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最后的武士 网络名片
《最后的武士》,是由美国和日本合拍的电影。讲述的是:美国内战结束后刚刚从内战硝烟中幸存下来的上尉纳沙艾尔格兰,又被带到了击杀印第安人的第一线。 一个偶然的机会,他遇到了日本的武士。于是他爱上了武士文化。然而,历史的车轮是不可逆转的,明治政府自然不会放弃现代化进程,武士与天皇军队之间终有一战。已经为武士道深深着迷的艾尔格兰该何去何从?
中文名: 最后的武士
外文名: The Last Samurai: Bushidou
制片地区: 美国,日本
导演: 爱德华·兹威克
编剧: 约翰·洛根
主演: 汤姆·克鲁斯,渡边谦
类型: 动作,剧情 ,冒险, 战争
片长: 154分钟



更多中文片名: 最后武士 对白语言: 英语 法语 日语 色彩: 彩色 幅面: 35毫米胶片变形宽银幕 混音: 杜比数码环绕声 DTS SDDS 评级: Rated R for strong violence and battle sequences. 级别: Singapore:PG Portugal:M/12 Argentina:13 Germany:16 Iceland:16 Norway:15 Sweden:15 UK:15 Brazil:14 Spain:13 USA:R Australia:MA Hong Kong:IIB Chile:14 Netherlands:16 South Korea:15 Canada:14A Switzerland:16 Mexico:B Finland:K-15 Philippines:PG-13 Switzerland:14 Malaysia:18SG New Zealand:R13 制作成本: $100,000,000 (estimated) 版权所有: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. 拍摄日期: 2002年10月10日 - 2003年5月9日 摄制格式: 35 mm 洗印格式: 35 mm
导演 Director: 爱德华·兹威克 Edward Zwick 编剧 Writer: 约翰·洛根 John Logan .....(story)/(screenplay) and 爱德华·兹威克 Edward Zwick .....(screenplay) & Marshall Herskovitz .....(screenplay) 约翰·洛根 John Logan .....(screenplay) and 演员 Actor: 汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise .....Nathan Algren 渡边谦 Ken Watanabe .....Katsumoto 真田广之 Hiroyuki Sanada .....Ujio 加藤小雪 Koyuki .....Taka 比利·康诺利 Billy Connolly .....Zebulon Gant 托尼·戈德温 Tony Goldwyn .....Colonel Bagley 原田真人 Masato Harada .....Omura 菅田俊 Shun Sugata .....Nakao 池松壮亮 Sosuke Ikematsu .....Higen 斯科特·威尔森 Scott Wilson .....Ambassador Swanbeck 松崎悠希 Yuki Matsuzaki .....Soldier in Street #1 渡边广 Hiroshi Watanabe .....Guard William Atherton .....Winchester Rep Chad Lindberg .....Winchester Rep Assistant Ray Godshall Sr. .....Convention Hall Attendee Masashi Odate .....Omura's Companion John Koyama .....Omura's Bodyguard 蒂莫西·斯波 Timothy Spall .....Simon Graham Shichinosuke Nakamura .....Emperor Meiji Togo Igawa .....General Hasegawa 二阶堂智 Satoshi Nikaido .....N.C.O. Shintaro Wada .....Young Recruit Shin Koyamada .....Nobutada Aoi Minato .....Magojiro Seizo Fukumoto .....Silent Samurai Shoji Yoshihara .....Sword Master Kosaburo Nomura IV .....Kyogen Player #1 Takashi Noguchi .....Kyogen Player #2 Noguchi Takayuki .....Kyogen Player #3 Sven Toorvald .....Omura's Secretary Mitsuyuki Oishi .....Soldier in Street #2 Jiro Wada .....Soldier in Street #3 Yusuke Myochin .....Sword Master's Assistant Hiroaki Amano .....Samurai Ensemble Kenta Daibo .....Samurai Ensemble Koji Fujii .....Samurai Ensemble Makoto Hashiba .....Samurai Ensemble Shimpei Horinouchi .....Samurai Ensemble Takashi Kora .....Samurai Ensemble Shane Kosugi .....Samurai Ensemble Takeshi Maya .....Samurai Ensemble Seiji Mori .....Samurai Ensemble Lee Murayama .....Samurai Ensemble Takeru Shimizu .....Samurai Ensemble Shinji Suzuki .....Samurai Ensemble Hisao Takeda .....Samurai Ensemble Ryoichiro Yonekura .....Samurai Ensemble Ryoichi Noguchi .....Samurai Ensemble Darin Fujimori .....Gatling gun operator (uncredited) 制作人 Proced by: 汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise .....procer 文森特·沃德 Vincent Ward .....executive procer 爱德华·兹威克 Edward Zwick .....procer Michael Doven .....associate procer Tom Engelman .....procer Ted Field .....executive procer Marshall Herskovitz .....procer Scott Kroopf .....procer Graham Larson .....associate procer Charles Mulvehill .....executive procer Yôko Narahashi .....associate procer Richard Solomon .....executive procer Paula Wagner .....procer 原创音乐 Original Music: 汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer 摄影 Cinematography: John Toll 剪辑 Film Editing: Victor Du Bois Steven Rosenblum 选角导演 Casting: Victoria Thomas 艺术指导 Proction Designer: Lilly Kilvert 美术设计 Art Direction by: Christopher Burian-Mohr .....