facebook为何将转型为元宇宙公司 元宇宙 脸书

1. Meta宣布明年增加元宇宙资本开支,你看好吗


Facebook将会增加元宇宙方面的资本开支。这将是 Facebook实现元宇宙计划中花费最多的一年。这一投资项目将有助于Facebook在元宇宙领域构建其平台、数据和用户基础,并在未来三年内实现元宇宙大规模商业化。对此Meta表示:“未来几年将会继续投资这个领域。Facebook平台业务及元宇宙内容均将继续扩张”。



2. “元宇宙”火了,这玩意到底是啥


3. “元”宇宙到底是个啥




近日,美国社交媒体平台Facebook宣布,该平台的品牌部分更名为“Meta(元宇宙)”,其创始人提出的“元宇宙”,打算让真人置身网络。他在演讲视频里说:“下个阶段的平台和媒体,会让人更有身临其境之感,你将不仅仅是从旁观看,而是置身‘实体互联网’之中。这就是‘元宇宙’……当我把小孩的视频发给我父母时,他们会觉得自己就像和我们在一起样,而不是只通过一个小小的屏幕观看;当你和朋友玩 游戏 时你会觉得跟他们同处同一世界,而不是独自面对电脑。”




在陈捷看来,虽然“元宇宙”的出现与发展,将面临诸多技术层面及 社会 规范层面上的挑战,但它是人类交互愿望与技术发展的必然走向。多年从事人工智能研究的张军平则认为:“‘元宇宙’就是让真人真正生活在虚拟世界里。”


他们在近期发布的《2020-2021年元宇宙发展研究报告》中提道:“元宇宙”是整合多种新技术而产生的新型虚实相融的互联网应用和 社会 形态,它基于扩展现实技术提供沉浸式体验,


鼓励 探索 ,警惕忽悠

即便“元宇宙”概念尚不清楚,也无法阻挡它成为资本和舆论的焦点。陈捷说,人类不满足烽火狼烟、飞鸽传书的通信方式,于是发明了电话、电报,不满足只听到声音,于是发明了视通话,不满足简单看见平面的已有的影像,于是发展出了拟现实、增强现实等技术;为了满足畅游世界的梦想,一方面在现实世界发展 科技 ,另一方面通过技术构建虚拟世界。


前不久,教育部 科技 发展中心原主任李志民连发两文,表达了对“元宇宙”概念的谨慎态度。他认为,“任何产业或行业的重大改变,都是技术上逐步积累的结果,是有明显征兆的”,而这次的“元宇宙”概念,仿佛是被资本包装之后“突然蹦了出来”一样。

也有一种声音认为,恰恰是平静催生了热闹。沈阳就“‘元宇宙’为啥突然火了”给出三方面理由: 社会 进步以技术为本,但近些年互联网领域的技术概念有些枯竭;普通用户对手机审美疲劳,期待新鲜事物;资本缺乏新热点,需要新方向。

秉承理性和开放的态度,李志民对“元宇宙”的走红评论道:“任何对人类未来发展的 探索 都应该鼓励,任何以科学为名义的忽悠都需要警惕。”技术这把尺子现在量不出来不论“元宇宙”是虚火还是真火,它都制造了一个让全世界集中审视热门技术的机会。人们渴望知晓“元宇宙”距离现实到底有多远,就必须先把目光聚焦到 科技 本身。正如陈捷所说,现实世界的 科技 水平决定了“元宇宙”的上限。


作为全球 科技 巨头之一,微软也布局了“元宇宙”,他们认为,“元宇宙”的本质在于构建一个与现实世界持久、稳定连接的数字世界。

高通公司在XR(扩展现实,虚拟现实、增强现实、混合现实的统称)领域已经积累了十余年。当被问到“XR技术距离让人‘虚实难辨’还有多远”时,该公司 XR业务中国区负责人表示不好预测。




4. 元宇宙词汇的诞生是谁提出的


在1992年,元宇宙最初作为科幻概念被科幻作家尼尔·斯蒂芬森(Neal Stephenson)提出。他在著作《雪崩》中描述,人类可以通过数字分身(Avatar),在一个虚拟三维空间中生活,现实世界的所有事物都可以被数字化复制到这一空间,作者将这个人造空间称之为元宇宙。


5. meta为什么叫元宇宙






6. 九界的元宇宙已经开发了么



7. Facebook公司宣布更名Meta,如何看待该品牌新提出的元宇宙概念

什么是元宇宙呢?我今天结合我最近的一些思考给大家做下分享。插图是来自我的好朋友陈维,在知群中国产品设计大会的分享PPT截图。从浪潮和趋势的角度,你可以理解为,现在这些企业之所以要进军元宇宙,是因为他们认为这是互联网的下一代浪潮。上一次浪潮,是移动互联网的崛起,智能手机开始普及,基于智能手机诞生了很多 App,背后则是很多行业和企业的快速成长,例如移动购物、手机打车、外卖等等。下一波浪潮是什么?很多公司都在苦苦的寻找。这个时候,大家发现全球的很多科技巨头都开始往元宇宙靠拢。Facebook 很早就宣布自己在做元宇宙,而后来干脆把自己定位为元宇宙公司。微软说自己在搞企业元宇宙,而腾讯则提出了全真互联网,马化腾说要开始由实入虚,也要进军元宇宙。而一些以元宇宙为概念的上市公司,市值也快速升高。投资圈里,有投资人朋友说看到元宇宙这个词,都看吐了,什么项目都会往元宇宙上靠。

