币圈头矿与次矿的区别是什么 币圈头矿与次矿的区别在哪

1. 币圈的PoS挖矿和PoW挖矿有什么区别


2. 矿工挖矿和虚拟货币挖矿有什么区别



3. 比特币挖矿能赚钱吗看完这些扎心了




(1) 挖矿成本大。




(2) 挖币越来越难。










4. 什么是挖矿













GUIMiner是个绿色软件,安装完成后我们可以先设置下语言,以便更方便进一步设置。接下来需要对采矿器设置服务器、用户名、密码、设备等。一般服务器从BTC guild系列里面选一个网络较好的就行,用户名和密码就是我们之前自己设置的。



5. 进币圈必须知道的事:挖矿挖的是什么




大家看到的挖矿挖的是什么呢?拿币圈的开创者比特币来说, 挖矿挖的是一个个的数字区块,而这个区块被人们称之为“电子货币” 。这当然不是本文要说的本质。







),比如说跟据当前的难度值,我们确定出所有挖矿计算出来的hash值,都需要小于的难度所对应的hash值, 那么如果挖到的hash值前面有更多的0,则算你挖到了矿。


有人说挖比特币是在解数学难题 ,我觉得如果挖比特币能把数学难题给解出来了,那确实是给数学界做贡献了。但实际大家应该明白了,根本就没什么数学难题,只是那一些随机的东西,去试通过一定计算得到的hash值够不够小。

      到这里大家应该明白了从算法上看, 币圈挖的是也就是计算出来的一串数字 ,这里只是拿比特币做了说明,其他的币可能有着不同的算法,但本质是相同。





      在我看来, 币圈挖矿实质挖的是信众 ,不管是什么币,信众多则价值高,信众少则价值少,信众不足则直接破发。





     最后一句话总结, 区块链技术有着广阔的应用空间,但是虚拟货币终究是无源之水,“矿”终有一天会挖完 ,具体原因可以期待我的下一篇文章:《区块链的应用场景在哪儿?教你两步找到区块链的应用场景》。




6. 币圈和链圈的区别是什么

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

7. 币圈发财靠挖矿——做个替代POW矿工的Defi矿工吧




回顾过去一年的币圈进程,我们可以发现一个明显的事实,那就是虽然POW矿工们仍然是对币圈主流币影响很大的角色,在牛市中也是财富的收割机。但很可能 从时代的趋势看,他们将逐渐失去矿圈主角的地位,矿圈的主角将是Defi矿工们 。这是一次跃进,因为Defi所谓的挖矿与POW矿机挖矿是完全不同的两种机制,所有的POW矿工第一次碰到Defi挖矿时和你我一样,都是小白。

在Defi开始流动性挖矿的时候,大概谁也没想到仅仅不到一年时间,Defi挖矿就形成了如此的大阵仗,除了少数POW项目例如比特币和FIL外,现在还有多少人关心POW挖矿呢?至少恐怕 与Defi挖矿是几何级的差距 。很明显, 传统的POW挖矿是用矿机和电力作为生产资料,是物质性的 ;而 Defi挖矿则是表面以算法为生产资料,其实背后的生产资料是金钱、是资本,是虚拟性的 。 生产资料既然发生了根本变化,那么自然有不同的生产关系来适配 。所谓不同的生产关系,用大白话来讲,就是挖矿的方法发生了根本的变化。

这是一次矿圈的时代剧变,Defi式的挖矿显然会是未来多数币种如果要挖矿,就会选择的挖矿方法,因为POW挖矿发展到现在,非巨头项目无法启动,而且成本如此高昂,多数的项目方也不会选择这种挖矿,除非项目本身要以物质为基础,而不是完全虚拟,例如FIL。 Defi项目都是金融资本的 游戏 ,所以流动性是最重要的 ,其它区块链项目未来也会取经Defi,采用类似流动性挖矿的方法一点也不会奇怪。

以前经济上有句大家都知道的名言叫“人生发财靠康波”,那是说的 实体经扮者济上的趋势和周期 ,识别经济的趋势和周期,才能让生意顺势而为,成为“风口上的猪”。而今天币圈的发展,恐怕也要认知新的“ 币圈发财靠Defi,Defi发财靠挖矿 ”的趋势。为什么呢?

