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① 猛禽大战霸王龙!福特F150对比道奇Ram TRX,谁更猛




② 2022款福特猛禽是v6发动机还是v8房

美系三大皮卡的竞争一直都非常激烈,前不久道奇发布装备地狱猫发动机的1500 TRX,这足以证明向作为美国皮卡之王的福特猛禽发起挑战。
不过搭载V8引擎的应该是特别版,在价格上也贵出不少。所以福特还将使用一台带有混合动力系统的双涡轮增压V6发动机搭载在普通版本的F-150猛禽上,以更亲民的价格与实用性获得更多用户 。该发动机的最大功率为494马力,峰值扭矩为465 Nm。

并且,Ram 1500 TRX的出现还从根本上改变了福特、Ram、雪佛兰三大巨头之间的竞争关系,如果要用一句话来形容这台洪水猛兽,那一定是“前无古人,后无来者”。当然福特也不是任由Ram宰割的羔羊,面对霸王龙的挑衅,猛禽准备正面硬刚。

③ GSM中TRX代表什么含义一般设置为多少

TRX power是载频功率

④ ETCTRX860功率多少


⑤ 来自地狱的猛兽皮卡道奇Ram 1500 TRX来了

作为经典的美式皮卡之一, 道奇Ram自从1981年面世以来就一直肩负着对垒福特F-150的重任。 虽然经历了多年发展之后,二者在普通版车型的影响力上早已不分伯仲,可在高性能玩具的领域,福特依旧是当之无愧的王者。

毕竟,近些年来福特为F-150相继推出了主打高速穿越的RAPTOR(猛禽)版与主打极致性能的Shelby(谢尔比)版,牢牢地占据了相应的细分市场。 而道奇Ram在这一方面则就显得有些乏力,只能依靠Ram 1500 Rebel苦苦支撑。


8月18日, 克莱斯勒集团旗下Ram品牌正式发布了Ram 1500 TRX 。新车定位于高性能越野皮卡,起售价为69995美元(折合人民币48.5万元)。

如果要用一句话来形容这台洪水猛兽,那一定是“ 前无古人,后无来者 ”。

老规矩先来看外观,Ram 1500 TRX的整体轮廓和标准版Ram1500基本一致, 依旧是美式皮卡“虎背熊腰”的设计风格 。不过基于视觉效果和性能方面的考虑,道奇为TRX版本设计了专属的越野套件。

例如Ram 1500 TRX的镀铬件都经过了黑化处理 ,且在发动机两侧的位置还额外增加了黑色进气口(是否为装饰不得而知)。

同时为了容纳下体积巨大的机械增压器, 全铝合金材质的引擎盖上还预留了额外的凸起机构 ,并集成来三盏LED氛围灯,进一步强化了整车力量感。

不仅如此, 在车头位置还配备了一条重型钢制前保险杠 。造型相较普通版来说更加战斗,接近角更大且防护性更好,在下方还有两个裸露的黑色拖车钩,摆明了就是为野外而生的设计。

侧面造型也是新车的亮点之一,虽然轮廓线条与比例并未发生改变, 但Ram 1500 TRX使用了更宽的轮眉,对比普通版本车身足足宽了203mm 。而这一些都是为了了能容纳下18英寸轮辋和固特异专为TRX设计的35英寸Territory全地形轮胎(325/65R18)。

毫不夸张的说, 这套行走装置已经可以征服世界上90%以上的非铺装路面 ,可以说是非常良心了。

车尾部分, 新车最大的改变就是升级了更高强度的钢制后保险杠 ,并在中间位置预留了美规方形拖车口,两旁还放置了外露的黑色金属材质拖车钩,直接将免去了车主后期改装的步骤。

同时尾门中央位置的“RAM”标示也被一同黑化 ,彰显了TRX版本的独到之处。

Ram 1500 TRX的内饰部分绝对值得细说,原本Ram 1500的设计就已经足优秀, 但TRX版本在此基础上获得了新的升华。

例如车内使用了性能车上最经典的黑红配色,将战斗感直接拉满; 座椅也采用了奢华的Natura Plus真皮材质 ,并带有打孔绒面革拼接和缝线点缀;另外新车还在仪表台、中央扶手等处,加入了“TRX”专属标识,时时刻刻都不忘提醒你它特殊的身份。

