2019币圈最新消息新闻联播 2019币圈最新消息新闻报道

『壹』 比特币跌破8000美元,当初的比特币有多疯狂







『贰』 币圈重磅!百亿巨头创始人“跑路”,更大危机还在后面



1 币圈百亿巨头轰然倒下




事件的导火线还要追溯到5月。代币stETH价格暴跌、ETH & stETH脱锚引发了连锁反应,重仓stETH的三箭资本深陷其中。

Luna的崩盘让三箭资本的雪上加霜。此前深蓝 财经 在文章《这个韩国人,让全球炒币者血本无归》曾指出,Luna币和稳定币TerraUST的崩盘,或将绊倒了多位“币圈大佬”,其中就有的三箭资本,今年2月Luna Foundation Guard筹集的10亿美元中,有超过2亿美元的投资来自三箭资本。但如今,这部分投资早已蒸发殆尽。

随后,加密货币交易员Moon Overlord爆料,三箭资本开始大量倾销stETH,偿还他们的债务和未偿还的借款。

Luna崩盘引起加密货币市场接连下跌,在6月中旬,三箭资本被传出正遭遇追加保证金通知(Margin Call)。同时,三箭资本还陷入了流动性危机。据其透露,三箭目前有总额超 20 亿美元的未偿债务,但只有2亿的流动资产。

接着又有匿名人士爆料,三箭资本挪用客户资金是常事。爆料称,三箭一直为新加坡、中国大陆和香港的客户提供服务,但他们没有合规许可或受到监管。贷方包括小型交易平台、个人和公司,三箭在和对手方交易的时候总是熟练地挪用客户的钱,就像他们是在用自己的钱一样。并表示,Zhu Su在新加坡至少有3.5亿美元资产,建议债权人去查查。

债务压力之下,很快,第一个债主向三箭资本催债了。数字资产经纪公司Voyager Digital突然发难,表示已经向三箭资本出借15250个比特币和3.5亿美元的稳定币USDC。按当时的价格计算,贷款总额超过6.75亿美元,要求三箭资本在6月24日前偿还2500万美元,在27日前偿还全部未结清贷款。

但直到27日,三箭资本依旧没有还上贷款,没几天三箭资本就传出申请破产保护的消息,其创始人Zhu Su也在推上发文称,“我们正在与有关方面进行沟通,并完全致力于解决这个问题。”疑似回应该传言。但7月1日,三箭资本申请破产得到了“实锤”。


2 卖豪宅、转移资产、下落不明 清算期间疑似“跑路”


三箭资本成立于2012年,两位创始人Zhu Su和Kyle Davies毕业于哥伦比亚大学,其中Zhu Su曾在瑞士信贷和香港的德意志银行担任衍生品交易员。

6月底,在三箭资本传出申请破产消息的同时,有媒体曝出Zhu Su正以3500万美元紧急出售他在新加坡的一套房子。这套房子位于新加坡富人区武吉知马的雅舞路,占地近3000平方米, 是Zhu Su在2021年12月以4880万美元价格买入,到手还不到一年。


同时有外媒报道, 由于不明原因,属于三箭资本NFT基金Starry Night的NFT已经被转移到一个新的钱包中。据金色 财经 报道,三箭资本持有的NFT收藏价值约730万美元。

7月12日,失联一个月的Zhu Su终于在推特上再次出现。他发文表示他们与清算人合作的“诚意”努力“遭到了诱导”。


Voyager 就是三箭资本破产下,倒下的第一块多米诺骨牌,而这仅仅只是开始,危机之后还会继续向三箭资本和Voyager的债权人们蔓延。

仅Voyager 一方,其债权人就超过10万人,资产在10亿至100亿美元之间,负债在相同范围内。另一位债主BlockFi,据其联合创始人Zac Prince透露,与三箭资本直接相关的损失约为8000万美元,这还只是“其他人报告的损失的一小部分”。


3 一切都仅仅只是开始 币圈雷曼危机持续蔓延






值得注意的是,币圈最大的稳定币Tether的发行商正好是Celsius的股东,这让不少人担心,Tether是否会被拖下水。如果Teteher也出现问题,可能还会导致币圈更大的崩盘。美国大学金融专家Hilary Allen表示:“Tether是加密生态系统的命脉,如果它暴雷,会导致整面墙倒塌。”

6月底,有外媒报道称,Celsius CEO曾试图逃离美国,并计划前往以色列,但被当局阻止。再一消息再次引起市场的恐慌。




本文源自深蓝 财经

『叁』 币圈90后挖矿四年:轻松年入百万,却也一念之间错失兰博基尼




资本愈发狂热。2月以来, 科技 狂人马斯克豪掷15亿美金投资比特币,美图蔡文胜数千万美元入局,甚至与 科技 完全不搭界的信阳毛尖也加入这一战场。



成都不仅遥控着大量水电站,这里也有中国最早一批比特币玩家,还有以矿场运营为主业、80后富豪王明鎏的毛球 科技 。各路挖币人马汇聚,成都也因此成为币圈圣地、币圈“矿都”。








源小六和他供职公司也没留意,哗哗运转的水轮机和听上去高 科技 的区块链之间能有什么瓜葛。直到2016年前后,有挖矿公司通过各种关系找到他们,希望利用他们在四川甘孜的一处水电站的冗余电力挖矿。



















今年的比特币复制了2017年的大牛行情,矿机价格也被重新评估。加之疫情等因素导致的一连串 科技 硬件供应问题,加重了矿机的供应短缺局面。

“一些90后去粉基金经理,其实,显卡可能是去年最好的金融产品,不仅能让你 游戏 玩得爽,玩完一卖,还能成倍升值。”源小六笑着说。




3月初的一个夜晚,某家矿机代理商约了源小六在成都科华北路Hookar house酒吧见面。喝到半夜,他下定决心再买期货矿机。“阿瓦隆矿机没病毒,每台价格450-480之间,当晚转了300万定金。”源小六说,5月份丰水期一到,就能发货。


“3月12号比特大陆在深圳召开订货会,蚂蚁S19多个型号的机型,1台价格约为600多元,110台就在7万上下,发货时间迟至今年11月15日。要知道,去年下半年S19 的期货价格才1.5万左右,短短半年左右,价格翻了4倍多。”源小六说,就这,还得是币圈有点排面的人才能买到。


有 游戏 玩家购买显卡用了几个月后,跑到闲鱼平台兜售。有买家不懂:“当初3000一堆人不买,现在5500一堆人买,这叫什么心理?”卖家回复称:“因为币价涨了,买了搞几个月(指“挖几个月矿”),差不多可以白嫖。”



就在马斯克宣布投资比特币后,源小六接到了一个电话。电话是当时以废铁价买他矿机的币圈朋友打来的,约他晚上到成都Play house喝酒。在币圈,运维在深山老林里过着原始生活,而背后的金主们时常勾连于酒吧夜店。一些重要交易,往往都是在酒桌上谈成。


















在他看来,比特币和有价值的虚拟货币,就是互联网时代的黄金。而这个挖掘特殊黄金的市场里,还出现了四川最年轻的80后百亿富豪、毛球 科技 创始人王明鎏。


法国学者埃里克·皮谢在2017年写过这样的话:“比特币泡沫不过是疯狂投机的一个最新化身。 历史 上疯狂投机时不时地会冲击金融市场,如1637年的’郁金香狂热’、2000年的互联网泡沫等。没人能预言投机风潮的持续时间长短和顶部在哪里。”




而比特币之所以有这么强的韧性,一位比特币投资者认为,这是因为年轻人对比特币的狂热追求是一个原因。他们想建立一套新的财富体系。有报道显示,在虚拟货币交易所 bitFlyer,2020 年上半年在日本新开设比特币账户的投资者中,约 4 成为 20 多岁年轻人。在欧美也能看到相同的趋势。






『肆』 疯狂的比特币传销!层级3000,案值超500亿,两百万人卷入

文 | 华商韬略 杨扬



老套的作案手法,不同的交易媒介。这个“价值连城”的案件,就是由江苏省盐城市公安局破获的“Plus Token”网络传销案。


2019年初,盐城市公安局首次发现Plus Token平台涉嫌从事互联网传销犯罪。同年6月,专案组民警分赴多个国家和地区,配合当地警方成功抓获躲藏到境内外的28名主犯。隔年3月又一举将涉案的82名骨干成员全部抓获。

这个曾被业内称之为“币圈第一大资金盘”的Plus Token平台来头确实不小。据悉,当该平台主犯被抓时,一度使得比特币价格狂跌30%。

据盐城市公安局经侦支队支队长梅继军介绍,2018年5月至2019年6月这一年多时间里,Plus Token平台共发展会员200余万人,其中还有相当数量的境外会员,层级关系错综复杂最高可达3000余层。

为了掩人耳目,Plus Token不接受现金交易,会员必须通过比特币、以太坊币等数字货币入会。但收益和佣金却是以“Plus币”的方式支付给会员,而所谓的“Plus币”是由犯罪嫌疑人自创的“虚拟货币”,根本不受市场认可。


和以往的各种传销案件相似,此案也是通过制造一个“高大上”的概念来掩盖背后的骗局:犯罪嫌疑人们将Plus Token包装成一个集 科技 与梦想的钱包。让这个国内的传销平台成了披着羊皮的狼,摇身变成国外知名品牌开发的数字货币增值平台。









『伍』 币圈年轻人现状:炒币挥金如土,生活缝缝补补







编辑: 九歌

监制: 景岁


——大鱼 成都 27岁 最高浮盈1000w



我们本金加起来3万块左右,从2017到现在,最高收益到过千万,但是炒币客的状态很相似:币圈挥金如土,平常缝缝补补。 我们连外面10来块的面条都觉得贵,平常的 娱乐 也就是外出看看电影, 到了生活层面的消费,对标的可就是自己的工资了。

币圈开始有不少屌丝,都是生活上不太如意的人。我们2017年在深圳工作,一线城市的房价真遥不可攀,凭工资想都不要想。当时我老公初进币圈正赶牛市,3万本金很快翻到200多万。但是币圈一天,人间十年,很快又跌到几十万,这几年做了10多趟过山车,起起伏伏大起大落,5.19那天我们利润回吐了大概200万,这样的经历算是习以为常了, 币圈挣的钱,像大风刮来的,会刮来也就意味着会刮走。


2019年我们回成都买了第一套房,当时还没在币圈套过现,首套房的钱就是东拼西凑,当时我们的心态就是什么也不想,便宜就行。后来套了300万左右,又在成都买了一套公寓和一套住宅,这时候就比较关注房子的品质和小区环境。 在大部分同龄人还在为首付发愁的时候,我们不到30岁在二线就有了这些资产,生活上会很从容,这个里面,有很大运气的成分。



金融市场是人性的修罗场。不少玩家尤其是新入局的嫩韭菜,手里的币涨了就认定这是经济领域的革命,跌了,币圈就成了庞氏骗局。 我们每天生活的状态就是工作、下班炒币、研究玩币的策略套路、读项目书,我可能挣一个亿也不会离场,它成了我生活的一部分。我们愿意和区块链的技术一起成长。当然,我们也不辞职,工作才是比较稳定的收入来源。

