区块链币价下跌对矿圈有什么影响吗 区块链币大跌

『壹』 比特币崩盘,币圈一夜蒸发超3000亿,会带来哪些影响


『贰』 货殖列传|95后比特币矿场主的蓝用房地产逻辑经营矿场


《史记·货殖列传》是最早专门记叙从事“货殖”(商业)活动的杰出人物的史书著作,司马迁阐释的经世济民的经济思想和商业智慧,被誉为“ 历史 思想及于经济,是书盖为创举”。

新一轮 科技 革命和产业变革正在重塑世界经济结构、重构全球创新版图。在这场大变局中,所有勇于创新、敢于担当的企业家、创业者、打工人的故事,都值得被铭记。即日起,我们推出《澎湃 财经 人物周刊·货殖列传》,讲述全球化时代大潮中的商界人物故事。



坐在主位的大田是一名“95后”,圆圆脸,穿着印有哆啦A梦的Gucci T恤,脚上是一双潮鞋。





















今年26岁的大田出生于山东菏泽下面的一个小县城,父母都从医。他从初中、高中开始就想着怎么赚钱,而挖矿的 历史 可以追溯到他的大学时期。


在一家985高校就读时期,大田也曾在学校试着开超市,与同学合伙做 “宿舍便利店”创业项目,一度融资到B+轮。
























































回忆起这些,大田笑称自己是被动致富:“我买了很多芯动矿机T2T,那时候蚂蚁矿机S9是200元买的,现在1500元。T2T 700多元,现在8000元。神马矿机M21那个时候一台3000多元,现在2万多元。”













大田也在 探索 矿场新的商业模式,“像房地产的逻辑一样发展”。


“所以我现在要做一个矿场一站式服务,去接管三线矿场,就是那种可能运营不是特别专业的矿场。” 大田兴奋地说起自己的蓝图,“我来给你接管,可以用我的品牌去招商,但是要重新翻修一遍。这些矿场自己招商0.2元左右的电费,我给你招0.24元,拿30%收益分给我一点都不亏。”

内蒙古宣布清退虚拟货币挖矿后,《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)4月6日刊发了一篇来自中国科学院、清华大学学者的研究论文。论文称,中国的矿工占比特币网络算力的75%以上,如果没有适当的干预措施和可行的政策,密集的比特币挖矿将可能破坏中国的减排努力。



『叁』 区块链将会对货币等产生什么影响




『肆』 谁能说下,区块链交易挖矿会亏钱吗

















『伍』 数字货币挖矿风云如何













































『陆』 如果BTC跌到0了,对币圈会有多大的影响



『柒』 比特币的价格可以长期高于挖矿的成本吗



『捌』 比特币大跌,背后的主要原因是什么



『玖』 比特币算力大幅下降,会有什么影响


尤其是7nm矿机的大规模上市,其挖矿成本在26000人民币上下, 对于矿工而言,仍有较大的利润空间,出于运营维护矿场日常的需求,必然存在部分抛压,算力的下降,反倒会减少市场上流动的币。
















『拾』 币圈崩溃,币圈的未来何去何从




『一』Bitcoin crashed, the currency circle evaporated over 300 billion overnight, what impact will it have?

What caused the market shock was the third largest stablecoin in the cryptocurrency market, UST and its Sister currency Luna suffered a bloodbath. As of press time, the price of UST, which is supposed to be anchored to the value of 1 US dollar, fell to 0.131 US dollars, a drop of 84.1%; its sister currency Luna fell to 0.038 US dollars, a 97.46% plunge. On April 5, the virtual currency stood at 119.5 US dollars. of high points.

『二』Biography of Huo Zhong | Post-95 Bitcoin mine owners use real estate logic to operate mines

[Editor's Note]

"Historical Records· Huo Zhong" "Biographies" is the earliest historical work that specifically describes outstanding figures engaged in "commercial" (commercial) activities. Sima Qian's economic thoughts and business wisdom on managing the world and benefiting the people are known as "historical thoughts and economics, which is a pioneering work in the book" ".

A new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is reshaping the world economic structure and restructuring the global innovation landscape. In this great change, the stories of all entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and workers who have the courage to innovate and take on responsibilities are worthy of being remembered. From now on, we launch "The Paper Finance People Weekly·Huo Zhi Biography" to tell the stories of business figures in the era of globalization.

They write biographies for the times, and we write biographies for them.

In a club in the suburbs of Chengdu, a small dinner party in the Bitcoin "mining circle" is starting.

Sitting in the main seat, Ota is a "post-95s generation" with a round face. He is wearing a Gucci T-shirt with Doraemon printed on it and a pair of trendy shoes.

"They are all my friends," Da Tian said happily.

The 8 people here are more or less related to Bitcoin mining. Bitcoins, currently worth about US$60,000, are dug out one by one through "mining machines" using their computing power to seize the accounting rights. The miner who buys the mining machine is called a "miner", and the place where the "miner" hosts the mining machine and provides power is called a "mine", and the owner of the mine is the "mine owner".

Datian is a mine owner. He owns seven or eight virtual currency mines in Sichuan, Xinjiang, Yunnan and other places, with a total load of more than 800,000 kilowatts, which is relatively large in China.

In this dinner, Da Tian is the youngest, but everyone calls him "Brother Da Tian". He is also privately called the "newcomer in the mining industry" by some older miners.

