shib叫什么币 shib是个什么币

1. shib十大持币地址怎么看

搜索你所购买币的官网,登录之后,在创建了shib钱包,点开 SHIB 详情页,继续点击即可看见。
2021年5月10日,据国外媒体报道,继狗狗币之后的虚拟货币柴犬币走进人们的视野。柴犬币仅仅2天,它就从廉价的山寨币成为全球涨幅第一加密货币。2021年5月13日 V神向印度新冠病毒救助基金捐赠50万亿SHIB代币(约12亿美元) 。2021年5月17日 以太坊创始人V神销毁45%的柴犬币SHIB币.
1、shib是在2020年8月发行的,发行量为1000万亿,shib最先开始在抹茶上市、虽然虎符还有火币、okex、币安等平台也接连上线了。shib上线火币的当天就超过百分之三百多的涨幅,市场的热度非常的高昂。shib起初的价格是:0.000,000,000,0001又是一堆的零。总量 1000 万亿,一半500万亿,直接打给了 V 神。等同于(或寄希望于)一半的 Shib 永远销毁,永远归零

2. 屎币shib今日最新行情价格6月1日


3. shib币发行量是多少

发行量为1000万亿。2022年Shiba Inu社区锁定了Uniswap总供应量的50%,并丢掉了钥匙! 剩下的50%被烧成维塔利克·巴特林( Vitalik Buterin),而且该币是Shiba Inu社区沿着这条道路走的第一个项目,因此每个人都必须在公开市场上购买,使得开发人员不能在社区中倾销自己的团队代币以确保公平和完全的去中心化。
shib最先开始在抹茶上市、虽然虎符还有火币、okex、币安等平台也接连上线了。shib上线火币的当天就超过百分之三百多的涨幅,市场的热度非常的高昂。shib起初的价格是:0.000,000,000,0001又是一堆的零。总量 1000 万亿,一半500万亿,直接打给了 V 神。等同于(或寄希望于)一半的 Shib 永远销毁,永远归零。
shib是什么犬 shib的形象是柴犬,这也是shib为什么叫柴犬币的由来。shib该币起始于2020年8月,是去中心化自发社区建设的实验项目,开发小组的目的是把开发的人物发给任何有时间和技术的参与者,为此他们降火的SHIB作为激励。 至于它有没有价值不好说,其实狗币也没什么价值,吹的人多了,韭菜多了,就会吸引手拿镰刀的资本出现。不过在世界首富马斯克的带货中,狗狗币涨疯了,狗屎币也变香了,“币圈带货之王”的称号绝非浪得虚名。

4. 币圈MeMe新贵SHIB INU 大火,几日内上涨超30%,发生了什么

币圈熟悉MeMe的人都知道Shib Inu,即柴犬币,以年暴涨24万倍而闻名,虽然几个月以来从高点阴跌80%,但近几日又开始暴涨,短短几天上涨超过了30%,Shib发生了什么、背后有怎样的故事?

先简单介绍Shib诞生及发展 历史 的关键时间点及重大事件:





大家对柴犬币可谓毁誉掺半、褒贬不一,有人认为其一钱不值,但Shib Inu社区一直在持续不断地推进Shib生态建设,热爱Shib的人们也在采取各种措施,促进Shib的发展和币价的提升。


1、Shib Inu拥有自己的交易平台,试图通过去中心化的交易系统建设富有生机活力的shib ecosystem;


3、Shib持有者不断增加,最新WhaleStats数据显示,Shiba Inu持有者数量已经超过110万,创 历史 新高;

4、近期,Shiba Inu 开发者 Shytoshi Kusama 宣布与一家名为 Welly' s 的意大利快餐店合作,Wellys 进行了全面的品牌重塑,将 Shiba Inu 的 LOGO 柴犬作为新的吉祥物,采用了新的口号,并调整了菜单和营销策略;另有一些零售商店也在考虑把Shib作为支付货币;

