eth 挖矿 eth挖矿收益变低

A. ETH挖矿接受越高越好吗


B. eth挖矿是什么原理

不知道大家还记得比特币的共识机制是什么吗?比特币的共识机制是 PoW (这是英文 Proof of Work 的缩写,意思是“工作量证明机制”)。简单来说,就是多劳多得,你付出的计算工作越高,那么你就越有可能第一个找到正确的哈希值,就越有可能得到比特币奖励。
以太坊为了弥补比特币的不足,提出了新的共识机制,名叫 PoS(这是英文的缩写,意思是“权益证明”,也有翻译成“股权证明”的)。
PoS 简单来讲,其实就跟它的字面意思一样:权益嘛,股权嘛,你持有的币越多相当于你的股权越多,你的权益越高。
在以太坊最初的设定中,以太坊希望能够通过阶段性的升级,在前期依旧采用PoW来构建一个相对稳定的系统,之后逐渐采用 PoW+PoS,最后完全过渡到 PoS。所以,说以太坊的共识机制是PoS,没错,但是PoS只是以太坊发布之初的一个计划或者说目标,目前以太坊还没有过渡到 PoS,以太坊采用的共识机制仍是 PoW,就是比特币那个 PoW,但是又和比特币的PoW稍稍不同。
以太坊协议规定,难度的动态调整方式是使全网创建新区块的时间间隔为 15 秒,网络用 15 秒时间创建区块链,这样一来,因为时间太快,系统的同步性就大大提升,恶意参与者很难在如此短的时间发动51%(也就是半数以上)的算力去修改历史数据。
第二个信息点是:以太坊最初的设定中,希望通过阶段性升级来最终实现由 PoW 向
时间追溯到 2014 年,在以太坊发布之初,团队宣布将项目的发布分为四个阶段,即 Froniter(前沿)、Homestead(家园)、Metropolis(大都会)和 Serenity(宁静)。前三个阶段共识机制采用 PoW(工作量证明机制),第四个阶段切换到 PoS(权益证明机制)。
2015年7月30号,以太坊第一个阶段“前沿”正式发布,这个阶段只适用于开发者使用,开发人员可于在以太坊网络上编写智能合约和去中心化应用程序 DAPP,矿工开始进入以太坊网络维护网络安全并挖矿得到以太币。前沿版本类似于测试版,证明以太坊网络到底是不是可靠的。
2017 年 9 月,以太坊已经进行到第三个阶段“大都会”。“大都会”由拜占庭和君士坦丁堡两次升级组成,这个阶段的的目标是希望能够引入 PoW 和 PoS 的混合链模式,为 PoW向PoS的顺滑过渡做准备。最近比较热门的“以太坊君士坦丁堡升级”升级的就是这个,在君士坦丁堡升级中呢,以太坊将对底层协议和算法做一些改变,来为实现 PoW 和
1、 静态奖励,5个以太坊;
2、 区块内所花费的燃料成本,也就是Gas,这部分我们上一期内容讲过;
3、 作为区块组成部分,包含“叔区块”的额外奖励,叔就是叔叔的叔,每个叔区块可以得到挖矿报酬的1/32作为奖励,也就是5乘以1/32,等于0.15625 个以太坊。这里我们简单解释一下“叔区块”,“叔区块”这个概念是以太坊提出来的,为什么要引进叔块的概念?这还要从比特币说起。在比特币协议中,最长的链被认为是绝对的正确。如果一个块不是最长链的一部分,那么它被称为是“孤块”。一个孤立的块是一个块,它也是合法的,但是可能发现的稍晚,或者是网络传输稍慢,而没有能成为最长的链的一部分。在比特币中,孤块没有意义,随后将被抛弃掉,发现这个孤块的矿工也拿不到采矿相关的奖励。
但是,以太坊不认为孤块是没有价值的,以太坊系统也会给与发现孤块的矿工回报。在以太坊中,孤块被称为“叔块”(uncle block),它们可以为主链的安全作出贡献。 以太坊十几秒的出块间隔太快了,会降低安全性,通过鼓励引用叔块,使引用主链获得更多的安全保证(因为孤块本身也是合法的) ,而且,支付报酬给叔块,还能激发矿工积极挖矿,积极引用叔块,所以,以太坊认为,它是有价值的。

C. ETH挖矿有哪些高效益的软件推荐


D. 以太坊挖矿,哪个矿池挖矿收益高

各个矿池的收益都是波动变化的,没有收益一直最高的矿池. 想要获取最高收益,最好的话还是找个良心的挖矿软件,挖矿行业这么久了,这方面的服务也挺完善的.

