zec和eth哪个有潜力 挖eth和cfx

1. BCX挖矿问题,有谁用1080或者更好的显卡挖矿


因为性价比太低,算力没提高多少 价格太贵。

2. 矿池算力排行


3. 小白进入币圈儿如何选币












以上投资逻辑,纯属是没得办法的办法,应用这种投资逻辑切记不要ALL IN,长期来说还是要遵守不懂不投的原则。但是不懂不投不要理解错了,真正的意思是不懂的情况下,不要投入太多,你一点儿都不投,你很难有动力去研究,那就永远就不会懂了。



4. A卡和N卡有什么区别


5. 什么是eth,zec


6. 国内eth十大矿池排名

1、 以太坊
F2Pool 是中国最大的比特币和莱特币挖矿系统矿池之一。数据显示,鱼池目前是全球第二大矿池,仅次于蚂蚁矿池。
微比特是一家专业的数字货币技术服务商。其服务范围包括数字货币交易平台、数字货币矿池、云挖矿合约。成立于2016年5月,同年6月上线比特币矿池,11月上线云挖矿产品。 2017年3月,微比特获得由BitTaiwan领投的2000万元A轮融资,以拓展交易所业务。 6月,微比特即将上线数字货币交易平台。
58COIN&1THash 是 58COIN 下的业务。 58COIN依靠矿池构建比特算力。这是58COIN与矿机厂商、矿池、矿主共同准备的一项新业务。用户只需支付矿机费、电费、管理费即可享受稳定的挖矿服务。用户可以随时在后台查看。目前业务为矿机销售及托管、矿机租赁及标准云算力服务。
8、Binance 矿池

7. 显卡挖矿 可以挖哪些矿

比特币挖矿机 [1] ,就是用于赚取比特币的电脑,这类电脑一般有专业的挖矿芯片,多采用烧显卡的方式工作,耗电量较大。用户用个人计算机下载软件然后运行特定算法,与远方服务器通讯后可得到相应比特币,是获取比特币的方式之一。

8. zec挖矿跟Eth挖矿机器有什么要求吗


9. 说说我挖过的几个以太坊(ETH Ethereum)矿池




小鸟 矿池 xnpool可以挖eth、etc、etz等,目前正在 挖eth ,收益这些都觉得还不错, 挖矿软件 使用也挺方便的。





10. 2020哪些数字货币最有潜力

1. Elrond (ERD) + 45.36%
2. Bancor (BNT) + 20.66%
3. Ethereum Classic (ETC) +9.54%
概述:Ethereum Classic(ETC)是一个智能合约平台,在DAO硬分叉后保留了Ethereum软件的原始版本。
价格:自3月新冠病毒引发的市场崩溃之后,Ethereum Classic一直在努力挽回损失。
4. Zcash (ZEC) +6.54%
概述:Zcash (ZEC)是一种隐私币,其特点是通过零知识证明进行伪匿名交易,称为zk-SNARKs。
5. Ethereum (ETH) +5.27%

1. BCX mining problem, does anyone use a 1080 or better graphics card to mine?

No one uses a 1080 or better graphics card to mine

Because the price/performance ratio is too high Low, the computing power has not improved much and the price is too expensive.