元宇宙到底是什么?有三部电影,不知道你有没有看过其中至少一部:《黑客帝国》《阿凡达》《头号玩家》。在这些电影里,除了现实中的世界外,人们还会面对另一个世界。在《黑客帝国》里是由超级计算机母体虚拟出来的世界,人们都不知道自己其实生活在虚拟世界里。在《阿凡达》里真人通过系统操纵另一个替身,可以具备另一个身份。而在《头号玩家》里,一个外卖小哥化身为游戏世界里的高手。元宇宙就是另一个世界。用标准的概念来说,元宇宙(Metaverse)是指以AI、AR/VR/MR、Blockchain三大技术为核心,由诸多共享基础设施、标准和协议打造的数字化宇宙。 它跟物理世界并非割裂彼此孤立,而是相互通融。
其实我们现在每天用手机,也是在一个不同的世界里。有没有想过,我们在现实世界里要买东西,首先要去商场,在一个物理空间里,和售货员发生信息交流,最终完成交易。而借助手机,我们可以躺在床上,绕过这些物理限制,直接完成最后的目标,也就是买到商品。但是手机的世界并没有很强的沉浸感,和我们的现实世界也是紧密联系在一起。而换个视角,想想游戏,如果你体验过 VR 游戏,当你带上 VR 眼镜,会发现自己置身在一个新的世界里,身临其境。而如果你的虚拟世界,和别人的虚拟世界,彼此打通,大家能够在这个共同的虚拟世界里相遇,交流,甚至一起玩,一起工作,甚至还有新的货币,可以买东西,商品也是全新的,这个时候你就完全沉浸在了另外一个世界里。游戏只是一个场景,在人们理想中的元宇宙,本来就是一个社会。因为疫情的影响,很多硅谷的科技公司的职员都在家办公,现在也有很多科技巨头允许员工长期在家工作。这里面的很多员工本身就是程序员等职业,每天的工作也是对着电脑写代码。那么如果 Facebook 这家公司,完全存在于虚拟世界呢?大家要开会,都戴上 VR 眼镜,在这里面的各种事物,都是虚拟出来的,但是人和人之间的交流和协作是真实的,这样会怎么样呢?很可能会发现大多数工作其实还是可以正常进行,也许比现实世界中更有效率。这就是元宇宙。人们的肉身还在现实世界,而行为都发生在了虚拟世界当中。

拉回到现实,Facebook 改名成 Meta 公司,宣布自己要专注于转向以虚拟现实为主的新兴计算平台,并且把自己旗下的产品分为两大板块,一块是原来的 Facebook、Whatsapp、Instagram 等业务,另一个是之前的 Oculus 等虚拟现实业务。说到 Oculus,Facebook 的虚拟现实设备 Oculus Quest 也改名叫 Meta Quest。Meta Quest 2 是一个突破性的虚拟现实头显设备,我也有一台,效果还不错,比之前很多虚拟现实设备的体验都要更好一些。而这些就是 Facebook 向元宇宙进军的基础。要想真正支撑起元宇宙,需要很多领域的技术。例如芯片技术、5G甚至6G等通信技术、虚拟现实技术、各种游戏技术、人工智能技术。所以现在有所谓的元宇宙概念股,就是反正能和这些领域沾上边的产品或者公司,都可以接着这一波风来炒作一下。那么到底现在元宇宙到了什么程度呢?如果我们用智能手机的发展来类比,现在元宇宙大概到了早期大哥大手机的程度,甚至再早一点,步话机的程度。也就是说,元宇宙目前仍然处在极其早期的程度。目前没有任何公司和产品能够真正实现元宇宙的应用。为什么元宇宙这么火呢?为什么很多资本都在争相投资元宇宙相关的概念呢?主要有以下三方面原因:第一方面,从投资的角度,大家都要早点布局,如果真等到这个概念都已经实现了,可能就没什么机会了。大家有时候会看到一些资本投的早期项目,特别天马行空,听上去不靠谱,但是就是因为在特别早期的阶段,才有可能性,才能卡位成功。

