币圈观察区 币圈观察区什么意思

Ⅰ 币圈崩溃,币圈的未来何去何从




Ⅱ 【必看】币圈庄家操盘全揭秘!








      同样的,我会边托边砸,这样一来我就会得到更多价格更低的筹码。当 跌到很低位时,基本上就没人和我抢筹码了,因为在这个下跌途中,我通过不断的高抛低吸,不断的大幅度振荡,将大部分抄底的,抢反弹的都套在下跌途中,或者 将他们亏损怠尽,使其不敢在来涉足这个币种,这时候我的目的就达到了。散户恐惧惊慌,高位筹码就会不断的掉落,我就可 以在底部横盘当中不断的高抛低吸来收集筹码,这个可能需要较长时间,关键看顶部筹码掉落程度而定, 如果高位筹码长时间的不松动,那我就不会去拉这只币种。





      第一: 是法律上面,目前虚拟货币这一块还没有一个具体的法律法规来约束,所以大资金炒币,应该没有什么大问题。

      第二: 要考虑资本的问题,如果我们拉的时候,他们看到利润可观,结果大量抛出筹码,那我们就惨了,必然会亏本出局,在做之前就必需先和他们沟通好,而且还要了解他们手上的流通盘是多少,抛售意向如何,这就是大小非问题。

      第三: 要考虑的是老庄,如果这个币没有被老庄放弃,那我是尽量不会去碰的,因为一但被老庄反做,那你死得就惨了,就像中国联通套游资一样,那死得是非常惨的,所以,选币非常重要。

       第四: 就是大盘状况, 跟风的多不多,社会上的存量资金足不足,就像现在这样,大部分散户或者大户都被大宰一刀,这时候就不适宜做币,人心溃散,大盘多次腰斩,完全是熊市,你拉,别人出货,就把自己套在里面。那现在 最适宜的就是砸币子。一般人都有个心态,20元买的币,跌到15元不卖,跌到10元不卖,跌到5元仍然没多少会人卖,但是你要跌到2元再拉回4元,不少人 一看翻倍基本上都会割肉的,特别是长时间的向下或者横盘。

如果这些问题都解决了,砸盘就要开始。砸多少为适宜?根据大盘状况,每天操盘必需跟着大盘走,当大盘大跌时,你必需深砸下去,这时候成本很低,只要用少量筹 码将关键点位砸开即可,会有止损盘帮你接着砸下去。但是尾盘必需进一些筹码,防止第二天大盘走低或者走高,有一定量筹码就好灵活掌握,也就是说,要在操盘 时盯着龙头币种(比特币就是龙头)。


关键就在于成本,随着大盘波动,你的成本最低,比特币跌时,你也跌,所用砸盘筹码量最少,因为没有多少人敢买,可以深砸。当大盘涨时你去拉,同样无须买多 少,只要将关键点位的筹码买掉即可,有人会将股价推上去,到一定高点,你还可以将低位进的筹码出掉一些,这样可以腾出一点资金做一点差价。







技术派一般短线较多,喜欢做波段,这里的人有自认为技术高明的,什么KDJ金叉、死叉,什么MACD、CR、量价关系,什么费波纳奇黄金分割位,什么艾略特 的波浪理论,还有江恩曲线等等,等等,但我做币子一般不看这个,我一般只盯着今天我下多少单, 在某些价位进来多少单,大一些的户头在什么价位进出。这个对 我来说非常关键,因为这决定了第二天该如何操作,有时候需要对他们安抚,让他们帮忙将币子在手上多留几天,以使活动筹码减少。








      第一是:是逐步拉升,这时候技术指标就开始走好,技术派的人一看技术指标,一般都容易被诱惑进来,这中间我就边拉边卖,需要控制的就是在顶背离之前将筹码交他 们手中,使他们看上去技术指标仍然没有到顶,币价还可以涨得更高,这时候第二天来个冲高回落,然后第三天猛然下跌,他们基本上就开始交枪了,不用我来,币价就下去了,这中间自然我设定好价位来捡果实,对游资更是这样,上半段我来拉,游资一看币价看涨,立即蜂拥而来,那下半段我就将部分筹码交给他们,第二天 我来个低开低走,游资一看势头不对,立即出逃,这时候我就要看出逃数量,并计算自己的成果,如果出逃数量足够多,那我下午就拉起,因为大部分短线客都走 了,我就不需要支付多少利润出去,很容易将币价拉起来,而我在这两天来回的差价最少是赚交易额的3%左右。







      那么,应该如何应对风险,这就是,第一注意比特币的动向,因为坐庄的人对大盘指数动向非常敏感,当比特币向上,而一些主力控制的次要币却滞涨,或者有掉头迹 象,那我就要先于比特币下跌之前想办法将手里的筹码尽量的都交到散户手里去,尽量的腾出现金,只要手上有充足现金,是涨是跌我都不怕。涨了,我手上剩余的筹 码完全可以将其打下来;要是跌了,那就可以购买更多的筹码。



      现在不少人都在关心大盘跌到什么位置才是底,13000、11000、8000?说老实话,我不知道,我不但不知道大盘会跌到什么点位为底,我会连自己坐庄的币种能跌到什么价格为底都不知道,怎么能测算大盘。有人说,20元跌到5元行不行?到底了吗?我说不行,也许跌到1—2元,也许会到8元就算到底了,在币市 里没什么顶和底之说,真正起作用的就是供求关系,当跌到供求平衡时,底自然就到了。





      不少人有时候不理解,庄家的成本是20元,他将股价打到10元或者15元,他不也亏了吗?这真是傻庄,其实散户是不明白的,庄家赚钱的手段很多时候是和散户 不同的。当买但低于卖单时,庄家手里拿的是币,只有变成钱了,才是真金白银,他不跌下来自己出货,难道等散户出货,这也是最近很多币子一个腰斩,再来一个,之后还来一个,目前大多数币子跌了80%,1万成了2000块了!


采用了猛砸跌停的办法,市场的目光就会集中到那上面来,当跌到一半时,有庄家开始巨量吃单,因为在这几天的跌停中市场的关注度非常高,而出现巨 单吃货了,这说明这时的股价应该反弹了,技术上超卖出现,币价腰斩,怎么着都要反弹个百分之十几到二十,所以散户、大户一哄而上,庄家卖单被哄抢。


再举个股 票上的的例子, 南车:上市价超过发行价60%以上,5个机构席位齐刷刷的排在购买的前5名,这些机构傻了吗?非要溢价60%来接盘,特别在熊市中,还怕买 不到筹码?如果等几天再买,也许到发行价都有可能。其实,机构们一点不傻,这不过是机构之间穿连裆裤的表演,那些获得60%以上溢价的会给这些接盘的机构 分配一定利润的,而且这些机构买入的也并不多,更多的筹码是溢价交给了其他人,包括大量散户手中了。对接入大部分高溢价筹码的这部分人,那些获利者就不用 考虑什么了。


      举个例子,在20元到18元区间,我出掉了手中的20%币,在18到16区间我又出掉18%的币,后面我就要回补,因为在这种下跌的情况下,不少止损盘 开始涌现,还有些人要补仓,这时候我就要根据筹码情况做反弹,为什么要做反弹呢?主要是吸引抄底盘进来,当然,如果抄底盘巨多,第二天我就再反手做空。



      那我为什么希望我坐庄的币价尽量低?你想想,你如果开个商场,你是希望你经营的货物便宜还是贵?自然是便宜的好,因为这样一来所用资金量就少。10元加1 元,人家就嫌贵了;如果1元加1角,不显山露水的,没人和你计较,而和10元和1元所赚比例却是一样的。股票也一样,1元股票涨到1。5元,没多少人感觉 什么;但10元涨到15元呢?


