怎样买入usdt 现在怎么买usdt

『壹』 火币提现怎么提

操作环境:浏览器 电脑端:macbookpro mos14打开google版本 92.0.4515.131







『贰』 USDT是什么货币要怎么兑换人民币







『叁』 币本位和u本位的区别

1.U本位 “U本位”,指的是建仓以及最后交割,都是用USDT作为流通凭证,无论做多或是做空BTC或者ETH以及其他币种,都需要在合约账户中充入USDT,最终亏损或者收益,都以USDT结算。
对比例子: BTC在7400USDT的时候,骆驼使用币本位开空,BTC下跌,赚了1BTC,但由于方向是下跌方向,如果遇到极端行情,所赚的BTC则相应有所缩水。 BTC在7400USDT的时候,骆驼使用U本位开空,BTC下跌,赚了1BTC,但由于所赚到的是USDT,哪怕遇到极端行情,也不会出现资产缩水的情况。 在币圈,谁都想多囤点BTC。币本位合约指的是建仓以及最后交割,用的都是对应的标的产品。
囤BTC的方法策略也很多,通过币本位合约赚BTC,也是一个好方法:以小资本加杠杆撬动高收益——当然是可以接受的风险下——目前骆驼就是用这个方法在囤BTC,静等下一个暴涨行情。 如果暂时不想囤BTC,而是想使用USDT投资其它币种,不妨使用U本位进行合约操作。比如有些朋友喜欢埋伏小币种,借助小币种的暴涨行情让资产拉升,进而再换成自己长期看好的币种。 进入2020年以后,无论是一线交易所还是二线三线乃至十八线交易所,都重点打造自己的合约产品,合约市场可谓火爆空前。大家在投资的时候也要注意风险,切勿因为开了一两单有所收获后心里飘飘然——这是骆驼此前爆仓的教训,从那次100倍高位爆仓以后,至今回顾依然心惊胆战,故而现在一直把倍率控制在30倍之下。

『肆』 犹太银行开始说随进随出现在本金不能提,纯属于是诈骗了能报警吗



二.2020年1月5日 ,晚间公告以与第三方合作为由,要求1月10日前,手中不能持有USDT必须兑换成DVB全部挖矿或共识,否则不予兑现(以手中1000个币为例,再次买回只能买到200个,为之后易于收手,可以暴跌至0.1元/币)


四.2020年1月6日 所有挂单买币无法实现,手中USDT已成数字,提币到任何平台都拒绝。客服回应联系推荐人或领导人而从未正面回答过问题(可理解成忙着打包跑路,无心回答吧)

五.2020年1月7日 客服给出最新利好消息,看完都乐,只需满足5万币全部在挖矿或共识次日产生的收益大盘挂卖秒卖秒提,现价36.7889/币,呵呵~~~~


『伍』 新用户注册即得!50USDT免费送!



一. 活动时间


二. 活动规则

1. 新注册用户将 收到50USDT奖励, 各位用户可以在昵称-我的资产里查询到;

2. 赠送的USDT为冻结资产,当您在FCNEX的 有效交易量达到200000USDT ,此赠送奖励将 自动解冻 ,支持随时充提;

三. 活动说明

本活动为FCNEX交易所为 真实用户 赠送福利,若存在恶意批量套取赠金。FCNEX严厉打击 恶意注册、哄骗欺诈、伪造交易 等行为,一经发现,将 立刻冻结 所有账号资产并封号,严重者将诉诸执法部门;

四. 本活动最终解释权归FCNEX团队所有。                    

『陆』 usdt等于多少人民币






『柒』 pi币在哪里可以交易

1、在正式上线pi期货前,就发文:GX.COM与PiNetwork项目方经过长期交流协商,双方于近期达成战略合作关系,GX.COM为Pi Network提供免费上币、折扣抢购、社区及媒体宣发、PI用户专属福利等服务。荣幸的是,GX.COM也被Pi Network项目方指定为官方认可的交易所。双方联手送上PI币抢购活动,后续更多专属活动,PI用户敬请关注。


『捌』 买卖泰达币洗钱怎么判刑

因非法所得4.5万元,判处有期徒刑一年半,并处违法所得1万元罚金。他身后的诈骗团伙带着“洗白”的USDT (TEDA硬币)逃之夭夭。这是李原(化名)26岁时的生活,与他直接或间接牵连的其他三人结局相同,四人共洗钱3800万元。




























