混元无极什么意思 混元无极是什么级别

⑴ 洪荒故事里的境界划分














⑵ 中端洪荒圣人是无限多元宇宙级吗


⑶ 异世圣人的修为的等级


⑷ 诸天苟仙里面的大罗等级




















⑸ 怎么才能杀死洪荒流小说里的圣人 这里鸿钧不计算在内 其余手段不限

最后来一个不讲道理的.题主你都全知全能了,要弄死个圣人还不简单?你产生要弄死那个圣人的念头的时候 那个圣人就应该立刻变成你定义的死亡状态了吧?还用什么手段吗?

⑹ 我要最全的洪荒小说目录 浏览次数:54622次悬赏分:200 | 解决时间:2010-9-3 08:35 | 提问者:乡共有 最

































































































































































































































入洪荒》《洪荒玄松道》《洪荒之玉鼎新传》《洪荒之金口玉言》《洪荒之鸿蒙大道》《洪荒之祖龙》《洪荒之燃灯新传》《洪荒之天命所归》《终结洪荒演义》《混乱洪荒》《洪荒旧时》《鸿蒙至尊道》《多宝道人》《星辰妖皇传》《问道混元》《玄清天道》《洪荒战神》《截教小妖》《截教封神》全开过了 《重生西游之通臂猿猴 》 《圣道独尊 》 《重生混元道》 《洪荒旧时》 《重生之我成了东皇太一》 《再起封神之我是申公豹》 《年圣》 《黑风老妖》 《地皇传说》 《重生成妖》 《黑猪老妖》 《重生武仙》 《妖猴传》 《混元无极太上大道》 《太古鸿蒙》 《洪荒学者》 《巨灵神新传》 《截教弟子风云传》 《佛本是道》 《逍遥洪荒》 《重生之西游释厄传》 《太古洪荒之逆天》 《封神志》 《真封神》 《封神奇缘》 《封神天下》 《西游封神》 《西游重生之我是六耳猕猴》 《西游之我成了唐僧》 《反西游记之混混唐僧》 《西游红孩传》 《洪荒元道》 《漫话西游 》 《重生洪荒吾称尊》 《洪荒神医》 《重生洪荒之他成了通天教主》《重生洪荒之圣人不仁
洪荒之六耳猕猴 穿越之东皇太一再战洪荒 封神之袁洪逆天 灵珠子闹洪荒 洪荒龟仙人 邪神红云传 洪荒之长耳定光仙 洪荒剑君 10、洪荒元龙 重生鸿蒙之道 洪荒之刀道 重生道尊作者 青莲证道录作者 重生二郎神杨戬 史上第一魔头 洪荒天机道君 重生鸿蒙之无敌逍遥 大道混沌
重生混元道 重生洪荒之我为准提 我为纣王之傲啸封神
《洪荒大教父》 赞同1| 评论(1) 2011-8-23 22:05 寒宿雨 | 一级

⑺ 仙秦多元宇宙帝国境界划分

九大境界:天之境界,心之境界,自在境界,神之境界,灾变,天灾,神之境界,神之境界,破之境界,永恒境界,古之境界,伤之境界,神之境界,阴之境界,神之境界, 神的领域,愤怒的领域,神的领域,神秘的领域,神的领域。

【无界】[战创界]扭转境、终结境、惑心境、惑神境、脱离境【无上真宇】一始~九始、真·无·境、 ∞ 。
【凡尘级】【人道级】【超凡级】【战星级】【行星级】【恒星级】【巨星级】【古星级】【太星级】【天星级】【超星级】【黑洞级】【星系级】【星河级】 【星海级】【星域级】【星云级】【星空级】【天河级】【天海级】【宇宙级】【宇王级】【宇皇级】【宇帝级】【域主级】【域君级】【域王级】【界主级】【界王级】【界皇级】【永恒级】【不朽级】【仙级】【神级】【混沌级】【虚空级】【主宰级】【尊者级】【至尊级】【至高级】【超神级】【无上级】【源级】【源主级】【源王级】【源皇级】【浑源级】【超源级】【神源级】
仙境:真仙、人仙、地仙、天仙、灵仙、玄仙、金仙、祖仙、元仙、至仙、圣仙 、霸仙、仙君、仙主、仙尊、仙王、仙帝

⑻ 道德经第一章怎么理解

第一章原文: 道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名天地之始,有名万物之母。故常无欲以观其妙,有欲以观其窍。此两者同出而异名,同为之玄,玄之又玄,众妙之门(因不同版本,文字有所不同)。“道。”道教经典《清静经》曰:“大道无形,生育天地;大道无情,运行日月;大道无名,长养万物。吾不知其名,强名曰道。” 《道德经》第二十五章曰:“有物混成,先天地生。寂兮寥兮,独立而不改,周行而不殆。可以为天下母,吾不知其名,字之曰道。”由此可见,《老子》所谓“道”,实为阴阳未判之前的混元无极。宇宙之起源,天地之本始,万物之根蒂,造化之枢机。它无形无象,无色无臭,无所不在,无所不备,充塞宇宙,遍满十方,不增不减,永恒常存。它本无形而不可名,但却真实存在。老子为了使人承认它、研究它、掌握它、运用它。故以“道”名。“可道,非常道。”混沌初开,阴阳始判,清浊肇分,乾坤定位,是谓太极。在天有日月星辰,风云雷雨;在地有东西南北,山川湖海;天地之间有飞潜动植、人间社会。这些有形有象之事物,皆有生有减,有成有毁,不能永恒常存。这些可生可灭的万事万物,皆属“可道”的范围。因有形质,处于变化之中,故谓“非常道”。“名。”此“名”指“道”之命名。混元无极大道,无形无象,立“道塌档”为名,此名实为常名。“可名,非常名。” “可名”是指“可道”之名。“名”由何起?“名”由实存事物而起。名至于实。有物才有名。宇宙间的事事物物,千差万别,各具特性,为了区别它们,才安名立字。由于这些名称概念所代表的事物可生可灭,因而标志它们的名称概念也必然是可生可灭的“可名”。由“可名”代表的万事万物生灭运化、变动不居,故凡“可名”皆“非常名”。“无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。”“无名”是指无形无象的混元大道,因无形无象,故无名。“道”之名实为强名。虚无的大道无形而无名,它早于天地而存在,故谓“天地之始”。“有名”是指宇宙天地。天地是指有形有象的具体事物,是最早的实物,其名亦是最早的名。万物由天地而生,故有形有名的天地谓之“万物之母。”“常无欲,以观其妙;常有欲,以观其侥(此处应是“徼jiao”:边际、边界;而不是侥:侥幸,偶然地、意外地获得利益或躲过不幸)。”“常无欲”者,是指未被后天情欲凿丧的先天体性,至清至静,在杳杳冥冥之中能洞观万物至微至妙的造化之机。“常有欲”者,是指先天的虚无体性已动,变为后天的情欲。心智可以思虑的,耳目可以见闻的,均属事物粗糙的形体和外壳——徼。“此两者,同出而异名,同谓之玄。”“此两者”,一是指至清至静的先天性体,生化天地万物的虚无妙气,二是指后天有心有念的情欲,天地万物的终成之侥。两者名虽不同,却均由先天虚团岁乱无的混元无极所生。物之始生之机为妙,物之终成之体为侥;人心静之为性,动之为情。两者同出于宇宙的本源——无极大道。“玄之又玄,众妙之门。”无朕兆、无端倪、无形象、无边际,至为深远者,谓之“玄”。至微又微、至远又远、至隐又隐,无法估量者,谓之“又玄”。玄之又玄、深不可测的虚空之中含藏着生育之机、万化之妙,万事万物及其运行变雀帆化莫不由此而生出,故此真空妙相谓之“众妙之门”。

⑼ 修真等级划分

散仙、天仙、金仙、大罗金仙、九天玄仙、罗天上仙、 极仙、绝仙、仙君、仙帝 神人、灵神、天神、神王、神皇、天尊、主宰
闻道期、开光期、灵智期、消融期、神动期、元婴期、出窍期、灵虚期、玄灵期、渡劫成仙 初期——中期——后期三个阶段

⑴ The division of realms in prehistoric stories

Ordinary cultivators: foundation building, agility, fusion, golden elixir, Yuanying, distraction, integration, transcending tribulations, and Mahayana.

Immortals: Mortal Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal, Xuan Immortal, Taiqing Xuan Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, Immortal Lord, Immortal Emperor.

God: God, earth god, sky god, golden god, god king, god king, god emperor, holy god, quasi-sage.

Sage: Hunyuan Daluo Realm, Hunyuan Taiji Realm, Hunyuan Wuji Realm, Hunyuan Wuji Taishang Avenue, Hunyuan Chaos Avenue, Hunyuan Nothingness Avenue Heavenly Way

Hong The realms after Junhe Dao: Hongmeng Taiji realm, Hongmeng Wuji realm, Hongmeng Wuji Taishang realm, Hongmeng void realm, Hongmeng creation realm.

The highest level of essence: Hongmeng Supreme

(1) Expanded reading of the Hunyuan Wuji Multiverse:

The heaven and earth first opened, Separate family lines

The world is originally chaos, and chaos is eternal. There is no heaven and earth, no living beings, no good or evil, no beauty or ugliness, no entanglements, no beginning and no end, and it is perfection. I don't know when, the infinite spiritual energy bred in this chaos also gave birth to many powerful creatures in the endless changes. These creatures were born from the changes, each with its own nature, but the number of days is unknown.

I don’t know when Hongjun, the manifestation of the Great Dao, began to lecture, talking about the creation of the world and the essence of creation. He accepted his major disciples Pangu, Nuwa, and Taiyi (the queen of Nuwa was the ancestor of demons, and Dong Huang Tai is the leader of the demon clan). There are also countless immortals, demons, and various beings. Among the listeners, there were two people, Taoist Zhunti and Taoist Jieyin.

Hongjun preached and distributed holy titles. Except for the three major direct disciples Pangu, Nuwa and Taiyi, the opportunity was uncertain. Among them, Hongyun gave up his seat, Taoist Zhunti Kunpeng took his place, and Taoist Jieyin obtained the holy throne and had the opportunity to attain enlightenment.

I don’t know when, for unknown reasons, Nuwa became Hunyuan. And I don’t know when, Taoist Zhunti and Taoist Jingyin, when they saw Bodhi or lotus, they also achieved Hunyuan. So far, only Pangu and Taiyi have not yet attained enlightenment.