Ⅲ 币圈媒体有哪些



B:比特财经,币世界,芭比财经,巴比特,博链财经,本聪区块链,冰糖财经,币圈邦德,币报道,币看财经 ,币姥爷,鞭牛士BiaNews,币圈早知道,币赚联盟,币圈必读,币圈动向,白话区块链,币圈八卦,币计,币圈肆无忌惮的少主,币知财经,币友会,比特吴,币知道,币盼盼,币盟主,币响财经,比特评级BitRating,比特快讯bitnews,比特街,币优财经,比特头条


























Ⅳ 币圈交易平台app排名

2.火币网是由北京火币天下网络技术有限公司运营,2013年9月上线,是全球领先的比特币交易平台之一。 2014年3月4日,火币网日交易量超过26万个,交易金额达10亿人民币,创造了全球比特币交易平台里的最高记录,是目前全球交易量最大的比特币交易平台之一。2014年03月19日,火币网上线莱特币现货交易。
OKEX资产3535.06万美元,共有595个交易对,24小时成交额145.75亿美元。 OKEX是全球著名的数字资产国际站之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的现货和衍生品交易服务,隶属于OKEX Technology Company Limited。 OKEX创立时,获得了世界顶级投资人Tim Draper参与设立的创业工场百万美金的天使投资,Tim Draper先生同时也是Hotmail、网络、特斯拉等世界顶级企业的投资人。
4.中币资产3亿美元,共有147个交易对,24小时成交额6.58亿美元。 中币(ZB)是全球领先的数字资产交易服务平台,2013年成立至今,为全球超过1000万用户提供数字资产交易服务,已经稳健运营了7年时间,日均交易额30亿美金以上,BTC、ZB、EOS、XRP 主流币种成交份额长期名列前茅。 提供服务:币币交易、法币交易、杠杆交易、抵押借款、存币挖矿。
5.MXC资产5000万美元,共有418个交易对,24小时成交额3.42亿美元。 MXC国际站是由华尔街以及日本欧洲资深量化交易团队联合区块链资深从业者通过去中心化自组织形式创立的一个专注于区块链资产交流和交换的平台。MXC将为用户提供更加安全、便捷、智能的区块链资产流通服务,聚合全球优质区块链资产,融合全球最顶尖的安全技术,致力于打造全球顶级的区块链资产国际站。

Ⅳ 币圈谁来管啊各种虚拟货币相继崩盘,为何还是有人相信





Ⅵ 币圈惊魂24小时,58万人暴富梦碎



“这次大跌,在 历史 上也排到前十了。”8年前就开始接触比特币、历经多次涨跌的汪帅对作者表示,在5月19日晚的暴跌潮中,他所持有的虚拟币账面价值暴跌近50万元,仅剩100多万元。他并未透露购币的成本价。







过去一年中,投机热潮的盛行,导致虚拟货币品种和交易量激增。海外市场上,全球第二富的埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)允许特斯拉接受比特币买车,和传奇投资人保罗·琼斯(Paul Tudor Jones)提议购入虚拟货币对抗通胀的方法,都吸纳更多人在2020年跑步进入虚拟货币市场。

“美国政府在疫情期间原本用于纾困而发放的现金,部分流入了零佣金的交易平台。”一位美股分析师对作者表示,“新型交易平台更为便利的交易界面让炒股炒币 游戏 化,以及疫情导致的在家工作风潮也让网络社区言论更具影响力。财富效应让更多人不断卷入,人人仿佛都成了日间交易员,也让投机的风气在美股和币圈蔓延。”













“我们中间没有神。”为机构打理数字资产的投资公司摩根溪资本(Morgan Creek)创办人之一安东尼·庞普里亚诺(Anthony Pompliano)在社交媒体上公开喊话,“名人,运动员,音乐家,亿万富翁和企业家的重要性,并不像我们大家想得那么重要。比特社区曾经张开双臂欢迎马斯克。但如果他继续做愚蠢的事情,他也该尽快离开。”

在大跌中,管理500亿美元资金的“木头姐”(Cathie Wood)则在5月19日当天举行的《商业周刊》论坛上“出面救市”,坚持看多比特币涨至50万美元。她同时表示,对于马斯克所担忧的挖矿不环保的问题,有解决方案。她提出,现在全球矿力大约为10-20GW,如果能够利用闲置的200GW的太阳能和风能等新能源,则可以实现比特币挖矿的绿色化转型。她同时暗示,特斯拉或许可以在这个过程中发挥更重要的作用。特斯拉旗下持有太阳城资产,专注于光伏技术。





狗狗币和柴犬币都是新晋流行的虚拟币。狗狗币发明的初衷是为了嘲讽虚拟币而开的玩笑,柴犬币则是为了成为“狗狗币杀手”。但这些“新买入者”似乎并不在意这些被创造出来的“新币种”的 历史 、初衷、供需关系或是内部管理机制。






对于后市,汪帅没有像此前那样乐观。#比特币[超话]# #数字货币# #欧易OKEx#

昨日数据显示,比特币24小时内资金流超过93亿元人民币,位于榜上之列。近期市场也是由于不断的的资金流入,市场恐慌情绪在逐渐消散,行情有所回暖,短期价格在不断向上试探,已经脱离之前下行困境。 行情也是在逐渐回暖,说明投资者对于当前市场较为看好,短期走势不断向上破位,所以我们短线操作顺势做多即可,注意及时把握收益,毕竟落袋为安才是王道。现货的朋友可以可以尝试把握波段收益。因为现在走势宽幅震荡已经维持了一个多月了。再次强调,做好风控,不管你对未来行情的判断把握有多高,止盈止损一定要带好! 比特币昨日继续走势强势,价格突破33000一线压制后,行情如预期进一步上行至34400位置,近期走势不断向上试探,多头情绪持续升温。目前行情也是延续涨幅,高位触及34500位置承压,后续只要回调没有跌破33000一线,短期上行格局不变。 思路上:于凌晨思路基本相同,现货屯币持有;日内短线,支撑位33300,压力位34500,回调33800附近可试轻仓多单,目标34400附近,若突破继续持有带好止损。

Ⅶ 币圈基础知识,适合小白看看,但是比较多,请耐心阅读!




BTC(比特币)     ETH(以太坊)   XRP(瑞波币、波女神) 

BCH(比特现金、大皇子) EOS(柚子) LTC(莱特币、辣条)




现货交易所: 币安、火币、okex、比特儿(最知名安全)

期货交易所: okex、bitmex、火币(最知名安全)



























K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。




Initial Coin Offering,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目以自身发行的虚拟货币,换取市场流通常用的虚拟货币的融资行为,以及还有IEO,STO等,模式都大似相同














第七、联动效应要熟悉,打币看行情,同时要留意其他币子的动向,每个币子在大盘交易都不是孤立存在的,貌似没有联系其实盘根错节,联动效应就要对币子要了解, 很多现在很多工具可以利用查看币子信息和资讯,









长线 3-4成  长时间持有

短线 3-4成 为什么会有短线,很多人都说短线是肯定会亏钱的。但是在我们做了长线资金分配情况下,炒币是一件很有意思的事情,我相信绝大部分人都管不住自己的手,只要做好仓位控制,不要频繁割肉,短线在一般情况下一定要做到获利在出场(特殊情况是项目或者大盘有问题)。然后参考我上面的仓位控制,还有不是任何一个币的长线都比短线收益要高。

Ⅷ 币圈黄校长:谈谈我对冷静观察,稳住阵脚,····的理解

1、冷静,冷静才会思考,大脑才会去想其中的内在逻辑,才能保住在一定范围内不走错误弯路,校长认为在币圈的错路就是把 抄 币当成一夜暴富的幻想,这是一个错误的思想,币圈太多诱惑,资本市场到处都是陷阱,只有冷静的思考,沉着的应对以避免被市场无情的吞噬


4、沉着应付,行情的波动如果能影响人的心智,那么终将会在币圈这个赌桌上输掉所有,校长也要不断 的 提醒自己,不打没有把我的战,不用抛硬币的方式参与币圈,在币圈既然是想着长期发展那就意味着,要远离一切赌徒心态,以赚币,屯币的心态去,而不是想着在币圈捞一笔就跑的心态,要有长期的打算,而不能今朝有酒今朝醉

5、韬光养晦,不急不躁,不傲慢,不势力,不气馁,豁达 的 面对人生,进入币圈就是一场人生中的 游戏 ,在这场 游戏 中尽量的接近光环核心,吸收热量的同时还能散发热量出去