5、数月来,Shib社区在推动罗宾汉交易市场(Robinhood Markets)上线Shib,签名已经超越55万,大家对此充满信心和期待;罗宾汉CEO虽然不予承认,但商业新闻网站ZeroHedge发推说,罗宾汉最快可于二月份上前Shib。


5. shib币最新持币地址

SHIB币,又叫柴犬币(二狗币),是一个去中心化自发社区建设的实验。SHIB代币是Shiba Inu社区的第一个代币,它允许用户持有数十亿甚至上万亿数量的SHIB币。SHIB币是DOGECOIN KILLER的简称,这个ERC-20 Only的代币可以维持价格在一分左右,并且在短时间内(相对而言)仍能超过Dogecoin。Shiba代币($ Shib)是Shiba Inu社区的去中心化交易所ShibaSwap第一个上市和激励的加密货币,它在全球范围内广受欢迎,并且价值已经上涨了数千倍。
柴犬币(SHIB)虚拟货币,诞生于2020年8月,发行量为1000万亿,一个去中心化自发社区建设的实验。SHIB代币是Shiba Inu社区的第一个代币,采用公平启动的方式,被誉为 Dogecoin Killer(狗狗币杀手),它允许用户持有数十亿甚至上万亿美元。
一. 柴犬币(Shib)的目的是成为“狗狗币杀手”,为凸显其巨大的供应量,表示用户可以持有数十亿甚至数万亿的代币。还有一个未推出的去中心化交易平台Shiba Swap。
二. 2020年8月,柴犬币诞生,发行量为1000万亿。2021年5月7日,特斯拉独立董事、日本养老基金前首席投资官水野弘道在社交媒体上表示:“投资者可以短线交易柴犬币,但不要这样对待自己的柴犬宠物狗。”埃隆·马斯克随即回应:“我正在寻找一只柴犬(币)!”截至2021年5月9日,柴犬币一日内暴涨近1200%。
三. 2021年5月10日,继狗狗币之后的虚拟货币柴犬币走进人们的视野。柴犬币仅仅2天,它就从廉价的山寨币成为全球涨幅第一加密货币。Shiba 项目目前发行 3 种代币,分别为 SHIB(柴犬)、LEASH(狗绳)、BONE(骨头)。 SHIB 发行总量为 1000 万亿 SHIB,其中 50%转到了 Vitalik Buterin 的钱包地址,相当于销毁,另外 50%与 10 ETH 配对放入了 Uniswap 该交易对的资金池。团队不持有任何代币,完全公平启动,所有人获得 SHIB 的途径都是在 DEX 或 CEX 进行购买。
四. 该代币发行数量庞大,且价格极低,受到了广泛的欢迎。Elon Musk 曾在推特公开为其站台,使其成为目前行业内广为流传的 MEME。SHIB 已上线火币、OKEx 等 CEX。

6. shibsc是什么币

shibsc 是 一种区块链虚拟货币。 shibsc 是 shib 基于 bsc 技术链上发展衍生出的一款货币,该货币的发行主要是采用了区块链的科学技术。该平台主要是给各大投资者提供货币交易等服务。 shibsc 的运行机制和比特币、 shib 非常的相似,都是不限时间地点就可以操作交易的。

shib 简介

shib 是网络部火币, 该货币 是因为平台中的打赏机制才衍生出的。投资者可以在相关的平台上进行交易,然后可以通过挖矿的方式 , 去挖 出 shib 。 shib 和大多数的虚拟货币有着相似性的特点,都是去中心化的,都是借用区块链技术发展的,并且这类的货币发行的数目是很固定的。 像这类型的货币在进行交易的过程当中,能够很好的保护交易者双方的信息安全。投资者不用担心个人的信息隐私遭到 泄漏被他人使用, 资金安全也得到了一定的保障。

