eth可以涨到多少 eth有没有上限

⑴ eth挖矿是什么原理

不知道大家还记得比特币的共识机制是什么吗?比特币的共识机制是 PoW (这是英文 Proof of Work 的缩写,意思是“工作量证明机制”)。简单来说,就是多劳多得,你付出的计算工作越高,那么你就越有可能第一个找到正确的哈希值,就越有可能得到比特币奖励。
以太坊为了弥补比特币的不足,提出了新的共识机制,名叫 PoS(这是英文的缩写,意思是“权益证明”,也有翻译成“股权证明”的)。
PoS 简单来讲,其实就跟它的字面意思一样:权益嘛,股权嘛,你持有的币越多相当于你的股权越多,你的权益越高。
在以太坊最初的设定中,以太坊希望能够通过阶段性的升级,在前期依旧采用PoW来构建一个相对稳定的系统,之后逐渐采用 PoW+PoS,最后完全过渡到 PoS。所以,说以太坊的共识机制是PoS,没错,但是PoS只是以太坊发布之初的一个计划或者说目标,目前以太坊还没有过渡到 PoS,以太坊采用的共识机制仍是 PoW,就是比特币那个 PoW,但是又和比特币的PoW稍稍不同。
以太坊协议规定,难度的动态调整方式是使全网创建新区块的时间间隔为 15 秒,网络用 15 秒时间创建区块链,这样一来,因为时间太快,系统的同步性就大大提升,恶意参与者很难在如此短的时间发动51%(也就是半数以上)的算力去修改历史数据。
第二个信息点是:以太坊最初的设定中,希望通过阶段性升级来最终实现由 PoW 向
时间追溯到 2014 年,在以太坊发布之初,团队宣布将项目的发布分为四个阶段,即 Froniter(前沿)、Homestead(家园)、Metropolis(大都会)和 Serenity(宁静)。前三个阶段共识机制采用 PoW(工作量证明机制),第四个阶段切换到 PoS(权益证明机制)。
2015年7月30号,以太坊第一个阶段“前沿”正式发布,这个阶段只适用于开发者使用,开发人员可于在以太坊网络上编写智能合约和去中心化应用程序 DAPP,矿工开始进入以太坊网络维护网络安全并挖矿得到以太币。前沿版本类似于测试版,证明以太坊网络到底是不是可靠的。
2017 年 9 月,以太坊已经进行到第三个阶段“大都会”。“大都会”由拜占庭和君士坦丁堡两次升级组成,这个阶段的的目标是希望能够引入 PoW 和 PoS 的混合链模式,为 PoW向PoS的顺滑过渡做准备。最近比较热门的“以太坊君士坦丁堡升级”升级的就是这个,在君士坦丁堡升级中呢,以太坊将对底层协议和算法做一些改变,来为实现 PoW 和
1、 静态奖励,5个以太坊;
2、 区块内所花费的燃料成本,也就是Gas,这部分我们上一期内容讲过;
3、 作为区块组成部分,包含“叔区块”的额外奖励,叔就是叔叔的叔,每个叔区块可以得到挖矿报酬的1/32作为奖励,也就是5乘以1/32,等于0.15625 个以太坊。这里我们简单解释一下“叔区块”,“叔区块”这个概念是以太坊提出来的,为什么要引进叔块的概念?这还要从比特币说起。在比特币协议中,最长的链被认为是绝对的正确。如果一个块不是最长链的一部分,那么它被称为是“孤块”。一个孤立的块是一个块,它也是合法的,但是可能发现的稍晚,或者是网络传输稍慢,而没有能成为最长的链的一部分。在比特币中,孤块没有意义,随后将被抛弃掉,发现这个孤块的矿工也拿不到采矿相关的奖励。
但是,以太坊不认为孤块是没有价值的,以太坊系统也会给与发现孤块的矿工回报。在以太坊中,孤块被称为“叔块”(uncle block),它们可以为主链的安全作出贡献。 以太坊十几秒的出块间隔太快了,会降低安全性,通过鼓励引用叔块,使引用主链获得更多的安全保证(因为孤块本身也是合法的) ,而且,支付报酬给叔块,还能激发矿工积极挖矿,积极引用叔块,所以,以太坊认为,它是有价值的。