Hongjun scattered treasures, the eldest disciple Pangu divided the Baoyan Taiji Diagram, Pangu flag and other magic weapons, the saint Nuwa got the red hydrangea and other magic weapons, the third disciple Taiyi got the chaos bell and other magic weapons, the saint received the green lotus Magical treasures such as treasure-colored flags, holy pestles and other magical treasures are blessed by saints.

⑵ Is the middle-end Primordial Sage an infinite multiverse?

Recently, when I was browsing the library of major online novel platforms, I became somewhat interested in the novels of the Primordial Ryu. The previous article As has been said, this concept actually does not exist in Taoism and was made manifest by later generations. Of course, since the main body of online novels has gradually recognized this division, the editor will not say much. However, in many online novels, the descriptions of saints vary widely. In some books, saints are extremely powerful, while in other books, saints can be slaughtered at will. Therefore, there are different opinions about what kind of realm and what kind of power a saint is. Some people say that there is no point in discussing this. Khan, there areWhether it means something or not is not decided by you or me, but by the market. Okay, without further ado, let’s take a look at the description of saints on the Internet: In Honghuangliu novels, those who have achieved Hunyuan are saints. Rule the universe, go through thousands of tribulations without weariness, be stained by cause and effect without being stained. Always with heaven, coexisting with Tao. The saint occupies the most important part in the entire structure of all things and is the foundation for maintaining the entire structure. The sage knows everything and is omnipotent. The sage is the "Tao". The saint has a clear understanding of all things and the vast world. He can see the past, present and future with his eyes, and play time and space, birth and death, and reincarnation in his palms. As soon as the thought moves, there will be changes in the way of heaven. It is infinite and has no such closed dimension. It has no birth and no death. It returns to the quiet void. It can be gathered and dispersed. It has no birth and no death. It is indestructible for ten thousand kalpas. It transcends time and space. Cause and effect do not touch the body and swim in it. Outside of things, it is not based on the reincarnation of time and space, and exists forever. Under the saints, all are ants. If you cannot become a saint, even if you are infinitely close to a saint, you will still be an ant and cannot live forever. For a saint, it can be eliminated without any effort. No matter how much, it is useless. There is no qualitative change caused by quantitative changes between saints and Tao, and there is no question of qualitative change between saints and non-sages. Infinite calamities, for a saint, even if they are the key, are just like a chessboard. No matter how many calamities the universe undergoes, they cannot do anything about it. The editor quite agrees with the entire description on the Internet. This is how a saint should be, and a saint should be so powerful. Like in some novels, saints can be killed at will, and saints can be suppressed at will. That does not exist. The saint has transcended time and space, transcended cause and effect, and transformed into another incredible existence. In other words, the saint should have clearly understood the existence of the rules and become the controller and creator of the rules. Those who have not become saints are still just players. They have not jumped out of the chessboard and can only play on the chessboard created by saints. Therefore, the gap between saints and non-saints is not measured. However, with the fiftieth avenue and the forty-nine Tianyan, if one of them escapes, this becomes the hope for all sentient beings to jump out of the chessboard. After a little thought, the editor feels that this should also be a bug left by the saints. the back door. If there is no escape, then there will be no hope for all sentient beings. Without hope, there will be no motivation and everything. If things go on like this, the whole world will automatically fall into destruction, and the saint who is the controller of the world will come. Said that they don't want to see this happen, even though they can open up the world at will. The same is true in today's society. Some people say that the current social class is too solidified and it is very difficult to climb up. But being in the core is difficult does not mean that there is no hope, so this hope is to escape from it. one. As for the restrictions given to saints in other novels, it is even more nonsense. After becoming the controller of the world, saints are no longer living beings. They are more like a protection system for the world. If anyone dares to challenge the majesty of saints, it is within the system. The virus must be eliminated. If it develops steadily, it will not attract the attention of the saint at all. Even the disciples of the saint are the same. In the eyes of the saint, they are the same as other practitioners. At most, they can give a little advice to the disciples, but it cannot be too much. . because tooOnce it is exceeded, it is easy to break the rules, and once the rules are broken, it is easy to cause the rules to cease to exist and the world to come and go. This is not what a saint wants to see. The above is the editor’s understanding of the saint, please comment if you are interested.

⑶ The levels of cultivation of saints from other worlds

The levels of earthly immortals:
Refining Qi and transforming into gods--Magician
Refining Qi and transforming into gods-- Great Magister
Refining the God and Returning to the Void--The God of Magic Hail points out the evil
Refining the Void and Combining the Way--Angel
Cultivation levels below Saint:
Earth Immortal--Angel
Heavenly Immortal--Archangel Doupei
Taiyi Golden Immortal--Angel of Quan
Daluo Golden Immortal--Angel of Throne
Shangxian Yuqing--Angel of Yao
Accurate Leader - Seraph
Quasi Saint - Main God
Cultivation level above Saint:
Hunyuan Wuji Taishang Dayuan Clan Dao - Saint - Main God
Hun Yuan Wuji Taiji Avenue - Great Sage - Founding God
Hunyuan Wuji Hongmeng Avenue - Tiansheng (Heavenly Way) - Heavenly Way
Hunyuan Wuji Taishang Hongmeng Avenue - Holy Lord - Law of the Universe
Hunyuan Wuji Hunyuan Avenue - Creation (the highest level)
(from top to bottom, the level gradually increases)

⑷ Zhutian Gou Daluo levels among immortals

First and second levels
Fifth level: Xuanxian
The immortals at this level only know spells and have not tempered their physical bodies. Mortal fetus. Representatives of this level include Huang Tianhua, Huang Feihu, Chong Heihu, etc.
Huang Tianhua, a disciple of the pure and virtuous True King. Enlightened in the sixteenth spring of the high mountain, the immortal Taoism is the most enlightening. Tongguan saved his father's life, but Moye killed Chen Tong with his sword.
Huang Feihu, who is powerful in the world and has great righteousness, was named "The Rensheng Emperor of Dongyue, Taishan and Tianqi" after his death. He is in charge of the good, bad and good fortune of the world.

Chong Heihu, who once defeated Gao Jineng's centipede magic, was named "Nanyue Hengshan Si Tianzhaosheng Great Emperor" after his death.

——Sun Wukong obviously does not belong to this level.
Fourth Level: True Immortal
The body of the immortal at this level is already an immortal body, but it has not yet reached the realm of Taiyi.
The representatives of this level include Yang Jian, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, etc. in the early stage of becoming a god. (Note: He was promoted later)
Yang Jian, who is proficient in Nine Transformations Xuan Gong, holds a three-pointed two-edged sword, has a celestial eye in Queting, and can distinguish monsters and monsters. He has a divine dog named Roaring Heavenly Dog under his seat. Nezha wears a circle of heaven and earth on his head, a Hundian silk on his arm, a wind and fire wheel on his feet, and a fire-pointed spear in his hand. There was a big fuss in the Dragon Palace.
Lei Zhenzi, two immortal apricots secure the world, and a golden stick determines the world. The wings of wind and thunder spread out the ancestors, and thousands of changes inspired the queen. Secretly passed down the mysterious and true immortal secret to refine the Vajra body without fainting.
The third level: Taiyi Immortal
Taiyi Immortal is divided into three small levels, from high to low, Taiyi Golden Immortal, Taiyi True Immortal, Taiyi Sanxian, which is the second highest level. saint, greatThe existence of Luo Jinxian.
The representative figures of Taiyi Golden Immortal include the four major disciples of Jiejiao, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, Empress Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, Sun Wukong (after promotion), etc.
The four major disciples of Jiejiao, Taoist Duobao, were captured by Laojun, and later converted to Western religion and became Duobao Tathagata; Our Lady of Golden Spirit died in battle in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and became the mother of stars, Lord Doumu; The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit is an ancient enlightened spirit turtle, whose flesh and blood was sucked dry by the mosquitoes of the Western leader. Wudang Holy Mother, Wuwu Wuzai Disaster, is said to have become the later Laomu of Lishan.
Explanation of the Twelve Golden Immortals: Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing, Yuding Zhenren, Taiyi Zhenren, Huanglong Zhenren, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Samantabhadra, Cihang Taoist, Lingbao Master, Fear Liusun, The Heavenly Lord of Taoism and the True Lord of Qingxu Morality.
The Empress of Sanxiao, in order to sense the righteous spirit of the immortal girl who follows the world, possesses three great treasures: golden dragon scissors, Hunyuan golden bucket, and dragon binding rope.
Zhao Gongming possesses twenty-four Dinghai Pearls, which emit five-color light and is extremely powerful in battle.
(From Yuanshi Tianzun’s decree to Zhao Gongming: Before entering the realm of Da Luo in life, he should be sealed by Jin Gao after death. It can be seen that he is not at the level of Da Luo gods, and those with similar strength to him are naturally Taiyi Jin. Immortal.)
The representatives of Taiyi True Immortal include Yang Jian, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, etc. (Note: After promotion)
The representative figure of Taiyi Sanxian is Sun Wukong who has achieved a small amount of learning

The second level: Daluo Jinxian (quasi-sage)
This level is It is a quasi-sage, a saint who is invincible if he does not come out.
But "beneath the saints, all are ants." Even if the quasi-sage is infinitely close to the saint, it can still be destroyed by a saint. There is a qualitative difference between the two levels.
Representatives of this level include Demon Rahu, Demon Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Twelve Ancestral Witches, Ancestor Styx, Kong Xuan, Lu Ya, Ran Deng, etc.
The demon Luo Hu used the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to fight against Ancestor Hongjun, Great Immortal Yangmei, Ancestor Yin Yang, and Ancestor Qiankun. Except for Hongjun, the other three were severely injured.
The demon emperor Jun, accompanied by Hetu Luoshu, controls the innate holy fire (the true fire of the sun), creates the star formation in the sky, and has the power to rival the saints in the heavens.
East Emperor Taiyi, accompanied by the Chaos Bell, suppressed the Hongmeng world, and Hunyuan was infinitely close to the saint. Together with his brother Emperor Jun, he established the Heavenly Court and became the Emperor of Heaven. The two are just one step away from becoming a saint.

