3点币圈 3点到3点半是什么交易

1. 币圈惊魂24小时,58万人暴富梦碎



“这次大跌,在 历史 上也排到前十了。”8年前就开始接触比特币、历经多次涨跌的汪帅对作者表示,在5月19日晚的暴跌潮中,他所持有的虚拟币账面价值暴跌近50万元,仅剩100多万元。他并未透露购币的成本价。







过去一年中,投机热潮的盛行,导致虚拟货币品种和交易量激增。海外市场上,全球第二富的埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)允许特斯拉接受比特币买车,和传奇投资人保罗·琼斯(Paul Tudor Jones)提议购入虚拟货币对抗通胀的方法,都吸纳更多人在2020年跑步进入虚拟货币市场。

“美国政府在疫情期间原本用于纾困而发放的现金,部分流入了零佣金的交易平台。”一位美股分析师对作者表示,“新型交易平台更为便利的交易界面让炒股炒币 游戏 化,以及疫情导致的在家工作风潮也让网络社区言论更具影响力。财富效应让更多人不断卷入,人人仿佛都成了日间交易员,也让投机的风气在美股和币圈蔓延。”













“我们中间没有神。”为机构打理数字资产的投资公司摩根溪资本(Morgan Creek)创办人之一安东尼·庞普里亚诺(Anthony Pompliano)在社交媒体上公开喊话,“名人,运动员,音乐家,亿万富翁和企业家的重要性,并不像我们大家想得那么重要。比特社区曾经张开双臂欢迎马斯克。但如果他继续做愚蠢的事情,他也该尽快离开。”

在大跌中,管理500亿美元资金的“木头姐”(Cathie Wood)则在5月19日当天举行的《商业周刊》论坛上“出面救市”,坚持看多比特币涨至50万美元。她同时表示,对于马斯克所担忧的挖矿不环保的问题,有解决方案。她提出,现在全球矿力大约为10-20GW,如果能够利用闲置的200GW的太阳能和风能等新能源,则可以实现比特币挖矿的绿色化转型。她同时暗示,特斯拉或许可以在这个过程中发挥更重要的作用。特斯拉旗下持有太阳城资产,专注于光伏技术。





狗狗币和柴犬币都是新晋流行的虚拟币。狗狗币发明的初衷是为了嘲讽虚拟币而开的玩笑,柴犬币则是为了成为“狗狗币杀手”。但这些“新买入者”似乎并不在意这些被创造出来的“新币种”的 历史 、初衷、供需关系或是内部管理机制。






对于后市,汪帅没有像此前那样乐观。#比特币[超话]# #数字货币# #欧易OKEx#

昨日数据显示,比特币24小时内资金流超过93亿元人民币,位于榜上之列。近期市场也是由于不断的的资金流入,市场恐慌情绪在逐渐消散,行情有所回暖,短期价格在不断向上试探,已经脱离之前下行困境。 行情也是在逐渐回暖,说明投资者对于当前市场较为看好,短期走势不断向上破位,所以我们短线操作顺势做多即可,注意及时把握收益,毕竟落袋为安才是王道。现货的朋友可以可以尝试把握波段收益。因为现在走势宽幅震荡已经维持了一个多月了。再次强调,做好风控,不管你对未来行情的判断把握有多高,止盈止损一定要带好! 比特币昨日继续走势强势,价格突破33000一线压制后,行情如预期进一步上行至34400位置,近期走势不断向上试探,多头情绪持续升温。目前行情也是延续涨幅,高位触及34500位置承压,后续只要回调没有跌破33000一线,短期上行格局不变。 思路上:于凌晨思路基本相同,现货屯币持有;日内短线,支撑位33300,压力位34500,回调33800附近可试轻仓多单,目标34400附近,若突破继续持有带好止损。

2. 币圈“抢劫”第一案始末


2018年,OKEx敌敌畏维权的风波还没过去,币圈“抢劫”第一案就爆出来了。抢劫 打 双引号 ,因为 判决 是定 非法拘禁罪 。










01 财产损害纠纷


02 名誉权纠纷




01 非法拘禁案——审结


02 Synth和岑某的不当得利纠纷——按撤诉处理


03 Synth和岑某、孙某、闫某的委托合同纠纷——状态不明




04 Synth夫妇起诉岑李闫孙的财产损害纠纷案——审结



05 Synth妻子和李某的名誉权纠纷——撤诉


06 Synth和李某的名誉权纠纷——审结



名誉是对自然人或法人的品德、才干、声誉、形象等方面的综合 社会 性评价。自然人享有名誉权,法律禁止他人用侮辱、诽谤等方式损害自然人的名誉。


02 李某在公众号文章中写道:

03 随后,李某在微信群“EVOLABCommunity”转发了这篇文章,并请求群成员帮忙转发。她在群里还发表了一系列言论,内容大致是:

原告认为李某的言论属于捏造虚假事实、发表诋毁性言论,恶意贬损他的人格,让文章阅读者把他和骗子、准备跑路、坑人等负面印象相关联,造成他的 社会 评价降低,侵犯他的个人隐私和名誉权。




01 构成诽谤,导致原告 社会 评价降低、侵犯名誉权的内容:



因此,法院认定上述文章内容及言论 构成诽谤,导致原告 社会 评价降低 ,侵犯了原告的名誉权。

02 导致原告 社会 评价降低、侵犯名誉权的内容:

对于李某主张属于个人 情感 宣泄的“坑人钱,还把受害者弄进监狱,这个实在太没底线了,比黑 社会 还坏”、“荒唐可笑至极,明明是我们要告他们诈骗,结果他们告我们诈骗”等内容, 法院认为 ,从被告使用的词语来看, 上述言论所传递的系被告个人情绪的非理性宣泄 , 且表达的内容也并无事实依据 ,上述言论亦 会令他人将负面形象与原告相关联 , 导致原告 社会 评价降低 ,因此上述言论侵犯了原告的名誉权。


至于原告认为李某 以宣扬隐私(婚姻状况、银行账户信息)的方式侵犯他的名誉权,依据不足,不予确认 。

3. 比特币凌晨突发大跳水,你觉得比特币是否失去币圈主导地位






4. 币圈3.12事件是什么








链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

5. 从牛市坠落的炒币者


赛格广场是比特币矿机、显卡、硬盘的主要集散地。赛格广场一共十层,主要售卖电脑及电子零部件。售卖矿机、显卡的店铺,主要集中在三到五层,共计二十多家,店铺名多含有“矿业”“ 科技 ”等字眼。


