额温枪老显示e怎么办 额温枪显示ee

『壹』 红外线体温计测量后显示字母E








『贰』 博朗额温枪出现Err怎么解决


『叁』 额温枪老是显示红屏H是怎么回事


显示HI需要核对产品的校准数值,如倍康的非接触电子体温计则需要核对F-4,“F-4”校准功能度,默认模式是“0.0摄氏度”,当设置的屏幕显示是“F-4, 0.0℃”时,校准就设置好了,确认保存后再专次测量。









『肆』 体温枪出现℉怎么调



『伍』 额温计打开显示lo.c怎么办









肛门温度 36.6℃~38℃

口腔温度 35.5℃~37.5℃

腋下温度 34.7℃~37.3℃

耳蜗温度 35.8℃~38℃

额头温度 35.8℃~37.8℃

『陆』 额温枪测试的时候一直显示hi怎么办


『柒』 额温枪显示lo怎么办






『捌』 博朗额温枪出现Err怎么解决










『玖』 额试体温计er2怎么解决


『拾』 额温计出现ErH怎么处理修复


『一』 The infrared thermometer displays the letter E after measurement

The infrared thermometer displays the letter E after measurement, which usually indicates an error. Please check the thermometer manual for the specific meaning.

If the infrared thermometer displays the letter E after measurement, it is probably because the measured body temperature is outside the possible body temperature range. This is usually caused by errors in the measurement method, such as incorrect distance, misalignment, etc.

Point the infrared detector part at the center of the forehead - above the eyebrows and keep it vertical. The measurement area cannot be blocked by hair. If there is sweat, wipe it dry. It is recommended that the distance from the forehead is about 3-5cm. The screen displays the body temperature indication, records the value, and the temperature measurement is completed.

(1) What should I do if the forehead thermometer shows eth? Extended reading

Infrared thermometers are mainly divided into contact infrared thermometers and non-contact infrared thermometers.

(1) Contact infrared thermometer. A common ear thermometer is used. When using it, gently straighten the ear canal, insert the temperature measuring head into the ear canal, press the temperature measurement at the upper end for one second, and the accuracy to one decimal place can be read from the LCD screen. Accurate body temperature, safe and guaranteed. Replace the protective rubber cover during use to avoid bacterial infection. It is safe even if the whole family shares it.

(2) Non-contact infrared thermometer. The most common one is the forehead thermometer, which can measure human body temperature. Just point the probe at your forehead and press the measurement button, and you will get the measurement data in just a few seconds. It is very suitable for patients with acute or serious illness, the elderly, infants, etc. However, in the early stage of use, users may get several different measurement data because they are not familiar with this operation method. Generally speaking, the maximum measured value is the required data. Users will be more satisfied with this thermometer after becoming familiar with it.

『二』How to solve the problem of Err on Braun forehead thermometer

This is a system error display. It may be caused by you accidentally deleting or modifying the system files. The problem with err is that the ambient temperature is lower than 10 degrees. You can hold the gun tip with your hands in an air-conditioned room and turn it on after a while, and the machine will return to normal. This is a signal that occurs when measurements are not performed according to specifications.
Basic description:
1. The ear thermometer is a non-contact telemetry temperature measuring instrument. It uses the infrared spectrum emitted by the eardrum to determine body temperature. According to the black body radiation theory, objects of different temperatures The infrared spectrum produced is also different;
2. Use a thermopile infrared detector that can be accurate to 0.1℃, and then use a microcomputer to convert the readings and display them. Use the ambient temperature. If the room temperature is too low, err will appear. At this time, you can cover it with your hands, cover it with a quilt, or put it under the air conditioner to increase the ambient temperature, and you can accurately measure it.

『三』Why does the forehead thermometer always display a red screen H

It is HI, which means HIGH, which means that the measured body temperature has exceeded the maximum value of the human body temperature model. If it is not the thermometer settingThe problem is usually that the product itself has quality problems. The electronic thermometer displays HI and the voice reports an error. This is because the wires inside are weakly soldered and have poor contact over time. Just resolder them.

To display HI, you need to check the calibration value of the product. For example, Beikang's non-contact electronic thermometer needs to check F-4. The "F-4" calibration function is. The default mode is "0.0 degrees Celsius". When setting When the screen displays "F-4, 0.0℃", the calibration is set. Confirm to save and then measure again.

(3) What should I do if the forehead thermometer shows eth? Extended reading

Things to note when purchasing an electronic thermometer

First, Power-on inspection

Place the switch button in the on position and check whether the displayed marks are consistent with those in the instruction manual. Disconnect the power and then connect it again to see whether the correct marks are also displayed. If the power is turned on and off several times, the The correct markings are all the same, and the displayed armpit temperatures are basically the same, indicating that the repeatability of the electronic thermometer is good. If the display is abnormal (the temperature difference is too large), it means that the battery of the electronic thermometer is exhausted or there is a bad contact somewhere.

Second, accuracy check

Press the switch button, and the "188.8" mark will appear on the LCD monitor. Place the thermometer under your tongue for 1 minute. When the "C" mark stops flashing and a beep sounds, the displayed reading is the body temperature. This is the oral body temperature.