此外, 株洲中院表示,李原、蒋委等人是根据走账金额即银行流水金额千分之二点八提取好处费,故一审判决以单边交易流水金额为依据追缴其违法犯罪所得,符合法律规定。

相关问答:泰达币是什么意思泰达币(USDT)是一种将加密货币与法定货币美元挂钩的虚拟货币,是一种保存在外汇储备账户、获得法定货币支持的虚拟货币。【拓展资料】简介:泰达币(USDT)是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。Tether 公司严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。用户可以在 Tether 平台进行资金查询,以保障透明度泰达币是一种将加密货币与法定货币美元挂钩的虚拟货币。每一枚泰达币都会象征性的与政府支持的法定货币关联。泰达币是一种保存在外汇储备账户、获得法定货币支持的虚拟货币。该种方式可以有效的防止加密货币出现价格大幅波动,基本上一个泰达币价值就等1美元。泰达币发展轨迹:2014年11月下旬,注册地为马恩岛和香港的公司Realcoin改名为Tether。2015年2月发布时就抱上了一条粗腿,当时比特币期货交易量最大交易平台:bitfinex宣布支持泰达币(下称USDT)交易。随后竞争币交易平台Poloniex交易所也支持USDT。P网凭着以太币强势崛起,在竞争币交易平台中隐有龙头之势,也顺带提携了USDT的交易量。USDT的发行和交易使用的是Omni(原Mastercoin)协议,而Omni币可以说是市面上的第一个基于比特币区块链的2.0币种。所以USDT的交易确认等参数是与比特币一致的。根据Tether的CTO及联合创始人Craig Sellars 称,用户可以通过SWIFT电汇美元至Tether公司提供的银行帐户,或通过Bitfinex交易所换取USDT。赎回美元时,反向操作即可。用户也可在上述两个网站用比特币换取USDT。其网站宣称严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1枚USDT代币,其银行帐户都会有1美元的资金保障。在合规方面,所有涉及到法币的操作,都要求用户完成KYC认证。当被问及用户如何验证银行帐户保证金时,Craig称法币由Tether Liminted公司保管,并有定期审计,但目前用户还不能直接查询保证金。

『一』How to withdraw money on Huobi

1. First open the Huobi web version, log in to your account, and find the currency you want to withdraw in [Assets], for example, if you want to withdraw Ether To trade (ETH), click [ETH] to enter
2. After entering, there are three options: deposit, withdraw, and trade. Click [Withdraw] to enter. Follow the prompts to fill in the relevant information, including the number of withdrawals and handling fees. Everyone can understand, and the currency withdrawal address is equivalent to the card number of using Alipay to withdraw money to a bank card
3. Generally, withdrawals from the exchange are made to the wallet, so the withdrawal address should be filled in with your own wallet address. The wallet address can be viewed in the wallet you are using. Take the imToken wallet as an example. Open the wallet and click [Assets]. There is a combination of numbers + English at the top. This is your wallet address.
Operating environment: Browser PC: macbookpro mos14 open google version 92.0.4515.131
Extended information:
How to choose the chain type when withdrawing coins on Huobi.com?
1. Omni-USDT has the best security, but the transfer speed is too slow. If you have large orders that you are not in a hurry to trade, you can choose Omni-USDT first.

In 2014, USDT was born on the Bitcoin network and was officially launched on several major exchanges in February 2015. Before 2018, there was only one transfer path for USDT, and that was Omni-USDT based on the Bitcoin network. Omni-USDT is stored on a Bitcoin address, so every time you transfer, you need to pay Bitcoin as a miner fee. Omni-USDT is on the Bitcoin network chain, and the cost of hacking is very high, so the asset is relatively secure. However, its transaction speed is very slow and cannot meet the needs of today's encryption trading market. However, many large transactions will still tend to Omni-USDT.

2. The security and transfer speed of ERC20-USDT are average. Suitable for frequent transactions in the digital currency market. If you often do short-term transactions, you can choose ERC20-USDT first.