The twelve ancestral witches are Dijiang (space), Jumang (wood), Zhurong (fire), Liaoshou (metal), Gonggong (water), Xuanming (rain), and Houtu (earth), Qiangliang (thunder), Zhu Jiuyin (time), Tianwu (wind), Xizi (electricity), Shebishi (weather), the twelve ancestral witches gathered together and used the twelve capital gods and demons to The formation can condense Pangu's true body, create the world, and destroy it.

As the saying goes:

Gods, demons, monsters, Buddhas and immortals, the cultivation of the heavenly heart is my priority.
Twelve ancestral witches are interpreted in the dance of God’s blessing and the magical power of the three realms.
Ancestor of Styx, he had two innate killing spirit treasures, and he refined the sea of ​​blood to create the Asura clan., it is said that the sea of ​​blood never dries up and the River Styx never dies.
Kong Xuan is said to be the "first peacock in the world". His special move is the five-color divine light, which absorbs everything within the five elements. Even Ran Deng and Lu Ya could only run away.

Luya is said to be the treasure within the fire, the essence from the earth, and the spirit of samadhi. The two major killing weapons (the Immortal-Destroying Flying Knife and the Nail-Head Seven Arrow Book) will kill the target once used. Usually, the failure is due to the failure to use the God-Destroying Immortal Flying Knife in time.

Randeng, the deputy leader of Chanjiao, is an ancient powerful person who is good at the art of clones.

The first level: Hunyuan Wuji Taishang Daluo Jinxian (sage)

This level is the saint, the top existence in the immortal system.

The sage endures thousands of calamities without being destroyed, and remains untouched by cause and effect. Always with heaven, coexisting with Tao. A single thought can know the past, present, and future, and it can also destroy countless universes, or create the world, and create a new era.

The representatives of this level are Hongjun and the Six Sages of the Heavens (Tai Shang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Leader, Nuwa Empress, Zhunti Buddha Mother, and Amitabha Buddha).
Hongjun is the Dao, the entity that manifests the Dao, and is the guide and supervisor of the representatives of the Dao of Heaven (the Six Saints in the Heavens). He once issued three major decrees (Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa created spirits, and Taiyi governed the world), which had the effect of the growth and decline of yin and yang, and the birth and death of reincarnation.
Taiqing Taishang Laojun: the leader of the Three Qing Dynasties, the founder of the Human Religion and the leader of the Human Religion.

Yu Qing Yuanshi Tianzun: the head of the Three Qing Dynasties, the founder of the Chan Sect and the leader of the Chan Sect.

Tongtian Cult Leader of the Shangqing Dynasty: one of the Three Qing Dynasties, the founder of Jie Jiao and the leader of Jie Jiao.

Accepting the Taoist: the great leader of the West, Amitabha.

Zhunti Taoist: The second leader of Western religions and the founder of Bodhi.

Nuwa Empress: leader of the demon sect.

The saint can use the fortune of heaven to refine the top spiritual treasure. Nuwa repaired the sky and turned it into a map of mountains and rivers; Laozi opened the sky and gave birth to the black and yellow exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth; Yuanshi established the interpretation and produced the Three Jewels and Jade Ruyi; Zhunti became the Taoist and performed the seven-jeweled tree; Amitabha became the Taoist and erected the twelve-level lotus platform.
A saint sees the world with his eyes, understands cause and effect, and plays time and space, birth and death, and reincarnation in his palms. As soon as your thoughts move, there will be changes in the way of heaven, which are infinite and limitless, without birth and death, not based on the cycle of time and space, without beginning or end.

⑸ How to kill the saint in Honghuangliu novels? Hongjun is not included here. The other means are not limited.

The unlimited means means that I am omniscient and omnipotent?
In that case, there are many ways
For example:
A little more mysterious and a little more mysterious. Erase the concept of "saint"
Is this a way to get a higher level? Directly eliminate the existence of saints in all timelines throughout the ages. This method will directly erase Hongjun, let alone saints. For example, erase the concept of "Heavenly Way" and see if Hongjun can still jump
Slightly lower qualityBy modifying the contents of the box where the saint is located, the parts inside the box will disappear by calling it down. The parts outside the box, that is, the relevant memories that exist in the consciousness of all beings who have viewed the box, can also be eliminated by causing them to lose their amnesia. , in this way there will be basically nothing left of the saint you need to kill (the box here can specifically refer to the novel belonging to the saint Jian Kai you want to kill)
A more normal method. Make it up. You can come up with a reason to kill the saint, and then arrange for a character to use this made-up reason to kill the saint, but this is relatively low, because the saint is not actually dead, whether it is in the novel's box-shirted world, or In some higher worlds outside the box, there are more or less relics related to this saint
Finally, here is an unreasonable question. You are omniscient and omnipotent. Isn’t it easy to kill a saint? When you have the idea of ​​killing that saint, that saint should immediately become the state of death you define, right? Any other means?
My hands are funny, how bored am I to write so many words? He is omniscient and omnipotent, he is simply God

⑹ I want the most complete catalog of prehistoric novels. Number of views: 54622 reward points : 200 | Solution time: 2010-9-3 08:35 | Asked by: Xiang Gongzui

The Demon Ancestor of the Great Desolate
The Yinglong Jiutian of the Great Desolate
The Emperor Wu of the Great Desolate< br />The Supreme Sword Master of the Prehistoric Age
The Black Turtle Xiaoyao Record of the Prehistoric Age
The Introduction of the Prehistoric Age
The Immortality of the Prehistoric Age
The Deputy Leader of the Jie Jiao
The Secret of the Immortal Star
The Saint of Chaos
The Great Dream Journey to the West
The Holy Way is Sovereign
The Reborn Saint of the Ancients

"Wandering into the Ancients by Mistake"
"The Ancient and Mysterious Pine Road"
"The New Biography of the Jade Cauldron in the Ancient Times"
"The Golden Words of Jade in the Ancient Times"
"The Great Avenue of Hongmeng in the Ancient Times"
"The Ancestral Dragon in the Ancient Times"
"The New Story of the Burning Deng in the Ancient Times" "Biography"
"The Destiny Return of the Ancient Times"
"The Romance of the End of the Ancient Times"
"The Ancient Times of Chaos"
"The Old Times of the Ancient Times"
"Hongmeng Arrives to Stop the Sedan to Honor the Road"
"Taoist Duobao"
"The Legend of the Star Demon Emperor"
"Asking the Hunyuan"
"Xuanqing Heavenly Way"
"The God of War"
"Jie Jiao Little Demon"
"Jie Jiao Conferred God"
"Jie Jiao Little Disciple"
"Jie Jiao Great Witch"
"Jie Jiao Deputy Leader"
" "Qingxu"
"The Wind Walker in the Ancient Times"
"After the Great Way"
"The Original Way in the Ancient Times"
"The Song of Hongmeng Xuantian"
"The Continuation of Hongmeng Xuantian"
"The Emperor of Prehistoric Times"
"Xuanfa Changes"
"ChongqingWhen I was born, I became the Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor"
"The Dark Record of the Immortal Way"
"The Return of Destiny in the Ancient World"
"When I was reborn, I was Hou Yi"
"The Way of Xuanmen Heaven" 》
"Tianpeng Zongheng"
"The Beginning of Chaos in Online Games"
"The Eternal Legend of Online Games"
"I am the proud roar of King Zhou and canonize the gods"
"The Prehistoric Dominance"
"The Rebirth of the Prehistoric Green Lotus Way"
"The Rebirth of the Prehistoric I am Huaiti"
"The Prehistoric Gods"
"The Prehistoric Thief"
"The Prehistoric "The Great Sage"
"Pangu Disciple Xiaoyaolu"
"Hongmeng Dao"
"I am in the ancient times"
"Subversion of Journey to the West: I am the Bull Demon King"
"The Ancient Times" Gun Breaks the Sky"
"The Great Godfather"\
Seven Stars Kill the Wolf

The Strange Records of the Macaque

The Blood God of Chaos
< br />The blood demon of the prehistoric era

The eternal ancient legend of the rebirth of the orange and the annihilation of the prehistoric era

The eternal kingdom of the prehistoric era

Rebirth of the prehistoric era and playing with ambiguity

Heaven’s superpowers

The first person in the ancient times

The evildoer appeared in the ancient times

I am Pangu who is reborn in the ancient times
The Godfather of the Underworld Reborn in the Ancient World

The Kailing Emperor in the Ancient World

The Great Sage Qingtian

"The Rebirth of the Ancient God: The Nothingness of Heaven"