7、有所作为,在校长的眼里,什么是作为,让自己的成长经历能够激励一直在奋斗路上同行的伙伴,让自己的亲人能够有好的 身活 条件,并且能帮助身边的朋友共同迈向更加美好的生活,能够为 社会 创造价值,提供一些就业条件那就是一种作为,所以校长也要给自己定下一个在币圈实现基本财务自由的目标也希望朋友们能见证校长的成长与成功



Ⅸ 币圈十大交易所

交易所作为数字货币市场中的枢纽,起到了桥梁的作用,让投资者和项目方联系起来。全球币圈有十大常用的交易所,分别是:(1)币安网 Binance;(2)OKEX;(3)火币网;(4)CoinbasePro;(5)Bitfinex;(6)Bittrex;(7)Kraken;(8)BitMEX;(9)Bitflyer;(10)双子星 Gemini。

1、 币安网。币安交易平台是一群数字资产爱好者创建而成的一个专注区块链姿模资产的交易平台。总部位于日本东京,是目前中文交易所里最具影响力的平台之一。Binance由“Binary”和“Finance”的融合变形组成,意为数字科技与金融的融合。

2、 OKEX。OKEx是全球著名的数迹和缓字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的币币和衍生品交易服务,隶属于 ACX Malta Technology Company Limited。

3、 火币网。火币全球专业站是火币集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产国际站,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会,目前提供四十多种数字资产品类的交易及投资服务,总部位于新加坡。

4、 CoinbasePro。CoinbasePro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。

5、 Bitfinex。Bitfinex是iFinex Inc.公司所有和经营的数字货币交易平台,提供多种数字货币交易服务、保证金融资,以及比特币和莱特币的保证金交易。目前占有全世界数字货币交易平台市场份额的8%左右。

6、 Bittrex。Bittrex成立于2014年,是美国的数字资产交易所,国内用户称其为"B网",提供币币交易、美元OTC交易。

7、 Kraken。Kraken成立于2011年,总部位于旧金山,是欧元交易量最大的比特币国际站。

8、 BitMEX。BitMEX建立于塞舌尔共和国,是最先进的比特币衍生品国际站,对于比特币类产品提供高达100倍的杠杆,同时也提供针对其它数字货币产品的高杠杆。BitMEX自内而外采用最新的多重因素安全机制,安全性能高。

9、 Bitflyer。Bitflyer由高盛前员工创立,总部在日本。2015年以来,该公司推出了许多新服务,包括bitFlyerLightning、为专业人士设计的比特币国际站、chainflyer区块链浏览器等。

10、 双子星 Gemini。Gemini双子星是由Winklevoss兄弟创立的比特币和以太坊国际站,是一家数字货币金融投资平台和托管机构,允许客户投资和储存数字资产,直接受纽约州金融棚誉服务部门的监管。

Ⅹ 币圈惊魂100天,那些暴富、暴跌、爆仓的人都怎么样了




Ⅰ The currency circle collapses, and where will the future of the currency circle go?

The currency circle collapses, and the future of the currency circle will return to normal, and there will be no particularly inflated prices.

When inflation increased and people were worried about economic development, Bitcoin came into being. It was born to compete with the existing monetary system. Although there are many loopholes and problems in the development of Bitcoin, this new thing has provided us with great inspiration to reflect on the existing monetary system. Of course, the emergence of every new thing is always accompanied by advantages and disadvantages, which not only inspire us, but also bring many problems to society, such as money laundering, tax evasion and many other legal issues using Bitcoin. We'll just try to fix these issues to make the new Bitcoin thing better for us.

Investors who invest in Bitcoin mining machines should understand their production principles and distinguish whether platforms that can conduct Bitcoin transactions are normal. Any violation of the Bitcoin rules generated based on real Bitcoin mining algorithms is false advertising. Investments should be prudent, and staying rational and sober is the key.

Ⅱ [Must-see] All the secrets of banker trading in the currency circle are revealed!

‖Dry information‖Shadow's story‖Scam‖Revealed‖

True, objective, no rumors, no evil

Personal experience, revealing the gray around you and me Insider

People are in the financial market, one stroke is a story

Tomorrow will become a reality, and the commentary will spread to the world

The law of the currency market and the stock market is The same, one win, two draws and seven losses, which means that more than 70% of people will lose money, so how can retail investors stand among the 10% of people who make profits? I think that in order to make money from retail investors, institutions are constantly studying the psychology and behavior of retail investors. We retail investors might as well turn around and regard ourselves as institutional investors, and also study the psychology and behavior of institutions, so that we can survive in this world full of traps. Invincible in the market of fraud, deception and rumors.

1. If I were a banker, what would I do?

Similarly, I will hold and smash at the same time, so that I will get more chips with lower prices. When it fell to a very low level, basically no one competed with me for chips, because during this decline, I continued to sell high and buy low, and continued to oscillate greatly, trapping most of the bottom-buyers and rebounders. On the way down, or I will exhaust their losses so that they will not dare to get involved in this currency again. At this time, my goal has been achieved.. Retail investors are afraid and panic, and the high chips will continue to fall. I can continue to sell high and buy low in the bottom sideways to collect chips. This may take a long time. The key depends on the degree of the top chips falling. If the high If the chips don't loosen for a long time, then I won't buy this currency.

When I have collected enough chips, because when I was collecting chips, the technical team made some good news and coordinated with the overall market situation, it was effortless for me to pull it off and it didn’t cost much. When other people in this market see this currency rising for several days in a row, they will definitely follow suit, so I will gradually reduce my position.

What are the benefits of this technology for the team to cooperate with us? It is actually very simple. If I pull the currency to a high level, the coins they hold can also be sold at a good price; when it is at a low level, They can also buy their own coins and earn reputation. In this way, the income will be considerable, why not?

Of course, this must be the same as the trend of the market. In the meantime, retail investors should know what to do.

Of course, if I am a banker, I must also consider many issues:

First: From a legal perspective, there is currently no specific law or regulation governing virtual currency. , so there shouldn’t be any big problem with large-scale currency speculation.

Second: We must consider the issue of capital. If they see considerable profits when we pull, and end up selling a large number of chips, then we will be miserable and will inevitably lose money. We must do it before we do it. You must first communicate with them, and you also need to understand how much circulation they have and what their selling intentions are. This is a matter of size.

Third: The thing to consider is Lao and Zhuang. If this coin has not been abandoned by Lao and Zhuang, then I will try not to touch it, because if Lao and Zhuang do it against you, you will die. It's miserable, just like China Unicom's arbitrage of hot money, which will lead to a very miserable death. Therefore, currency selection is very important.

Fourth: It is the status of the broader market. In currency trading, people's hearts are shattered, and the market has been cut in half many times. It is completely a bear market. If you pull in, others will ship, and you will be trapped in it. Then the most appropriate thing now is to throw coins.Most people have a mentality that if a coin bought for 20 yuan falls to 15 yuan, it will not be sold, and if it falls to 10 yuan, it will not be sold. If it falls to 5 yuan, there will still be few people selling it, but you have to pull it back to 4 yuan if it falls to 2 yuan. Many people will basically cut their flesh when they see a doubling, especially if it goes down or sideways for a long time.

If these problems are solved, the selling will begin. How much is appropriate? According to the situation of the market, traders must follow the market every day. When the market falls sharply, you must plunge deeply. At this time, the cost is very low. You only need to use a small amount of chips to open the key points, and there will be a stop loss order to help. You go ahead and smash it down. However, some chips must be added in the late trading to prevent the market from going lower or higher the next day. A certain amount of chips can be flexibly controlled. In other words, you must keep an eye on the leading currency (Bitcoin is the leading currency) when trading.

Why should we focus on the leading coins?

The key lies in cost. As the market fluctuates, your cost is the lowest. When Bitcoin falls, you also fall, and the amount of chips used to sell is the least, because not many people dare to buy and can go deep. When the market goes up, you don't need to buy much. You just need to buy the chips at key points. Someone will push the stock price up. When it reaches a certain high point, you can also sell some of the chips you bought at low positions. This can free up some funds to make a small difference.

Therefore, the situation we see in the currency circle is that if it goes up, everyone will go up together, and if it goes down, everyone will go down.

