币圈玩家资料怎么删除 币圈玩家资料下载

Ⅰ 币圈90后挖矿四年:轻松年入百万,却也一念之间错失兰博基尼




资本愈发狂热。2月以来, 科技 狂人马斯克豪掷15亿美金投资比特币,美图蔡文胜数千万美元入局,甚至与 科技 完全不搭界的信阳毛尖也加入这一战场。



成都不仅遥控着大量水电站,这里也有中国最早一批比特币玩家,还有以矿场运营为主业、80后富豪王明鎏的毛球 科技 。各路挖币人马汇聚,成都也因此成为币圈圣地、币圈“矿都”。








源小六和他供职公司也没留意,哗哗运转的水轮机和听上去高 科技 的区块链之间能有什么瓜葛。直到2016年前后,有挖矿公司通过各种关系找到他们,希望利用他们在四川甘孜的一处水电站的冗余电力挖矿。



















今年的比特币复制了2017年的大牛行情,矿机价格也被重新评估。加之疫情等因素导致的一连串 科技 硬件供应问题,加重了矿机的供应短缺局面。

“一些90后去粉基金经理,其实,显卡可能是去年最好的金融产品,不仅能让你 游戏 玩得爽,玩完一卖,还能成倍升值。”源小六笑着说。




3月初的一个夜晚,某家矿机代理商约了源小六在成都科华北路Hookar house酒吧见面。喝到半夜,他下定决心再买期货矿机。“阿瓦隆矿机没病毒,每台价格450-480之间,当晚转了300万定金。”源小六说,5月份丰水期一到,就能发货。


“3月12号比特大陆在深圳召开订货会,蚂蚁S19多个型号的机型,1台价格约为600多元,110台就在7万上下,发货时间迟至今年11月15日。要知道,去年下半年S19 的期货价格才1.5万左右,短短半年左右,价格翻了4倍多。”源小六说,就这,还得是币圈有点排面的人才能买到。


有 游戏 玩家购买显卡用了几个月后,跑到闲鱼平台兜售。有买家不懂:“当初3000一堆人不买,现在5500一堆人买,这叫什么心理?”卖家回复称:“因为币价涨了,买了搞几个月(指“挖几个月矿”),差不多可以白嫖。”



就在马斯克宣布投资比特币后,源小六接到了一个电话。电话是当时以废铁价买他矿机的币圈朋友打来的,约他晚上到成都Play house喝酒。在币圈,运维在深山老林里过着原始生活,而背后的金主们时常勾连于酒吧夜店。一些重要交易,往往都是在酒桌上谈成。


















在他看来,比特币和有价值的虚拟货币,就是互联网时代的黄金。而这个挖掘特殊黄金的市场里,还出现了四川最年轻的80后百亿富豪、毛球 科技 创始人王明鎏。


法国学者埃里克·皮谢在2017年写过这样的话:“比特币泡沫不过是疯狂投机的一个最新化身。 历史 上疯狂投机时不时地会冲击金融市场,如1637年的’郁金香狂热’、2000年的互联网泡沫等。没人能预言投机风潮的持续时间长短和顶部在哪里。”




而比特币之所以有这么强的韧性,一位比特币投资者认为,这是因为年轻人对比特币的狂热追求是一个原因。他们想建立一套新的财富体系。有报道显示,在虚拟货币交易所 bitFlyer,2020 年上半年在日本新开设比特币账户的投资者中,约 4 成为 20 多岁年轻人。在欧美也能看到相同的趋势。






Ⅱ 车库咖啡币圈都有哪些大佬


Ⅲ 币圈中的独行者——丁洋











2017年9月4日,这注定是一个不寻常的一天,一场“暴风雨”正以万钧之势向区块链行业袭来。“九四”政策既出,ICO被叫停,项目开始退币,火币、OK 和比特币中国相继宣布停止交易业务。那时他感受到行业真正的黑暗,比特币和以太坊价格出现暴跌。他心中有了一丝动摇:这条路是不是选错了?






2018年3月,才是他入行中最灰暗的时刻,币圈下的熊市,没有多少人能够全身而退,他的投资似如覆水难收,第一桶金也在那段时间尽数吐回。那时的他,毅然选择了另外一条路: 从投资转去做区块链服务创业。





















Ⅳ 币圈李海龙简介

2.币圈是区块链行业中的一种说法或是概念,是一批关注虚拟加密数字货币,或发行自己数字货币筹资的人群形成的圈子,其中比特币是币圈比较重要的一种虚拟加密数字货币。 币圈是一个缺乏正式监管的领域,大家在接触币圈时需要警惕各种骗局,尤其是假交易平台、场外交易诈骗、网络钓鱼、假币等。币圈,即数字货币玩家天然形成的圈子。数字货币即虚拟币,排名第一的即是比特币。
3.代币是一种经过加密的虚拟货币。它由一个符号构成,起着表征的作用。在币圈,BTC、ETH都是被大家所公认、有着领导地位的代币。空投是目前一种十分流行的加密货币营销方式。为了让潜在投资者和热衷于加密 货币的人获得代币相关信息,代币团队会经常性地向币圈参与者的账户里发放不知名的代币,而数量是和原有代币数量成比例,想要拿到更多的空投,必须购买更多的代币,这是币市场营销很有效的宣传方式。

Ⅳ 币圈半木夏真名岳什么







01 跟单火爆













Ⅵ 从牛市坠落的炒币者


赛格广场是比特币矿机、显卡、硬盘的主要集散地。赛格广场一共十层,主要售卖电脑及电子零部件。售卖矿机、显卡的店铺,主要集中在三到五层,共计二十多家,店铺名多含有“矿业”“ 科技 ”等字眼。


2021年5月19日,中国人民银行通过公众号发布防范虚拟货币炒作风险的公告,要求金融和支付机构不得接受加密货币作为支付结算工具,也不得提供与加密货币相关的服务和产品。随后,国务院金融稳定发展委员会召开会议,要求强化平台企业金融活动监管,打击比特币挖矿和交易行为,坚决防范个体风险向 社会 领域传递。













加密货币数据网站Coinmarket Cap显示,5月19日,比特币价格从43546美元下降到30681美元,下降了29.5%,交易量也创下近三个月来新高。


2021年以来,比特币价格一度在4月14日攀升到64455美元的 历史 高位,而去年同期价格仅为6842美元,增幅高达842%。与比特币过往的 历史 记录相比,5·19当天的跌幅并不算大,但由于市值已经增长数倍,导致不少投资者损失惨重。
























Ⅶ 币圈是什么


Ⅷ 币圈有哪些人


Ⅸ 币圈基础知识,适合小白看看,但是比较多,请耐心阅读!