想入场的新人千万不要借钱炒币,更不能梭哈,最好先亏点钱,心态和技术都需要沉淀,这个圈子里有不少投机行为,但不要成为一个投机者。 如果这是一场赌局,赌到最后都是人心。



——左左 北京 30岁 最高浮盈50w

币圈是把人性放大了很多倍的修罗场 ,24*365不停歇地在路上狂奔,只要赌场还在开门,就一定有赌徒参与进来,狂欢永不眠。


时间不长,当年的9月4号,是币圈的一个标志性事件,七部委联合打击区块链泡沫,币灾从天而降,炒币客被连根拔起。 但过后不久,数字货币就开启了新一轮的蒙眼狂奔。 到12月份,涛哥已经积累了千万收益,潇洒地离开传统互联网,转身去了一家区块链公司。这时候我就想好好研究一下数字货币,最终我认为,这大概率就是个击鼓传花的郁金香骗局,可能是本世纪最大的经济泡沫,但即便泡沫破裂,也足以在世界金融史上留下传奇的一笔。


作为 科技 公司的年轻人,我决定要做一把时代的弄潮儿,于是就投了5万,成为了币圈切身的体验者。

最近狗狗币比较火了,经常在热搜上徘徊,其实4年前就已经有了,当时我还研究了它的白皮书和背景,和狗狗币的创始人一样,我觉得这个东西就是在 搞笑 。 那时候狗狗币一枚价格貌似就一两分钱,很多人不是买的,是挖矿的时候平台送的。 最近doge疯涨,当年的很多人才记起来自己还持有,不少人都忘了钱包密码。

币圈还是很有意思的,当时我买了一款公链的币,最高收益翻了10倍,但我们就觉得要看到1000倍,天空才是极限。币圈不像股市,可以分析一只股票的PB、PE值,从而推导出股价的合理区间。 炒币是基于共识,就像当有1000个人说玫瑰象征爱情,那玫瑰就真的和爱情产生了联系,共识是什么?有时候就是空气。



最近兴起了新一轮炒币风潮, 我们公司有个炒币群,我眼睁睁地看着它几天内从300人变成了两千人。 里面很多技术大佬,也有很多年轻人,不少新人来了就开合约,幻想暴富,结果被多空双爆,他们又嚷嚷着要把炒币群改名为“虚拟货币维权群”,给出各种奇奇怪怪的维权点。在我看来,这是一群心态不成熟的投机者、渴望不劳而获的赌徒,对他们来讲,币圈可能是一个黑洞。




——何文 深圳 26岁 最高浮盈百万





炒币是个心神不宁的生意,币圈波动性太大,会忍不住隔一会就看一眼平台。 要盯价格盯k线,研究是不是做的方向反了,会不会亏损,要不要止损止盈。可能睡觉的时候一个波动,单子就爆仓了。

以前我开单的时候,基本上晚上会醒两三次,3点醒一次,5点又醒一次,这是不需要闹钟的,是生理的应激反应。 这几年,就觉得头发白了不少,也掉了许多。


去年疫情,不少国家放水,大家为了抵抗通胀,不少人进了币圈,加上马斯克的喊单,和各种庄家的舆论博弈,市场情绪显得很浮躁。 作为一个老韭菜,还是想对打算入场的人聊点看法——

投资是挣的认知和认识边缘的钱。 如果你刚刚进场就翻了许多倍,千万不要觉得那就是你的能力了,你可能就是运气好。你不去了解这个行业,不去总结归纳这个行业的规则,不提升自己的认知水平,到手的钱一定会亏出去。就像我18年的时候,总体还是亏得挺惨的。

同时也希望每一个炒币客都能坦然地经历一次牛熊。 熊市来了也不要恐慌,这是一个非常好的买入时机,大部分的投资本身就是挣高买低卖的差价,事非经过不知难,切身走了这一个流程,你才能明白其中的一些规则。




『陆』 币圈惨遭血洗,57万人爆仓443亿,此次股价下跌的主要原因是什么




『柒』 币圈90后超3千万拍下巴菲特午餐!股神曾公开表示比特币无价值



以 历史 高价中标后,孙宇晨在微博表示自己一直都是巴菲特价值投资理念的长期信仰者,亦称这是波场TRON和BitTorrent项目新的起点,对于整个区块链行业也有着重大的意义。今年,巴菲特曾对媒体表示:“区块链很重要,但比特币没有任何独特的价值。”


此前,曾有三个中国人天价中标,分别是创立“小霸王”和“步步高”的段永平,私募大佬赵丹阳和天神 娱乐 前董事长朱晔。

『捌』 一周币闻:吴忌寒和詹克团同时卸任比特大陆CEO,王海超或将接任



12月28日有媒体报道,吴忌寒和詹克团不久或将同时卸任比特大陆 CEO ,接任者或为王姓人士。该王姓人士原是圈外人,进入比特大陆已有一段时间。“还没板上钉钉,目前处于过渡期。” 接近比特大陆的消息人士称。

五六 财经 评论: 据分析,两人同时卸任之后,王海超很有可能成为信任CEO,目前王海超任比特大陆产品工程总监。也有人猜测此王姓人士可能是华为前董事会成员王胜利。这两个是可能性较大的猜测。




据CNN报道,比特大陆将在本周末前解雇近一半员工。北京公司今天裁掉了一个开发比特币现金客户端的团队。当Blockstream首席战略官和BTCC前首席运营官Samson Mow在推特上发布消息时,这条消息立即引起了轩然大波。Mow称:“Bitmain已经悄悄地裁掉了他们整个哥白尼团队,只有1周的通知。有些人刚刚加入公司,裁员刚好赶上圣诞节”。


12月24日,根据Coinhills的数据显示,日元的市场份额为48.03%,而美元为44.38%。日元已超过美元,成为比特币场外市场上交易量最大的主权货币。据五六 财经 了解,日本在数字货币法律法规、投资融资等领域有较为友好的环境。




12月24日,据中华网报道,近日,中国政法大学成立了世界通证研究中心暨全球首家“通证经济与法律国际智库”。该中心的宗旨是开展通证理论研究、拓宽通证实践领域、 探索 通证应用场景、创建以维护全球共同利益为导向的网络空间命运共同体。




报告强调,如果银行业加速数字化进程,到2015年银行业的净资产收益率将回升至9.3%。事实上,一些银行加速数字化转型之后的业绩表现,也证明了它的可行性。数字化和金融 科技 转型可以有效地帮助银行降低成本、提高效率、提升业绩并且增加投资人的信心。


12月24日,据中国证券网报道,中国平安集团表示,其旗下全国首家以电子社保卡为载体的电子时间银行近日在青岛正式启用。该电子银行平台以中国平安旗下平安医保 科技 的“城市一账通”APP为独家技术平台,通过移动互联网、大数据、区块链等创新技术,为志愿服务搭建“时间交换”平台。与电子时间银行签约的志愿者,通过申领“城市一账通”App电子社保卡进行实名认证,开通本人时间银行账户后,即可实现志愿服务时间的记录、存取、查询、转让等功能。




人民日报刊文《让改革催动基层治理创新》。文章指出,身处 科技 创新时代,要善于利用大数据、区块链技术,特别是运用“数据说话”“精准发力”“平等共享”等“互联网+”思维,重组有限的人力、物力、财力,努力做到岗位匹配最优化、分工设置最合理、资源配置最高效。







火币合约(Huobi DM)26日发布公告称,将于新加坡时间12月28日(本周五)18点上线EOS合约。


12月26日上午,OKEx的多个合约出现问题,限制买入价,空仓无法平仓。同时,在限价的情况下,出现多仓爆拉的情况。最终,很多空军被爆仓。据五六 财经 不完全统计,光ETH的季度合约,爆仓单有3万ETH以上。
















Weiss Rating:Tether在没有完成合规审计前,其它证据都不足以完全信任

12月26日,Weiss Rating推文称,尽管彭博声称目睹了银行对账单,证明Tether确实拥有支撑USDT的相应美元储备,但这是远远不够的。我们再说一遍:Tether还没有完成正式合规审计,没有它,所有这些说法都不足以得到真正的支持。

『玖』 币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓,这究竟发生了什么

腥风血雨!币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓! 比特币跌破了39000美元关口,24小时跌幅超过了14%,较今年4月创下的历史高点回落了40%。此外,以太坊跌破了2900美元关口,跌幅超17%;币安币、狗狗币等都暴跌约22%。近几天来发生了虚拟货币的崩盘。


『拾』 人民币数字货币来袭!币圈的世纪骗局还能持续多久

编辑 | 娜美

作者 | 郑铠

来源 | 商业金英


历史 告诉我们,正规军进山,第一步就是先剿匪!

长期以来,顶着区块链,高 科技 的概念到处招摇撞骗的币圈,被称之为中产收割机!


















区块链技术比较复杂难懂,一般人难以理解,认为国家支持,高新技术,应该没问题!殊不知这正中下怀,打着高新技术的幌子,声称公司管理人员核心技术来自清华北大,硅谷中关村,营造大型跨国 科技 公司的声势,利用公众对于区块链技术的一知半解,大肆宣传虚拟币,以暴利为卖点,诱惑公众为“梦想窒息”。


币民轻飘飘,以为可以复制比特币造富神话,在数字货币没有股票涨跌幅度限制的情况下,部分炒币者选择了“赌博式”买卖, 涨了一夜暴富,爆仓倾家荡产。

实际上虚拟币的涨跌根本毫无依据! 由于缺乏国家主权信用做背书,任何风吹草动都能导致虚拟币暴跌,某些币种所谓的优质运用token不属于虚拟币本身的属性,难以支持虚拟币价格,例如Q币,依托的是腾讯公司的兑付信用,而不是Q币可以运用于购买 游戏 装备。

虚拟币市场依然存在庄家操盘。 开发团队通常囤积大部分数量虚拟币,足以利用市场风吹草动大肆打压虚拟币价格收割韭菜,循环收割。

更加血腥的是,某些虚拟币压根就只是交易平台上的一个模拟数字,价格变动可以在后台随意控制。 币民买入虚拟币所花的钱全部流入开发团队口袋,高兴就调高价格,吸引投资者进场,不高兴分分钟暴跌,让投资者血亏。


当然,多如牛毛的虚拟币不可能像主流币那样获得巨额的流量与关注度,因此衍生出了 旁氏骗局式的虚拟币 与 传销式虚拟币 。



以前阵子被公安机关一窝端的币圈最大骗局plus token为例,为了吸引客户,声称最低只要投入500美金,就可以每月为投资者提供10%-30%的收益,一年利润600%,如此明显的骗局, 仅仅只是披上高大上的区块链高新技术就可以大肆进行敛财,通过新进客户的本金兑付旧用户的收益,平台大肆扩张,达到一定就宣告倒闭,卷款跑路,手法与P2P如出一辙。

比P2P更狠的是,还有传销币骗局 ,不光骗投资者的钱,还要把投资者身边的亲人朋友同事客户一起拉下水。通过鼓励客户拉人头返佣,发展下线的方式形成病毒式传播,裂变,最终将受害者整个家族甚至是朋友圈一起拉下水!