⑵ 以太坊硬分叉是什么

硬分叉是一种不支持向后兼容的软件升级方式。通常,这些情况发生在节点以与旧节点的规则冲突的方式添加新规则时。新节点只能与运行新版本的软件节点进行交互。结果,区块链发生了分裂,生产出两个单独的网络:一个按照旧规则运行,一个则按照新规则运行。节点在升级后变为蓝色。之前的黄色节点拒绝蓝色节点的连入,而蓝色的节点之间可以相互连接。因此,现在有两个网络并行运行。他们将继续产生区块和交易,但不再在同一区块链上工作。在区块链网络达到分叉区块之前,所有节点都具有相同的区块链(并且历史记录仍然存在),但是这之后它们将具有不同的区块和交易。由于存在相同的历史记录,因此如果您在分叉之前持有代币,那么您将在这两个网络上同时获得代币。假设在600,000区块高度发生分叉时,您手里有5 BTC。您可以选择在区块高度到达600,001时,在原始区块链上将这5个代币花费掉,但是在新产生的区块链上并不会记录这笔在600,001区块高度的消费。假设加密方式没有发生变化,那么在新的分叉网络上您的私钥中仍然会存在这5个代币。 以太坊硬分叉的一个案例是2016 年 6 月 17 日,the DAO 合约上出现漏洞并被攻击者乘虚而入,导致约三百六十万 ETH 被盗取。根据该合约的设计,这些资金需要被冻结 28 天才能成功被转移。如果没有采取任何措施的话,黑客会拥有 ETH 总额的 4.4%。为解决这个问题,备受争议的 EIP 779 被提出来,其目的在于修改攻击者的锁定合约。如此一来,ETH 持有者便可以从 the DAO 合约上提出其 ETH。7 月 20 日,以太坊大部分成员支持实行硬分叉,然而少数社区成员持反对意见,并决定实行硬分叉,分叉后的原链改名为以太坊经典 (Ethereum Classic)。

⑶ 购买外汇ETH有额度要求


⑷ eth2022年还能挖吗

不能了,宣布退出改变ETH 1.0现行主网费用的EIP-1559提案尤其受关注,因为客观上,这一更新将为无限发行的ETH带来通缩效果。 EIP-1559提案将改进现有的手续费机制,用户支付的基础费用将不再被矿工收入囊中,而是被销毁,这客观上带来了ETH的通缩效果;EIP-3529提案支持合约部署者主动清理合约,获得Gas退款,这将减少网络拥堵,提升网络的稳定性;此外,EIP-3541将拒绝以0xEF字节开头的新地址,为以后的升级奠定基础;EIP-3554提案则将难度炸弹延迟至 2021 年 12 月,2020退出。
2.一般认为升级大约需要2-3年的时间,因为POS和POW双链会平行半年到一年来测试POS是否真的安全可靠。双链在2022-2023年之前不会合并,以完全结束POW,保留POS。 然而,公告的突然加速出乎所有人的意料,尤其是矿商的意料。毕竟,持有硬币和采矿机的人的心态是不同的。矿工对POS非常敏感,根据spark昨天发布的公告,要求以太坊官员再次澄清升级预期。甚至不要发送简短的句子给非核心开发者,这会导致许多误解。 人们总是认为eth20升级在技术上是非常复杂和巨大的,但现在我的解释是,每个人都高估了升级的复杂性。我猜官方团队已经基本掌握了核心要点。毕竟,ETH并不是第一只吃POS共识的螃蟹。有许多例子可供参考。在过去,升级的进程是缓慢的。事实上,当局一直在迁就和照顾矿工的利益。他们直到去年才开始升级,然后含糊地宣布了升级计划和时间表。今年,情况不对。其他家庭生态链发展迅速,如火如荼,手续费低,交易速度快,使用体验普遍不佳