2. Mining pool computing power ranking

1. Ant Pool
Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that Bitmain has invested a lot of resources in developing. It is committed to providing The miner provides a friendlier interface, more complete functions, more comprehensive use and more transparent benefits, and makes more contributions to the development of digital currency. Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that is committed to providing miners with a friendlier interface, more complete functions, more convenient use and more transparent income. Ant Pool provides Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. and other digital currency mining services, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO.
2. F2Pool
F2Pool, founded in Beijing in April 2013, is the world's leading comprehensive digital currency mining pool. Yuchi has a team composed of top domestic talents with high education, high technology and high quality. The founders Shenyu and Wang Chun, as the first opinion leaders in the blockchain industry in China, led the team to create a leading digital currency. Mining platform. Its business covers many countries and regions around the world, leading the rapid development of the blockchain industry. We are looking forward to young and energetic new members joining us to contribute to the global blockchain industry.
3. BTC.com
BTC.com is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider, mining pool, and wallet solution provider. Since 2015, the BTC.com team has started with industry infrastructure such as block browsers and is committed to establishing new standards in various subdivisions. The BTC.com brand can be seen in wallets, mining pools, market prices, information and other fields. figure. The BTC.com team members all come from domestic first-tier Internet companies. They have continued to serve the Bitcoin mining machine and mining industry in recent years and have many years of experience in system design, development and maintenance, and operation management. As the BTC.com team and brand grow, it can be foreseen that it will bring more surprises to Bitcoin users in the future.
4. Weibit
Webit is a professional digital currency technology service provider. Its service scope includes digital currency trading platforms, digital currency mining pools, cloud mining contracts, etc. It was established in May 2016, launched a Bitcoin mining pool in June of the same year, and launched cloud mining products in November. In March 2017, Weibit received RMB 20 million in Series A financing led by Bitmain to expand its exchange business. In June, Weibit officially launched a digital currency trading platform.
5. Biyin
Biyin was founded in November 2017 by the original core team of BTC.com. The team’s products and technology output are now serving most of the Bitcoin computing power on the entire network; it has created multiple products within two years, spanning multiple verticals such as blockchain browsers, mining pools, and wallets.Straight field. Biyin Mining Pool is a professional mining pool that supports mining of all mainstream currencies. Currently, the supported currencies include: BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, ETH, DCR, DASH, and XMR.
Lebit Mining Pool started as a private mining pool with the largest computing power in the entire network. After many years of stable operation. Now facing the market, all miners are invited to share the mining benefits brought by its technology. The newly upgraded and revised Lebit mining pool system is more suitable for customer needs, has richer content, and is simple and easy to use.
As we all know, the mining pool with the highest profit is often the mining pool with the lowest network loss, and the network loss of digital currency mining is reflected in the data such as the miner asking the mining pool server, the server responding, and the miner returning the results to the service. In the process of transmission back and forth on the network, the data transmitted between the internal network mining machine and the external network server will be affected by factors such as geographical location, local network speed, local network service provider gateway, external network gateway, mining pool server, etc., so the data of each mining pool The losses will vary, so investors must check the losses of the mining pool clearly when choosing a mining pool.

3. How does a novice choose a currency when he enters the currency circle?

How does a novice in blockchain investment make a decision when he enters the currency circle? In the beginning, there was almost no good solution. Just listen to the big guys. It is impossible for you to understand it and then buy it in a short time. Prepare some spare money (money that won’t affect your life if it goes to zero), see what currencies the big guys recommend, and then invest some. Since you are asking others to help you make decisions (you still have to be responsible for the outcome), you must find someone you feel comfortable with.

The first investment logic is to follow the investment

My personal experience is that I only learned about blockchain after studying the column "The Road to Freedom of Wealth", so of course Li Xiaolai is Don't worry, but even if it's the currency he mentioned, you'd better find out why he invested in that currency. If you confirm that he invested in that currency because he thought it was valuable, and you followed suit, that's okay, he They all made mistakes in judgment, and you have to admit it (Mr. Xiaolai has reminded him more than once that some of his investments are social investments, which are made only after the relationship is established and there is no other way out; there are also some investments that are purely for fun, which If you want to invest in coins, don’t follow them). Therefore, even if you follow the investment, there must be a basic logic. What currencies did he mention? Needless to say, Bitcoin, followed by EOS, ZEC, Gongxinbao, Quantum Chain, Xin, SIA, etc., and other small currencies will not be listed one by one. As a newcomer, don’t buy so many varieties at once.

Jinma is a very down-to-earth person and will teach you the allocation ratios, BTC: 40%, EOS: 30%, ETH: 20%, ZEC: 5%, BCH: 5%. If you are someone who studies the column together, you must trust and understand Jinma. Since he said this, he must have allocated most of his funds in this way, because the people in the column, especially those who are good at it, value trust the most. . in addition, from the perspective of the person in charge, the allocation ratio currencies he recommended are all big white horses, and they are all implemented projects that have passed the test of time.