I am the Fourth Qing Dynasty in the Open Heaven

The Mythical Qinglian Taoist

Tai Sword Xuantian Hongmeng Avenue

Hunyuan Wuji Taishang Dao

The Sword Master of Hunyuan through time

Rebirth against the chaos of heaven

Rebirth of Zizhu Huaxuan

The New Biography of Ran Deng in the Ancient Times

Rebirth of the Supreme Being in the Ancient Times

Qing Xuandao in the Ancient Times

I am Hou Yi in the Rebirth

Gene predators in ancient times

I became a Zhunti Taoist

Bodhi Biography

Xumeng Xiaoyao Lu

The temptation of prehistoric times

Transformed into prehistoric times

The one above the gods

Tao Te Ching

Prehistoric Century

Donghuang Li Yu

Donghuang Lu

The Legend of Taiyi

The Great Wizard

The Great Immortal

Supreme Transcendence

Transcendence The Way of Heaven

The Prehistoric World

The Peacock Becomes the Tao

Travels to Become a Saint

The Rise of the Three Emperors

Saint of Thunder Punishment

Spiritual Snake Trouble in Great Desolation

The Story of the Star Demon King

Hunyuan Cultivator of the Divine Way Yuan Hengchong

Xiaoyaoyou Ancient and Modern

Xiaoyao Road in the Wilderness

Xiaoyao Saint Hongyun

Dear Love Saint Hongyun

I am reborn in the wild It’s Hongyun

Rebirth of Hongyun

Zhenyuan Immortal

Rebirth of Zhenyuan

Ancestor of Earthly Immortal

Reborn into a tree

Traveled into a tree

Ancestor of the Styx

Awakening of the Wilderness

The Holy Saint

Xiaoyao Jisheng

Prehistoric Supreme God

Prehistoric God of War

Prehistoric Xuansong Road

The Record of Seeking the Way in the Ancient Times

Hongmeng Xuantian Song

The Temptation of the Ancient Times

The Killing Way of Hunyuan

The Avenue of Hunyuan

The Great Way

The Great Way

The Bright Way

The Great Way

The Cultivation of the Ancient Times

The Hustlers of the Ancient Times

The Legend of the Ancient Times

The Records of the Ancient Times

The Records of Lectures

Liu Zhen Tao


Hongmeng Sect

Reverse the chaos and prehistoric times

Live in the prehistoric times

Seven Kingdoms of Great Desolation

Records of the Ancient Prehistoric Times

Records of the Great Desolate Worlds Splitting the Sky

The Legend of Great Desolate Times


Niu Li Honghuang

The Sanctuary of Sages

Stealing one’s head leads to successSaint

The Sorrow of the Saint

The master of cultivation in the ancient times

The ancient times

A great disaster in the ancient times

Zhao Gongming reappears in prehistoric times

Jie Jiao’s deputy leader

Jie Jiao’s deity

Jie Jiao’s disciples

Jie Jiao’s Little Disciple

The Fat Taoist Biography

The World of Tao

Super Dream Journey

Rebirth in the Wilderness My Sister is Nuwa

The Reborn Incompetent God

Disillusionment of Life and Death

The Mosquito Demon Path in the Ancient World

Travel The Crazy Years

Xuan Ming Song

Rebirth in the Ancient Times

Rebirth in the Ancient Times

The Legend of Leilin

My prehistoric era

Starry prehistoric era

Chaotic prehistoric era

Ascending prehistoric era

Walking prehistoric era
br />
Honghuang Ji

Hunqing Purple Dragon

Xiaoyao Sage

Merry Saint

Hongmeng Legend

Apocalypse of the Great Desolation

Rebirth of the Hunyuan Dao

The Immortal Thief from a Foreign Land in the Great Desolate

The Destiny of the Great Desolate

I am free and happy when I am reborn into chaos

Who will I be with when I am reborn

The saint who is reborn in the ancient times is unkind

The ancient times Against the Heaven

Thunder Punishment

The Legend of Xuan Yu

The Heaven-defying Question

The Saint in the Head

Hongmeng Ziqi

Qinglian Dao

Read the full text of the Secret History of Kaitian

Rebirth of Chaos

Hunyuan Cult Leader

Heavenly Protector

Xuanmen Taoism

Traveling through Jackie Chan

Who am I in the prehistoric times< br />
The Saint of the Prehistoric Times

The Helpless Prehistoric One

The Immortal Way and the Dark Record

The Old Times

Read the full text of The Old Times

The Old Times

The Prodigal Son

The Great One Zun

The prehistoric era under the sky

The invincible saint, the Xiaoyao King

The rebirth of the domineering prehistoric country

The great thief of the prehistoric era< br />
Taikou Enlightenment

"The Biography of Pangu in the Ancient Times"

"The Confucian Sages of the Ancient Times"

"The Chronicles of the Gods and Demons in the Ancient Times" 》

"The Records of the Ancient Gods"

"The Records of the Ancients and Fantasy"

"The Ancient Saints"

"The Journey of the Ancients" 》

"The Great Desolation"

"The Great Desolation"

"The Legendary Saint"

《 "Ancient History"

"Prehistoric Times"

"Prehistoric Demons"

"Prehistoric Era"

《 "Prehistoric Beasts"

"Prehistoric Nirvana·Gathering"

"Prehistoric War"

"Prehistoric Legend"

"The Great Emperor"

"The Wanderer"

"The Great Emperor"

"The Great Doctor"

"The Prehistoric Era"

"The Prehistoric War"

"The Prehistoric World"

"The Prehistoric Story of the Taotie"
< br />"An Interpretation of the Ancient Times"

"The Ancient Times"

"The King of the Ancient Times"

"The Records of the Ancient Women"
< br />"Prehistoric Prequel"

"Prehistoric OL"

"Prehistoric Apocalypse"

"Prehistoric Skeleton Warriors"

"Prehistoric Emperor"

"Prehistoric Emperor"

"Prehistoric Son"

Seven Stars Sha Po Lang

The Miracle of the Macaque

The Blood God of Chaos

The Blood Demon of the Wilderness

The Ancient Legend of Rebirth in the Wilderness

The eternal kingdom of prehistoric times

Rebirth in prehistoric times and playing with ambiguity

The prehistoric powers of heaven

The first person in prehistoric times

The evildoer appears in the ancient times

I am Pangu, who is reborn in the ancient times

The Godfather of the Underworld, who is reborn in the ancient times

The Kailing Emperor in the ancient times
< br />The Great Sage Qingtian

"Rebirth of the Great Desolate Way of Heaven and Nothingness"

Traveling through I am the fourth clear sky

The Mythical Green Lotus Taoist

Tai Sword Xuantian Hongmeng Avenue

Hunyuan Wuji Taishang Avenue

The Hunyuan Sword Master through time

Rebirth against the Chaotic Way of Heaven

Rebirth into the Purple Bamboo Transformation into Mysterious Realm

New Biography of the Burning Deng of the Great Desolate

Rebirth of the Supreme Being of the Great Desolate

The Ancient Qingxuan Tao

The Rebirth of I Am Hou Yi

The Gene Predator in the Ancient Times
Entering the Ancient Times", "The Ancient Ancient Xuansong Way", "The Ancient Times' Jade Dingxin" "Biography", "The Prehistoric Jade Words", "The Great Dao of Hongmeng", "The Ancestral Dragon of the Great Desolate", "The New Biography of the Burning Lantern", "The Return of the Great Destiny", "The End of the Great Desolate", "The Chaos of the Great Desolate", "The Old Times of the Great Desolate", "The Supreme of Hongmeng" "Tao", "Duobao Taoist", "The Legend of the Demon King of Stars", "Asking for Hunyuan", "Xuanqing Heavenly Way", "God of War", "Jie Jiao Little Demon", "Jie Jiao Conferred God" all passed "Rebirth of the Journey to the West: Through the Arm" "Apes" "The Sacred Way is Sovereign" "Rebirth of the Hunyuan Dao" "Old Times" "I am Reborn and Become the Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor" "I am Shen Gongbao in the Rebirth of the Gods" "The Holy Year" "The Black Wind Old Demon" "The Emperor of the Earth" "Legend" "Rebirth as a Demon" "Old Black Pig Demon" "Rebirth as a Martial Immortal" "Legend of the Monkey" "Hunyuan Wuji Taishang Dao" "Ancient Hongmeng" "Prehistoric Scholar" "New Biography of the Giant Spirit God" "Jie Jiao Disciple" Legend of Fengyun" "Buddha is the Tao" "Happiness in the Wilderness" "Rebirth of Journey to the West" "Rebirth of the Journey to the West" "Anti-Ancient Journey Against Heaven" "Destiny of the Gods" "True Gods" "Fate of the Gods" "Fengshen Tianxia" "Journey to the West" "Apotheosis of the Gods" "Rebirth of Journey to the West I am a six-eared macaque" "Rebirth of Journey to the West I became a Tang Monk" "Reverse Journey to the West: The Gangster Tang Monk" "Journey to the West: The Legend of the Red Boy" "Primordial Dao" "Long Talk about Journey to the West" "Rebirth of the Great Wilderness I Become Revered" 》 "The Great Doctor" "He became the leader of Tongtian after being reborn in the great wasteland" "The saint who was reborn in the great wasteland is unkind
The six-eared macaque travels through the great wasteland, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi fights again in the great wasteland, Yuan Hong, the god of the great wilderness, Ni Tian's spirit beads cause trouble in the great wilderness. Turtle Immortal, Evil God, Hongyun, Legend of the Great Desolate, Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, The Great Desolate Sword Lord10. The Rebirth of the Primordial Dragon, the Dao of Hongmeng, the Dao of the Primordial Sword, the Rebirth of the Taoist Author, Qinglian Zhengdaolu, the Rebirth of the Erlang God, Yang Jian, the First Demon in History, the Rebirth of the Primordial Tianji Dao Lord, the Rebirth of Hongmeng, the Invincible Xiaoyao Dao, Chaos
Rebirth of the Hunyuan Dao I am the one who was reborn in the prehistoric times. I am the proud king of Zhou. "The Ancestral Dragon", "The New Biography of the Prehistoric Lantern", "The Return of the Destiny of the Prehistoric", "The Romance of the End of the Prehistoric", "The Prehistoric Chaos", "Old Times of the Prehistoric", "The Supreme Tao of Hongmeng", "Taoist Duobao", "The Legend of the Star Demon King", "Question" "Tao Hunyuan", "Xuanqing Heavenly Way", "God of War", "Little Demon of Jiejiao", "Jiejiao's God", "Jiejiao's Little Disciple", "Great Witch of Jiejiao", "Deputy Leader of Jiejiao", "Qingxu", "Princess Windrunner" ” “After the Great Dao”, “Primordial Dao”, “Hongmeng Xuantian Song”, “Hongmeng Xuantian Continuation Song”, “Primordial Emperor”, “Xuanfa Transformation”, “Reborn I Became the Eastern Emperor Taiyi”, “Immortal Dao Houhei Lu”, “Prehistoric” "The Destiny Returns", "I am Reborn as Hou Yi", "Xuanmen Heavenly Way", "Tianpeng Zongheng", "Online Games: The Beginning of Chaos", "Online Games: The Legend of Eternal Life", "I am the proud roar of King Zhou and canonize the gods", "Prehistoric Hegemony" ” “Rebirth of the Ancient Qinglian Dao” “Rebirth of the Ancient Ancients I am Huai Ti” “Prehistoric Gods” “Primitive Robbers” “Primitive Great Sage” “Panzhu Disciple Xiaoyao Record” “Hongmeng Dao” “I am in the Ancient Times” “Subversion of the Journey to the West” "The Bull Demon King", "The Spear of the Prehistoric Sky", "The Great Godfather of the Prehistoric World", "Speaking of the Prehistoric Age", "The Legend of the Prehistoric Lich"
"Wrong Into the Prehistoric Age"
"The Prehistoric Song Road"
"The New Biography of the Jade Cauldron in the Ancient Times"
"The Jade Cauldron in the Ancient Times"
"The Hongmeng Avenue in the Ancient Times"
"The Ancestral Dragon in the Ancient Times"
"The New Biography of the Burning Deng in the Ancient Times"
/>"The Return of the Destiny of the Ancient Times"
"The End of the Ancient Times"
"The Ancient Times of Chaos"
"The Ancient Times"
"The Supreme Way of Hongmeng"
"Many Treasures" Taoist"
"The Legend of the Star Demon King"
"Ask the Hunyuan"
"Xuanqing Heavenly Way"
"The God of War"
"Jie Jiao Little Demon"< br />"Jie Jiao's Conferred God"
"Jie Jiao's Young Disciple"
"Jie Jiao's Great Witch"
"Jie Jiao's Deputy Leader"
"The Wind Walker in the Ancient Times"
"After the Great Way"
"The Original Way in the Ancient Times"
"The Song of Hongmeng Xuantian"
"The Continuation of the Song of Hongmeng Xuantian"
"The Emperor of the Ancient Times" 》
"Xuanfa Changes"
"I am reborn as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi"
"The Immortal Way is thick and black"
"The prehistoric destiny is returned to"
" Reborn as Hou Yi"
"Xuanmen Heavenly Way"
"Tianpeng Zongheng"
"Online Games: The Beginning of Chaos"
"Online Games: The Legend of Eternal Life"
"I am the proud roar of King Zhou and canonize the gods"
"Domination in the ancient times"
"Rebirth in the ancient times and the Green Lotus Way"
"Rebirth in the ancient times, I am Huaiti"
" "The Ancient Gods"
"The Great Thief"
"The Great Sage"
"Pangu Disciple Xiaoyao Record"
"Hongmeng Dao"
"I am in the Ancient Times"
"Subversion of Journey to the West: I am the Bull Demon King"
"The Gun of the Ancients Breaks the Sky"
"The Great Godfather of the Ancients" Agree 1| Comments (1) 2011-8-23 22:05 Hansuyu| Level 1
Rebirth of Hunyuan Dao
The Journey of the Supreme Being in the Ancient World
Wang Xuan Became a Saint
The Dao Sect Xuanqing in the Ancient Times
I am Zhen Yuanzi in the Ancient Times
Monster Clan The Great Evil
The Deputy Leader of the Three Religions
The Legend of the Evil God Red Cloud
The Zombie Ancestral Dragon of the Prehistoric Age
The Way of the Sword
Witch in the Prehistoric World
Skills in the Prehistoric World
Rebirth of Chaos and Cultivation of the Great Road
Primordial Dragon
Prehistoric Demon King
Soul Enters Primeval
Primitive Sword Lord
Dream Begins and Tao Ends
Primitive Demon Saint
Guangcheng Tianzun
Five-color spiritual light shines in the prehistoric world
Yu Xu’s first disciple
Causes the prehistoric era
I am Zhao Gongming in the prehistoric era
Extraordinary prehistoric times
The Mingyu of the prehistoric era
The prehistoric sky
The rebirth of Cihang Pudu
The Hunyuan Tianzhang
The new history of the human race
The rebirth of the demon king
The prehistoric calabash vine
The Taiyin Jade Rabbit in the Ancient Times
Huddled in the Ancient Times
The New Biography of the Demon Master
The Qilin King in the Ancient Times
The Romance of Fuxi
The Five Banners in the Ancient Times
Hongmeng Sheng Ancestor
The Honglian Sage of the Great Desolate World
The Taoist Master of the Mo Dharma
The Great Way of Passion and Evidence
The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree
The Prehistoric Xuanwu
The Great Taoist Master
Jie Jiao Monster
The Subversion of the Supreme Being in the Prehistoric Age
The Spear of the Prehistoric Age Breaks the Sky
Lives Together with Heaven and Earth
The Three Flowers of the Prehistoric Age
Traveling is the Way of the Dragon
The Ancestral Witch Nothingness
The Way of Prehistoric Literature
Myths and Gods
Ao Guang’s New Biography
Hundred Desires
Looking for No Way
Cultivators at the foot of Calabash Mountain
I seek the Great Desolate World
Qinglian Taichu
The Great Desolate Gods
Qing Dynasty Xu Daode Tianzun
I am the one who was reborn in the ancient times
Jie Jiao Xuan Turtle
After the Great Way
Hongmeng Xuantian Continuation
Hongmeng Supreme Way
Xuan Qing The Way of Heaven
The Hongmeng Avenue of the Great Desolate World
I am in the Old Wasteland
Jie Teach the Little Disciple
The Way of Creation
Jie Teach the Little Demon
The Way of the Black Pine in the Prehistoric Times
The Holy Way is Wuji
The Holy Way is Sovereign