新车在配置方面也是相当有诚意,诸如 12英寸的竖式中控屏幕 (内嵌Uconnect信息 娱乐 系统,支持Apple CarPlay和Android Auto手机互联等)、 液晶仪表、无线充电系统、HUD抬头显示系统应有尽有 。

此外为了让这个“巨无霸”更易于驾驶, 新车还集成了360度全景影像、盲点监控、碰撞预警、自适应巡航、车道保持辅助等安全配置 。

说完这些看得见摸得到的部分,接下来咱们在说说Ram 1500 TRX最为硬核的部分。

首先就是整车的动力系统, Ram 1500 TRX使用了“地狱猫”同款的6.2升Hemi V8机械增压发动机 ,可产生523kW(712PS)的最大功率和880N·m峰值扭矩,传动匹配埃孚8速自动变速箱。

在如此强悍的动力储备下, Ram 1500 TRX的极速可达 190km/h,可在4.5s内完成0-96km/h的加速 。而四分之一英里的加速成绩也仅为12.9s,对比一些主流性能车也丝毫不逊色。(别忘了这是一台皮卡)

与此同时, 新车还提供了普通/雨雪/越野/Baja共4种驾驶模式 ,且越野模式中包含沙地与岩石两种不同的工况选择。Baja模式还能通过校准四轮驱动,转向,悬架和稳定性控制来进行设置,以应对需要高速腾跃的越野路段。

既然已经决定了要为野外而生,那么悬挂系统自然是重中之重。 Ram 1500 TRX使用了前双叉臂+后整体桥的悬挂结构 。其中前悬上下支臂均为锻造铝合金材质,后悬采用了Dana 60全浮式后轴,终传比为3.55,结实耐用且性能强悍。

避震部分新车使用了Bilstein Black Hawk e2自适应减振器,可提供33厘米自由行程,配合Active Terrain Dynamics悬挂管理系统 ,支持连续调节阻尼力以实现最佳的车身控制和地形隔离,可提供最极致的驾驶体验。

除此之外,这台车还配备了车身跳跃检测系统, 该系统通过监测轮速和行驶高度传感器以及加速度来判断车辆姿态。

当检测器感应到发生状况时,系统会在几毫秒内工作 ,以匹配发动机速度和扭矩,档位选择,分动箱扭矩分配,阻尼以及跳跃结束时的其他动力总成和悬挂组件的状态以提供最佳性能。

总体来说, 道奇Ram 1500 TRX绝对可以称得上是目前最为卓越的越野皮卡 。它在拥有堪称逆天的越野性同时又保留着Ram 1500系列一贯的舒适性,并且从不到7万美元的售价来看也非常“接地气”。


-The End-

⑥ 通信基站中 TRX是什么意思



下行的信令信息和语音信息通过TRX处理后送到天线,再发送到移动台。 TRX还接收TMU下发的各种管理和配置信息,向TMU报告自身的各种状态和告警信息。


无线电波是电磁波的一种。频率大约 为 10KHz~30,000,000KHz,或波长30000m~10μm的电磁波,由于它是由振荡电路的交变电流而产生的,可以通过天线发射和吸收故称之为无线电波。


⑦ 移动信号塔的功率是多少

�8�5 配置TRX时,载频发射功率标称值为40W,当配备功率增强单元(PBU,Power Boost Unit)时,发射功率标称值可达80W;选用增强型双工单元板(EDU,Enhanced Duplexer Unit)时,更可降低射频信号合路损耗,扩大基站覆盖范围。
�8�5 支持双时隙扩展功能(理论上最远可支持120km覆盖距离)。
整机功耗 3500W(空调/热交换器不工作)

⑧ 新家在运营商的基站附近,以前听人说这些基站的电磁辐射对身体不好

1)该基站100m外的最强功率密度为: 200w/4π(100)2 = 0.00158W/m2
2)该基站10m外的最强功率密度为:200w/4π(10)2 = 0.158W/m2