来到币圈,多数币民的投资习惯其实来自于股市,蓝调自己最初也是这样。 学习区块链知识,提高区块链认知,寻找价值币,将投资一分为二,首先是穿越牛熊的确定性囤币(比特币和以太坊),然后是根据牛熊趋势和周期进行部分币种的周期性投机 。这条路径有错吗?没有错,但在币圈这只能说是基础,因为币圈有更广阔的天地,并不限于二级市场的买卖。 加密币与股票市场的一个最大的区别,就是“原始股(币)”是完全不一样的 。在现在的股票市场,所谓原始股对于普通人来说完全是笑话,那是风投和做市机构们的天地,轮不到泥腿子。但币圈的诸多项目,尤其是Defi这样去中心化的项目,虽然也不乏有机构私募占先,但对于普通币民来说,仍然有很多获得“原始币”的机会,而 当下获得“原始币”的机会,几乎多数都来自于流动性挖矿 。简单的大白话讲,就是 币圈对普通人是两重机会,二级市场和“准一级”市场 ,所以如果你 嫌麻烦不参与挖矿,那基本就是放弃了“准一级”市场 。多数的“原始币”当然会折戟沉沙,但其中也确实蕴含着很多获得高收益和大收益的机会。

我们知道,二级市场除了长期囤比特币或者以太坊这样的“确定性”机会外, 其它的盈利机会都需要很高的操作技巧 ,多数人炒来炒去,最终不亏掉本金都算好的,真的能够在二级市场上持续稳定获利的币民,都是绝对少数,多数我们听说过的幸运儿,多是“幸存者偏差”。而长期囤比特币这陆缺液样的确定性机会,又需要非常长的时间,还需要超越常人的坚韧心态和耐性。在二级市场这样的背景下,如果又嫌麻烦不参与准一级市场,那你来币圈干什么呢?打酱油吗?

相对于POW矿工,其实 Defi矿工的早物门槛是大大降低了的 。POW矿工的投资门槛需要购买专业矿机,矿机还需要配备专业环境,当然还有高昂的电力耗费,已经不是普通人可以玩的了,而如果投资云算力,那是把钱交给某个你都不知道该不该信任的机构去玩,蓝调自己是从来没有相信过云算力。相反, 对于Defi矿工,最基础的投资其实是认知 ,能够解读项目Defi的运营逻辑,能够搞通挖矿的流程和风险,这种是 完全依靠头脑,其实是勤勉一点就可以做到的事 。

除了认知,普通人做一个Defi矿工有两大对手,一是科学家,他们往往在利润最高的头矿上占尽鳌头,这在蓝调看来有点莫名其妙,项目方需要科学家来干嘛?对于项目有什么好处吗?实际上主要是负面的影响吧? 头矿好处都被科学家拿走了,实际上削弱了项目启动的影响力,并不利于项目发展 。只能说很多项目可能技术上自身不过硬,只能让科学家们撸走大羊毛。二是最大的影响因素就是资本,普通人的资金有限,参与挖矿所得根本不能和资本家比。但这是无可奈何的事情,既然是金融, 从古到今都是资本越大则所得越多 。但币圈很多项目 起码给了一种公平,那就是参与机会的公平和低门槛 。即使资金很少,只要达到最低限制,也能参与,也就能够获得收益的机会。

挖矿自然有风险, 最大的风险是抵押投入的币种和挖出的新币迅速下跌的风险 。但币圈哪样投资没有风险呢?币圈二级市场上的风险不是更大吗?这几天不都在担心312重来吗?就算在股市,那些占尽先机的风投机构们不也冒着所投资项目失败的大风险吗?除了低收益的银行存款和保本理财, 在这个 社会 想投资获得高收益而不冒风险的机会几乎是没有的 。来到币圈,最好就是认知清楚到底有哪些机会,而你参与哪些部分——所有的机会都是与风险匹配的。



8. gof币前景怎么样

对于最近2月开始爆涨的gof,可能有的人悄悄地大赚了一笔。玩虚拟币我个人觉得需要运气,眼光,相信。为什么说运气 我这次看到gof涨的时候还有一个币涨幅差不多,后面想想就买了这个,结果那个币隔一天就跌了一些,而这个不停的涨,所以也是运气。感觉还会涨,一直拿手上吧!暴涨、暴跌、暴富、爆仓最吸引眼球的四个词汇,在数字货币的市场几乎每天都能看到,这也是区块市场人气高居不下的主要原因,每天都有大量的投资者因此被吸引而来,怀着暴富的梦想入场投资。但是真正能赚到钱的只有少数,大多数人亏损严重。
gof币作为互联网存储板块第一币,币圈的明星项目,从主网上线开始就一直受到市场的高度关注。最近gof一直处于上涨点但是上不去,反而大瀑布,一度跌到135左右,相比最高点已经接近100刀了。不可否认的说,gof币的价格有泡沫,而且不仅仅是gof,牛市中几乎所有的币都存在程度不同的泡沫。但是FIL作为目前唯一一个有落地应用支持的数字货币,有着其它虚拟货币所不具备的优势,未来随着IPFS技术的落地应用和发展,分布式存储占整个存储市场的份额越来越大,gof币的价值必然会不断的提升!所以泡沫只是表面,泡沫下的啤酒更多,未来的价值更大!gof的币大跌,使很多炒币的朋友都坐不稳了 , 但是挖矿的矿工倒是笑开了花。IPFS主网上线至今,已经半年时间,早期参与进去的矿工已经回本赚钱。gof币价格下跌虽然影响产出收益,但是价格下跌,全网算力增长也会减慢,旷工挖矿所分到的币会更多,并且gof币现在还处在头矿期,挖矿产出是非常高的。所以挖矿得到的币远多于现价买到的币更多,且利润呈线性方式增长,后期十分可观。