更令人激愤的是,由于这种方式涉嫌互联网传销,即便平台破产倒闭,创始人被抓,投资者也无法追回任何损失! 依据法律规定,传销涉案资金将全部充公!参与传销的投资者不仅自己血本无归,甚至还要承担法律责任。




银监会主席郭树清说过: 高收益意味着高风险,收益率超过6%就要打问号,超过8%就很危险,10%以上就要准备损失全部本金!(指年化收益率!!)




『一』Bitcoin fell below US$8,000. How crazy was Bitcoin back then?

On December 17, 2017, Bitcoin reached its highest price in history at US$19,850, causing people to invest one after another Bitcoin.

On the evening of January 22, 2017, Huobi, Bitcoin China and OKCoin successively issued announcements on their respective official websites, stating that in order to further curb speculation and prevent violent price fluctuations, each platform will The transaction service fee will be charged starting from 12:00 noon on January 24. The service fee is charged at a fixed rate of 0.2% of the transaction amount, and the rates for active transactions and passive transactions are the same.

On May 5, the latest data from OKCoin showed that the price of Bitcoin had just refreshed history again, reaching a high of 9,222 yuan as of press time. Starting from 12:00 noon on January 24, China's three major Bitcoin platforms officially began to charge transaction fees. On September 4, the central bank and seven other ministries and commissions issued an announcement stating that China banned virtual currency transactions.

On December 17, 2017, Bitcoin reached its highest price in history at $19,850.

Transactions also occur on the network, with computers running the software competing to crack irreversible cryptographic problems that include multiple transactions. The first "miner" to solve the problem will be rewarded with 50 Bitcoins, and the relevant transaction area will be added to the chain.

As the number of "miners" increases, the difficulty of each puzzle also increases, which keeps the Bitcoin production rate in each trading area at about 10 minutes.

『二』 A big hit in the currency circle! The founder of the billionaire giant "ran away", and a bigger crisis is still to come

The collapse of Luna coin became the trigger that crushed the currency circle. Dominos fell one by one. In just two months, the former "coin industry tycoons" were no longer in glory. Some assets shrank significantly, some were saddled with huge liabilities, and some were suspected of running away with their money. ....

The myth of sudden wealth in the currency circle has been shattered, leaving nothing but chicken feathers and miserable creditors. And this is just the beginning, a bigger crisis is still brewing.

1 The tens of billions of giants in the currency circle collapsed

Recently, the Lehman crisis in the currency circle continues to spread, with thunderstorms happening one after another, but among them, the most influential one is Mo Too much for Three Arrows Capital.

Since its establishment, Three Arrows Capital has been focusing on investment in the field of cryptocurrency. In addition to direct investment in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, it also invests in various crypto projects such as DeFi and NFT. Three Arrows Capital occupies an important position in foreign exchange transactions in global emerging markets, once accounting for nearly 8% of the global emerging market foreign exchange trading volume. In March this year, Three Arrows Capital’s assets under management once exceeded US$10 billion, making it one of the most active investment institutions in the cryptocurrency field.

But this cryptocurrency hedge fund, which once controlled US$10 billion in funds, has invested heavily in the stable currency Terra.In the series of "butterfly effects" caused by the collapse of UST and its sister currency Luna, it quickly experienced a liquidity crisis, filed for bankruptcy liquidation, and was rumored to have run away, which is dramatic.

The trigger of the incident dates back to May. The price of the token stETH plummeted, and the de-anchoring of ETH & stETH triggered a chain reaction. Sanjian Capital, which had a heavy position in stETH, was deeply involved.

Luna’s collapse made Sanjian Capital’s situation worse. Previously, Deep Blue Finance pointed out in the article "This Korean, causing global currency speculators to lose their money" that the collapse of Luna currency and stable currency TerraUST may trip up many "currency industry bosses", including three Arrow Capital, of the $1 billion Luna Foundation Guard raised in February this year, more than $200 million of investment came from Three Arrows Capital. But now, this investment has long evaporated.

Subsequently, cryptocurrency trader Moon Overlord broke the news that Three Arrows Capital began dumping stETH in large quantities to repay their debts and outstanding borrowings.

The collapse of Luna caused a series of declines in the cryptocurrency market. In mid-June, it was reported that Three Arrows Capital was experiencing a margin call. At the same time, Sanjian Capital also fell into a liquidity crisis. According to its disclosure, Sanjian currently has outstanding debt totaling more than 2 billion US dollars, but only has 200 million in liquid assets.

Then an anonymous person broke the news that it is common for Three Arrows Capital to misappropriate client funds. It was revealed that Sanjian has been providing services to customers in Singapore, mainland China and Hong Kong, but they do not have compliance licenses or supervision. Lenders include small trading platforms, individuals and companies, and Sanjian is always skillful in misappropriating customers' money when dealing with counterparties as if they were using their own money. He also said that Zhu Su has at least US$350 million in assets in Singapore and suggested that creditors check it.

Under debt pressure, the first creditor soon called Sanjian Capital for debt collection. Voyager Digital, a digital asset brokerage company, suddenly launched an attack and stated that it had lent 15,250 Bitcoins and US$350 million in stablecoin USDC to Three Arrows Capital. Calculated at the price at that time, the total loan amount exceeded US$675 million. Three Arrows Capital was required to repay US$25 million before June 24 and all outstanding loans before June 27.

But until the 27th, Sanjian Capital still had not repaid the loan. Within a few days, news came out that Sanjian Capital had filed for bankruptcy protection. Its founder Zhu Su also posted on Twitter, "We We are in communication with relevant parties and are fully committed to resolving this issue." Suspected to respond to the rumors. But on July 1, Sanjian Capital’s filing for bankruptcy received a “real hammer.”

The borrower filed for bankruptcy and the debt of more than 600 million US dollars could not be collected. The miserable creditor Voyager could only go bankrupt in tears.Less than a week after announcing the suspension of all transactions on the platform, Voyager also announced on July 5 that it had filed for bankruptcy protection.

2 Selling luxury homes, transferring assets, and missing, suspected of "running away" during the liquidation period

During the bankruptcy and liquidation of Three Arrows Capital, there were constant episodes. It was reported that the founder was selling luxury homes and transferring assets. The assets and whereabouts are unknown, and there is news that they are suspected of running away.

Three Arrows Capital was established in 2012. Its two founders, Zhu Su and Kyle Davies, graduated from Columbia University. Zhu Su worked as a derivatives trader at Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank in Hong Kong.

At the end of June, when news broke that Sanjian Capital had filed for bankruptcy, some media revealed that Zhu Su was urgently selling his house in Singapore for US$35 million. This house is located on Yawu Road in Bukit Timah, a wealthy area of ​​Singapore. It covers an area of ​​nearly 3,000 square meters. It was bought by Zhu Su for US$48.8 million in December 2021, less than a year after it was acquired.

Subsequently, documents submitted to the New York Bankruptcy Court on July 8 revealed that the two founders of Three Arrows Capital have not cooperated with the liquidation and their whereabouts are unknown. Moreover, the liquidator went to his office in Singapore and found that the office door was locked, the computer was not running, mail was stuffed on the floor at the door, and the building was already empty.

At the same time, foreign media reported that due to unknown reasons, the NFT belonging to Three Arrows Capital NFT Fund Starry Night has been transferred to a new wallet. According to Golden Finance, the NFT collection held by Three Arrows Capital is worth approximately US$7.3 million.

On July 12, Zhu Su, who had been missing for a month, finally reappeared on Twitter. He wrote that their "good faith" efforts to cooperate with the liquidators had been "induced."

Three Arrows Capital’s previous strategy has been to borrow money from peers and invest in nascent cryptocurrency projects. This means that peers who have borrowed money from Three Arrows Capital will face huge losses or even lose all their money.

Voyager is the first domino to fall when Three Arrows Capital goes bankrupt, and this is just the beginning. The crisis will continue to spread to Three Arrows Capital and Voyager’s creditors.

Voyager alone has more than 100,000 creditors, assets between $1 billion and $10 billion, and liabilities in the same range. Another creditor, BlockFi, lost approximately $80 million directly related to Three Arrows Capital, according to its co-founder Zac Prince, which was only "a fraction of the losses reported by others."

Due to the lack of transparency of Three Arrows Capital, no one in the entire industry knows who has exposure to them and how bad their situation is.

3 Everything is just the beginningThe Lehman crisis in the currency circle continues to spread

In mid-May this year, industry insiders said that the "butterfly effect" caused by the return of LUNA currency to zero will be no less than the global financial crisis caused by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008. crisis. Three Arrows Capital is just one of the most representative and influential dominoes. More dominoes have already fallen, and more are still falling.

After the collapse of the stablecoin TerraUST, the currency circle caused a series of chain reactions. The prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum continued to fall. After that, major cryptocurrency trading platforms began to set off a "wave of layoffs." In mid-June, Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency trading platform in the United States, announced layoffs, with the layoff ratio reaching 18%, involving more than 1,000 employees. Immediately afterwards, BlockFi, cryptocurrency trading platform Crypto.com, Gemini, and exchange Buenbit successively announced large-scale layoffs. The layoff plan, among which the exchange Buenbit’s layoffs even reached nearly half.

Some investors comforted themselves by laying off employees, which would not affect their assets, but they were soon slapped in the face, and the "wave" hit investors in the currency circle. While major cryptocurrency trading platforms were laying off employees one after another, crypto lending giant Celsius, known as the “currency bank”, suddenly announced a freeze on withdrawals to prevent runs.

Celsius is not an unknown person, and its position in the currency circle cannot be underestimated. According to Celsius officials, it has 1.7 million customers and as of May 17, the company has assets worth $11.8 billion. Additionally, they participate in nearly every major “decentralized finance (DeFi)” protocol.

This means that if Celsius is required to cease operations, dozens of related DeFi projects, cryptocurrencies and other digital assets will "lose everything."

It is worth noting that the issuer of Tether, the largest stablecoin in the currency circle, happens to be a shareholder of Celsius, which makes many people worry about whether Tether will be dragged down. If Teteher also has problems, it may lead to a greater collapse in the currency circle. Hilary Allen, a financial expert at American University, said: "Tether is the lifeblood of the encryption ecosystem. If it thunders, it will cause the entire wall to collapse."

At the end of June, foreign media reported that Celsius CEO had tried to Fleeed the United States and planned to travel to Israel, but was blocked by authorities. Another piece of news once again caused panic in the market.

"Banks", "brokerages" and "hedge funds" in the currency circle have collapsed one after another, and the "big guys" in the industry have all gone bankrupt and run away, not to mention those altcoins and air coins. One of the developers of an air currency project called DOR Coin was exposed to have left the market before the market opened. Before leaving, they "sincerely" said that because DOR's private equity funds were too large to withstand the availability of goods, the project team decided to move to New Zealand collectively.slope. The only blame is that you let us do too many private placements.

Only a group of victims are left, struggling to defend their rights.

When the tide recedes, the myth of sudden wealth in the currency circle is gone, and all that is left is a piece of chicken feathers.