⑺ The Realm Division of the Xianqin Multiverse Empire

A Complete Collection of Cultivation Levels and Realm Divisions "A Complete Collection of All Realm Divisions"
Answered by 2022-08-04
I believe that many friends currently want to know more about the complete classification of all realms, so today Xiao Xiao has summarized some information on the Internet for everyone about the complete classification of cultivation levels and realms. Sharing the information with everyone, I hope it can help you.
(If there are the same realm, it is purely coincidental. The realms of universes in different dimensions are the same, but the strength is different and the dimensions are different. High dimensions are stronger than low dimensions.
[Classification of cultivation level system]
No borders: environment 1, environment 2, environment 3, environment 4, environment 5, environment 6, environment 7, environment 8, environment 9, environment 10, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100, environment 100
[One-dimensional universe]
The realm of nothingness (Lower domain) (Upper domain) (Bit domain)
The following domains: original realm, transformed realm, distant realm, biological realm, nearby realm, transformed realm, virtual realm/one kill, two kills, three kills, four Kill, five kills, six kills, seven kills, eight kills, nine kills [Soul Killing Realm]
Upper realms: virtual realm, metaphysical realm, spiritual realm, real realm, great virtual realm, virtual realm, broken virtual realm /One kill, two kills, three kills, four kills, five kills, six kills, seven kills, eight kills, nine kills [Killing Soul Realm]
Regions: Lower Realm, Middle Realm, Upper Realm Ladder Realm Human Realm The earth realm, the heavenly realm, the true realm, the cloud realm, the empty realm, the imperial realm, the heavenly realm, the spiritual realm, the walker realm, the planetary realm, the star realm, the heavenly realm, forgetfulness, no self, moodiness, impermanence, no self, no purpose
[Two-dimensional universe]
Crossing the border: (Place of Stay) (Place of Heaven) (Nine Heaven Realm)
Place of stay: spiritual realm, spiritual realm, inspirational realm, spiritual realm, spiritual realm/hidden realm.
Heaven: physical realm, physical realm , physical realm, incarnation realm, transfer realm/hidden realm.
Nine realmsRealm: Realm of Heaven, Realm of Heart, Realm of Freedom, Realm of God, Disaster, Natural Disaster, Realm of God, Realm of God, Realm of Destruction, Realm of Eternity, Realm of the Ancients, Realm of Injury, Realm of God, Yin Zhi Realm, realm of God, realm of God, realm of wrath, realm of God, realm of mystery, realm of God.
[Three-dimensional universe]
Real estate/real world: (lower realm) (upper realm) (heaven)
Lower limit:
(Body secret realm): [Primary body realm, body quenching Realm, bone forging realm, blood coagulation realm, qi gathering realm, qi refining realm, qi control realm, qi solidification realm, soul infusion realm],
(enchanting secret realm): [soul opening realm, soul refining realm, soul of magic Realm, enchanted soul realm, enchanted spiritual realm, distracted spiritual realm, unified spiritual realm, unified realm],
(Mystery of Divine Body): [Fusion Realm, Kaili Realm, Kongming Realm, Chenwu Realm , Wuling Realm, Wudong Realm, Chen Jue Realm, Chen Fan Realm, Pomi Realm],
(Real Situation):
Upper Limit: Hundred Kings Realm, Thousand Emperor Realm, All Sacred Realms, Battle Realm, Tian Kai realm.
The realm of heaven: the realm of the king of heaven, the realm of the king of heaven, the realm of the emperor, the realm of Tiansheng, the realm of heaven and earth.
The three-dimensional main boundaries of the universe: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, combined and celestial realms.
[Four-dimensional universe] (all living beings) (big living world) (super-living world)
Sentient beings: realm of life, realm of transformation, ancient realm, reality realm, realm, death realm, knowledge realm, Tao realm, Heavenly realm.
Great realm: king, emperor, saint, king, emperor, sage, honor, lord, almighty.
Transcendence realm: spiritual realm, metaphysical realm, yuan realm, annihilation realm, creation realm, transit realm, present realm, unenlightened realm, eternal realm.
The four-dimensional universe: the way of heaven: the way of small heaven, the way of great heaven, the way of super heaven, the way of ancient heaven, and the sacrifice.
[Five-Dimensional Universe] (Kingdom) (Empire) (Sacred) (Empire) (Fairy)
Wang Jing: Wang Chengjing, True Wang Jing, Ancient Wang Jing, Wang Daojing, Wang Xuanjing, Meteor Wang Jing, Wang Huangjing, Wang Zejing, Ba Wangjing.
Emperor realm: Huangcheng realm, Huangzhen realm, Canghuang realm, Huangjue realm, Huangjie realm, Huangzong realm, Huangyuan realm, Dahuang realm, Huangjing realm
Sacred realm: Saint realm , true realm, ancient realm, great realm, supreme realm, dual realm, eternal realm, all realms, pilgrim realm.
Realm: The realm of becoming emperor, the realm of true emperor, the realm of gods, the realm of ancient emperor, the realm of great emperor, the realm of dead emperor, the fundamental realm, the realm of Lin emperor, the realm of overlord.
Wonderland: becoming a fairyland, true fairyland, heavenly fairyland, mysterious fairyland, beginning fairyland, fairyland realm, fairyland, fairyland realm, fairyland
Five-dimensional universe: heaven, big heaven
Realm: The realm of the Lord, the realm of the Lord, the realm of the Lord, the realm of the great country, the realm of the holy king, the realm of the deity,The realm of the supreme, the realm of God.
The sacred realm of the six-dimensional universe: heaven, Tao, true Tao, the end of Tao, and the end of God.
[Seven-dimensional Universe]
God Realm: Wang Shen, Jade Emperor, Divine Emperor, Shen Jie, Shen Sheng, Ancient God, True God, Heavenly God and Wushen.
True realm: Taoist realm, spiritual realm, omniscient realm, Tao realm, non-Tao realm, annihilating Tao realm, Shinto realm, Source Tao realm, Tao realm.
Virtual realm: fairyland, divine realm, spiritual realm, spiritual realm, spiritual realm, spiritual realm, spiritual realm, spiritual realm, heavenly realm, heavenly realm.
The seven dimensions of the universe: ten realms, one hundred realms, one thousand realms, ten thousand realms, and the great state of mind.
[Eight-dimensional universe]
Ye Tian: Immortality, too high, selfless state of mind, the state of changing heaven, the state of destiny, the state of heavenly calamity, the state of true calamity, the state of ancient desolation, the state of ancient times .
Hongmeng system: heaven, sky, mystery, taboo, beheading, invincibility, too early, tracking, time and space, awakening.
Chaos: chaotic state, mixed mentality, hybrid mentality, territorial mentality, divine mentality, cosmic mentality, self-transformation, eternal state.
Eight-dimensional universe: Master, Red Dust, Creator, Creator, Ancient Way.
[Nine-dimensional universe]
Realm: Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm, Enlightenment realm.
God's forbidden area: forbidden area, divine source area, divine realm, divine self area, divine law area, divine punishment area, divine calamity area, divine realm, and divine throne area.
Ancient realms: the realm of heavenly envy, the realm of governance, the realm of Yuanshi, the realm of transcendent gods, the realm of enchantment, the realm of divine envy, the realm of divine beginning, the realm of divine passage, the realm of divine appearance, the realm of unfamiliarity with gods, the realm of divine knowledge (knowing the heavens) , know the earth, know you, know me, know others, know destiny, know sound)
[One-dimensional universe~nine-dimensional universe]: Scientific and technological civilization: one to one hundred level civilization, super-dimensional civilization, endless civilization (the highest )
[Ten-Dimensional Universe
Holy Heaven Realm: Immortal Realm, Immortal Universe Realm, Ancient Universe Realm, Era Realm, Sky Swallowing Realm, Giant Realm, Supreme Realm, Supreme Realm, Ultimate Realm
Eternal Heaven Realm: Almighty Realm, Nine Turns Realm, Infinite Realm, Absolute Realm, Beginningless Realm, Infinite Realm, Extreme Dao Realm, Extreme Circle Realm, Origin Realm, Zero Point Realm
Eternal Heaven Realm: God and Demon Realm, Locking Immortal Realm, Locking God Realm, Heavenly Lock Realm, Divine Lock Realm, Blocking Realm, Sealing Domain Realm, Sealing Heaven Realm, Covering the Sky Realm, Covering the Cause Realm, Splitting the Sky Realm, and Tearing the Sky Realm
[Eleven Dimensional Universe】
Dharma Realm: Order Realm, Establishment Realm, Modification Realm, Fate-Changing Realm, Definition Realm, Punishment Realm, Dharma Change Realm, Change of Rules Realm, Hierarchy Realm
Omniscient Realm: Dimension Realm, Sub-Pole Realm, Super Realm, Immortal Realm, Divine Realm, Divine Superior Realm, Divine Sky Realm, Divine Time Realm, Divine Wheel Realm
Source Realm: Origin Realm, Origin Realm, Origin Destruction Realm, Palm Origin Realm , the realm of origin, the realm of origin, the realm of vitality, the realm of qualitative change, the realm of change, the realm of quantitative change. Realm: nameless realm, eternal death realm, immortality realm, Guanxuan realm, God-seeing realm, God-solid realm, God-holding realm, dynamic realm Ancient realm, Tianyuan realm,Earth Overturn Realm, Heaven Overturn Realm, Palm Power Realm, Divine Power Realm, Existence Realm, Divine Existence Realm
[Twelve-dimensional Universe]
First level world: Prehistoric Realm, Hongmeng Realm, Universe Realm, Void Realm Yu Realm, True Yu Realm, Chaotic Yu Realm, Huny Yu Realm, Yu Shen Realm, Universal Mind Realm
Second-level world: Broken Mind Realm, Destruction Mind Realm, Created Mind Realm, Mixed Mind Realm, Chaos Realm, Hunyuan Realm, Split Realm , Reorganization Realm, Hunyuan Realm
Third-level worlds: Mind Realm, Heart Gate Realm, Tianmen Realm, Divine Gate Realm, Divine Destruction Realm, Divine End Realm, Shen Tai Realm, Tai Hao Realm, Shen Hao Realm