2021年5月19日,中国人民银行通过公众号发布防范虚拟货币炒作风险的公告,要求金融和支付机构不得接受加密货币作为支付结算工具,也不得提供与加密货币相关的服务和产品。随后,国务院金融稳定发展委员会召开会议,要求强化平台企业金融活动监管,打击比特币挖矿和交易行为,坚决防范个体风险向 社会 领域传递。













加密货币数据网站Coinmarket Cap显示,5月19日,比特币价格从43546美元下降到30681美元,下降了29.5%,交易量也创下近三个月来新高。


2021年以来,比特币价格一度在4月14日攀升到64455美元的 历史 高位,而去年同期价格仅为6842美元,增幅高达842%。与比特币过往的 历史 记录相比,5·19当天的跌幅并不算大,但由于市值已经增长数倍,导致不少投资者损失惨重。
























6. 比特币价格突然上涨,骤涨骤跌,你还会相信它吗




7. 比特币凌晨突发大跳水,它是否会失去币圈主导地位



8. 为抓住这个风口,佟丽娅高晓松加入“3点钟无眠”群,韩庚却被踢出








“3点钟无眠区块链群”最初由玉红在2月11日创立,玉红此前是360游戏的主要负责人,现在是SEEU& QYGAME 创始人,后者曾推出了基于区块链的大型网络游戏《基本世界》。



薛蛮子、李笑来、陈伟星、帅初等是区块链的最早参与者。薛蛮子投资了量子链、比原链、墨链 。李笑来是国内最早投资比特币、以太币的人。陈伟星也拥有自己的基金,并投资了火币、币安、Tron等项目。帅初是量子链的创始人。



















根据工信部白皮书,区块链技术起源于化名为“中本聪”(Satoshi Nakamoto)的学者在2008年发表的奠基性论文《比特币: 一种点对点电子现金系统》。

狭义来讲, 区块链是一种按照时间顺序将数据区块以顺序相连的方式组合成的一种链式数据结构, 并以密码学方式保证的不可篡改和不可伪造的分布式账本。






9. 比特币价格行情在什么时间点看比较准


10. 四川比特币矿场集体断电,关闭所有矿场,这意味着什么


比特币属于一种加密货币,价格从2020年的3000多美元一路疯涨到最高超6.4万美元,至今仍在5.8万美元上下徘徊,因此有很多人疯狂追涨,没想到却入了坑。6 月 20 日凌晨,四川所有的「比特币矿场」被集体断电停运。有报道指出,四川是国内乃至世界最大的比特币矿工聚集地,大约有 800 万的负荷正用于加密货币的挖矿。这下子比特币开始崩了,刚开盘就狂跌不止。



1. The currency circle was shocked for 24 hours, and 580,000 people’s dreams of getting rich were shattered

“One hour I was talking and laughing, and the next second I was completely confused.” May, Beijing time At around 10 pm on the 19th, currency investor Wang Shuai (pseudonym) told the author.

As night fell, the rapid decline of virtual currencies shocked the entire currency circle. Among them, Bitcoin fell by about 34% from the day's high, once falling to US$29,000; Ethereum (ETH) once cut in half; other newly popular currencies such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin also fell by 56% and 56% respectively. 64%.

“This crash ranks among the top ten in history.” Wang Shuai, who started to be exposed to Bitcoin 8 years ago and has experienced many ups and downs, told the author that on May 19 In the plummeting tide that night, the book value of the virtual coins he held plummeted by nearly 500,000 yuan, leaving only more than 1 million yuan. He did not disclose the cost price of the coins.

Compared with the "old guns in the currency circle" who play with heartbeats, the "frightening night" of the new Leek is more painful.

Data from the market data platform "Coin" show that as of 7:30 a.m. on May 20, the total liquidation in the past 24 hours reached US$6.91 billion (approximately 44.4 billion yuan), and about 580,000 people Liquidation.

The reason why positions are liquidated is that they mostly use the contract leverage transactions provided by currency speculation platforms. Whenever the market falls rapidly, investors have no time to repay their margins and will face forced liquidation by the trading platform. The hundreds of thousands of people liquidating their positions means that recently more currency speculators have used higher leverage in their transactions, which reflects the blind optimism of buyers about the later market trends.

Although 3 hours later, Bitcoin and other virtual currency prices seemed to gradually "recover lost ground", with Bitcoin returning to around $40,000, the wealth of those who had liquidated their positions could no longer be wiped out. Can't come back.

After a frightening night on May 19, Bitcoin resumed its decline, falling to around US$36,000

1. The currency circle encountered a regulatory “moment of clarity”

Past During the year, the prevalence of speculation led to a surge in virtual currency varieties and trading volumes. In overseas markets, Elon Musk, the world’s second richest man, allowed Tesla to accept Bitcoin to buy cars, and legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones proposed a method of purchasing virtual currencies to combat inflation. All of them will attract more people to enter the virtual currency market in 2020.

“Part of the cash originally used for bailout by the U.S. government during the epidemic flowed into zero-commission trading platforms.” A U.S. stock analyst told the author, “New trading platforms are more convenient The trading interface has made stock trading and currency trading gamified, and the work-from-home trend caused by the epidemic has also made the InternetCommunity speech is more impactful. The wealth effect continues to involve more people, and everyone seems to have become a day trader, which has also spread the speculative atmosphere in the US stock and currency circles. ”

Before mid-April this year, the price of Bitcoin had surged from US$7,000 in 2020 to US$65,000, and the growth rate of various new virtual currencies was even more “detached from the gravity of the earth”: Dogecoin once rose 110 times, and Shiba Inu coin once rose 280,000 times.

But on the evening of May 18, the currency circle encountered a "moment of clarity." China Internet Finance Association, China Banking Association , China’s three major payment and clearing associations jointly issued an announcement to warn against the risk of speculation in virtual currency transactions.

The People’s Bank of China issued a notice on the public account of the three major industry associations on preventing virtual currency speculation on the evening of May 18 Announcement of Risks

Some currency speculators once told the author that it is difficult to supervise over-the-counter transactions of virtual currencies. As long as virtual currencies such as BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Ethereum) do not appear in the remarks, The name of the currency can be recognized by financial institutions and payment institutions as transfers and remittances between individual users. It remains to be seen whether the regulatory authorities will take specific actions after this round of risk warnings.