In 2018, the Ethereum network became popular, and blockchain applications were also widely used, and ERC20-USDT appeared. Like Omni-USDT, using ERC20-USDT also requires payment of absenteeism fees, but the transfer speed has been significantly improved. Due to its good security and fast transfer speed, ERC20-USDT is widely accepted by the market. TEDA, the issuer of USDT, has also begun to support the more efficient Ethereum ERC20. Because the comprehensive index is relatively high, it is more popular on mainstream trading platforms.

3. TRC20-USDT has the fastest transfer speed, and there is no handling fee for on-chain transfers, but the security is relatively low. Suitable for those who need quick transfers.

It is recommended to focus on small amounts. Nowadays, a transfer generally only takes a few minutes.

In 2019, TEDA announced the issuance of USDT based on the TRC-20 protocol on Tron, and TRC20-USDT was born. At the time of issuance, it promised to be completely open and transparent, with zero transfer fees and funds arriving in seconds. Different from the first two, there is currently no handling fee for TRC20-USDT transfers.

『二』What currency is USDT and how to exchange it for RMB

USDT is Tether and cannot be exchanged for RMB. "Notice on Carrying out Self-examination and Rectification Work on Providing Payment Services for Illegal Virtual Currency Transactions" All payment institutions within the jurisdiction shall carry out self-examination and rectification work, strictly prohibit providing services for virtual currency transactions, and take effective measures to prevent payment channels from being used for virtual currency transactions.

Tether is a virtual currency that pegs cryptocurrency to the U.S. dollar, the fiat currency. Each Tether is symbolically tied to a government-backed fiat currency. Tether is a virtual currency held in a foreign exchange reserve account and backed by legal currency. This method can effectively prevent large price fluctuations in cryptocurrency. Basically, one Tether is worth 1 US dollar.

On January 16, 2018, among the top 50 cryptocurrencies in the world by value, most of the digital virtual cryptocurrencies suffered a sharp drop in price, with the exception of Tether, which bucked the trend and rose in price. The price of Tether is $1.04, up 3.23% from the previous day, with a total market capitalization of $1.69 billion. In addition to Tether, most virtual currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc., have experienced sharp declines.

(2) How to buy USDT in 2020 Extended reading:

In 2017, the regulatory authorities issued the "Announcement on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks" " has clearly stated that financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions are not allowed to carry out business related to token issuance financing transactions. Financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions are not allowed to directly or indirectly provide account opening, registration, trading, clearing, settlement and other products or services for token issuance financing and "virtual currency", and are not allowed to provide insurance related to tokens and "virtual currency" The insurance business may include tokens and “virtual currencies” within the scope of insurance coverage.

The China Internet Finance Association issued the "Risk Tips on Preventing Disguised ICO Activities" calling on consumers and investors to recognize the nature of relevant models, enhance risk prevention awareness, invest rationally, and not blindly follow the trend of hype. . Previously, blockchain technology was once sought after by many listed companies and capital markets, but it also raised questions about whether it was over-hyped and "stepping on red lines."

『三』The difference between currency standard and u standard

1. U standard "U standard" refers to the establishment and final delivery of positions, both using USDT as the circulation certificate, regardless of To go long or short on BTC, ETH or other currencies, you need to deposit USDT into the contract account. The final loss or profit will be settled in USDT.
2. Coin-based” refers to the method of opening a position toand final delivery, all use the corresponding underlying products. For example, if you want to go long or short BTC, you need to charge BTC into the contract account. The final loss or gain will also be settled in BTC.
In general, the advantages of the two are also very obvious.
Comparative example: When BTC was at 7400 USDT, Camel used the currency standard to open a short position. BTC fell and 1 BTC was earned. However, since the direction is downward, if extreme market conditions are encountered, the BTC earned will shrink accordingly. When BTC was at 7,400 USDT, Camel used the U standard to open a short position. BTC fell and earned 1 BTC. However, since what was earned was USDT, even if it encountered extreme market conditions, there would be no asset shrinkage. In the currency circle, everyone wants to accumulate more BTC. Coin-based contracts refer to position opening and final delivery, using the corresponding underlying products.
There are many methods and strategies for hoarding BTC. Earning BTC through currency-based contracts is also a good way: using small capital and leverage to achieve high returns - of course with acceptable risks - this is currently used by Camel. Stock up on BTC and wait for the next surge. If you don’t want to hoard BTC for the time being, but want to use USDT to invest in other currencies, you might as well use U-standard for contract operations. For example, some friends like to lurk in small currencies, use the skyrocketing prices of small currencies to boost assets, and then switch to currencies that they are optimistic about in the long term. After entering 2020, whether it is a first-tier exchange, a second-tier, third-tier exchange or even an eighteenth-tier exchange, they will focus on building their own contract products, and the contract market is unprecedentedly hot. Everyone should also pay attention to risks when investing, and don't get carried away just because you have made a profit after opening one or two orders - this is the lesson Luotuo learned from his previous liquidation. After that 100-fold high liquidation, I still look back with trepidation. Therefore, the magnification is always controlled below 30 times.