1)公众照射:在一天24小时内,环境电磁辐射的场量参数在任意连续6分钟内的平均值应满足功率密度<0.4 W/m2 (频率为30~3000MHz)。
2)职业照射:在一天8小时工作时间内,电磁辐射功率密度的平均值(连续6分钟)应<2W/m2 (频率为30~3000MHz)。
很明显,即使是10米超近距离,0.158W/m2 都是远远小于0. 4 W/m2标准的。我想只要不是分秒不离紧紧贴在基站天线上,你就不必杞人忧天了。

⑨ 海外皮卡标志性大排量动力盘点,6.2升大排V8

中国作为大排量发动机贫瘠的汽车市场,动力系统设计初衷都是综合性能、舒适度、油耗等多个方面,很少有追求极致动力的大排量发动机出现。皮卡作为一种身形庞大的汽车产品,大排量发动机是其天生的最佳拍档,奈何受制于油价、环保法规等限制,国产皮卡发动机基本集中在2.0升左右,时常被消费者打上“小马拉大车”的标签,因此福特猛禽、Ram 1500、丰田坦途等进口皮卡所搭载的大排量发动机一直是国内车迷追捧的焦点。今天笔者就盘点一下目前海外皮卡品牌最具代表性的大排量发动机,让大家一次看个够。


① Raptor vs. Tyrannosaurus rex! Ford F150 vs. Dodge Ram TRX, who is more powerful

Pickup trucks, as a very "American style" model, are loved by local consumers. However, the most popular model among the American people is not at all The question is the Ford "Raptor" - F150 pickup truck, which is famous all over the world.

Generally speaking, the positioning of the Ford Raptor pickup truck and the Dodge Ram1500TRX are completely different. The Ford Raptor's audience is those families who pursue "one vehicle with multiple uses", while The emergence of the Dodge Ram1500TRX has also given many people who love high-speed off-roading and powerful power an additional choice. So, in front of the screen, which car model do you prefer?

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

② Is the 2022 Ford Raptor a V6 engine or a V8 engine?

The competition among the three major American pickup trucks has always been fierce. Not long ago, Dodge released the 1500 TRX equipped with a Hellcat engine. More than enough to justify challenging the Ford Raptor as the king of American pickup trucks.
Of course, Ford won't give up this fight easily. Ford is launching a Raptor model with a choice of two engines. Its high-end engine will use the same 5.2-liter V8 supercharged engine as the Shelby GT500, with a maximum power of about 750 horsepower. It is estimated that the Raptor equipped with this engine will compete with the TRX.
However, the one equipped with a V8 engine should be a special edition, and it is also much more expensive. Therefore, Ford will also use a twin-turbocharged V6 engine with a hybrid system to mount it on the regular version of the F-150 Raptor to gain more users at a more affordable price and practicality. The engine has a maximum power of 494 horsepower and a peak torque of 465 Nm.
A few days ago, the Ram 1500 TRX was officially released under much attention. The appearance of this car is entirely to compete with the Ford F-150 Raptor. It is precisely for this reason that the name of its TRX is taken from the English abbreviation of T-rex, which translates to Tyrannosaurus rex. The English name of the Ford F-150 Raptor, Raptor, represents a small flying feathered dinosaur, so the profound meaning of Ram naming his car TRX is self-evident.

Furthermore, the emergence of Ram 1500 TRX has fundamentally changed the competitive relationship between the three giants of Ford, Ram, and Chevrolet. If you want to describe this beast in one sentence, it must be " unprecedented". Of course, Ford is not a lamb to be slaughtered by Ram. Faced with the provocation of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Raptor is ready to fight head-on.

③ What does TRX mean in GSM and how much is it generally set to?

GSM is generally called carrier frequency TRX, UMTS is generally called carrier, and there is no essential difference between the two.
TRX is the carrier frequency, there is no so-called number of settings.
TRX power is the carrier frequency power

④ What is the power of ETCTRX860

The maximum power can be 1500W, there are 400W×4 high-power tubes, which are rarely used in karaoke OK So high-end. This amplifier is a famous brand of the American ETC company, and the price is very affordable. Compared with ETC's original speakers, which cost seven to eight thousand, it is much more affordable. Without ETC's original speakers, the price of the speakers is less

⑤ From Hell The beast pickup truck Dodge Ram 1500 TRX is here

"The beast comes out of the cage".
As one of the classic American pickup trucks, the Dodge Ram has been shouldering the important task of competing against the Ford F-150 since its launch in 1981. Although after many years of development, the two have long been equal in influence of regular models, in the field of high-performance toys, Ford is still the well-deserved king.