I know Lao Mao (known as Uncle Cat in the world) through Jinma. Why do I know him? If you are a person who has entered the Jinma community from the beginning, Jinma will recommend Uncle Mao’s official account and related information. Buy all the courses and read them all. Once you have a foundation, you can take them with you later. Later, someone in the circle directly copied all the articles on Uncle Cat's official account and printed them into a complete collection of Uncle Cat, which was more convenient. The complete collection of Uncle Cat basically records all of Uncle Cat’s experiences from entering the industry to now. After reading the entire process, you can also learn that some currencies are recommended by Uncle Cat. For example, BTC, ETH, ZEC, DGD (Uncle Mao calls him the retirement product, that is, if you buy it, don’t look at the price, and check it again after at least 3 years), Gongxinbao, Quantum Chain, and there are many articles in it that he is optimistic about The thinking logic of certain varieties and not being optimistic about certain varieties.

Then join some other communities, and from time to time you can participate in some online sharing (charged), get in touch with other people, and see which varieties they mention most. For example, at the end of last year, Mr. Bao Erye (who was born as a beef seller, and according to Mr. Xiaolai, he now lives in the largest house and drives the most expensive car in the United States) shared some of his own experiences, and finally taught Xiaobai how to judge the right choice. Which coins should I buy, BTC and ETH? Why? The reason is very simple. What coins are raised by so many ICO private sales? As far as I know there are only three types of BTC, ETH, and EOS.

The second investment logic is to look at the market

The logic of the Internet is always that if it is strong, it will always be strong. If it exists for a long time and the price is high, it is worth investing. Judging from time, there is a high probability that it will become more and more valuable (I am talking about high probability, everything is possible), such as BTC and ETH.

The third investment logic is to look at the depth of the transaction

I overheard this trick from a friend. He actually doesn’t understand blockchain, or even investment. One day I asked him, how do you choose coins? He said it depends on the depth of the transaction. I continued to ask, what do you think? He said that if you look at the exchange, which coins are traded the most, there are more people placing orders and more people buying them. Damn it, why have I never made such a choice, but later Mr. Xiaolai did say at an offline conference that trading depth can indeed be used as one of the judging criteria. However, the trading depth can be faked, and many platforms will fake orders. Therefore, when looking at the trading depth, it is also necessary to look at the depth of the exchange, such as the previous Yunbi and the current Bigone. If you don’t understand other exchanges, you can’t judge.

The currencies (BTC, ETH, EOS) selected through these three methods, personal experience (I started in July 2017) so far, are still very good. Even if these three currencies are bearish nowmarket, it is still much higher than the price in the 2017 bear market.

The above investment logic is purely a last resort. When applying this investment logic, remember not to ALL IN. In the long run, you still have to abide by the principle of not investing if you don’t understand. But don’t get it wrong if you don’t invest if you don’t understand. The real meaning is don’t invest too much if you don’t understand. If you don’t invest at all, it will be difficult for you to have the motivation to study, and you will never understand.

PS: When entering the currency circle, it actually takes a lot of time to familiarize yourself with various exchanges, operate various wallets, and learn to keep your own assets. I have experienced this once. When I signed up for Bigone, I forgot to record the Google verification key. I later learned that if I lost my phone, I would never be able to log in to my account, and the coins in it would be gone forever. Then I re-registered an account and transferred all the coins in this account to another account. The process was also very painful. Not to mention the handling fee, some currencies cannot be transferred and can only be transferred to other platforms, which is also very troublesome. Damn, if there are too many currencies, the handling fees will cost a lot. However, I realized over time that my worries were a bit unnecessary, and it could still be solved by submitting a work order. Now BigOne has also improved the function of unbinding Google verification. In short, before you truly learn to analyze the value of certain currencies, there are still many operational pitfalls waiting for you to step on. Just put the currency on the exchange. If it is stored in the wallet, many security measures will take a lot of time.

More content will be shared later.

4. What is the difference between A card and N card?

The difference between A card and N card is as follows:
1: A card is good for drawing, N card is good for games.
2: The A card driver is bad, but the N card driver is good.
3: Card A has good color and card N is fast.
4: A card has low power consumption, and N card has a large nuclear bomb.
5: A card is cost-effective, while N card is more expensive.