9. 挖矿为什么能赚钱





10. 币圈名词ICO,IFO,IEO,IDO和ILO的区别

ICO:Initial Coin Offering 首次代币发行


IFO:Initial Fork Offering 首次分叉币发行


IFO还有一种解释是 Initial Farm Offering ,也就是通过质押某特定TOKEN,然后获得购买将要发行的NEW TOKEN的资格,一般在SWAP网站比较常见。

IEO:Initial Exchange Offering 首次交易币发行


IDO:Initial Digital Assets Offering 首次数字资产发行


IDO还有一种解释是 Initial DEX Offering ,即首次交易平台发行。项目方将项目LAUNCH委托给DEX交易平台,平台对项目进行严格审核之后,确定LAUNCH日期,大家可以通过DEX平台的任务活动获取对应的IDO项目方新代币的空投奖励。

ILO:Initial Lock-up Offering 首次锁仓发行


IGO:Initial Game Offering 首次 游戏 发行

2021年是P2E概念 游戏 爆发的一年,这一年GameFi蓬勃发展,也就有了IGO的由来,很多新 游戏 都经过IGO进行发行,玩家可以在 游戏 发行前获得 游戏 的白名单,然后 游戏 厂商会进行Airdrop空投,使得玩家获得 游戏 NFT,即用相对低的价格获得 游戏 NFT进行 游戏 ,运气好的当 游戏 上线之后直接转手卖掉,就可以获得可观的收益。

不过,随着越来越多的新链游发布,IGO变成了和IDO差不多的东西, 游戏 厂商在DEX发布自己的 游戏 ,想要参与 游戏 的玩家,就必须在DEX获得购买 游戏 NFT的资格,这些资格基本都是通过质押DEX平台币获得。

1. What is the difference between PoS mining and PoW mining in the currency circle?

POW mining requires the purchase of a mining machine. The better the computer, the higher the computing power and the longer the mining time. , the more currency you get. POS mining can be understood as the income generated by the amount and time of holding coins. In layman's terms, it means lending money to the bank to generate interest. What distinguishes it from banks is that the coins are still in their own hands, just like the pledge mining of the CellETF platform (celletf.io). Mine, put the coins in and the income and interest can be calculated on a daily basis, which is very labor-saving and convenient.

2. What is the difference between miner mining and virtual currency mining?

The main difference between miner mining and virtual currency mining is: miners mine real minerals. , the mineral itself actually exists; in virtual currency mining, what is mined is virtual currency.

Warm reminder: The above explanation is for reference only and does not make any suggestions.
Response time: 2021-03-04. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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3. Can you make money by mining Bitcoin? I feel heartbroken after reading this

"Mining" is actually using a computer to solve a mathematical problem. It will automatically adjust the difficulty of the problem so that the entire network can get a qualified answer about every 10 minutes. Bitcoins are then generated as a bounty to reward the person with the answer.

Many people just think, how cool it would be to make money with Bitcoin, and you can mine it yourself and make money at home. Some people purchase multiple devices and organize mining.

However, reality never reaches the theoretical state.

(1) Mining costs are high.

Mining is actually a competition for performance equipment, and the costs of graphics cards, hardware, etc. are very high. And this is not the scariest thing. Some mining machines are composed of more graphics card arrays. Dozens or even hundreds of graphics cards also cost money. Taking into account various costs such as hardware, there is a considerable expenditure. Moreover, there must be a place to put the mining machine. Bitcoin mining requires a lot of electricity. Ordinary residents cannot meet the electricity demand, so they can only find commercial venues. The rent is expensive, and the electricity bill is also expensive. . Lines, wires, network cables, hubs, shelves, etc. are another huge expense.

Buying a mining machine doesn’t mean everything will be fine.

Mining machines are not smart machines. The factory building must be dust-proof, rain-proof, high-temperature-proof, etc. Miners generate noise and heat, so the physical and mental health of operating workers also needs to be considered, as well as the relationship with residents. The professional technology of Bitcoin itself is one of the key points. At the same time, you also need project management talents, electricians, and construction workers.Engineers and experienced people can help you reduce costs and control risks.

(2) Mining coins is getting harder and harder.

In the process of mining coins, it is not so beautiful, because in reality there will be various problems that make your mining not as perfect as imagined. Moreover, the number of coins mined cannot reach the theoretical value. Therefore, the ideal is beautiful and the performance is skinny. Bitcoin mining is so cruel. As currency prices rise, more and more people want to "solve problems", so every time 2016 pages of ledgers are generated, the difficulty of the questions is dynamically adjusted.