BTC(比特币)     ETH(以太坊)   XRP(瑞波币、波女神) 

BCH(比特现金、大皇子) EOS(柚子) LTC(莱特币、辣条)




现货交易所: 币安、火币、okex、比特儿(最知名安全)

期货交易所: okex、bitmex、火币(最知名安全)



























K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。




Initial Coin Offering,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目以自身发行的虚拟货币,换取市场流通常用的虚拟货币的融资行为,以及还有IEO,STO等,模式都大似相同














第七、联动效应要熟悉,打币看行情,同时要留意其他币子的动向,每个币子在大盘交易都不是孤立存在的,貌似没有联系其实盘根错节,联动效应就要对币子要了解, 很多现在很多工具可以利用查看币子信息和资讯,









长线 3-4成  长时间持有

短线 3-4成 为什么会有短线,很多人都说短线是肯定会亏钱的。但是在我们做了长线资金分配情况下,炒币是一件很有意思的事情,我相信绝大部分人都管不住自己的手,只要做好仓位控制,不要频繁割肉,短线在一般情况下一定要做到获利在出场(特殊情况是项目或者大盘有问题)。然后参考我上面的仓位控制,还有不是任何一个币的长线都比短线收益要高。

Ⅰ Four years of mining in the currency circle after 90s: Easily earn a million a year, but also missed a Lamborghini

Spring is coming, the snow-capped mountains in Sichuan begin to melt, and the rivers in the valleys Be plump. In this province with the richest hydropower resources in the country, thousands of hydropower stations are storing water. In Chengdu, the operation center of the hydropower station, a special group is also working hard: busy connecting with various "miners".

The miners mentioned here are virtual currency gold diggers who live in pursuit of electricity.

In 2009, a mysterious man named Satoshi Nakamoto opened the Pandora’s box of virtual currencies. Bitcoin generated from the blockchain became a new digital gold mine, triggering a global mining boom. Mining boom. This virtual currency composed of disordered numbers has grown from 0.0076 US dollars at the beginning of its birth to 60,000 US dollars 11 years later, an increase of approximately 8 million times.

Capital is becoming more and more enthusiastic. Since February, the technology madman Musk has invested US$1.5 billion in Bitcoin, the beautiful Cai Wensheng has invested tens of millions of dollars in the game, and even Xinyang Maojian, who is completely unrelated to technology, has also joined the battlefield.

The rise in Bitcoin prices has boosted the profit margins of coin miners. Among the many costs of mining coins, access to electricity is crucial, and this is Sichuan’s advantage.

Yuan Xiaoliu, the mine operation manager of a well-known hydropower investment company in Chengdu, has recently had intensive contact with representatives of Dualu Capital from Beijing and Shenzhen. These capitals are considering establishing mining sites and preparing to join the mining army. In addition, there are seasonal miners who have moved to Sichuan because of the closure of coin mining farms in Inner Mongolia. They came to Chengdu in search of the lowest electricity prices.

Chengdu not only controls a large number of hydropower stations, but also has China’s first batch of Bitcoin players, as well as Maoqiu Technology, a post-80s rich man named Wang Mingliu whose main business is mining operations. Coin miners from all walks of life gathered together, and Chengdu became a sacred place and the "mining capital" of the currency circle.

In the Bitcoin bull market, in addition to allowing some Bitcoin investors to make huge profits, Sichuan's hydropower companies also took a share of the pie. In the four years he has been operating the mine, Yuan Xiaoliu has transformed from an ordinary hydropower company technician to a senior player in the cryptocurrency industry with an annual income of millions. He did not expect that he would use hydropower knowledge such as river dynamics and turbine design specifications to participate in the wave of wealth creation in digital finance.

Nowadays, the market for bit mining machines is hard to find. Chips and graphics cards are not only mining tools, but also popular financial products. Fortunately, Yuan Xiaoliu has accumulated a lot of network resources through hard work in the past few years, and he has successfully ordered the Avalon mining machine - a futures product that will only arrive in May.

At that time, the water turbines will start, and with the roar of more than 100 decibels, the mining machines swallowing the rolling current will merge into the huge mining pool woven by more mining farms, and move towards the digitalBlock launches a computing power charge.

Yuan Xiaoliu is a post-90s generation who studied water conservancy and hydropower at a university in Sichuan Province. After graduating in 2015, he worked in a hydropower investment company in Chengdu. At that time, Bitcoin was just an unfamiliar word that he glanced at while browsing the web.

In fact, there was already an active Bitcoin scene in Chengdu at that time. In January 2009, Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto "mined" the first block of Bitcoin on a small server in Helsinki, Finland, and received 50 Bitcoins. Six months later, in Chengdu, China, thousands of miles away from Helsinki, Long Yujiang, who was only 21 years old, joined the mining ranks and became one of the earliest Bitcoin players in China. His story of wealth creation inspired the earliest mining boom in Chengdu.

The so-called mining, in layman's terms, means that everyone calculates a problem together. Whoever calculates quickly and accurately will get the accounting rights and then receive Bitcoin rewards. In order to make computing more professional, mining equipment has evolved step by step from home computers to ASIC mining machines. To mine coins, you need a large number of mining machines to form an army to win in the computing power competition. In order to operate a large number of mining machines, the consumption of electricity is terrifying.

Electricity once strangled the miners' necks. Some miners cut off power to residential buildings in order to mine Bitcoin. Some people even take risks to steal electricity in order to mine.

Neither Yuan Xiaoliu nor the company he works for noticed any connection between the whirring turbines and the high-tech-sounding blockchain. Until around 2016, a mining company approached them through various connections, hoping to use their redundant power from a hydropower station in Ganzi, Sichuan for mining.

Go to a hydropower station to mine Bitcoin? In an electric power industry with insufficient marketization, this is undoubtedly a bold move.

At that time, the company's leaders were older and were puzzled by this way of using electricity, but they also knew that there were thousands of hydropower stations in Sichuan, large and small, and each wanted to sell to thousands of them through the State Grid. Thousands of households. However, during the flood season from May to October every year, a large number of hydropower stations generate more electricity than the national grid can absorb, and the power stations have to open gates and abandon water.

Instead of throwing away electricity, it is better to sell it to miners. With the mentality of giving it a try, the company invested in the construction of the first mine connected to the hydropower station and accepted the first wave of miners.

When investing in mines, the main investment projects are computer rooms, office buildings, refrigeration and exhaust systems, transformers and other facilities to provide infrastructure services for mining. Based on an electricity load of 50,000 kilowatt-hours (that is, 50,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity consumption per hour), the mine needs to install dozens of transformers, each costing about 200,000 yuan. This investment does not appear to be a small amount at first glance.

But in fact, under the premise that the currency price continued to rise at that time, the finalIn just two months, the investment of millions can be roughly paid back. Taking an electricity load of 50,000 kilowatt-hours as an example, the daily power consumption can be as high as 1.2 million kilowatt-hours, which is 36 million kilowatt-hours per month. Based on an electricity price of 3 cents, the power plant’s monthly gross income is over one million.

In terms of the mining efficiency of mainstream mining machines, in 2015, it took 2,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity to mine one Bitcoin, which skyrocketed to 30,000 kilowatt-hours in 2018. Recently, currency prices have soared, and miners have poured in like crazy. The currency circle is deeply involved, and the power consumption of mining one Bitcoin is astronomical.

When researchers from the University of Cambridge recently announced the Bitcoin Power Consumption Index, they said that if Bitcoin were regarded as a country, its power consumption would rank among the top 30 countries with the largest power consumption in the world, exceeding Countries such as Argentina and the Netherlands use electricity throughout the year. In order to save electricity costs, a large number of miners drove large trucks pulling mining machines to Sichuan, and more and more hydropower stations opened their arms to them.

Shenzhen has reduced the manufacturing cost of Bitcoin mining machines, and Sichuan has reduced the cost of Bitcoin mining. This allows China to occupy 70% of the Bitcoin computing power, and Sichuan accounts for 70% of China's computing power. At that time, a mainstream mining machine manufacturer only set up two maintenance stations in the world, one of which was in Kangding, Sichuan, which is rich in hydropower resources.

As more and more hydropower stations join the competition for miners, the price of electricity in mines becomes lower and lower.