(as Chris Burian-Mohr) Jess Gonchor Kim Sinclair 布景师 Set Decoration by: Gretchen Rau 服装设计 Costume Design by: Ngila Dickson 视觉特效 Visual Effects Supervisor: Craig Barron .....1876 San Francisco, Matte World Digital Tim Crosbie .....Rising Sun Pictures Benoit Girard .....Digital Dimension Ray McIntyre Jr. .....Pixel Magic Jeffrey A. Okun 副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director: Drew Bailey .....third assistant director Louise Boothby .....third assistant director Guy Campbell .....offset second assistant director Gary Capo .....second unit director Emma Cross .....additional second assistant director Geoff Dibben .....second assistant director Lisa Chu Dietze .....dga trainee Mathew Dunne .....first assistant director: second unit Gene Keelan .....additional third assistant director Frank Kostenko Jr. .....second second assistant director Allen Kupetsky .....second assistant director Ed Licht .....second second assistant director Nilo Otero .....first assistant director Jack Steinberg .....second second assistant director: New Zealand Paul Sullivan .....second assistant director: second unit Eddie Thorne .....third assistant director Andrew Ward .....second second assistant director: New Zealand Amy Wilkins .....additional second assistant director: New Zealand 大卫·威廉姆斯 David Williams .....trainee assistant director Eric Houghton .....third assistant director (uncredited)
1865年,美国内战结束。可战士的心却无法安宁,在随即而来的大规模西进运动中,刚刚从内战硝烟中幸存下来的白人士兵,又被带到了击杀印第安人的第一线。 上尉纳沙艾尔格兰在战争中见证了过多的鲜血与暴力,以至于迷失了自己的灵魂;特别是看到上级军官——上校本杰明巴格利屠杀印第安人时,他更感到作为战士的荣誉感消失殆尽。在义勇与牺牲精神被新时代的功利与自私主义代替时,沉浸在往日光荣梦想中的艾尔格兰只能整日借酒浇愁。 一个偶然的机会,他被推荐给来自大洋对岸的新成立的明治政府代表,去给日本训练第一支现代化军队。消沉的艾尔格兰觉得这个工作不错,至少他还可能像个真正的战士一样死在战场上。 艾尔格兰所训练的军队第一个要对付的,就是阻挡军队变革的武士集团。在一场浓雾中的激战后,不仅天皇的现代化军队被击败,连教官艾尔格兰本人也被武士们俘虏。尽管在搏斗中他杀死了围攻他的一名武士,但并没有得到料想中的速死。相反,武士集团首领胜元生擒了他,并派自己的妹妹多丽子照顾他;而多丽子的丈夫,正是被艾尔格兰杀死的武士…… 身处武士及其家属聚居的村落里,艾尔格兰竟然发现自己居然不由自主地爱上了武士文化,从武士道的精神与肉体修炼中,他似乎又找到了一个战士应有的荣誉感。同时,在多丽子的悉心照料下,似乎有某种微妙的感情在他们之间产生。然而,历史的车轮是不可逆转的,明治政府自然不会放弃现代化进程,武士与天皇军队之间终有一战。已经为武士道深深着迷的艾尔格兰该何去何从?
制作公司: 华纳兄弟影片公司 Warner Bros. Pictures Co. [美国] The Bedford Falls Company Cruise/Wagner Proctions Radar Pictures Inc. 发行公司: 华纳兄弟影片公司 Warner Bros. Pictures Co. [美国] ..... (2003) (USA) (theatrical) 华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros. [日本] ..... (2003) (Japan) (theatrical) Cinergia Ltd. [乌克兰] ..... (Ukraine) Fox-Warner [瑞士] ..... (2004) (Switzerland) (theatrical) Karo Premiere [俄罗斯] ..... (Russia) Roadshow Entertainment [澳大利亚] ..... (Australia) (theatrical) 华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros. [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) 华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros. [巴西] ..... (Brazil) (theatrical) 华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros. [意大利] ..... (Italy) (theatrical) 华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros. [荷兰] ..... (Netherlands) Warner Home Vídeo [巴西] ..... (Brazil) (DVD)/(Brazil) (VHS) Warner Sogefilms S.A. [西班牙] ..... (Spain) 特技制作公司: Creature Effects [美国] ..... (hero horse) Flash Film Works [美国] ..... (visual effects) Pixel Magic [美国] ..... (visual effects) Rising Sun Pictures [澳大利亚] ..... (visual effects) Digital Dimension [美国] ..... (visual effects) Christov Effects and Design Inc. [美国] ..... (visual effects design and matte paintings) Digital Filmworks Inc. [美国] ..... (additional visual effects) Visual Concept Engineering (VCE) [美国] ..... (visual effects) Matte World Digital [美国] 其它公司: AFM Lighting Ltd. [英国] ..... lighting Chapman and Leonard Studio Equipment ..... cranes and dollies Elektra Records [美国] ..... soundtrack published by (as Elektra Entertainment) Moving Target ..... titles Pacific Title [美国] ..... opticals United Performers' Studio ..... extras casting WMG Soundtracks [美国] ..... soundtrack published by Warner Sunset Records [美国] ..... soundtrack published by 威塔工作室 Weta Workshop Ltd. [新西兰] ..... special thanks
