatal, but stop loss can help investors avoid danger.

2. The meaning of stop loss

Regarding the importance of stop loss, professionals often use the crocodile rule to explain. The original meaning of the crocodile law is: Suppose a crocodile bites your foot. If you try to free your foot with your hands, the crocodile will bite your foot and hand at the same time. The more you struggle, the more you get bitten. So, if the crocodile bites your foot, your only chance is to sacrifice one foot. In investment, the crocodile rule is: when you find that your transaction deviates from the direction of the market, you must stop the loss immediately without any delay or any luck. It sounds too cruel for a crocodile to eat people, but the investment market in the currency circle is actually a cruel place, and people are swallowed up by it or disappear sadly every day.

3. Three major methods of stop loss

Different traders have their own different trading methods, so the conditions for using stop loss are also different. There are three stop loss methods commonly used in daily investment transactions.

1. Quantitative stop loss method

This is the simplest stop loss method. It refers to setting the loss amount to a fixed ratio. Once the loss is greater than this ratio, Close positions promptly. The mandatory effect of quantitative stop loss is relatively obvious, and investors do not need to rely too much on their judgment of the market. The setting of stop loss ratio is the key to fixed stop loss. The ratio of quantitative stop loss consists of two data:

1) It is the maximum loss that investors can bear. This ratio varies depending on investor mentality, financial affordability, etc. It is also related to investors’ profit expectations.

2) It is the random fluctuation of trading varieties. This refers to the disorderly price fluctuations caused by the behavior of market trading groups when there are no external factors. The setting of the fixed stop loss ratio is to find a balance point between these two data. This is a dynamic process and investors should set this ratio based on experience. Once the stop loss ratio is set, investors can avoid being shaken out by unnecessary random fluctuations.

2. Technical stop loss method

The more complicated one is the technical stop loss method. It combines stop loss setting with technical analysis.After eliminating random fluctuations in the market, set a stop loss price near the key price within the stage to avoid further expansion of losses.

This method requires investors to have strong technical analysis capabilities and self-control. The technical stop loss method has higher requirements for investors than the former one, and it is difficult to find a fixed mode. Generally speaking, using technical stop loss method is nothing more than using small losses to make big profits. For example: after buying multiple orders on the lower track of the upward channel, investors wait for the upward trend to come to an end before closing the position, and set the stop loss position near the relatively reliable average moving line below.

3. Unconditional stop loss method

The stop loss that runs away regardless of the cost is called the current price stop loss. When there is a fundamental turning point in the fundamentals of the market, investors should abandon any illusions and rush out regardless of the cost in order to preserve their strength and choose the opportunity to fight again. Changes in fundamentals are often difficult to reverse. When fundamentals deteriorate, investors should act decisively and close their positions.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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