"Please give me a green lighter. Red is unlucky for us." During the dinner, a mine owner was not very satisfied with the color of the lighter provided by the waiter. In the cryptocurrency market, green represents an increase and red represents a decrease.

Since last year, Bitcoin has ushered in a bull market, with a maximum increase of more than 10 times. For those in the mining industry, this is a time of great success. Dinners like this happen almost every dayis being staged, and Daejeon is at home in it.

(1) The heat is rising

The most important cost of Bitcoin mining is electricity, so mining farms prefer areas with sufficient power resources and cheap electricity. Sichuan is rich in water resources and is currently the most important Bitcoin mining site in China.

Miners with small computing power mining machines are sometimes called migratory birds. When the dry season comes in the south, they dismantle the mining machines and transport them to Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places to use thermal power for mining; After the flood season arrives, the mining machines are transported to the south to utilize water and electricity for mining. And so on, year after year.

In February this year, a piece of news that shocked the mining industry occurred. The official website of the Inner Mongolia Development and Reform Commission stated in a document that in order to speed up the elimination of backward and excess production capacity, it plans to comprehensively clean up and shut down virtual currency mining projects and withdraw them all before the end of April.

Inner Mongolia is rich in coal resources and relatively cheap thermal power. Therefore, Inner Mongolia is also one of the important places where Bitcoin mines gather after Sichuan enters the dry season.

When everyone began to discuss where to go in the next dry season, Datian was relatively calm. His mine in Inner Mongolia was closed last year.

The partition wall in the factory building is neatly cut with dense heat dissipation holes according to the size of the mining machine, and the roof is filled with exhaust fans. In order to cool down the mining machine, there is a "water curtain" built on the outside of the factory, which feels as rough as cardboard. When the mining machine is working, the staff will turn on the machine, draw water from the fire pool and let it flow down the water curtain to achieve the purpose of cooling.

Inside the currently empty factory building, there are cooling holes for mining machines cut on both sides

There are water curtains on both sides of the factory building for physical cooling

Datian's The personnel configuration of a mine is generally: one director, one supervisor (which can also be understood as deputy director), one electrician and four operation and maintenance personnel for every 10,000 kilowatts of load. The directors of seven or eight mines in Daejeon are all served by their relatives. The farm director is responsible for the management and scheduling of the entire mine, including dealing with the power station.

Simple working environment for mine workers

"I had no idea about electricity at first, but later I discovered that if the electricity bill is 20 cents per kilowatt-hour, mining income can be doubled," Daejeon explain. In fact, for mine owners like Datian, the main income is to earn the difference in electricity bills.

For example, if the electricity fee of a mine is 0.2 yuan, it can charge miners 0.3 yuan for electricity. For miners, the electricity fee of 0.3 yuan is still very cheap compared to the 0.6 yuan in the city, so they are willing to entrust the mining machines to the mines.

(2) Campus Miners

The 26-year-old Datian was born in a small county below Heze, Shandong. Both parents are doctors. He has been thinking about how to make money since junior high school and high school, and the history of mining can be traced back to his college days.

Daejeon’s money-making projects during middle school included working for othersPeople recharge QQ membership, buy yellow diamonds, green diamonds, red diamonds, sell power banks, mobile phone cards, resell mobile phones, etc.

When he was studying in a 985 university, Daejeon also tried to open a supermarket at school, and collaborated with his classmates on a "dormitory convenience store" entrepreneurial project, and once raised a B+ round of financing.

Datian claimed that he had "a small amount of savings" while in college.

He came into contact with Bitcoin because a friend borrowed money from him. It was 2014. This friend asked to borrow 50,000 yuan and promised to pay back 55,000 yuan in a week with a weekly interest of 10%.

Under the mortgage of his computer, electric car, and ID card, Datian finally lent him 30,000 yuan, and a week later he received 33,000 yuan with interest.

It turned out that his friend had entered an international MLM fund, and only charged Bitcoin for entry. Daejeon also wants to try it out.

So, when Bitcoin was still 800 yuan or 900 yuan, Datian bought more than 200,000 yuan in Bitcoin, but before he started investing, the MLM fund collapsed.

“I just have a bunch of Bitcoins on my hands and I don’t know who to sell them to.” Datian once admitted defeat. Unexpectedly, two or three months later, Bitcoin rose to more than 2,000 yuan. He and his friends confirmed it repeatedly and quickly sold it.

Having entered the "currency circle" inexplicably like this, Daejeon began to study Bitcoin seriously, including white papers and forums. If he didn't understand something, he would go to the forum to search for strategies. In the end, Datian also assembled a mining machine.

"At that time, I carried the machine everywhere, went to the study room to plug it in, and even plugged it in for a while when I returned to the dormitory." Datian said. At that time, there were very few mining machines on the market, and the computing power of the entire network was relatively low. Datian could only earn one to two thousand yuan a month.

In 2017, Datian became a management trainee of a well-known company in Qingdao. Out of his understanding of the blockchain field, he co-founded a small and micro enterprise in the blockchain field within the group, and thus got to know the owner of a Yunnan virtual currency mine.

At first, he bought some mining machines and hosted them in a mine in Yunnan. Later, Datian met a mine owner in Ma'anshan and found that the mine was profitable, and the two parties became partners.

Datian’s mining career has officially begun.

(3) Licking blood from the edge of a knife

Every mine owner may start his career by looking for electricity, and may face many dangerous moments along the way.