今天已经特别厉害的那些互联网公司,最早的时候讲出来你可能会认为是骗子、是笑话。但是真正有幸投资了他们的资本,都大赚特赚。风险投资,正因为有风险,才能够有高回报。所以要早早入场,早早布局。资本本身就会追逐风口,都害怕错过机会。往往是这样,如果没有人投资,就真的都没人投,但是一旦成为热点,一下子又都会涌进来。这是市场本身的特点,因为这些风险资本的管理人也都是职业人士,他们要对资本的 LP(有限合伙人)、也就是背后的出资人负责。如果风口出现了,不管怎么说,对于很多投资人来说都是先追上去再说。第二方面,市场目前确实也缺乏热点。互联网领域突出的机会没有以前那么多,现在需要寻找下一个增长点。而大家都知道新的机会往往诞生于新的设备、新的平台的诞生。元宇宙的概念符合这些的特点,也迎合了大家对于机会的渴望。第三方面,扎克伯格等人一直在推波助澜。在科技和投资领域,一定是需要有一些人、一些公司的带动。他们把声势带起来,让更多的人都觉得万一有可能呢?于是就会有更多资金和人才进来,然后整体的技术和市场又会再往前前进,这样原本可能是梦想,就有可能真的变为现实。这也是一种冷启动。但是我们也发现,现在市场上很多所谓的元宇宙公司,其实根本是八竿子打不着,往往是因为自身缺乏概念,而硬套了一个概念,燃起了一波虚火。刚说了很多和资本、和市场相关的概念,可能都还是离我们很远。对于我们每个普通人来说,保持开放的心态,开拓视野,多主动学习,寻找一些可能性。不要盲目相信,不要盲目追热点,但是同时,也不要把自己封闭起来。我猜测这条视频发布之后,一定会有人说这都是骗人的,都是炒作等等。如果这个世界真可以这么几句话就概括,那也太简单了。哪怕你就把这些都当做一个新知识,知道也许这是未来的趋势,很多公司在做相关的事情,以后遇到一些机会的时候,再多进一步了解,这样会更有意义。这也是我希望提倡的一种态度,让我们一起观察这个饶有趣味的世界,保持好奇心,也许,又发现了一些新的、有趣的机会呢?

8. 人工智能十大数据十元宇宙十百度的上市公司

元宇宙产业主要上市公司:目前国内元宇宙行业相关的上市公司有腾讯、网络、中青宝、丝路视觉等。本文核心数据:中国元宇宙产业相关政策汇总、中国元宇宙商标申请数量、中国元宇宙发展历程、中国元宇宙产业裤枝代表企业布局Facebook、微软均表示专注元宇宙领域从2021年元宇宙第一股于纽交所上市以来,各大企业在元宇宙领域的布局出现在了科技圈和大众视野中。2021年7月,Facebook宣布进军元宇宙。2021年10月28日,Facebook创始人扎克伯格表示将Facebook的公司名称更改为Meta,并将Facebook的同名服务降级为该公司的子公司之一,与Instagram和WhatsApp并列,而不是总体品牌。随后2021年11月,微软在Ignite会议上宣布将推出新的Mesh for Microsoft Teams软件,待该平台上线后,不同地理位置的人可获得协作和共享全息体验,实现加入虚拟会议、发送聊天、协作处理共享文档等更多功能。2021年全球元宇宙产业代表性事件如下:元宇宙:随着区块链技术发展而逐步建构元宇宙是随着区块链技术成熟而逐渐构建起来的。在区块链1.0时代,主要体现为分布式账本和去中心网络形式,目标是实现货币的去中心化与支付手段。随着以太坊的出现,区块链2.0时代随之到来,区块链2.0是区块链在金融,智能合敏裂约方向的技术落地。之后出现了去中心化应用和去中心化金融,推动了更大的产业改革。NFT行业的出现为DeFi领域带来了创新。与此同时,NFT作为元宇宙的底层架构,将会是元宇宙未来发展的关键所在。据《元宇宙通证》中介绍,元宇宙六大支撑技术分别是区块链技术、交互技术、电子游戏技术、人工智能技术、网络及运算技术和物联网技术。其中NFT、DeFi、公链速率、智能合约、DAO社交体系、去中心化交易所、分布式存储等区块链技术是支撑元宇宙经济体系中最重要的技术。国内元宇宙布局历程国内较早布局元宇宙业务的公司包括腾讯、网易、字节跳动等。早在2020年初,腾讯便已参投Roblox1.5亿美元G轮融资,并独家代理Roblox中国区产品发行。字节跳动分别于2021年4月和6月投资了元宇宙概念公司“代码乾坤”和买下Pico。2021年11月,网络更是宣布将于年底在元宇宙中举办Create AI开发者大会。国内代表企业元宇宙布局现状腾讯属于国内入局较早的企业,参与元宇宙的策略主要是通过投资的方式实现。截至2021年,腾讯已通过投资等方式配备了大量的平台公司,硬件方面如VR/AR技术与平台(Epic的虚幻引擎、Snap),软件方面则更是覆盖了人们玩游戏、购物、学习和社交等多种需求。米哈游作为一家游戏公司,主要元宇宙应用包括成立逆熵工作室、与瑞金医院合作研究脑接口技术的开发和临床应用等,近日米哈游表示将投资首个元宇宙社交软件soul。字节跳动、网易也纷纷布局元宇宙领域,字节跳动主要是通过并购pico、光舟半导体等方式布局,网易则是通过开发沙盒游戏、投资虚拟社交平台IMVU等方式。具体布局如下:元宇宙相关技术逐渐成熟从我国相关技术发展现状来看,我国在VR、AR、MR、数字孪生等方面技术发展较晚,有桥纯闭望在未来迎来进一步的提升:2021年我国不断出台政策引导和扶持区块链等元宇宙相关技术的发展。2021年3月,“十四五”规划中首次将“区块链”纳入国家五年规划,明确被列为数字经济重点产业,这对依赖区块链技术的元宇宙产业是一个利好消息。推动技术发展的利好政策可为未来元宇宙产业的发展奠定技术层面的基础。国内企业加速入局元宇宙市场自2021年3月起,国内企业开始注册元宇宙相关商标。2021年7月之前我国元宇宙相关商标注册量保持在25项以下,2021年8月申请量首次突破50项。2021年9月,随着阿里巴巴、中青宝等公司入局,元宇宙商标申请量达到峰值,为344项。2021年10月申请量有所放缓但仍保持在较高水平。而在2021年11月,仅8天就有22项元宇宙相关商标提出申请。注:2021年11月数据截至2021年11月8日。2021年我国元宇宙相关领域投资事件频发。相关领域包括VR、区块链、云服务、虚拟人、NFT等。除专业投资机构外,投资企业所处行业大多集中在电子信息和游戏领域,代表企业有腾讯、莉莉丝等。从投资轮次来看,大多集中在天使轮,说明大部分项目仍处于起步阶段,但投资金额保持在较高水平。具体投资事件如下:起步期的元宇宙产业仍存在一定风险由于我国元宇宙产业如今还处于起步阶段,具有不成熟、不稳定的特征,未来的发展还需在技术发展、制度创新等多方面的共同促进作用下健康发展。目前存在的部分风险包括技术层面的算力风险、隐私风险,还包括沉迷风险、知识产权风险及舆论泡沫风险。以上数据参考前瞻产业研究院《中国互联网行业市场前瞻与投资战略规划分析报告》。