E. eth国外大型矿池排名

1、火花池(火花池)哈希速率:54.91 TH/s池份额:33.6%付款方式:PPS+成本:1%
2、醚胺哈希速率:39 TH/s池份额:23.6%付款方式:PPLNS成本:1%
3、F2Pool哈希速率:16.9 TH/s池份额:10.4%付款方式:PPS+成本:2.5%
4、纳米醇哈希速率:14.3 TH/s池份额:8.8%付款方式:PPLNS成本:1%
5、MiningPoolHub哈希速率:4.6 TH/s池份额:2.9%付款方式:PPLNS成本:0.9%

F. eth矿池算力排行

1.5500XT ETH 27M 80W
2.560XT ETH 29M 95W
3.478/488 ETH 30M 120W
4.R9 390 8G ETH 30M 270W
5.578/588/598 ETH 30M 120W
6.5600XT ETH 40M 125W
7.Vega56 ETH 48M 150W
8.5700/5700XT ETH 58M 125W
9.6800/6800XT ETH 61M 125W
10.6900/6900XT ETH 64M 150W
11.雷7 VII ETH 85M

G. 现在以太坊挖矿收益这么高,手机真的可以挖到以太坊吗


H. BTC,ETH,ECO,RCO等数字货币挖矿,哪个币收益高一些


I. eth挖矿对网速的要求




J. 国内eth十大矿池排名

1、 以太坊
F2Pool 是中国最大的比特币和莱特币挖矿系统矿池之一。数据显示,鱼池目前是全球第二大矿池,仅次于蚂蚁矿池。
微比特是一家专业的数字货币技术服务商。其服务范围包括数字货币交易平台、数字货币矿池、云挖矿合约。成立于2016年5月,同年6月上线比特币矿池,11月上线云挖矿产品。 2017年3月,微比特获得由BitTaiwan领投的2000万元A轮融资,以拓展交易所业务。 6月,微比特即将上线数字货币交易平台。
58COIN&1THash 是 58COIN 下的业务。 58COIN依靠矿池构建比特算力。这是58COIN与矿机厂商、矿池、矿主共同准备的一项新业务。用户只需支付矿机费、电费、管理费即可享受稳定的挖矿服务。用户可以随时在后台查看。目前业务为矿机销售及托管、矿机租赁及标准云算力服务。
8、Binance 矿池

A. Is the higher the acceptance rate for ETH mining, the better

The higher the computing power of the mining machine and the longer the time it takes to participate in mining, the higher the proportion of digital currencies mined by the mining pool will be obtained. This settlement method is closely related to the probability of mining coins, if the mining pool mines many digital currencies in one day.
Eth is generated through mining. On average, 2 blocks are generated every 13 seconds. When mining, miners use computers to calculate the answer to a function calculation question. Until a miner calculates the correct answer, the packaging information of the block is completed. , and the miner who is the first to calculate it will be rewarded with 2 ETH.