国家/地区 上映/发行日期 (细节) 日本 Japan 2003年11月22日 ..... (premiere) 美国 USA 2003年12月1日 ..... (premiere) 美国 USA 2003年12月5日 加拿大 Canada 2003年12月5日 日本 Japan 2003年12月6日 以色列 Israel 2004年1月2日 ..... (premiere) 以色列 Israel 2004年1月8日 荷兰 Netherlands 2004年1月8日 德国 Germany 2004年1月8日 葡萄牙 Portugal 2004年1月8日 瑞士 Switzerland 2004年1月8日 ..... (German speaking region) 意大利 Italy 2004年1月9日 英国 UK 2004年1月9日 奥地利 Austria 2004年1月9日 韩国 South Korea 2004年1月9日 西班牙 Spain 2004年1月9日 比利时 Belgium 2004年1月14日 法国 France 2004年1月14日 瑞士 Switzerland 2004年1月14日 ..... (French speaking region) 澳大利亚 Australia 2004年1月15日 香港 Hong Kong 2004年1月15日 新西兰 New Zealand 2004年1月15日 巴西 Brazil 2004年1月16日 希腊 Greece 2004年1月16日 冰岛 Iceland 2004年1月16日 南非 South Africa 2004年1月16日 台湾 Taiwan 2004年1月16日 智利 Chile 2004年1月16日 墨西哥 Mexico 2004年1月16日 巴拿马 Panama 2004年1月16日 菲律宾 Philippines 2004年1月21日 委内瑞拉 Venezuela 2004年1月21日 泰国 Thailand 2004年1月21日 阿根廷 Argentina 2004年1月22日 挪威 Norway 2004年1月23日 瑞典 Sweden 2004年1月23日 芬兰 Finland 2004年1月28日 ..... (premiere) 科威特 Kuwait 2004年1月28日 芬兰 Finland 2004年1月30日 波兰 Poland 2004年1月30日 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia 2004年2月5日 丹麦 Denmark 2004年2月6日 爱沙尼亚 Estonia 2004年2月6日 土耳其 Turkey 2004年2月6日 俄罗斯 Russia 2004年2月15日 捷克 Czech Republic 2004年2月19日 埃及 Egypt 2004年2月25日 匈牙利 Hungary 2004年2月26日 巴林 Bahrain 2004年3月3日
In the face on an enemy, in the Heart of One Man, Lies the Soul of a Warrior. 无可否认,克鲁斯的魅力表演为本就华丽的本片锦上添花。 ——《旧金山纪事》 本片堪称集《与狼共舞》和《七武士》之大成。 ——BBC
【时代背景】 影片故事发生的年代是1876至1877年之间,当时正值日本国内没落武士阶层风起云涌的暴动时期。武士曾是日本封建历史上的特权阶级,到了江户末期(德川幕府时期),武士阶层开始产生分化,下层武士的生活急剧恶化,许多不得以而私底下从事农业和小商业,2002年山田洋次的《黄昏清兵卫》就是那个时期下级武士很好的写照。不堪重负的农民不断暴动,加上1853年美国海军准将佩里打开日本国门以后,更让人看清了德川幕府的严重危机,这才有以下层武士为主体的倒幕运动。 然而,倒幕成功后的明治维新,在最开始并未给予维新主力的下层武士们多少好处。相反,“士农工商、贱民”的封建世袭身份制的废除,在一定程度上实现四民平等的同时,也取消了武士阶层曾经享有的特权。此后几年,“征兵令”和“禁止复仇令”的颁布,进一步剥夺了武士存在的必要,本来就没有什么生活来源同时也不太会自力更生的武士们对此大为不满。到了1876年3月,明治政府颁布了“废刀令”,禁止民众带刀出户,等于是彻底禁止了武士的权利,终结了武士的身份,也终于引发出一系列的武士暴乱。当然,这些内乱最后都被成功镇压。 本片主角之一胜本是以西乡隆盛事迹有蓝本改变的,事件在历史里面的称呼是"西南战争" 而大村的原型应该是大久保利通 【五星级幕后】 本片导演爱德华·兹威克在此无需赘言,因为出自他手的《燃情岁月》和《光荣》早已众所周知。值得一提的是同他一起撑起整部戏的得力助手。 为本片掌镜的是约翰·托尔(John Toll),《燃情岁月》、《勇敢的心》、《细细的红线》和《柯莱利上尉的曼陀林》等经典名片中如诗如画的画面都出自他的镜头,托尔还是唯一一位连续两年赢得奥斯卡最佳摄影奖的摄影师。 本片剪辑师斯蒂文·罗森布罗姆(Steven Rosenblum)曾在《光荣》、《燃情岁月》、《勇敢的心》、《珍珠港》和《X战警》等片中担纲,多次获得奥斯卡提名,三次获得全美电影剪辑协会的最佳电影剪辑师奖。 提到《魔戒》系列影片,除了出神入化的奇幻画面之外,让人叹为观止的服饰也给世人留下了深刻印象,完成这项艰巨工作的是恩吉拉·迪克森(Ngila Dickson),她擅长仿古服饰的设计,曾凭《魔戒三部曲:国王归来》摘得奥斯卡最佳服装设计奖。在她的高标准严要求下,本片中的日本武士战袍、盔甲、和服、礼服等为了追求真实,无不采用了和历史上一模一样的材质。 最后要交代的是电影配乐大师汉斯·齐默(Hans Zimmer),这位出生在德国的作曲家是好莱坞最具创新意识的音乐天才,所获殊荣数不胜数,《猫屎先生》、《狮子王》、《石破天惊》、《角斗士》、《珍珠港》等著名影片的画面都离不开他创作的旋律。 【全力投拍】 可以说,爱德华·兹威克从少年时就梦想着拍摄一部关于日本武士的电影,他17岁时第一次看黑泽明的《七武士》,从此以后就对黑泽明的电影着了迷,开始研究他的每一部作品。在兹威克看来,明治维新前后的日本蕴涵着很多戏剧性因素,不仅有传统与现代之争,还有开放与封闭之争,上到文化风俗,下到行为习惯,都经历着剧变,每一寸土地、每一间房屋似乎都可以挖掘出层出不穷的故事。况且,兹威克本就专注于历史题材,《光荣》与《燃情岁月》的时代背景都设定在十九世纪末期,在美国历史上那也是一个变革的时代。 事实上,本片的筹备工作可以追溯到90年代。当时,雷达制片公司(Radar Pictures)有一个“美国人来到明治时期日本”的故事创意,本片制片人汤姆·英格曼(Tom Engelman) 知道他的邻居兼好友兹威克一直想以全新角度来演绎美国西部英雄,而西化中的传统日本恰好与此异曲同工,两人对于这个创意一拍即合。兹威克找来好友、著名编剧约翰·洛根,两人开始携手打造剧本,后来马歇尔·赫斯柯维兹(Marshall Herskovitz)也加盟到剧本创作当中。他们决定将主人公塑造成一个寻找失落灵魂的西方人,在东方的文化里找到了自信与光荣。 和导演兹威克一样,汤姆·克鲁斯对日本文化也趣味浓厚,这一切也源于年少时观看的黑泽明的电影。为了拍摄本片,克鲁斯付出了前所未有的努力。拍摄期间,兹威克将几本关于日本历史文化的书籍交给克鲁斯,只要一有空,剧组成员就可以看见克鲁斯在孜孜不倦的阅读。为了应付片中大量动作戏,克鲁斯整整训练了8个月。他比其他人提前两小时到达片场进行练习,不仅要学习剑道、日本武术,还要学会马上搏击术。不过工夫不负有心人,克鲁斯亲自完成了绝大部分特技镜头。长时间的正规武士道训练还让克鲁斯的感观更敏锐,至少他在打斗场景的拍摄期间毫发无损。 扮演胜元的渡边谦也在经历了刻苦训练之后完成了大部分特技,但在制作初期,作为受到完全西式教育的现代日本人,渡边难以理解胜元带领手下武士及村民的“送死”行为。不过他最终想通了,对于胜元而言,生死无关紧要,武士的荣誉才是最重要的。胜元是武士们崇拜的领袖,所以经常需要发表煽动性演说,由此渡边也经常要在片场面对500多人训话,而且时常喊得说不出话来。 【还原年代】 为了创造出真实的明治时代氛围,美工设计师莉莉·科尔维特(Lilly Kilvert)在影片开机前几个月就全面展开准备工作。她率制作团队花了几百个小时来阅读史料,包括明治时期及之前的各种书籍、图片和文件,不断请教专家,探询明治时代建筑材料的究竟,甚至装饰树叶的品种都不放过。最终,片中所有的建筑都由美工部门亲手建造而成;其中有150棵“人造”樱桃树,每棵树都点缀着足以乱真的可拆卸树枝和树叶,以应付四季不同景色的需要,而这种“换季”场景一天之中可能发生多次。 为重现片中的传统武士村,科尔维特带领200多人开发了新西兰新普利茅斯的一块40公顷土地。他们用直升机运来木材,屋顶的茅草取自附近的山谷且全部手工扎堆,布料被染成不同的颜色以区分武士团队。除了少量材料是从日本进口之外,所有工程都是在新西兰就地取材。新西兰政府还为剧组提供了片中高潮戏的场地,不过必须铲去40英尺高、400英尺宽的土方才行。拍摄期间,由25人组成的绿化队随时待命,在拍摄间隙,他们要冲到场中去修补被战马踩坏的草皮。 在服装制作方面,服装设计师迪克森统领位于日本、洛杉矶和新西兰三地的巧手裁缝,严格遵照历史图片、文件记载以及历史学家的访谈,制作了超过2000件明治时代的服饰。所有主要演员的服饰都是在日本本土制作,迪克森设计好样式之后亲自奔赴日本,进行材料挑选和手工缝制,因为这样的程序正是古式和服的制作流程。迪克森甚至在日本找到了当年曾和黑泽明合作的服装师,由此汲取了宝贵的制作经验。 另外,片中所有服装的选料用色都是根据人物性格而定的,例如胜元的和服的颜色以深蓝和褐色为主;而多丽子的角色开始是忧伤的,因此其服装用色也郁郁寡欢,随着她与内森之间感情的日渐深厚,她的服装颜色也开始变得轻快起来,如花般绽放。武士盔甲的制作相当复杂,整个过程由铁匠、裁缝与珠宝师协力完成,每件盔甲都经由多道工序、由上百个配件组合而成。其中,链锁护甲的制作更被视为噩梦,因为在《魔戒》系列影片中,同样是由迪克森担任服装设计师,当时专门有两人负责手工咬合那一片片小小的锁甲,经历了4年之后,工人的指纹都被磨得荡然无存,《最后的武士》中的同样工作更是可想而知。
·汤姆·克鲁斯出演本片没有预支片酬。 ·为了出演本片,汤姆·克鲁斯足足准备了两年。 ·在本片中,渡边谦第一次说英语。 ·虽然影片中暗示是美国人训练日本军队,但实际上,是普鲁士总参谋部帮助日本军队步入现代化进程。 ·片中起用了500多名日本临时演员。
·天皇接见时是不允许任何人携带武器的。 ·在内森最后落马的镜头中,明显用的是替身 ·内森和胜元在大决战回本阵时,内森的马后蹄踢到一位士兵下体,士兵向后退了一步