"It was 35 cents in 2017, 30 cents in 2018, 24 cents in 2019, and just over 20 cents in 2020." Yuan Xiaoliu said, taking the hydropower station managed mine where he works as an example. In the past, miners were required to pay a one-month electricity deposit, but now they only need to pay a half-month deposit to enter the market.

Recently, Inner Mongolia issued an eviction order to the mining farms, and the miners on the virtual currency assembly line had to move to Sichuan with their mining machines, seeking to land through various connections.

Sichuan has also shifted from being initially ambiguous or even opposed to mining, to encouraging it. In August 2019, the Sichuan Provincial Government announced the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Hydropower Consumption Industry Demonstration Zone in Sichuan Province." Last year, when Sichuan officials announced the first batch of "hydropower consumption demonstration enterprises", a number of mines suddenly appeared. This means that Sichuan officially recognized the cooperation model between hydropower stations and mining companies.

Because the difficulty of mining continues to increase, mining companies are extremely sensitive to every penny increase or decrease in electricity prices. Now, many miners are looking for resources around the world in order to find cheaper mines. "Russian hydropower, Kazakhstan's thermal power, hydropower in Central Africa, and even power plants in the United States are all in the miners' view." Yuan Xiaoliu said that the price of electricity in some places can be as low as 15 cents.

“Sichuan’s advantages still exist. It may not have the cheapest electricity in the world, but a mine with stable operation not onlyIt requires low-priced electricity and reliable operations. "Yuan Xiaoliu said that in the competition for miners, high-quality and standardized services are also an important part.

After entering the currency circle for a long time, Yuan Xiaoliu is no longer satisfied with helping others to host. "We have You can also mine electricity resources yourself. "In 2019, he bought a small batch of Ant S9 and other models and hosted them in the mine with others.

Only when you mine by yourself can you realize that mining is not without risks. The first risk is viruses. For example, Ant’s S9 model has been frequently attacked by viruses.

“Someone came to us and said they could provide free anti-virus software. In order to ensure the operation of the machine, I had to use it. "Yuan Xiaoliu said that it turned out that as long as they downloaded their anti-virus program, the virus was removed, but 5-10% of the computer's computing power was cut off. "As long as the computer is turned on, the anti-virus company is mining mines. . "Yuan Xiaoliu shook his head helplessly.

Secondly, the mine is far away from the city, which is also a big test for the life of the operators. More than 100 decibels of noise fill the mine at all times, and the high power of 24-hour operation The mining machine emits billowing heat waves. In order to cool down, each set of shelves uses a 1500-watt high-power fan to exhaust air. Because the air circulation speed in the machine room is very fast, the staff is not prone to sweating, and the actual physical feeling is even more uncomfortable. In order to retain Employees often have to raise their monthly salary to 10,000 yuan.

This year’s Bitcoin has replicated the bull market in 2017, and the price of mining machines has also been re-evaluated. In addition, a series of technological hardware changes caused by factors such as the epidemic Supply problems have aggravated the shortage of mining machines.

"Some fund managers born in the 1990s have gone to fandom. In fact, graphics cards may have been the best financial product last year. Not only can you play games happily, Once you finish playing with it and sell it, the value will increase exponentially. "Yuan Xiaoliu said with a smile.

After the rainy season ended last year, the price of Bitcoin reached the 10,000 US dollar mark. Yuan Xiaoliu said that his investment in all aspects of mining cost more than 40 Ten thousand, and after the mining stopped, he settled the accounts and recovered the cost by only selling Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin intermittently, and made a net profit of nearly 500,000.

At that time, his wife started a business He needed funds, and his own judgment on the short-term maximum price of Bitcoin was only 100,000 yuan per coin. Therefore, after many considerations, 2,000 mining machines, including the old "Machine King" S9, were replaced with one I sold the scrap iron for about 90 yuan and got a refund of 180,000 yuan.

Unexpectedly, the virtual currency market is still feverish. I don’t have the mining machine on hand, so I have to order at a high price this year.

One night in early March, a mining machine agent made an appointment with Yuan Xiaoliu to meet at the Hookar House Bar on Kehua North Road in Chengdu. After drinking until midnight, he made up his mind to buy futures mining machines. "Avalon Mining Machines" Not sickPoison, the price of each unit is between 450-480, and a deposit of 3 million was transferred that night. "Yuan Xiaoliu said that shipments can be made as soon as the flood season arrives in May.

Since the beginning of this year, due to the sharp rise in Bitcoin prices, it is difficult to find spot mining machines, and major brands are all futures .

"Bitmain held an order meeting in Shenzhen on March 12. There are multiple models of Ant S19. The price of one unit is about more than 600 yuan, and 110 units are around 70,000. The delivery time is As late as November 15 this year. You know, the futures price of S19 in the second half of last year was only around 15,000. In just about half a year, the price more than quadrupled. "Yuan Xiaoliu said, that's it. You have to be a well-established person in the currency circle to buy it.

Last year, NVIDIA released an RTX3060 graphics card. In order to prevent miners from using this graphics card to mine popular virtual machines To coin Ethereum, NVIDIA imposed restrictions on graphics cards. However, NVIDIA engineers underestimated the strength of coin mining miners. As the currency price soared, the miners perfectly cracked the restriction program. Now, this graphics card originally sold for only about 3,000 yuan. , the price soared to nearly 6,000 yuan.

After buying a graphics card and using it for a few months, some gamers went to the Xianyu platform to sell it. Some buyers didn't understand: "A bunch of 3,000 people didn't buy it at the beginning. Now a bunch of people are buying 5500, what kind of psychology is this? "The seller replied: "Because the currency price has increased, if you buy it for a few months (referring to "mining for a few months"), you can almost go whoring for free. ”

The hardware blowout driven by the rise in currency prices is still continuing.

March is a time of frequent gatherings in the Chengdu currency circle. At such gatherings, there are both diaosi and diaosi. The story of counterattack also includes the failure of the life of a big boss. Having seen many ups and downs, there is envy for others' sudden wealth, and there is also regret for missing out on wealth. Yuan Xiaoliu tries his best to be more open-minded.

Just after Musk announced his investment in Bitcoin, Yuan Xiaoliu received a call. The call was from a friend in the currency circle who bought his mining machine at scrap metal price, and asked him to go to Chengdu Play House for a drink in the evening. In the currency circle , Operations and Maintenance live a primitive life in the deep mountains and old forests, and the financial backers behind them are often linked to bars and nightclubs. Some important transactions are often negotiated over the wine table.

"He is from out of town. He didn’t have a high level of education, and he didn’t make much money from mining or speculating on coins. That time he bought a second-hand mining machine for 180,000 yuan was probably his biggest move. "Yuan Xiaoliu said that when he saw him again that night, he was shocked to find that the other party drove a Lamborghini.

A few months ago, he was still suffering in a simple dormitory deep in the mountains. , often scolded her for missing opportunities. But in front of him in the elegant bar, he did not hide his excitement after getting rich: This bar is good, buy a membership card. He walked to the front desk on his own, and on the spot Recharge 200,000.

In just a few months, the once ordinary loser in the currency circle has changed his life.

Let’s put it this way, a second-hand mobile phone that cost 90 yuan at the time soared to nearly 2,000 yuan a few months later. Not to mention the income from coin mining, when mining machines are scarce, even the old and out-of-breath machines are rising to the sky.