Fourth-level world: Immortal Realm, Immortal Superior Realm, Immortal Origin Realm, Immortal Ancient Realm, Immortal Destiny Realm, Immortal Destruction Realm, Divine Immortal Realm, Immortal Union Realm, Immortal First Realm
Fifth-level world: Beginning Realm, Ending realm, great realm realm, realm realm, inner realm realm, outer realm realm, realm of realm gods, divine light realm, holy light realm
Sixth level world: ancient light realm, halo realm, aperture realm, casting circle realm, Open circle realm, inner circle realm, outer circle realm, fixed circle realm, divine circle realm
Seven levels of world: eternal realm, primordial realm, ultimate realm, aurora realm, top grade realm, super grade realm, divine grade realm , Heavy Grade Realm, Ninth Level Realm
Eighth Level World: Restart Realm, Enlightenment Realm, Divine Realm, Ultimate Realm, Sky Realm, Peaceful Realm, Holy Eternal Realm, Eternal Life Realm, Perseverance Realm
Ninth Level World : Great Heaven Realm, Ten Thousand Heaven Realm, Ancient Heaven Realm, Yuantian Realm, Xuantian Realm, Absolute Heaven Realm, Tianxin Realm, Absolute Peak Realm, Peak Realm
Tenth Level World: Divine Peak Realm, Divine Word Realm, The realm of Taoist words, the realm of Dharma words, the realm of true words, the realm of true oneness, the realm of one thought, the realm of divine command, the realm of mantra, the realm of mantra, the realm of mantra, the realm of divine seal
[The dimensionless realm]
The lower realm : Transcendence Realm, Ancestral Realm, God-creating Realm, Divination God Realm, Divine Ordinary Realm
Upper Realm: Transcendent Realm, Mortal Realm, Mortal Realm, Ordinary Mind Realm, Extreme Ordinary Realm
Void Ordinary Realm: Ordinary lower realms, ordinary upper realms, ordinary cause realms, ordinary fruit realms, ordinary cessation realms, ordinary transition realms, ordinary situations, ordinary life realms, ordinary death realms, ordinary Tao realms, ordinary calamity realms, and ordinary mortal realms/. Ancient mortal realm : Ordinary Wheel Realm, Ordinary Fire Realm, Ordinary Lord Realm, Ordinary Boundary Realm, Ordinary Point Realm, Ordinary Line Realm, Ordinary Face Realm, Ordinary Circle Realm, Ordinary World Realm, Ordinary Realm Realm, Ordinary End Realm, Ordinary Ancient King Realm, The realm of the ancient king, the realm of the ancient emperor, the realm of the ancient saint, the realm of the ancient emperor, the realm of the ancient fairy, the realm of the ancient gods, the realm of the ancient heaven, and the realm of the ancient path
[The highest mortal realm]:
: Level 1 ~ Level 100, Mortal Realm (incarnate into 100 mortals, seal up the memory, and let them grow on their own. If they can eventually grow into the realm of their original mortal bodies, they can merge into one and create a true mortal) , Mortal realm (this mortal is different from that mortal), [One-dimensional mortal realm, two-dimensional mortal realm, three-dimensional mortal realm, four-dimensional mortal realm, five-dimensional mortal realm, six-dimensional mortal realm, seven-dimensional mortal realm, eight Ordinary realm, nine-dimensional ordinary realm, ten-dimensional ordinary realm, super-dimensional ordinary, non-dimensional ordinary], (nine realms of fate), true ordinary realm (nothing realm)
[Supreme Heaven Realm] Transform into nothingness Realm, Yichen Realm, Untainted Realm, Pointing to Extinction Realm, Great Sacrifice Realm, Ancestor Ji Realm, Ancestor Xuan Realm, Ancestral Yuan Realm, Pillow Road Realm, Departure Realm
[Usage Ancient Realm] Dream Awakening Realm, Heavenly Dream Realm , fairy dreamland, divine dreamland, great dreamland, awakening realm, exploration realm, self-existenceRealm, Leap Realm
[Unbounded] [War Creation Realm] Reversal Realm, Ending Realm, Confused Mind Realm, Confused God Realm, Detachment Realm [Supreme True Universe] From the beginning to the ninth beginning, the realm of true nothingness, ∞.
Sword Chapter:
Sword Roar Realm – Sword Qi Realm – Sword Light Realm – Sword Gang Realm – Sword Power Realm (each realm has ten levels)
Sword Artistic Realm – Sword Body Realm – Sword Soul Realm - Sword Heart Realm - Sword Realm Realm (twenty levels per realm)
Sword Realm - Jianxu Realm - Sword Dao Realm - Sword Sect Realm - Sword Master Realm (thirty levels each)
Sword Master Realm – Sword King Realm – Sword Master Realm – Sword Emperor Realm – Sword Saint Realm (forty levels per realm)
Sword Emperor Realm – Sword Immortal Realm – Sword God Realm – Sword Destruction Realm – Sword Heaven Realm (five levels per realm) Ten levels)
Sword Tribulation Realm – Jian Ze Realm – Sword Wu Realm – Sword Transformation Realm – Sword Life Realm (each realm is sixty levels)
Sword Ancient Realm – Sword Origin Realm – Sword Life Realm – Sword Death Realm Realm – Sword Yin Realm (seventy levels per realm)
Jian Yang Realm – Sword Decay Realm – Sword Adversity Realm – Sword End Realm – Sword Eternal Realm (eighty levels each)
Jian Kong Realm – Sword True Realm – Sword Demon Realm – Cambridge Realm – Sword One Realm (ninety levels for each realm)
Jianyuan Realm – Jianmen Realm – Jianzu Realm – Sword Shang Realm – Jian Du Realm (one hundred levels for each realm)
br />Sword Ordinary Realm (Wu·jing).
[Cultivation in the World]
Levels in the small world: Scholar-Master-Zong-Master-Jun-King-Emperor-Zun-Sage-Emperor – Immortal – God
The level of the middle world: Spirit – Xuan – Earth – Heaven – Ancient – ​​Ancestor – Shi – Yuan – Dao – Dharma – Ming – Heart
The level of the big world: Lower – Middle – Upper – Chao – to – Universe – Realm – Realm – Circle – Point – Chen – Mortal
[Eternal Great World Cultivation System]
Power of the World:
Mortal Realm (Lower Realm): Tempered Body, Soul Refining, Qi Gathering, Zhenwu, Poyuan, Spiritual Fire, Tian Ming, Yin Yang, Ling You, Gui Xu (illusion, virtualization, nothingness)
Upper realm: Taixu, force, Zhenxuan, ancient spirit, War lord, king, emperor, overlord, heavenly king, monarch
Great world: dust, death, square inch, dharma, extraordinary, life xuan, opening the sky, birth and death, thousands of laws
Heavens Ten Thousand Realms: Wanfa, Ancient Tao, Tao Master, Hua Zi, Jue Chen, Zhen Xian, Heavenly King, Saint, Great Sage, Holy Way (Holy King, Holy Lord, Holy King (Ordinary Holy King, Super Holy King, Holy King) Juedian, Great Saint King, Saint King Invincible))
Universe: Great Emperor, Emperor, Shiyu, Tianyu, Yuwang, Yuzhu, Master
Prehistoric Universe: Void Immortal, Immortal Spirit, Immortal Upper, Ancient Immortal, Xuan Immortal, Yuan Immortal, Golden Immortal, Celestial Immortal, Holy Immortal, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Lord
Chaos Universe: God, God, Lord God, Supreme God, True God, God Lord, God King, Divine Emperor, Divine Emperor, Divine Heaven
The highest world: Heavenly Lord, Great Heavenly Lord, Holy Lord, Venerable Master, Lord Lord, Great Lord, Dao Lord, Ancient Lord, Supreme Lord, Emperor Lord
Boundless Eternity: Emperor Desolate, Emperor Destruction, Emperor Dao, Great Emperor, Ancient Emperor, First Emperor, Ancestral Emperor, Immortal Emperor, Eternal Emperor, No God, Heavenly Emperor, Eternal Heavenly Emperor (Era does not add to the body, years do not come close to the body, ten thousand ways do not destroy the body, the body Eternal, immortal)
[The Great Ancient World]
The prehistoric power:
The physical body, soul condensation, Qi Yuan, Tao Xuan, Tianmen, dragon transformation, true self, origin, fairy spirit, spiritual fire, spirit king, true immortal, and heavenly immortal , Heavenly King, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, Semi-Saint, Saint, Great Sage, Holy King, Supreme, Heavenly Lord, Dao, True God, Heavenly God, Divine King, Divine King, Divine Emperor, Divine Emperor, Great Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, Emperor, Dazhen King, monarch, king, heavenly king, supreme, supreme, supreme, Taoist wheel, Tao god, great god
[Linggu Great World]
The Yuan Power of Heaven and Earth
Mortal: [Mortal Level] Beginner, Knower, Nian Shishi, Wu Nian Master (Master, Grandmaster, Grand Master), Yuan Neng Nian Lord, Spirit King, True Spirit King, Wuhun Immortal
Immortal: [Earth Level] Immortal Spirit, Reversed Immortal Lord, Sky Immortal, Immortal Transformation King, King, Holy Emperor Immortal, Half-Step God
Gods: [Heavenly Level] Spirit, Supreme Master, Monarch, Lord God, Heavenly God, True God, God King, Heavenly Emperor/Immortal Emperor (Tianjun Emperor, Heavenly King Emperor, Heavenly Saint Emperor, Emperor Zun, Tianzun)
[Xinggu Great World]
Starry sky source power:
Stars: 1st to 10th level, Star Soldier: Level 1 to 10, Star General: Level 1 to 10, Star Commander (General, Marshal, Heavenly Marshal): Level 1 to 10, Star Sect, Star Lord (Junshang, Monarch): Level 1 to 10, Star Master: Level 1 Tenth level, Star King: one to tenth level, Star Lord: one to tenth level, Star King: one to tenth level, Semi-Saint: early-middle-late stage, Star Sage (Saint, Great Sage, Holy Lord, Holy King, Most Holy ), Quasi-Emperor: Early – Middle – Late Stage, Star Emperor (Emperor, Great Emperor, Emperor/Heavenly Emperor): Level 1 to 10
Beyond the Starry Sky of the Universe [Heavenly Way]
Fairy Spirit, Immortal Shang, Immortal Lord, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor [First to Tenth Century]
Chaos World [Great Heavenly Way]
Emperor God, Divine Ancient, Divine Way, Divine King, Divine Emperor, Divine Emperor, Divine Lord, Half-step Master [First to Tenth Rank] 】
Eternal [Dao]
Lord, ancient god, god, true god, true god king [one to nine life tribulations]
Invincible [Creator]: Supreme [Nine Origin Power One to Nine Turns 】
[Invincible Above] The Supreme Creator God [Boundless]
Chaos Ancient World
Supreme Power:
Zero Realm