『四』Jewish Bank started to say that the principal cannot be withdrawn at any time. It is purely a fraud. Can you call the police?

It is recommended that a group jointly call the police. It is suspected of fraud. . The principal can only be put in but not taken out, and the various terms can be changed even if they are not cashed out. Including the merchants in the transaction are all the same people, and the real money is set in numbers, which can be seen but cannot be withdrawn.

1. On December 26, 2019, for the reason of upgrade, the currency buying channel was normal, but the selling and redemption channel was closed. The merchant who cashed in switched his account to become a currency buying merchant, and could only buy with cash. USDT. (Key point! Already trapped at this time!!!)

2. On January 5, 2020, the evening announcement required that on the grounds of cooperation with a third party, USDT must be exchanged before January 10th. All mining or consensus of DVB will be reached, otherwise it will not be cashed out (taking 1,000 coins in hand as an example, you can only buy 200 coins when you buy them back again. To make it easier to close later, you can plummet to 0.1 yuan/coin)

< p>3. Without knowing it on the evening of January 5, 2020, the rule that the principal can be withdrawn from mining for 40 days was cancelled, and it will automatically stop when the return becomes 5 times the principal, (The cumulative mining time and days are locked, and the stop mining button is invalid. If you invest 100 yuan and earn 0.01 coins every day, it will take about 10 years to automatically stop)

IV. All pending orders on January 6, 2020 Buying coins is impossible, the USDT in your hand has become digital, and any platform will refuse to withdraw coins. Customer service responded that they contacted the recommender or leader but never answered the question directly (it can be understood that they were busy packing and running away, and had no intention of answering)

5. On January 7, 2020, customer service gave the latest good news , after reading Dole, as long as 50,000 coins are met, all the income generated by mining or consensus on the next day will be sold on the market and withdrawn instantly. The current price is 36.7889/coin, haha~~~~

Coin Friends We need to be cautious when investing and just have fun.

『五』 New users can get it upon registration! 50USDT for free!

Dear FCNEX users

The much-anticipated FCNEX is finally online! In order to thank all users for their support of FCNEX, the platform will start the "New User Registration Benefits" activity on May 8, 2020. The details of the activity are as follows:

1. Activity Time

May 8, 2020 - December 31, 2020

2. Activity rules

1. Newly registered users will receive 50USDT rewards. Users can Find it in Nickname - My Assets;

2. The gifted USDT is a frozen asset. When your effective trading volume on FCNEX reaches 200,000USDT, this gift reward will be automatically unfrozen, and deposits and withdrawals are supported at any time;

3. Activity Description

This activity is for FCNEX exchange to provide benefits to real users. If there is malicious intent to arbitrage bonuses in batches. FCNEX severely cracks down on malicious registration, fraud, forged transactions, etc. Once discovered, all account assets will be immediately frozen and accounts banned. In serious cases, law enforcement agencies will be resorted to;

4. The final interpretation of this event belongs to All owned by FCNEX team.

How many RMB is the "Lu" USDT

USDT is a stable value currency. It can be exchanged for US dollars, that is, 1ustd = 1 dollars.

Conversion according to today’s exchange rate:

1 US dollar = 6.3796 yuan

That is, 1USDT is equal to 6.3796 yuan.

Exchange rate exchange

『撒』 Where can pi coins be traded?