In 2012, Bitcoin’s output was halved for the first time. In July 2016, Bitcoin’s output was halved for the second time. Currently, the reward for keeping a page of ledger is 12.5 Bitcoins. . The next Bitcoin halving will occur around 2020.

Instead of focusing solely on Bitcoin, it is better to pay attention to some emerging value public chains like UENC.

UENC can be called a breath of fresh air in the currency circle, which is particularly special in the noisy and impetuous currency circle. The UENC mainnet was launched at the end of last year, and smart contract development is expected to be completed in the first quarter of this year.

In UENC's decentralized network, when users initiate transfer transactions, multiple mining machine nodes are required to verify the relevant transaction data according to user needs. The process in which miners obtain UENC rewards when verifying transactions is mining.

Nodes in the main network are divided into two types, public network nodes and home nodes. Currently, public network nodes are temporarily built by the official, and community users participate in the construction of home nodes. Users can pledge a certain amount of UENC (500 pieces) according to their own needs to participate in the construction of the miner ecosystem.

The essence of UENC mining is the process of obtaining UENC rewards when mining machine nodes provide various token transaction verification services to main network users. When each node device is verified in the main network, it is a process of random number selection and shard execution. Therefore, in the UENC network, the reward opportunities for miner nodes are equal.

UENC’s block reward mechanism is different from the current mainstream public chain mechanism. Block rewards will be based on the liquidity of various tokens on the chain (without considering one-to-many transactions). In this case, a transaction in the UENC network is a block). In other words, when the transaction volume on the chain is not large in the initial stage, the block rewards will be greater. This move is also to encourage miners who entered early to participate in network construction more stably. As the liquidity of on-chain transactions increases, block rewards will gradually shrink.

Therefore, early participation in the UENC head mine is an excellent choice for the layout of blockchain mining.

4. What is mining

Mining is the use of Bitcoin mining machines to earn Bitcoins.

Users use personal computers to download software and then run specific algorithms to communicate with remote servers.After communicating with the server, you can get the corresponding Bitcoins, which is one of the ways to obtain Bitcoins.

Bitcoin is a virtual currency. The Bitcoin mining system is a process of performing mathematical operations on the Bitcoin network through computer hardware. Miners who provide services can receive a reward, because the network reward is based on the miner’s The competition for mining is very fierce.

Mining is actually a competition of performance and equipment. A mining machine composed of many graphics cards, even if it is only a mid-to-low-end graphics card like HD6770, can still surpass the computing power after "grouping" Most users have a single graphics card.

And this is not the scariest thing. Some mining machines are composed of more such graphics card arrays. Dozens or even hundreds of graphics cards are used together. The graphics card itself also costs money, including the hardware price. There are considerable expenses in mining among other various costs.

(4) The difference between the first mine and the secondary mine in the currency circle. Extended reading:

Bitcoin mining process:

1. Find the mining pool

To start mining, you must have a mining pool that is easy to operate and has stable output. Its function is to subdivide data packets for each terminal. It can use sophisticated algorithms to calculate the data packets calculated by the terminal according to the proportion and pay accordingly. Amount of Bitcoins.

2. Download Bitcoin miner (software)

In fact, there are many kinds of this kind of miner. You can download it from the official website.

3. Set up the mining software

GUIMiner is a green software. After the installation is complete, we can set the language first to make further settings more convenient. Next, you need to set up the server, username, password, equipment, etc. for the miner. Generally, just choose a server with a better network from the BTC guild series. The username and password are the ones we set before.

4. Bitcoin mining begins

After we confirm that the settings are correct, click the "Start Mining" button to start mining Bitcoins, and the graphics card will quickly It will enter a full-speed running state, the temperature will increase, and the fan speed will increase. You can monitor the status through GPU-Z or the graphics card driver.

5. Things you must know when entering the currency circle: What is mined by mining?

The theme of this article is what is mined by mining in the currency circle. In this article we will Look at this issue through three different levels: appearance, algorithm, and essence. I hope you can stick to the three-level view. If you are familiar with the currency circle, you can also look at the third level directly.

First layer: On the surface

Some people say that Bitcoin is expected to be mined out in 2140, with a total of 21 million coins. In fact, as long as one understands the Bitcoin algorithm Everyone knows very well that Bitcoin will never be mined completely1, it will only be mined until the end, which may take several years or even decades or hundreds of years.If one can be dug out, no one will dig it out, which means it is gone. By the same token, the total number of Bitcoins, 21 million, is ultimately just an approximate number.

What do you see in mining? Take Bitcoin, the founder of the currency circle, as an example. Mining digs digital blocks one by one, and this block is called "electronic currency". This is of course not the essence of this article.