On the evening of May 19, currency circle person Zhang Min (pseudonym) told the author that after the announcements of the three major associations came out, currency circle people were also waiting to see its further impact. “Recently, many industry activities and forums in the currency circle have temporarily closed. Canceled."

2. "Musk is not a god either"

In addition to the tightening signal from domestic regulations, Musk's "sudden betrayal" has also been He is believed to be one of the triggers for this round of virtual currency collapse, which has led to him being personally questioned by believers and other participants in the currency circle.

Tesla is not the first listed company to buy coins. Early Before Tesla bought the currency, the U.S. listed company Microstrategy invested part of the cash on its balance sheet in virtual currency. However, with a personal net worth of US$142.6 billion, Musk ranked second on the Forbes list of the world's richest people. , more provocative. "Because he has enough capital to prove his prophecy. "Follower Chen Qi (pseudonym) told the author.

Although the momentum of this round of Bitcoin's rise is considered to be the entry of institutional investors, JPMorgan Chase's research report stated that the role of institutional investment It has been exaggerated that the entry of retail investors is the main driving force. Musk is obviously the "opinion leader" among retail investors.

On social media, Musk has more than 55 million fans, especially among the younger generation around the world It has appeal among investors. For retail investors, Tesla’s public announcement on February 8 that it had purchased $1.5 billion in Bitcoin was regarded as a “buy signal.” From the announcement to mid-April, Tesla’sBitcoin rose from around $40,000 to around $65,000. According to outside estimates, Tesla's cost of building a Bitcoin position is around US$28,000-30,000.

But Musk suddenly rebelled. Last week, he publicly stated on social media that he would no longer accept Bitcoin as payment for car purchases because mining is not environmentally friendly. Market sentiment turned negative.

Musk's unprecedented influence on the currency circle and inconsistent tweets have caused other currency circle participants to change their attitude towards Musk from "free riding" to "drawing a clear line".

“There is no God among us.” Anthony Pompliano, one of the founders of Morgan Creek, an investment company that manages digital assets for institutions, said on social media Publicly speaking out, "Celebrities, athletes, musicians, billionaires and entrepreneurs don't matter as much as we all think. The Bit community once welcomed Musk with open arms. But if he continues to do stupid things, he You should leave as soon as possible.”

Amid the slump, Cathie Wood, who manages US$50 billion in funds, “came forward” at the “Business Weekly” forum held on May 19. "Rescue the market", insist on being bullish on Bitcoin rising to $500,000. She also said that there are solutions to Musk’s concerns about mining being unenvironmentally friendly. She proposed that the current global mining power is about 10-20GW. If the idle 200GW of new energy sources such as solar and wind energy can be used, the green transformation of Bitcoin mining can be achieved. She also hinted that Tesla might be able to play a more important role in this process. Tesla owns Solar City assets and focuses on photovoltaic technology.

Almost at the same time, the "erratic" Musk once again shouted on social media, saying that Tesla has "diamond hands." This is a kind of network code in the currency circle, which implies that you will continue to hold virtual currency positions. The virtual currency subsequently narrowed its decline.

3. Novelty and Cruelty in the “Zoo Coin Circle”

Musk’s ability to bring goods in the currency circle is not limited to Bitcoin.

Deng Jie (pseudonym), a virtual currency buyer, told the author that the reason why he bought Dogecoin was because Musk spared no effort to bring goods for Dogecoin, so he bought Shiba Inu Coin. , also because Musk sent a tweet that was suspected to be related to Shiba Inu Coin.

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin are newly popular virtual currencies. The original intention of the invention of Dogecoin was to make a joke to mock virtual currencies, while Shiba Inucoin was intended to become a "Dogecoin killer". But these "new buyers" don't seem to care about the history, original intentions, supply and demand relationships or internal management mechanisms of these "new currencies" that were created.

"IJust wanted to buy a front row ticket to the theater. "A new buyer of Shiba Inu coins said, "In the WeChat group, we often see people who buy coins and then make money inexplicably. I also want to give it a try. "When asked whether he had set a stop loss line for himself or how much principal he planned to invest, he said he had no plan yet.

On the day of the "519 Horror Night", the dog who was once angered by Musk The decline of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin once exceeded 50%. In addition to Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin, a wide variety of virtual coins such as Pig Coin, Orangutan Coin, Husky, and Akita Inu have appeared on the market, creating a "currency circle" "Zoo" market.

Zhang Min expressed concern about the entry of new leeks: "The market has exaggerated the sharp rise of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin, which has stimulated many novices to enter the market. This I am already cutting leeks very nakedly. " He also said that the risk warnings from the three major associations in the financial circle are very timely.

Even Wang Shuai, who calls himself a speculator, admitted frankly that the "zoo market" is destroying the value judgment of virtual currencies. It seems that as long as he buys With any virtual currency, if a celebrity sells it, you can wait for the price of the currency to skyrocket and become rich. There are even newly issued "animal coins" with ridiculous rules, which can only be bought but not sold.

Wang Shuai introduced to the author that the currency speculation market has 24/7 non-stop trading, and about 20% of currency speculators do contract trading (with leverage). Statistics have shown that the average time for a novice to lose all their principal after entering the contract market is The time is 45 days.

Regarding the market outlook, Wang Shuai is not as optimistic as before. #BTC[超话]# #digital currency# #欧易OKEx#

Yesterday Data shows that Bitcoin’s capital flow exceeded 9.3 billion yuan within 24 hours, ranking among the top of the list. Recently, due to the continuous inflow of funds, market panic is gradually dissipating, the market has picked up, and short-term prices are constantly testing upwards. , has escaped from the previous downward predicament. The market is also gradually picking up, indicating that investors are more optimistic about the current market, and the short-term trend continues to break upwards, so we can do long in the short-term operation, and pay attention to grasping the profits in time. After all, it is safe to make a profit. Wang Dao. Friends of the spot market can try to grasp the band profits. Because the trend has been fluctuating widely for more than a month. Again, it is emphasized that risk control is good. No matter how confident you are about the future market, take profit and stop loss. Be sure to take it! Bitcoin continued to trend strongly yesterday. After the price broke through the 33,000 line and was suppressed, the market further rose to the 34,400 position as expected. The recent trend has continued to test upwards, and bullish sentiment continues to heat up. The current market is also continuing to rise, with the high reaching the 34,500 position and being under pressure. , as long as the subsequent correction does not fall below the 33000 line, the short-term upward pattern will remain unchanged. In terms of ideas: The idea is basically the same in the early morning, and the spot currency is held; in the short term during the day, the support level is 33300, the pressure level is 34500, and the callback level is 33800You can try short positions and long orders nearby, with the target near 34400. If it breaks through, continue to hold with a good stop loss.