⑸ ETH硕士研究生可以申请奖学金吗


⑹ 以太坊完成合并,大规模显卡挖矿时代结束,如何规范市场上的矿卡


⑺ 以太坊真能涨到5万美元嘛


⑻ ETH不能挖了挖ETC会跌停吗


⑼ 蚂蚁矿机可以挖ETH矿吗






⑽ 以太坊暴跌还会反弹吗

根据国内知名的数字资产交易平台OKCoin币行的数据显示,比特币昨天(7月11日)呈现较弱的震荡下跌状态,除15点时段出现短暂的反弹拉升,其他交易时段基本被下跌所主导,日内最低跌至16110一线低位,收盘阴线报收。截止今日发稿前,价格仍处于跌势,最新交投于16250附近。 OKCoin币行分析师称,日内来看,4小时级别,均线系统(5、10、20)呈现空头排列格局,各均线下降斜率较大,同时MACD指标双线在零轴下方的弱势区域继续保持开口向下运行,本级别下跌趋势依然保持完好;1小时级别,均线同样整体保持偏空格局排列,低位虽然出现大阳线,但持续性很差,反弹力度不足。 综上所述,价格整体依然维持在完好的空头趋势中,在这种状态没有明显得到扭转之前不要急于抄底,短线交易者也最好轻仓参与反弹。日内多空分水岭17060一线,只要此价位没有出现放量上破,整体的偏空操作思路不改,从当前整体表现看,上破概率很低;下方继续重点关注前期密集成交区上轨15300附近,可以在其附近分批布局。 昨日,币行以太坊开盘价1565.00,最高价1604.69,最低价1330.00,收盘报于1399.51.截止收盘下跌10.49%,振幅20.65%。今日以太坊开盘价1399.51,平开。 日内来看,4小时级别,均线系统(5、10、20)空头排列格局继续保持完好,并且各均线呈发散状,下降斜率增加,价格在连续大跌后底部出现明显的成交量放大迹象,本级别趋势依然维持空头,但再次下探后或将迎来反弹机会;1小时级别,MA60下行趋势明显,本级别价格高低点整体下移特征未变,MACD指标在零轴下方金叉后反弹力度有限,该级别同样弱势运行。 OKCoin币行分析师指出,各周期走势均保持完好的空头格局当中,至目前位置未出现有效的止跌信号,预计后市还将继续下探,如果价格再次下探新低后成交量出现明显萎缩可短线参与反弹行情。日内多空分水岭1510一线,此价位为上破前不要追涨;下方支撑首先关注1130附近,出现止跌迹象可分批介入。