The reason why it can be called currency is that it can be used for physical or legal currency transactions among its believers. Therefore, there is no doubt that everyone agrees that what mining in the currency circle mines is "electronic currency". currency".

The second layer: from an algorithmic point of view

At this level, we still use Bitcoin, the pioneer currency in the currency circle, to explain.

As mentioned before, Bitcoin mining will become more and more difficult to mine as time goes by. Why is this? Because in the Bitcoin algorithm, there is a dynamically adjusted difficulty value. This difficulty value will continue to increase as time goes by to ensure that Bitcoin becomes increasingly difficult to mine. I won’t go into details here about how to adjust the difficulty value. Readers should first know that there is such a thing as a difficulty value.

Bitcoin mining is calculated using the hash value of the previous block (a string of data similar to this), random numbers, and some other data to obtain another hash value. If If the hash value obtained is smaller than a hash value determined by the difficulty value, it is considered a mine.

To put it more simply (commonly speaking is inaccurate

), for example, based on the current difficulty value, we determine that all hash values ​​calculated by mining are It needs to be less than the hash value corresponding to the difficulty. Then if there are more 0s in front of the hash value dug, it means you have dug the mine.

You have now seen that what Bitcoin mining mines is the hash value calculated from a piece of data. You can discuss the value of this string of numbers.

Some people say that mining Bitcoin is solving mathematical problems. I think if mining Bitcoin can solve mathematical problems, it will indeed be a contribution to the mathematics community. But in fact, everyone should understand that there are no mathematical problems at all, just some random things, try to pass certain calculationsIs the hash value obtained small enough?

By this point everyone should understand that from the algorithm point of view, what the currency circle mines is a calculated string of numbers. Here we only use Bitcoin as an explanation. Other coins may have different algorithms. , but the essence is the same.

The third layer: the essence of mining

The currency circle is really booming in 2017, and the value of various coins is dozens or even hundreds of times. Growth, even air coins can attract many investors to follow up.

The hot currency market has caused many people who don’t even know what blockchain is and what Bitcoin is to rush in, because everyone has seen the crazy appreciation of various currencies, but The good times did not last long. After Bitcoin reached a peak of US$20,000 in December 2017, it began to decline. As a result, some people may not even have a good Spring Festival in 2018.

Since I want to enter the currency circle, I think it is best to first understand the nature of mining in the currency circle, otherwise it will not be unfair to become a leek.

In my opinion, the essence of currency mining is believers. No matter what currency it is, if there are many believers, the value will be high, if there are few believers, the value will be low, and if there are not enough believers, it will be broken directly.

The popularity of the currency market last year has caused many people who had not paid much attention to virtual currencies before, and even people who had never heard of Bitcoin before, to see others making a fortune in the currency world. They blindly become believers and become a mine for first entrants. By December 2017, after experiencing the madness, how many people still dared to believe that it could continue to rise. Without the entry of new believers, various currencies would have lost their "mineral sources" and thus lost their growth momentum.

Now that we understand that mining in the currency circle is driven by believers, how long a currency can persist depends on how long the believers can persist. For a virtual currency that cannot bring real value, if there are no new believers, the original believers will slowly lose confidence and patience. When the original believers also start to give up, the currency will be destroyed soon.

The above is my personal opinion. IfIf you agree with me, please like and forward it. If you have different opinions, please leave a civilized message. Discussion is welcome.


The last sentence summarizes that blockchain technology has a broad application space, but virtual currency is water without a source after all, and the "mine" will one day be mined. Finished, you can look forward to my next article for the specific reasons: "Where are the application scenarios of blockchain?" Teach you two steps to find the application scenarios of blockchain".

1. It is relative that Bitcoin will never be mined completely. If we can ensure that the computing power of mining Bitcoin will not decrease and never give up, we will mine it to the end one day. One piece, but the reality is that when the difficulty increases to a certain value, some computing power will give up. Although it is guaranteed that the number that can be mined remains unchanged within a period of time, the mining difficulty in the algorithm may decrease as the computing power decreases. Decrease, which will lead to an increase in the total amount that can be mined.

About the author:

Li Jingchen, the founder of Ziwuyou, a former online coder, an independent game producer, and a classic Internet person who self-researches and uses blockchain technology.

