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❶ 瑞波币/xrp手机钱包怎么下载


❷ 什么是Ripple

Ripple是一家在分布式账本数据库(XRP ledger)之上建立支付和交易网络(RippleNet)的私人控股企业,其前身为OpenCoin。Ripple公司的主要目标是将银行、支付服务供应商以及数字资产交易所连接起来,以此来实现更迅速、更经济的全球支付。Ripple发展史Ripple的首次理想化是由Ryan Fugger完成的,也是由他开发出了Ripple 的第一个原型,即去中心化数字支付系统RipplePay。且该系统在2005投入使用,其宗旨是为全球网络提供安全的支付解决方案。2012年,Fugger把此项目移交给Jed McCaleb 和 Chris Larsen,并与他们共同创立了美国科技公司OpenCoin。至此,Ripple就开始作为专注于银行及其他金融机构支付解决方案的开源支付协议进行其发展。2013年,OpenCoin更名为Ripple Labs,且又在2015年再次更名为Ripple。瑞波账本(XRPL)基于Fugger的工作成果并受到比特币的启发,Ripple于2012年开发出了瑞波共识账本(RCL),并推出了其原生加密货币XRP(瑞波币)。而随后瑞波共识账本也更名为XRP账本。作为分布式经济系统来运行的XRPL,不仅会存储网络参与者的所有财务信息,还将提供跨多个货币对的交易服务。且Ripple推出的XRPL还将作为一种可实现实时金融交易的开源分布式账本。同时还存在一种共识机制来对交易进行保障和验证。不同于比特币,XRP账本它并不是基于PoW共识算法,所以它并不依赖于挖矿过程来验证交易。相反,该网络通过使用其自有的共识算法,也就是被称为Ripple共识算法(RPCA)来完成共识的。XRPL是由不断进行交易记录校验的独立验证节点网络所管理的。任何人都可以设置并运行Ripple验证节点,同时还可以对验证节点进行选择。然而,Ripple建议其客户从已鉴定的受信列表中选取节点来验证其交易。而这些受信任的节点列表被称为唯一节点列表(UNL)。UNL的节点之间相互交换交易数据,直到他们对当前的账本状况达成一致。也就是说,由绝大多数UNL节点认可的交易才算是有效交易,且当所有的节点将相同交易应用到账本时,则达成共识。根据Ripple官方网站所介绍的:Ripple是一家私人企业,它开发了开源分布式账本XRPL。开源式账本就意味着,任何人都可以贡献节点,并且即使Ripple公司不复存在,XRPL还将继续运行。RippleNet与XRPL不同,RippleNet则是建立在XRPL之上的,Ripple公司独家的支付和交易网络。RippleNet目前为银行和金融机构提供了三款支付解决方案系统,即xRapid、xCurrent和xVia。xRapid简单的说,xRapid是一种使用XRP(瑞波币)来搭建全球货币桥梁的按需流动性解决方案。而XRP和xRapid则都需要依赖于可使交易更快完成且费用更低XRP账本。举个简单例子。来自澳大利亚的Bob想要通过金融机构FIN给印度的Alice汇款100美元。为了执行该交易,金融机构FIN则使用了xRapid解决方案来创建来源国和目的国之间的连接。在这种方式下,FIN机构可以将Bob的100美元转换成XRP(瑞波币),而此举措就为最终付款提供了必要的流动性。最后,在几秒钟内,XRP就可以被转换成印度卢比,且Alice也饿可以从印度的资产交易所中提取到该笔资金。xCurrentxCurrent则是一种为RippleNet用户的跨境支付提供即时结算和追踪的解决方案。不同于xRapid,xCurrent解决方案并不是基于XRP账本,且默认情况下也不使用XRP加密货币。xCurrent是在跨账本协议(ILP)上构建的,而其中的ILP是则是由Ripple设计用于连接不同账本或支付网络的协议。xCurrent的四个基本组件为:Messenger(信使)—xCurrent信使将为已连接的RippleNet金融机构之间实现信息交互。其中包括风险与合规性、费用、汇率、付款明细,以及资金交付时间等信息。Validator(验证器)—Validator是以加密的方式确认交易的成功或失败,并跨账本协调资金流动。金融机构可以运行自有的Validator或者依赖于第三方Validator。ILP Ledger(IPL分类账)—当ILP在现有的银行账本中实现时,就形成了ILP分类账。ILP分类账作为子分类账,将用于追踪交易各方的信贷、借记和流动资金。且ILP分类账使交易各方能以原子级方式结算资金,而这就意味着交易要么及时结算,要么立刻终止。FX Ticker(外汇行情)—FX Ticker用于定义交易方之间的汇率。它还将追踪每个已设置的ILP分类账。尽管xCurrent的主要设计目的是为了法定货币交易,但它也可以支持加密货币交易。xViaxVia是一个基于API标准化的接口,它将允许银行和其他金融服务提供商在同一结构内进行交互,而无需依赖于多支付网络集成。xVia将允许银行与其他合作银行(已连接RippleNet)之间创建支付,并允许银行将发票或其他信息附加到交易中。总结当比特币被誉为第一加密货币,而以太坊也被公认为智能合约的创造者时,我们可以将Ripple 网络视为专注于全球支付解决方案的货币兑换系统。RippleNet可以实施在银行现有的基础设施上,以此来补充并改进传统的支付系统。xCurrent将在跨金融机构之间实现高成本效率且实时的支付,xRapid则使用无国界货币XRP来作为按需流动资金池,而最后xVia则促进了RippleNet参与者之间的整合与通信。