Although the difference between selling and buying was a Lamborghini and the generosity of spending at the bar, but thinking that the income from mining and currency speculation last year exceeded one million, Yuan Xiaoliu also reported Smile and stop worrying.

Of course, for most coin miners and speculators, it is difficult to secure the virtual currency lying in their accounts even if they encounter a super trend. As early as 2016, the leader of Yuan Xiaoliu's company held 500 Bitcoins. However, when he saw that the increase exceeded that of stocks, he cashed out and left, buying a house directly. For older people, a house they can live in provides a sense of security that is much more practical than the confusing strings of characters in their online accounts.

"At that time, the currency price was only four to five hundred US dollars. Now it is more than 50,000 US dollars, which has increased more than 100 times. But the house has also increased two or three times, which is not an order of magnitude at all." Yuan Xiaoliu said, Maybe the leader feels that the happiness brought by the house is also irreplaceable.

The reason why I can’t hold it is because the price of Bitcoin is too volatile and there is no circuit breaker mechanism. You may make a lot of money or lose everything overnight. This is a great test for your heart and human nature. . Whether to close when the gains are good, stop losses in time, or not care about the temporary rise or fall, is a huge test for every investor's psychology.

In the past two years, Yuan Xiaoliu has felt that in this virtual world where there are only 21 million bitcoins in total and more than 80% of the bitcoins have been mined, there is a large group of people using the tip of the lever to lick Bloody, do whatever it takes to compete for Bitcoin resources that are increasingly difficult to mine.

In 2019, Hui Yi, the founder of BitEase, used 100 times leverage to speculate in coins. As a result, his position was liquidated and he committed suicide in pain. This is the most shocking event in the currency circle in 2019. Hui Yi is a top smart person in the financial field. He successfully escaped from the top when the stock market was at its peak, but he still failed to escape the more turbulent currency circle.

Bitcoin, which is invisible and intangible, has always only believed in algorithms and current, not tears and sadness.

Tragedy is never alone.

In 2020, a senior currency speculator in Dalian also used leverage to speculate in Bitcoin and lost 20 million. Later, he killed his daughter and then jumped into the sea with his wife to commit suicide. The outside world once again saw the bloodthirsty in the currency circle.

"So, I have always warned myself not to use huge amounts of leverage. The risks in the currency circle are unbearable for individuals." Yuan Xiaoliu said that a friend who once speculated in currencies with him experienced last year's 312After the incident, the currency price plummeted from 8,000 US dollars to 4,000 US dollars, and finally left the market.

He has also seen people running with Bitcoin.

A few years ago, he asked a friend to help solve a technical problem. Afterwards, he asked his friend if he wanted a bag he liked or a Bitcoin of the same price? "My friend chose Bitcoin. At that time, one Bitcoin was about 10,000 yuan, so I gave two to my friend." Yuan Xiaoliu said, unexpectedly, this friend held it to this day, and now its value exceeds 700,000. He can make a small fortune in Chengdu. The down payment is made for the apartment type.

Today, in Yuan Xiaoliu’s view of wealth, the symbol of wealth is not just visible and tangible things such as houses and cars. Virtual currency should have a place.

In his view, Bitcoin and valuable virtual currencies are the gold of the Internet era. In this market for mining special gold, there is also Wang Mingliu, the youngest post-80s billionaire in Sichuan and the founder of Maoqiu Technology.

However, there are still huge rifts between miners, investors, regulatory agencies and scholars in various countries regarding the attitude towards virtual currencies.

French scholar Eric Pichet wrote this in 2017: "The Bitcoin bubble is just the latest incarnation of crazy speculation. Crazy speculation has hit financial markets from time to time in history, such as 1637 The 'Tulip Mania' of 2000, the Internet Bubble of 2000, etc. No one can predict the duration of the speculative wave and where the top will be."

"The market can be irrational for so long that it bankrupts you. ." Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, also cited these passages to warn Bitcoin investors.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen also criticized the huge risks and inefficiencies of Bitcoin a few days ago, pouring cold water on Bitcoin.

However, various warnings do not seem to have dampened the enthusiasm for Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. After a brief adjustment, Bitcoin continues to move higher.

One of the reasons why Bitcoin is so resilient is that young people are enthusiastic about Bitcoin. They want to build a new wealth system. According to reports, on the virtual currency exchange bitFlyer, about 40% of the investors who opened new Bitcoin accounts in Japan in the first half of 2020 were young people in their 20s. The same trend can be seen in Europe and the United States.

Moreover, the popularity of Bitcoin has also pushed various virtual currencies such as Ethereum and Litecoin to new highs. Even Dogecoin, which was once no one cared about, has also become popular because of Musk’s pursuit. stand up.

“Thanks to Musk, the large amount of Dogecoins that the system gave me when I mined Litecoin suddenly became valuable."Yuan Xiaoliu himself was a little surprised.

However, the rise of Bitcoin has made American investment guru and Oaktree Capital co-founder Howard Marks shake his head. A recent interview video shows that he refused to talk about Bitcoin Regarding the future of the currency, I just say: It’s better not to talk about things you don’t know.

But miners’ new “faith” in virtual currencies cannot be shaken yet.

The flood season is coming soon, and Yuan Xiaoliu is about to start a new round of mining career. He said that he is going to be a father soon, and he plans to use the first Bitcoin mined as a gift to his future children. When the child is 20 When I got married, I gave it to him/her, "At that time, I believed the price of this Bitcoin was 1 million US dollars. ”

II Who are the big guys in the garage coffee currency circle

Bao Erye’s real name is Guo Hong, the leader of the garage coffee currency circle, and he has led a large number of Internet entrepreneurs in Zhongguancun Mentors who entered the currency circle. In 2012 and 2013, Mr. Bao was drinking entrepreneurial coffee in the garage every day in Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship Street to prepare for his own business. At that time, he gathered Li Lin, Xu Mingxing, Li Xiaolai, Cai Wensheng, and Xue Manzi, Zhao Dong, Du Jun, Ji Xiaowu, Ling Lianwei, Hu Zhensheng, Liu Hui, Fan Tianjiang, Zhao Guofeng, Peng Song, Shen Dahai, Tian Jia, Duan Lijun, etc. are actually a group of people. Behind them are YOU+ CTO Liu Song, You Wu Xing, CEO of Caiwang, Zhao Changyu, investment VP of Tiantiantou, and Liu Junyan, CEO of Huanxinyun, all entered the currency circle in 2017 under the leadership of Mr. Bao. Today they have become legends.

Ⅲ The loner in the currency circle - Ding Yang

Abstract: Resilience is the weight of continuation.

“The reason why I am firmly based in the digital currency industry is that Because it is a new incremental market. "This is a sentence he often talks about. He is Ding Yang, who has many identities, onetop rating partner, founder of Trust Tree Fund, and early blockchain investor.

01. First time entering the currency circle

A few years ago, he was still a member of the stock market, and he also experienced the highlight moment of A-shares. Of course, after the highlight, the stock market became a cruel and bloody place. Hai. Maybe he was born with financial sensitivity and retreated bravely to avoid the bloodbath of the stock market. Looking at many of his friends around him being trapped by the stock market or losing everything, in addition to feeling lingering fear, he was also reflecting on: How should he go in the future?

In March 2017, by chance, he entered the blockchain industry. Features such as "hash encryption", "non-tampering" and "traceability" revolve around the blockchain industry. Technology, but he is more concerned about "decentralization". If finance and "decentralization" collide, what kind of sparks will be created?