7. shib是谁发行的

shib 是 V 神 发 明的,在团队的合作下发行了 1000 万亿。 shib 也叫做柴犬币,一些圈内人会称它为“狗屎币”, shib 是在 2020 年 8 月正式发行的,发行数量也是确定的。 shib 的发行,起初是为了打赏,很多用户只要按流程去注册操作,可以通过挖矿的形式挖 shib 。

shib 简介

shib 是一种网络部火币 ,主要是庆厅打赏机制下的一种产物。每个用户都能按照有关方式去挖出 shib 。 shib 和比特币十分地相似,都是具备去中心化的特点,但是随着 pos 机制的出现变化, 区块链项目中的代币分发开始有了变化,开始向中心化姿差昌发展。 shib 的发行,该代币会事先留一部分给 团队和基金会,这也是为了方便团队开发研究,基金会则是用于生态迹扒建设 。再日常生活中,这样很容易造成弊端。 shib 的发行数量是固定的,因此资源非常珍贵。发明 shib 的团队,还发布了 另外两个代币: LEASH 和 BONE ,这两个代币与 shib 又有着不同的特征。

8. shib币和akita能不能涨到1块

1. shib币又被称作柴犬币,也就是我们说的二狗币,它属于去中心化自发社区建设的实验。Shib允许用户持有数十亿甚至数万亿的数量。而且它可以维持1美分左右的价格,同时可以在短时间内超过DOGECOIN。在世界各地也非常受欢迎,价值已经增长了数千倍。
2. 目前,柴犬社区锁定了50%的Uniswap供应,剩下的50%被烧成Vitalik Bhatt”Lim,硬币是日本柴犬社区的第一个项目沿着这条路径,所以每个人都必须在公开市场上购买它,使得开发人员在社区抛售自己的团队令牌,以确保整个过程的公平性。
3. akita是一个100%去中心化的社区实验,其中一半的代币被发送到Vitalik Buterin,另一半被锁在Uniswap池中。它与SHIBA INU相同,但令牌指标不同。秋田代币的灵感来自埃隆·马斯克和狗狗币。
4. 这是一个巨大的发行版本,它以社区为中心,而且目前还没有现实世界的场景。但是在DOGE的压力下,这些资产迅速被市场炒作。而且随着狗狗币的迅速崛起在市场上引起了广泛关注,它已经在MXC、HotBit、Poloniex等7个平台上上市。
5. 该项目中使用的社区的新想法包括焚烧代币、下注让持有者的闲置货币获得被动收入,以及最终开发自己的去中心化社交媒体网络,类似于twitter,但用户不喜欢推文,不过可以给Akita小费以支持。所有这些都将通过合作来实现。
1. 这是一个可以购买shib币的交易平台,即Uniswap,它是一个相对安全的地方,这里可以购买或出售shib。
2. 柴犬币今天的交易价格为0.000018663美元,24小时内的交易价格为777932美元。柴犬币在过去24小时内上涨了408.26%。它的市场价值不是暂时提供的。目前不提供总发行量,发行量为10万亿SHIB。

9. shib币是做什么项目的有销毁机制吗









2021年5月13日 V神向印度新冠病毒救助基金捐赠50万亿SHIB代币(约12亿美元)。


10. shib是什么币

柴犬代币是Shiba Inu社区的第一个代币,允许用户持有数十亿甚至数万亿柴犬币。SHIB硬币是DOGECOIN KILLER的缩写。这款ERC-20 Only代币可以将价格保持在一个点左右,并且在短时间内(相对而言)仍然超过Dogecoin。柴犬代币(Shib Token)是ShibaSwap(Shiba Inu社区的分散交易所)上市并鼓励的第一种加密货币。它在全世界都很受欢迎,它的价值已经增加了几千倍。目前,Shiba Inu社区已经锁定了Uniswap总供应量的50%,丢了钥匙!剩下的50%被烧成了Vitalik bartling,而这枚硬币是Shiba Inu社区沿着这条路的第一个项目,所以大家都要在公开市场购买,这样开发商就不能把自己的团队代币倾倒在社区里,确保公平彻底的去中心化。
1、 发展历史。2020年8月,柴犬狗币诞生,发行量达1000万亿元。2021年5月7日,特斯拉独立董事、日本养老基金前首席投资官水野彩香·浩史在社交媒体上表示:“投资者可以在短期内交易柴犬狗币,但不要这样对待他们的柴犬狗。”埃隆·马斯克立即回应:“我在找一只柴犬狗(硬币)!”截至2021年5月9日,涩谷币单日暴涨近1200%。2021年5月10日,据外媒报道,dogecoin之后的虚拟货币涩谷币进入人们的视野。短短两天,Cane Coin就成为了世界上第一种由廉价山寨币制成的加密货币。2021年5月13日,上帝五世向印度新冠肺炎救济基金会捐赠了50万亿SHIB代币(约12亿美元)2021年5月17日,以太琴的创始人V神销毁了45%的SHIB硬币。
2、 原因。Shib的目的是成为“dogecoin杀手”。为了突出其巨大的供应量,这意味着用户可以持有数十亿甚至数万亿代币。还有一个去中心化的交易平台Shibasap。
3、 货币评估。狗狗币除了炒作和暴涨购买之外没有任何用处,也没有什么基础产品。狗币是一种假币,很容易制造,它们获得的巨额利润甚至远远超过DOGE这样的“迷因”货币,更不用说像BTC或ETH这样更安全的风险投资了。但缺点是没有坚实的基础背书或者有效的用例,他们的风险还是很大的。