❸ 瑞波币到底有什么价值解决了银行国际业务技术难题






❹ 瑞波币手机钱包哪里找


❺ 虚拟币挖矿,挖什么矿比较有前景那种虚拟币比较好

首先,第一步,我们要先下载ITGC的钱包客户端,我们可以搜索eppool去矿池可下载专业挖矿工具,目前支持PC的Win、Linux、MacOS的CPU和显卡挖矿,以及安卓手机挖矿! 第二步,下载官方钱包客户端,下载安装后我们启动ITGC钱包。 第三步,开始挖矿!【挖矿命令】输入go并回车,即可开启你的挖矿之旅,就是这么简单!就是这么神奇!

❻ 用户达到100万时候Pi上线,挖出的Pi总量会是多少呢


60万人:0.49π/hr*24小时*30天*3个月 *60万人= 6.35亿个Pi。平均每个人截止到明年3月份可以挖1000个。

39万人:0.98π/hr*24小时*30天*5个月 *39万人=13.8亿个Pi。平均每个人截止到明年3月份可以挖4000个。

1万人:5*0.98π/hr*24小时*30天*6个月 *1万人= 2.1亿个Pi。平均每个人截止到明 年3月份可以挖20000个。(这部分是参与的比较早和推广邀请人数比较多的用户)

挖到的总量是22.2亿个Pi。而且是保守估 计100万用户的基础上计算,实际挖矿币量应该会超过这个数值。

现在用户数已达到100 万。此只是按照一百万算的



第一阶段,临时治理模式,用户数低于 500万时期,采取类似比特币和以太坊的离线治理模式。

第二阶段,制宪会议模式,用户数超过 500万后,成立Pi贡献者临时委员会(全 球)共同参与管理Pi,甶于语言问题和活跃区域用户等因素, 估计Pi会成立多个地区委员会,比如Pi临时委员会美洲区 、Pi临时委贝会亚太区、Pi临时委贝会非洲区、Pi临时委员会欧洲区等。项目方的人是研究人类行为和大人群数据的,所以已经预估到Pi的用户肯定会达到500万,不过单纯的 Pi自己达到500万我不确定,肯定会有外来资源或者其他投资以及合作方式来增加Pi的用量。



1.瑞波币 XRP,总量是1000亿个,目前市值851亿人民币,全球市值第3位,流通量是429亿,目前币价2元左右,历史最高价27元。为什么说瑞波币,因为瑞波的创始人创办了第二个项目,恒星币 。