9. 扎克伯格的元宇宙初考,不及格!“元宇宙”到底是什么


10. 扎克伯格自拍照被群嘲,元宇宙到底是什么


1. Meta has announced an increase in capital expenditures for the Metaverse next year. Do you think so?

We must make our own contribution to the digital economy. For now, there is still a lot of room for development in this aspect of the Metaverse.

Facebook will increase capital expenditures in the Metaverse. This will be Facebook’s most expensive year in realizing its plans for the Metaverse. This investment project will help Facebook build its platform, data and user base in the metaverse field, and achieve large-scale commercialization of the metaverse in the next three years. In this regard, Meta said: "We will continue to invest in this field in the next few years. Facebook platform business and Metaverse content will continue to expand."

The feasibility of Facebook’s Metaverse plan

Facebook plans to implement the Metaverse in 2023, and will also build an independent virtual reality infrastructure and use it throughout the social network . The company has previously said it plans to make its Metaverse platform tools available to consumers by 2023; build and commercialize a new virtual reality content library.

2. The "Metaverse" is popular, what is this thing?

The Metaverse is linked and created using technological means. A virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world, a digital living space with a new social system. [12]
The Metaverse is essentially a virtualization and digitalization process of the real world, which requires a lot of transformation of content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. [23] It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, and closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system. , and allows each user to perform content production and world editing. [23]
The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. , so far it seems that it still describes an advanced future world. [1] Regarding the "metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a brain-computer system. Interface to enter and gain sensory experience in the virtual world.

3. What is the "meta" universe?

The whole world seems to be talking about the "meta" universe. What exactly is the "Metaverse"? Why did it suddenly become popular? How far is it from us?

It’s time to compete in imagination

What is the “metaverse”? As of now, there is no widely recognized exact definition, and people's descriptions of it are still in the "competition of imagination" stage.

Recently, the American social media platform Facebook announced that the brand part of the platform has been renamed "Meta (Metaverse)". The "Metaverse" proposed by its founder intends to allow real people to be online. He said in the speech video: "The next stage of platforms and media will make people feel more immersive. You will not just watch from the sidelines, but you will be in the 'physical Internet'. This is' Metaverse'... when I send videos of my kids to my parents, they feel like they're with us instead of just watching on a little screen; when you play games with your friends you feel Being in the same world with them instead of facing the computer alone."

In the video, he also presented a variety of imaginary "metaverse" scenes, such as during a meeting, real people, virtual people, Robots appear in the same space. A woman wanted to share the graffiti she saw on a real street through an Internet connection, and the graffiti was instantly vividly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, many Internet practitioners also expressed their understanding of the "metaverse". Some people say that the beauty of this matter lies in its uncertainty. Some say that people must change their way of thinking, "For example, now we think AR (augmented reality) is a channel into the virtual world, but in the future it may also become our link back to the real world."

So, what do scientific researchers think of the "Metaverse"? Intelligent information processing researcher Chen Jie cited the concept proposed by Neal Stephenson, the "originator of the Metaverse" and science fiction writer in his 1992 book "Avalanche": the "Metaverse" is an always-on virtual world parallel to the real world. . In this world, except for eating and sleeping, which need to be completed in reality, the rest can be achieved in the virtual world.

In Chen Jie’s view, although the emergence and development of the “metaverse” will face many technical and social normative challenges, it is the inevitable direction of human interaction desires and technological development. Zhang Junping, who has been engaged in artificial intelligence research for many years, believes: "The 'Metaverse' is to allow real people to truly live in the virtual world."

The Shenyang team of the New Media Research Center of the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University tried to give the "Metaverse" A neat definition of "universe".