An open, fair and transparent financial system.

Thinking of this, he felt that blockchain is the trend of the future and an innovation that subverts traditional industries, so he embarked on the "journey" of blockchain.

The road is long and long, and I will search up and down.

When he stepped into the blockchain industry, he realized that this industry was not as glamorous as he imagined. Due to the chaos in the industry, many projects were confused, confusing this clear blue ocean. , all projects related to blockchain are closely related to MLM, and have extremely poor reputation. People around him tried to persuade him to quit the currency circle, but he responded with a smile, his eyes full of determination, and still chose to stick to it, maybe because of his faith, maybe because he was unwilling to do so.

02. Past events in the currency circle

September 4, 2017, was destined to be an unusual day. A “storm” was approaching the area with great force. The blockchain industry is coming. After the "September 4th" policy was issued, ICOs were stopped, projects began to withdraw coins, and Huobi, OK and Bitcoin China successively announced the suspension of trading operations. That’s when he sensed real darkness in the industry, with Bitcoin and Ethereum prices plummeting. He felt a little shaken in his heart: Did he choose the wrong path?

Not long after, Bitcoin and Ethereum began to rise non-stop, breaking new highs frequently, and finally reached the highest point in December: US$20,000 and US$1,400 respectively.

Behind the carnival, someone was crying. Some people completed the class jump in this revolution, and some people suffered heavy losses in this carnival, but most people just acted as bystanders. Now that I think about it, I feel regretful!

September 4, 2017, was the darkest day in the currency circle. However, for Ding Yang, six months later was the low point of his entry into the industry.

The ebb and flow of the tide, the alternation of ups and downs, is the way of nature and common sense.

03. Perseverance

March 2018 was the darkest moment in his career. Not many people could escape from the bear market in the currency circle. His Investment seemed to be overwhelming, and all the first pot of gold was thrown back during that period. At that time, he resolutely chose another path: switching from investment to blockchain service entrepreneurship.

He became a onetop rating partner because the industry is so chaotic that people can’t tell which projects are good and which are bad. This industry needs an authoritative and neutral media organization to judge, just like a judge, to review justice and evil.

In 2018, September 4th was "9,4" again. The previous "rumors" were fulfilled in the currency circle media., many leading media have blocked their accounts one after another, and the currency circle has entered the cold winter ahead of schedule. The blockchain service industry is not easy to do, just like the Internet back then.

For him, the blockchain industry is a spaceship full of gold mines bound for outer space!

This is Ding Yang’s confidence in the blockchain. In 2019, he established Trust Tree. His original intention was to use a professional team to provide professional asset management for people who own a large amount of blockchain assets, so that they can earn more in the bull market and lose less in the bear market.

At this time, it has been 3 years since he first came into contact with digital currency. For this industry where "one day in the currency circle lasts ten years in the world", he is already considered an old man.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, not to mention the ever-changing currency world. If you are not careful, you may be shattered to pieces.

He has his own unique views on investment: The investment industry has always been an industry full of risks, and everyone is like a toddler. If you take a leap of faith, you are bound to suffer losses. Sometimes, walking slowly and walking steadily becomes fast.

With many years of investment experience, he has created 11 live broadcast courses on digital currency analysis and investment, from the basic theory of investment, to the K-line introduction, to the high winning rate MACD trading system, and perfectly integrated the system It speculatively integrates trading theory with practical trading experience. Once the course was launched, it received rave reviews.

The bright prospects of blockchain technology applications and his own accumulation in the industry motivate him to move forward.

04. Encounter Contract

Having experienced the ups and downs of the industry, I am used to seeing the ups and downs of the currency circle. He chose the field of CFDs, and by chance, he became associated with the ASPMEX pineapple contract. Of course, this is something for later, so I won’t mention it for now.

As we all know, the spot market is sluggish, and the contract battlefield with high long-short returns has become a holy place for many players, and he is not immune. Of course, contracts with high returns are often accompanied by high risks. However, human greed still cannot be stopped. The ending of "Hui Yi Futures Contract Liquidation" is disappointing.

If you lose the contract due to luck/strength, it is completely normal. However, many platforms have repeatedly encountered pin plugging, unplugging network cables, and downtime, causing users to liquidate their positions. This is evil!

Because he has been engaged in quantitative funds for many years, he is naturally sensitive to slippage and depth, so he scorned the actions of the platform and even refused to play with contracts for a time. Until the emergence of the ASPMEX pineapple contract, the forward CFD style of play impacted the industry, just like a martial arts rookie who asked Huobi and BitMEX, OKEX, and Binance launch new challenges. He embarked on the contract journey again and even had a good record.

On March 12, 2020, the currency circle once again ushered in a "big market". An unprecedented black swan event bloodbathed the entire crypto asset market. The price of Bitcoin halved in a single day, and hundreds of billions of dollars in market value were wiped out. Many users who were playing contracts around him liquidated their positions one after another, resulting in heavy losses. Users who originally wanted to short the contracts were unable to do so due to some platform issues, missing out on an opportunity to increase their wealth.

However, his ASPMEX pineapple contract was a different story. He claimed: “Because the forward CFD contract of ASPMEX pineapple contract comes with the natural attributes of “no slippage and unlimited depth”, his contract transactions are smooth and normal, and his positions are closed quickly. Of course, this is also due to its powerful trading platform. , even in the face of extreme market conditions, transactions are still smooth and smooth, and there are no problems like downtime, plugging pins, and unplugging network cables like other exchanges."

Fighting against extreme market conditions is a test for the ASPMEX pineapple contract , it was also his own assessment of the ASPMEX Pineapple Contract platform. He believed that it had delivered a perfect answer. What made him even more gratified was that during this extreme market situation, he and two other friends made large profits from frequent short-term trading in the pineapple contract. Moreover, he also said that a friend around him had a profit margin of more than 100 times in one morning, and the high profit made him a little jealous.

Obviously, this is almost impossible to do in a normal delivery contract.

Speaking of the ASPMEX pineapple contract, he seemed to see a glimmer of hope in the contract industry. He said: "Generally speaking, people who play contracts have either been immersed in this industry for a long time, or are engaged in traditional finance and other related industries. This means that the threshold for playing contracts is very high, and the learning cost is not low. So this is very important to many people." Xiaobai is extremely unfriendly. However, this platform has launched one-click follow-up orders, which breaks the shackles of traditional contracts and greatly lowers the threshold for users." Of course, for him, he relies more on his own understanding of the market. Grasp it and carry out a long and short contract strategy.

Finally, he looked at the contract income on his mobile phone and smiled knowingly: As the integration of digital finance and blockchain becomes more and more mature, he also looks forward to the continuous implementation of truly valuable commercial-grade public chains. , bringing new growth points to the development of the blockchain industry.