B. What is the principle of eth mining

Anything involving coins must be inseparable from mining. In the Ethereum network, if you want to obtain Ethereum, you must also mine it. When it comes to mining, it must be inseparable from the consensus mechanism.
I wonder if you still remember what the consensus mechanism of Bitcoin is? Bitcoin's consensus mechanism is PoW (which is the abbreviation of Proof of Work in English, meaning "proof of work mechanism"). To put it simply, the more you work, the more you gain. The higher the computational effort you put in, the more likely you are to be the first to find the correct hash value, and the more likely you are to be rewarded with Bitcoin.
However, Bitcoin's PoW has certain flaws, that is, its transaction processing speed is too slow, and miners need to constantly collide hash values ​​through calculations, which is wasteful and inefficient. Friends who are involved in blockchain knowledge should see this statement:
In order to make up for the shortcomings of Bitcoin, Ethereum proposed a new consensus mechanism called PoS (this is the English abbreviation, meaning "Proof of Equity", also translated as "Proof of Equity").
To put it simply, PoS is actually just like its literal meaning: equity, equity. The more coins you hold, the more equity you have, and the higher your equity is.
Ethereum’s PoS means: the more coins you hold, the longer you hold the coins, the difficulty of your calculation will be reduced, and mining will be easier.
In the initial setting of Ethereum, Ethereum hoped to build a relatively stable system through phased upgrades, still using PoW in the early stage, then gradually adopting PoW+PoS, and finally transitioning completely to PoS. Therefore, it is true that the consensus mechanism of Ethereum is PoS, but PoS is only a plan or goal when Ethereum was released. At present, Ethereum has not transitioned to PoS. The consensus mechanism adopted by Ethereum is still PoW, which is Bitcoin. Bitcoin’s PoW, but it is slightly different from Bitcoin’s PoW.
The amount of information here is a bit large.
The first information point is: the consensus mechanism currently used by Ethereum is also PoW, but it is slightly different from Bitcoin's PoW. So, what is the difference from Bitcoin’s PoW: To put it simply, the difficulty of Ethereum mining can be adjusted, while Bitcoin miningMine difficulty cannot be adjusted. Just like our college entrance examination, because the teaching situation and the number of students in each province are different, the college entrance examination is divided into national papers and independent questions for each province.
Ethereum said that I was in favor of setting the questions according to regions. Bitcoin said: No, the test must be the same across the country and the difficulty level will be the same for everyone!
The popular explanation is that Bitcoin uses computer computing power to do a large number of hash collisions and lists various possibilities to find a correct hash value. As for the Ethereum system, it has a special formula to calculate the difficulty of each subsequent block. If a block is verified faster than the previous block, the Ethereum protocol increases the difficulty of the block. By adjusting the block difficulty, you can adjust the time required to verify a block.
The Ethereum protocol stipulates that the difficulty is dynamically adjusted so that the time interval for the entire network to create new blocks is 15 seconds, and the network takes 15 seconds to create the blockchain. In this way, because the time is too fast, the system synchronization The security is greatly improved, and it is difficult for malicious actors to mobilize 51% (that is, more than half) of the computing power to modify historical data in such a short period of time.
The second information point is: In the initial setting of Ethereum, it is hoped that the transition from PoW to
PoS will be realized through phased upgrades.
Dating back to 2014, at the beginning of the release of Ethereum, the team announced that the release of the project would be divided into four phases, namely Froniter (Frontier), Homestead (Homestead), Metropolis (Metropolis) and Serenity (Tranquility) . The consensus mechanism uses PoW (Proof of Work) in the first three stages, and switches to PoS (Proof of Stake) in the fourth stage.
On July 30, 2015, the first phase of Ethereum, "Frontier", was officially released. This phase is only available to developers. Developers can write smart contracts and decentralized applications on the Ethereum network. With DAPP, miners began to enter the Ethereum network to maintain network security and mine Ethereum coins. The cutting-edge version is similar to a beta version and proves whether the Ethereum network is reliable.
On March 14, 2016, Ethereum entered the second stage of "Home". At this stage, Ethereum provided a wallet function so that ordinary users can easily experience and use Ethereum. There are no obvious technical improvements in other aspects, but it just shows that the Ethereum network can already run smoothly.
In September 2017, Ethereum has entered the third stage "Metropolis". "Metropolis" consists of two upgrades, Byzantium and Constantinople. The goal of this stage is to introduce a hybrid chain model of PoW and PoS to prepare for the smooth transition from PoW to PoS. This is the upgrade of the recently popular "Ethereum Constantinople Upgrade". In the Constantinople upgrade, Ethereum will make some changes to the underlying protocols and algorithms to achieve PoW and
PoS lays a good foundation.
How much reward will you get for Ethereum mining? Miners who successfully win the block creation competition will receive the following income:
1. Static reward, 5 Ethereum;
2. The fuel cost spent in the block, that is, Gas, this part We talked about it in the last issue;
3. As a component of the block, it includes additional rewards for "uncle blocks". The uncle is the uncle's uncle. Each uncle block can get 1/32 of the mining reward. As a reward, that is 5 times 1/32, which equals 0.15625 Ethereum. Here we briefly explain the "uncle block". The concept of "uncle block" was proposed by Ethereum. Why is the concept of uncle block introduced? This also starts with Bitcoin. In the Bitcoin protocol, the longest chain is considered absolutely correct. If a block is not part of the longest chain, it is said to be an "orphan block". An orphan block is a block that is also valid, but may have been discovered later, or the network transfer was slower, and did not become part of the longest chain. In Bitcoin, orphan blocks are meaningless and will be discarded later, and the miners who discover this orphan block will not receive mining-related rewards.
However, Ethereum does not believe that orphan blocks are worthless, and the Ethereum system will also reward miners who discover orphan blocks. In Ethereum, orphan blocks are called "uncle blocks" and they can contribute to the security of the main chain. Ethereum's block production interval of more than ten seconds is too fast, which will reduce security. By encouraging the reference of uncle blocks, the reference to the main chain can obtain more security guarantees (because the orphan blocks themselves are also legal), and the uncle will be paid. Blocks can also motivate miners to actively mine and actively reference uncle blocks. Therefore, Ethereum believes that it is valuable.