They mentioned in the recently released "2020-2021 Metaverse Development Research Report": "Metaverse" is a new type of Internet application and society that integrates virtual and real technologies and is created by integrating multiple new technologies. Form, which provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, and generates reality based on mathematical twin technology.The mirror of the world builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows each user to produce content and edit the world. There is also a row of small words below this string of concepts: "Metaverse" is still a concept that is constantly developing and evolving, and different participants continue to enrich its meaning in their own ways.

Encourage exploration, be wary of deception

Even if the concept of the "Metaverse" is not yet clear, it cannot stop it from becoming the focus of capital and public opinion. Chen Jie said that human beings were not satisfied with the communication methods of beacon fire and flying pigeons delivering messages, so they invented the telephone and the telegraph. Not satisfied with just hearing sounds, they invented video calling. Not satisfied with simply seeing existing images on a flat surface, so Technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality have been developed; in order to satisfy the dream of traveling around the world, on the one hand, technology is developed in the real world, and on the other hand, virtual worlds are built through technology.

However, when people see well-known technical terms such as extended reality, digital twins, blockchain, and artificial intelligence that appear in the concept of "Metaverse", a series of questions still inevitably arise: " Is this all the 'Metaverse'? Nothing new! Is it hype?"

Not long ago, Li Zhimin, the former director of the Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Education, published two articles in a row, expressing his views on the concept of the "Metaverse" Caution. He believes that "major changes in any industry or industry are the result of the gradual accumulation of technology and have obvious signs." However, this time the concept of "metaverse" seems to have "popped out suddenly" after being packaged by capital. Same.

There is also a voice that believes that it is precisely calm that breeds excitement. Shenyang gave three reasons for "why 'Yuanverse' suddenly became popular": Social progress is based on technology, but in recent years the technical concepts in the Internet field have been somewhat exhausted; ordinary users are tired of mobile phones and look forward to new things; capital There is a lack of new hot spots and a new direction is needed.

Adhering to a rational and open attitude, Li Zhimin commented on the popularity of the "Metaverse": "Any exploration of the future development of mankind should be encouraged, and any deception in the name of science needs to be vigilant." The ruler of technology cannot be measured now. Regardless of whether the "Metaverse" is a virtual fire or a real fire, it has created an opportunity for the whole world to focus on examining popular technologies. People who want to know how far the "Metaverse" is from reality must first focus on technology itself. As Chen Jie said, the level of science and technology in the real world determines the upper limit of the "Metaverse".

In order to find out the technical feasibility of the "Metaverse", Zhang Junping browsed the recently published "Metaverse Token" in China, which contained an analysis of "the six supporting technologies of the 'Metaverse'" The picture impressed him. He believes that the "Metaverse" is like a "fruit platter". "There are not many breakthroughs in technology at present, but the industry hopes toIntegrating these technologies forms a completely new application. "

As one of the global technology giants, Microsoft has also laid out the "Metaverse". They believe that the essence of the "Metaverse" lies in building a digital world that is permanently and stably connected to the real world.

Qualcomm has accumulated more than ten years of experience in the field of "How far is it?", the person in charge of the company's XR business in China said it was difficult to predict.

Turning his attention to major domestic Internet companies, the "Metaverse" seems to be further away. An employee of a well-known Internet company It was revealed that they are currently inconvenient to talk about the "Metaverse" for two reasons: first, this concept involves factors such as currency, and the policy risks are high; second, the current technological level is far from meeting the requirements for creating a "Metaverse".< br />
Chen Jie said frankly that the current "Metaverse" is more like people's vision. This vision may carry people's confidence in technological development, but also carries people's desire for various "dreams to come true" .

Zhang Junping said bluntly: “Currently many core technical problems have not been solved. "When asked "How far is the 'Metaverse' from reality?", he changed the topic and said: "I think of a joke about blockchain on the Internet, saying that 'the current profits of blockchain are mainly concentrated in Blockchain related lectures'. ”

4. Who proposed the birth of the term metaverse?

The concept of metaverse first came from Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science fiction novel “Avalanche”. The novel The metaverse in is a parallel digital world that is separated from the real world but is always online, where people can live freely as virtual avatars. The movie "Ready Player One" released in 2018 is considered to be the most intuitive film and television presentation of the metaverse. . As the technological level of VR, AR, AI, 5G and other technologies continues to improve, the connotation of the metaverse is also constantly expanding. On the one hand, the metaverse can be a parallel universe that is completely independent of reality, or it can exist in a way similar to a "game" , delighting people's spiritual life through immersive experience; on the other hand, the metaverse can also be the integration and interaction of the virtual world and the real world - all events that occur in the real world will be synchronized to the virtual world, and people in the virtual world Behaviors and experiences will also be projected into the real world and have an impact on the real world. We can call this type of "fusion metaverse", which will promote wider (scope) and deeper (scope) through information technologies such as 5G/AI/XR. complexity), and then feed back the development of the real economy, actively promoting reform and innovation in industry, governance, and scientific research.

In 1992, the Metaverse was initially As a science fiction concept, science fiction writer Neal Stephenson) proposed. In his book "Avalanche", he described that human beings can live in a virtual three-dimensional space through digital avatars (Avatar), and everything in the real world can be digitally copied into this space. The author calls this artificial space meta. universe.