1. BitCola Exchange, BitCola officially launched the pi/usdt trading pair on October 12, 2019, with an opening price of 0.046 US dollars, that day An increase of 41.45%, reaching a maximum of 0.071545 US dollars, with a trading volume of 1M that day. It has been running for more than 5 months, and the current price is US$0.056267, which is about 40 cents in RMB. It is estimated that many people were a little disappointed after reading this, thinking that the price of pi is too low.
2. BiBaba Exchange. BiBaba Exchange can be said to be a "magical" exchange. BiBaba was launched on pi/cny exchange on December 4, 2019 (viewed according to the K-line chart). On that day The opening price is 15 yuan/piece, the closing price is 15 yuan/piece, the minimum is 15 yuan/piece, the maximum is 15 yuan/piece, and the increase or decrease is 0%. On December 8th, the lowest price reached 5 yuan per piece, and then it seemed to be cheating, and it rushed forward. Subsequent prices were more than 20, more than 30, more than 50, more than 70, more than 90, and the current price is 168 yuan per piece. I have to remind you that this price is not the price of mined PI. Don’t be too arrogant and mine honestly. It doesn’t have much reference value.
3. Fubt Exchange (FUBT) www.fubt.com. Fubt Exchange officially launched the pi/usdt trading pair on March 14, 2020, with an opening price of 0.1 US dollars, a maximum of 0.9 US dollars, and a closing price of 0.29 , with an increase or decrease of 190%, and a trading volume of 395,000. It has been almost half a month now, and the price has not fluctuated significantly during this period. It is basically trading sideways, with the price remaining between 2-4 yuan. Fubit Exchange has previously reached strategic cooperation intentions with several well-known domestic pi communities. This cooperation is not just about launching pi futures. It is a long-term cooperation to develop the pi ecosystem.
4. GX.COM exchange www.gx.com,
1. Before the official launch of pi futures, a document was issued: After long-term exchanges and negotiations between GX.COM and the PiNetwork project team, the two parties have recently reached a strategic cooperative relationship. , GX.COM provides Pi Network with services such as free token listing, discounted purchases, community and media publicity, and exclusive benefits for PI users. Fortunately, GX.COM has also been designated as an officially recognized exchange by the Pi Network project team. The two parties have jointly launched a PI coin snap-up event, and more exclusive events will follow. PI users please stay tuned.
2. And 10 million pi will be released in advance on March 25th for everyone to snap up at a price of 0.07 US dollars. Judging from the situation that day, many people should have grabbed it. It was officially launched on pi/usdt at 3 pm on the 27th. The opening price was 0.22 US dollars, the highest was 0.24 US dollars, the lowest was 0.101 US dollars, and the day's closing price was 0.122 US dollars. From the opening to today, three days have passed. Judging from the buying and selling orders, the situation is not optimistic, and it is difficult for the price to rise. This situation should be correct in the eyes of many people. After all, at this juncture, pi futures are not the same.A wise choice.

Operating environment Huawei nova410.0.0.171

『八』How to be sentenced for money laundering from buying and selling Tether

Sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for illegal income of 45,000 yuan One and a half years and a fine of 10,000 yuan for illegal gains. The fraud gang behind him fled with the "laundered" USDT (TEDA coin). This is the life of Li Yuan (pseudonym) when he was 26 years old. He had the same ending as the other three people he was directly or indirectly implicated in. A total of 38 million yuan was laundered by the four people.

According to Liu Zhongyi, from the perspective of funding channels, the proportion of money laundering in traditional three-party payments and public accounts has declined. A large number of money laundering is done through benchmarking platforms and digital currencies, especially TEDA coins, which are the most harmful.

In the same month, Chinese judicial documents also disclosed online the "Second Instance Criminal Ruling of Li Yuan, Jiang Wei (pseudonym) and others assisting information network crimes" issued by the Intermediate People's Court of Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province (hereinafter referred to as "Zhuzhou Intermediate Court") 》. The court documents showed in detail the operating methods used by the fraud gang to launder money using TEDA coins and the cultivation of "cannon fodder".

2.8% commission.

In December 2018, 23-year-old Li Yuanzai joined the Shenzhen company "Kasner". He just received his bachelor's degree. The company's job is to use the company and its bank cards to sell TEDA coins over the Internet and help others launder money, thereby earning commissions.

When Li Yuan platform resells TEDA coins to buyers, the price will be about 2 cents higher than when buying it on Huobi. As a result, Li Yuanzai's platform will receive a bill of 70,000 yuan, making a profit of about 200 yuan.