2.恒星币 XLM,总量是1052亿个,目前市值97亿人民币,全球市值第12位,流通量是196亿,目前币价0.5元左右,历 史最高价6.6元。50%直接分发给全世界,项目方只保留5%币量用作运营。恒星币和瑞波币类似的支付系统。

3.天秤座Libra,来自Facebook,但是该币还没有推出,FB的全球用户是27亿, 保守估计Libra的100亿总量。一般一个项目的50%总量会分给直接用户,尤其是币量超过1亿的目。按照上面的估算,Pi达到100万用户的时候挖出Pi币总量就达到22亿个,所以估算Pi的总量至少100亿,按照人类对数字的惯性和诸多项目的总量设计,一般有几个常见数字:2100万、1亿、2亿、10亿、21 亿、100亿、1000亿,目前只有已经在线交易的项目币种只有BTT设计了最高量9900亿个,第二位的就是1000亿的TRX、 XRP、 XLM等,那么Pi的总量虽然没有提前设定好,但是按照挖矿时间预估,应该是100亿,200亿、500亿、1000亿这几个数值附近比较贴近,如果想让价格高一点,肯定是总量越低越好,最好是只设定到100亿个或者50亿个,但是50亿和100亿貌似不太可能,因为按照用户量Pi的设计,用户量达到1000万或者一个亿的时候挖矿会暂停,到那时候Pi挖出的总量肯定破100亿个了,所以保守估计Pi总量是100 亿个。


如果Pi总量是100亿个,对标上面的项目价格,瑞波2元和恒星0.5元,再次价格上乘以5或者 10 (因为Pi总量100亿只是瑞波或恒信的十分之一),那么Pi的价格可能是 2.5元 、 5元 、 10元 、 20元几个数字 。如果Pi总量是1000亿个,那么Pi的价格可能是0.5元或者2元。鉴于目前Pi的期货价格已经到1.2元,作为热度价格参考,所以就算Pi的总量是1000亿个,那么价格也不会是0.5元,2元是极有可能的,不过1000亿个的总量确实太多了。所以,Pi总量预估50-500亿 , Pi价格1元-10元之间,市值50亿-1000亿人民币 (并非是500亿*10,因为总量越多价格反而越低。)如果50亿人民币能进入全球前20名,100亿人民币能进入全球前10名,500亿人民币能进入全球前5名,1000亿人民币直接进入全球TOP3 。当然,到2020年3月14日,谁也无法知道那时候各项目的全球市值总量和市值排名,仅以现在的市值作为参考。到明年3月份,世界加密货币市场会有三种走势:

①全球市值下降, BTC下跌,可能性极小 。


③价格飙升, BTC价格翻倍,全球货币项目市场均上涨50-200%,几率49%。

第二种情况和第三种情况的几率是最大的,因为BTC已成为共识、区块链已成为共识,所以无论是②还是③,对Pi来说都是好事,只要加密货币市场平稳或者热度上涨,Pi的价格都不会低,如果对标的恒星币届时可以达到2元,那么如果Pi总量再低于恒星币,那么Pi的价格极有可能 在2-10元之间。


❼ 如何获得ripple币



❽ 瑞波币XRP怎么获得,可以挖矿吗


❾ 瑞波币 XRP XRP Wallet 在什么地方下载 怎么挖矿 怎么挖瑞波币

瑞波币(ripple/xrp)是不能挖的,但是最近ripplelab team(ripple实验室团队)参与了WCG项目(通过贡献自己的剩余计算机计算能力,解决部分科研如,癌症,爱死病等方面的科学研究计算)。你需要参与到其中,然后ripplelab会根据你的贡献,赠送部分瑞波币。

❿ 瑞波币(XRP)、以太币、eCell币哪个更具有投资价值


❶ How to download Ripple/XRP mobile wallet

There is no way to download the wallet address of digital currency. You need to download the wallet app and then obtain the address. If you bought it before , it is recommended that you can trade after mentioning zb, choose to deposit and find xrp, click to get your deposit address