There are several types of people in the currency circle: trend investors, those who get stuck and ignore it, technical people, fundamentalists, long-term investors, short-term speculators, etc.

I want to be the banker in this currency. I have to face these people and try my best to let them make less money or cut them off in the currency I control. At this time, I will There are many ways to deal with it, because if they make more money, it means I make less money. If they don’t cut their flesh, I won’t make any money.

For trend investors, I have no good solution except to regard them as lock-ups; but for others, I rely on them for my daily life, food, drinks and entertainment.

I generally like people who are stuck and ignore them. After these people hand over the money to me, they help me lock in most of the chips, so that I have sufficient funds to run freely at the bottom.

The fundamentalists are also my second favorite, because they basically took over after I raised the price of the currency. As soon as the good news came out, they took over. After they finished taking over, they started In any meeting, they would return the chips to me at a low position.

Technical people generally tend to be more short-term and like to do swings. Some people here think they are very skilled, such as KDJ golden cross, dead cross, and MAC.D. CR, the relationship between volume and price, Fibonacci golden section, Elliott’s wave theory, Gann curve, etc., etc., but I generally don’t look at this when making money. I usually just focus on it. How many orders did I place today, how many orders came in at certain prices, and at what prices did larger accounts come in and out. This is very critical to me, because it determines how to operate the next day. Sometimes I need to appease them and ask them to help keep the coins in their hands for a few more days to reduce the active chips.

But sometimes they have to be eliminated, especially short-term customers. When today we find that a lot of short-term hot money has come in, we must eliminate them no matter what the next day, even if they move against the market.

Looking back, haha, it’s so funny, the K-line is really in line with the characteristics of certain technical indicators. It's inevitable, it's inevitable.

Here I explain why I want to kill hot money.

In fact, this is related to my short-term profit, because short-term customers and hot money are the best to make money. They hold chips for a short time and can make me profit in a very short time.

For example, in the case of a lockup, you can only make a profit once, and then it stops moving, and you have nothing to do with it. This period sometimes lasts for several years. I have to eat and drink during the year; I don’t make much profit from the local pies, because I have to share their profits equally with the company.

But short-term investors and hot money are different. I can make huge profits in one band.

So how to do it?

The first is: it is gradually pulling up. At this time, the technical indicators begin to go well. When technical people look at the technical indicators, they are generally easily tempted to come in. During this period, I will pull in and sell at the same time. , what needs to be controlled is to put the chips in their hands before the top divergence, so that they can see that the technical indicators have not reached the top yet, and the currency price can rise even higher. At this time, there will be a surge and fall on the second day, and then on the third day After a sudden drop, they basically started to take action. Without me, the price of the currency went down. Naturally, I set the price to pick up the fruits. This is especially true for hot money. I will pull it in the first half, and I will take a look at the hot money. The currency price was bullish, and they immediately swarmed in. In the second half, I gave them some chips. The next day, I opened low and moved low. When the hot money saw that the momentum was not right, they immediately fled. At this time, I had to see the amount of money fleeing. , and calculate my own results. If the number of escapes is large enough, I will pull it up in the afternoon. Because most of the short-term customers have left, I don’t need to pay much profit to go out. It is easy to pull up the currency price, and I am hereThe price difference between the two days is at least about 3% of the transaction amount.

But when I found that I didn’t go far, I continued going down.

This is what many retail investors wonder, why does it go up when I sell and go down when I buy? Because your behavior is consistent with that of most people, haha.

2. What are the risks of being a banker?

First, I am not the only banker who operates this currency. Usually, several people are invited to join forces. Just like hunting dogs on the prairie, it is easier to achieve success by using group tactics. If you are alone, firstly, you may not necessarily have this strength. Secondly, you will be easily caught by others. You may not be able to defeat the fox and you will get into trouble. Therefore, you can definitely invite friends to cooperate. Whoever is in charge will take second place. problem.

Since it is cooperation, the risks are also obvious. When the market fluctuates, one of your friends will immediately give up. At this time, you will be in trouble, and all the hard work for a long time will be in vain.

Another problem is that when the market trend is downward, you don’t notice it because you still have the chips in your hands, so you just want to hold on. At this time, you will also be finished. The previous bull markets have ended. Later, many dealers fell down on this.

So, how to deal with risks, that is, first pay attention to the trend of Bitcoin, because the market makers are very sensitive to the trend of the market index. When Bitcoin goes up, some minor currencies controlled by the main force will But if the price is stagflation, or there are signs of a U-turn, then I will find a way to hand over as many chips as possible to retail investors before Bitcoin falls, and try to free up cash as much as possible. As long as there is sufficient cash on hand, I'm not afraid whether it goes up or down. If it goes up, I can buy it down with the remaining chips in my hand; if it goes down, I can buy more chips.

When the market is about to reverse at the end, the signs will also be obvious.

3. Let’s talk about the issue of top and bottom

Now many people are concerned about where the market will fall to the bottom, 13000, 11000, 8000? To be honest, I don’t know. Not only do I not know what point the market will fall to as the bottom, but I don’t even know what price the currency I own as a banker will fall to. How can I predict the market? Some people say, can it be reduced from 20 yuan to 5 yuan? Is it the end? I said no, maybe it would drop to 1-2 yuan, or maybe it would drop to 8 yuan. There is no such thing in the currency market.As for the theory of top and bottom, what really matters is the relationship between supply and demand. When the balance between supply and demand is reached, the bottom will naturally be reached.

For example, my currency, I let it fluctuate every day, up and down, but one day I found that the currency I sold could not be bought back with the money for more or the same amount. There are too many coins. At this time, it is impossible for me to move downwards. This should be its bottom. Maybe it's at 5 yuan, maybe it's not even at 1 yuan. Who knows where the balance can be achieved? We can only keep testing.

The same goes for the top. I pulled up, but there was no follower. So to whom can I distribute the stocks I bought at a high price? Of course, it's one thing if I pull up the price to show you the price, and the same goes for the bottom.

In the index, the same is true. If the incoming and outgoing funds can reach a balance, the index will reach the bottom; if not, it will continue to fall until the balance is reached.

4. How do market makers make money during a decline?

Many people sometimes don’t understand that the banker’s cost is 20 yuan. If he raises the stock price to 10 yuan or 15 yuan, doesn’t he also lose money? This is really a stupid banker. In fact, retail investors don’t understand that the banker’s method of making money is often different from that of retail investors. When the buy price is lower than the sell order, the banker is holding coins. Only when they turn into money can they be real gold and silver. If he does not drop the price, he will ship the goods himself. How can he wait for retail investors to ship the goods? This is also the reason why many coins have been cut in half recently. , another one, and then another one. At present, most coins have fallen by 80%, and 10,000 yuan has become 2,000 yuan!

In fact, this is not the case. If the order is not smashed and shipped, retail investors will follow suit. However, with limited orders, institutions cannot sell out. If the price drops slowly, the losses of institutions will be even worse. And because the price is unattractive and you can't find an opponent, it becomes a blunt knife to cut your flesh, and you only know the pain.

Using the method of hitting the limit, the market's attention will be focused on it. When it drops to half, some bookmakers will start to take huge orders, because in the past few days, the market has dropped to the limit. Attention is very high, and there are huge orders, which means that the stock price should rebound at this time. Technically it is oversold and the currency price has halved. No matter what, it will rebound by more than ten to twenty percent, so retail investors, The big players rushed in, and the dealer's selling orders were robbed.

But the reality is not what retail investors and large investors imagine. In a bear market, those who place huge amounts of money are often shipping goods. It looks like they are sweeping up goods with large orders, but it is actually a trap set by the dealers. Benefit sharing.

Let’s take another stock example: CSR: The listing price exceeded the issue price by more than 60%, and 5 institutional seats were all ranked in the top 5 for purchase. Are these institutions stupid? Must pay a premium60% to take over, especially in a bear market, are you afraid that you won’t be able to buy chips? If you wait a few days before buying, it may reach the issue price. In fact, the institutions are not stupid at all. This is just a performance between institutions. Those who get more than 60% of the premium will allocate a certain profit to the institutions that take over the orders, and these institutions do not buy much. More chips are handed over to others, including a large number of retail investors, at a premium. For those who have access to most of the high-premium chips, those who make profits don’t have to think about anything.