⑴ What is the principle of eth mining

Anything involving coins must be inseparable from mining. In the Ethereum network, if you want to obtain Ethereum, you must also mine it. When it comes to mining, it must be inseparable from the consensus mechanism.
I wonder if you still remember what the consensus mechanism of Bitcoin is? Bitcoin's consensus mechanism is PoW (which is the abbreviation of Proof of Work in English, meaning "proof of work mechanism"). To put it simply, the more you work, the more you gain. The higher the computational effort you put in, the more likely you are to be the first to find the correct hash value, and the more likely you are to be rewarded with Bitcoin.
However, Bitcoin's PoW has certain flaws, that is, its transaction processing speed is too slow, and miners need to constantly collide hash values ​​through calculations, which is wasteful and inefficient. Friends who are involved in blockchain knowledge should see this statement:
In order to make up for the shortcomings of Bitcoin, Ethereum proposed a new consensus mechanism called PoS (this is the English abbreviation, meaning "Proof of Equity", also translated as "Proof of Equity").
To put it simply, PoS is actually just like its literal meaning: equity, equity. The more coins you hold, the more equity you have, and the higher your equity is.
Ethereum’s PoS means: the more coins you hold, the longer you hold the coins, the difficulty of your calculation will be reduced, and mining will be easier.
In the initial setting of Ethereum, Ethereum hoped to build a relatively stable system through phased upgrades, still using PoW in the early stage, then gradually adopting PoW+PoS, and finally transitioning completely to PoS. Therefore, it is true that the consensus mechanism of Ethereum is PoS, but PoS is only a plan or goal when Ethereum was released. At present, Ethereum has not transitioned to PoS. The consensus mechanism adopted by Ethereum is still PoW, which is Bitcoin. Bitcoin’s PoW, but it is slightly different from Bitcoin’s PoW.
The amount of information here is a bit large.
The first information point is: the consensus mechanism currently used by Ethereum is also PoW, but it is slightly different from Bitcoin's PoW. So, what is the difference between it and Bitcoin’s PoW: To put it simply, the mining difficulty of Ethereum can be adjusted, but the mining difficulty of Bitcoin cannot be adjusted. Just like our college entrance examination, because the teaching situation and the number of students in each province are different, the college entrance examination is divided into national papers and independent questions for each province.
Ethereum said that I was in favor of setting the questions according to regions. Bitcoin said: No, the test must be the same across the country and the difficulty level will be the same for everyone!
The popular explanation is that Bitcoin uses computer computing power to do a large number of hash collisions and lists various possibilities to find a correct hash value. As for the Ethereum system, it has a special formula to calculate the difficulty of each subsequent block. If a block is verified faster than the previous block, the Ethereum protocol will add blocksdifficulty. By adjusting the block difficulty, you can adjust the time required to verify a block.
The Ethereum protocol stipulates that the difficulty is dynamically adjusted so that the time interval for the entire network to create new blocks is 15 seconds, and the network takes 15 seconds to create the blockchain. In this way, because the time is too fast, the system synchronization The security is greatly improved, and it is difficult for malicious actors to mobilize 51% (that is, more than half) of the computing power to modify historical data in such a short period of time.
The second information point is: In the initial setting of Ethereum, it is hoped that the transition from PoW to
PoS will be realized through phased upgrades.
Dating back to 2014, at the beginning of the release of Ethereum, the team announced that the release of the project would be divided into four phases, namely Froniter (Frontier), Homestead (Homestead), Metropolis (Metropolis) and Serenity (Tranquility) . The consensus mechanism uses PoW (Proof of Work) in the first three stages, and switches to PoS (Proof of Stake) in the fourth stage.
On July 30, 2015, the first phase of Ethereum, "Frontier", was officially released. This phase is only available to developers. Developers can write smart contracts and decentralized applications on the Ethereum network. With DAPP, miners began to enter the Ethereum network to maintain network security and mine Ethereum coins. The cutting-edge version is similar to a beta version and proves whether the Ethereum network is reliable.
On March 14, 2016, Ethereum entered the second stage of "Home". At this stage, Ethereum provided a wallet function so that ordinary users can easily experience and use Ethereum. There are no obvious technical improvements in other aspects, but it just shows that the Ethereum network can already run smoothly.
In September 2017, Ethereum has entered the third stage "Metropolis". "Metropolis" consists of two upgrades, Byzantium and Constantinople. The goal of this stage is to introduce a hybrid chain model of PoW and PoS to prepare for the smooth transition from PoW to PoS. This is the upgrade of the recently popular "Ethereum Constantinople Upgrade". In the Constantinople upgrade, Ethereum will make some changes to the underlying protocols and algorithms to achieve PoW and
PoS lays a good foundation.
How much reward will you get for Ethereum mining? Miners who successfully win the block creation competition will receive the following income:
1. Static reward, 5 Ethereum;
2. The fuel cost spent in the block, that is, Gas, this part We talked about it in the last issue;
3. As a component of the block, it includes additional rewards for "uncle blocks". The uncle is the uncle's uncle. Each uncle block can get 1/32 of the mining reward. As a reward, that is 5 times 1/32, which equals 0.15625 Ethereum. Here we briefly explain "uncle block", "uncle area"The concept of "block" was proposed by Ethereum. Why is the concept of uncle block introduced? This starts with Bitcoin. In the Bitcoin protocol, the longest chain is considered absolutely correct. If a block is not the longest Part of a long chain, then it is called an "orphan block". An orphan block is a block, and it is also legal, but it may be discovered later, or the network transmission is slightly slower, and it does not become the longest Part of the chain. In Bitcoin, orphan blocks are meaningless and will be discarded later, and the miners who discover this orphan block will not receive mining-related rewards.
However, Ethereum does not believe that orphan blocks are worthless. Yes, the Ethereum system will also reward miners who discover orphan blocks. In Ethereum, orphan blocks are called "uncle blocks", and they can contribute to the security of the main chain. Ethereum takes ten seconds The block production interval is too fast, which will reduce security. By encouraging the reference of uncle blocks, the reference to the main chain can obtain more security guarantees (because the orphan blocks themselves are also legal). Moreover, paying rewards to uncle blocks can also stimulate Miners actively mine and cite uncle blocks, so Ethereum believes that it is valuable.

⑵ What is an Ethereum hard fork?