In mid-2018, Daejeon and its partners went to Sichuan to inspect mines. The so-called inspection of mines mainly means going to "barren mountains and rivers" to find hydropower stations that are willing to cooperate. These places are also extremely prone to geological disasters during flood seasons.

It was a rainy day. After inspecting a mine in Sichuan, Datian and his partners hurriedly drove back along the winding mountain road. In a hurry to go down the mountain, Datian drove in the opposite direction to the end of the mountain.driveway, and ended up colliding head-on with a large truck at a corner.

"The car spun three times on the spot, and the airbags were deployed. It was only so far that it fell to the bottom of the mountain." Da Tian stretched out his hand to mark a distance of 20 centimeters, and he still has lingering fears until now.

Fortunately, the large truck was empty and the body of the truck was not loaded, so the force on Daejeon's truck was not that great, thus avoiding the tragedy of falling down the mountain.

Datian has encountered such a dangerous situation more than once. For example, once on the way to Yunnan, we almost hit a landslide at 120 miles. For example, a mudslide washed away the road right in front of our eyes...

Traces of mudslides on one side of the road

Daejeon is in During the inspection, we also encountered a problem: most people at the hydropower station didn’t know what Bitcoin mining was about and thought they were scammers.

However, after the first power station made money, more and more power stations were willing to cooperate with the mining farm.

During the operation of the mine, Datian also encountered dilemmas that made him laugh or cry.

It was in a small mountain village in Yunnan. The mine in Datian hired two local people to look after it. Because the locals who guarded the gate always said that they were "mining", suddenly one day, a group of villagers rushed into the mine and angrily accused Datian of secretly digging the village's mines.

Datian explained that what they were digging was Bitcoin, but the villagers didn’t understand and didn’t want to take care of it. They just said, “Whatever is mined in our village, we have to share it with us.” So Daejeon asked the villagers to send several representatives into the mine to inspect it.

"They were poking around on the ground with hoes, trying to find out if there was a mine on the ground, but they couldn't explain it." He said helplessly.

After calling the police, the police from the local public security bureau did not understand what virtual currency mining was about. They spent a day in Daejeon to make the police understand that the "mine" they mined was virtual and did not exist. Dig the "mine" in the village.

"Later, we reached an agreement that each household would pay 50 yuan a month. It is estimated that this is still the case now." He said.

(4) Blood loss of more than 20 million

The real crisis in Daejeon will occur in 2020.

At the beginning of this year, Datian’s mining machines began to be shipped to a new mine located in a sparsely populated area of ​​Inner Mongolia. It was six months ago that he started construction after being introduced by a friend. The total load was less than 60,000 kilowatts and he invested more than 18 million yuan.

The reason why we came here to build a mine is also related to an electricity subsidy. When attracting investment, this mine in Datian was introduced in the form of a cloud computing center and a big data storage center. Therefore, it can receive a subsidy of 0.12 yuan per kilowatt hour of electricity, which means the electricity price is 0.38 yuan. After adding the subsidy return of 0.12 yuan, the actual electricity cost is 0.26 yuan. .

What Datian didn’t expect was that something happened on the first night of the mine’s operation:Due to cutting corners during construction, the transformer consumed too much power and exploded.

After more than half a month of maintenance, the cable exploded again. The mining machine finally started running, but what followed was the COVID-19 epidemic that spread across the country.

Blockade policies have been implemented across the country, and four people were left on duty at the mine in Daejeon. In the ice and snow, hunger and lack of water are the top priorities facing these four people.

In the winter in Inner Mongolia, the outdoor temperature can reach as low as tens of degrees below zero. Workers can only obtain water by smashing ice in water tanks every day. Because the mine is located in a sparsely populated area, local community epidemic prevention personnel only occasionally patrol. During inspections, they stuff boxes of instant noodles into the small space in the car and bring them to the workers on duty at the mine.

"They ate the same flavor of instant noodles for a whole month." Ota recalled with a wry smile.

In addition, because other workers who returned to their hometowns were locked up in their hometowns, the workload of the four people who stayed on duty increased sharply.

"There are four people with more than 30,000 machines, and each person is responsible for nearly 10,000 machines. If the mining machine is too cold, it is easy to go offline. At that time, it was more than minus 40 degrees, and it was necessary to manually blow the blowers one by one. ." Datian said.

After surviving the lockdown period, Daejeon, which thought it could operate normally, received a notice: the electricity subsidy could not be approved, and Daejeon still had to pay the electricity fee of 0.38 yuan per unit.

Misfortune never comes alone.

Due to the new crown epidemic and the crude oil price war, the price of Bitcoin has also encountered Waterloo. On March 12, 2020, Bitcoin once fell below $4,000, which was halved from its highest price in February.

“When the currency price was 8,000 US dollars, I was guaranteed not to lose money. But on March 12, I couldn’t hold it anymore. I was desperate. I quickly called my brother and asked my brother to dismantle the transformer and send the mining machine back. I couldn’t even run with the electricity bill of 0.26 yuan,” Datian recalled.

The mining machine was dismantled and transported back from the mine in Inner Mongolia, which meant that the mining machine could not be operated during this period, and Datian needed to compensate the customer for its computing power.

"With the electricity bill of 0.34 yuan and 0.35 yuan at that time, every kilowatt-hour of electricity was charged 3 cents. The more you ran, the more you lost." Datian said that this time, he lost more than 20 million yuan. Yuan.

(5) A blessing in disguise

In the first half of last year, the price of Bitcoin once fell below the "shutdown price" of some mining machines.