Therefore, I hope that the currency I operate will fall, as low as possible.

For example, in the range of 20 yuan to 18 yuan, I sold 20% of the coins in my hand, and in the range of 18 to 16, I sold 18% of the coins, and I will make up for it later. , because in this case of decline, many stop-loss orders began to appear, and some people wanted to cover their positions. At this time, I had to rebound based on the chip situation. Why should I rebound? The main purpose is to attract people who are copying the market. Of course, if there are too many people copying the market, I will go short again the next day.

Under normal circumstances, not many people buy the bottom of the rebound on the first day. As long as it lasts for two days, retail investors will see how the currency is rising every day, especially the meat-cutting and cover-up orders. They will usually chase it. Come in, and the high position has been bullish for a few days. Forget it if you don't sell. You may still make some money after waiting a few days. At this time, I went short with my backhand and trapped them.

How much do I earn during this period? Because profits are distributed during the pull, a certain amount of profit can be maintained for each period of decline.

Then why do I want the currency price of my banker to be as low as possible? Think about it, if you open a shopping mall, do you want the goods you sell to be cheap or expensive? Naturally, it is better to be cheap, because then the amount of funds used is small. If you add 1 yuan to 10 yuan, people will think it is expensive; if you add 1 dime to 1 yuan, no one will care about you if you are not showing off, but the ratio of earning from 10 yuan to 1 yuan is the same. The same goes for stocks. Not many people feel anything if a stock of 1 yuan rises to 1.5 yuan; but what if a stock of 10 yuan rises to 15 yuan?

This is the fundamental reason why the currency market is bullish and bearish. Few bankers hope that the stock price will be high to increase their own costs.

Ⅲ What are the media in the currency circle?

List of blockchain media


B: Bit Finance, currency world , Barbie Finance, Babbitt, Bo Lian Finance, Ben Satoshi Blockchain, Bingtang Finance, Coin Circle Bond, Coin Report, Coin Watch Finance, Coin Grandpa, Whip BiaNews, Coin Circle Knows Early, Coin Earning Alliance, Coin Must read, currency circle trends, vernacular blockchain, currency circle gossip, currency calculations, the unscrupulous young master of the currency circle, currency circle finance, currency friends club, Bit Wu, currency knowledge, currency panpan, currency alliance leader, currency sound finance, bitcoin Rating BitRating, Bit News bitnews, Bit Street, Biyou Finance, Bit Toutiao

C: Cai Lianshe

D: Cannon Rating, Ruozhou

E: Ear Finance, EOS Gravity Zone

F: FN Finance, Fenghuo Finance, Fenguo Finance

G: Shared Finance, Fruity Finance,

H: Mars Finance, Huoxun Finance, Hash Finance, Nuclear Finance, Huer Finance, Dolphin Blockchain, Overseas Currency Circle, Honghuang Finance, Hujing Finance

I:< br />
J: Golden Finance, Jiuyi Finance, Money News, Golden Bull Finance, Golden Bull Blockchain under Node Finance, Gold Coin Finance, Today’s Coin Circle, Jiazi Guangnian, Jinta

K: Block Connection, KuaiZhi Blockchain

L: Link Finance, Lianhu Finance, LianDeDe, LianDoctor, Lianjin Finance, Leilu Finance, LianHero, LianZhi Finance, Blue Fox Notes, Lian Guan Tian Xia, Chain, Lian Lian Finance, Lian Bai Tiao, Lian Tian Xia, Lao Jin Financial Notes

M: Daily Coin Reading, Cat Talk, Magic City Block, < br />
N: Niu Jin Finance, Nvxia Blockchain

O: OneTV

P: Poker Finance, Pai Lian Finance
< br /> Q: Blockchain House, Blockchain Era, District Coin Detective, Blockchain Pencil Blockchain, Blockchain Official WeChat, Blockchain Breakfast, Blockchain Base Camp, Blockchain Investment Internal Reference, Colorful Blocks , Qifeng Finance, Blockchain Frontier (InfoQ), Quanchain Finance

R: Digital Currency Multiplication Science, Digital Asset Technical Analysis, Junger Finance, Blockchain Bedtime Stories, Blockchain Field, Block Rhythm BlockBeats, Blockchain Xiaoyaozi

S: Sanyan Finance, Three O'clock Finance, Shilian Finance, Digital Currency Trend Madman, Digital Asset Information Network, Digital Asset V, Shuiling Home, Shenlian Finance, Garlic Media

T: Gyro Finance, Ostrich Blockchain



W: Future Finance, Future Financial Information, Wang Tuanzhang’s Blockchain Diary, Wu Jie Blockchain

X: Hip-Hop Finance, Virtual Currency I, Virtual Currency Business Opportunities, Little Monkey Kan Blockchain, Rhino Blockchain

Y: Ant Block Finance, a book of finance, about to launch

Z: Sino-European Blockchain Observation, Early Comment on Finance, True Finance

#: District 31, District 8MIN Blockchain

IV Ranking of currency trading platform apps

1. The ranking of currency trading platform apps is Huobi.com, Binance.com, OKEX, ZB and MXC International.
2. Huobi.com is operated by Beijing Huobi Tianxia Network Technology Co., Ltd. and launched in September 2013. It is one of the world's leading Bitcoin trading platforms. On March 4, 2014, Huobi.com’s daily trading volume exceeded 260,000, and the transaction amount reached 1 billion yuan, setting a record among the global Bitcoin trading platforms. It is currently one of the Bitcoin trading platforms with the largest trading volume in the world. . On March 19, 2014, Huobi launched Litecoin spot trading.
3. Binance is a trading platform focusing on blockchain assets created by a group of digital asset enthusiasts led by former okcoin co-founder Changpeng Zhao (CZ). Founder Zhao Changpeng had constant disputes with his old employer Okcoin. He was not very optimistic about it at first, but later found that the platform's performance was quite impressive.
OKEX has assets of US$35.3506 million, a total of 595 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$14.575 billion. OKEX is one of the world's famous international digital asset sites. It mainly provides spot and derivatives trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum to global users. It is affiliated to OKEX Technology Company Limited. When OKEX was founded, it received millions of dollars in angel investment from the Entrepreneurship Workshop established by the world's top investor Tim Draper. Mr. Tim Draper is also an investor in the world's top companies such as Hotmail, Internet, and Tesla.
4. ZB has assets of US$300 million, a total of 147 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$658 million. ZB is the world's leading digital asset trading service platform. Since its establishment in 2013, it has provided digital asset trading services to more than 10 million users around the world. It has been operating steadily for 7 years, with an average daily transaction volume of more than 3 billion US dollars. BTC , ZB, EOS, and XRP have long been among the top in terms of transaction share of mainstream currencies. Services provided: currency-to-crypto transactions, fiat currency transactions, leveraged transactions, mortgage loans, and deposit-to-coin mining.
5.MXC has assets of US$50 million, a total of 418 trading pairs, and a 24-hour trading volume of US$342 million. MXC International Station is a platform focused on the exchange and exchange of blockchain assets created by senior quantitative trading teams from Wall Street and Japan and Europe in conjunction with senior blockchain practitioners through a decentralized self-organization form. MXC will provide users with more secure, convenient and intelligent blockchain asset circulation services, aggregate global high-quality blockchain assets, integrate the world's top security technologies, and strive to create a globalThe top international website for blockchain assets.
(Operating environment: Huawei nova4
The currency trading platform apps are all downloaded from the website)

Ⅳ Who is in charge of the currency circle? Various virtual currencies have collapsed one after another. Why do some people still believe that

The so-called currency circle is a gathering place for Ponzi scheme fraudsters and speculators? It is a lawless place, and the only rule is that there are no rules. But the currency circle is not unattended. The reason why virtual currencies are so popular is because there are secret support from Western forces behind it. Therefore, the currency circle is secretly managed by Western financial giants.

Now open your mouth and shut up about virtual currency, so you must first clarify a concept, what is electronic currency.