❷ What is Ripple

Ripple is a company A privately held company that builds a payment and transaction network (RippleNet) on top of a distributed ledger database (XRP ledger), formerly known as OpenCoin. Ripple's main goal is to connect banks, payment service providers, and digital asset exchanges to enable faster and more economical global payments. History of Ripple The first idealization of Ripple was done by Ryan Fugger, who also developed Ripple's first prototype, the decentralized digital payment system RipplePay. The system was put into use in 2005 and its purpose is to provide secure payment solutions for the global network. In 2012, Fugger handed over the project to Jed McCaleb and Chris Larsen, and co-founded the American technology company OpenCoin with them. At this point, Ripple began its development as an open source payment protocol focusing on payment solutions for banks and other financial institutions. In 2013, OpenCoin changed its name to Ripple Labs, and again in 2015 to Ripple. Ripple Ledger (XRPL) Based on Fugger's work and inspired by Bitcoin, Ripple developed the Ripple Consensus Ledger (RCL) in 2012 and launched its native cryptocurrency XRP (XRP). Later, the Ripple consensus ledger was renamed the XRP ledger. XRPL, which operates as a distributed economic system, will not only store all financial information of network participants, but will also provide trading services across multiple currency pairs. And XRPL launched by Ripple will also serve as an open source distributed ledger that enables real-time financial transactions. There is also a consensus mechanism to guarantee and verify transactions. Unlike Bitcoin, the XRP ledger is not based on the PoW consensus algorithm, so it does not rely on the mining process to verify transactions. Instead, the network achieves consensus by using its own consensus algorithm, known as the Ripple Consensus Algorithm (RPCA). XRPL is managed by a network of independent verification nodes that continuously verify transaction records. Anyone can set up and run a Ripple validator node, and can also choose a validator node. However, Ripple recommends that its customers select nodes from an authenticated trusted list to verify their transactions. And these trusted node lists are called unique node lists (UNL). UNL nodes interact with each otherExchange transaction data until they agree on the current ledger status. In other words, transactions approved by the vast majority of UNL nodes are considered valid transactions, and when all nodes apply the same transaction to the ledger, a consensus is reached. According to Ripple’s official website: Ripple is a private company that developed the open source distributed ledger XRPL. An open-source ledger means that anyone can contribute nodes, and XRPL will continue to operate even if Ripple ceases to exist. RippleNet is different from XRPL. RippleNet is built on XRPL, Ripple's exclusive payment and transaction network. RippleNet currently provides three payment solution systems for banks and financial institutions, namely xRapid, xCurrent and xVia. xRapid Simply put, xRapid is an on-demand liquidity solution that uses XRP (Ripple) to build a global currency bridge. Both XRP and xRapid rely on the XRP ledger, which allows transactions to be completed faster and with lower fees. Give a simple example. Bob from Australia wants to send $100 to Alice in India through the financial institution FIN. To execute the transaction, financial institution FIN used the xRapid solution to create a connection between the source and destination countries. In this way, the FIN institution can convert Bob’s $100 into XRP, which provides the necessary liquidity for the final payment. Finally, within seconds, XRP can be converted into Indian rupees, and Alice can withdraw the funds from an asset exchange in India. xCurrentxCurrent is a solution that provides instant settlement and tracking for cross-border payments for RippleNet users. Unlike xRapid, the xCurrent solution is not based on the XRP ledger and does not use the XRP cryptocurrency by default. xCurrent is built on the Interledger Protocol (ILP), a protocol designed by Ripple to connect different ledgers or payment networks. The four basic components of xCurrent are: Messenger - xCurrent Messenger will enable information exchange between connected RippleNet financial institutions. This includes information such as risk and compliance, fees, exchange rates, payment details, and when funds will be delivered. Validator - A Validator cryptographically confirms the success or failure of a transaction and coordinates the flow of funds across the ledger. Financial institutions can run their own validators or rely on third-party validators. ILP Ledger (IPL Ledger) - When ILP is implemented in the existing bank ledger, an ILP ledger is formed. The ILP ledger serves as a sub-ledger and will be used to track the credit of the parties to the transaction., debit and working capital. And the ILP ledger enables transaction parties to settle funds atomically, which means transactions must either be settled promptly or terminated immediately. FX Ticker - FX Ticker is used to define the exchange rate between trading parties. It will also track every ILP ledger that has been set up. Although xCurrent is primarily designed for fiat currency transactions, it can also support cryptocurrency transactions. xViaxVia is an API-based standardized interface that will allow banks and other financial service providers to interact within the same structure without relying on multi-payment network integration. xVia will allow payments to be created between banks and other partner banks that are connected to RippleNet, and will allow banks to attach invoices or other information to transactions. Summary When Bitcoin is hailed as the first cryptocurrency and Ethereum is also recognized as the creator of smart contracts, we can think of the Ripple network as a currency exchange system focused on global payment solutions. RippleNet can be implemented on banks’ existing infrastructure to complement and improve traditional payment systems. xCurrent will enable cost-effective and real-time payments across financial institutions, xRapid will use the borderless currency XRP as an on-demand liquidity pool, and finally xVia will facilitate integration and communication between RippleNet participants.