IV Introduction to Li Hailong in the currency circle

Li Hailong is really not a simple person. He was born blind, meaning he couldn't see since birth. He never went to school. Through his own efforts, he learned to type 120 words a minute on the computer. He repairs his own computer if it breaks down, and he also knows how to program computer software. People he knows will ask him how he does it, and his answer is just four words: "He is dedicated and focused." One thing I didn't expect is that he also entered the currency circle, which makes people happy. The most surprising thing is that he used 700 Ethereum to become 60,000For multiple Ethereums, he occasionally helps others publish articles.
Extended information:
1. Those who entered the currency circle before 2017 basically made money and a lot. Starting from 2017, the super market players in the capital market also took an optimistic view of the leeks in the currency circle and began to use the blockchain. The name continued to be high-profile and the packaging once again attracted everyone to invest. At this time, players in the capital market also began to vaguely participate in various blockchain projects with the high-profile name of blockchain. The word blockchain also made people It is very easy to remember in people's brains. Players can all name these terms, blockchain, decentralized, open and transparent, and cannot be tampered with. It makes people feel very professional. In fact, Mao has never seen what blockchain is like.
2. The currency circle is a term or concept in the blockchain industry. It is a circle formed by a group of people who pay attention to virtual encrypted digital currencies or issue their own digital currencies to raise funds. Among them, Bitcoin is a more important one in the currency circle. A virtual encrypted digital currency. The currency circle is an area that lacks formal supervision. Everyone needs to be wary of various scams when coming into contact with the currency circle, especially fake trading platforms, OTC fraud, phishing, counterfeit currency, etc. The currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. Digital currencies are virtual currencies, and the number one one is Bitcoin.
3. Token is an encrypted virtual currency. It consists of a symbol and plays the role of representation. In the currency circle, BTC and ETH are tokens that are recognized by everyone and have a leading position. Airdrops are a very popular method of marketing cryptocurrency right now. In order to allow potential investors and people who are keen on cryptocurrency to obtain token-related information, the token team will regularly issue unknown tokens to the accounts of currency circle participants, and the number is proportional to the number of original tokens. Ratio, if you want to get more airdrops, you must buy more tokens. This is a very effective way of promoting currency marketing.

IV What is the real name of Ban Muxia in the currency circle?

High-risk contract transactions have become popular in the currency circle, and players nine times out of ten will lose.

At this time, if a "great god" told you that you could make sure money by following him in currency trading, would you be tempted?

This so-called “following” model is becoming popular in the currency circle. In the past six months, multiple copying platforms have been launched one after another, and some exchanges have also launched copying functions.

But in this world, is there really any good thing that guarantees profit without loss?

In the currency circle, the copycat model is becoming a “combine harvester” for exchanges and traders, and has even become a gimmick for capital market speculation. Some retail investors suffered heavy losses as a result.

The leeks are still the same leeks, and the sickle is still the same sickle.

01 Copying is hot

In 2020, what is the most popular concept in the currency circle?

“It’s not a hundredfold coin, it’s not a capital market, it’s a contract transaction.” Zhang Peng, a player in the currency circle, said.

With the combinationRegarding the popularity of transactions, the TokenInsight research report shows that in the first quarter of this year, the total global digital asset derivatives transaction volume exceeded the US$2 trillion mark, an increase of 314% from the average of the four quarters of 2019.

In contract trading, buyers can buy up or down, and can also add leverage.

But adding leverage also increases risk.

Data show that during the plunge on March 12 this year, the total amount of contract transactions across the entire network exceeded US$2 billion. (Reference: "Crazy Currency Contracts: Leverage up to 125 times, 2 billion U.S. dollars in one night"

Because the threshold for contract trading is very high, a gameplay for novice players has emerged. , that is contract copying.

What is contract copying?

In the contract market, the direction and time of buying are very important. The contract copying platform will be open and professional The trading behavior of traders and allows players to follow orders with one click and copy the operations of professional traders. This is contract copying.

“To put it bluntly, contract copying is to allow novice users to follow Traders in the currency circle operate, and novices can buy as veterans buy." Zhang Peng said, "If veterans can make money, novices can also make money."

Nowadays, there are many people in the currency circle. A copying platform with the slogan "One-click copying master, easy to make money".

In the rankings of these platforms, the ordering teachers are ranked according to the rate of return. Players can choose their favorite teacher , follow orders with one click.

VI Coin speculators who fell from the bull market

“Now the mining machine business is no longer possible.” On July 11, 2021, a forty-year-old A middle-aged man of about 20 years old sighed to his companions at the entrance of SEG Plaza in Huaqiang North, Shenzhen.

SEG Plaza is the main distribution center for Bitcoin mining machines, graphics cards, and hard drives. SEG Plaza has ten floors in total. Sells computers and electronic components. Stores selling mining machines and graphics cards are mainly concentrated on the third to fifth floors, with more than 20 stores in total. Most of the store names contain words such as "mining" and "technology".

The turning point of the policy occurred in May 2021. Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places have successively issued bans on virtual currency mining.

On May 19, 2021, the People's Bank of China An announcement was issued through public accounts to prevent the risks of virtual currency speculation, requiring financial and payment institutions not to accept cryptocurrencies as payment and settlement tools, nor to provide services and products related to cryptocurrencies. Subsequently, the Financial Stability and Development Committee of the State Council held a meeting to require strengthening Supervise the financial activities of platform companies, crack down on Bitcoin mining and trading activities, and resolutely prevent individual risks from being transmitted to the social sector.

In order to avoid risks, some businesses in SEG Plaza were covered with tapeThe word "mining machine" in the product name.

Gao Ling, a professional currency speculator in Beijing, sighed. Her account has lost approximately 70 Bitcoins in market value in the past month.

Seven years ago, after graduating from university, she worked for an Internet company in Beijing and gradually came into contact with blockchain and Bitcoin.

As the Bitcoin market rose in 2019, Gao Ling and her family had a dispute over buying a house. Out of anger, she put the money to buy the house into a currency speculation account. After making a few profits, she simply resigned from the company and became a professional currency speculator. “Because I earned the money myself, my family did not support or object to my resignation.”

At the peak on May 12, 2021, the market value of all virtual currencies in Gao Ling’s account was approximately equal to 89 bits. currency.

In addition to buying Bitcoin, she will also buy other cryptocurrencies on the trading platform, but the price is ultimately denominated in Bitcoin. Calculated based on the closing price of US$49,000 that day, the account funds are approximately US$4.36 million (approximately RMB 28.21 million).

Today, after experiencing the biggest loss in her currency trading life, she only has a market value of 21 Bitcoins left, which is approximately US$723,000 (approximately RMB 4.68 million), which is only the peak value. one-sixth.

"It's really scary. You just watch the coins in your account decrease little by little." Recalling the plunge, Gao Ling sounded a little excited, "Compared with the risks brought to me by the drop in currency prices, "At that time, I was more worried about going short, so I didn't choose to sell because I thought it would still rise."

After this round of sharp decline, Gao Ling changed most of his other currencies into Bitcoin to increase his risk resistance, but he did not increase his position.

The currency circle is cooling down, and May 19th has become a node that affects the development of the industry. The ever-hot cryptocurrency market experienced a Waterloo-like plunge on this day, causing some investors to liquidate their positions and even leave the currency circle directly.

At 10 o'clock that night, the cryptocurrency trading platform Coin showed that in the past 24 hours, the market liquidation amount was approximately US$5.92 billion (approximately 38 billion yuan), and the number of liquidated positions was nearly 480,000.

On the afternoon of May 19, Zhang Bin was still on his way on a business trip. He saw that the price of Bitcoin continued to fall, so he used his mobile phone to operate, entered the market to buy lows, and increased leverage several times through contract trading. "Half an hour later, panic selling occurred in the market. If you don't cut off the meat and sell, you will face the risk of liquidation."

Cryptocurrency data website Coinmarket Cap shows that on May 19, the price of Bitcoin dropped from $43,546 to $30,681, a drop of 29.5%, and transaction volume also hit a new high in the past three months.