2. The whole story of the first "robbery" case in the currency circle


In 2018, the OKEx dichlorvos rights protection crisis has not yet passed, and the currency circle is "robbery" The first case broke out. Robbery is in double quotation marks because the verdict is for illegal detention.

The announcement stated that the source of the contradiction was that during the reconciliation in early June, the Skycoin project team discovered that EVOLAB had misappropriated and embezzled 100,000 Skycoins without permission. After Skycoin took measures such as freezing, EVOLAB personnel illegally broke into the founder's home, illegally took control, beat the founder and his wife and caused minor injuries, and robbed Bitcoin and Skycoin. The announcement also stated that EVOLAB also tried to steal the entire design prototype of the Sky Community Ecological Chain and control all assets on the Sky Chain, but ultimately failed.

The announcement also explained the handling measures:

Replaced the Chinese community operation team and established a new Chinese community circle and contact group; tracked the EVOLAB team wallet address and sent it to major exchanges The complaint was filed and all exchanges were requested to cooperate in temporarily freezing the suspect's related assets and freezing the digital asset deposit and withdrawal trading rights of the suspicious accounts; as of 18:00 on June 18, all currency holding accounts of the suspect's exchanges had been frozen, and on-site transactions The market gradually stabilized, with prices rising by 30%; and the temporary blacklist function of Skycoin was launched.

Weng said that he paid 1 million in June 2017 and asked his friend Li (Li of Cen Liyan Sunzhong) to buy 100,000 Sky coins and entrusted Li to keep them. A year later, after Skycoin was launched on Binance, Weng wanted to sell part of it for cash, but after contacting Li, he found that "the wallet was frozen and the transaction could not be completed." Li immediately contacted Synth to inquire about the reason. Synth said that there was a bug in the wallet and it would take time to investigate. But later, Li learned that the wallet was actively frozen by Skycoin in order to recover the tokens misappropriated by the Chinese team.

Regarding what happened on June 12, Weng said that he, Cen Li, Yan Sun, and four other Skycoin investors went to Synth’s house to find him in order to find out the matter. Synth refused to admit it at first, but later said that the culprit was his partner Steve.

Weng also said that he just wanted to get his money back that night and kept sitting on the sofa talking without any physical contact. At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, after Synth was forced to put Bitcoin and Skycoins into their accounts, they knew that it was impossible to get back all the losses, so they had no choice but to leave.

At about 21:30 on June 12, 2018, the defendant Cenli Yansun, (investor) Weng Mou, Li Mou 1 and others arrived at the victim’s residence and used methods such as controlling mobile phones and restricting freedom , requiring Synth solutionLock the frozen Skycoin account. During this period, Yan and Li beat and threatened the Synth couple (later identified as minor injuries). After the victim was forced to transfer the Bitcoin and Skycoins he held to the account designated by Yan and others, the group left (around 3 a.m. on the 13th).

On June 20, the defendant Yan Censun was summoned to the case, and Li voluntarily surrendered. After arriving at the case, Yan refused to explain, and Cen Lisun confessed some of the criminal facts. Cen said that he had only threatened, not beaten, and voluntarily pleaded guilty. Sun said he had not committed any assault and voluntarily pleaded guilty. (Investors) Weng and Li 1 acted as “witnesses” in this case and testified that Yan had assaulted and Cen had threatened.

After ascertaining the facts, the court held that the four defendants were guilty of illegal detention. The judgment also mentioned that the court believed that there was indeed an economic dispute between the two parties, but it was unable to prove that the faulty party in the dispute was the victim.

01 Property Damage Dispute

The four defendants expressed their willingness to return Bitcoin and Skycoins in court, but they have not fulfilled their promises after the verdict. On March 26, 2019, the founder couple A civil lawsuit was filed for property damage. Won the lawsuit in 2019.

02 Reputation dispute

On June 27, 2019, the founder of Skycoin went to court to sue Li. The cause of the case was a reputation dispute, and he ultimately won the case.

List of cases

Let’s take a look at what lawsuits Skycoin has filed in Shanghai:

01 Illegal detention case - conclusion

June 2018 The case occurred on December 12, 2018. On December 24, 2018, the first instance of Jing’an Court found that Cen, Li, Yan, and Sun were guilty of illegal detention. On March 15, 2019, the Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court ruled in the second instance to uphold the original verdict.

02 The unjust enrichment dispute between Synth and Cen - the lawsuit was dismissed

On February 18, 2019, Synth filed a separate case against Cen in Minhang Court. The reason for the case was unjust enrichment. Interest disputes. On April 12, the court ruled that the case should be transferred to ordinary procedures and notified him to pay back the legal fees. Later, because he failed to pay the fees in time, the court ruled on April 26 that the lawsuit should be withdrawn.

03 The entrustment contract dispute between Synth and Cen, Sun and Yan - the status is unknown

At some point in 2019 (the date of filing is unknown), Synth was in Xuhui Court Cen, Sun Fei and Yan Xiangdong were prosecuted. Cen believes that Synth sued Sun and Yan together because it wanted to bring the case to Xuhui District for trial. Judging from the evidence, these two people have nothing to do with the case. The case should be decided by the defendant’s residence, which is Cen’s residence in Shanghai. The case shall be heard in the Minhang District Court corresponding to the place of residence.

The Xuhui Court believes that whether Sun and Yan are related or not, it needs to be tried on the meritsThe court found that one of the defendants’ household registration was in Xuhui, and the Xuhui Court had jurisdiction. Therefore, on December 16, 2019, it ruled to reject Cen’s jurisdictional objection. Cen was dissatisfied and appealed to the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate Court. On April 17, 2020, the No. 1 Intermediate Court rejected the appeal and upheld the original ruling. The case was heard by the Xuhui Court. On December 16, 2019, the first instance dismissed Cen’s prosecution, and on April 17, 2020, the original verdict was upheld.

It is unclear whether the case is still pending.

04 Synth couple sued Cen Li Yansun for property damage dispute - trial concluded

This case is for the 18.88 Bitcoins and 6466 Bitcoins involved in the illegal detention case on June 12 A lawsuit filed by Skycoin.