The so-called "shutdown currency price" of a mining machine means that the revenue from mining is not enough to pay for the electricity consumed. Once the Bitcoin price falls below the "shutdown currency price", miners need to shut down their mining machines, otherwise they will suffer greater losses.

At the most serious time, 60% of the mining machines in all the mines in Daejeon were shut down, leaving only the high-power-consuming and powerful computing machines still running. Fortunately, Bitcoin rebounded after its sharp decline.

“Actually, it hasn’t been shut down for a few days. The computing power of the mine itself is in a balanced state, and most people shut down their phones., the computing power difficulty will decrease, the more coins will be mined, the more profits will be made, and then it will start up. "Datian said.

Mine owners and miners like Datian still have two different income models. Being a mine is to make money from the difference in electricity costs. Regardless of the rise or fall of currency prices, you can earn a relatively stable income. However, if miners are not optimistic about the market outlook and do not increase mining machines or even reduce mining machines, then the business of the mines will also decline.

In May last year, Bitcoin halved every four years. Then, the number of Bitcoin rewards for each block mined by miners dropped from 12.5 Bitcoins to 6.25 Bitcoins, which meant that the income of miners was also halved. At that time, the price of the currency was more than 5,000 US dollars.

“Many people were disappointed with the market during the wet season in May. Everyone felt that if the price rose to US$5,000, it would be a rebound and runaway state. No one is buying the machine, everyone is selling the machine, and they all think that Bitcoin’s rebound to $6,000 is already high. " Daejeon said.

As a mine owner, Daejeon also thought about quitting, but he signed a contract with the hydropower station and must take on the originally signed load within the year before he can withdraw.

Therefore, he has signed a contract with the hydropower station. , he could only bite the bullet and buy mining machines to fill the load himself, "many of which were short of 10,000 to 20,000 kilowatts of load." Fortunately, everyone was selling mining machines at that time, so the cost of the mining machines purchased by Datian was very low.

The Bitcoin market completely reversed in the second half of last year, launching a super bull market.

Recalling this, Daejeon laughed and said that he became rich passively: "I bought a lot of core mining machines. T2T, at that time, the Antminer S9 was bought for 200 yuan, but now it is 1,500 yuan. T2T was more than 700 yuan, now it is 8,000 yuan. The Shenma mining machine M21 cost more than 3,000 yuan at that time, but now it costs more than 20,000 yuan. ”

Antminer S9

From May 2020 to now, the average price of mining machines has increased almost 10 times. And the mining farm in Datian in 2020 1T (computing power unit, is (The unit of measurement of Bitcoin network processing power) income is 0.5 yuan, 0.6 yuan, and now the income of 1T can reach 2 yuan.

(6) Take over third-tier mines

1 After the bull market, new trends have emerged in the mining industry, and some institutions have also started to work as miners.

In the early days of entering the mining industry, Datian’s customers were all retail investors, and the mining machines that a customer needed to host were basically Within 10 units, the fewest are only about 5 units.

As Bitcoin increasingly enters the mainstream, more and more institutional funds have begun to enter the mining circle, and under the current Bitcoin bull market It monopolizes most of the newly manufactured mining machines on the market.

“I don’t accept pure retail investors now. Daejeon said that currently only a dozen machines have been invested for 1 million in the virtual currency mining industry, which to him is a "scatter among the scattered".

As of now, the Daejeon mine has more than 800,000 kilowatts. negativeLoads, self-owned mining machines account for more than 20,000 kilowatts, 60%-70% of the volume are mining machines managed by listed companies and groups, and the remaining load is connected to some cloud computing power platforms and centralized retail custody.

It is worth noting that since the second half of 2020, traditional financial leasing companies have also begun to enter the mining machine market.

The mines in Datian are also expanding. The construction of the mines in Xinjiang has just been completed. A mine in Sichuan may need to expand its load by another 100,000 kilowatts before the flood season. In terms of mining machines, he gradually eliminated machines with small computing power and replaced them with machines with large computing power. However, it is currently difficult to buy mining machines on the market, and the mining machine he ordered will not be shipped until November.

Outside the factory, Antminer S9 machines with small computing power that can still run are stacked randomly

With the expansion of the cryptocurrency market, the mining circle that originally grew wildly has begun to gradually Vertical field segmentation and refinement.

Daejeon is also exploring new business models for mining farms, "developing like the logic of real estate."

In Daejeon's view, the first stage of the mining industry is "as long as you have connections, you can get the land", and you can make money by getting the land. The second stage is that the better and more beautiful the mine is, the stronger its ability to attract investment will be. The third is the development stage. The competition is about management capabilities and brands. Mining machine owners buy services instead of electricity bills.

"So now I want to provide a one-stop service for mines and take over third-tier mines, which are mines that may not be particularly professional in operation." Datian said excitedly about his blueprint, " I'm here to take it over for you. You can use my brand to attract investment, but you need to renovate it. These mines charge about 0.2 yuan for electricity, and I'll charge you 0.24 yuan. You won't lose anything if you give me 30% of the profit. "

After Inner Mongolia announced the withdrawal of virtual currency mining, "Nature Communications" published a research paper from scholars at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University on April 6. The paper states that Chinese miners account for more than 75% of the Bitcoin network's computing power. Without appropriate intervention measures and feasible policies, intensive Bitcoin mining may undermine China's efforts to reduce emissions.