5. What is eth, zec

ETH is Ethereum, zec is zerocoin

6. Ranking of the top ten domestic eth mining pools

1. Ethereum
It is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider and mining pool and wallet solution provider. Since 2015, the team has started with industry infrastructure such as block explorers and is committed to building new standards in various sub-fields. Brands can be seen in wallets, mining pools, quotes, information and other fields.
2. F2Pool
F2Pool is one of the largest Bitcoin and Litecoin mining system mining pools in China. Data shows that F2Pool is currently the second largest mining pool in the world, second only to AntPool.
3. Qianyin
Biyin was established in November 2017 and was built by the original core team. The team’s products and technical output now serve most of the Bitcoin computing power on the entire network; within two years, multiple products have been created, spanning blockchain browsers, mining pools,Wallet and other vertical fields. Biyin Mining Pool is a professional mining pool that supports mining of all mainstream currencies. Currently supported currencies include: BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, ETH, DCR, DASH, and XMR.
4. Huobi Mining Pool
Huobi Mining Pool is the world’s first mining pool platform that integrates digital asset mining and trading. It adopts a new distribution model FPPS based on the POW mining mechanism. Most mining pools on the market adopt the traditional PPS settlement and distribution model. In contrast, Huobi’s FPPS model reduces miners’ packaging fees, and each miner can increase profits by about 5%. Through this move, Huobi Mining Pool differentiates itself from other mining pools and attracts miners to join.
5. Ant Pool
Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool developed by BitTaiwan using a large amount of resources. Committed to providing miners with a more friendly interface, more complete functions, more uses, and more generous and transparent benefits. Make more contributions to the development of currency. Ant Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool that is committed to providing miners with a friendlier interface, better functions, easier use and more transparent benefits. Ant Pool provides Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum mining services for a variety of digital currencies, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS, PPLNS, and SOLO.
6. Webit
Webit is a professional digital currency technology service provider. Its service scope includes digital currency trading platforms, digital currency mining pools, and cloud mining contracts. Founded in May 2016, the Bitcoin mining pool was launched in June of the same year, and cloud mining products were launched in November. In March 2017, Weibit received 20 million yuan in Series A financing led by BitTaiwan to expand its exchange business. In June, Weibit will be launched on the digital currency trading platform.
7. 58COIN&1THash
58COIN&1THash is a business under 58COIN. 58COIN relies on mining pools to build bit computing power. This is a new business prepared by 58COIN together with mining machine manufacturers, mining pools, and mine owners. Users only need to pay the mining machine fee, electricity fee, and management fee to enjoy stable mining services. Users can view it in the background at any time. The current business includes mining machine sales and hosting, mining machine leasing and standard cloud computing services.
8. Binance Mining Pool
The current mining pool structure is mainly divided into three categories. The first category is Bitcoin POW mining pools, including Mining Pool, Printcoin, and Bitmain’s Ant Pool; the second category is other mining pools, such as Ethereum Mining Pool and Spark Mining Pool; and the third category is exchange mining pools. Pools, such as Huobi Pool, OK Pool, and Binance Pool. As the "digital economic operating system" of the new world, Binance is in the field of digital asset trading and circulation, in the field of blockchain market education, in the field of decentralized circulation exploration, the asset circulation platform is in the field of cloud computing, and in the market and digital asset industry. In the data field, in the field of financial derivatives, and other ecosystems, they have achieved good results and created a globalBall influence. Of course, for the real economy in the field of blockchain and digital economy, "cloud computing power platform", that is, mining pool, Binance has also created another "commercial connotation" in a very short period of time.
9. OKEXPool
In the published data, OKExPool has rapidly developed from a market share of about 0% in October 2019 to the sixth largest mining pool in terms of market share. However, on the hashrate trend curve, OKExPool’s hashrate dropped sharply in January 2020. Some market participants told PANews that the reason for the rapid decline in OKExPool's computing power may be the addition of more centralized small mines, and there is currently a lack of investors to join the computing power structure.
Although exchanges are generally newcomers to the mining pool field, the mining pool business held by exchanges still has certain natural advantages over traditional companies.
After years of stable operation, Lybit Mining Pool was initially a private mining pool with the largest computing power in the entire network. Now facing the market of Ethereum, we sincerely invite all miners to share the mining benefits brought by its technology. The newly upgraded and revised Lebit mining pool system is more in line with customer needs, with richer content and simpler operations.