1. How to view the top ten shib currency holding addresses

Search the official website of the currency you purchased, log in, create a shib wallet, click on the SHIB details page, and continue clicking. see.
(Operating environment: Computer: Macro_Shadow Knight Qing SH.1.E.2360 browser 13.1.1776.0)
Shiba Inu Coin (Shib), a virtual currency, was born in August 2020, with a circulation of 1,000 Trillions. As of May 9, 2021, Shiba Inu Coin surged nearly 1,200% in one day. According to news on May 10, Shiba Inu Coin came into people’s view. In just 2 days, it went from a cheap altcoin to the world’s largest cryptocurrency.
On May 7, 2021, Tesla Independent Director, Japan Pension Co., Ltd. Mizuno Hiromichi, the former chief investment officer of the fund, said on social media: "Investors can trade Shiba Inu coins in the short term, but don't treat your Shiba Inu pet dogs like this." Elon Musk immediately responded: "I am looking for a Shiba Inu (coin) )!" As of May 9, 2021, Shiba Inu Coin soared nearly 1,200% in one day.
On May 10, 2021, according to foreign media reports, the virtual currency Shiba Inu Coin after Dogecoin came into people’s view. In just 2 days, Shiba Inu Coin went from being a cheap altcoin to becoming the world’s number one cryptocurrency. On May 13, 2021, Buterin donated 50 trillion SHIB tokens (approximately US$1.2 billion) to the Indian Coronavirus Relief Fund. On May 17, 2021, Ethereum founder V God destroyed 45% of the Shiba Inu coin SHIB coins.
Extended information:
1. Shib was issued in August 2020, with a circulation of 1,000 trillion, shib It was first listed on Matcha, although Hufu and other platforms such as Huobi, OKEX, and Binance have also been launched one after another. On the day shib was listed on Huobi, the price increased by more than 300%, and the market enthusiasm was very high. The initial price of shib was: 0.000, 000, 000, 0001, which was another bunch of zeros. The total amount is 1000 trillion, half of which is 500 trillion, which was directly sent to V God. Shib that is equal to (or hopes for) half will be destroyed forever and return to zero forever
2. The image of Shib is Shiba Inu, which is why Shib is called Shiba Inu coin. The shib currency started in August 2020. It is an experimental project of decentralized spontaneous community construction. The purpose of the development team is to distribute the developed characters to any participant who has the time and technology. For this reason, they launched SHIB as excitation. As for whether it has value, it’s hard to say. In fact, Dogecoin has little value. The more people bragging about it and the more leeks, the more capital will appear with sickles in hand.

2. The latest market price of Shib Shib today is June 1st

The latest market price of Shib Shib today is June 1st, Chifu Virtual currencies have become very popular recently, among which shib currency is the most popular. I believe many friends are interested in it.If you want to see the latest Shib Shib today, then follow the editor to take a look.
Today’s latest market price of shit currency shib, June 1
Today’s price
On the platform, today’s price so far is less than 0.00001USDT. Shit coins have been rising slightly in the past few days. It has risen by 16% today. There has been no news in the past few days. It should be a normal range. The editor does not think it will rise sharply. Everyone, please take charge of it yourself.