❿ 无双大蛇的OST~Samurai scanners的链接地址~

这种东西BGM OST 基本在网上找到试听的一般较难(也就是你要的地址) 建议你下载再上传到网盘或者BLOG还可以是QQ空间 最后使用地址就OK了 没办法 但最保险 地址无效了自己也知道 可以用用网易BLOG 能上传音乐 本人绝非枪手 仅仅只是建议

❶ How to install vmware in samurai

Software installation instructions:
1. Open the VMware 9 Chinese Lite Green Version and decompress the downloaded file
2. Before installation, Please turn off anti-virus software and firewall! Otherwise, the installation may fail.
3. Double-click to run the "!)Install VMware.cmd" batch file and follow the prompts to install.
4. To uninstall, run "!)Uninstall VMware.cmd" to uninstall.
5. If "Unable to verify driver signature" appears during the installation process, please choose to continue the installation.

❷ Please download the movie "Seven Samurai", full high-definition version [email protected] Good people have a safe life

Watch "Seven Samurai" online for free with high-definition resources on network disks

< p>Link:

Extraction code: 3pht

"Seven Samurai" is directed by Akira Kurosawa, starring Toshiro Mifune and Joe Shimura , Tsushima Keiko and others participated in an action film. The film mainly describes the story of the Warring States Period in Japan, in which poor villagers joined forces with seven hired samurai to repel bandits in order to defend their homes. The film won the Silver Lion at the 1954 Venice Film Festival. It ranked first among the top 100 Japanese films selected by Japan's "Movie Newspaper". The film topped the BBC's top 100 foreign language films in 2018.

❸ Asking for the Alien Invasion episode Samurai 45MP3 format

I don’t know what’s going on (・o・)

There is obviously no problem with what I submitted,

But it needs to be reviewed.