6. What is the difference between currency circle and chain circle?

Many people are confused about "chain circle", "coin circle" and "mining circle", but aside from those The nature of the relationship between the three is actually quite different. In the blockchain ecosystem, it is currently roughly divided into three circles, namely the "chain circle", the "currency circle" and the "mining circle". The three are interrelated, but they are also There is a big difference,
Chain Circle - Chain Circle, the representative of the technical school. The threshold is higher than the other two circles. It mainly focuses on the development and application of blockchain technology, so for ordinary people, It is more difficult to get into it.
Blockchain can be divided into three stages: private chain, public chain and alliance chain.
Coin circle - the currency circle can be said to be the most colorful circle. Focus on Speculating on encrypted digital currencies is the circle with the lowest entry barrier among the three circles. The main characteristics are currency issuance and speculation. Coins issued based on blockchain technology are mainstream currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., with less risk. And ICO issuance The currency is an altcoin, which has certain risks. The hype is caused by the lack of supervision in the industry and common back-end trading. Currently, ICO has been banned in our country.
Mining circle - Mining circle is focused on "mining" A circle of people. This mining is different from mining in life, but an act performed to obtain virtual currency rewards. People who participate in mining are called miners.
Mining Mining requires the help of tools. In the early days, mining could be done through ordinary computers. Later, as the number of miners continued to increase, it began to develop into mining machine mining and mining pool mining. MiningThe costs required are relatively high, such as huge power consumption and a large electricity bill.
The threshold of the mining circle is slightly higher than that of the currency circle, but lower than that of the chain circle. Most people have heard of mining, but there are still fewer people who actually participate in mining.
Compared to the chain circle and the currency circle, the mining circle is also affected by the external natural environment, such as damage to the mining machine in the mine.
In the current context, it is meaningless to hype the concept of blockchain. Blockchain practitioners must find ways to contribute value to this society and create wealth instead of evaporating wealth. Therefore, we do not distinguish between currency circles and chain circles. Those who can create value are good circles.
The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot of the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. workstation. The professional base is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

7. The currency industry relies on mining to make a fortune—become a Defi miner to replace POW miners


This article is written by the media celebrity " "Blues 99" is authorized to publish, and the copyright belongs to "Blues 99". If you need to reprint, please indicate the source!


Looking back on the progress of the currency circle over the past year, we can find an obvious fact, that is, although POW miners still have a great influence on the mainstream coins in the currency circle, they are also the harvester of wealth in the bull market. But it is very likely that judging from the trend of the times, they will gradually lose their status as the protagonists of the mining circle. The protagonists of the mining circle will be Defi miners. This is a leap forward, because the so-called mining of Defi and mining with POW mining machines are two completely different mechanisms. All POW miners are novices like you and me when they first encounter Defi mining.

When Defi started liquidity mining, probably no one expected that in less than a year, Defi mining would form such a big battle, except for a few POW projects such as Bitcoin and FIL. In addition, how many people still care about POW mining? At least I'm afraid there is a geometric gap with Defi mining. Obviously, traditional POW mining uses mining machines and electricity as the means of production, which are material; while Defi mining uses algorithms as the means of production on the surface. In fact, the means of production behind it are money, capital, and virtuality. of. Since the means of production have undergone fundamental changes, there will naturally be different production relations to adapt. The so-called different production relations, in vernacular terms, means that the mining method has undergone fundamental changes.

This is a drastic change in the mining industry. Defi-style mining will obviously be the mainstay of most currencies in the future.If you want to mine, you will choose the mining method. Because POW mining has developed so far, non-giant projects cannot be started, and the cost is so high. Most project parties will not choose this kind of mining unless the project itself requires material. based, rather than completely virtual, such as FIL. Defi projects are all games of financial capital, so liquidity is the most important. Other blockchain projects will also learn from Defi in the future, and it will not be surprising at all to adopt methods similar to liquidity mining.

In the past, there was a famous saying in the economy that everyone knows: "Life depends on Kangbo to make a fortune." That was referring to the trends and trends in the real economy. Cycles, identifying economic trends and cycles, can allow business to follow the trend and become a "pig in the wind". As for the development of today's currency circle, I am afraid we must also recognize the new trend of "the currency circle relies on Defi to make money, and Defi makes money through mining". why?

Coming to the currency circle, the investment habits of most currency residents actually come from the stock market, and Blues himself was also like this at first. Learn blockchain knowledge, improve blockchain awareness, look for value coins, and divide your investment into two. First, hoard coins (Bitcoin and Ethereum) through bull and bear deterministic trends, and then based on bull and bear trends and cycles. Conduct periodic speculation on some currencies. Is this path wrong? That's right, but in the currency circle this can only be said to be the basis, because the currency circle has a broader world and is not limited to the trading in the secondary market. One of the biggest differences between cryptocurrency and the stock market is that the "original stocks (coins)" are completely different. In today's stock market, the so-called original stocks are a complete joke to ordinary people. They are the domain of venture capital and market-making institutions, and they have no place to play. However, many projects in the currency circle, especially decentralized projects like Defi, although there are some institutions taking the lead in private equity, there are still many opportunities for ordinary currency residents to obtain "original coins", and currently, obtaining "original coins" "Almost most of the opportunities come from liquidity mining. To put it simply, the currency circle is a two-fold opportunity for ordinary people, the secondary market and the "quasi-primary" market. Therefore, if you find it troublesome and do not participate in mining, then you have basically given up on the "quasi-primary" market. Of course, most of the "original coins" will fail, but they do contain many opportunities for high returns and big profits.