C. What are the recommended high-efficiency software for ETH mining?

KKOS mining software. KKOS is a deeply customized mining system based on Linux system. Since the system is very compact compared to Windows, it can be directly burned to a USB flash drive, saving the cost of a hard drive. Moreover, the system takes up less resources and is more stable than the Windows system for the same configuration. KKOS mining software is a professional mining machine management system built by a domestic technical team that took more than half a year of hard work. It now supports diskless and customized withdrawals for large customers.

D. Ethereum mining, which mining pool has the highest mining income

The income of each mining pool fluctuates, and there is no mining pool with the highest income all the time. Want to get For the highest return, the best thing is to find a conscientious mining software. The mining industry has been in the mining industry for so long, and the services in this area are also quite complete.

E. Eth ranking of large foreign mining pools

1. Spark Pool (Spark Pool) Hash Rate: 54.91 TH/s Pool Share: 33.6% Payment Method: PPS + Cost: 1%
The largest mining pit in China was established in 2018. In China, EastThere are five servers for mining in Ethereum in South Asia, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. Mining is carried out using the Ethash algorithm, and rewards are implemented according to the PPS+ system, which combines the advantages of PPS and PPLNS: you receive tokens for adding blocks, and each share can be allocated individually. They pay every day at 15:30 UTC/GMT+8 (Singapore time zone). The minimum withdrawal amount is €0.1 and the commission is 1%.
2. Etheramine hash rate: 39 TH/s Pool share: 23.6% Payment method: PPLNS Cost: 1%
One of the most popular and favorite pits among Tai Fang miners. The mining pool is anonymous and does not require any registration. Unlike SparkPool, it has servers in the United States, Europe, and Asia. The minimum limit is adjustable – you can set it as high as 10 Ethereum and as low as 0.05 Ethereum to receive payments more frequently.
3. F2Pool Hash Rate: 16.9 TH/s Pool Share: 10.4% Payment Method: PPS + Cost: 2.5%
Among dozens of cryptocurrencies, this huge multi-currency mining pool also offers Ethereum of mining. The mining pool has been operating for nearly 7 years and has attracted a large number of users with its accessibility and good interface. Ethereum’s mining servers are only located in Europe and China. The minimum withdrawal amount is EUR 0.1 and the per share payment plus method charges a fee of 2.5%.
4. Nanool hash rate: 14.3 TH/s Pool share: 8.8% Payment method: PPLNS Cost: 1%
The collective cryptocurrency mining pool operating since 2015 is one of the leaders in the Ethereum mining field one. The main features we can point out include: no registration required, relatively low mining commissions and dual mining – the ability to mine two currencies at the same time. Exit thresholds range from 0.05 Ecu to 20 Ecu.
5. MiningPoolHub Hash rate: 4.6 TH/s Pool share: 2.9% Payment method: PPLNS Cost: 0.9%
This is a multi-currency mining pool where you can mine 30 cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum . The mining pool has been operating since 2014 and successfully survived the bear market of 2018-2019. The pool’s killing capabilities are among the lowest cost on the market. Auto-switching algorithms is another great feature that allows users to mine multiple coins of the same algorithm at once to maximize profits. These servers are located in Asia, North America, and Europe.