"In the end, mining still uses energy scraps. Green mining is definitely a trend." He said.

Proofreading: Liu Wei

『三』What impact will blockchain have on currency?

On today’s Internet, the most commonly heard One word is blockchain. Blockchain technology has now become a major trend on the Internet. Many Internet giants have begun to study blockchain and are making use of it. The most famous product in blockchain is Bit currency. Our country does not recognize the value of things like Bitcoin, which means that Bitcoin is completely worthless in our country, so what impact it has on the currency is different, but it is different on the world. Blockchain products for world currenciesThe impact is very large. Take Bitcoin as an example. It has skyrocketed many times in 2020, and the impact on the currency is also very large.

3. Blockchain products will cause changes in currency value

Blockchain products will become increasingly scarce due to their particularity. Blockchain products all over the world have The amount is limited and development is very difficult, so the value of blockchain products will continue to appreciate. The monetary unit in which blockchain products are valued relative to them will continue to depreciate, ultimately affecting the value of the currency.

『四』Can anyone tell me whether blockchain transaction mining will lose money

Losing money is possible under any circumstances. There are no hundreds of people in this world. Investments that can make money are 100% sure to be made.

With the rise in the price of Bitcoin, the mining industry has become a veritable "gold mine". The large influx of newcomers and retail investors has made the Bitcoin market

Coin mining machines are hard to come by.

It is precisely in the face of such a market that the price of Bitcoin mining machines has also begun to rise. Not only that, because the number of Bitcoins is becoming increasingly scarce

, so mining The difficulty is getting bigger and bigger, and now the production capacity of Bitcoin mining will gradually decrease.

When the revenue of the mining machine is not enough to pay for the electricity consumed, the currency price at this time is called the "shutdown currency price". The influencing factors include currency price, electricity consumption

price, mining Mining difficulty, etc., if the currency price falls below the "shutdown currency price", miners need to shut down the mining machine, otherwise they will lose money.

So, any industry has certain risks, and only when you devote yourself to this industry, that is, after you understand it deeply

, will you know There are risks involved, and you need to bear these risks before you can continue to develop in this industry.

Blockchain mining:

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin and set a limit of 21 million Bitcoins. In the Bitcoin network, by participating in the production of blocks and providing proof of work (PoW), you can obtain rewards from the Bitcoin network. This process is mining.

The concept of "mining" is taken from the existing concepts in our real economic life, such as gold mining, silver mining, etc., because minerals are valuable

That’s why people are driven to pay labor to dig.

Another important point of Bitcoin mining is that the miners participating in mining recognize the value of Bitcoin, and there are people in the market who are willing to mine the Bitcoin market

Spend money. So, Bitcoin mining makes sense.

『五』What’s going on with digital currency mining

The wealth myth of “one coin, one villa” is still widely circulated in the currency circle, and new investors are constantly eager to try it. But in fact, from mining machine manufacturers to large mine owners to mining pools, this small circle has formed a stable power structure.

Manufacturing and selling mining machines, mining, building mines, and building mining pools, the "mining circle" has become another way to make a fortune in the blockchain world, and mining machines have also become a little-known "big business."

According to the vision of Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto, the ideal state should be "decentralized", with computing power dispersed around the world. However, contrary to decentralization, mining pools are absolutely centralized, and more and more mining machines are connected to mining pools.

This article was first published on Southern Weekend

“If speculating in currencies is a road of no return, then investing in mining machines is a business that is sure to make a profit, and recovery of costs is only a matter of time. "Zhong Xi, general manager of Shenzhen Aibo Times Technology Co., Ltd., calculated an account. A mining machine earns 200 yuan a day, and it can recover its capital in 120 days, and then it will be profit.

In October 2017, Zhong Xi joined the mining army in addition to his main business, and quickly became a big boss in the mining circle. He operates multiple large mines in Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places. .

In fact, this "guaranteed profit without loss" business still relies on the continued rise in currency prices. In the past two months, the price of Bitcoin has dropped from US$15,000 to around US$10,000, and even fell below US$6,000 at one point, which has extended the payback cycle of mining machines. If it continues to fall, profits will be far away.

Four years after the advent of Bitcoin, in 2012, mining machines that could be mass-produced appeared. Prior to this, mining was mainly a private activity and could be completed with a home computer. "At that time, home computers were money printing machines, and a lot of Bitcoins could be mined every day." Huang Shiliang, a senior digital currency player who sold mining machines in his early years, recalled to Southern Weekend reporters.

After the emergence of mining machines, mining began to be "socialized". Mines and mining pools appeared, and mining became a collective work. Individual mining machines are hosted by mining farms, just like workers on a production line. As long as they are placed there, they can receive a salary every day.

Manufacturing and selling mining machines, mining, building mines, and building mining pools, the "mining circle" has become another way to make a fortune in the blockchain world, and mining machines have also become a little-known " Big business".

China has become the world’s largest producer of mining machines. Since 2012, a number of mining machine manufacturers have emerged in China, such as Shenzhen Bit Spring Co., Ltd., which produces Roasted Cat mining machines, and the now famous Bitmain, Canaan and Ebrun Communications. In Huaqiangbei, Shenzhen, you can see foreigners everywhere asking about the price of mining machines with translators.

Recently, Bitmain CEO Ketuan Zhan said in an interview with the media that this startup, which was only established for 4 years, had a revenue of approximately US$2.5 billion in 2017. Bitmain is known as the world's largest mining machine manufacturer, and their Antminer machines have always been the hard currency in the currency circle and the miner world.

