三星3401用什么鼓 三星4321用什么鼓

1. 三星3310d打印出来纸张全黑,换了一套硒鼓还是一样,求大神指教哪的问


2. 三星打印机换了碳粉之后,打出来变得很模糊


3. 三星4200 复印时咯吱响不复印,开机预热是正常的。


4. 打印机套鼓纯载体是什么意思

你好,一般鼓粉分离的机器才叫套鼓。套鼓,包括硒鼓、刮板、粉舱、充电辊等等是一套东西,也就是可以从打印机里抽出来的那一整部分,硒鼓一般是是指:鼓芯,就是套鼓里面安装的鼓芯,一根长长的那个,一般修理师傅都这样叫的多一点。OKI LED打印机也有硒鼓,它和激光打印机统称为页式打印机。因为他们都是使用墨粉而不是墨水来成像,硒鼓的作用就是感应激光头或者LED发来的光线,然后在纸上成像。硒鼓不仅决定了打印质量的好坏,还决定了使用者在使用过程中需要花费的金钱多少。在激光打印机中,70%以上的成像部件集中在硒鼓中,打印质量的好坏实际上在很大程度上是由硒鼓决定的。谢采纳

5. 打印机的套鼓是具体部位


6. 三星复印机套鼓需要做载体初始吗


7. 请问下三星ML_1430的打印机套鼓可以换鼓芯吗


1. The paper printed by Samsung 3310d is all black. Even after changing a set of toner cartridges, it is still the same. Can anyone help me?

The solution to the problem that Samsung printer cannot feed paper is as follows: 1. Check Check whether paper of corresponding specifications is placed in the paper box or tray (it is recommended to use standard printing paper between A4 size 75-80G). If it does not meet the specifications, it needs to be replaced. 2. Check whether there is jammed paper in the paper box or tray. If so, please remove the jammed paper and try again. 3. Remove the paper and place it again to test whether the printed page is normal. If the test page prints normally, it means there is no problem with the machine itself. Please check the printing software and printing settings. Go to the computer [Start]-[Printers and Faxes] (Devices and Printers)-find the printer icon-right-click the icon-[Print Home Page] Options】-Check individually whether the paper size is A4, whether the paper source is automatic, and whether the paper type is the printer default. If it still doesn't work after setting up, it is recommended to try printing from other documents, such as Notepad. 4. If none of the above operations work, clean the pickup roller of the machine. There is a black rubber roller inside the paper inlet of the machine, which is the pickup roller. Find a damp soft cloth and wipe it repeatedly before trying again. If none of the above operations can solve the problem, you can call the nearest service center (log in.cn-After-Sales Service-Service Center Query), and an engineer will help you check the machine problem. Service center information query: /support/ServiceLocations.asp

2. After replacing the toner on the Samsung printer, the printout became very blurry

Replace the drum set to solve the problem~! The charging rod inside the toner cartridge with integrated toner and powder is designed to have a very short life. The manufacturer deliberately makes you consume the toner cartridge!
Even if it is okay to add powder, the effect will gradually become lighter with the number of times you add powder, or it may be a gangster~! Or it’s a problem with the design of the drum set itself!

3. The Samsung 4200 makes a squeaking sound when copying but does not copy. It is normal for the machine to warm up when it is turned on.

First confirm whether the noise is caused by the scanning frame or the drum set. Most of the noise is caused by the drum set. After adding powder several times, if the magnetic roller leaks a lot of powder, you need to clean the accumulated powder on the drum set gear, otherwise it will It will get stuck in the rotation, and it will also happen if the shaft in the powder bin gets stuck after being used for a long time.

4. What does the pure carrier of the printer drum set mean?

Hello, generally the machine that separates toner and toner is called a drum set. The drum set, including the toner cartridge, scraper, powder chamber, charging roller, etc., is a set of things, that is, the entire part that can be pulled out from the printer. The toner cartridge generally refers to: the drum core, which is installed inside the drum set. Drum core, the long one, is usually called this by repairmen. OKI LED printers also have toner cartridges, which together with laser printers are collectively called page printers. Because they all use toner instead of ink to create images, the function of the toner cartridge is to sense the light from the laser head or LED, and then create images on the paper. The toner cartridge not only determines the quality of the print, but also determines how much money the user needs to spend during use. Among laser printers, more than 70% of theLike components concentrated in the toner cartridge, the quality of print quality is actually determined to a large extent by the toner cartridge. Thanks for adoption

5. The drum set of the printer is a specific part

It is the toner part of the toner printer

6. Does the Samsung copier drum set need to be initialized


There is no need for carrier initialization, because it is a single group of powder without carrier initialization.

7. Can the drum core of the Samsung ML_1430 printer drum set be replaced?

Yes, I often change it.

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