Synth and Li Mouyan went to Minhang Court to sue Cenli Yansun on March 26, 2019. The cause of the case was compensation for property damage. On June 5, 2019, the Minhang Court ruled in the first instance that the case should be transferred to ordinary procedures. On August 29, 2019, the first instance verdict ordered the four defendants to return 18.88 Bitcoins and 6466 Skycoins to Li and Synth. If they cannot return, they will be compensated at 42,206.75 yuan each for Bitcoins and 80.34 yuan for each Skycoin. On May 6, 2020, the First Intermediate Court changed the judgment of the second instance to only return the Bitcoins (because the respondent voluntarily gave up the pursuit of 6,466 Skycoins).

05 Reputation dispute between Synth’s wife and Li – lawsuit withdrawn

On June 18, 2019, Synth’s wife Li Mouyan believed that the WeChat public account article and WeChat article published by Li The comments in the group violated her right to reputation, and she sued Li on June 18, 2019, but later withdrew the lawsuit.

06 Reputation dispute between Synth and Li - Trial Conclusion

The case was filed on June 27, 2019. On May 27, 2020, the first instance verdict was that Li apologized in writing and compensated 6,000 Yuan; The second-instance mediation case was concluded on August 3, 2020. Judging from online news, the mediation part should exempt the compensation of 6,000 yuan.

Attachment: Reputation disputes

Reputation is a comprehensive social assessment of a natural person or legal person’s moral character, talent, reputation, image, etc. evaluate. Natural persons enjoy the right of reputation, and the law prohibits others from damaging the reputation of natural persons by insulting, slandering, etc.

In judicial practice, the court will consider four aspects: whether the victim's reputation has been damaged, whether the perpetrator's behavior is illegal, whether there is a causal relationship between the illegal behavior and the damage consequences, and whether the perpetrator is subjectively at fault. Analyze and determine whether the perpetrator should bear the responsibility for infringing the right of reputation.

02 Li wrote in the public account article:

03 Subsequently,Li forwarded this article in the WeChat group "EVOLAB Community" and asked group members to help forward it. She also made a series of remarks in the group, the contents of which are roughly as follows:

The plaintiff believed that Li’s remarks were fabricating false facts, making defamatory remarks, maliciously derogating his personality, and causing readers of the article to disparage him. It is associated with negative impressions such as being a liar, preparing to run away, and deceiving others, which lowers his social evaluation and infringes on his personal privacy and reputation.

Li argued during the trial that the articles on the public account had been deleted, and many of the comments in the WeChat group (that username) were not made by me, and I can’t remember which words were said by me. .

Li also said:

She believes that these remarks do not constitute an infringement of reputation rights.

01 Content that constitutes defamation, lowers the plaintiff’s social evaluation, and infringes upon the right of reputation:

The plaintiff mentioned in the article involved was murdered by the U.S. government and fled to China. The plaintiff was in destitution at the time, and the defendant Relief was provided and because the plaintiff was a U.S. citizen, the defendant and others were investigated in detail. In the WeChat group, the defendant made remarks such as that the plaintiff had deposits in his overseas account, had applied for a passport, and was ready to run away at any time.

The court pointed out:

Therefore, the court determined that the content and remarks of the above-mentioned article constituted defamation, which led to the lowering of the plaintiff’s social evaluation and violated the plaintiff’s right to reputation.

02 Content that caused the plaintiff’s social evaluation to be lowered and his reputation rights to be infringed:

Regarding Li’s claim of “defrauding people of money and putting the victim in jail” which is a personal emotional catharsis, this It’s really too bottomless, worse than the underworld.” “It’s so ridiculous. We obviously wanted to sue them for fraud, but they sued us for fraud.” The court believed that judging from the words used by the defendant, the above remarks conveyed They were an irrational expression of the defendant's personal emotions, and the content of the expression had no factual basis. The above remarks would also cause others to associate a negative image with the plaintiff, leading to a lowering of the plaintiff's social evaluation. Therefore, the above remarks violated the plaintiff's right to reputation.

The plaintiff believes that the defendant disclosed his marital status, bank account information and other privacy, and fabricated the fact that he promised to pay him, etc., which also constitutes an infringement of reputation rights.

As for the plaintiff’s belief that Li violated his right to reputation by publicizing privacy (marital status, bank account information), the basis is insufficient and will not be confirmed.

3. Bitcoin suddenly plunged in the early morning. Do you think Bitcoin has lost its dominance in the currency circle?

In fact, the value of virtual currency has always been unstable, and if we Excessive investment may lead to us losing everything and losing money.And it may also result in us not being able to have a better life because of investing in virtual currencies.

Although Bitcoin can have a relatively high value and allow previous people to obtain more wealth, Bitcoin may not necessarily be more stable, nor may it allow us to have more returns. . Bitcoin suddenly plunged in the early morning. Do you think Bitcoin has lost its dominance in the currency circle? I think Bitcoin has not lost its dominance in the currency circle yet, but it will soon. There are three main reasons for saying this:

First, Bitcoin still occupies a dominant position.

In my opinion, I think Bitcoin has not actually lost its dominance, but in the near future, Bitcoin will definitely lose its dominance, because Bitcoin still occupies a dominant position, and It may not necessarily be impacted by more virtual currencies. Although the value of Bitcoin is getting lower and lower, there is still room for Bitcoin to rise and it can rise to a certain extent in the future.

The above is my opinion.

4. What is the 3.12 incident in the currency circle?

According to data from coinmarketcap.com,

On March 12, 2020, the trading volume of Bitcoin on the entire network reached 8.44 million coins;

On March 13, 2020, the total Bitcoin transaction volume reached 14.91 million coins;

As of March 20, 2020, In the past 9 days, the total transaction volume of Bitcoin on the entire network reached 77.5 million!


Some people may doubt the authenticity of this data, but according to statistics on the encryption network, on March 12th, China time By March 13, with only one company, the 24-hour trading volume on the entire network exceeded 230 billion yuan (over 30 billion U.S. dollars). Based on the average Bitcoin price of 6,000 U.S. dollars per coin, the trading volume also reached 5 million bitcoins. ).

As we all know, the total number of Bitcoins is only 21 million, and 18 million have been mined by miners. Among them, at least about 11 million Bitcoins have never been used for transactions, and 4 million have almost been lost, and the total number of Bitcoins used for transactions is only 4 million...

Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot workstation of the "Smart Learning Factory 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning and Construction Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. The professional base is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

5. Coin speculators who fell from the bull market

“Now the mining machine business is no longer possible.” On July 11, 2021, a forty-year-old The middle-aged men on the left and right sighed to their companions at the entrance of Shenzhen Huaqiangbei SEG Plaza.

SEG Plaza is the main distribution center for Bitcoin mining machines, graphics cards, and hard drives. SEG Plaza has ten floors and mainly sells computers and electronic components. Shops selling mining machines and graphics cards are mainly concentrated on the third to fifth floors. There are more than 20 shops in total. Most of the shop names contain words such as "mining" and "technology".

The turning point in policy occurred in May 2021. Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places have successively issued bans on virtual currency mining.

On May 19, 2021, the People's Bank of China issued an announcement through its official account to prevent the risks of virtual currency speculation, requiring financial and payment institutions not to accept cryptocurrency as a payment settlement tool, nor to provide services related to cryptocurrency. related services and products. Subsequently, the Financial Stability and Development Committee of the State Council held a meeting and called for strengthening the supervision of financial activities of platform companies, cracking down on Bitcoin mining and trading activities, and resolutely preventing individual risks from being transmitted to the social sector.

In order to avoid risks, some businesses in SEG Plaza used tape to cover the word "mining machine" in the product name.

Gao Ling, a professional currency speculator in Beijing, sighed. Her account has lost approximately 70 Bitcoins in market value in the past month.

Seven years ago, after graduating from university, she worked for an Internet company in Beijing and gradually came into contact with blockchain and Bitcoin.

As the Bitcoin market rose in 2019, Gao Ling and her family had a dispute over buying a house. Out of anger, she put the money to buy the house into a currency speculation account. After making a few profits, she simply resigned from the company and became a professional currency speculator. “Because I earned the money myself, my family did not support or object to my resignation.”

At the peak on May 12, 2021, the market value of all virtual currencies in Gao Ling’s account was approximately equal to 89 bits. currency.

In addition to buying Bitcoin, she will also buy other cryptocurrencies on the trading platform, but the price is ultimately denominated in Bitcoin. Calculated based on the closing price of US$49,000 that day, the account funds are approximately US$4.36 million (approximately RMB 28.21 million).

Today, after experiencing the biggest loss in her currency trading life, she only has a market value of 21 Bitcoins left, which is approximately US$723,000 (approximately RMB 4.68 million), which is only the peak value. one-sixth.

"It's really scary. You just watch the coins in your account decrease little by little." Recalling the plunge, Gao Ling sounded a little excited, "Compared with the risks brought to me by the drop in currency prices, "At that time, I was more worried about going short, so I didn't choose to sell because I thought it would still rise."

After this round of sharp decline, Gao Ling changed most of his other currencies into Bitcoin to increase his risk resistance, but he did not increase his position.

The currency circle cools down, 5March 19th has become a node that affects the development of the industry. The ever-hot cryptocurrency market experienced a Waterloo-like plunge on this day, causing some investors to liquidate their positions and even leave the currency circle directly.

At 10 o'clock that night, the cryptocurrency trading platform Coin showed that in the past 24 hours, the market liquidation amount was approximately US$5.92 billion (approximately 38 billion yuan), and the number of liquidated positions was nearly 480,000.

On the afternoon of May 19, Zhang Bin was still on his way on a business trip. He saw that the price of Bitcoin continued to fall, so he used his mobile phone to operate, entered the market to buy lows, and increased leverage several times through contract trading. "Half an hour later, panic selling occurred in the market. If you don't cut off the meat and sell, you will face the risk of liquidation."

Cryptocurrency data website Coinmarket Cap shows that on May 19, the price of Bitcoin dropped from $43,546 to $30,681, a drop of 29.5%, and transaction volume also hit a new high in the past three months.

In the traditional financial field, futures contracts are mostly used to hedge risks. But in virtual currency trading, contract trading is mainly used to amplify leverage. Zhang Bin lamented, "I lost 7 million in half an hour. I'm pretty good. There are people who lost tens of millions or hundreds of millions that day."

Since 2021, the price of Bitcoin once climbed to a historical high of US$64,455 on April 14, while the price in the same period last year was only US$6,842, an increase of 842%. Compared with Bitcoin's past historical records, the decline on May 19 was not large, but because the market value has increased several times, many investors suffered heavy losses.

Zhang Bin is a professional player in the currency circle. He has been exposed to Bitcoin for seven or eight years. He is a well-known trading player in the industry and usually conducts transactions every day. Zhang Bin first came into contact with Bitcoin when he was in college. He also speculated in the currency on and off, but he lost more than he won.

In 2017, Zhang Bin was working in Shenzhen. He saw the price of Bitcoin rising, so he chose to short Bitcoin. However, he not only lost a lot of money, but also owed debt.

Zhang Bin chose to take a risk and borrowed a small loan of 2,000 yuan from the Internet to make short-term profits quickly. In one night, I made 40,000 yuan. After paying off 20,000 yuan of the debt, I poured the remaining money into a popular currency at the time. I made hundreds of thousands in two or three days.

In Zhang Bin’s view, the hot market during that period did not even require investment skills. “It is very easy to spend 1 million to buy a coin and hold it for two or three months. The market value will increase 10 times. normal".

Through frequent leveraged transactions and the boost of the bull market, Zhang Bin soon made tens of millions in more than a year.

Despite facing huge losses this round, the price of Bitcoin is at its highest level this year.The high value is also close to being cut in half, but Zhang Bin still chooses to continue trading every day.

On May 18, 2021, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association, and the China Payment and Clearing Association jointly issued the "Announcement on Preventing the Risks of Speculation in Virtual Currency Transactions" (hereinafter referred to as the "Announcement" of the three associations) ), reminding investors: Virtual currencies have no real value support, prices are easily manipulated, and related speculative trading activities involve multiple risks such as false asset risks, business failure risks, and investment speculation risks.

The entire cryptocurrency market plummeted, which also caused panic among virtual currency trading platforms.

Li Jin is a key account manager of a virtual currency exchange, mainly providing information consulting services to customers. He himself is also a senior virtual currency enthusiast. In 2019, he resigned from a domestic brokerage and joined a virtual currency exchange.

When the price of Bitcoin exceeded US$60,000, Li Jin spent a lot of money and chose to go short. He set the profit stop point at US$35,000 and made nearly 10 million yuan.