Repeat the measurement several times. The oral body temperature should be the same. If it is not the same, the table has poor repeatability and cannot be used. There is no need to do an accuracy check. If the oral body temperature is exactly the same, it can be used. Measure the armpit temperature. When the "C" mark stops flashing and a beep sounds, the displayed reading is the armpit temperature.

Similarly, if you measure it several times, the armpit temperature will be the same. Generally, the oral temperature is about 1 degree higher than the armpit temperature. If the tested oral temperature is too much or too little higher than the armpit temperature, the accuracy of the electronic thermometer can be considered unsatisfactory.

『四』How to adjust the ℉ when the temperature gun appears

Equipment: KF-HW-001 infrared thermometer

1. First, press and hold the "io" key at the same time Hold the "start" key still and wait for the temperature icon to change to the Celsius icon.

『五』What to do if the forehead thermometer displays lo.c when it is turned on

The reasons and suggestions for the forehead thermometer to display lo.c are as follows:

1. The measurement distance is too far. What is measured at this time is the temperature of the air, not the temperature of the forehead. At this time, it is recommended to put the forehead thermometer again in front of the forehead for measurement, the distance should be as close as possible, and the hand should be steady;

2. When the subject has just taken antipyretic medicine or the subject is sitting in the air conditioner Or next to the fan, the temperature is affected. It is recommended to rest in a stable environment for 3-5 minutes before measuring;

3. Setting problems may be caused by the product’s design.There is a problem with the setting. It is recommended to calibrate according to the manual of the forehead thermometer. If the problem still cannot be solved, you can call the merchant or manufacturer for consultation.

(5) What should I do if the forehead thermometer shows eth? Extended reading:

How to measure the forehead thermometer:

The bridge of the nose On the body surface, the middle part of the eyes is the radiation source closest to normal body temperature relative to the body surface temperature. Place the forehead thermometer 5-6cm away to measure the temperature. The accuracy is +-0.3. It is not recommended for medical treatment, but it can be used for rapid, non-contact safety inspection of influenza. Those who call the police can be diagnosed in time by the hospital for prevention and treatment.

Reference temperature:

Anal temperature 36.6℃~38℃

Oral temperature 35.5℃~37.5℃

Armpit temperature 34.7℃ ~37.3℃

Cochlear temperature 35.8℃~38℃

Forehead temperature 35.8℃~37.8℃

『Lu』 The forehead thermometer keeps showing hi during the test What should I do?

I think there may be no switch. You can turn on the switch or there is no power.

『撒』What should I do if the forehead thermometer displays lo?

When the forehead thermometer displays lo, it means that the measured temperature is not within the range displayed by the thermometer. Generally, the reason for this may be the measurement If the temperature is too low, you need to pay attention to check the measurement environment and whether the action is standardized and meets the standards.

There are certain requirements for the operation method of using a forehead thermometer. You need to pay attention to the following conditions:

1. The distance when measuring should be kept at about 3 to 5 cm. .

2. The forehead of the human body to be measured cannot be covered by hair, there must be no sweat on the forehead, the measurement cannot be done after wearing anti-fever patches or taking anti-pyretic drugs, the forehead cannot be blown under the air conditioner, and there must be no sweat on the forehead. Strong wind blows across the surface. If the above conditions occur, you need to rest in a stable environment for 5-10 minutes before measuring.

If the forehead thermometer displays lo, there may be a problem with the settings. You can check the calibration value according to the instruction manual and set the calibration value before use. Different thermometers may have different settings. If you don’t know how to operate it, you can also call the thermometer manufacturer’s customer service for consultation.

『8』How to solve the problem of Err in Braun forehead thermometer

The occurrence of Err means that the ambient temperature is not within the working temperature range of the forehead thermometer because the surrounding environment is too cold.


Use the ambient temperature. If the room temperature is too low, err will occur. At this time, you can cover it with your hands, cover it with a quilt, or put it under the air conditioner to blow it. , and other methods to increase the ambient temperature, you can accurately measure.

The forehead thermometer uses the infrared spectrum emitted by the eardrum to determine body temperature. According to the blackbody radiation theory, objects with different temperaturesThe infrared spectrum produced is also different, used to measure body temperature.

(8) What should I do if the forehead thermometer shows eth? Extended reading:

Uses of the forehead thermometer:

1. Human body Body temperature measurement: Accurately measures human body temperature, replacing traditional mercury thermometers.

2. Skin temperature measurement: Measure the surface temperature of the human skin. For example, it can be used to measure the surface temperature of the skin during re-implantation surgery of severed limbs.

3. Object temperature measurement: Measure the surface temperature of an object, such as the temperature on the surface of a teacup.

『玖』How to solve the problem of Er2 in the forehead thermometer

Er2 in the forehead thermometer is usually caused by a circuit error. In this case, it usually needs to be returned to the factory for maintenance. It is recommended to contact the official for after-sales service.

『Shi』How to deal with and repair ErH on the forehead thermometer

Summary Hello, I am very happy to answer your question,

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