Metaverse is not a rigorous academic concept. The current broad understanding is that people use Avatar to conduct synchronous real-time interactions in a world where time can still only flow in one direction, using a commonly agreed " Currency" buys and sells items (can be content, experiences, services, etc.) created by any person/organization.

5. Why is meta called the metaverse?

Because Meta is the most famous metaverse company in the world, some people use Meta to refer to the metaverse.

On October 29, 2021, the Internet giant Facebook officially changed its name to Meta and announced its full march into the metaverse. Founder Zuckerberg described an immersive Internet that allows people to be in social, work, and... A virtual world for sports, learning, and games. Zuckerberg believes that the Metaverse is the successor to the mobile Internet, building a Metaverse network that operates between digital worlds.

As Facebook changed its name to Meta and placed all its bets on the Metaverse, the once popular concept of the Metaverse has temporarily subsided. Even Meta’s own stock price has experienced a cliff-like decline since the beginning of the year. It was once doubtful whether it could rank among the top technology stocks in the U.S. alongside companies such as Apple and Microsoft. But Zuckerberg is still trying to give us a blueprint for the metaverse.

The Origin of the Metaverse

The term "Metaverse" originated from the science fiction novel "Snow Crash" published in 1992, which depicts such a scene " Put on the headphones and eyepieces, find the connection terminal, and you can enter the virtual space simulated by the computer and parallel to the real world as a virtual clone." This virtual space is called "metaverse", which means the metaverse.

6. Has the Metaverse of Nine Realms been developed?

Concept introduction
Metaverse is a digital space developed by Facebook that can be inhabited by multiple people at the same time. world. [1] The concept of "Metaverse" is also closely related to the virtual reality and augmented reality technologies developed by Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft. The Metaverse can be regarded as the successor technology of smartphones and mobile Internet. Generally speaking, technology experts consider the metaworld to be a virtual world where large numbers of people can come together to play, work, and socialize.

Development History
In July 2021, Facebook announced the establishment of a new product team to develop the “Metaverse”. [1] The metaverse created by Facebook itself will be used in virtual reality headsets, mobile devices and Beibian game consoles.

7. Facebook company announcementBu changed its name to Meta. What do you think of the brand’s newly proposed Metaverse concept?

What is the Metaverse? Today I will share with you some of my recent thoughts. The illustration is from a PPT screenshot shared by my good friend Chen Wei at the Zhiqun China Product Design Conference. From the perspective of waves and trends, you can understand that the reason why these companies are now entering the metaverse is because they believe this is the next wave of the Internet. The last wave was the rise of the mobile Internet. Smartphones began to become popular. Many apps were born based on smart phones. Behind this was the rapid growth of many industries and companies, such as mobile shopping, mobile phone taxis, takeaways, etc. What's the next wave? Many companies are struggling to find it. At this time, everyone discovered that many technology giants around the world were beginning to move closer to the Metaverse. Facebook announced early on that it was working on the Metaverse, and later simply positioned itself as a Metaverse company. Microsoft said it was developing an enterprise metaverse, while Tencent proposed the Quanzhen Internet. Ma Huateng said it would start to move from reality to virtuality and also enter the metaverse. The market value of some listed companies based on the concept of the Metaverse has also increased rapidly. In the investment circle, some investor friends said that they vomited when they saw the word Yuan Universe, and that all projects will rely on the Yuan Universe.

What exactly is the Metaverse? There are three movies. I wonder if you have seen at least one of them: "The Matrix", "Avatar" and "Ready Player One". In these movies, in addition to the real world, people will face another world. In "The Matrix", the world is virtualized by the supercomputer matrix. People don't know that they are actually living in a virtual world. In "Avatar", a real person controls another avatar through the system and can have another identity. In "Ready Player One", a delivery boy transforms into a master in the game world. The metaverse is another world. In terms of standards, the Metaverse refers to the digital universe built with the three major technologies of AI, AR/VR/MR, and Blockchain as its core and composed of many shared infrastructures, standards, and protocols. It is not separated from the physical world, but is integrated with each other.
In fact, when we use mobile phones every day, we are also in a different world. Have you ever thought that when we want to buy something in the real world, we first go to the mall, exchange information with the salesperson in a physical space, and finally complete the transaction. With the help of mobile phones, we can lie in bed, bypass these physical restrictions, and directly complete the final goal, which is to buy goods. But the world of mobile phones does not have a strong sense of immersion, and it is closely connected with our real world. To change the perspective, think about games. If you have experienced VR games, when you put on VR glasses, you will find yourself in a new world and immersed in it. And if your virtual world and other people's virtual worlds are connected to each other, everyone can meet, communicate, and even play together, work together, and even have new currencies in this common virtual world.You can buy things, and the products are brand new. At this time, you are completely immersed in another world. The game is just a scene. In people’s ideal metaverse, it is originally a society. Due to the impact of the epidemic, many employees of Silicon Valley technology companies are working from home, and many technology giants now allow employees to work from home for a long time. Many employees here are programmers themselves, and their daily job is to write code on the computer. So what if Facebook, a company, existed entirely in the virtual world? When everyone has a meeting, they all wear VR glasses. All the things in it are virtual, but the communication and collaboration between people are real. What will happen? You'll likely find that most jobs can actually still be done normally, perhaps more efficiently than in the real world. This is the metaverse. People's physical bodies are still in the real world, but their actions take place in the virtual world.