Bitcoin is generally called a Ponzi scheme. In fact, Bitcoin is not a Ponzi scheme. It is a gamble of passing the money by beating the drum, betting that you will not be the last person to take over the money. Although the deception methods are not clever, because the Western financial industry, led by Wall Street, is behind the scenes, with the strong capital backing in hand, the virtual signals can survive the storm. Western financial institutions are waiting for the day when the leeks will be cut, so speculators who think they can escape before that day arrive have entered the market to bet against these financial institutions.

With the popularity of Bitcoin, various virtual currencies such as Huobi have also emerged. Speculators are betting that they can make a lot of money and leave safely before the currency circle collapses. Among them, Chinese speculator capital is said to account for more than 40% of the total investment in the currency circle, which is very worrying. When the day of cutting leeks comes, just look at how many people are standing on the rooftop. It is not worthy of sympathy at all. .

VI The currency circle was shocked for 24 hours, and 580,000 people’s dreams of getting rich were shattered

“One hour I was talking and laughing, and the next second I was completely confused.” May, Beijing time At around 10 pm on the 19th, currency investor Wang Shuai (pseudonym) told the author.

As night fell, the rapid decline of virtual currencies shocked the entire currency circle. Among them, Bitcoin fell by about 34% from the day's high, once falling to US$29,000; Ethereum (ETH) once cut in half; other newly popular currencies such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin also fell by 56% and 56% respectively. 64%.

“This crash ranks among the top ten in history.” Wang Shuai, who started to be exposed to Bitcoin 8 years ago and has experienced many ups and downs, told the author that on May 19 In the plummeting tide that night, the book value of the virtual coins he held plummeted by nearly 500,000 yuan, leaving only more than 1 million yuan. He did not disclose the cost price of the coins.

Compared with the "old guns in the currency circle" who play with heartbeats, the "frightening night" of the new Leek is more painful.

Data from the market data platform "Coin" show that as of 7:30 a.m. on May 20, the total liquidation in the past 24 hours reached US$6.91 billion (approximately 44.4 billion yuan)), about 580,000 people liquidated their positions.

The reason why positions are liquidated is that they mostly use the contract leverage transactions provided by currency speculation platforms. Whenever the market falls rapidly, investors have no time to repay their margins and will face forced liquidation by the trading platform. The hundreds of thousands of people liquidating their positions means that recently more currency speculators have used higher leverage in their transactions, which reflects the blind optimism of buyers about the later market trends.

Although 3 hours later, Bitcoin and other virtual currency prices seemed to gradually "recover lost ground", with Bitcoin returning to around $40,000, the wealth of those who had liquidated their positions could no longer be wiped out. Can't come back.

After a frightening night on May 19, Bitcoin resumed its decline, falling to around US$36,000

1. The currency circle encountered a regulatory “moment of clarity”

Past During the year, the prevalence of speculation led to a surge in virtual currency varieties and trading volumes. In overseas markets, Elon Musk, the world’s second richest man, allowed Tesla to accept Bitcoin to buy cars, and legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones proposed a method of purchasing virtual currencies to combat inflation. All of them will attract more people to enter the virtual currency market in 2020.

“Part of the cash originally used for bailout by the U.S. government during the epidemic flowed into zero-commission trading platforms.” A U.S. stock analyst told the author, “New trading platforms are more convenient The trading interface has made stock and currency trading gamified, and the work-from-home trend caused by the epidemic has also made online community opinions more influential. The wealth effect has continued to involve more people, and everyone seems to have become a day trader, which has also made Speculation is spreading in the U.S. stock market and currency circles.”

Before mid-April this year, the price of Bitcoin surged from US$7,000 in 2020 to US$65,000, and various new virtual currencies The increase is even more "detached from the gravity of the earth": Dogecoin once rose 110 times, and Shiba Inu coin once rose 280,000 times.

But on the evening of May 18, the currency circle encountered a "moment of clarity." China Internet Finance Association, China Banking Association, and China Payment and Clearing Association jointly issued an announcement to warn against the risks of speculation in virtual currency transactions.

The People's Bank of China issued announcements from three major industry associations on preventing the risks of virtual currency speculation on its public account on the evening of May 18

Some currency speculators once said to the author It is difficult to supervise over-the-counter transactions of virtual currencies. As long as the names of virtual currencies such as BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Ethereum) do not appear in the remarks, in the eyes of financial institutions and payment institutions, they can be recognized as individual users. Transfers and remittances between. It remains to be seen whether the regulatory authorities will take specific actions after this round of risk warnings.

On the evening of May 19, Zhang Min (pseudonym), a person in the currency circle, told the author that after the announcements from the three major associations came out, people in the currency circle were also waiting to see its further impact. “Recently, many industries in the currency circle have Activities and forums have been temporarily canceled."

2. “Musk is not a god either”

In addition to the tightening signal from domestic regulations, Musk’s “sudden betrayal” is also considered to be a sign of this round of One of the triggers for the collapse of virtual currencies has caused him to be personally questioned by believers and other participants in the cryptocurrency community.

Tesla is not the first public company to buy coins. Long before Tesla bought the currency, the U.S. listed company Microstrategy invested part of the cash on its balance sheet in virtual currencies. However, with a personal net worth of US$142.6 billion, Musk ranked second on the Forbes list of the world's richest people. goods, more provocative. "Because he has enough capital to prove his prediction." Follower Chen Qi (pseudonym) told the author.

Although the momentum behind this round of Bitcoin’s rise is believed to be the entry of institutional investors, JPMorgan Chase’s research report stated that the role of institutional investment has been exaggerated, and the entry of retail investors is the main driving force. Musk is clearly an “opinion leader” among retail investors.

On social media, Musk has more than 55 million fans, especially among the younger generation of investors around the world. For retail investors, Tesla’s public announcement on February 8 that it had purchased $1.5 billion in Bitcoin was regarded as a “buy signal.” From the time the news was announced to mid-April, Bitcoin rose from around $40,000 to around $65,000. According to outside estimates, Tesla's cost of building a Bitcoin position is around US$28,000-30,000.

But Musk suddenly rebelled. Last week, he publicly stated on social media that he would no longer accept Bitcoin as payment for car purchases because mining is not environmentally friendly. Market sentiment turned negative.

Musk's unprecedented influence on the currency circle and inconsistent tweets have caused other currency circle participants to change their attitude towards Musk from "free riding" to "drawing a clear line".

“There is no God among us.” Anthony Pompliano, one of the founders of Morgan Creek, an investment company that manages digital assets for institutions, said on social media Publicly speaking out, "Celebrities, athletes, musicians, billionaires and entrepreneurs don't matter as much as we all think. The Bit community once welcomed Musk with open arms. But if he continues to do stupid things, he You should leave as soon as possible.”

Amid the slump, Cathie Wood, who manages US$50 billion in funds, said at the "Business Weekly" forum held on May 19"Come in to save the market" and insist on being bullish on Bitcoin rising to $500,000. She also said that there are solutions to Musk’s concerns about mining being unenvironmentally friendly. She proposed that the current global mining power is about 10-20GW. If the idle 200GW of new energy sources such as solar and wind energy can be used, the green transformation of Bitcoin mining can be achieved. She also hinted that Tesla might be able to play a more important role in this process. Tesla owns Solar City assets and focuses on photovoltaic technology.

Almost at the same time, the "erratic" Musk once again shouted on social media, saying that Tesla has "diamond hands." This is a kind of network code in the currency circle, which implies that you will continue to hold virtual currency positions. The virtual currency subsequently narrowed its decline.

3. Novelty and Cruelty in the “Zoo Coin Circle”

Musk’s ability to bring goods in the currency circle is not limited to Bitcoin.

Deng Jie (pseudonym), a virtual currency buyer, told the author that the reason why he bought Dogecoin was because Musk spared no effort to bring goods for Dogecoin, so he bought Shiba Inu Coin. , also because Musk sent a tweet that was suspected to be related to Shiba Inu Coin.

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin are newly popular virtual currencies. The original intention of the invention of Dogecoin was to make a joke to mock virtual currencies, while Shiba Inucoin was intended to become a "Dogecoin killer". But these "new buyers" don't seem to care about the history, original intentions, supply and demand relationships or internal management mechanisms of these "new currencies" that were created.