With the domestic crackdown on telecommunications network fraud and the tightening of anti-money laundering supervision, this kind of "business" is destined not to last long.

From January to February 2019, many of Li Yuan’s bank cards were frozen by law enforcement agencies. Some victims reported that money was transferred to bank cards in his name, and the bank cards of his colleagues in the company were also frozen. So the boss dissolved the company.

The dissolution of the company and the freezing of bank cards did not stop Li Yuan.

In February 2019, Li Yuan and Jiang Wei, who was born in 1996 and is also from Hunan, continued to resell TEDA coins on the platform. In the rental house in Shenzhen, Li Yuan was responsible for providing funds, while Jiang Wei used his own bank card binding platform to operate. The profits obtained were distributed by Li Yuan and Jiang Wei according to 433606.

“The reason why some people are willing to spend money to buy TEDA coins from a platform that is not well-known and expensive is because its purchase funds are irregular and illegal.” Tan Zimojiang later admitted that although he knew about the purchase of coins The funds are abnormal and illegal, but he owes an online loan and wants to make money in this way.

In April 2019, Li Yuan, Jiang Wei and others moved from Shenzhen to Changsha and continued to resell TEDA coins in a rental house in Changsha. In June, they began to let Xiao Daguang (pseudonym) use his bank card to operate according to the method of investing money.

After obtaining the "secret of making money", Xiao Daguang became independent.

In March 2020, Xiao Daguang, who was born in 1997, taught this method toXiao Xiaoguang (pseudonym), who was only 18 years old. Qi Zao and others jointly invested and used a small bank card binding platform to resell coins. The profits obtained will be distributed by Xiao Daguang and Xiao Yin 433606 until September 2020.

According to the subsequent confessions of the above four people, they all admitted that they knew that the money on the platform was illegal when they participated. After the money is transferred to the card, the bank card may be frozen.

As the number of victims behind stolen funds increases, law enforcement agencies begin to take action, and the "cannon fodder" attached to this fraud industry chain bear the brunt.

On April 1, 2021, Li Yuan was captured and brought to justice; on April 7, 2021, Jiang Wei was captured and brought to justice; on April 11, 2021, Xiao Daguang and Xiao Xiaoguang voluntarily surrendered; and two accomplices are at large. .

After investigation, Li Yuan used 4 bank cards he held to carry out the above-mentioned behavior, and a total of more than 8.34 million yuan was transferred. Jiang Wei used 13 of his bank cards to carry out the above-mentioned behavior, and a total of more than 7.81 million yuan was transferred. Yuan; Xiao Daguang used the 5 bank cards he held to carry out the above behavior and transferred more than 15.77 million yuan; Xiao used the 4 bank cards he held to carry out the above behavior and sued mor

On December 21, 2021, The People's Court of Liling City, Hunan Province issued a criminal judgment (2021) Xiang 0281 Chu Zi No. 479, finding that the above four people were guilty of "helping information network criminal activities" and there was no principal culprit; the illegal gains were confiscated and turned over to the state treasury.

In addition, Li Yuan was sentenced to one year and six months in prison and fined 10,000 yuan; Xiao Daguang was sentenced to one year in prison and fined 10,000 yuan; Jiang Wei was sentenced to nine months in prison and fined 5,000 yuan. Yuan Xiao was sentenced to 7 months in prison and fined 3,000 yuan.

After the verdict was announced, Li Yuan and Jiang Wei were dissatisfied and appealed. Among them, Jiang Wei and his defender mentioned that objectively, Jiang Wei's sale of TEDA coins cannot be regarded as payment and settlement; Jiang Wei's TEDA currency transactions do not constitute a crime, and the predicate crime has not been verified. The first-instance judgment incorrectly determined that Jiang Wei’s illegal gains were based on his total circulating capital of 7.81 million yuan.

In the transaction flow of nearly 38 million yuan, the court can confirm that the victim’s fraud amount was only 310,000 yuan.

This is one of the facts of the predicate crime. After the amount of fraudulent funds successfully matches the currency value on the small account on the platform, the order will be accepted, and the upstream fraudulent account will be displayed as a small account. When fraudulent funds enter small accounts, the fraud team will hide in the dark web with the coins.