According to Li Jin, although some investors chose to exit the market after suffering serious losses, there are still investors who asked him whether they could enter the market by bargain hunting after the price plummeted.

Late at night on May 19, Tuya received a message reminder that the trading volume on the platform that day increased rapidly, ten times the usual average. Tuya is the chief operating officer of virtual currency trading platform AAX.

After seeing the data, Tuya was very surprised. “After discovering that the currency price plummeted, my first reaction was to check Musk’s Twitter, and I started to look for news sources with my colleagues to discuss the reasons.” .

But as soon as May 19 passed, the trading volume began to decline, and soon fell below the average level of the past. Li Jin said frankly, "It has been sideways for a month now, and it will continue for at least half a month."

The income of virtual currency exchanges is mainly through charging transaction fees. Li Jin gave the example of his exchange, "Currently, if you buy or sell immediately, the handling fee is about 60,000; if you set a price for pending orders, the handling fee is 40,000."

The plummeting price of Bitcoin and the market downturn will also bring difficulties in attracting new customers. When the market conditions are good, there will be a steady stream of money entering the market, and the exchange does not need to spend too much thought on marketing strategies. Once the market goes bad, it will need to change to new marketing strategies.

At the same time, exchanges are also facing more severe trading compliance issues.

In 2017, the central bank issued regulations prohibiting token issuance financing and prohibiting cryptocurrency trading platforms from engaging in the exchange between legal tender and cryptocurrency. From now on, individuals in China will not be able to directly use RMB to purchase cryptocurrencies from exchanges and other institutions..

Today, a resident with an account in China who wants to buy Bitcoin mainly relies on OTC over-the-counter transactions. Individuals can use RMB to buy Bitcoin on cryptocurrency trading platforms, or exchange it for stablecoins equivalent to the U.S. dollar for purchase. But the whole process is a transaction with an individual, and the account is transferred to the other party's personal account. The platform plays a role similar to Taobao's in matching and ensuring transaction security.

The "Announcement" of the three associations believes that based on my country's current judicial practice, virtual currency transaction contracts are not protected by law, and the consequences and losses caused by investment transactions can only be borne by the relevant parties.

On May 18, after the People’s Bank of China issued an announcement, some exchanges successively closed OTC over-the-counter trading. On May 19, the Matcha MXC exchange suspended OTC over-the-counter trading. Subsequently, Huobi Exchange, one of the three major cryptocurrency exchanges, announced the cancellation of OTC block transactions.

On June 21, the People's Bank of China issued an announcement stating that it had recently interviewed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Postal Bank, Industrial Bank and Alipay, requesting a comprehensive investigation and identification of virtual currency exchanges and Over-the-counter traders' capital accounts can promptly cut off the transaction fund payment link.

(At the request of the interviewees, Zhao Lan, Gao Ling, Zhang Bin, Li Jin, and Zhang Min are pseudonyms.)

6. The price of Bitcoin suddenly rose sharply. Will you still believe it if it plummets?

I think a temporary rise does not mean anything. After all, currency speculation is like the stock market, no one can tell for sure.

I have many colleagues who speculate in currencies around me. Some make money and many lose money. Experienced big ups and downs. If your judgment is more accurate and you know how to sell and buy at the right time, you can still make a small living expenses. My colleague who holds Bitcoin probably hasn’t sold it yet. He bought it at a low price, but then it reached a high point and started to fall, so he hasn’t sold it yet.

Whether you believe it or not is really up to you. As long as you don’t indulge in it and delay your business, you can still make some small investments.

7. Bitcoin suddenly plunged in the early morning, will it lose its dominance in the currency circle?

In the early morning of the 11th, the price of Bitcoin suddenly plunged, and once fell below The unit price of US$55,000 caused shock in the currency circle. However, even if Bitcoin dives, from the current point of view, Bitcoin will not lose its dominance in the currency circle. This is because Bitcoin is the world’s first cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin has always been the leader in the currency circle. wind vane.

In general, I think Bitcoin has not lost its dominance in the currency circle.

8. In order to seize this trend, Tong Liya and Gao Xiaosong joined the "3 O'clock Sleepless" group, but Han Geng was kicked out

Recently, a "3 O'clock Sleepless" blockchain group ” (hereinafter referred to as the 3:00 Sleepless Group) has become popular in the investment circle!

According to China Entrepreneur Magazine, big names in the investment circle such as Sequoia Capital Shen Nanpeng, 360 Chairman Zhou Hongyi, angel investors Cai Wensheng and Xue Manzi are all in this group, and there are even Gao Xiaosong, Tong Liya, Stars such as Lin Yoona and Han Geng.

This WeChat group, created on February 11, reached the upper limit of 500 members in less than a day. During the Spring Festival, it is said that the total amount of red envelopes in this group reached one million. However, this is not the main motivation for celebrities and big shots to join the group. It is even forbidden to publish information such as currency speculation and ICO in this group. People in the group mainly learn about the application prospects of blockchain technology.

I noticed that according to the definition of "China's Blockchain Technology and Application Development White Paper" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, blockchain is a computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm. Innovative application models in the Internet era.

Blockchain technology is considered to be a disruptive innovation in computing models after mainframes, personal computers, and the Internet, and is likely to cause a new technological innovation and industrial change on a global scale.

Today, with the price of Bitcoin “cutting in half” from its peak, and the strict supervision of countries such as China, the craze for “virtual currency” has begun to dissipate. However, as the underlying technology, blockchain is expected to be widely used in finance, supply chain management, manufacturing, Internet of Things and other fields in the future.

The group once distributed over one million red envelopes in seven days

The "3 O'clock Sleepless Blockchain Group" was originally founded by Yuhong on February 11. Yuhong had previously He is the main person in charge of 360 Games and is now the founder of SEEU & QYGAME, which launched the large-scale online game "Basic World" based on blockchain.

Since it was three o'clock in the morning when the group was first established, it was named the 3 O'clock Sleepless Blockchain Group.

In this WeChat group, known as the No. 1 blockchain information group, there are Shen Nanpeng of Sequoia Capital, Zhou Hongyi, chairman of 360, angel investors Cai Wensheng, Xue Manzi, Fenbushi Capital partners Shen Bo, and even stars such as Gao Xiaosong, Tong Liya, Lin Yuner, and Han Geng.