I downloaded this episode of Alien Invasion for you

I hope you will adopt it. Thank you╰(*´︶`*)╯

The link will be downloaded from the network cloud directly. It has been under review

❹ Please download the Spyair version of Samurai Heart and Sakura Full Moon MP3 version

❺ Where can I find it? Download there where you can download the radio drama of Samurai Deeper Kyo

Look for it on Decibel - -
It is complete but you need to register

Attendant Academy 2 Fire Fighting Sports Festival Edition! !
Shi Gakuen 3 Burning Innocence! Study trip
Onmyoden no Fei No. 1 volume "悪魔の眼" %AD%94%E4%B9%8B%E7%9C%BC
Onmyoden no Fei No. 弐volume "Bingyan no Attendant" =music&q=%E5%86%B0%E7%82%8E%E4%B9%8B%E4%BE%8D
Yin Yang Temple's へのFei No. 7 "Tian Xiang Qilin"
http: //
The Fourth Volume of the Yin Yang Temple へ no Fei "Suzaku and Wagtail" %e9%b4%92

I don’t know if this link works. If not, I have to search it myself

❻ Please Samurai Pizza Cats Cat Party Ninjaden (also known as: Ninja Cat) animation download


Extraction code: hgj4

Introduction to the work: "Ninja Cat", the original name is "Samurai Pizza Cat", is a cartoon first broadcast on TV Tokyo. The director of the film is Guam Marayu, the screenwriter is Zhi Xinmizu, and the whole drama is written by Yamaguchi Starring Katsuhira, Ai Orikasa, Jurota Kosugi and others.

❼ The 2004 TV animation "SAMURAI 7" (Seven Samurai) produced by GONZO %83%E6%AD%A6%E5%A3%AB&c=gs_all

BT download, absolutely high definition, this is the version I watched, it is clearer than the one on Thunder.

Go to this page and clickClick: Resource name (that’s the Seven Samurai),
Click on the string of letters behind the download address on the pop-up page,
Then download with the obtained seed,
You can also download it with Thunder< /p>

❽ PSP game: Chinese version of Samurai Warriors - State of War network disk

I think it’s better to forget it.
Warring States Warriors is a story told by the Japanese themselves. In addition to being refreshing, the cultural elements of Japan's Warring States Period are its biggest selling point. There are a lot of traditional Japanese cultural elements in it. When translated into English, even if it can be understood, it usually changes its flavor.
The Japanese version also has some Chinese characters, which can be understood a little if you guess. Translated into English, just looking at the name, you don’t even know who the enemy general is. This makes the game a lot less fun.

❾ Where can I download the Japanese Kendo teaching CD and watch movies about Kendo?

Potato, youku, you just need to enter Japanese Kendo and there will be a lot of videos

There is no need to get any CDs

Movies about Japanese kendo include "The Last Samurai"
The Last Samurai Online Business Card
"The Last Samurai" is a film produced by the United States and Japanese co-produced movie. The story is: After the American Civil War, Captain Nasha Elgren, who had just survived the smoke of the Civil War, was brought to the front line of killing Indians. By chance, he met a Japanese samurai. So he fell in love with samurai culture. However, the wheel of history is irreversible, and the Meiji government will naturally not give up the modernization process. There will eventually be a battle between the samurai and the emperor's army. Where should Elgland, who has been deeply fascinated by Bushido, go?
Chinese name: The Last Samurai
Foreign name: The Last Samurai: Bushidou
Production region: United States, Japan
Director: Edward Zwick
Screenwriter: John Logan
Starring: Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe
Genre: Action, Drama, Adventure, War
Length: 154 minutes

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Cast and credits
Release date
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Behind the scenes Production
Gangster scenes
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Official website basic information
Cast and credits
Plot synopsis
Release Date
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Behind the Scenes
Related Comments on Gang Scenes Official Website