Regarding the appeal opinions of Jiang Wei and his defender, the Zhuzhou Intermediate People’s Court stated in the criminal ruling that Li Yuan, Jiang Wei, Xiao Daguang and others provided their own bank card binding platform and sold TEDA coins through operations. Objectively speaking, Provided payment and settlement assistance for others to transfer funds for crimes.

On the determination of the threshold for conviction. The Zhuzhou Intermediate People's Court pointed out that according to Article 12, Paragraph 1, of the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate, "If the settlement amount is more than 200,000 yuan or the illegal income is more than 10,000 yuan, it constitutes a serious case"; Article 12, 2 This paragraph stipulates: “Subject to objective conditions, it is impossible to verify whether the recipient has committed a crime, but the relevant amount reachesIf the amount exceeds five times the standard specified in the preceding paragraph, or causes particularly serious consequences, the perpetrator shall be held criminally responsible for the crime of assisting information network criminal activities." "Opinions on Several Issues Applicable to Laws in Fraud and Other Criminal Cases" stipulates that

defrauding public or private property of more than 3,000 yuan constitutes the crime of fraud.

"This case is serious in terms of both the payment settlement amount and the amount of illegal gains, and A total of 312,515 yuan was defrauded in this case, and the person being helped in this case reached the threshold for fraud. "The Zhuzhou Intermediate People's Court held that Li Yuan and Jiang Committee subjectively knew that others were using information networks to commit crimes, and objectively provided payment and settlement assistance for others to commit crimes. The circumstances were serious, and the objects being helped used information networks to commit crimes reached the threshold for fraud. , which meets the constituent elements of the crime of assisting information network criminal activities.

In addition, the Zhuzhou Intermediate People’s Court stated that Li Yuan, Jiang Committee and others withdrew the benefit fee based on the amount of the transaction, that is, 2.8% of the bank transaction amount, so the first instance judgment The recovery of illegal and criminal proceeds based on the amount of unilateral transaction transactions is in compliance with the law.

Related Q&A: What does Tether mean? Tether (USDT) is a virtual currency that links cryptocurrency to the legal currency U.S. dollar. A virtual currency held in a foreign exchange reserve account and supported by legal currency. [Extended Information] Introduction: Tether (USDT) is a token Tether USD (hereinafter referred to as USDT) launched by Tether based on the stable value currency U.S. dollar (USD). , 1USDT = 1 US dollar, users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. Tether strictly adheres to the 1:1 reserve guarantee, that is, for every USDT token issued, its bank account will have 1 US dollar of funds guaranteed. . Users can conduct fund inquiries on the Tether platform to ensure transparency. Tether is a virtual currency that pegs cryptocurrency to the legal currency U.S. dollar. Each Tether is symbolically linked to a government-backed legal currency. Tether is A virtual currency that is kept in a foreign exchange reserve account and supported by legal currency. This method can effectively prevent large price fluctuations in cryptocurrency. Basically, one Tether currency is worth 1 US dollar. Development trajectory of Tether currency: November 2014 Later in the year, Realcoin, a company registered in the Isle of Man and Hong Kong, changed its name to Tether. When it was released in February 2015, it had a big leg. At that time, the largest trading platform for Bitcoin futures trading: bitfinex announced that it supported Tether (hereinafter referred to as USDT). ) transaction. Later, the Poloniex exchange, an altcoin trading platform, also supported USDT. With the strong rise of Ethereum, P.Net has become the leader among altcoin trading platforms, and it has also boosted the trading volume of USDT. The issuance and trading of USDT It uses the Omni (formerly Mastercoin) protocol, and Omni coin can be said to be the first 2 based on the Bitcoin blockchain on the market..0 currency. Therefore, USDT’s transaction confirmation and other parameters are consistent with Bitcoin. According to Craig Sellars, CTO and co-founder of Tether, users can wire USD via SWIFT to a bank account provided by Tether, or exchange for USDT through the Bitfinex exchange. When redeeming U.S. dollars, just reverse the operation. Users can also exchange Bitcoin for USDT on the above two websites. Its website claims to strictly adhere to the 1:1 reserve guarantee, that is, for every USDT token issued, its bank account will have 1 US dollar of funds guaranteed. In terms of compliance, all operations involving legal currency require users to complete KYC certification. When asked how users can verify the bank account margin, Craig said that the legal currency is kept by Tether Limted and has regular audits, but currently users cannot directly query the margin.

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