❸ What is the value of Ripple currency? It solves the technical problems of banks’ international business

Ripple currency is a virtual digital currency issued by a private company and can be regarded as the current mainstream currency. Like Bitcoin, the ancestor of virtual digital currencies, Ripple has many characteristics similar to Bitcoin, but at the same time, Ripple also has some completely different performances from other digital currencies.

Some Chinese working overseas often send money home, and more and more Chinese studying abroad have obtained higher degrees. Their parents also send money regularly. Annual remittance costs in China alone may be as high as $67 billion. It is no exaggeration to say that international money transfers are the most expensive payment method in the world.

The World Bank once commented: "The high cost of remittances is mainly due to opaque operations, which greatly reduces peer competition." For countless disadvantaged remittances in the world, remittance institutions are impossible Be fair. Therefore, high costs are incurred. This can also be called a financial barrier. Obviously, the world desperately needs a currency that can be exchanged for fiat currency. Thus, Ripple was born.

Essentially, the Ripple system where Ripple currency is located is a public database that can be shared and a global ledger of income and expenditure. This system breaks the so-called rationality and high cost of the traditional payment system. From the beginning of its design, Ripple has used blockchain technology to implement an open global payment network. Through this payment network, any currency can be transferred, including US dollars, euros, Chinese yuan, Japanese yen or Bitcoin. Easy and fastIt is fast, transaction confirmation can be completed within a few seconds, transaction costs are low, and there are no so-called inter-bank and cross-border payment fees.

Ripple does not mine, its purpose is very clear, which is transfer and convenient payment functions. Therefore, Ripple is not a virtual currency with no actual value. It can solve many pain points of bank transaction technology.

❹ Where to find the Ripple mobile wallet

There is no mining of Ripple, so the wallet is slightly different from other virtual currencies. The price of Ripple does not fluctuate much and is relatively stable. Although it is necessary to limit the number of initial investments, if you just buy coins, the profit may be much less. And a new virtual currency trading model in the domain kingdom—— Extremely profitable trading may be more profitable, with a maximum profit of 93%.

❺ Virtual currency mining, which mine is more promising and which virtual currency is better

The current mining investment is too high, which is very stressful for new friends. The Regeneration Group (ITGC) is a good entry point. The most important thing is that the ITGC client has built-in one-click mining! Mining with one click! Mining with one click! Say important things three times. For beginners, mining is actually not that difficult. As long as you have a computer and a mobile phone, today I will teach you one-click mining!
First of all, the first step is to download the ITGC wallet client. We can search eppool to download professional mining tools from the mining pool. Currently, it supports PC Win, Linux, and MacOS CPU and graphics card mining. And Android phone mining! The second step is to download the official wallet client. After downloading and installing, we start the ITGC wallet. Step three, start mining! [Mining Command] Enter go and press Enter to start your mining journey, it’s that simple! It's so magical!