A hard fork is a Backward-compatible software upgrade methods are not supported. Typically, these situations occur when nodes add new rules in a way that conflicts with the old node's rules. New nodes can only interact with nodes running the new version of the software. As a result, the blockchain A split occurred, creating two separate networks: one running according to the old rules, and one running according to the new rules. The nodes turned blue after the upgrade. The previously yellow nodes refused connections from the blue nodes, while the blue ones Nodes can connect to each other. Therefore, there are now two networks running in parallel. They will continue to produce blocks and transactions, but will no longer work on the same blockchain. Until the blockchain network reaches the fork block, all The nodes all have the same blockchain (and the history is still there), but after this they will have different blocks and transactions. Since the same history exists, if you held coins before the fork, you You will receive tokens on both networks at the same time. Let's say you have 5 BTC in your hand when the fork occurs at block height 600,000. You can choose to transfer these 5 BTC on the original blockchain when the block height reaches 600,001 tokens are spent, but the consumption at block height 600,001 will not be recorded on the newly generated blockchain. Assuming that the encryption method has not changed, your private key will still be on the new forked network. There will be these 5 tokens. An example of an Ethereum hard fork is on June 17, 2016, when a vulnerability appeared in the DAO contract and attackers took advantage of it, resulting in the theft of approximately 3.6 million ETH. According to the design of the contract, these funds need to be frozen for 28 days before they can be successfully transferred. If no measures are taken, the hacker will own 4.4% of the total ETH. To solve this problem, the controversial EIP 779 was proposed with the purpose of modifying the attacker's locking contract. In this way, ETH holders can withdraw their ETH from the DAO contract. On July 20, most members of Ethereum supported the implementation of a hard fork. However, a small number of community members opposed it and decided to implement a hard fork. The original chain after the fork was renamed Ethereum Classic.

⑶ There are quota requirements for purchasing foreign exchange ETH

my country's State Administration of Foreign Exchange stipulates that an individual's annual foreign exchange settlement and sales operations cannot exceed US$50,000. In other words, the personal foreign exchange limit is US$50,000. If it exceeds US$50,000, foreign exchange settlement and sales cannot be carried out. The personal foreign exchange limit refers to the annual limit on foreign exchange settlement and sales for each mainland Chinese citizen, which is stipulated by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

⑷ Can eth be mined in 2022?

No, the announcement to withdraw from the EIP-1559 proposal to change the current mainnet fee of ETH 1.0 has attracted special attention, because objectively, this update will Brings a deflationary effect to the unlimited issuance of ETH. The EIP-1559 proposal will improve the existing fee mechanism. The basic fees paid by users will no longer be collected by miners, but will be destroyed. This objectively brings a deflationary effect to ETH; the EIP-3529 proposal supports contract deployment. Participants actively clean up the contract and obtain Gas refunds, which will reduce network congestion and improve network stability; in addition, EIP-3541 will reject new addresses starting with 0xEF bytes, laying the foundation for future upgrades; EIP-3554 proposal Delay the difficulty bomb to December 2021 and exit in 2020.
Extended Information
1. Ethereum's "London Upgrade" is not only a transitional solution to the current pain points of the Ethereum 1.0 network such as high fees and frequent congestion, but also preparations for the future upgrade of Ethereum to 2.0. The merger of Ethereum 1.0 and 2.0 will mark the end of PoW mining. The upper limit of the merger will be no earlier than the opening of the difficulty bomb, but no later than the opening of the sharding phase. Existing official information channels show that the difficulty bomb will be launched in December this year, and the sharding phase will be launched in the middle of next year. Therefore, provided that all plans are implemented as scheduled, the PoW mechanism will withdraw from the stage of history in the first half of 2022. Research on the conversion of Ethereum to POS began in 2015, and the 2.0 plan was officially proposed in 2018. Later, progress was very slow. Until the outbreak of various defi projects in 2020, the cost of natural gas in the industrial chain once rose from 20-30gwei to more than 500gwei. The ecological experience on the chain is very poor. Finally, he had to launch eth2 with 0 upgrade (Phase 0) at the end of 2020. Since eth2.0 has been discussed for a long time, there are many analysis articles about the upgrade cycle.
2. It is generally believed that the upgrade will take about 2-3 years, because the POS and POW double chains will be parallel and halfYear after year, test whether the POS is really safe and reliable. The dual chains will not merge before 2022-2023 to completely end POW and retain POS. However, the sudden acceleration of announcements caught everyone by surprise, especially miners. After all, the mentality of people holding coins and mining machines is different. Miners are very sensitive to POS, and according to the announcement issued by Spark yesterday, Ethereum officials were asked to clarify upgrade expectations again. Don't even send short sentences to non-core developers, this can lead to many misunderstandings. People always think that eth20 upgrade is technically very complex and huge, but now my explanation is that everyone overestimates the complexity of the upgrade. I guess the official team has basically grasped the core points. After all, ETH is not the first to take advantage of POS consensus. There are many examples to consider. In the past, the upgrade process has been slow. In fact, the authorities have been accommodating and looking after the interests of the miners. They didn't start upgrading until last year and then vaguely announced plans and timelines for the upgrades. This year, something isn't right. Other family ecological chains are developing rapidly and in full swing, with low handling fees, fast transaction speeds, and generally poor user experience