3. What is the circulation volume of shib coins?

The circulation volume is 1,000 trillion. In 2022, the Shiba Inu community locked up 50% of Uniswap’s total supply and lost the keys! The remaining 50% was burned into Vitalik Buterin, and the coin was the first project along this path for the Shiba Inu community, so everyone had to buy it on the open market, making Developers cannot dump their team tokens in the community to ensure fairness and complete decentralization.
Expansion information:
shib was first listed on Matcha, although Huofu and other platforms such as Huobi, okex, and Binance have also been launched one after another. On the day shib was listed on Huobi, the price increased by more than 300%, and the market enthusiasm was very high. The initial price of shib is: 0.000,000,000,0001, which is another pile of zeros. The total amount is 1000 trillion, half of which is 500 trillion, which was directly sent to V God. It is equivalent to (or hoping for) that half of Shib will be destroyed forever and return to zero forever.
What kind of dog is a shib? The image of a shib is a Shiba Inu, which is why the shib is called a Shiba Inu coin. The shib currency started in August 2020. It is an experimental project of decentralized spontaneous community construction. The purpose of the development team is to distribute the developed characters to any participant who has the time and technology. For this reason, they launched SHIB as excitation. As for whether it has value, it’s hard to say. In fact, Dogecoin has little value. The more people bragging about it and the more leeks, the more capital will appear with sickles in hand. However, with the help of Musk, the world’s richest man, Dogecoin has skyrocketed, and dog shit coins have become more popular. The title of “King of the Coin Circle” is by no means unearned.
According to market news in 2022, the issuance volume of shib coins is 1,000 trillion, which is still very large. 50% of the total supply has been locked in Uniswap, and the remaining 50% is destroyed to the Buterin address. Everyone buys on the open market, ensuring fair and complete distribution, and the development team does not own any tokens and cannot dump them to the community. community situation. Two days after its release in 2022, the Shiba Inu Coin community is already quite large. According to Etherscan, the number of transfers in 2022 will reach 230,000, and there are already 67,700 addresses. If users of centralized exchanges are taken into account, SHIB currency holders have at least exceeded 100,000.

4. SHIB INU, the upstart MeMe in the currency circle, became a big hit. It rose by more than 30% in a few days. What happened?

Anyone familiar with MeMe in the currency circle knows that Shib Inu, or Shiba Inu coin, is It is famous for its annual surge of 240,000 times. Although it has dropped 80% from its high point in the past few months, it has started to surge again in recent days, rising by more than 30% in just a few days. What happened to Shib and what is the story behind it?

First, let’s briefly introduce the key time points and major events in the history of Shib’s birth and development:

1. Shib is a virtual currency running on the Ethereum chain. It was born in August 2020. In January, the initial issuance was 1,000 trillion;

2. On May 9, 2021, affected by Musk’s tweet that he was looking for a Shiba Inu, the Shiba Inu coin soared nearly 1,200% in one day, rapidly From a penniless junk altcoin to the world’s number one cryptocurrency;

3. On May 13, 2021, Vitalik, a well-known figure in the currency circle and the founder of Ethereum, expressed his condolences to the Indian coronavirus The rescue fund donated 50 trillion SHIB tokens;

4. On May 17, 2021, Buterin destroyed 45% of the Shiba Inu coin SHIB coins.

Everyone has mixed opinions about Shib Inu Coin, and some people think it is worthless. However, the Shib Inu community has been continuously promoting the construction of Shib ecology, and people who love Shib are also taking measures to Various measures are taken to promote the development of Shib and increase the currency price.