Small into the micro, big into the micro realm, entering the body realm, primary body tempering realm, acquired body tempering realm, innate body tempering realm, ultimate body refining realm, peak body refining realm, perfect union realm, extraordinary holy body realm, invincible divine body realm, elementary soul refining realm, intermediate Soul Refining Realm, Advanced Soul Refining Realm, Peak Soul Refining Realm, Perfect Heavenly Soul Realm, Super Divine Soul Realm, Elementary Martial Arts Realm, Acquired Warrior Realm, Innate Martial Disciple Realm, Lower Warrior Realm, Middle Warrior Realm, Upper Warrior Realm, Little martial artist realm, great martial artist realm, little martial master realm, great martial master realm, true martial master realm, military attaché realm, great military attaché realm, military commander realm, martial commander realm, Wuzong realm, martial king realm, heavenly king realm, heavenly king realm, martial king realm , Great Martial King Realm, Half Emperor Realm, Great Emperor Realm, Martial Emperor Realm, Half Ancestor Realm, Shangzu Realm, Martial Ancestor Realm, Half Immortal Realm, True Immortal Realm, Great Immortal Realm, Earth Immortal Realm, Heavenly Immortal Realm, Golden Immortal Realm, Xuan Immortal Realm, Upper Immortal Realm , Martial Immortal Realm, Dawu Immortal Realm, Immortal King Realm, Immortal Emperor Realm, Immortal Venerable Realm, Venerablerealm, supreme realm, heavenly realm, martial realm, great realm of life and death, false emperor realm, emperor realm, emperor master realm, great emperor realm, martial emperor realm, quasi-sage realm, true saint realm, saint realm, great realm Saint Realm, Martial Saint Realm, Great Martial Saint Realm, Holy King Realm, Most Holy Realm, Semi-God Realm, Quasi-God Realm, False God Realm, True God Realm, Divine Official Realm, Great Divine Official Realm, Lower Divine Realm, Intermediate Divine Realm, Superior Level God Realm, Super God Realm, Main God Realm, Heavenly God Realm, Supreme God Realm, Ancient God Realm, Martial God Realm, Great Martial God Realm, God Sovereign Realm, God King Realm, Super God King Realm, God Emperor Realm, Great God Emperor Realm, God Emperor Realm, Great God Emperor Realm, Heavenly God Emperor Realm, Eternal God Emperor Realm, Supreme God Emperor Realm, God Lord Realm, Realm Lord Realm, Star King Realm, Territory Lord Realm, Yu King Realm, Dayu King Realm, Tianyu King Realm, Shenyu King Realm, Yu Zu Realm, Hongmeng Yuxian Realm, Universe Great Priest Realm, Super Universe Law Enforcer Realm, Universe Dominator Realm, Dao Heaven Realm, Dao Emperor Lord Realm, Supreme King Realm, Ultimate Celestial Realm, Ultimate Tongtian Realm, The realm of eternal domination, the realm of extreme reincarnation, the realm of half-step invincibility, and the realm of invincibility.
God's super warrior realm, God's super master realm, God's super sect realm, God's super king realm, God's super king realm, God's super emperor realm, God's super position The Holy Realm, the Super-Emperor Realm of God, and the Super-Lord Realm of God. Divine realm
[Star World]
Heavenly power:
Mortal level, mortal heart level, master level, grandmaster level, hell level, sky fire level, thunder level, planet level, star level, black hole level, galaxy level, galaxy level, star sea level, nebula level, starry sky level, star field level, universe level, Yu King level, domain lord level, world emperor level, heaven → monarch level → true king level → dao emperor level → Tianzun level → Holy King level → Great Emperor level, → Great Heavenly Dao → True Immortal level → Mysterious Immortal level → Immortal King level → Immortal level → Immortal Lord level → Immortal God, → Highest Avenue → Half·True God→Fake· True God → True God (Ordinary True God → True God of Void → Eternal True God) → Semi-True God King (Supreme God) → False True God King (Immortal God) → God King → True God King
[Boundless World]< br />The power of the ancient path:
[Mortal Level][Humanity Level][Extraordinary Level][War Star Level][Planet Level][Star Level][Superstar Level] [Ancient Star Level] [Star Level] [Sky Level] [Super Star Level] [Black Hole Level] [Galaxy Level] [Galaxy Level] [Star Sea Level] [Star Domain Level] [Nebula Level] [Starry Sky Level] [ Tianhe level][Tianhai level][Universe level][Yuwang level][Yuhuang level][Yu Emperor level][Domain Lord level][Domain Lord level][Domain King level][World Lord level][King of the world level 】[King of Realm Level][Eternal Level][Immortal Level][Immortal Level][God Level][Chaos Level][Void Level][Dominator Level][Venerable Level][Supreme Level][Ultimate Level][Super God Level] [No Superior Level] [Source Level] [Source Master Level] [Source King Level] [Source Emperor Level] [Hunyuan Level] [Super Source Level] [Divine Source Level]
[Super Ancient World]
The power of all kinds of magic:
The body tempering realm, the pulse condensing realm, the energy gathering realm, the mortal realm, the earth soul realm, the heavenly soul realm, the mysterious realm, the empty realm, the human element realm, the true realm Yuan Realm, Long Yuan Realm, True Yang Realm
Low-level martial realms: Zhenwu Realm, Lingwu Realm, Yuanwu Realm, Xuanwu Realm, Tianwu Realm, Yuangang Realm, Tiangang Realm
Intermediate martial realms: Huazong Realm, Xuanzong Realm, Tianwei Realm, Lingyuan Realm, Lingxuan Realm, Dongtian Realm, Dongxu Realm, Tianxu Realm, All Things Realm, Jie Yin Realm, Jie Yang Realm
Advanced martial realms: Yin and Yang Realm (the two realms of Yin and Yang), Siji Realm (the secret realm of the four extremes), Life and Death Realm (the great realm of life and death), Samsara Realm (the realm of reincarnation)
Super Martial Realm: Lingwu King Realm (Lingwu Realm King, Lingwu Realm King), Dawu King Realm (Dawu Realm King, Dawu Realm Emperor, Dawu Realm Heaven), Tianwu King Realm (Tianwu Realm King, Tianwu Realm Emperor, Tianwu Realm Lord) , Tianwu Realm Sovereign, Shenwu Tianji King), Transcendent Realm, Transcendence Realm, Spirit Realm, King Realm
Very few people have reached:
Zun Realm: Venerable Realm, Spiritual Realm Realm, Xuan Zun Realm, Yuanzun Realm, Tianzun Realm, Dharma Master Realm, Zunzun Realm, Zunwang Realm, Supreme Realm
Legendary realms:
Dominator Realm, Pseudo-Emperor Realm, Emperor Realm, Emperor Lord Realm, Dao Emperor Realm, True King Realm, Heavenly King Realm, Heavenly King Realm, Realm Lord Realm, Realm King Realm, Realm King Realm, Semi-Saint Realm
Holy Realm: True Saint, Holy Spirit, Great Sage, Heavenly Saint, Holy King, Holy King , Holy Emperor, Holy Emperor, Holy Ancestor, Holy Lord, Supreme Saint, Half-Emperor Realm
Super Legend Realm:
Emperor Realm: Emperor Realm, Spiritual Emperor Realm, Xuan Emperor Realm, Great Emperor Realm, Heavenly Emperor Realm, Ancient Emperor Realm, Ancestral Emperor Realm, Great Desolate Realm, Great Desolate Realm, Great Desolate Realm, Heavenly Desolate Realm, Desolate Emperor Realm, Desolate Heaven Emperor Realm, Virtual Immortal
Fairy Realm: True Immortal, Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal , Spiritual Immortal, Xuanxian, Golden Immortal, Ancestor Immortal, Yuanxian, Supreme Immortal, Holy Immortal, Overlord Immortal, Immortal Lord, Immortal Lord, Immortal Venerable, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor
Immortal Dao Palace·
Immortal Realm: Ten Thousand Dao Flying Immortals, Dao Immortal Lord, Supreme Immortal, Ancient Immortal King, Hongmeng Saint Immortal, Eternal Ancient Immortal, Supreme Immortal, Ancient Yuan Dou Immortal, Chaos Overlord Demigod
God Realm: True God, God. Earth God, Heaven God, Giant God, Ancestor God, Ancient God, Holy God, Supreme God, Divine Sect, Divine Lord, Divine Lord, Divine Marquis, Divine Venerable, Divine King, Divine Emperor, Divine Emperor
Super Temple·< br />Super God Realm: Super God, Super Priest, Super God Sect, Super God King, Super God King, Super God Emperor, Super God Emperor, Super God Lord, Super God Supreme
Nine Divine Immortals
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Related questions and answers: "Fighting Swordsman in the Snow" When we were in Emperor Wu's city, Li Chungang was a land god. Where was Wang Xianzhi and Deng Tai'a?
The TV series version of "Swordsman in the Snow" still has many changes to the original work. For example, Xuanyuan Dapan is the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, not a disciple; Li Chungang is the land fairyland that he entered in Huishan, not the dragon. Tiger Mountain.
There are also changes made by the screenwriter to the realm of the original characters, which are sometimes confusing. The most puzzling thing is that the TV series repeatedly emphasizes that when Wang Xianzhi guarded Emperor Wu's city, he was only in the celestial realm.
As we all know, the moment Li Chungang saw Xu Fengnian covering Xuanyuan Qingfeng's umbrella in Daxueping, Huishan, his mood was greatly opened. With a "sword coming", he broke through the celestial phenomena and re-entered the land of fairyland.
To Emperor Wu City, Li ChungangHe used his ultimate sword to open the Heavenly Gate, forcing Wang Xianzhi to use nine points of his strength to deal with it. In terms of strength, Wang Xianzhi completely defeated Li Chungang. Wang Xianzhi had already become a terrestrial immortal, and even reached the realm of gods.
When Deng Tai'a first appeared in Emperor Wu's city, he was referring to the Xuan realm, but he was the best in the world. The second most powerful Zhixuan in the world, Han Diao Si, could use his Zhixuan to kill celestial phenomena, so it is not surprising that Deng Tai'a used his Zhixuan to kill the Earthly Immortal Zhao Xuansu.
In the end, state is not all the factors that determine a person's strength or weakness, but also includes physical fitness, state of mind, luck, etc. Deng Tai'a practiced his Zhixuan to the extreme and became extremely powerful. Of course, entering the land of fairyland is a qualitative change. So when Li Chungang borrowed the sword Deng Tai'a, Deng Tai'a entered the land of immortals and became a new generation of sword gods.