⑸ Can ETH master's students apply for scholarships

ETH will provide two graduate students This scholarship is for those with outstanding undergraduate performance and can apply together during the application process for graduate programs. The first is the ESOP scholarship, which will give the recipient 12,000 Swiss francs per semester, equivalent to nearly 90,000 RMB. This money can cover all living expenses and tuition fees.
The second type is the ETH-D scholarship. The recipient can receive 7,500 Swiss francs, equivalent to nearly 60,000 RMB, which can cover part of the living expenses and tuition fees. In addition, the recipients can also receive discounts on tuition fees. In addition, the department It will also provide an additional 3,000 Swiss francs or a teaching assistant opportunity (you can get 500-600 Swiss francs every month)
It takes some time to apply for this part of the scholarship, and you need to prepare the corresponding materials in advance.

⑹ Ethereum has completed its merger and the era of large-scale graphics card mining is over. How to regulate the mining cards on the market?

In the past few years, the graphics card industry has been very disrupted due to mining. Popular, therefore purchasing the favorite graphics card is not only expensive but also difficult for common users and gamers. Ethereum has completed its merger and the era of large-scale graphics card mining is over. How to regulate mining cards on the market?

⑺ Can Ethereum really rise to $50,000?

Not necessarily.
1. Ethereum Price Prediction for the Next 10 Years, As Everyone’s Attention Shifts from DeFi to Bitcoin’s (BTC) jaw-dropping 55.4% drop on the upswing, which puts it very close to all-time highs point, Ethereum (ETH) was forced to take a back seat. At the same time, it should be relatively moderate in terms of income. The current price of Ethereum has risen by 27% in the past 30 days from $379 in mid-October to where it is now at $473.
2. As doubts about the current bullishness of the cryptocurrency market dissipate, our proprietary Ethereum price prediction model stipulates that within 30 days, the USD value of Ethereum will increase by 19.45%, thus touching $573 to $750 the upper resistance area between. At $600, the price target converges with the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level.
3. The outlook for altcoins on the Ethereum historical chart is bullish, as the current monthly candle closes significantly higher than the previous three candles, and may be above the upper wick line of the September candle, which would constitute a very strong ETH A buy signal and confirmation that a buyer is interested in pushing the price of Ethereum towards a specified target. Additionally, buying has been picking up since the 20% drop in September, and we have a nice bullish setup for the upward trend to continue into 2021. So if you are still doubting whether Ethereum is a good investment, just take a look at the price chart and realize that this may be your last chance to buy ETH at this price.
4. The next five years will determine whether Ethereum can pose a serious threat to Bitcoin’s current overwhelming dominance of 66.4%. This will undoubtedly depend on whether Ethereum 2.0 can live up to expectations. In perhaps the most optimistic scenario, Ark Capital founder Brian Shuster said that Ethereum will be worth around $100,000 by 2025. Furthermore, he believes that ETH has the ability to become a better store of value than gold, although we believe that BTC will assume the role of digital gold and store of value, while Ethereum will be the main driving force behind the development of blockchain as an industry.
5. Taking into account Ethereum’s price history and other indicators such as the Cryptocurrency Volatility Index (CVX), we predict that within 3 years its USD value will increase by 760% to reach $4,100 per coin . The price increase will continue into 2024, with ETH reaching a value of $8,000 by the end of 2020 amid a strong 1,600% growth.

⑻ If ETH cannot be mined, will ETC drop to the limit?