We know that in the secondary market, in addition to "certain" opportunities such as long-term hoarding of Bitcoin or Ethereum, other profit opportunities require a high level of investment. Operational skills, most people speculate and speculate, and in the end they will be fine if they don’t lose their principal. The people who can really make sustained and stable profits in the secondary market are an absolute minority, and most of the lucky ones we have heard of , mostly due to "survivor bias". However, the long-term deterministic opportunity of hoarding Bitcoin requires a very long time and a tenacity and patience beyond ordinary people. In the secondary market like thisAgainst this background, if you find it too troublesome not to participate in the quasi-primary market, then what are you doing in the currency circle? Soy sauce?

Compared with POW miners, in fact, the threshold for early creation of Defi miners is greatly lowered. The investment threshold for POW miners requires the purchase of professional mining machines. The mining machines also need to be equipped with professional environments. Of course, there is also high power consumption. It is no longer accessible to ordinary people. If you invest in cloud computing power, you are giving your money to someone. Play with an institution that you don’t know whether to trust or not. The Blues themselves have never believed in cloud computing power. On the contrary, for Defi miners, the most basic investment is actually cognition, being able to interpret the operational logic of the project Defi, and being able to understand the mining process and risks. This kind of thing relies entirely on the mind, and is actually something that can be done with a little diligence. .

In addition to cognition, ordinary people have two major opponents as a Defi miner. One is scientists. They often dominate the most profitable mines. This is a bit inexplicable to the blues. The project side needs What are scientists here for? Are there any benefits to the project? In fact, it is mainly a negative impact, right? All the benefits of the first mine have been taken away by scientists, which actually weakens the influence of project launch and is not conducive to project development. It can only be said that many projects may not be technically strong enough, which can only allow scientists to take away the big wool. Second, the biggest influencing factor is capital. Ordinary people have limited funds, and their income from mining cannot be compared with that of capitalists. But this is a helpless matter. Since it is finance, from ancient times to the present, the bigger the capital, the more income. But many projects in the currency circle at least provide a kind of fairness, that is, fair participation opportunities and low thresholds. Even if you have very little capital, you can participate as long as you reach the minimum limit, and you will have the opportunity to gain profits.

Mining naturally has risks. The biggest risk is the risk of the currency invested and the new coins mined falling rapidly. But what kind of investment in the currency circle is risk-free? Aren’t the risks in the secondary market of the currency circle greater? Aren’t you worried about the recurrence of 312 these days? Even in the stock market, don’t those venture capital institutions that take advantage of the opportunity also run the risk of failure of the projects they invest in? Except for low-yield bank deposits and capital-guaranteed financial management, there are almost no opportunities in this society to invest in high returns without taking risks. When you come to the currency circle, it is best to understand clearly what opportunities there are and which parts you are involved in - all opportunities are matched with risks.

The above are Blues’ thoughts on the trend of Defi miners gradually replacing POW miners and how ordinary people should actively participate in this trend. One family’s opinion, for reference only.

Standing in the future and looking at the present, Blues will feel the wind of the times with you!

8. What is the prospect of gof currency?

Whether it is blockchain or virtual currency, its prospects are good, there is no doubt about this. Even now most people useCome invest, such as on platforms like ZB, Binance, etc. But as long as you pay a little attention to the news and the information released by the country, you will clearly feel that virtual currency is a direction that the country is currently working on. Since the country is working hard in this direction, how can virtual currency have no future?
As for gof, which started to skyrocket in February, some people may have quietly made a fortune. I personally think that playing virtual currency requires luck, vision, and belief. Why do you say luck? When I saw gof rising this time, there was another coin that rose by about the same amount. I thought about it and bought this one. As a result, that coin fell a little the next day, and this one kept rising, so it was also luck. It feels like it will still increase, so keep it on hand! The four most eye-catching words of skyrocketing, plummeting, sudden wealth, and liquidation can be seen almost every day in the digital currency market. This is also the main reason why the popularity of the block market remains high. Every day, a large number of investors are attracted by this. Be attracted and invest with the dream of getting rich. But only a few can actually make money, and most people suffer serious losses.
Gof coin, as the first coin in the Internet storage sector and a star project in the currency circle, has been receiving great attention from the market since the launch of the mainnet. Recently, gof has been at a rising point but cannot go up. Instead, it has fallen sharply, once falling to around 135, which is close to 100 dollars compared to the highest point. It is undeniable that the price of GOF coins has bubbles, and it is not just GOF. Almost all coins in the bull market have bubbles of varying degrees. However, FIL, as the only digital currency currently supported by practical applications, has advantages that other virtual currencies do not have. In the future, with the practical application and development of IPFS technology, distributed storage will account for an increasing share of the entire storage market, gof The value of the currency will definitely continue to increase! So the foam is just the surface, there is more beer under the foam, and the future value will be greater! GOF's currency plummeted, making many friends who speculated in the currency uneasy, but the miners who were mining were smiling. It has been half a year since the IPFS mainnet was launched, and the miners who participated in the early stages have already recovered their capital and made money. Although the drop in the price of gof currency affects output income, the price drop will also slow down the growth of the entire network's computing power. Mining miners will receive more coins, and gof currency is still in the first mining period, and the mining output is very high. Therefore, the coins obtained from mining are far more than the coins purchased at the current price, and the profits grow in a linear manner, which will be very considerable in the later period.