⑻ How to understand Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

Original text of Chapter 1: The Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao; the name can be named, but it is not famous. The beginning of the nameless heaven and earth, the name of the mother of all things. Therefore, there is always no desire to observe its wonders, but there is a desire to observe its apertures. The two have the same origin but different names. They are both mysteries, mysteries are mysteries, and they are the door to all mysteries (the text is different due to different versions). "Tao." The Taoist classic "Qing Jing Jing" says: "The Tao is formless, giving birth to the heaven and the earth; the Tao is ruthless, moving the sun and the moon; the Tao is nameless, nourishing all things. I don't know its name, so I call it Tao." "Tao Te Ching" 2 Chapter 15 says: "There is a mixture of things, born in advance of heaven and earth. It is lonely and lonely, independent and does not change, and it moves around without peril. It can be the mother of the world. I don't know its name. The word is Dao." It can be seen from this that, The so-called "Tao" in "Laozi" is actually the Hunyuan Wuji before Yin and Yang are judged. The origin of the universe, the origin of heaven and earth, the foundation of all things, and the cardinal mechanism of creation. It is formless, colorless, odorless, omnipresent, omnipresent, filling the universe, pervading the ten directions, neither increasing nor decreasing, and exists forever. It is intangible and nameless, but it does exist. Laozi wants people to recognize it, study it, master it, and use it. Hence the name "Tao". "It's Tao, but it's not Tao." Chaos first opens, yin and yang begin to judge, clear and turbid begin to separate, and the universe is positioned. This is called Tai Chi. In the sky there are the sun, moon and stars, wind, clouds, thunder and rain; on the earth there are east, west, north and south, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas; between heaven and earth there are flying animals, plants and human society. These tangible things all come and go, gain and destroy, and cannot exist forever. All these things that can be born or destroyed are within the scope of "Tao". Because it has form and is in the process of change, it is called "extraordinary Tao". "Name." This "name" refers to the naming of "Tao". The infinite Tao of Hunyuan is formless and imageless, so it is named "Tao Dangan". This name is actually a common name. "Ke Ming, very famous." "Ke Ming" refers to the name of "Ke Dao". Where does "name" come from? "Name" comes from real things. True to its name. Something has a name. Things in the universe are all different and have their own characteristics. In order to distinguish them, they have names. Since the things represented by these name concepts can be born or destroyed, the name concepts that mark them must also be "nameable" that can be born or destroyed. All things represented by "kename" are constantly changing and changing, so all things that can be "named" are "extraordinary names". "Unnamed is the beginning of heaven and earth; named is the mother of all things." "Unnamed" refers to the formless Hunyuan Avenue, because there is no name.It has no image, so it has no name. The name "Tao" is actually a strong name. The avenue of nothingness is formless and nameless. It existed earlier than heaven and earth, so it is called "the beginning of heaven and earth". "Famous" refers to the universe and heaven and earth. Heaven and earth refer to tangible and concrete things. They are the earliest physical objects, and their names are also the earliest names. All things are born from heaven and earth, so the tangible and named heaven and earth are called "the mother of all things." "Always have no desire to observe its wonders; always have desires to observe its flukes (this should be "徼jiao": margin, boundary ; rather than a fluke: a fluke, gaining benefits or escaping misfortune by chance or accident)." "Always desire-free" refers to the innate physical nature that has not been destroyed by acquired desires. It is pure and quiet, in the dark. In the dark world, one can gain insight into the subtle and wonderful creation mechanism of all things. "Always having desires" means that the innate void nature has been moved and turned into acquired desires. What the mind can think about, what the ears and eyes can see and hear, all belong to the rough shape and shell of things - 徼. "These two have the same origin but different names, and they are both called xuan." "These two" refer to the pure and quiet innate body, the emptiness and wonderful energy that transforms all things in the world, and the second refers to the acquired intentions and thoughts. The passion is the final success of all things in the world. Although the two have different names, they are both born from the Hunyuan Wuji who was born with an innate void and chaos. The mechanism of the origin of things is wonderful, and the final form of things is fluke; the calmness of human beings is nature, and the movement is emotion. Both originate from the same origin of the universe - the infinite path. "Mystery is mysterious, and it is the door to all wonders." There is no sign, no clue, no image, no boundary, and the most profound thing is called "mysterious". Things that are both subtle and subtle, far and far away, hidden and hidden, and incalculable are called "mysterious". The mysterious and unfathomable void contains the mechanism of fertility and the wonder of all transformations. All things and their movements and transformations all arise from this. Therefore, the wonderful phase of the vacuum is called the "door of all wonders."

br />Qi refining, foundation building, rotating illumination, fusion, heartbeat, spiritual silence, Yuanying, out of body, distraction, integration, tribulation, Mahayana
Qi refining, foundation building, consecration, spiritual deficiency, fasting , heartbeat, Yuanhua, Yuanying, separation and union, emptiness and darkness, annihilation, Dacheng, transcending tribulation
Sanxian, Tianxian, Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, Jiutianxuanxian, Luotianshangxian, Jixian, Juexian, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, God, Spiritual God, God, God King, God Emperor, Heavenly Lord, Master
Hearing the Dao Stage, Consecration Stage, Spiritual Wisdom Stage, Dissolution Stage, Divine Movement Stage, Nascent Soul Stage, Out of Body Three stages: the early stage, the spirit deficiency stage, the mysterious spirit stage, the early stage of transcending tribulation and becoming an immortal - the middle stage - the late stage

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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