It will not drop to the limit.
1. In the future, ETH will change its algorithm from POW to POS. POW means mining with a mining machine, and with POS, as long as you hold the currency, it means you are mining. The more coins you hold, the more money you will receive. There are more coins, yes, this is POS.
2. ETC shows that it has always been a POW mechanism and will always be generated by mining machines. ETC has arrived in Era 3. All block rewards will be reduced by 20%. Currently, half of the computing power of the entire network in the graphics card market In ETH, when ETH is converted to POS, most miners may choose ETC or other projects. But at present, it seems that ETC is not enough to accept half of the computing power, because the ecosystem and consensus between the two are still the same. There is a big gap.

⑼ Can Ant Miner mine ETH?

Ant MinerETH cannot be mined.

ETH is Ethereum, which can only be mined through graphics cards, not Antminers, because Antminers are specialized mining machines for Bitcoin. Regarding your question, I actually don’t recommend you to enter the market blindly, because you haven’t even clearly identified the types of mining machines. The mining water is too deep, and I don’t know how many pits you will have to enter. Now that POW mining has passed its bonus period, many students are using their own graphics cards to mine Ethereum. Do you think there will still be a chance for this kind of market?

1. What is Antminer.

Antminer is a mining machine specially designed to mine Bitcoin. It has a professional integrated chip and is mainly used to calculate Bitcoin. Although the algorithm of Bitcoin is very simple, the number of Bitcoins that can be mined has been much less now, and Bitcoin has also experienced several halvings. In the past, ordinary home computers could be used to mine Bitcoin, but now it is very difficult to mine Bitcoin, and ordinary computers have long been unable to do so. At this time, professional mining machines were born, and Antminer is one of them.

Finally, it is not recommended that you go mining. The risk is too high and it is not compliant.

⑽ Will Ethereum rebound after plummeting

According to data from OKCoin, a well-known domestic digital asset trading platform, Bitcoin showed yesterday (July 11) It was a weak shock and decline state. Except for a short-term rebound at 15 o'clock, the other trading sessions were basically dominated by declines. The lowest during the day fell to a low of 16110, and the closing price closed on the negative line. As of today's press time, the price is still in a downward trend, with the latest trading around 16250. Analysts at OKCoin said that during the day, at the 4-hour level, the moving average system (5, 10, 20) showed a short-selling pattern, with each moving average having a large downward slope. At the same time, the MACD indicator double line continued to remain in the weak area below the zero axis. The opening runs downward, and the downward trend at this level remains intact; at the 1-hour level, the moving averages also maintain a bearish pattern overall. Although there is a big positive line at the low level, the sustainability is poor and the rebound is insufficient. To sum up, the overall price still maintains a intact short trend. Do not rush to buy the bottom before this state is obviously reversed. Short-term traders are also best to participate in the rebound with light positions. The watershed between bulls and bears during the day is 17060. As long as this price does not break through heavy volume, the overall bearish operating philosophy will not change. Judging from the current overall performance, the probability of a breakout is very low. Below, continue to focus on the upper track of 15300 in the early intensive trading area. Can be laid out in batches near it. Yesterday, the opening price of Ethereum on the currency bank was 1565.00, the highest price was 1604.69, the lowest price was 1330.00, and the closing price was 1399.51. As of the closing price, it fell 10.49%, with an amplitude of 20.65%. Ethereum opened at 1399.51 today, opening flat. On the day-to-day basis, at the 4-hour level, the short position pattern of the moving average system (5, 10, 20) continues to remain intact, and each moving average is divergent, with an increasing downward slope, and there is an obvious transaction at the bottom after the price fell continuously.Signs of volume amplification, the trend at this level remains short, but there may be a rebound opportunity after another dip; at the 1-hour level, the downward trend of MA60 is obvious, the overall downward trend of price high and low points at this level has not changed, and the MACD indicator is below the zero axis The rebound after the golden cross is limited, and this level is also running weakly. Analysts at OKCoin pointed out that in the short pattern where the trends in each cycle have remained intact, there has been no effective stop signal at the current position. It is expected that the market will continue to decline. If the price reaches a new low again and the trading volume shrinks significantly, it may Participate in the rebound market in the short term. The watershed line between bulls and bears during the day is 1510. Do not chase the price before it breaks above. The lower support will first focus on the vicinity of 1130. If there are signs of stopping the decline, you can intervene in batches.

// f_auto

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