F. eth mining pool computing power ranking

1.5500XT ETH 27M 80W
2.560XT ETH 29M 95W
3.478/488 ETH 30M 120W
4.R9 390 8G ETH 30M 270W
5.578/588/598 ETH 30M120W
6.5600XT ETH 40M 125W
7.Vega56 ETH 48M 150W
8.5700/5700XT ETH 58M 125W
9.6800/6800XT ETH 61M 125W
10.6900/6900XT ETH 64M 150W
11. Thunder 7 VII ETH 85M
Extended information: Will mining at home be investigated by the Power Supply Bureau?
Will mining at home be investigated by the Power Supply Bureau?
1. First of all, mining refers to the behavior of computers using algorithms to obtain virtual currencies on the Internet. Mining at home requires the computer to be turned on all the time and the mining algorithm to be running all the time. This behavior will cause a sudden increase in power consumption. After the Power Supply Bureau discovers abnormal power consumption, it will visit and investigate the units with abnormal power consumption.
2. Secondly, mining risks are high. Judging from my country's current judicial practice, virtual currency trading contracts are not protected by law, and the consequences and losses caused by investment transactions are borne by the relevant parties themselves. Relevant national departments have also issued regulations prohibiting mining and trading, and many provinces and cities have required the closure of mines, such as Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, and Yunnan.
3. Finally, according to Article 58 of the "Electricity Law of the People's Republic of China", when conducting supervision and inspection, electric power supervision and inspection personnel have the right to learn from electric power enterprises or users about the implementation of electric power laws and administrative regulations, and consult relevant information and have the right to enter the site for inspection.
How long is the lifespan of a mining graphics card?
1. The lifespan of a graphics card is the same as that of general electronic components, which is 6 to 10 years. Generally, the most common cause of failure is overheating of the video memory chip of the graphics card. Poor heat dissipation of the graphics card may cause sweating or chip burnout. If the heat dissipation is normal, the voltage is unstable, which can easily cause damage to certain electronic components such as transistors or resistors. If the above is normal, it means natural damage, that is, the electronic components are aging and damaged. If it has not been cleaned after a year of use, it is best to open the case and clean out the dust, otherwise it will have a great impact on the machine.
2. Mainly the power supply, cpu fan and graphics card fan. Just blow them with a hair dryer and cool them down. How the graphics card works: The graphics card is inserted into the expansion slot on the motherboard (usually a PCI-E slot, but previously there were AGP, PCI, ISA and other slots). It is mainly responsible for converting the display signals sent by the host to the monitor into general electrical signals, so that the monitor can understand what the personal computer is telling it to do. The graphics card is mainly composed of the graphics card motherboard, display chip, display memory, radiator (heat sink, fan) and other parts. The main processing unit of the graphics card. Graphics cards also have memory similar to computer memory. Early graphics cards were simply graphics cards, which only played a role in signal conversion; the graphics cards we generally use have 3D screen calculations and graphics acceleration functions, so they are also called "graphics accelerator cards" or "3D accelerator cards."

G. Now that Ethereum mining income is so high, mobile phones can reallyCan I mine Ethereum?

You cannot mine Ethereum with your mobile phone. You can only use your computer, which cannot be mined by your mobile phone.

H. BTC, ETH, ECO, RCO and other digital currency mining, which currency is more profitable

ECO, RCO, because they support ordinary desktop and laptop mining, The threshold is low, the operation is very simple, and it is relatively easy to dig. Bitcoin is monopolized by the mining industry, and you can’t mine it even if you mine it for 10,000 years

I. Requirements for network speed for eth mining

Bitcoin mining machine mining The network requirements required for mining are not high. 10 mining machines, an ordinary broadband from a telecom operator, and a switch are enough. Network costs are basically negligible compared to electricity costs in mining.  

Take the current Bitmain Antminer S9 as an example. The power is 1450w, and the actual use is about 1500w. The Bitcoin mining machine consumes about 36 kilowatt hours of electricity per day. 

Graphics card "mining" requires the graphics card to be fully loaded for a long time, the power consumption will be quite high, and the electricity bill will become higher and higher. There are many professional mines at home and abroad located in areas with extremely low electricity bills such as hydropower stations. However, more users can only mine at home or in ordinary mines, so the electricity bills are naturally not cheap. There was even a case where someone in a community in Yunnan carried out crazy mining, which caused widespread tripping of the community and the burning of transformers.