Please take a look at the following facts about the development of Shib:

1. Shib Inu has its own trading platform and is trying to build a vibrant and dynamic trading system through a decentralized trading system. shib ecosystem;

2. Countless business owners and Shib enthusiasts use Shib burning activities to reduce the total amount of Shib and improve its scarcity attribute, such as:

3. Shib sustainability The number of Shiba Inu holders continues to increase. The latest WhaleStats data shows that the number of Shiba Inu holders has exceeded 1.1 million, a record high;

4. Recently, Shiba Inu developer Shytoshi Kusama announced a partnership with a company called Welly' s Italian fast food restaurant, Wellys conducted a comprehensive rebranding, using Shiba Inu's LOGO Shiba Inu as the new mascot, adopting a new slogan, and adjusting its menu and marketing strategies; some other retail stores are also considering Use Shib as payment currency;

5. For several months, ShibThe b community is pushing Robinhood Markets to launch Shib, and the number of signatures has exceeded 550,000. Everyone is full of confidence and expectations for this. Although Robinhood CEO did not admit it, the business news website ZeroHedge tweeted that Robinhood could launch as soon as February 2 Month comes forward Shib.

The above does not constitute investment advice, and it is up to each viewer to decide whether to purchase Shib. It can be revealed that Lao Wu is optimistic about the future of Shib. He holds more than 100 million Shib in his hand, which is not much. He plans to hold the currency for five years, watching the storms rise and waiting for the rain to fall and the flowers to bloom, which is the joy of life.

5. The latest currency holding address of shib coin

SHIB coin, also called Shiba Inu coin (two dog coins), is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community building. SHIB token is the first token of the Shiba Inu community, which allows users to hold billions or even trillions of SHIB coins. SHIB coin is the abbreviation of DOGECOIN KILLER. This ERC-20 Only token can maintain the price at about one cent and can still surpass Dogecoin in a short period of time (relatively speaking). Shiba Token ($Shib), the first cryptocurrency to be listed and incentivized on ShibaSwap, the Shiba Inu community’s decentralized exchange, has gained popularity around the world and has increased in value thousands of times.
Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB) virtual currency was born in August 2020 with a circulation of 1,000 trillion. It is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community construction. SHIB token is the first token of the Shiba Inu community. It adopts a fair launch method and is known as the Dogecoin Killer. It allows users to hold billions or even trillions of dollars.
Extended information:
1. The purpose of Shib is to become the "Dogecoin killer". To highlight its huge supply, it means that users can hold billions or even trillions of tokens. . There is also an unlaunched decentralized exchange platform Shiba Swap.
2. In August 2020, Shiba Inu Coin was born with a circulation of 1,000 trillion. On May 7, 2021, Hiromichi Mizuno, an independent director of Tesla and former chief investment officer of Japan Pension Fund, said on social media: "Investors can trade Shiba Inu coins in the short term, but do not treat your Shiba Inu pet dogs like this." Elon · Musk immediately responded: "I am looking for a Shiba Inu (coin)!" As of May 9, 2021, the Shiba Inu Coin soared nearly 1,200% in one day.
3. On May 10, 2021, Shiba Inu Coin, the virtual currency after Dogecoin, came into people’s view. In just 2 days, Shiba Inu Coin went from being a cheap altcoin to becoming the world’s number one cryptocurrency. The Shiba project currently issues 3 tokens, namely SHIB (Shiba Inu), LEASH (dog leash), and BONE(bone). The total amount of SHIB issuance is 1000 trillion SHIB, 50% of which is transferred to Vitalik Buterin's wallet address, which is equivalent to being destroyed, and the other 50% is paired with 10 ETH and put into the Uniswap trading pair's capital pool. The team does not hold any tokens, it is completely fair to launch, and the way for everyone to obtain SHIB is to purchase it on DEX or CEX.
4. The token is issued in large quantities and at an extremely low price, and has been widely welcomed. Elon Musk once publicly endorsed it on Twitter, making it a widely circulated MEME in the industry. SHIB has been listed on CEX such as Huobi and OKEx.

6. What is shibsc?

shibsc is a blockchain virtual currency. shibsc is a currency derived by shib based on the development of bsc technology chain. The issuance of this currency mainly adopts the science and technology of blockchain. This platform mainly provides currency trading and other services to major investors. The operating mechanism of shibsc is very similar to Bitcoin and shib. Transactions can be operated regardless of time and location.