In the traditional financial field, futures contracts are more commonly usedHedging risks. But in virtual currency trading, contract trading is mainly used to amplify leverage. Zhang Bin lamented, "I lost 7 million in half an hour. I'm pretty good. There are people who lost tens of millions or hundreds of millions that day."

Since 2021, the price of Bitcoin once climbed to a historical high of US$64,455 on April 14, while the price in the same period last year was only US$6,842, an increase of 842%. Compared with Bitcoin's past historical records, the decline on May 19 was not large, but because the market value has increased several times, many investors suffered heavy losses.

Zhang Bin is a professional player in the currency circle. He has been exposed to Bitcoin for seven or eight years. He is a well-known trading player in the industry and usually conducts transactions every day. Zhang Bin first came into contact with Bitcoin when he was in college. He also speculated in the currency on and off, but he lost more than he won.

In 2017, Zhang Bin was working in Shenzhen. He saw the price of Bitcoin rising, so he chose to short Bitcoin. However, he not only lost a lot of money, but also owed debt.

Zhang Bin chose to take a risk and borrowed a small loan of 2,000 yuan from the Internet to make short-term profits quickly. In one night, I made 40,000 yuan. After paying off 20,000 yuan of the debt, I poured the remaining money into a popular currency at the time. I made hundreds of thousands in two or three days.

In Zhang Bin’s view, the hot market during that period did not even require investment skills. “It is very easy to spend 1 million to buy a coin and hold it for two or three months. The market value will increase 10 times. normal".

Through frequent leveraged transactions and the boost of the bull market, Zhang Bin soon made tens of millions in more than a year.

Although he faced huge losses this round and the price of Bitcoin was nearly cut in half compared to this year’s highest value, Zhang Bin still chose to continue trading every day.

On May 18, 2021, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association, and the China Payment and Clearing Association jointly issued the "Announcement on Preventing the Risks of Speculation in Virtual Currency Transactions" (hereinafter referred to as the "Announcement" of the three associations) ), reminding investors: Virtual currencies have no real value support, prices are easily manipulated, and related speculative trading activities involve multiple risks such as false asset risks, business failure risks, and investment speculation risks.

The entire cryptocurrency market plummeted, which also caused panic among virtual currency trading platforms.

Li Jin is a key account manager of a virtual currency exchange, mainly providing information consulting services to customers. He himself is also a senior virtual currency enthusiast. In 2019, he resigned from a domestic brokerage and joined a virtual currency exchange.

When the price of Bitcoin exceeded 60,000 US dollars, Li Jin spent a lot of money and chose to go short. The profit stop point was set at 35,000 US dollars, making nearly 10 million yuan.currency.

According to Li Jin, although some investors chose to exit the market after suffering serious losses, there are still investors who asked him whether they could enter the market by bargain hunting after the price plummeted.

Late at night on May 19, Tuya received a message reminder that the trading volume on the platform that day increased rapidly, ten times the usual average. Tuya is the chief operating officer of virtual currency trading platform AAX.

After seeing the data, Tuya was very surprised. “After discovering that the currency price plummeted, my first reaction was to check Musk’s Twitter, and I started to look for news sources with my colleagues to discuss the reasons.” .

But as soon as May 19 passed, the trading volume began to decline, and soon fell below the average level of the past. Li Jin said frankly, "It has been sideways for a month now, and it will continue for at least half a month."

The income of virtual currency exchanges is mainly through charging transaction fees. Li Jin gave the example of his exchange, "Currently, if you buy or sell immediately, the handling fee is about 60,000; if you set a price for pending orders, the handling fee is 40,000."

The plummeting price of Bitcoin and the market downturn will also bring difficulties in attracting new customers. When the market conditions are good, there will be a steady stream of money entering the market, and the exchange does not need to spend too much thought on marketing strategies. Once the market goes bad, it will need to change to new marketing strategies.

At the same time, exchanges are also facing more severe trading compliance issues.

In 2017, the central bank issued regulations prohibiting token issuance financing and prohibiting cryptocurrency trading platforms from engaging in the exchange between legal tender and cryptocurrency. From then on, individuals in China cannot directly use RMB to purchase cryptocurrencies from exchanges and other institutions.

Today, a resident with an account in China who wants to buy Bitcoin mainly relies on OTC over-the-counter transactions. Individuals can use RMB to buy Bitcoin on cryptocurrency trading platforms, or exchange it for stablecoins equivalent to the U.S. dollar for purchase. But the whole process is a transaction with an individual, and the account is transferred to the other party's personal account. The platform plays a role similar to Taobao's in matching and ensuring transaction security.

The "Announcement" of the three associations believes that based on my country's current judicial practice, virtual currency transaction contracts are not protected by law, and the consequences and losses caused by investment transactions can only be borne by the relevant parties.

On May 18, after the People’s Bank of China issued an announcement, some exchanges successively closed OTC over-the-counter trading. On May 19, the Matcha MXC exchange suspended OTC over-the-counter trading. Subsequently, Huobi Exchange, one of the three major cryptocurrency exchanges, announced the cancellation of OTC block transactions.

On June 21, the People’s Bank of China issued an announcement stating that the recentDuring the period, we interviewed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Postal Bank of China, Industrial Bank and Alipay, requesting a comprehensive investigation and identification of the capital accounts of virtual currency exchanges and over-the-counter traders, and timely cutting off transaction fund payment links.

(At the request of the interviewees, Zhao Lan, Gao Ling, Zhang Bin, Li Jin, and Zhang Min are pseudonyms.)

VII What is the currency circle

< p>OS’s 4-hour trend is to shrink downward. At present, the currency price has fallen below the 10 moving average and the 50 moving average, driven by the decline of BTC, indicating that there will be a further downward trend in this range in the future. However, the short positions did not expand, indicating that EOS is still in a volatile market. Testing support in the lower zone 3.5 and upper zone 4. Today, the Huobi EOS exchange was officially put into operation, which has played a positive supporting role in the currency price.
The "currency circle" refers to a group of people who focus on speculation and encryption of digital currencies, and even issue their own digital currency fundraising (ICO for short). It is commonly known as "coin circle" in the industry.
Currency refers to digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. There are also circles, that is, trading circles, friend circles, and social circles. The issuance, trading, and everything related to digital currencies are currency circles.
Coin should be the trading circle in digital currency. Such a circle should be broad, including financial virtual currency transactions, as well as some specific exchanges, such as the hot Bitcoin copied online. Although it is a virtual currency, the price ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. It is said that the RMB has been copied to 130,000 Bitcoins. The increase is quite large and unstable, but the transactions are all real gold and silver transactions. I don’t know if this answer is what I want to ask.
The currency circle is mainly a small circle surrounding Bitcoin and digital currency, mainly including digital currency and digital currency miners, investors and traders. To trade digital currencies, you generally go to exchanges such as bitoffer, which provide digital currency trading services. Financial derivatives also have many new ways to play.
Coin is the gathering place for currency speculation, and the chain circle is the gathering place for various projects, one is investment and the other is financing! They are all about making money, but the money circle is based on individuals, and the chain circle is based on the team!

ⅧWho are the people in the currency circle?