This article comes from Deep Blue Finance

『三』 Four years of mining in the currency circle after 90s: Easily make millions a year, but also missed the Lamborghini in one thought

Spring is here, the snow-capped mountains in Sichuan begin to melt, and the rivers in the valleys become plentiful. In this province with the richest hydropower resources in the country, thousands of hydropower stations are storing water. In Chengdu, the operation center of the hydropower station, a special group is also working hard: busy connecting with various "miners".

The miners mentioned here are virtual currency gold diggers who live in pursuit of electricity.

In 2009, a mysterious man named Satoshi Nakamoto opened the Pandora’s box of virtual currencies. Bitcoin generated from the blockchain became a new digital gold mine, triggering a global mining boom. Mining boom. This virtual currency composed of disordered numbers has grown from 0.0076 US dollars at the beginning of its birth to 60,000 US dollars 11 years later, an increase of approximately 8 million times.

Capital is becoming more and more enthusiastic. Since February, the technology madman Musk has invested US$1.5 billion in Bitcoin, the beautiful Cai Wensheng has invested tens of millions of dollars in the game, and even Xinyang Maojian, who is completely unrelated to technology, has also joined the battlefield.

The rise in Bitcoin prices has boosted the profit margins of coin miners. Among the many costs of mining coins, access to electricity is crucial, and this is Sichuan’s advantage.

Yuan Xiaoliu, the mine operation manager of a well-known hydropower investment company in Chengdu, has recently had intensive contact with representatives of Dualu Capital from Beijing and Shenzhen. These capitals are considering establishing mining sites and preparing to join the mining army. In addition, there are seasonal miners who have moved to Sichuan because of the closure of coin mining farms in Inner Mongolia. They came to Chengdu in search of the lowest electricity prices.

Chengdu not only controls a large number of hydropower stations, but also has China’s first batch of Bitcoin players, as well as Maoqiu Technology, a post-80s rich man named Wang Mingliu whose main business is mining operations. Coin miners from all walks of life gathered together, and Chengdu became a sacred place and the "mining capital" of the currency circle.

In the Bitcoin bull market, in addition to allowing some Bitcoin investors to make huge profits, Sichuan's hydropower companies also took a share of the pie. In the four years he has been operating the mine, Yuan Xiaoliu has transformed from an ordinary hydropower company technician to a senior player in the cryptocurrency industry with an annual income of millions. He did not expect that he would use hydropower knowledge such as river dynamics and turbine design specifications to participate in the wave of wealth creation in digital finance.

Nowadays, the market for bit mining machines is hard to find. Chips and graphics cards are not only mining tools, but also popular financial products. Fortunately, Yuan Xiaoliu has accumulated a lot of hard work in the past few years.Thanks to his personal connections, he has successfully ordered the Avalon mining machine—a future that will only arrive in May.

At that time, the water turbines will start, and with the roar of more than 100 decibels, the mining machines swallowing the rolling current will merge into the huge mining pool woven by more mines, and send data to the digital block. Charge with force.

Yuan Xiaoliu is a post-90s generation who studied water conservancy and hydropower at a university in Sichuan Province. After graduating in 2015, he worked in a hydropower investment company in Chengdu. At that time, Bitcoin was just an unfamiliar word that he glanced at while browsing the web.

In fact, there was already an active Bitcoin scene in Chengdu at that time. In January 2009, Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto "mined" the first block of Bitcoin on a small server in Helsinki, Finland, and received 50 Bitcoins. Six months later, in Chengdu, China, thousands of miles away from Helsinki, Long Yujiang, who was only 21 years old, joined the mining ranks and became one of the earliest Bitcoin players in China. His story of wealth creation inspired the earliest mining boom in Chengdu.

The so-called mining, in layman's terms, means that everyone calculates a problem together. Whoever calculates quickly and accurately will get the accounting rights and then receive Bitcoin rewards. In order to make computing more professional, mining equipment has evolved step by step from home computers to ASIC mining machines. To mine coins, you need a large number of mining machines to form an army to win in the computing power competition. In order to operate a large number of mining machines, the consumption of electricity is terrifying.

Electricity once strangled the miners' necks. Some miners cut off power to residential buildings in order to mine Bitcoin. Some people even take risks to steal electricity in order to mine.

Neither Yuan Xiaoliu nor the company he works for noticed any connection between the whirring turbines and the high-tech-sounding blockchain. Until around 2016, a mining company approached them through various connections, hoping to use their redundant power from a hydropower station in Ganzi, Sichuan for mining.

Go to a hydropower station to mine Bitcoin? In an electric power industry with insufficient marketization, this is undoubtedly a bold move.

At that time, the company's leaders were older and were puzzled by this way of using electricity, but they also knew that there were thousands of hydropower stations in Sichuan, large and small, and each wanted to sell to thousands of them through the State Grid. Thousands of households. However, during the flood season from May to October every year, a large number of hydropower stations generate more electricity than the national grid can absorb, and the power stations have to open gates and abandon water.

Instead of throwing away electricity, it is better to sell it to miners. With the mentality of giving it a try, the company invested in the construction of the first mine connected to the hydropower station and accepted the first wave of miners.

When investing in mines, the main investment projects are computer rooms, office buildings, refrigeration and exhaust systems, transformers and other facilities to provide infrastructure services for mining.Based on an electricity load of 50,000 kilowatt-hours (that is, 50,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity consumption per hour), the mine needs to install dozens of transformers, each costing about 200,000 yuan. This investment does not appear to be a small amount at first glance.

But in fact, under the premise that the currency price continued to rise at that time, the investment of millions could be roughly paid back in as soon as two months. Taking an electricity load of 50,000 kilowatt-hours as an example, the daily power consumption can be as high as 1.2 million kilowatt-hours, which is 36 million kilowatt-hours per month. Based on an electricity price of 3 cents, the power plant’s monthly gross income is over one million.

In terms of the mining efficiency of mainstream mining machines, in 2015, it took 2,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity to mine one Bitcoin, which skyrocketed to 30,000 kilowatt-hours in 2018. Recently, currency prices have soared, and miners have poured in like crazy. The currency circle is deeply involved, and the power consumption of mining one Bitcoin is astronomical.

When researchers from the University of Cambridge recently announced the Bitcoin Power Consumption Index, they said that if Bitcoin were regarded as a country, its power consumption would rank among the top 30 countries with the largest power consumption in the world, exceeding Countries such as Argentina and the Netherlands use electricity throughout the year. In order to save electricity costs, a large number of miners drove large trucks pulling mining machines to Sichuan, and more and more hydropower stations opened their arms to them.

Shenzhen has reduced the manufacturing cost of Bitcoin mining machines, and Sichuan has reduced the cost of Bitcoin mining. This allows China to occupy 70% of the Bitcoin computing power, and Sichuan accounts for 70% of China's computing power. At that time, a mainstream mining machine manufacturer only set up two maintenance stations in the world, one of which was in Kangding, Sichuan, which is rich in hydropower resources.

As more and more hydropower stations join the competition for miners, the price of electricity in mines becomes lower and lower.

"It was 35 cents in 2017, 30 cents in 2018, 24 cents in 2019, and just over 20 cents in 2020." Yuan Xiaoliu said, taking the hydropower station managed mine where he works as an example. In the past, miners were required to pay a one-month electricity deposit, but now they only need to pay a half-month deposit to enter the market.

Recently, Inner Mongolia issued an eviction order to the mining farms, and the miners on the virtual currency assembly line had to move to Sichuan with their mining machines, seeking to land through various connections.

Sichuan has also shifted from being initially ambiguous or even opposed to mining, to encouraging it. In August 2019, the Sichuan Provincial Government announced the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Hydropower Consumption Industry Demonstration Zone in Sichuan Province." Last year, when Sichuan officials announced the first batch of "hydropower consumption demonstration enterprises", a number of mines suddenly appeared. This means that Sichuan officially recognized the cooperation model between hydropower stations and mining companies.

Because the difficulty of mining continues to increase, mining companies are extremely sensitive to every penny increase or decrease in electricity prices. Now, many miners are looking for resources around the world in order to find cheaper mines. “Russian hydropower, Kazakhstan’s thermal power, and Central Africa’sHydropower, and even American power plants, were on the miners' radar. "Yuan Xiaoliu said that the electricity price in some places can be as low as 15 cents.

"Sichuan's advantages still exist. This may not be the cheapest electricity in the world, but a mine with stable operations not only requires low-price electricity, but also reliable operations. "Yuan Xiaoliu said that in the competition for miners, high-quality and standardized services are also an important part.

After entering the currency circle for a long time, Yuan Xiaoliu is no longer satisfied with helping others to host. "We have You can also mine electricity resources yourself. "In 2019, he bought a small batch of Ant S9 and other models and hosted them in the mine with others.

Only when you mine by yourself can you realize that mining is not without risks. The first risk is viruses. For example, Ant’s S9 model has been frequently attacked by viruses.

“Someone came to us and said they could provide free anti-virus software. In order to ensure the operation of the machine, I had to use it. "Yuan Xiaoliu said that it turned out that as long as they downloaded their anti-virus program, the virus was removed, but 5-10% of the computer's computing power was cut off. "As long as the computer is turned on, the anti-virus company is mining mines. . "Yuan Xiaoliu shook his head helplessly.

Secondly, the mine is far away from the city, which is also a big test for the life of the operators. More than 100 decibels of noise fill the mine at all times, and the high power of 24-hour operation The mining machine emits billowing heat waves. In order to cool down, each set of shelves uses a 1500-watt high-power fan to exhaust air. Because the air circulation speed in the machine room is very fast, the staff is not prone to sweating, and the actual physical feeling is even more uncomfortable. In order to retain Employees often have to raise their monthly salary to 10,000 yuan.

This year’s Bitcoin has replicated the bull market in 2017, and the price of mining machines has also been re-evaluated. In addition, a series of technological hardware changes caused by factors such as the epidemic Supply problems have aggravated the shortage of mining machines.

"Some fund managers born in the 1990s have gone to fandom. In fact, graphics cards may have been the best financial product last year. Not only can you play games happily, Once you finish playing with it and sell it, the value will increase exponentially. "Yuan Xiaoliu said with a smile.

After the rainy season ended last year, the price of Bitcoin reached the 10,000 US dollar mark. Yuan Xiaoliu said that his investment in all aspects of mining cost more than 40 Ten thousand, and after the mining stopped, he settled the accounts and recovered the cost by only selling Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin intermittently, and made a net profit of nearly 500,000.

At that time, his wife started a business He needed funds, and his own judgment on the short-term maximum price of Bitcoin was only 100,000 yuan per coin. Therefore, after many considerations, 2,000 mining machines, including the old "Machine King" S9, were replaced with one The scrap metal was sold for about 90 yuan, and another 180,000 yuan was returned.

Unexpectedly, the virtual currency market is still feverish. On handWithout the mining machine, we have to order at a high price this year.