7. What kind of mines can be mined by graphics card mining

Bitcoin mining machine[1] is a computer used to earn Bitcoins. Computers generally have professional mining chips, and they often work by burning the graphics card, which consumes a lot of power. Users use a personal computer to download software and then run a specific algorithm. After communicating with a remote server, they can obtain corresponding Bitcoins. This is one of the ways to obtain Bitcoins.
The popular digital currencies in 2013 include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Zeta Coin, Penny Coin (external network), invisible gold bars, red coins, pole coins, barbecue coins, and prime coins. There are currently hundreds of digital currencies issued around the world.

8. Are there any requirements for zec mining and Eth mining machines?

After series connection, large 4PIN power supply, cable length 300MM Shenzhen Mykens 6W multi-graphics ETH mining chassis front panel Three 12cm NMB double ball fans are installed as standard, just choose according to these requirements

9. Let’s talk about several ETH Ethereum mining pools I have mined

From mining to now, I have mined several eth mining pools, including F2Pool, sparkpool, and xnpool. As a person who is not good at foreign languages, I still mine domestic mining pools. alright.

First, let’s talk about F2Pool. It’s very big and it’s the first one I came into contact with. There are many cryptocurrencies available for mining, such as BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR, ZEC, and other recently very popular currencies. aion, etc., these are very timely when currency updates are made, so this is very popular among miners.

Sparkpool is known to miners who have mined it, so I won’t go into details here. It’s a small mine.I also worked as a digger for a while.

Xiaoniao Mining Pool xnpool can mine eth, etc, etz, etc. It is currently mining eth, and the income is not bad, and the mining software is also very convenient to use.

Okay, the above is just a casual chat. Next, let’s get some data from the three websites we just went to. Take a look for yourself

Warm reminder: Estimate the theoretical income of PPS. There may be deviations from our actual income, it is for reference only. You can test the actual income to know which one is better.

Today is also purely for sharing. We will make progress together. Interested friends are welcome to communicate with us.

ERC-20 tokens such as ETH tipping address:

10. Which digital currencies have the most potential in 2020

The first half of 2020 can be said to be Turbulent. The economic consequences of the epidemic are still unknown, but what is certain is that digital assets will be an important part of the post-epidemic economy and are likely to continue to grow.
Let’s take a look at the most promising coins to watch in 2020 and why they can be powerful additions to your investment portfolio.
1. Elrond (ERD) + 45.36%
Overview: Elrond (ERD) is a highly scalable, fast, and secure blockchain network that can promote DApp development and enterprise applications.
Price: A gain of 45.36% makes Elrond one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies right now and tops our list.
In the past 24 hours, the price of ERD jumped from $0.0188 to $0.0276.
Interestingly, this increase pales in comparison to Elrond’s continued surge. Since June 1, the price of ERD has increased by more than 1,100%.
2. Bancor (BNT) + 20.66%
Overview: Bancor (BNT) is a blockchain protocol that allows users to directly and instantly convert between different tokens.
Price: As the number two on our potential coin list, Bancor soared from $1.21 to $1.46 in the past 24 hours, an increase of 20.66%.
Similar to Elrond, BNT prices are also long-term bullish, rising nearly 600% since May 17.
3. Ethereum Classic (ETC) +9.54%
Overview: Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a smart contract platform that retains Ethe after the DAO hard forkThe original version of reum software.
Price: Ethereum Classic has been struggling to recoup its losses since the coronavirus-induced market crash in March.
Although the price growth of ETC has been relatively stable since then, it has created a relatively huge return on investment of nearly 10% for investors in the past 24 hours.
4. Zcash (ZEC) +6.54%
Overview: Zcash (ZEC) is a privacy coin that features pseudo-anonymous transactions through zero-knowledge proofs, called zk-SNARKs.
Price: Looking at the coin’s 24-hour performance, Zcash is up 6.54%.
In addition to the surge in the past 24 hours, ZEC has been on a moderate rise over the past three months, with its currency value rising from $43.93 on April 27 to $69.27.
5. Ethereum (ETH) +5.27%
Overview: Ethereum (ETH) is a blockchain platform featuring smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). It is also the second largest by market capitalization. Cryptocurrency.
Price: The price of Ethereum has been rising steadily over the past few months. However, since July 22, ETH has turned on the bull market and the price of ETH has soared from $246 to $324.26 today.
In the past 24 hours alone, the price of ETH has increased by 5.27%.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