Similar to the currency circle, the mining circle also requires faith - a firm belief that the mechanical mathematical operations of mining machines every day can create huge wealth.

However, contrary to the "decentralization" promoted by Bitcoin, the world of miners is moving toward "centralization." mineMachine sellers build their own mines, and after investors buy the mining machines, they are hosted by the sellers; while manufacturers build their own mining pools and manage the mines.

This "centralization" process has caused the wealth in the mining circle to be seized by a few people. It is not easy for Zhong Xi to enter the inner circle.

"Centralization" of computing power

The main function of a mine is to provide a place for decentralized mining machines to operate. But what really plays the role of integration is the “mining pool”.

The so-called "mining pool" can be simply understood as "cooperative mining". Miners and mining farms hand over their computing power to the mining pool, which uses the mining pool as the only address to access the digital currency network for mining, and then distributes dividends to the miners according to the computing power of the mining machine.

Mining pools have a longer history than mining machines. In November 2010, a mining pool named Slush appeared. Its official website still says today that it is "the world's first mining pool." This title is also recognized by the currency circle. Compared with mining farms, the establishment of mining pools requires certain skills and the threshold is relatively higher.

The person in charge of a well-known domestic mining pool explained the principles of mining pools to Southern Weekend reporters. He compared mining to buying lottery tickets. If a person mines alone, the probability of winning is very unstable. He may win 100,000 today but not win in the next six months.

“Gather people who buy lottery tickets together and buy them together. No matter who wins, they will be divided according to the proportion of their money. In the currency circle, mining pools play this role.” The person in charge said.

It is not complicated to connect a mining machine to a mining pool. According to the operation guides of major mining pools, it usually only takes a few steps to complete, and then you can get income from the mining pool based on the computing power you provide. A mining machine is like a worker standing on a production line, receiving a fixed salary every day.

Mining pools with huge computing power and numerous mining machines have an absolute say in both the currency and mining circles. For example, if you want to issue a new digital currency or lead a Bitcoin fork, you generally need the support of a mining pool. Without the support of a mining pool, there will be no one to mine the new currency, and it will be meaningless.

In addition, when a popular new coin comes out, the mining pool can also use the miners at its disposal to quickly package it and take the lead in the rush to buy these new coins.

In June 2017, when the two major tokens SNT and EOS were issued, Southern Weekend reporters witnessed the scene of mining pools snapping up tokens. Because there are too many investors, many individual investors are unable to put funds into a designated location, but the person in charge of a mining pool can easily complete this operation.

According to the vision of Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto, the ideal state should be "decentralized", with computing power dispersed around the world. However, contrary to decentralization, mining pools are absolutely centralized, and more and more mining machines are connected to mining pools.

On January 18, 2018, five people including Cornell University computer professor Emin Yun Sirash co-authored a paper pointing out the existence behind the two major digital currencies Bitcoin and Ethereum. Hidden power structure, mining is too centralizedAmong them, 50% of Bitcoin’s computing power is controlled by the four major mining pools.

In fact, this problem has always existed. Four years ago, Ethereum founder Vtalik noticed this problem when he wrote the Ethereum white paper. He wrote: "This problem can be said to be very serious. At the time of writing this article, the two largest mining pools indirectly control about 50% of the computing power of the entire network.”

To this day, this problem has not been solved. An early translator of the Ethereum white paper said helplessly to a Southern Weekend reporter: "This is not a technical problem, but a human problem."


Implicit power structure

In the mining industry, the top level of the food chain is the mining machine manufacturer. Currently, the three major recognized mining machine manufacturers are all located in China. They have made a lot of profits by producing and selling mining machines. They are also involved in the construction of mines and mining pools, and have a say in the entire currency circle.

Ant Pool is one of the top two mining pools in the world. Its computing power accounts for 17% of the entire network’s computing power. However, according to industrial and commercial data, the mining pool was founded by Bitmain; Canaan Several of Yunzhi's investors are also investors in Hangzhou Mining Pool Technology Co., Ltd., which has its own mining pool Hash and mining platform, but the mining pool ceased operations at the end of 2017.

Yibang Communications has established three blockchain companies in Hohhot and Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang Zhundong Economic Development Zone. A salesperson from Ebrun Communications told Southern Weekend reporters that they have mines and mining operations in these three places, but these mines are also operating at full capacity and there is no machine space to host new mining machines.

“We are building a new mining farm in Irkutsk, Russia, where electricity costs are much lower and new mining machines can be hosted there,” the person said.

Beyond the mining machine manufacturers, it is the chip giants that are harvesting. "The core technology of mining machines is on the chip. Whoever has mining machine chips can produce more mining machines." Ding Yang told Southern Weekend reporters that chips are mainly in the hands of several giant manufacturers, such as TSMC, Nvidia, and AMD. wait.

Since 2015, TSMC has been Canaan’s largest chip supplier. In 2015, the chips purchased by Canaan Intelligent Technology from TSMC accounted for 69.62% of all purchases by Canaan Intelligent Technology. Since then, this figure has remained at around 60%. Most of Canaan Intelligent's profits were earned by TSMC.

On January 18, 2018, at the briefing of TSMC’s fourth quarter financial report, Chairman Zhang Zhongmou said that although the mobile business prospects this year are weak, the company’s revenue will still increase by 10%. —15%, one of the key factors is continued solid demand for chips from cryptocurrency mining.