One night in early March, a mining machine agent made an appointment with Yuan Xiaoliu to meet at the Hookar House Bar on Kehua North Road, Chengdu. After drinking until midnight, he made up his mind to buy another futures mining machine. "Avalon mining machines are virus-free, and the price of each unit is between 450 and 480. A deposit of 3 million was transferred that night." Yuan Xiaoliu said that the goods can be shipped as soon as the wet season arrives in May.

Since the beginning of this year, due to the skyrocketing price of Bitcoin, spot mining machines have been hard to come by, and major brands have purchased futures.

"On March 12, Bitmain held an order meeting in Shenzhen. Among the multiple models of Ant S19, one unit costs about more than 600 yuan, and 110 units are around 70,000. The delivery time is late. As of November 15 this year. You know, the futures price of S19 in the second half of last year was only about 15,000. In just about half a year, the price more than quadrupled." Yuan Xiaoliu said, for this, the currency circle has to be a bit crowded. Only those who meet can buy it.

Last year, NVIDIA released an RTX3060 graphics card. In order to prevent miners from using this graphics card to mine the popular virtual currency Ethereum, NVIDIA imposed restrictions on the graphics card. However, NVIDIA engineers underestimated the strength of coin mining miners. As the currency price soared, the miners perfectly cracked the restriction program. Now, the price of this graphics card, which originally sold for only about 3,000 yuan, has soared to nearly 6,000 yuan.

Some game players bought graphics cards and used them for a few months, then went to the Xianyu platform to sell them. Some buyers didn’t understand: “At the beginning, a bunch of 3,000 people didn’t buy, but now a bunch of 5,500 people are buying. What kind of psychology is this?” The seller replied: “Because the currency price has increased, I have been buying it for several months (referring to “mining a few coins”). "Monthly mine"), it's almost free of charge."

The hardware blowout driven by the rise in currency prices is still continuing.

March is a time of frequent gatherings in the Chengdu currency circle. At such gatherings, there are stories of diaosi's counterattacks and big bosses' failings in life. Having seen many ups and downs, including envy of others' sudden wealth and regret of missing out on wealth, Yuan Xiaoliu tried his best to be more open-minded.

Just after Musk announced his investment in Bitcoin, Yuan Xiaoliu received a call. The call came from a friend in the cryptocurrency industry who bought his mining machine at scrap metal price, and asked him to go to Chengdu Play House for a drink in the evening. In the currency circle, operations and maintenance live a primitive life in the mountains and forests, and the funders behind them are often linked to bars and nightclubs. Some important deals are often negotiated over the wine table.

"He is a foreigner with a low level of education. He has not made much money from mining and speculating on coins. That time he bought a second-hand mining machine for 180,000 yuan was probably his biggest move." Yuan Xiaoliu He said that when he saw him again that night, he was shocked to find that he had driven a Lamborghini.

A few months ago,He was still struggling in a simple dormitory deep in the mountains, often scolding his mother for missing opportunities. But in front of him, in the elegant bar, he did not hide his excitement after getting rich: This bar is good, buy a membership card. He walked to the front desk on his own and recharged 200,000 yuan on the spot.

In just a few months, the once ordinary loser in the currency circle has changed his life.

Let’s put it this way, a second-hand mobile phone that cost 90 yuan at the time soared to nearly 2,000 yuan a few months later. Not to mention the income from coin mining, when mining machines are scarce, even the old and out-of-breath machines are rising to the sky.

Although the difference between selling and buying was a Lamborghini and the generosity of spending at the bar, but thinking that the income from mining and currency speculation last year exceeded one million, Yuan Xiaoliu also reported Smile and stop worrying.

Of course, for most coin miners and speculators, it is difficult to secure the virtual currency lying in their accounts even if they encounter a super trend. As early as 2016, the leader of Yuan Xiaoliu's company held 500 Bitcoins. However, when he saw that the increase exceeded that of stocks, he cashed out and left, buying a house directly. For older people, a house they can live in provides a sense of security that is much more practical than the confusing strings of characters in their online accounts.

"At that time, the currency price was only four to five hundred US dollars. Now it is more than 50,000 US dollars, which has increased more than 100 times. But the house has also increased two or three times, which is not an order of magnitude at all." Yuan Xiaoliu said, Maybe the leader feels that the happiness brought by the house is also irreplaceable.

The reason why I can’t hold it is because the price of Bitcoin is too volatile and there is no circuit breaker mechanism. You may make a lot of money or lose everything overnight. This is a great test for your heart and human nature. . Whether to close when the gains are good, stop losses in time, or not care about the temporary rise or fall, is a huge test for every investor's psychology.

In the past two years, Yuan Xiaoliu has felt that in this virtual world where there are only 21 million bitcoins in total and more than 80% of the bitcoins have been mined, there is a large group of people using the tip of the lever to lick Bloody, do whatever it takes to compete for Bitcoin resources that are increasingly difficult to mine.

In 2019, Hui Yi, the founder of BitEase, used 100 times leverage to speculate in coins. As a result, his position was liquidated and he committed suicide in pain. This is the most shocking event in the currency circle in 2019. Hui Yi is a top smart person in the financial field. He successfully escaped from the top when the stock market was at its peak, but he still failed to escape the more turbulent currency circle.

Bitcoin, which is invisible and intangible, has always only believed in algorithms and current, not tears and sadness.

Tragedy is never alone.

In 2020, a senior currency speculator in Dalian also used leverage to speculate in Bitcoin and lost 20 million. Later, he killed his daughter.He and his wife committed suicide by jumping into the sea. The outside world once again saw the bloodthirsty in the currency circle.

"So, I have always warned myself not to use huge amounts of leverage. The risks in the currency circle are unbearable for individuals." Yuan Xiaoliu said that a friend who once speculated in currencies with him experienced last year's After the 312 Incident and the turbulence of the currency price plummeting from 8,000 US dollars to 4,000 US dollars, he finally left the market.

He has also seen people running with Bitcoin.

A few years ago, he asked a friend to help solve a technical problem. Afterwards, he asked his friend if he wanted a bag he liked or a Bitcoin of the same price? "My friend chose Bitcoin. At that time, one Bitcoin was about 10,000 yuan, so I gave two to my friend." Yuan Xiaoliu said, unexpectedly, this friend held it to this day, and now its value exceeds 700,000. He can make a small fortune in Chengdu. The down payment is made for the apartment type.

Today, in Yuan Xiaoliu’s view of wealth, the symbol of wealth is not just visible and tangible things such as houses and cars. Virtual currency should have a place.

In his view, Bitcoin and valuable virtual currencies are the gold of the Internet era. In this market for mining special gold, there is also Wang Mingliu, the youngest post-80s billionaire in Sichuan and the founder of Maoqiu Technology.

However, there are still huge rifts between miners, investors, regulatory agencies and scholars in various countries regarding the attitude towards virtual currencies.

French scholar Eric Pichet wrote this in 2017: "The Bitcoin bubble is just the latest incarnation of crazy speculation. Crazy speculation has hit financial markets from time to time in history, such as 1637 The 'Tulip Mania' of 2000, the Internet Bubble of 2000, etc. No one can predict the duration of the speculative wave and where the top will be."

"The market can be irrational for so long that it bankrupts you. ." Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, also cited these passages to warn Bitcoin investors.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen also criticized the huge risks and inefficiencies of Bitcoin a few days ago, pouring cold water on Bitcoin.

However, various warnings do not seem to have dampened the enthusiasm for Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. After a brief adjustment, Bitcoin continues to move higher.

One of the reasons why Bitcoin is so resilient is that young people are enthusiastic about Bitcoin. They want to build a new wealth system. According to reports, on the virtual currency exchange bitFlyer, about 40% of the investors who opened new Bitcoin accounts in Japan in the first half of 2020 were young people in their 20s. The same trend can be seen in Europe and the United States.

Moreover, Bitcoin’sThe fire has also pushed various virtual currencies such as Ethereum and Litecoin to new highs. Even Dogecoin, which was once no one cared about, has become popular because of Musk's pursuit.

"Thanks to Musk, the large amount of Dogecoins given by the system when I mined Litecoin suddenly became valuable." Yuan Xiaoliu himself was a little surprised.

However, Bitcoin’s rise has made American investment guru and Oaktree Capital co-founder Howard Marks shake his head. A recent interview video shows that he refused to talk about the future of Bitcoin, saying only: It is better not to talk about things you don’t know.

But miners’ new “faith” in virtual currencies cannot be shaken yet.

The flood season is coming, and Yuan Xiaoliu is about to start a new round of mining career. He said that he was going to be a father soon, and he planned to use the first Bitcoin mined as a gift to his future children, and give it to them when they get married in their 20s. “At that time, I believed that this Bitcoin The price of Bitcoin is 1 million US dollars."

『四』 Crazy Bitcoin pyramid scheme! Level 3,000, case value exceeding 50 billion, two million people involved

Text | Chinese Business Tao Lue Yang Yang

This is a detection by the Chinese public security agency The first major transnational online pyramid scheme crime case using blockchain technology and digital currency transactions.

The value of the case exceeded 50 billion, involving more than 310,000 Bitcoins, more than 9.17 million Ethereum coins and other digital currencies. More than 2 million people participated, and there were more than 3,000 pyramid schemes.

Old-fashioned modus operandi, different medium of exchange. This “priceless” case is the “Plus Token” online pyramid scheme cracked by the Public Security Bureau of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province.

This case has now entered the trial stage. This is the first large-scale transnational online pyramid scheme crime case detected by my country's public security organs using blockchain technology and digital currency transactions.

In early 2019, the Yancheng City Public Security Bureau discovered for the first time that the Plus Token platform was suspected of engaging in Internet pyramid schemes. In June of the same year, the police task force went to multiple countries and regions and cooperated with local police to successfully capture 28 principal criminals who were hiding inside and outside the country. In March of the following year, all 82 key members involved in the case were arrested in one fell swoop.

This Plus Token platform, which was once called "the largest fund in the currency circle" by the industry, does have a lot of background. It is reported that when the main culprit of the platform was arrested, the price of Bitcoin plummeted by 30%.

According to Mei Jijun, leader of the Economic Investigation Detachment of Yancheng City Public Security Bureau, in more than a year from May 2018 to June 2019, the Plus Token platform has developed a total of more than 2 million members, including There are also a considerable number of overseas members, and the hierarchical relationships are intricate and up toMore than 3,000 floors.

In order to deceive others, Plus Token does not accept cash transactions, and members must join through digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, the profits and commissions are paid to members in the form of "Plus coins". The so-called "Plus coins" are a "virtual currency" created by the criminal suspects and are not recognized by the market at all.

It is reported that the platform has collected more than 310,000 bitcoins from members, and more than 9.17 million digital currencies such as Ethereum coins. Based on the market conditions at the time of the incident, the total value of these digital currencies was equivalent to more than 50 billion yuan in RMB.

Similar to various previous MLM cases, this case also concealed the scam behind it by creating a "high-end" concept: the suspects packaged Plus Token into a wallet that combined technology and dreams. This domestic MLM platform has become a wolf in sheep's clothing, transforming into a digital currency value-added platform developed by well-known foreign brands.

However, if you want to join this "high-end" platform, you must obtain the platform's "intelligent brick-moving income", that is, you must hand over a digital currency "threshold fee" of at least US$500. In order to make more money in the future, members must develop more levels of downlines.