[Edit this paragraph] Basic information
More Chinese titles: The Last Samurai Dialogue Language: English French Japanese Color: Color Format: 35mm film anamorphic wide Screen Mix: Dolby Digital Surround DTS SDDS Rating: Rated R for strong violence and battle sequences. Rating: Singapore: PG Portugal: M/12 Argentina: 13 Germany: 16 Iceland: 16 Norway: 15 Sweden: 15 UK: 15 Brazil:14 Spain:13 USA:R Australia:MA Hong Kong:IIB Chile:14 Netherlands:16 South Korea:15 Canada:14A Switzerland:16 Mexico:B Finland:K-15 Philippines:PG-13 Switzerland:14 Malaysia: 18SG New Zealand:R13 Production cost: $100,000,000 (estimated) Copyright: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Shooting date: October 10, 2002 - May 9, 2003 Filming format: 35 mm Printing format: 35 mm
[Edit this paragraph] Cast and credits
Director: Edward Zwick Writer: John Logan .....(story)/(screenplay) and Edward Zwick Edward Zwick .....(screenplay) & Marshall Herskovitz .....(screenplay) John Logan .....(screenplay) and Actor: Tom Cruise Tom Cruise .... .Nathan Algren Ken Watanabe .....Katsumoto Hiroyuki Sanada .....Ujio Kato Koyuki Koyuki .....Taka Billy Connolly .....Zebulon Gant Tony Goldwyn .....Colonel Bagley Masato Harada .....Omura Shun Sugata .....Nakao Sosuke Ikematsu .....Higen Scott Wilson .....Ambassador Swanbeck Yuki Matsuzaki .....Soldier in Street #1 Hiro Watanabe Hiroshi Watanabe .....Guard William Atherton .....Winchester Rep Chad Lindberg .....Winchester Rep Assistant Ray Godshall Sr. .....Convention Hall Attendee Masashi Odate .....Omura's Companion John Koyama .....Omura's Bodyguard Timothy Spall .....Simon Graham Shichinosuke Nakamura .....Emperor Meiji Togo Igawa .....General Hasegawa Satoshi Nikaido ..... N.C.O. Shintaro Wada .....Young Recruit Shin Koyamada .....Nobutada Aoi Minato .....Magojiro Seizo Fukumoto .....Silent Samurai Shoji Yoshihara .....Sword Master Kosaburo Nomura IV ... ..Kyogen Player #1 Takashi Noguchi .....Kyogen Player #2 Noguchi Takayuki .....Kyogen Player #3 Sven Toorvald.....Omura's Secretary Mitsuyuki Oishi .....Soldier in Street #2 Jiro Wada .....Soldier in Street #3 Yusuke Myochin .....Sword Master's Assistant Hiroaki Amano .....Samurai Ensemble Kenta Daibo .....Samurai Ensemble Koji Fujii .....Samurai Ensemble Makoto Hashiba .....Samurai Ensemble Shimpei Horinouchi .....Samurai Ensemble Takashi Kora .....Samurai Ensemble Shane Kosugi ... ..Samurai Ensemble Takeshi Maya .....Samurai Ensemble Seiji Mori .....Samurai Ensemble Lee Murayama .....Samurai Ensemble Takeru Shimizu .....Samurai Ensemble Shinji Suzuki .....Samurai Ensemble Hisao Takeda .....Samurai Ensemble Ryoichiro Yonekura .....Samurai Ensemble Ryoichi Noguchi .....Samurai Ensemble Darin Fujimori .....Gatling gun operator (uncredited) Produced by: Tom CruiseTom Cruise .....procer Vincent Ward .....executive procer Edward Zwick .....procer Michael Doven .....associate procerer Tom Engelman .... .procer Ted Field .....executive procer Marshall Herskovitz .....procer Scott Kroopf .....procer Graham Larson .....associate procer Charles Mulvehill .....executive procer Yôko Narahashi .....associate procer Richard Solomon ... ..executive procer Paula Wagner .....procer Original Music: Hans Zimmer Cinematography: John Toll Film Editing: Victor Du Bois Steven Rosenblum Casting Director: Victoria Thomas Art Director Proction Designer: Lilly Kilvert Art Direction by: Christopher Burian-Mohr .....(as Chris Burian-Mohr) Jess Gonchor Kim Sinclair Set Decoration by: Gretchen Rau Costume Design by: Ngila Dickson Visual Effects Supervisor: Craig Barron .....1876 San Francisco, Matte World Digital Tim Crosbie .....Rising Sun Pictures Benoit Girard .....Digital Dimension Ray McIntyre Jr. .....Pixel Magic Jeffrey A. Okun Assistant Director /Assistant Director: Drew Bailey .....third assistant director Louise Boothby .....third assistant director Guy Campbell .....offset second assistant director Gary Capo .....second unit director Emma Cross .....additional second assistant director Geoff Dibben .....second assistant director Lisa Chu Dietze ... ..dga trainee Mathew Dunne .....first assistant director: second unit Gene Keelan .....additional third assistant director Frank Kostenko Jr. .....second second assistant director Allen Kupetsky .....second assistant director Ed Licht .....second second assistant director Nilo Otero .....first assistant director Jack Steinberg .....second second assistant director: New Zealand Paul Sullivan .....second assistant director: second unit Eddie Thorne .....third assistant director Andrew Ward .....second second assistant director: New Zealand Amy Wilkins .....additional second assistant director: New Zealand David Williams ..... trainee assistant director Eric Houghton .....third assistant director (uncredited)
[Edit this paragraph] Plot synopsis
1In 865, the American Civil War ended. But the hearts of the soldiers could not be at peace. In the large-scale westward expansion that followed, the white soldiers who had just survived the smoke of the Civil War were brought to the front line of killing Indians. Captain Nasha Elgren witnessed so much blood and violence in the war that he lost his soul; especially when he saw his superior officer, Colonel Benjamin Bagley, slaughtering Indians, he felt even more important as a soldier. The sense of honor was gone. When the spirit of bravery and sacrifice was replaced by the utilitarianism and selfishness of the new era, Elgland, immersed in the dream of past glory, could only drink all day long to drown his sorrows. By chance, he was recommended to representatives of the newly established Meiji government from across the ocean to train Japan's first modern army. The depressed Elgren thought this job was good, at least he could die on the battlefield like a real warrior. The first thing the army trained by Elgland has to deal with is the samurai group that blocks the transformation of the army. After a fierce battle in thick fog, not only was the emperor's modern army defeated, but instructor Elgren himself was captured by the samurai. Although he killed one of the warriors who besieged him in the fight, he did not die as quickly as he expected. On the contrary, Katsumoto, the leader of the samurai group, captured him alive and sent his sister Doriko to take care of him; and Doriko's husband was the samurai killed by Elgren... In a village where samurai and their families live together Here, Elgren unexpectedly found that he could not help but fall in love with the samurai culture. From the spiritual and physical training of samurai, he seemed to have found the sense of honor that a warrior should have. At the same time, under Doriko's careful care, some subtle feelings seemed to arise between them. However, the wheel of history is irreversible, and the Meiji government will naturally not give up the modernization process. There will eventually be a battle between the samurai and the emperor's army. Where should Elgland, who has been deeply fascinated by Bushido, go?
[Edit this paragraph]Production/Distribution
Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures Co. [USA] The Bedford Falls Company Cruise/Wagner Proctions Radar Pictures Inc. Distribution Company: Warner Bros. Pictures Co. Company Warner Bros. Pictures Co. [United States] ..... (2003) (USA) (theatrical) Warner Bros. [Japan] ..... (2003) (Japan) (theatrical) Cinergia Ltd. [Ukraine] ..... (Ukraine) Fox-Warner [Switzerland] ..... (2004) (Switzerland) (tthermal) Karo Premiere [Russia] ..... (Russia) Roadshow Entertainment [Australia] ..... (Australia) (theatrical) Warner Bros. [Argentina] ..... (Argentina) Warner Bros. Company Warner Bros. [Brazil] ..... (Brazil) (theatrical) Warner Bros. [Italy] ..... (Italy) (theatrical) Warner Bros. [Netherlands] ... .. (Netherlands) Warner Home Vídeo [Brazil] ..... (Brazil) (DVD)/(Brazil) (VHS) Warner Sogefilms S.A. [Spain] ..... (Spain) Stunt production company: Creature Effects [ USA] ..... (hero horse) Flash Film Works [USA] ..... (visual effects) Pixel Magic [USA] ..... (visual effects) Rising Sun Pictures [Australia] .... . (visual effects) Digital Dimension [USA] ..... (visual effects) Christov Effects and Design Inc. [USA] ..... (visual effects design and matte paintings) Digital Filmworks Inc. [USA] .. ... (additional visual effects) Visual Concept Engineering (VCE) [USA] ..... (visual effects) Matte World Digital [USA] Other companies: AFM Lighting Ltd. [UK] ..... lighting Chapman and Leonard Studio Equipment....cranes and dollies Elektra Records [USA] ..... soundtrack published by (as Elektra Entertainment) Moving Target ..... titles Pacific Title [USA] ..... opticals United Performers' Studio ..... extras casting WMG Soundtracks [USA] ..... soundtrack published by Warner Sunset Records [USA] ..... soundtrack published by Weta Workshop Ltd. [New Zealand] ..... special thanks
[Edit this paragraph] Release date
Country/region release/release date (details) Japan November 22, 2003.... (premiere) United States USA December 1, 2003.... (premiere) USA December 5, 2003 Canada December 5, 2003 Japan December 6, 2003 Israel January 2, 2004..... (premiere) Israel January 8, 2004 Netherlands January 8, 2004 Germany January 8, 2004 Portugal January 8, 2004 Switzerland Switzerland January 8, 2004.... (German speaking region) Italy Italy January 9, 2004 Japan UK January 9, 2004 Austria Austria January 9, 2004 South Korea January 9, 2004 Spain Spain January 9, 2004 Belgium January 14, 2004 France France January 14, 2004 SwitzerlandSwitzerland January 14, 2004..... (French speaking region) Australia January 15, 2004 Hong Kong January 15, 2004 New Zealand January 15, 2004 Brazil Brazil January 16, 2004 Greece January 16, 2004 Iceland January 16, 2004 South Africa South Africa January 16, 2004 Taiwan January 16, 2004 Chile January 16, 2004 Mexico Mexico January 16, 2004 Panama January 16, 2004 Philippines January 21, 2004 Venezuela Venezuela January 21, 2004 Thailand January 21, 2004 Argentina January 22, 2004 Norway Norway January 23, 2004 Sweden January 23, 2004 Finland January 28, 2004..... (premiere) Kuwait January 28, 2004 Finland January 30, 2004 Poland Poland January 30, 2004 Slovenia 2004 February 5, Denmark February 6, 2004 Estonia February 6, 2004 Turkey February 6, 2004 Russia February 15, 2004 Czech Republic February 19, 2004 Egypt Egypt, 2004 2 February 25, Hungary February 26, 2004 Bahrain March 3, 2004
[Edit this paragraph] Related comments
In the face on an enemy, in the Heart of One Man, Lies the Soul of a Warrior. There's no denying that Cruise's charismatic performance is the icing on the cake for an already gorgeous film. ——"San Francisco Chronicle" This film can be called a culmination of "Dances with Wolves" and "Seven Samurai". ——BBC
[Edit this paragraph] Behind the Scenes
[Era Background] The story of the film takes place between 1876 and 1877, which was a period of turmoil in Japan due to the declining samurai class. Samurai were once a privileged class in Japanese feudal history. By the end of the Edo period (the Tokugawa shogunate period), the samurai class began to differentiate. The lives of the lower-class samurai deteriorated sharply, and many were forced to engage in agriculture and small business privately. In 2002, Yamada Yoji's "Twilight Seihei" is a good portrayal of lower-level samurai during that period. The overwhelmed peasants continued to riot, and after Commodore Perry opened the door to Japan in 1853, people saw the serious crisis of the Tokugawa shogunate. This led to the overthrow of the lower-class samurai as the main body. However, the Meiji Restoration after its successful overthrow did not initially benefit the lower-class samurai who were the main force of the restoration. On the contrary, the abolition of the feudal hereditary status system of "scholars, peasants, industrialists, merchants, and untouchables" not only achieved equality among the four peoples to a certain extent, but also abolished the privileges once enjoyed by the warrior class. In the following years, the promulgation of the "Conscription Order" and the "Prohibition of Revenge Order" further deprived the samurai of the need to exist. The samurai who had no source of livelihood and were not very self-reliant were greatly dissatisfied with this. In March 1876, the Meiji government promulgated the "Abolition of Swords Ordinance", which prohibited people from bringing swords out of the house. This completely banned the rights of samurai, ended the status of samurai, and finally triggered a series of samurai riots. Of course, these civil unrests were eventually successfully suppressed. One of the protagonists of this film, Katsumoto, was based on the deeds of Saigo Takamori. The incident was called the "Southwestern War" in history, and Omura was probably based on Toshimichi Okubo [Five Star Behind the Scenes]. The director of this film is Edward Zwick. There is no need to go into details here, because "The Years of Love" and "Glory" written by him are already well known. What is worth mentioning is his right-hand man who supported the entire drama with him. The film was photographed by John Toll, who is known for his classic films such as "The Big Day", "Braveheart", "The Thin Red Line" and "Captain Corelli's Mandolin". The picturesque images all come from his lens, and Tolle is the only photographer to win the Academy Award for Best Cinematography two years in a row. The film's editor, Steven Rosenblum, has worked on films such as "Glory," "Days of Our Lives," "Braveheart," "Pearl Harbor" and "X-Men." He has been nominated for multiple Oscars and won the National Society of Film Editors' Best Film Editor award three times. When it comes to the "Lord of the Rings" series of films, in addition to being fascinated byIn addition to the fantasy pictures of the world, the breathtaking costumes also left a deep impression on the world. The person who completed this arduous task was Ngila Dickson. Ring Trilogy: The Return of the King won the Academy Award for Best Costume Design. Under her high standards and strict requirements, the Japanese samurai uniforms, armors, kimonos, dresses, etc. in this film were all made of the same materials as in history in order to pursue authenticity. The last person I want to talk about is film score master Hans Zimmer. This German-born composer is the most innovative musical genius in Hollywood. He has won countless awards, including "Mr. Cat Shit", "The Lion King" ”, “Shakespeare”, “Gladiator”, “Pearl Harbor” and other famous film scenes are all inseparable from the melodies he created. [Full investment in filming] It can be said that Edward Zwick has dreamed of making a movie about Japanese samurai since he was a boy. When he was 17 years old, he first watched Kurosawa Akira's "Seven Samurai", and he has been fascinated by Kurosawa ever since. Fascinated by Ming's films, I began to study each of his works. In Zwick's