Shib Introduction

Shib is the Huobi of the Internet Department. This currency is derived from the reward mechanism in the platform. Investors can trade on relevant platforms, and then dig out shib through mining. Shib has similar characteristics to most virtual currencies. They are both decentralized and developed using blockchain technology, and the number of such currencies issued is very fixed. This type of currency can well protect the information security of both traders during the transaction process. Investors do not have to worry about personal information privacy being leaked and used by others, and the security of funds is also guaranteed to a certain extent.

7. Who issued shib

Shib was invented by V God, and 1000 trillion was issued with the cooperation of the team. Shib is also called Shiba Inu coin, and some insiders will call it “shit coin”. Shib was officially issued in August 2020, and the number of issuances is also determined. Shib was originally issued for rewards. Many users can mine shib through mining as long as they follow the registration process.

Introduction to shib

Shib is a kind of network Huobi, mainly a product under the Qingting reward mechanism. Every user can mine shib according to the relevant methods.Shib is very similar to Bitcoin in that they both have the characteristics of decentralization. However, with the changes in the POS mechanism, the token distribution in blockchain projects has begun to change, and it has begun to develop towards centralization. For the issuance of shib, part of the token will be reserved in advance for the team and the foundation. This is also to facilitate the team's development and research, while the foundation is used for ecological trail construction. In daily life, this can easily cause disadvantages. The number of shibs issued is fixed, so resources are very precious. The team that invented shib also released two other tokens: LEASH and BONE. These two tokens have different characteristics from shib.

8. Can shib coins and akita rise to 1 yuan

Judging from the data in recent years, it is almost impossible. After all, coins such as Shib and Akita have little technical content, and the probability of rising is very small. If it can rise to 1 cent, it is already very good. If it rises to 1 yuan, it is even more difficult to say. At least it may still be possible. It will take several years, but there is still a probability of returning to zero in the end.
1. Shib coin is also called Shiba Inu coin, which is what we call Erdog coin. It is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community building. Shib allows users to hold amounts in the billions or even trillions. And it can maintain a price of around 1 cent while surpassing DOGECOIN in a short period of time. It is also very popular around the world and its value has increased thousands of times.
2. Currently, the Shiba Inu community locks 50% of the Uniswap supply, and the remaining 50% is burned into Vitalik Bhatt’Lim, the coin is the first project of the Japanese Shiba Inu community along this path, so everyone It must be purchased on the open market, allowing developers to sell their team tokens in the community to ensure fairness of the entire process.
3. akita is a 100% decentralized community experiment with half of the tokens is sent to Vitalik Buterin and the other half is locked in the Uniswap pool. It is the same as SHIBA INU but the token metrics are different. Akita Token is inspired by Elon Musk and Dogecoin.
4. This is A huge release, it is community-focused and has no real-world scenarios yet. But under the pressure of DOGE, these assets were quickly hyped by the market. And with the rapid rise of Dogecoin, it caused widespread interest in the market Pay attention, it has been listed on 7 platforms including MXC, HotBit, Poloniex, etc.
5. New ideas from the community used in this project include burning tokens, staking to allow holders to earn passive income from their idle currency, and Eventually develop your own decentralized social media network, similar to twitter, but users don't like tweets, but can tip Akita to support. AllThese will be achieved through cooperation.
Extended information:
1. This is a trading platform where shib coins can be purchased, namely Uniswap. It is a relatively safe place where shib can be purchased or sold.
2. The trading price of Shiba Inu Coin today is $0.000018663, and the trading price within 24 hours is $777932. Shiba Inu Coin has gained 408.26% in the past 24 hours. Its market value is not provided temporarily. The total issuance is not currently available, it is 10 trillion SHIB.

9. What project does shib coin have? Does it have a destruction mechanism?

SHIB is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community building. There is no destruction mechanism for shib, but after the ecological construction is completed, every time a dog leash is redeemed, the shib used for redemption will be destroyed, so the amount of shib will become less and less, and the project team therefore believes that shib has a chance to reach 0.1 US dollars. of.