❻ When Pi comes online when the number of users reaches 1 million, what will be the total amount of Pi mined?

Of the 1 million, a simple conservative estimate is that 600,000 of them will be mined by a single person, 39 After filling up the safety circle of 10,000 people, dig it yourself. If 10,000 people invite more than 3 people. (The number represents the average)

600,000 people: 0.49π/hr*24 hours*30 days*3 months*600,000 people = 635 million Pi. On average, each person can mine 1,000 by March next year.

390,000 people: 0.98π/hr*24 hours*30 days*5 months*390,000 people=1.38 billion Pi. On average, each person can mine 4,000 by March next year.

10,000 people: 5*0.98π/hr*24 hours*30 days*6 months*10,000 people = 210 million Pi. On average, each person can mine 20,000 by March next year. (This part is the users who participated earlier and had a larger number of promotion invitations)

The total amount mined is 2.22 billion Pi. And it is a conservative estimate10Calculated based on 00,000 users, the actual amount of mining coins should exceed this value.

Now the number of users has reached 1 million. This is only calculated based on one million

Pi’s two-stage governance model

Pi has designed a two-stage governance model:

The first stage , temporary governance model, when the number of users is less than 5 million, adopting an offline governance model similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The second stage is the Constituent Assembly model. After the number of users exceeds 5 million, a temporary committee of Pi contributors (global) will be established to jointly participate in the management of Pi. Due to factors such as language issues and active regional users, it is estimated that Pi will establish multiple regional committees, such as Pi Interim Committee Americas, Pi Interim Committee Asia Pacific, Pi Interim Committee Africa, Pi Interim Committee Europe, etc. People on the project side study human behavior and large-scale crowd data, so they have estimated that the number of Pi users will definitely reach 5 million. However, I am not sure if Pi alone will reach 5 million. There will definitely be external resources or other investments and cooperation. Ways to increase Pi usage.

Benchmarking the total amount of Pi

Pi’s technology is expanded and upgraded based on the Stellar Stellar Agreement technology and the United Byzantine Agreement, and the goal is to reach global users. If you can participate in the mining and payment system, then the number of users must exceed 100 million to achieve the goal. We use three mobile payment projects as a reference:

1. Ripple XRP, the total amount is 100 billion, with a current market value of 85.1 billion yuan, ranking third in the world in market value, and a circulation of 42.9 billion. The current currency price is about 2 yuan, and the highest price in history is 27 yuan. Why say Ripple? Because the founder of Ripple founded the second project, Stellar Lumens.

2. Stellar Lumens XLM has a total supply of 105.2 billion, with a current market value of 9.7 billion yuan, ranking 12th in the world in market value, and a circulation of 19.6 billion. The current currency price is about 0.5 yuan, and the highest price in history is 6.6 Yuan. 50% will be distributed directly to the world, and the project party will only retain 5% of the currency for operation. Payment system similar to Stellar and Ripple.

3. Libra comes from Facebook, but the currency has not yet been launched. FB’s global users are 2.7 billion, and Libra’s total amount is conservatively estimated at 10 billion. Generally, 50% of the total amount of a project will be distributed to direct users, especially projects with more than 100 million coins. According to the above estimation, when Pi reaches 1 million users, the total number of Pi coins mined will reach 2.2 billion. Therefore, it is estimated that the total amount of Pi is at least 10 billion. According to human inertia of numbers and the total amount design of many projects, there are generally Several common numbers: 21 million, 100 million, 200 million, 1 billion, 2.1 billion, 10 billion, 100 billion. Currently, there are onlyAmong the project currencies for online transactions, only BTT has designed a maximum amount of 990 billion, followed by 100 billion TRX, XRP, XLM, etc., so although the total amount of Pi has not been set in advance, it is estimated according to the mining time , it should be 10 billion, 20 billion, 50 billion, and 100 billion are relatively close to each other. If you want the price to be higher, the lower the total amount, the better. It is best to only set it to 10 billion or 50 100 million, but 5 billion and 10 billion seem unlikely, because according to the design of user volume Pi, mining will be suspended when the number of users reaches 10 million or 100 million. By then, the total amount mined by Pi will definitely exceed 10 billion , so the total number of Pi is conservatively estimated to be 10 billion.