view, Japan before and after the Meiji Restoration contained many dramatic factors, not only the dispute between tradition and modernity, but also the dispute between openness and closedness. From cultural customs to behavioral habits, they all experienced drastic changes. Every day Every inch of land and every house seems to be able to uncover endless stories. Moreover, Zwick originally focused on historical themes. The backgrounds of "Glory" and "The Burning Years" were both set in the late nineteenth century, which was also an era of change in American history. In fact, the preparations for this film can be traced back to the 1990s. At the time, Radar Pictures had an idea for a story about Americans coming to Meiji Japan. The film's producer, Tom Engelman, knew that his neighbor and friend Zwick had always wanted to do it. Interpretation of American western heroes from a new perspective, and the traditional Japan in the process of westernization is exactly the same as this, and the two hit it off with this idea. Zwick found his friend and famous screenwriter John Logan, and the two began to work together to create the script. Later, Marshall Herskovitz also joined in writing the script. They decided to make the protagonist a Westerner looking for a lost soul, and found confidence and glory in Eastern culture. Like director Zwick, Tom Cruise also has a strong interest in Japanese culture. This all stems from watching Akira Kurosawa's movies when he was young. In order to shoot this film, Cruise made unprecedented efforts. During the filming, Zwick handed several books about Japanese history and culture to Cruise. Whenever he had free time, the crew could see Cruise reading diligently. In order to cope with the large number of action scenes in the film, Cruise trained for 8 months. He arrived at the set two hours earlier than others to practice. Not only did he have to learn kendo and Japanese martial arts, he also had to learn how to fight on horseback. But the hard work pays off, Cruise personallyCompleted most of the stunt shots. Long periods of formal bushido training also sharpened Cruise's senses, and at least he escaped unscathed during the filming of the fight scenes. Ken Watanabe, who played Katsumoto, also completed most of the stunts after hard training. However, in the early stages of production, as a modern Japanese with a completely Western education, Watanabe had difficulty understanding the "death" that Katsumoto led his samurai and villagers. Behavior. But he finally figured out that for Katsumoto, life and death didn't matter, the honor of the samurai was the most important. Katsumoto is the leader worshiped by the samurai, so he often needs to give inflammatory speeches. As a result, Watanabe often has to face more than 500 people on the set to lecture, and he often shouts until he is speechless. [Restore the Era] In order to create a true Meiji era atmosphere, production designer Lilly Kilvert started comprehensive preparations several months before the film started shooting. She led the production team to spend hundreds of hours reading historical materials, including various books, pictures and documents from the Meiji period and before. She constantly consulted experts to inquire about the construction materials of the Meiji period, even the types of decorative leaves. In the end, all the buildings in the film were built by the art department; there are 150 "artificial" cherry trees, each of which is decorated with realistic removable branches and leaves to meet the needs of different scenery in the four seasons. This "season change" scenario may occur multiple times a day. In order to recreate the traditional samurai village in the film, Corvette led more than 200 people to develop a 40-hectare land in New Plymouth, New Zealand. Wood was flown in by helicopter, the thatch for the roof was sourced from a nearby valley and all hand-stacked, and the fabric was dyed different colors to distinguish the samurai groups. Except for a small amount of materials imported from Japan, all projects are locally sourced in New Zealand. The New Zealand government also provided the crew with a location for the film's climax scene, but they had to shovel 40 feet of earth 40 feet high and 400 feet wide. During the filming, a 25-person greening team was on standby at any time. During filming breaks, they had to rush to the field to repair the turf that had been trampled by the war horses. In terms of clothing production, costume designer Dixon led skilled tailors in Japan, Los Angeles and New Zealand to produce more than 2,000 Meiji-era costumes in strict compliance with historical pictures, document records and interviews with historians. All the costumes of the main actors are made in Japan. After designing the styles, Dixon went to Japan in person to select materials and hand-sewn them, because this process is exactly the production process of ancient kimonos. Dixon even found a costume designer in Japan who had worked with Akira Kurosawa, and gained valuable production experience. In addition, the materials and colors of all the costumes in the film are based on the character's personality. For example, the colors of Katsumoto's kimono are mainly dark blue and brown; while Tauriko's character is sad at first, so the colors of her costumes are She was also depressed, and as her relationship with Nathan grew deeper, the colors of her clothes began to become lighter and bloom like flowers. The production of samurai armor is quite complex, and the entire process consists ofBlacksmiths, tailors and jewelers work together to create each piece of armor, which undergoes multiple processes and is composed of hundreds of accessories. Among them, the production of chain armor is even regarded as a nightmare, because in the "Lord of the Rings" series of films, Dixon was also the costume designer. At that time, there were two people responsible for manually biting the small pieces of chain armor. , after 4 years, the fingerprints of the workers have been worn away, and the same work in "The Last Samurai" is even more conceivable.
[Edit this paragraph] Highlights
·Tom Cruise did not receive an advance payment for starring in this film. ·To star in this film, Tom Cruise prepared for two years. ·In this film, Ken Watanabe speaks English for the first time. ·Although the film implies that it was the Americans who trained the Japanese army, in fact it was the Prussian General Staff who helped the Japanese army enter the modernization process. ·More than 500 Japanese extras were used in the film.
[Edit this paragraph] Scandal
·No one is allowed to carry weapons when the emperor is visiting. ·In the final shot of Nathan falling off his horse, it was obvious that a stand-in was used·When Nathan and Katsumoto returned to their base during the decisive battle, Nathan's horse's hind hoof kicked a soldier's lower body, and the soldier took a step back

❿ Musou Orochi’s OST~Samurai scanners’ link address~

It is generally difficult to find a BGM OST for listening online (that is, the address you want). It is recommended that you download and upload it. Go to the network disk or BLOG, or it can be the last used address of QQ space and it will be OK. There is no other way, but the safest address is invalid. I also know that I can use NetEase BLOG to upload music. I am by no means a gunman, just a suggestion.

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