Why do so many people fall for such an obvious scam to outsiders? In fact, people's awareness of prevention is not strong enough, and they always fantasize about "getting something for nothing" and "getting rich overnight". In the end, their ideals are shattered, and they end up harming others and themselves.

In recent years, through innovation and practice, the results of economic investigation informatization construction have also been widely used. Although we have made progress in this new type of Internet-related economic crime, the police also remind us that in major MLM activities, except for the organizers and a few higher-level key members, the vast majority of people have no money. Return.

There will be no pie in the sky, and investors must be more vigilant to avoid leaving opportunities for criminals.

In this regard, some netizens called: "Those who speculate in currency, blockchain, and tokens all follow this model. Regulatory authorities and the public must keep their eyes open and continue to strictly control the numbers." Criminals who play around with currency."


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『五』The current situation of young people in the currency circle: they spend a lot of money speculating on coins and make ends meet in their daily lives

Coin One day in the circle, ten years in the world.

When a currency speculator stays in the currency circle for three or four years and becomes an old leek as promised, will he develop his own perspective on this circle?

5.There was an earthquake in the currency circle on 19th, and some people were losing millions every day, so why were there no worries in their hearts?

Musk calls for orders, various departments supervise, and new leeks come in randomly... 2021 is another year of frequent black swans in the currency circle. For young people Tell me, is this a wind outlet that can blow pigs into the sky? Or is it a black hole from which not even light can escape? Time gives different answers to different people.

This time we invited several currency speculators to talk about their experiences in currency speculation. We would also like to remind friends who want to enter the market first that if this is a new thing, please be respectful and skeptical about it.

The following is the oral account of the interviewees——

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Editor: Jiu Ge

Producer: Jing Sui

Earning nearly 10 million yuan from playing coins, eating more than 10 yuan of noodles is too expensive

——Big Fish Chengdu 27-year-old has the highest floating profit of 1000w

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Blockchain technology is spiraling, digital currency is just one of its manifestations, and our belief is blockchain.

I entered the market in 2019. My husband is two years ahead of me. He is considered a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) in this circle and likes to analyze currencies. He knows the technical aspects of the industry and some financial knowledge, so he is not a complete speculator.

Our total capital is about 30,000 yuan. From 2017 to now, the highest profit has been over 10 million yuan, but the status of currency speculators is very similar: currency speculators He spends money like water and makes repairs every day. Even the 10 yuan or so noodles sold outside seem expensive to us. Our usual entertainment is to go out and watch movies. When it comes to daily consumption, the benchmark is our own salary.

There are many losers in the currency circle, and they are all people who are not very happy in life. We were working in Shenzhen in 2017. Housing prices in first-tier cities were so unattainable that we couldn’t even think about it based on our salary. At that time, my husband first entered the currency circle and was riding the bull market, and his principal of 30,000 yuan quickly increased to more than 2 million. But one day in the currency world, ten years in the world, soon fell to hundreds of thousands. In the past few years, we have been on more than 10 roller coasters, with ups and downs. On May 19, we took back about 10% of our profits.2 million, this kind of experience is considered normal. The money earned in the currency circle is like a strong wind. If it blows, it means it will be blown away.

Real estate certificate丨Photo provided by the interviewee

We will go back to Chengdu to buy in 2019 When we bought our first house, we had not yet tried to cash out in currency traps, so we had to scrape together money for the first house. At that time, our mentality was that we didn’t think about anything, as long as it was cheap. Later, I bought about 3 million yuan, and then bought an apartment and a house in Chengdu. At this time, I paid more attention to the quality of the house and the environment of the community. While most of our peers are still worrying about the down payment, we have these assets in the second tier before the age of 30, and our lives will be very calm. There is a lot of luck in this.

Income chart丨Photo provided by interviewees

At the beginning we were in the currency circle In the stage of hoarding coins, I mine on the platform’s mini program. Mining in the bull market is very profitable, and the principal of tens of thousands can be recovered in a day or two. Later, some big guys entered the mining industry with hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, and basically destroyed the mines, forming a kind of monopoly. The currency circle has actually developed very fast in the past few years. The financial gameplay accumulated on Wall Street for decades has been implemented in the currency circle in a few months. With the addition of national-level supervision, the circle is developing in a healthy way. The rules have been established and speculators It may become less.

The financial market is the shura field of human nature. Many players, especially those who are new to the game, believe that this is a revolution in the economic field when the coins in their hands rise. If they fall, the currency circle becomes a Ponzi scheme. The state of our daily life is to work, speculate in coins after get off work, study strategies and routines for playing coins, and read project books. I may make 100 million and still not leave. It has become a part of my life. We are willing to grow with blockchain technology. Of course, we don’t quit our jobs either. Work is a relatively stable source of income.

Newcomers who want to enter the market must not borrow money to speculate in coins, let alone stud. It is best to lose some money first. Both mentality and technology need to be settled. This There is a lot of speculation in the industry, but don't become a speculator. If this is a bet, the bet will be on people's hearts in the end.

The big brother who brought me into the circle,

During the bear market, I went to a fortune teller to ask about the ups and downs

——Zuo Zuo, a 30-year-old in Beijing, had the highest profit of 500,000

The currency circle is a Shura field that magnifies human nature many times. It runs on the road 24*365 non-stop. As long as the casino is still open, there will be gamblers participating, and the carnival will never sleep.

In 2017, at a wine party, Brother Tao talked to us about something called digital currency. At that time, it was still a new concept. Now everyone You may not be surprised to hear this term, but if you heard it 4 or 5 years ago, and someone told you that it could rise several times, you would undoubtedly think it was a scam.

Not long ago, September 4th of that year was a landmark event in the currency circle. Seven ministries and commissions jointly cracked down on the blockchain bubble, and the currency disaster fell from the sky. , the currency speculators were uprooted. But soon after, digital currencies started a new round of blindfolded madness. By December, Brother Tao had accumulated tens of millions of profits, left the traditional Internet in style, and turned to a blockchain company. At this time, I wanted to study digital currency. In the end, I thought that this was most likely a tulip scam. It might be the biggest economic bubble of this century, but even if the bubble bursts, it would be enough to leave a legend in the history of world finance. Pen.

Dialogue丨Photo provided by interviewee

As a young person in a technology company, I decided to be a trendsetter of the times, so I invested 50,000 and became a first-hand experiencer in the currency circle.

Dogecoin has become quite popular recently and is often found in hot searches. In fact, it existed 4 years ago, and I also studied its white paper at that time. And background, like the founder of Dogecoin, I think this thing is funny. At that time, the price of Dogecoin seemed to be only one or two cents. Many people did not buy it, but received it from the platform during mining. Recently, doge has skyrocketed. Many people only remember that they still held it, and many people have forgotten their wallet passwords.

The currency circle is still very interesting. At that time, I bought a public chain currency, and the maximum income increased by 10 times, but we felt that we should see 1000 times, the sky is the limit. Unlike the stock market, the currency circle can analyze the PB and PE values ​​of a stock to deduce a reasonable range of stock prices. Coin speculation is based on consensus. Just like when 1,000 people say that roses symbolize love, then roses are really connected to love. What is the consensus? Sometimes it's just air.

During the bear market, the consensus broke down, and my minimum income of 500,000 was less than 10,000.

Brother Tao encountered a bear market, and we went to Cambodia to ride a motorcycle to relax | Photo provided by the interviewee

Recently, a new wave of currency speculation has emerged. Our company has a currency speculation group, and I watched it grow from 300 people to 2,000 people in a few days. There are many technical tycoons, as well as many young people, and many newcomers opened contracts when they arrived, dreaming of getting rich, but ended up being bullied by both bulls and bears. They clamored to rename the currency speculation group "Virtual Currency Rights Protection Group" to give Come up with all kinds of weird rights protection points. In my opinion, this is a group of immature speculators and gamblers eager to get something for nothing. For them, the currency circle may be a black hole.

There are really all kinds of life in the currency circle. Brother Tao, who introduced me to the industry at that time, felt like he was prospering during the bull market, leaping across social classes, making various investments, and traveling around the world. During the bear market, the market was very depressed, and large-scale profits disappeared. I even went to a fortune teller to ask people in what direction the currency circle would develop. Some people chase the rise and kill the fall without knowing enough is enough, and even lose money without stopping; some people almost never stop. Just shouting orders can cause a shock in the currency circle.

This is a jungle infested by all kinds of poisonous snakes and beasts. People with a bad mentality cannot become the king of beasts.

I want to chat with a new currency speculator A chat

——He Wen, the 26-year-old in Shenzhen, has the highest floating profit of one million

Musk is an intruder in the currency circle. The bull market is closely related to last year’s COVID-19 epidemic.

When I first entered the industry, I was a speculator. In December 2017, the unit price of Bitcoin exceeded US$20,000. I was really attracted by the price at that time, but the real speculation in the currency began in March 2018. At that time, I deposited about 50,000 yuan. I had never touched Bitcoin when I first started playing. For small retail investors, its price was too high, and the increase and decrease were relatively stable. It increased by 10 points a day. It was not popular in the currency circle. I will be satisfied, and I will mainly buy altcoins.

We encountered a big bear market in the second half of 2018. At that time, all the three altcoins in our hands were cut in half, and some fell by 90%. At the worst time, only 4,000 yuan was left out of the 50,000 yuan principal. Later, I worked in a blockchain media company and chatted with some colleagues, and then I gradually understood some operations. The highest floating profit this year was around one million. When the currency circle was bloodbathed on 5.19, I lost 20 in one day.Wan, it’s actually quite uncomfortable.

This is the first time in 18 years that Bitcoin has risen by 10 points丨Photo provided by the interviewee

Currency speculation is a restless business. The currency circle is so volatile that you can’t help but glance at the platform every once in a while. You should keep an eye on the price and the K-line, and study whether the direction is reversed, whether there will be losses, and whether it is necessary to stop losses and take profits. Maybe there is a fluctuation while sleeping, and the order will be liquidated.

When I used to make orders, I would basically wake up two or three times at night, once at 3 o'clock and again at 5 o'clock. This does not require an alarm clock. , which is a physiological stress response. In the past few years, I feel that my hair has become a lot grayer and has fallen out a lot.

Coin speculators ridicule themselves丨Image Source Network

During the epidemic last year, many The country released water, and in order to fight inflation, many people entered the currency circle. Coupled with Musk's call for orders and the public opinion game with various bookmakers, the market sentiment became very impetuous. As an old leek, I still want to give some opinions to people who are planning to enter the market -

Investment is about making money at the edge of knowledge and knowledge. If you have doubled many times just after entering the market, don't think that is your ability. You may just be lucky. If you don’t understand this industry, summarize the rules of this industry, and improve your cognitive level, you will definitely lose the money you get. Just like when I was 18 years old, I still suffered quite a lot of losses overall.

At the same time, I also hope that every currency speculator can experience bulls and bears calmly. Don’t panic when the bear market comes. This is a very good time to buy. Most of the investment itself is to earn the difference between buying high and selling low. Only by knowing the difficulties and going through the process personally can you understand some of them. rule.