“I just want to buy a ticket to watch the theater in the front row.” A new buyer of Shiba Inu coins said, “In the WeChat group, we often see people who buy coins and then make money inexplicably. , I also want to give it a try." When asked whether he had set a stop loss line for himself or how much principal he planned to invest, he said he had no plan yet.

On the day of the "519 Horror Night", the declines of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin, which were once popularized by Musk, once exceeded 50%. In addition to Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin, a wide variety of virtual coins such as Pig Coin, Orangutan Coin, Husky, and Akita Inu have appeared on the market, creating a "zoo" market in the currency circle.

Zhang Min expressed concern about the entry of new leeks: "The market has exaggerated the sharp rise of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin, which has stimulated many novices to enter the market. This is already very naked. It’s time to cut the leeks.” He also said that the risk warnings from the three major associations in the financial circle were timely.

Even Wang Shuai, who calls himself a speculator, admits that the "zoo market" is destroying the value judgment of virtual currencies. It seems that as long as you buy any virtual currency and a celebrity brings the goods, you can wait for the currency price. The skyrocketing prices have led to instant wealth, and there are even newly issued "animal coins" with ridiculous rules, such that they can only be bought but not sold.

Wang Shuai introduced to the author that the currency speculation marketThe market operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and about 20% of currency speculators do contract trading (with leverage). Statistics have shown that the average time it takes for a novice to lose all his principal after entering the contract market is 45 days.

Regarding the market outlook, Wang Shuai is not as optimistic as before. #BTC[超话]# #digital currency# #欧易OKEx#

Yesterday’s data showed that Bitcoin’s capital flow exceeded 9.3 billion yuan within 24 hours, ranking among the top of the list. The recent market has also seen continuous capital inflows, market panic is gradually dissipating, the market has picked up, short-term prices are constantly testing upwards, and have escaped from the previous downward predicament. The market is also gradually picking up, which shows that investors are relatively optimistic about the current market, and the short-term trend continues to break upwards. Therefore, in short-term operations, we can just follow the trend and go long, and pay attention to grasp the profits in time. After all, the best way is to be safe. Friends who are spot traders can try to grasp the band profits. Because the trend has been fluctuating widely for more than a month now. Again, take good risk control. No matter how confident you are about the future market, you must have a stop-profit and a stop-loss! Bitcoin continued to trend strongly yesterday. After the price broke through the 33,000 line and was suppressed, the market further rose to the 34,400 position as expected. The recent trend has continued to test upwards, and bullish sentiment continues to heat up. The current market is also continuing to rise, with the high hitting 34,500 being under pressure. As long as the subsequent correction does not fall below the 33,000 line, the short-term upward pattern will remain unchanged. In terms of ideas: The idea is basically the same in the early morning, and the spot currency is held; in the short term during the day, the support level is 33300, and the pressure level is 34500. If the callback is near 33800, you can try short positions and long orders, and the target is near 34400. If it breaks through, continue to hold with a good stop loss.

Ⅶ The basic knowledge of the currency circle is suitable for beginners, but there are many, so please read it patiently!

What does currency circle mean?

The so-called currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation currency, mining, exchanges, project parties, self-media, etc.

What are the mainstream coins in the currency circle?

BTC (Bitcoin) ETH (Ethereum) XRP (Ripple, Wave Goddess)

BCH (Bitcoin Cash, Grand Prince) EOS (Grapefruit) LTC (Litecoin) , spicy strips)

How to make money in the currency circle?

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-making, contracts, etc.

Which exchanges are the best to use?

Spot exchanges: Binance, Huobi, okex, Biter (the most well-known and safe)

Futures exchanges: okex, bitmex, Huobi (the most well-known and safe)

Where can I usually read currency news?

Market websites: Feixiaohao, mytoken, Alcoin, etc.

News websites: Golden Finance, Babbitt Community, Coin World News

Currency Circle What does fiat currency mean?

Legal currency is legal currency, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

What does currency circle token mean?

token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and inherent Value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other abilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network , so that it can be verified anytime and anywhere.

What does it mean to open a position in the currency circle?

Position building in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

What does currency stud mean?

Currency Stud means investing all the principal.

What does airdrop mean in the currency circle?

Airdrops are currently a very popular method of cryptocurrency marketing. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

What does lock-up in the currency circle mean?

Hedging generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open new positions that are opposite to their original positions. It is also called locking, order locking, or even locking. It is euphemistically called the butterfly flying in two directions.

What does Biquan Candy mean?

Coin circle candy, that is, various digital currencies are free during the ICO when they are first issued.The digital currency issued to users is a kind of momentum and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

What does the currency circle break mean?

Breaking refers to falling below, and issuing refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

What does private equity in the currency circle mean?

Private placement in the currency circle is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

What do you think of the K-line in the currency circle?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, bar lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

What does it mean to move bricks in the currency circle?

Brick trading is to buy digital currency from an exchange with a low currency price, and then sell it to an exchange with a high price.

What does ICO mean?

Initial Coin Offering, derived from the concept of initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market, is a financing behavior in which a blockchain project exchanges its own virtual currency for commonly used virtual currencies in market circulation, and also returns There are IEO, STO, etc., and the models are all similar

Five major investment rules

1. Consider and observe projects from multiple aspects, and do not follow others’ opinions. Many copycat circles have appeared in the currency circle. For money projects, once the founder runs away, there is no way to hold him legally responsible.

2. Understand the relevant knowledge of blockchain and the industry pain points solved by blockchain before entering the currency circle.

3. For the project you want to invest in, you must have a comprehensive understanding of whether the project actually uses blockchain technology, whether its founder has disclosed his identity and has a true background, and whether the business logic of the project is Closely related to the token, whether there are already similar projects in the same industry that are solving industry pain points, and if the project is successfully implemented, whether its project has the ability to make profits in real life.

4. If you cannot accurately judge the project prospects of a currency, do not invest more than 20% of assets when participating in blockchain investment, and do not put your eggs in one basket.

5. High-quality projects will also have their ups and downs. Treat them with a normal attitude. If you are optimistic about the investment projects, you don’t need to care too much about the price in the short term. Pay attention to whether the team’s development progress is consistent with the white paper. In addition, only in the long-term Only by holding it will you ultimately earn more income.

Top Ten Trading Rules

First, don’t be easily deceived with low-priced chips, have firm faith and prevent the dealer from hitting the market.

Second, chasing the rise and killing the fall, it is always a taboo to buy and sell full positions. The general trend is good. Building positions in batches when the market falls is lower risk, lower cost, and greater profit than chasing the market.

Third, distribute profits reasonably and release funds to the maximum extent, instead of adding positions and deposits all the time.

Fourth, lose money when it rises sharply and defend money when it falls sharply. You must have a correct mentality at all times, do not speculate, do not be impetuous, do not be greedy, do not fear, and do not fight unprepared battles.

Fifth, when ambushing or privately selling low-priced coins, you rely on experience to bet with the banker. In the future of the currency, the subsequent secondary market game is a process of relying on technology and information to follow the banker. Don't put the cart before the horse and end up in a mess.

Sixth, when opening a position and shipping, it must be layered and segmented, and the price gradually spreads out, effectively controlling the proportion of risk and profit,

Seventh, linkage You need to be familiar with the effects, watch the market when trading coins, and pay attention to the trends of other coins. Each coin does not exist in isolation when trading on the market. It may seem that there is no connection, but it is actually intricately intertwined. The linkage effect requires understanding of the coins. There are many of them now. Tools can be used to view currency information and information,

Eighth, the allocation of positions must be reasonable. The allocation of hot coins and value coins must be reasonable. Pay attention to the ability to withstand stress and the proportion of profit intake. Being too conservative will If you miss the opportunity, you may face high risks if you are too radical! The biggest characteristic of value coins is that they are mainly stable. The biggest characteristic of hot coins is that they are highly volatile. They may rise to the sky or fall to zero in one battle.