People like Satoshi Nakamoto, V God, Li Xiaolai, Wu Jihan, Shen Bo, BM, Da Hongfei and others.
Satoshi Nakamoto: the founder of Bitcoin, the most mysterious person in the currency circle, Buterin: a genius young man, the founder of Ethereum, the creator of smart contracts and the blockchain 2.0 era, Li Xiaozi claims to be the richest man in Bitcoin in China Co-founder of Coin Capital, Wu Jihan: Founder of Bitmain, in charge of the most powerful computing power, Shen Bo: Partner of Fenbushi Capital, original BitShares founding team, BM: Founder of BTS and EOS, EOS is considered Blockchain 3.0, Da Hongfei: CEO of Xiaoyi Ceoonchain Distribution Technology.
The currency circle refers to a group of people who focus on speculating in encrypted digital currencies and even issue their own digital currency to raise funds (ICO for short). The industry is commonly known as the "currency circle".Refers to digital currencies alone, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. The circle is the trading circle, the circle of friends, the social circle, and everything related to the issuance, trading, speculation, and related aspects of digital currency can be regarded as the currency circle.

Ⅸ The basic knowledge of the currency circle is suitable for beginners, but there are many, so please read it patiently!

What does currency circle mean?

The so-called currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation currency, mining, exchanges, project parties, self-media, etc.

What are the mainstream coins in the currency circle?

BTC (Bitcoin) ETH (Ethereum) XRP (Ripple, Wave Goddess)

BCH (Bitcoin Cash, Grand Prince) EOS (Grapefruit) LTC (Litecoin) , spicy strips)

How to make money in the currency circle?

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-making, contracts, etc.

Which exchanges are the best to use?

Spot exchanges: Binance, Huobi, okex, Biter (the most well-known and safe)

Futures exchanges: okex, bitmex, Huobi (the most well-known and safe)

Where can I usually read currency news?

Market websites: Feixiaohao, mytoken, Alcoin, etc.

News websites: Golden Finance, Babbitt Community, Coin World News

Currency Circle What does fiat currency mean?

Legal currency is legal currency, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

What does currency circle token mean?

token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and inherent Value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the pass are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network so that it can be verified anytime and anywhere. .

What does it mean to open a position in the currency circle?

Position building in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

What does currency stud mean?

Currency Stud means investing all the principal.

What does airdrop mean in the currency circle?

Airdrops are currently a very popular method of cryptocurrency marketing. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

What does lock-up in the currency circle mean?

Hedging generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open new positions that are opposite to their original positions. It is also called locking, order locking, or even locking. It is euphemistically called the butterfly flying in two directions.

What does Biquan Candy mean?

Currency candies are digital coins that are distributed free of charge to users when various digital currencies are first issued and are launched in ICOs. They are a kind of momentum and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

What does the currency circle break mean?

Breaking refers to falling below, and issuing refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

What does private equity in the currency circle mean?

Private placement in the currency circle is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

What do you think of the K-line in the currency circle?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, bar lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

What does it mean to move bricks in the currency circle?

Brick trading is to buy digital currency from an exchange with a low currency price, and then sell it to an exchange with a high price.

What does ICO mean?

Initial Coin Offering, derived from the concept of initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market, is a financing behavior in which a blockchain project exchanges its own virtual currency for commonly used virtual currencies in market circulation, and also returns Have IEO, STO, etc., the models are all similar

Five investment rules

1. Consider and observe projects from multiple aspects, and do not follow others’ opinions. There have been many copycats in the currency circle to make money. For projects like this, once the founder runs away, there is no way to hold him legally accountable.

2. Understand the relevant knowledge of blockchain and the industry pain points solved by blockchain before entering the currency circle.

3. For the project you want to invest in, you must have a comprehensive understanding of whether the project actually uses blockchain technology, whether its founder has disclosed his identity and has a true background, and whether the business logic of the project is Closely related to the token, whether there are already similar projects in the same industry that are solving industry pain points, and if the project is successfully implemented, whether its project has the ability to make profits in real life.

4. If you cannot accurately judge the project prospects of a currency, do not invest more than 20% of assets when participating in blockchain investment, and do not put your eggs in one basket.

5. High-quality projects will also have their ups and downs. Treat them with a normal attitude. If you are optimistic about the investment projects, you don’t need to care too much about the price in the short term. Pay attention to whether the team’s development progress is consistent with the white paper. In addition, only in the long-term Only by holding it will you ultimately earn more income.

Top Ten Trading Rules

First, don’t be easily deceived with low-priced chips, have firm faith and prevent the dealer from hitting the market.

Second, chasing the rise and killing the fall, it is always a taboo to buy and sell full positions. The general trend is good. Building positions in batches when the market falls is lower risk, lower cost, and greater profit than chasing the market.

Third, distribute profits reasonably and release funds to the maximum extent, instead of adding positions and deposits all the time.

Fourth, lose money when it rises sharply and defend money when it falls sharply. You must have a correct mentality at all times, do not speculate, do not be impetuous, do not be greedy, do not fear, and do not fight unprepared battles.

Fifth, when ambushing or privately selling low-priced coins, you rely on experience to bet with the banker. In the future of the currency, the subsequent secondary market game is a process of relying on technology and information to follow the banker. Don't put the cart before the horse and end up in a mess.

Sixth, when opening a position and shipping, it must be layered and segmented, and the price gradually spreads out, effectively controlling the proportion of risk and profit,

Seventh, linkage You need to be familiar with the effects, watch the market when trading coins, and pay attention to the trends of other coins. Each coin does not exist in isolation when trading on the market. It may seem that there is no connection, but it is actually intricately intertwined. The linkage effect requires understanding of the coins. There are many of them now. Tools can be used to view currency information and information,

Eighth, the allocation of positions must be reasonable, the allocation of hot coins and value coins must be reasonable, and attention must be paid to the ability to withstand stress and the proportion of profit intake, tooIf you are conservative, you will miss opportunities; if you are too radical, you may face high risks! The biggest characteristic of value coins is that they are mainly stable. The biggest characteristic of hot coins is that they are highly volatile. They may rise to the sky or fall to zero in one battle.

Ninth, having coins on the market, money in your account, and cash in your pocket is the safest and most secure standard. If you can’t stud, you will die. The grasp of risk control and the reasonable allocation of funds are what determine your success. Mentality and the key to success or failure, investing spare money is the foundation,

Tenth, master the basic operations, learn to draw inferences from one instance, and master the basic ideas of trading. Observation is the prerequisite. Remember the high and low points of each time, as Reference data, learn to record, learn to summarize materials by yourself, develop reading habits, and develop the ability to filter information.

Steady investment plan

Position control, never fill up your position easily, why do you say not to fill up your position

The first point is risk control, you can’t guarantee it After you buy it, it will rise immediately. If you encounter a waterfall, your assets will be greatly discounted, and you will not be able to cover your position and lower the average price.

The second point is mentality control. I have had this experience myself. After a full position stud, I will keep staring at the market, which seriously affects my mentality. I couldn't sleep well.

The third point is that it is easy to be cut off, and you have a gambling mentality. You want to see changes in your income every moment. After the position is full, you see that the price of your currency does not rise in a short period of time. Others When the currency rises or there are other coins you want to buy, just cut the meat and buy it. Repeated operations will bring less and less money

Long-term 3-40% Long-term holding

Short-term 3-4% Why are there short-term? Many people say that short-term will definitely lose money. But when we allocate long-term funds, speculating in currencies is a very interesting thing. I believe that most people can’t control their own hands. As long as they control their positions well and don’t cut their flesh frequently, short-term under normal circumstances You must make a profit before exiting (the special case is when there is a problem with the project or the market). Then refer to my position control above, and whether the long-term return of any currency is higher than the short-term return.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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