Back to reality, Facebook changed its name to Meta Company, announced that it would focus on shifting to an emerging computing platform based on virtual reality, and divided its products into two major parts, one is the original Facebook , Whatsapp, Instagram and other businesses, and the other is the previous virtual reality business such as Oculus. Speaking of Oculus, Facebook’s virtual reality device Oculus Quest has also been renamed Meta Quest. Meta Quest 2 is a breakthrough virtual reality head-mounted display device. I also have one, and the effect is not bad. It is a better experience than many previous virtual reality devices. And these are the foundations for Facebook’s move into the Metaverse. To truly support the metaverse, technology in many fields is required. For example, chip technology, communication technologies such as 5G or even 6G, virtual reality technology, various game technologies, and artificial intelligence technology. So now there are so-called Yuanverse concept stocks, which are products or companies that can be related to these fields anyway, and they can follow this trend and speculate. So to what extent is the metaverse now? If we use the analogy of the development of smartphones, the Metaverse is now probably at the level of early mobile phones, or even earlier, the level of walkie-talkies. In other words, the Metaverse is still at an extremely early stage. Currently, no company or product can truly realize the application of the Metaverse. Why is the Metaverse so popular? Why are so many capitals rushing to invest in concepts related to the Metaverse? There are three main reasons: First, from an investment perspective, everyone must make plans early. If we wait until this concept has been realized, there may be no chance. Sometimes you will see some early-stage projects invested by capital, which are very unreasonable and sound unreliable, but it is only because they are at a very early stage that they are possible and successful.

Those Internet companies that are already very powerful today, if you tell them at the earliest time, you mayThink it's a liar and a joke. But those who were really lucky enough to invest their capital made a lot of money. Venture capital can have high returns precisely because it involves risks. So get in early and plan early. Capital itself will chase the trend and be afraid of missing opportunities. This is often the case. If no one invests, no one will invest. But once it becomes a hot topic, people will flock in again. This is a characteristic of the market itself, because the managers of these venture capitals are also professionals, and they are responsible for the LPs (limited partners) of the capital, that is, the investors behind them. If a trend emerges, no matter what, many investors will have to catch up first. Secondly, the market currently lacks hot spots. There are not as many outstanding opportunities in the Internet field as before, and now we need to find the next growth point. And everyone knows that new opportunities are often born with the birth of new equipment and new platforms. The concept of the metaverse conforms to these characteristics and caters to everyone's desire for opportunities. Thirdly, Zuckerberg and others have been adding fuel to the flames. In the fields of technology and investment, there must be some people and companies taking the lead. They raised the momentum and made more people think that what if it was possible? Then more funds and talents will come in, and then the overall technology and market will move forward, so that what may have been a dream may actually become a reality. This is also a cold start. However, we have also discovered that many so-called Yuanverse companies on the market today are actually useless at all. It is often because they lack concepts and have imposed a concept, igniting a wave of false fire. I just talked about a lot of concepts related to capital and markets, but they may still be far away from us. For each of us ordinary people, keep an open mind, broaden your horizons, take the initiative to learn more, and look for some possibilities. Don't blindly believe or blindly chase hot topics, but at the same time, don't close yourself off. I guess after this video is released, some people will say that it is all a lie, all hype, etc. If the world could really be summed up in a few sentences, it would be too simple. Even if you treat this as new knowledge, you know that maybe this is a future trend. Many companies are doing related things. When you encounter some opportunities in the future, it will be more meaningful to learn more about it. This is also an attitude I hope to promote. Let us observe this interesting world together, stay curious, and maybe discover some new and interesting opportunities?