Ninth, having coins on the market, money in your account, and cash in your pocket is the safest and most secure standard. If you can’t stud, you will die. The grasp of risk control and the reasonable allocation of funds are what determine your success. Mentality and the key to success or failure, investing spare money is the foundation,

Tenth, master the basic operations, learn to draw inferences from one instance, and master the basic ideas of trading. Observation is the prerequisite. Remember the high and low points of each time, as Reference data, learn to record, learn to summarize materials by yourself, develop reading habits, and develop the ability to filter information.

Steady investment plan

Position control, never fill up your position easily, why do you say not to fill up your position

The first point is risk control, you can’t guarantee it After you buy it, it will rise immediately. If you encounter a waterfall, your assets will be greatly discounted, and you will not be able to cover your position and lower the average price.

The second point is mentality control. I have had this experience myself. After a full position stud, I will keep staring at the market, which seriously affects my mentality. I couldn't sleep well.

The third point is that it is easy to be cut off and have a gambling mentality. They want to see changes in their income every moment.After the position is full, if you see that the price of your own currency has not increased in a short period of time, if other currencies have increased or if there are other coins you want to buy, you will buy them. Repeated operations will result in less and less money.

Long-term 3-40% Long-term holding

Short-term 3-40% Why are there short-term? Many people say that short-term will definitely lose money. But when we allocate long-term funds, speculating in currencies is a very interesting thing. I believe that most people can’t control their own hands. As long as they control their positions well and don’t cut their flesh frequently, short-term under normal circumstances You must make a profit before exiting (the special case is when there is a problem with the project or the market). Then refer to my position control above, and whether the long-term return of any currency is higher than the short-term return.

Ⅷ Principal Huang from Coin Circle: Talk about my understanding of calm observation, firm footing,...

1. Calm down, only when you are calm can you think, and only when your brain can Only by thinking about the internal logic can we stay within a certain range and not take wrong detours. The principal believes that the wrong way to go in the currency circle is to treat currency copying as the fantasy of getting rich overnight. This is a wrong idea. There are too many temptations in the currency circle, and capital The market is full of traps. You can only think calmly and respond calmly to avoid being ruthlessly swallowed up by the market

3. Steady your position. The principal also understood that it means steady your pace. Otherwise, you must not be afraid that success will come late. Set your mind right, don't be eager for quick success, always want to get all the profits in one go, judge you must be steady and steady, don't rush for success, as long as you have chips, as long as you can stabilize 1% every day, it will be 365% in one year

4. Deal with it calmly. If the market fluctuations can affect people's minds, they will eventually lose everything on the gambling table of the currency circle. The principal must also constantly remind himself that if he does not fight, he will not win my battle. , there is no need to flip a coin to participate in the currency circle. Since we are thinking about long-term development in the currency circle, it means that we must stay away from all gambler mentality and go with the mentality of earning coins and hoarding coins, rather than thinking about making money in the currency circle. The mentality of running away with pen requires long-term plans instead of drinking now and getting drunk the next

5. Keep a low profile and bide your time, be neither impatient nor arrogant, do not be arrogant, do not be discouraged, and face life with an open mind. , entering the currency circle is a game in life. In this game, try to get as close to the core of the aura as possible, absorbing heat and dissipating heat at the same time

6. Be good at being humble, the principal has passed After two rounds of bull-bear transitions in the currency circle, I discovered more and more problems in my own cognition. Of course, after experiencing the changes in the crowd around me, I also discovered that the reason why many people live better lives is that they can be good at it. Be humble and be good at keeping yourself in a state of learning and progress

7. Make a difference under the principal’s guidanceIn my eyes, what does it mean to do something? Let your growth experience inspire your partners who have been on the road of struggle, let your relatives have good living conditions, and help your friends around you to move towards a better life together. Creating value in society and providing some employment conditions is an act. Therefore, the principal must also set a goal for himself to achieve basic financial freedom in the currency circle. He also hopes that friends can witness the growth and success of the principal

8. Never take the lead. In fact, in the principal’s understanding, you should never bow your head. It doesn’t matter whether you take the lead or not. What is important is that you can continue in the currency circle for a long time, make long-term profits, and move towards a better development direction. , it is said that the white sleep is auspicious, it means that you must have the ability to create value, and have unique qualities. Being the leader means greater responsibility and responsibility. There are people outside the world, and maybe each of us is the protagonist. In the polishing of time and years , will put down the hidden halo above your head.

The principal’s knowledge planet was recently created to answer various questions about the currency circle. One person’s experience is extremely limited, and teamwork can go further. Everyone is welcome to join.

Ⅸ Top Ten Exchanges in the Currency Circle

As a hub in the digital currency market, exchanges play a role as a bridge, connecting investors and project parties. There are ten commonly used exchanges in the global currency circle, namely: (1) Binance; (2) OKEX; (3) Huobi; (4) CoinbasePro; (5) Bitfinex; (6) Bittrex; ( 7) Kraken; (8) BitMEX; (9) Bitflyer; (10) Gemini.

1. Binance. Binance trading platform is a trading platform created by a group of digital asset enthusiasts focusing on blockchain assets. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, it is currently one of the most influential platforms in Chinese exchanges. Binance is composed of the fusion of "Binary" and "Finance", which means the integration of digital technology and finance.

2. OKEX. OKEx is one of the world's leading digital asset trading platforms. It mainly provides currency and derivatives trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum to global users. It is affiliated to ACX Malta Technology Company Limited.

3. Huobi.com. Huobi Global Professional Station is an innovative digital asset international station under Huobi Group that serves professional trading users around the world. It is committed to discovering high-quality innovative digital asset investment opportunities. It currently provides trading and investment services in more than 40 types of digital assets. Headquarters Located in Singapore.

4. CoinbasePro. CoinbasePro is headquartered in the United States and provides users with a secure platform to facilitate users to invest in various digital assets.

5. Bitfinex. Bitfinex is a digital currency trading platform owned and operated by iFinex Inc., which provides a variety of digital currency trading services, margin financing, and margin trading of Bitcoin and Litecoin. It currently occupies about 8% of the world’s digital currency trading platform market share.

6. Bittrex. Founded in 2014, Bittrex is a digital asset exchange in the United States. Domestic users call it "B Network" and provide currency transactions and U.S. dollar OTC transactions.

7. Kraken. Founded in 2011 and headquartered in San Francisco, Kraken is the Bitcoin international station with the largest euro trading volume.

8. BitMEX. BitMEX was established in the Republic of Seychelles and is the most advanced international site for Bitcoin derivatives. It provides up to 100 times leverage for Bitcoin products and also provides high leverage for other digital currency products. BitMEX adopts the latest multi-factor security mechanism from the inside out, with high security performance.

9. Bitflyer. Bitflyer was founded by former Goldman Sachs employees and is headquartered in Japan. Since 2015, the company has launched many new services, including bitFlyerLightning, Bitcoin International Station designed for professionals, chainflyer blockchain browser, etc.

10. Gemini. Gemini is an international Bitcoin and Ethereum site founded by the Winklevoss brothers. It is a digital currency financial investment platform and custodian that allows customers to invest and store digital assets. It is directly regulated by the New York State Financial Services Department.

Ⅹ The currency circle has been in shock for 100 days. What happened to those who got rich suddenly, plummeted, and liquidated their positions?

The currency circle has experienced ten days of chaos recently. The liquidation of positions caused great turbulence in the currency market within three months, which really frightened those investors who had suddenly become rich, plummeted and had their positions liquidated. As the currency circle continues to decline, some investors have quietly sold all cryptocurrencies and then exited the currency circle.

3. Cryptocurrency plummets, where should investors go?

Cryptocurrencies began to plummet on May 19. At this time, many investors found that their accounts were liquidated instantly. Among them, Ethereum fell below the $2,000 mark, and Dogecoin only had $0.3 left. coins, the currency circle is in mourning, and investors feel the cruelty of the currency market for the first time. As for this plunge, there were already signs before. Market sentiment gradually declined a week after the Bitcoin price plummeted. Investors quickly fell after a brief wealth carnival. Where should investors go in the future? Some investors say they will no longer touch virtual currencies, and some have a wait-and-see attitude. However, no matter what, they still need to be fully prepared to withstand the fluctuations in the currency circle again and again..

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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