The most important thing is, don’t touch any funds or MLM coins. These things are too harmful. The biggest platform is that you can run away at any time. To avoid risks, you must go through formal channels.

(At the request of the interviewee, the characters in the article use pseudonyms)

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『鲁』The currency world was brutally wiped out, with 570,000 people liquidating their positions for 44.3 billion. What is the main reason for the stock price drop?

The currency world was brutally bloodbathed, with 570,000 people liquidating their positions for 44.3 billion. This time, currency prices generally fell. The main reason is that the virtual currency itself is a currency without any value. As long as there is any disturbance, the price will plummet. This is not a strange thing. I personally feel that everyone is still paying too much attention to every move in the currency circle. This also leads to the immediate follow-up of any disturbance in the currency circle, and ultimately leads to huge fluctuations in the market price of the currency circle.

So don’t enter the currency circle at this time. After all, if you want to play in the virtual currency market, you must have a rational mentality and strong capital. If not, it is better to hold the currency and wait and see. As an ordinary person, only by holding the currency and waiting and watching can you not lose money.

Based on the above, the main reason for the general decline in virtual currency prices in the currency circle is that the virtual currency itself has no value, and the incentive is the regulatory regulations issued by relevant departments.

『撒』 The post-90s generation in the currency circle took pictures of Buffett’s lunch with over 30 million! The stock god once publicly stated that Bitcoin is worthless

At 0:02 a.m. today, TRON founder Sun Yuchen announced on Weibo that he had purchased the 2019 cryptocurrency for a record-breaking $4,567,888 (approximately RMB 31.54 million). Buffett expressed his hope to invite people from the blockchain industry to the luncheon. Buffett has previously stated publicly that "Bitcoin has not generated any value."

Justin Sun is a post-90s entrepreneur who studied at Peking University and the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League school in the United States. In 2014, Justin Sun returned to China and founded Ruibo, engaged in the development of decentralized clearing system products. Later, he pioneered the concept of "sound value social" and launched the mobile social app "accompany me". In 2015, Sun Yuchen became the first batch of students at Hupan University, which was founded and served as president by Jack Ma, and officially became a disciple of Jack Ma. In July 2017, the blockchain project "TRON" was created. On July 24, 2018, Justin Sun announced that TRON had successfully completed the acquisition of BitTorrent and all its products. According to Justin Sun’s Weibo message, Liubi BTT has logged into multiple trading platforms such as BigONE and KuCoin.

After winning the bid at a historically high price, Justin Sun stated on Weibo that he has always been a long-term believer in Buffett’s value investment philosophy. He also said that this is a new starting point for the TRON and BitTorrent projects, and for the entire block The chain industry is also of great significance. This year, Buffett once told the media: "Blockchain is important, but Bitcoin does not have any unique value."

This Buffett charity luncheon was held on the online auction and shopping website eBay, with a total of Experienced 18 biddings. On the last day of the auction, Sun Yuchen competed fiercely with two other buyers, and finally won 4, the winning bid was US$567,888. The transaction price reached a record high, approximately US$1.267 million higher than last year's transaction price of US$3.3 million.

Previously, three Chinese people had won the bid at a sky-high price, namely Duan Yongping, the founder of "Little Overlord" and "BBK", private equity tycoon Zhao Danyang and former chairman of Tianshen Entertainment Zhu Ye.

『8』 Weekly currency news: Wu Jihan and Zhan Ketuan will step down as Bitmain CEO at the same time, Wang Haichao may take over

Important News:

Jihan Wu and Ketuan Zhan may step down as CEOs of Bitmain

On December 28, media reported that Jihan Wu and Ketuan Zhan may soon step down as Bitmain CEOs. At the same time, he stepped down as CEO of Bitmain, and his successor may be someone named Wang. The person named Wang was originally an outsider and had been in Bitmain for some time. “It’s not finalized yet, it’s currently in a transitional period.” A source close to Bitmain said.

Wuliu Finance Comment: According to analysis, after both of them step down at the same time, Wang Haichao is likely to become Trust CEO. Wang Haichao is currently the product engineering director of Bitmain. Some people also speculate that the person named Wang may be Wang Shengli, a former board member of Huawei. These two are more likely guesses.

One thing that is certain is that there is indeed a power struggle within Bitmain. Bitmain's dual CEOs, Micree Zhan hopes that Bitmain can develop in the direction of AI, while Wu Jihan prefers blockchain and continues to produce mining machines and new chips. The two have long had differences. The two men stepping down at the same time may be the result of internal fighting.

Currency news:

Bitmain will lay off nearly half of its employees before the end of this week

According to CNN, Bitmain will lay off nearly half of its employees before the end of this week. staff. A Beijing-based company today laid off a team that developed the Bitcoin Cash client. When Blockstream Chief Strategy Officer and former BTCC COO Samson Mow tweeted the news, the news immediately caused uproar. Mow said: "Bitmain has quietly laid off their entire Copernicus team with only 1 week's notice. Some people have just joined the company, and the layoffs are just in time for Christmas."

The Japanese yen surpassed the US dollar and became the legal currency with the largest OTC transaction volume in Bitcoin

On December 24, according to data from Coinhills, the Japanese yen’s market share was 48.03%, while the US dollar is 44.38%. The Japanese yen has surpassed the US dollar to become the most traded sovereign currency on the Bitcoin over-the-counter market. According to Wuliu Finance, Japan has a relatively friendly environment in the fields of digital currency laws and regulations, investment and financing.

Wall Street is quietly leaving the crypto market

Bloomberg reports that Wall Street is quietly leaving digitalcurrency market. According to the report, Wall Street’s quiet exit from the market was due to two reasons: market downturn and the lack of a regulatory framework for digital currencies. The first reason is relatively simple. For the digital currency market, 2018 has been crazy, with the total market value plummeting by more than 80%. Blockchain companies are experiencing a wave of layoffs and closures. On the regulatory front, the lack of clear regulatory requirements will continue to prevent large financial institutions from entering the industry.

China University of Political Science and Law established the World Token Research Center

On December 24, according to China.com, China University of Political Science and Law recently established the World Token Research Center and the world's first " "International Think Tank on Token Economics and Law". The purpose of the center is to conduct theoretical research on tokens, broaden the practical areas of tokens, explore token application scenarios, and create a community of shared destiny in cyberspace oriented to safeguarding global common interests.

Chain Circle News:

McKinsey Report: Blockchain technology can help banks improve efficiency and reduce costs

Today, December 24, McKinsey held a press conference The report pointed out that from 2008 to now, the banking industry has faced the impact of new technologies such as blockchain, big data, cloud computing, and machine learning.

The report emphasizes that if the banking industry accelerates its digitalization process, the banking industry's return on equity will rise back to 9.3% by 2015. In fact, the performance of some banks after accelerating digital transformation also proves its feasibility. Digitalization and financial technology transformation can effectively help banks reduce costs, improve efficiency, improve performance and increase investor confidence.

China’s first electronic time bank uses innovative technologies such as blockchain

On December 24, according to China Securities Network, Ping An Group of China stated that its first electronic time bank in the country An electronic time bank using social security cards as a carrier was officially launched in Qingdao recently. This electronic banking platform uses the "City One Account" APP of Ping An Healthcare Technology, a subsidiary of Ping An of China, as its exclusive technology platform, and builds a "time exchange" platform for volunteer services through innovative technologies such as mobile Internet, big data, and blockchain. Volunteers who have signed a contract with the electronic time bank can apply for real-name authentication by applying for the electronic social security card of the "City One Account" App. After opening their own time bank account, they can realize the recording, deposit and withdrawal, inquiry, transfer and other functions of volunteer service time. .

The mayor and deputy mayor of Hangzhou recently visited Canaan.

On December 19, Hangzhou Mayor Xu Liyi and Vice Mayor Chen Weiqiang and others visited Canaan. wisdom. Xu Liyi said: "Blockchain technology is very good. You must use blockchain to solve the security of artificial intelligence and make a chip that everyone can afford. The integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence is the future, and I am very optimistic about you." ."

People's Daily published an article: Using blockchain and other technologies to optimize job matching

People's Daily published an article "Let reform spur the grassrootsGovernance Innovation”. The article points out that in the era of technological innovation, we must be good at using big data and blockchain technology, especially the use of "Internet +" thinking such as "data speaks", "precise efforts" and "equal sharing" to reorganize limited manpower, material resources, financial resources, and strive to optimize job matching, the most reasonable division of labor, and the most efficient allocation of resources.

Exchange news:

Binance Changpeng Zhao: Will add trading pairs with XRP as the quote currency

On December 24, Changpeng Zhao just announced on Twitter, Binance will soon launch trading pairs with XRP as the quote currency and rename the ETH market to the ALTS market.

Huobi: There is indeed personnel optimization, but Huobi is still hiring new employees

On December 25, the relevant person in charge of Huobi responded to the layoffs and said that personnel optimization is indeed in place. We are currently eliminating the last positions, but unlike simply reducing staff, Huobi is still hiring new employees, mainly focusing on core business and emerging markets. Regarding the 2,000 test questions, Huobi has been preparing for the blockchain practitioner qualification examination since the beginning of 2018. The purpose is to strengthen the professionalism and professionalism of employees to improve the company's overall operational efficiency, and it has nothing to do with personnel optimization. However, the bear market does not know the bottom line, so it is necessary to reduce the number of employees appropriately and prepare for the winter.

Huobi Futures will launch EOS contracts this Friday

Huobi DM announced on the 26th that it will launch EOS contracts on December 28th, Singapore time (this Friday) The EOS contract will be launched at 18:00.

OKEx contracts limit the buying price, and liquidations occur frequently

On the morning of December 26, there were problems with multiple OKEx contracts, limiting the buying price, and short positions could not be closed. At the same time, under price limits, long positions exploded. Eventually, many air forces were liquidated. According to incomplete statistics from Wuliu Finance, there are more than 30,000 ETH liquidation orders in the quarterly contracts of ETH alone.

In addition, according to user reports, the EOS contract has the same problem.

Xu Mingxing: OKEX’s “unplugging the network cable” is nonsense

On December 24, Xu Mingxing said in an interview with Jieming that in the OKEx digital currency contract, OKEx “unplugged the network cable”. The statement is pure nonsense. In addition, he himself is no longer a shareholder, legal representative and director of OKEx.


"Opinions" of the Xiamen Municipal People's Government: Provide research and development cost subsidies to enterprises engaged in blockchain and other fields, up to 1 million yuan per year

" The Xiamen Municipal People's Government's Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Software and Information Technology Service Industry were recently released. The Opinions pointed out that enterprises are encouraged to increase investment in digital economy projects. For those whose annual new R&D expenses exceed RMB 1 million, who are engaged in big data, cloud computing, network security, digital creativity, blockchain and other subdivided fields, or who are engaged inCompanies that develop pure software products will be rewarded based on the current corporate R&D expense subsidy policy based on 10% of the increase in R&D expenses over the previous year, up to a maximum of 1 million yuan per year for each company.