8. Ten major artificial intelligence data, ten listed companies in the Yuanverse and ten Baidu

Main listed companies in the Metaverse industry: At present, the listed companies related to the domestic Metaverse industry include Tencent, Internet, Zhongqingbao, Silk Road Vision, etc. The core data of this article: Summary of policies related to China's Metaverse industry, the number of trademark applications for China's Metaverse, the development history of China's Metaverse, and the layout of representative enterprises in China's Metaverse industry. Facebook and Microsoft both expressed their focus on the Metaverse field and will rank first in the Metaverse in 2021. Since the stock was listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the layout of major companies in the metaverse field has appeared in the technology circleand in the public eye. In July 2021, Facebook announced its entry into the Metaverse. On October 28, 2021, Facebook founder Zuckerberg said he would change Facebook's company name to Meta and demote Facebook's eponymous service to one of the company's subsidiaries, alongside Instagram and WhatsApp, rather than the overall brand . Then in November 2021, Microsoft announced at the Ignite conference that it would launch a new Mesh for Microsoft Teams software. After the platform is launched, people in different geographical locations can get a collaborative and shared holographic experience, enabling them to join virtual meetings, send chats, and collaborate. Work with shared documents and more. The representative events of the global Metaverse industry in 2021 are as follows: Metaverse: The Metaverse is gradually constructed with the development of blockchain technology. The Metaverse is gradually constructed with the maturity of blockchain technology. In the blockchain 1.0 era, it is mainly embodied in the form of distributed ledgers and decentralized networks, with the goal of realizing currency decentralization and payment methods. With the emergence of Ethereum, the era of Blockchain 2.0 has arrived. Blockchain 2.0 is the technical implementation of blockchain in the direction of finance and smart contracts. Later, decentralized applications and decentralized finance emerged, promoting greater industrial reform. The emergence of the NFT industry has brought innovation to the DeFi field. At the same time, NFT, as the underlying structure of the Metaverse, will be the key to the future development of the Metaverse. According to the "Metaverse Token", the six supporting technologies of the Metaverse are blockchain technology, interactive technology, electronic game technology, artificial intelligence technology, network and computing technology, and Internet of Things technology. Among them, blockchain technologies such as NFT, DeFi, public chain speed, smart contracts, DAO social system, decentralized exchanges, and distributed storage are the most important technologies supporting the economic system of the Metaverse. Domestic Metaverse layout history Domestic companies that have deployed Metaverse business earlier include Tencent, NetEase, ByteDance, etc. As early as the beginning of 2020, Tencent had participated in Roblox's US$150 million G round of financing and was the exclusive agent for Roblox product distribution in China. ByteDance invested in the Yuanverse concept company "Code Universe" and purchased Pico in April and June 2021 respectively. In November 2021, the network even announced that it would hold the Create AI Developer Conference in the Metaverse at the end of the year. The current situation of the metaverse layout of domestic representative enterprises Tencent is an early entry into the domestic enterprise, and its strategy of participating in the metaverse is mainly realized through investment. As of 2021, Tencent has equipped a large number of platform companies through investment and other means. In terms of hardware, such as VR/AR technology and platforms (Epic’s Unreal Engine, Snap), in terms of software, it covers people playing games, shopping, learning and social needs. As a game company, miHoYo’s main Metaverse applications include the establishment of Counter-Entropy Studio, cooperation with Ruijin Hospital to research the development and clinical application of brain interface technology, etc. Recently, MiHoYo stated that it will invest in the firstMetaverse social software soul. ByteDance and NetEase are also investing in the metaverse field. ByteDance is mainly doing so through the acquisition of pico and Lightboat Semiconductor, while NetEase is doing so by developing sandbox games and investing in the virtual social platform IMVU. The specific layout is as follows: Metaverse-related technologies are gradually maturing. Judging from the current development status of relevant technologies in my country, my country is relatively late in technological development in VR, AR, MR, digital twins, etc. Yuqiao Junsuke hopes to usher in further improvements in the future: 2021 In recent years, my country has continuously introduced policies to guide and support the development of metaverse-related technologies such as blockchain. In March 2021, the "14th Five-Year Plan" included "blockchain" into the national five-year plan for the first time, and was clearly listed as a key industry in the digital economy. This is good news for the Yuanverse industry that relies on blockchain technology. Favorable policies that promote technological development can lay a technical foundation for the future development of the Metaverse industry. Domestic companies are accelerating their entry into the Metaverse market. Starting from March 2021, domestic companies began to register Metaverse-related trademarks. Before July 2021, the number of Yuanverse-related trademark registrations in my country remained below 25. In August 2021, the number of applications exceeded 50 for the first time. In September 2021, with the entry of Alibaba, Zhongqingbao and other companies, the number of Yuanverse trademark applications reached a peak of 344. Application volume slowed down in October 2021 but remains at a high level. In November 2021, 22 Metaverse-related trademark applications were filed in just 8 days. Note: November 2021 data is as of November 8, 2021. In 2021, investment incidents in my country’s Yuanverse-related fields will occur frequently. Related fields include VR, blockchain, cloud services, virtual humans, NFT, etc. In addition to professional investment institutions, the industries in which investment companies are located are mostly concentrated in the fields of electronic information and games. Representative companies include Tencent, Lilith, etc. Judging from the investment rounds, most of them are concentrated in angel rounds, indicating that most projects are still in their infancy, but the investment amount remains at a high level. The specific investment events are as follows: There are still certain risks in the Metaverse industry in the initial stage. Since my country's Metaverse industry is still in its infancy, it is characterized by immaturity and instability. Future development still requires technological development, institutional innovation and other aspects. jointly promote healthy development. Some of the current risks include technical computing power risks and privacy risks, as well as addiction risks, intellectual property risks and public opinion bubble risks. The above data refers to the "China Internet Industry Market Foresight and Investment Strategic Planning Analysis Report" by the Qianzhan Industry Research Institute.

9. Zuckerberg failed the first test of the Metaverse! What exactly is the "metaverse"

Everyone should be familiar with the term metaverse these days. In October 2021, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would be renamed Meta (Meta, Meta of the Metaverse). Meta (元) is an adjective describing an object that points to itself. But apparently it's also an abbreviation for the Metaverse.

10. Zuckerberg’s selfie was ridiculed by the crowd. What is the metaverse?

Zuckerberg’s selfie was ridiculed by the crowd. The metaverse is virtual and a bit incompatible with reality. Many people still cannot accept it.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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