Under the mining machine manufacturers, there is another power structure hidden. Canaan's 2017 prospectus revealed this secret. In the first four months of 2017, four of Canaan's top five customers were "individuals." According to public information, three of them are currencyThe famous "Wrist" in the circle.

The first largest customer, Wu Gang, was one of the earliest miners and later founded Haobtc, which owns one of the top ten mining pools in the world; the second largest customer, Lin Zhipeng, is the founder of Xiaoqiang Mining Machinery. It has been engaged in the production and sales of mining machines for a long time. It has always had a cooperative relationship with Xie Weiqin, its sixth largest customer; Wang Jin, its third largest customer, founded the currency circle information website Bitbang.

These big customers are not just miners, they all have their own influence in the currency circle. The mechanically operating mining machines not only bring them profits, but also bring them the right to speak.

According to a Bitmain insider, most of Bitmain’s big customers are big names in the cryptocurrency industry. However, Bitmain officially declined an interview with Southern Weekend reporters. The company’s public relations department responded that it was inconvenient to disclose this aspect due to the confidentiality agreement signed with its customers.

The wealth myth of “one coin, one villa” is still widely circulated in the currency circle, and new investors are constantly eager to try it. But in fact, from mining machine manufacturers to large mine owners to mining pools, this small circle has formed a stable power structure.

Most new entrants can only be harvested "leeks"

『Lu』 If BTC falls to 0, what impact will it have on the currency circle

If Bitcoin returns to zero, most projects in the currency circle will follow suit. This will be a huge impact; how many companies will go bankrupt? How many blockchain companies have transformed and developed? It is unimaginable that these harms will cause an increase in the number of unemployed people in the current society, and the impact of the current epidemic is not a small matter. Returning to zero means that no one in the world believes in Bitcoin, which means that the current total market value of 3.72 trillion yuan has evaporated! If Bitcoin returns to zero, all currencies in the currency circle will follow its lead and return to zero.

Of course many people may say that Bitcoin will not return to zero, so it is unnecessary to think about it. But what if the coins you bought yourself return to zero? And then buy? Then he was cut. Eventually, everyone will find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle. So what if everyone stops making leeks from today, and continues to draw nutrients and valuable things for themselves, and constantly improves their own heights. After a period of time, we may find that we are no longer harvested leeks. Therefore, in the currency circle, we must be an investor with logical thinking, rather than a speculator who blindly follows the trend.

『撒』 Can the price of Bitcoin be higher than the cost of mining for a long time?

Bitcoin’s mining rate is gradually rising. In the recent period, there are reports of Bitcoin Cash BCH hard points. Before and after the fork, Bitcoin’s hash rate difficulty dropped significantly from the previous weekly difficulty growth rate, around 4-5%. However, in the previous period when the computing rate and difficulty were low, the cost of Bitcoin mining was still quite low. For example, mining was profitable within the previous quarterly range of US$6,200-6,800. If there were large mining plants Or mining softwareThe previously lower-cost BTC can last for a long time.

It is unlikely that BTC will return to zero. After steady progress, there should be a relatively large rebound. It is currently rebounding slightly at US$4,000 and has already reached a bottom. There are signs, but it will take a few days to see if it can stick to the 4,000 mark. Because BTC is the veteran of virtual currencies, a forerunner, and a forerunner. All blockchain projects created by the latter are developed with reference to the technology of Bitcoin. BTC has become digital gold now or in the future. So do you think gold will be worthless? Obviously it is not easy. In fact, something is often valuable. It is the common knowledge and consensus of many people that gives it value. As the legality of securities-based blockchain becomes more and more obvious, the U.S. SEC has approved 39 leading securities token companies. BTC does not have, and there is no actual business process behind it, it has no value.

『8』 What is the main reason behind the sharp drop in Bitcoin?

The sharp drop in Bitcoin prices will affect the stock market, funds that buy Bitcoin and blockchain-related funds. Sectors will all fall due to the sharp drop in Bitcoin prices.

With the continuous development of science and technology, emerging industries continue to emerge. Bitcoin, as an emerging industry, has attracted the attention of many people. Bitcoin has increased tens of thousands of times in more than ten years, which makes many people feel incredible. Bitcoin has also become a symbol of wealth in everyone's mind. A sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin will have an impact on the stock market. In particular, Bitcoin funds and blockchain technology, which are relatively closely related to Bitcoin, will be greatly affected. If Bitcoin falls sharply, they will also plummet, causing investors to loss.

『九』 What will be the impact of a sharp decline in Bitcoin’s computing power?

1. Low-cost coins may increase selling pressure in the market

Especially for the large-scale launch of 7nm mining machines, the mining cost is around 26,000 yuan. For miners, there is still a large profit margin. Due to the daily needs of operating and maintaining the mine, there must be some Selling pressure and a decrease in computing power will actually reduce the number of coins flowing in the market.

2. In order to sell new mining machines, mining machine manufacturers may suppress currency prices and eliminate old mining machines, thereby increasing sales of new mining machines

The above one Take the mainstream old mining machine Ant S9 as an example. When the computing power increases to 100EH/S, as long as the currency price reaches about 7,000 US dollars, the old mining machines above Ant S9 will be eliminated. As long as this currency price maintains about 2 months, It will force mines and miners to sell out their old mining machines and buy new mining machines with high computing power.