Shiba Inu Coin (Shib), a virtual currency, was born in August 2020, with a circulation of 1,000 trillion.

As of May 9, 2021, Shiba Inu Coin surged nearly 1,200% in one day. According to news on May 10, Shiba Inu Coin came into people’s sight. In just 2 days, it went from being a cheap altcoin to becoming the world’s top-growing cryptocurrency.

Development History

In August 2020, Shiba Inu Coin was born with a circulation of 1,000 trillion.

On May 7, 2021, Hiromichi Mizuno, an independent director of Tesla and the former chief investment officer of Japan Pension Fund, said on social media: “Investors can trade Shiba Inu Coin in the short term, but don’t treat yourself like this. Shiba Inu pet dog." Elon Musk immediately responded: "I am looking for a Shiba Inu (coin)!"

As of May 9, 2021, the Shiba Inu coin soared nearly 1,200% in one day.

On May 10, 2021, according to foreign media reports, the virtual currency Shiba Inu Coin after Dogecoin came into people’s view. In just 2 days, Shiba Inu Coin went from being a cheap altcoin to becoming the world’s number one cryptocurrency.

On May 13, 2021, Buterin donated 50 trillion SHIB tokens (approximately US$1.2 billion) to the Indian Coronavirus Relief Fund.

On May 17, 2021, Ethereum founder Buterin destroyed 45% of the Shiba Inu coin SHIB coins.

10. What is shib?

SHIB coin, also known as Shiba Inu coin (the second dog coin), is a decentralized and spontaneous community building experiment.
Shiba Inu Token is the first token for the Shiba Inu community, allowing users to hold billions or even trillions of Shiba Inu coins. SHIB coin is the abbreviation of DOGECOIN KILLER. This ERC-20 Only Token Can Keep Price Around One Point And Still (relatively speaking) for a short period of timeCertainly more than Dogecoin. Shib Token is the first cryptocurrency listed and encouraged by ShibaSwap, the decentralized exchange for the Shiba Inu community. It is popular all over the world and its value has increased thousands of times. Currently, the Shiba Inu community has locked 50% of the total supply of Uniswap and has lost the key! The remaining 50% was burned into Vitalik bartling, and this coin was the Shiba Inu community's first project along this path, so everyone had to buy it on the open market so that developers could not put their own teams on behalf of Coins are dumped into the community to ensure fair and complete decentralization.
Extended information
1. Development history. In August 2020, Shiba Inu Dogecoin was born, with a circulation of 1,000 trillion yuan. On May 7, 2021, Mizuno Ayaka Hiroshi, an independent director of Tesla and former chief investment officer of a Japanese pension fund, said on social media: “Investors can trade Shiba Inu Dogecoin in the short term, but do not treat their Shiba Inu dogs like this ." Elon Musk immediately responded: "I'm looking for a Shiba Inu dog (coin)!" As of May 9, 2021, Shibuya Coin soared nearly 1,200% in a single day. On May 10, 2021, according to foreign media reports, Shibuya Coin, the virtual currency after dogecoin, entered people’s field of vision. In just two days, Cane Coin became the world’s first cryptocurrency made from a cheap altcoin. On May 13, 2021, God V donated 50 trillion SHIB tokens (approximately US$1.2 billion) to the Indian COVID-19 Relief Foundation. On May 17, 2021, V God, the founder of Ethereum, destroyed 45% of SHIB coin.
2. Reason. Shib's purpose is to become a "dogecoin killer". To highlight its massive supply, this means users can hold billions or even trillions of tokens. There is also a decentralized trading platform Shibasap.
3. Currency evaluation. Dogecoin has no use beyond hype and pump buying, and has little underlying product. Dogecoin is a counterfeit currency that is easy to create, and the huge profits they make far exceed even "meme" currencies like DOGE, let alone safer ventures like BTC or ETH. But the disadvantage is that without solid foundation endorsement or effective use cases, their risks are still very high.

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