Benchmark estimated Pi price

If the total amount of Pi is 10 billion, benchmark the above project prices, Ripple 2 yuan and Stellar 0.5 yuan, and then multiply the price by 5 or 10 (because the total amount of Pi is only one-tenth of Ripple or Hengxin), then the price of Pi may be 2.5 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, or 20 yuan. If the total amount of Pi is 100 billion, then the price of Pi may be 0.5 yuan or 2 yuan. Given that the current Pi futures price has reached 1.2 yuan, as a reference for the popularity price, even if the total amount of Pi is 100 billion, the price will not be 0.5 yuan. 2 yuan is very possible, but the total number of 100 billion The amount is indeed too much. Therefore, the total amount of Pi is estimated to be 5 billion to 50 billion, the price of Pi is between 1 yuan and 10 yuan, and the market value is 5 billion to 100 billion yuan (not 50 billion * 10, because the more the total amount, the lower the price.) If 50 RMB 100 million can enter the top 20 in the world, RMB 10 billion can enter the top 10 in the world, RMB 50 billion can enter the top 5 in the world, and RMB 100 billion can directly enter the top 3 in the world. Of course, by March 14, 2020, no one will know the total global market value and market value ranking of each project at that time, and only the current market value will be used as a reference. By March next year, the world cryptocurrency market will have three trends:

① The global market value will decline and BTC will fall, which is extremely unlikely.

②The price rises slightly, but is relatively stable. It is not much different from the market value or price at this time, and the probability is 50%.

③ Prices soared, BTC prices doubled, and the global currency project market rose by 50-200%, with a probability of 49%.

The second and third scenarios are most likely because BTC has become a consensus and blockchain has become a consensus, so whether it is ② or ③, it is a good thing for Pi , as long as the cryptocurrency market is stable or its popularity rises, the price of Pi will not be low. If the benchmark Stellar Lumens can reach 2 yuan by then, then if the total amount of Pi is lower than Stellar Lumens, then the price of Pi will be extremelyIt may be between 2-10 yuan.

The price of PI coins may be higher

❼ How to obtain ripple coins

Bitcoin has created the legend of online virtual currency, but now you can mine Bitcoin The difficulty is getting higher and higher. Friends who are interested can try Ripple coins. So how to obtain ripple coins? Green Tea brings you the ripple coin mining method for your reference.

XRP is issued by RIPPLE, so it cannot be obtained through mining. RIPPLE’s wallet is on the official website, so you do not need to download the client, you can directly register an account with RIPPLE official Wallet.

❽ How to obtain Ripple XRP, can it be mined?

Ripple cannot be obtained through mining. Only by participating in the WCG project can you obtain Ripple coins, based on contribution value, and obtain the corresponding amount of Ripple coins, which is different from BTC and Ethereum. The price of XRP fluctuates little, so I usually don’t play it. Now I feel it’s more valuable to play eCell currency.

❾ Ripple XRP XRP Wallet Where to download, how to mine, how to mine Ripple

Ripple (ripple/xrp) cannot be mined, but recently ripplelab team (ripple experiment Laboratory team) participated in the WCG project (by contributing its remaining computer computing power to solve some scientific research such as cancer, AIDS, etc.). You need to participate, and then ripplelab will give away some Ripple coins based on your contribution.

❿ Which one has more investment value, Ripple (XRP), Ethereum, or eCell?

The price fluctuations of Ripple are relatively stable. eCell is an ERC20 token, and there will be certain risks in the future. In terms of room for growth, Ethereum is the digital currency second only to Bitcoin.

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