Xue Manzi, Li Xiaolai, Chen Weixing, Shuai Chu and others are the earliest participants of the blockchain. Xue Manzi invested in Quantum Chain, Bytom Chain, and Mo Chain. Li Xiaolai is the first person in China to invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Chen Weixing also has his own fund and has invested in projects such as Huobi, Binance, and Tron. Shuai Chu is the founder of Quantum Chain.

What’s interesting is that among those who join the group, those whoThe person who received the warmest welcome was not the industry boss, but the film and television star Tong Liya. It is said that after Tong Liya was added to the group, there were hundreds of messages welcoming her to join. Tong Liya said that she is still a beginner in blockchain and hopes to learn more, and attached a big red envelope of 8,000 yuan.

Some inactive people in this group will be kicked out, such as Han Geng, No. 1 Matchmaker founder Mu Yan, Meitu CEO Wu Xinhong, etc. Those who remain in the group often engage in intense “mutual” discussions, and there are also some new members who are thirsty for knowledge and quickly absorb fresh knowledge about the blockchain.

On February 24, Chen Weixing in the group and Zhu Xiaohu, managing director of Jinshajiang Venture Capital, had a "mutual fight" around the blockchain.

The cause of the matter was that Zhu Xiaohu forwarded an article about blockchain in his circle of friends and said not to include him in various 3 o'clock groups. There are some outlets that he would rather miss and some money that he would rather not make. Otherwise, the late holiday will not be guaranteed.

This statement immediately aroused Chen Weixing's refutation. Chen Weixing asked, is the method of cutting leeks in equity investment more advanced than that in the currency circle? Is the bubble in the entire blockchain industry as high as the global stock market bubble? Zhu Xiaohu responded that ICO, a model that tests human nature, has never been successful.

Don’t talk about currency speculation, just talk about blockchain

Yuhong and the first industry tycoons Xue Manzi and Chen Weixing to join the group jointly set rules in the group: It is strictly prohibited to post news about currency speculation, ICO, etc. in the group. Therefore, the main topic of group chat is the application of blockchain technology.

Guo Hongcai is a well-known figure in the currency circle. He doesn’t know much about blockchain technology, but he became a rich man through currency speculation. He was kicked out of the group for the second time because he said in the group, "I'm here to make money anyway. Talking about technology is really meaningless... The biggest application of blockchain is currency speculation." After being kicked out, Guo Hongcai was unconvinced and sulked in another group, "They never talk about making money, they are too vain."

China has always been at the forefront of regulating virtual currency speculation.

In September last year, China completely banned the domestic Bitcoin trading platform business. This regulation also has an impact on global Bitcoin transactions.

On February 5 this year, the People’s Daily published another article discussing “currency speculation” and believed that all countries should strengthen coordinated supervision to prevent systemic risks.

People's Daily stated that in recent times, various conferences and exchange activities with the themes of blockchain, digital assets, and virtual currencies have emerged one after another, and there have been upsurges such as "coin speculation" and "disguised ICO"It also goes up and down. Some people join the "coin speculators", hoping to obtain huge returns through short-term speculation. Since blockchain and virtual currency can transcend national boundaries, countries should strengthen coordinated supervision to prevent virtual currency transactions from causing systemic financial risks.

This is exactly what it is:

The virtual currency is booming,

and it is a series of sudden rises and sudden falls.

Beat the drum and spread the flowers, blow the big bubble,

There is an urgent need to regulate the cloud.

Blockchain has broad application prospects

According to the white paper of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, blockchain technology originated from a scholar with the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto" published in 2008 The foundational paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System".

In a narrow sense, blockchain is a chain data structure that combines data blocks in a sequential manner in chronological order, and is cryptographically guaranteed to be non-tamperable and Unforgeable distributed ledger.

Currently, blockchain technology is hailed by many large organizations as a major breakthrough technology that will completely change the way business and even organizations operate.

The widespread application of blockchain technology can enable "decentralization" to be realized at low cost.

When we send an email, what the other party receives is actually a copy of the email, which allows the information to be spread quickly. However, this approach cannot be replicated in applications in finance and other fields. For example, when you pay 100 yuan to the other party, you cannot copy and paste the 100 yuan currency in your hand to the other party.

Therefore, in today's society, transactions involving cash, securities, intellectual property rights, patents, carbon emission quotas, etc. must be solved with the help of a huge central institution (bank, third-party payment platform, etc.) Trust issues will increase transaction costs and slow down transactions. For example, we can send an email in a minute, but a transfer within the same city may take several days. Transferring funds from one country to another comes with high fees.

Canadian blockchain expert Don Tapscott believes that blockchain technology will change the world and make trust-building technology simple and easy to understand. He said that the popularity of blockchain technology means that we may no longer need a powerful central institution as a credit medium in the future. This is the next generation of the Internet, and it has the potential to change our money, trade, and governmentand society.

9. At what point in time is the price of Bitcoin more accurate?

People in the currency circle often say that the price of Bitcoin is like a roller coaster. It can go from skyrocketing to plummeting in an instant. thing. Because the fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin are relatively unpredictable, I usually keep an eye on the market on the Ouyi client. Not only can I check the price trend of Bitcoin anytime and anywhere, but it is also very convenient to trade. I'm glad to answer your questions

10. Sichuan Bitcoin mining farms have a collective power outage and all mines are closed. What does this mean?

Sichuan Bitcoin mining farms have a collective power outage. Closing all mines means that Bitcoin will soon withdraw from the stage of history.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. The price has skyrocketed from more than 3,000 US dollars in 2020 to a maximum of more than 64,000 US dollars. It is still hovering around 58,000 US dollars. Therefore, many people are chasing the rise crazily. Unexpectedly, I fell into a trap. In the early morning of June 20, all “Bitcoin mines” in Sichuan were collectively shut down and shut down. Reports indicate that Sichuan is the largest gathering place for Bitcoin miners in China and even the world, with about 8 million loads being used for cryptocurrency mining. At this time, Bitcoin began to collapse, and it plummeted as soon as the market opened.

Third, Bitcoin is shut down, and miners are most affected.

All Bitcoin mines in Sichuan suffered a collective power outage at 0:00 today, and Bitcoin miners who had not had time to migrate suffered heavy losses as a result. Sichuan is the largest concentration of Bitcoin miners in China and even the world. You can imagine how much impact this incident has had on the miners. No matter what, Bitcoin has shown this trend, so don’t throw money into it anymore. , those who have already lost money should stop their losses in time. After all, there is no good news now, and if you leave it there, you will only lose more and more.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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