J. Ranking of the top ten domestic eth mining pools

1. Ethereum
It is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider and mining pool and wallet solution provider . Since 2015, the team has started with industry infrastructure such as block explorers and is committed to building new standards in various sub-fields. Brands can be seen in wallets, mining pools, quotes, information and other fields.
2. F2Pool
F2Pool is one of the largest Bitcoin and Litecoin mining system mining pools in China. Data shows that F2Pool is currently the second largest mining pool in the world, second only to AntPool.
3. Qianyin
Biyin was established in November 2017 and was built by the original core team. The team's products and technology output now serve most of the Bitcoin computing power on the entire network; within two years, it has created multiple products spanning multiple vertical fields such as blockchain browsers, mining pools, and wallets. Biyin Mining Pool is a professional mining pool that supports mining of all mainstream currencies. Currently supported currencies include: BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, ETH, DCR, DASH, and XMR.
4. Huobi Mining Pool
Huobi Mining Pool is the world’s first mining pool platform that integrates digital asset mining and trading. It adopts a new distribution model FPPS based on the POW mining mechanism. Most mining pools on the market adopt the traditional PPS settlement and distribution model. In contrast,Huobi’s FPPS model reduces miners’ packaging fees, and each miner can increase profits by about 5%. Through this move, Huobi Mining Pool differentiates itself from other mining pools and attracts miners to join.
5. Ant Pool
Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool developed by BitTaiwan using a large amount of resources. Committed to providing miners with a more friendly interface, more complete functions, more uses, and more generous and transparent benefits. Make more contributions to the development of currency. Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that is committed to providing miners with a friendlier interface, better functions, easier use and more transparent benefits. Ant Pool provides Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum mining services for a variety of digital currencies, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO.
6. Webit
Webit is a professional digital currency technology service provider. Its service scope includes digital currency trading platforms, digital currency mining pools, and cloud mining contracts. Founded in May 2016, the Bitcoin mining pool was launched in June of the same year, and cloud mining products were launched in November. In March 2017, Weibit received 20 million yuan in Series A financing led by BitTaiwan to expand its exchange business. In June, Weibit will be launched on the digital currency trading platform.
7. 58COIN&1THash
58COIN&1THash is a business under 58COIN. 58COIN relies on mining pools to build bit computing power. This is a new business prepared by 58COIN together with mining machine manufacturers, mining pools, and mine owners. Users only need to pay the mining machine fee, electricity fee, and management fee to enjoy stable mining services. Users can view it in the background at any time. The current business includes mining machine sales and hosting, mining machine leasing and standard cloud computing services.
8. Binance Mining Pool
The current mining pool structure is mainly divided into three categories. The first category is Bitcoin POW mining pools, including Mining Pool, Printcoin, and Bitmain’s Ant Pool; the second category is other mining pools, such as Ethereum Mining Pool and Spark Mining Pool; and the third category is exchange mining pools. Pools, such as Huobi Pool, OK Pool, and Binance Pool. As the "digital economic operating system" of the new world, Binance is in the field of digital asset trading and circulation, in the field of blockchain market education, in the field of decentralized circulation exploration, the asset circulation platform is in the field of cloud computing, and in the market and digital asset industry. In the field of data, in the field of financial derivatives, and other ecosystems, they have achieved very good results and created global influence. Of course, for the real economy in the field of blockchain and digital economy, "cloud computing power platform", that is, mining pool, Binance has also created another "commercial connotation" in a very short period of time.
9. OKEXPool
In the published data, OKExPool has rapidly developed from a market share of about 0% in October 2019 to the sixth largest mining pool in terms of market share. However, on the hashrate trend curve, OKExPool’s hashrate dropped sharply in January 2020. Some market participants commented on PANewsIt is speculated that the reason for the rapid decline of OKExPool's computing power may be the addition of more centralized small mines, and there is currently a lack of investors to join the computing power structure.
Although exchanges are generally newcomers to the mining pool field, the mining pool business held by exchanges still has certain natural advantages over traditional companies.
After years of stable operation, Lybit Mining Pool was initially a private mining pool with the largest computing power in the entire network. Now facing the market of Ethereum, we sincerely invite all miners to share the mining benefits brought by its technology. The newly upgraded and revised Lebit mining pool system is more in line with customer needs, with richer content and simpler operations.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