The Japanese Financial Services Agency’s policy of renaming “virtual currency” to “crypto-assets” has been opposed

The Japanese Financial Services Agency’s policy of renaming “virtual currency” to “crypto-assets” has been opposed Opposition from domestic industry groups. Yasutsu Okuyama, president of the Japan Cryptocurrency Business Association (JCBA), said that the name change defeats the original intention. Yoichiro Hirano, representative director of the Blockchain Promotion Association (BCCC), said that "currency" can transfer value without relying on a country or bank, and opposed the use of the word "asset". Masakazu Masudashima, a lawyer who is proficient in virtual currencies, said that the term "virtual currency" has a very strong appeal. The government seems to hate this name, but in life, it is not the government that decides the name, but us ordinary citizens. In addition, many companies have already registered with "virtual currency", and changing the name at this time will inevitably lead to various problems.

Chairman of the South Korean Financial Commission: ICO investigation status will be released within January next year

Recently, at the plenary meeting of South Korea’s Fourth Industrial Revolution Special Committee, the government’s ongoing ICO situation was discussed Regarding the investigation, Financial Committee Chairman Choi Jong-gu said: "The fact-finding investigation itself has been basically completed, but analysis and finishing work are still needed, so it may be completed within January. We will discuss it comprehensively and investigate the practices of other countries so that we can Make a clearer stance within January next year.”


Binance Zhao Changpeng: Once the price stabilizes, everything will recover

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao commented in a recent interview that he believes the future of crypto will be one of tremendous prosperity and growth. He has faith in Bitcoin and its altcoin cousins ​​and knows that once prices stabilize, everything will recover. "2018 was a tough year for community pricing, and we saw a lot of projects not come to fruition this year, so it's a correction year, but the technology will remain the same and we hope to start breaking out in 2019," he said. So I think people in the industry are still confident about the future. So, don’t worry about that.”

Litecoin founder Qiwei Li: Bitcoin reward halving will not have a huge impact on the price

Regarding the view in the community that the halving of Bitcoin and Litecoin rewards will have a huge impact on prices, Li Qiwei, the founder of Litecoin, believes that the halving of rewards has no direct relationship with prices. If miners have faith in the tokens, they will still be reluctant to sell the tokens mined after the reward is halved, which may boost the price slightly, but I don’t think it will have a huge impact on the price.

Weiss Rating: Before Tether completes the compliance audit, other evidence is not sufficient.Trust

On December 26, Weiss Rating tweeted that although Bloomberg claimed to have witnessed bank statements proving that Tether does have the corresponding US dollar reserves to support USDT, this is far from enough. We say it again: Tether has not completed a formal compliance audit, and without it, none of these claims are truly backed up.

『玖』 The currency circle collapsed collectively, and 220,000 people liquidated their positions. What exactly happened?

A bloody storm! The currency circle collapsed collectively, and 220,000 people liquidated their positions! Bitcoin fell below the $39,000 mark, falling more than 14% in 24 hours and falling 40% from the all-time high set in April this year. In addition, Ethereum fell below the $2,900 mark, a drop of more than 17%; Binance Coin, Dogecoin, etc. all plummeted by about 22%. A collapse of virtual currencies has occurred in recent days.

Bitcoin is a self-describing digital currency. However, most Bitcoin users use it as a vehicle for speculative investment rather than as a commodity. The fact that the public is increasingly concerned has led to an increase in demand for Bitcoin, while the amount of Bitcoin actually used to purchase goods has remained the same. Trading charts show that many Bitcoin users buy it as a speculative tool. So there is a risk of collapse.

『Shi』The RMB digital currency is coming! How long can the scam of the century in the currency circle continue?

Editor | Nami

Author | Zheng Kai

Source | Business Jinying

However, as the official master of blockchain technology applications, the emergence of RMB digital currency will definitely bring a devastating blow to the wildly growing currency ecosystem!

History tells us that when regular troops enter the mountains, the first step is to suppress the bandits!

For a long time, the currency circle, which has been flaunting and deceiving people with blockchain and high-tech concepts, has been called the middle-class harvester!

It may take many times to win, but it only takes one to lose everything. Except for a very small number of founders who are making a lot of money and getting away with it, everything you look at is a green field of leeks!

In recent years, scams in the currency circle have continued to explode!

The plustoken scam, known as the world's largest cryptocurrency scam, was tragic. 3 million people lost their money and all 40 billion in funds were confiscated.

Zhang Jian, the founder of digital currency exchange FCoin, had 800 million yuan in his pocket and was unable to exchange it and ran away!

TRON founder Sun Yuchen cashed out 2 billion and fled to the United States to have lunch with Buffett. He is called the Jia Yueting of the currency circle.


The poor and fragile middle class thinks they are rich, but in fact they only have a little money. A serious illness, a thunderstorm, and everything can turn around in minutes and overnight. Until liberation!

Desperately pursuing high returns, dreaming of the dream of wealth and freedom, and ultimately becoming a stepping stone for others to achieve wealth and freedom!

1. Why is the development of blockchain encouraged by the country?

Is the currency circle a scam for nine out of ten coins?

First of all, let’s clarify what a blockchain is. Essentially, it is a shared database in which the data or information is stored. It has the characteristics of "unforgeable", "leaving traces throughout the entire process", "traceable", "open and transparent" and "collective maintenance".

Take Bitcoin as an example. Essentially, it is a series of encrypted data (rather than a specific "currency"). The data stored in various terminals are interlocked. When a Bitcoin (data) is transferred from When moving from one terminal to another, a stream of new encrypted data is generated and uploaded to the blockchain (different data endpoints).

Generating monetary value through data transactions. The more sought after the market is, the higher the attention, the greater the transaction value. Its value is more like a Dutch tulip. It only has trading value if someone recognizes it. Once no one cares about it, it may collapse at any time.

The essence of currency is credit endorsement. The currency of a sovereign country can circulate in the market based on people's trust in the comprehensive strength of the sovereign country.

Bitcoin, as the first pioneer in the market, is sought after by geeks all over the world and has set off a craze for virtual currency around the world. However, it is still difficult to circulate and exchange, and it can be called a tree without roots. Bitcoin is still at risk of collapse, so why can mass-produced cat and dog coins become so popular and harvest leeks?

2. There are thousands of deceptions in the world

The one thing that never changes is the greed that takes advantage of human nature!

Blockchain technology is relatively complex and difficult for ordinary people to understand. They think that with state support and high technology, there should be no problem! Little did they know that this was exactly what they wanted. Under the guise of high-tech, they claimed that the company’s management personnel’s core skills came from Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Zhongguancun in Silicon Valley, creating the momentum of a large multinational technology company. They took advantage of the public’s limited knowledge of blockchain technology to promote virtual currencies and use huge profits as a source of profit. Selling point, tempting the public to "suffocate on dreams".

Bitcoin surged 20 million times in 9 years, causing cheap altcoins that surpassed Bitcoin to begin to draw their own grand blueprint.

Coin people are frivolous, thinking that they can copy the myth of Bitcoin to create wealth. When there is no limit on the rise and fall of stocks in digital currency, some currency speculators choose "gamble-style" trading and become rich overnight. , bankrupted and bankrupted.

In fact, the rise and fall of virtual currencies have no basis at all! Due to the lack of national sovereign credit as endorsement, anyAny slightest move can cause virtual currencies to plummet. The so-called high-quality application tokens of some currencies are not attributes of the virtual currency itself, and it is difficult to support the price of virtual currencies. For example, Q coins rely on Tencent’s redemption credit, not Q coins. Used to purchase gaming equipment.

There are still bookmakers operating in the virtual currency market. The development team usually hoards a large amount of virtual currency, which is enough to take advantage of market fluctuations to suppress the price of virtual currency and harvest leeks in a cycle.

What is even more bloody is that some virtual currencies are simply an analog number on the trading platform, and price changes can be controlled at will in the background. All the money spent by Binmin to buy virtual coins goes into the pockets of the development team. If they are happy, they will raise the price to attract investors to enter the market. If they are not happy, the price will plummet every minute, causing investors to lose blood.

Due to the lack of supervision, the rise and fall of currency value is completely controlled by the issuer, and the evil of human nature is infinitely magnified! Such a hugely profitable business has led to a flood of all kinds of virtual currencies. To say that investing in virtual currency is gambling is an insult to the casino’s intelligence.

Of course, there are so many virtual currencies that it is impossible to get as much traffic and attention as mainstream currencies, so Ponzi scheme-style virtual coins and pyramid scheme-style virtual coins have been derived.

3. It is almost certain

All virtual currencies that promise guaranteed capital and high returns are scams!

Take plus token, the biggest scam in the currency circle that was caught up by the public security agencies a while ago, as an example. In order to attract customers, it claimed that with a minimum investment of 500 US dollars, you can earn money every month. It provides investors with 10%-30% income and a yearly profit of 600%. It is such an obvious scam. Just by covering it up with high-end blockchain technology, you can make money wantonly and redeem old customers through the principal of new customers. The platform expands wildly in terms of user income, and when it reaches a certain level, it declares bankruptcy and runs away with the money. The method is exactly the same as P2P.

Even more ruthless than P2P, there is also a pyramid scheme, which not only defrauds investors of their money, but also defrauds investors’ relatives, friends, colleagues, and customers. By encouraging customers to earn commissions and develop offline methods, viral spread and fission will eventually bring down the victim's entire family and even their circle of friends!

You think you have found a good investment and financial management project for your relatives and friends, but you don’t know that it was you who dragged them into a deep pit!

What is even more irritating is that because this method is suspected of Internet pyramid schemes, even if the platform goes bankrupt and the founder is arrested, investors will not be able to recover any losses! According to legal provisions, all funds involved in MLM cases will be confiscated! Investors who participate in pyramid schemes not only lose all their money, but also bear legal liability.

As of 2019, the company has closed downThere are more than 200 virtual currency platforms on the road. Due to the many characteristics of virtualized operation of fund interconnection, the probability of finally solving the case and getting the money back is very rare.

Most capitalists have escaped overseas with huge amounts of bloody harvests, and even changed their vests and re-activated in front of the public as successful people, shouting slogans about suffocating their dreams, while laughing and laughing in their hearts. It's a piece of green leek!


Guo Shuqing, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said: High returns mean high risks. If the rate of return exceeds 6%, there will be a question mark. If the rate of return exceeds 8%, it will be very dangerous. If the rate of return exceeds 10%, you will be prepared to lose all your principal! (Referring to the annualized rate of return!!)

The stock god Buffett has been in the capital market for most of his life, and the average annualized rate of return is only 20%! !

Are you still dreaming of getting rich overnight by investing?

If you don’t want to see your friends and family members being deceived by the same scam. Use your finger to repost to your circle of friends so that more people can see it! Let us work together to expose the biggest scam of the century in the currency circle and make the Internet clean! !

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 币圈轮回饶过谁昔日曹瞒相汉时,欺他寡妇与孤儿。谁知四十余年后,寡妇孤儿亦被欺。公元196年,天下大乱,但是就在这一年,汉献帝结束了自己颠沛流离的生活,被曹操迎到了许昌。从此以后,曹家光明正大的在