3. The current market is generally optimistic about the halving market. In order to reduce the resistance to the decline, it is very likely to experience a downward wave

In order to reduce the main force of the halving decline, the market has It is more likely to experience a downward trend, with mines and miners trying to lock in mining.It is more likely that hedging measures will be taken to reduce the income from mining. To some extent, it will increase the downward resistance of the market and increase the upward risk.

In other words, the decline in computing power is due to the decline in currency prices and the commissioning of 7nm mining machines. Stimulated by the increase in profit margins, the market purchased a large number of new mining machines and invested in mining. mine, resulting in a decline in Bitcoin’s computing power.

As we all know, the sharp increase in computing power is the result of the increase in currency prices, not the cause of the increase in currency prices. On the contrary, the rapid increase in computing power caused by the commissioning of large computing power mining machines has increased the selling pressure on Bitcoin and increased the downside risk.

Will the decline in Bitcoin’s computing power affect the price?

First of all, if the price of BTC can be maintained, the profits of miners who are still mining will increase, and the increase will be more than 15%. To give a simple example, if the electricity cost of miners was 10 yuan before , 20 yuan of coins can be mined, and the profit is 10 yuan. After the difficulty is reduced, 15% more coins can be mined, which is 23 yuan. If the electricity cost remains unchanged, the profit is 13 yuan, and the profit has increased by 30%. Some time ago, some big names in the currency circle said that mining farms and some miners may be on the fence because the price of BTC is about to fall below their shutdown price. Now, looking at it, due to rising profits, their bottom line may be lowered. In the short term, the price of Bitcoin The price may be a negative, but there are many factors that affect the price of BTC, and we can wait and see.

What does the decline in Bitcoin’s computing power mean? The above is the relevant content about what the decline in Bitcoin’s computing power means. In fact, the computing power of mining Bitcoin is essentially constantly being solved. This can ensure that the longest chain has the largest workload of the entire network and will not be changed. In this way, the Bitcoin system is solid and cannot be attacked. In other words, Bitcoin computing power is to maintain the security of the Bitcoin network, so Bitcoin computing power is very important to Bitcoin. , and for miners, Bitcoin computing power is also extremely important. After all, changes in Bitcoin computing power directly affect the difficulty of mining by miners.

Whether Bitcoin mining is profitable or not, there are 5 very key data that will affect it: Bitcoin price, computing power, electricity cost, network-wide mining difficulty, and mining machine cost price. The following four factors influence each other and may ultimately have an impact on the price of BTC.

On April 6, a paper titled "Policy Assessment of Carbon Emissions and Sustainability of Bitcoin Blockchain Operations in China" was published in "Nature Communications", from China This paper by scholars from the Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University has attracted the attention of Chinese and even overseas media. Under the country's "dual control" goal, thermal power mines in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places were forced to cease operations. After the regulatory requirements for Bitcoin mining were issued, the computing power of the entire Bitcoin network recently plummeted by 20%.

Then BitcoinWhat impact will the network's computing power plummet have on the majority of miners? First of all, we need to explain here what mining difficulty adjustment is. When Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin, he wrote the logic of difficulty adjustment in the code, and it happened independently and automatically in each full node. The logic is: Bitcoin mines a block approximately every 10 minutes, and adjusts it every 2016 blocks. Under normal circumstances, the difficulty will be adjusted every 14 days or so. The mining difficulty is based on the entire Bitcoin price of the previous cycle. It is adjusted according to the computing power of the entire network, so the difficulty is related to the computing power of the entire network, and there is a certain degree of lag in time. In summary, the adjustment of mining difficulty is to adjust the speed of producing blocks (Bitcoin). The higher the difficulty, the slower the blocks will be produced, and the lower the difficulty, the faster the blocks will be produced.

As can be seen from the above figure, the mining difficulty is predicted to drop to 21.86T on May 30. It is not difficult to guess that there are two obvious reasons for the recent difficulty drop: 1. National supervision Take action to rectify the virtual currency mines in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places. The shutdown of the mines has caused the computing power of the entire network to decline. 2. The price of BTC has fallen sharply, resulting in old mining machines no longer making money. The shutdown of these mining machines will lead to a decrease in the computing power of the entire network.

So what is the relationship between the computing power of the entire network and the difficulty of mining? There is a logic here. The decline in the computing power of the entire network means that there are fewer people mining. The result is that the speed of block production is accelerated, which means that the mining difficulty decreases. So can we understand this: the computing power of the entire network has decreased, resulting in a decrease in mining difficulty, making it easier for miners to mine Bitcoin?

It’s better to dig, and the money has been earned by others

『Shi』The currency circle collapsed, where will the future of the currency circle go?

The currency circle collapsed, The currency circle will return to normalcy in the future, and there will be no particularly inflated prices.

When inflation increased and people were worried about economic development, Bitcoin came into being. It was born to compete with the existing monetary system. Although there are many loopholes and problems in the development of Bitcoin, this new thing has provided us with great inspiration to reflect on the existing monetary system. Of course, the emergence of every new thing is always accompanied by advantages and disadvantages, which not only inspire us, but also bring many problems to society, such as money laundering, tax evasion and many other legal issues using Bitcoin. We'll just try to fix these issues to make the new Bitcoin thing better for us.

Investors who invest in Bitcoin mining machines should understand their production principles and distinguish whether platforms that can conduct Bitcoin transactions are normal. Any violation of the Bitcoin rules generated based on real Bitcoin mining algorithms is false advertising. Investments should be prudent, and staying rational and sober is the key.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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