9. Why can mining make money

The mining model is an important means for the survival and development of the currency circle represented by Bitcoin.

Blockchain has a large mining output in the early stage, but the risk of value failure after mining is also very high. In the later stage, the value is basically fixed, but in the later stage, the difficulty of mining will increase when the mining machine reduces output. This is A very reasonable system design. Many people are mining crazily in order to secure a future, and the currency circle is also growing crazily under the stimulation of this model. Now even the cost of mining has increased a lot. On the one hand, too many blockchains have been developed.Blockchain products are a mixed bag; on the other hand, blockchain continues to grow and grow with its reasonable model. The concept of joint connection, sharing and governance advocated by blockchain has gradually become a pioneering idea in modern society.

With the rapid development of productivity, technological applications such as 5g, artificial intelligence, and robots have greatly improved the productivity of human society. Products have gone from shortage to surplus, and the relationship between people and consumption patterns are facing challenges. Facing huge social changes, the production relations led by the concepts of sharing, co-governance and interconnection of the blockchain can adapt to the development of this productivity and will surely become the mainstream of society in the future.

The good news is that the whole society is now vigorously advocating the implementation of blockchain. It is foreseeable that in the near future, blockchain applications will bloom everywhere, and the blockchain mining model will also become a new fashion.

10. The difference between the terms ICO, IFO, IEO, IDO and ILO in the currency circle

ICO: Initial Coin Offering

It can also be said that Air coin issuance. Many issuers use the gimmick of "based on Bitcoin" to issue new virtual currencies. Retail investors in the currency circle need to use mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin or ETH to purchase financing in exchange for air coins. After the issuers raise a large number of mainstream tokens, When air coins were listed, many of them broke, and some institutions even walked away. ICO has now been banned by many countries.

IFO: Initial Fork Offering Initial Fork Offering

Fork currency is a derivative token issued based on mainstream tokens. The advantage of IFO is that retail investors can use mainstream currencies Obtaining derivative tokens through pre-mining can also be understood as zero cost. Even if the derivative token breaks (falls all the way after issuance and falls below the issuance price), there will be no loss. After all, there is zero cost.

Another explanation for IFO is Initial Farm Offering, which is to pledge a specific TOKEN and then obtain the qualification to purchase NEW TOKEN to be issued. It is generally more common on SWAP websites.

IEO: Initial Exchange Offering Initial Trading Coin Issuance

Platform currency, many large trading platforms will issue their own tokens, such as BNB, OKT, etc., this kind of token The advantage is that it will be listed directly on the exchange after issuance, and a large platform will provide credit guarantee, which is relatively stable.

IDO: Initial Digital Assets Offering

Users can pledge their digital currencies to the trading platform to perform pre-mining operations and obtain new tokensRewards, pledged currency and reward tokens can generally be flexibly deposited and withdrawn. This way of earning money has basically no financial risk.

Another explanation for IDO is Initial DEX Offering, which is the first trading platform issuance. The project party entrusts the project LAUNCH to the DEX trading platform. After the platform strictly reviews the project, it determines the launch date. You can obtain the airdrop rewards of the corresponding new tokens of the IDO project party through the task activities of the DEX platform.

ILO: Initial Lock-up Offering

Users can pledge their digital currencies to the platform through lock-up operations, similar to regular financial management, and can redeem them after expiration. Return and get new token rewards. The difference from IDO is that ILO needs to lock the digital currency and cannot flexibly deposit and withdraw it.

IGO: Initial Game Offering first game release

2021 is the year when P2E concept games explode. This year GameFi is booming, which is also the origin of IGO. Many new Games are released through IGO. Players can obtain the whitelist of the game before the game is released. Then the game manufacturer will conduct an Airdrop, allowing players to obtain game NFT, that is, obtain game NFT at a relatively low price to play the game. If you are lucky, you can play the game. After going online and selling it directly, you can get considerable profits.

However, as more and more new chain games are released, IGO has become something similar to IDO. Game manufacturers release their games on DEX. Players who want to participate in the game must DEX is qualified to purchase game NFTs. These qualifications are basically obtained by pledging DEX platform currency.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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