After all, in recent years, Ford has successively launched the RAPTOR version focusing on high-speed crossing and the Shelby version focusing on extreme performance for the F-150, firmly occupying the corresponding niche. Market segment. Dodge Ram, on the other hand, seems a bit weak in this aspect and can only rely on the Ram 1500 Rebel to support itself.

However, just two days ago, Dodge finally made a "big move" that may allow it to regain a point in this "arms race" with Ford.

On August 18, the Ram brand of the Chrysler Group officially released the Ram 1500 TRX. The new car is positioned as a high-performance off-road pickup truck with a starting price of US$69,995 (equivalent to RMB 485,000).

If you want to use one sentence to describe this savage beast, it must be "unprecedented and unprecedented."

As usual, let’s look at the appearance first. The overall outline of the Ram 1500 TRX is basically the same as the standard version of the Ram1500, and it still has the design style of an American pickup truck. However, based on visual effects and performance considerations, Dodge designed an exclusive off-road package for the TRX version.

For example, the chrome-plated parts of the Ram 1500 TRX have been blackened, and additional black air intakes have been added on both sides of the engine (it is unknown whether it is for decoration).

At the same time, in order to accommodate the huge supercharger, an additional protruding mechanism is reserved on the all-aluminum alloy hood, and three LED ambient lights are integrated to further enhance the overall look. The car feels powerful.

Not only that, it is also equipped with a heavy-duty steel front bumper at the front of the car. makeCompared with the ordinary version, the model is more combat-friendly, with a larger approach angle and better protection. There are also two exposed black tow hooks at the bottom, which clearly shows that it is a design designed for the wild.

The side shape is also one of the highlights of the new car. Although the outline lines and proportions have not changed, the Ram 1500 TRX uses wider wheel eyebrows, which is a full 203mm wider than the regular version. And all of this is to accommodate 18-inch rims and Goodyear's 35-inch Territory all-terrain tires (325/65R18) specially designed for the TRX.

It is no exaggeration to say that this set of walking devices can conquer more than 90% of non-paved roads in the world. It can be said to be very conscientious.

In the rear part of the car, the biggest change of the new car is the upgrade to a higher-strength steel rear bumper, and an American-standard square trailer opening is reserved in the middle, with exposed black metal materials placed on both sides. The tow hook directly eliminates the need for car owners to make subsequent modifications.

At the same time, the "RAM" logo in the center of the tailgate has also been blackened, highlighting the uniqueness of the TRX version.

The interior of the Ram 1500 TRX is definitely worth discussing in detail. The original design of the Ram 1500 is already excellent, but the TRX version has gained new sublimation on this basis.

For example, the interior of the car uses the most classic black and red colors of performance cars, which directly brings out the sense of combat; the seats are also made of luxurious Natura Plus leather material with perforated suede stitching. and stitching embellishments; in addition, the new car also adds the "TRX" exclusive logo on the instrument panel, central armrest, etc., never forgetting to remind you of its special identity.

The new car is also quite sincere in terms of configuration, such as a 12-inch vertical central control screen (embedded with Uconnect infotainment system, supporting Apple CarPlay and Android Auto mobile phone interconnection, etc.), LCD instrument, and wireless charging system , HUD head-up display system has everything you need.

In addition, in order to make this "Big Mac" easier to drive, the new car also integrates safety configurations such as 360-degree panoramic imaging, blind spot monitoring, collision warning, adaptive cruise, and lane keeping assist.

After talking about these visible and tangible parts, let’s talk about the most hard-core part of Ram 1500 TRX.

The first is the power system of the vehicle. The Ram 1500 TRX uses the same 6.2-liter Hemi V8 supercharged engine as the "Hellcat", which can produce a maximum power of 523kW (712PS) and a peak value of 880N·m. of torque, and the transmission is matched with an EF 8-speed automatic transmission.

In such a powerfulWith power reserve, the Ram 1500 TRX has a top speed of 190km/h and can accelerate from 0-96km/h in 4.5 seconds. The quarter-mile acceleration is only 12.9 seconds, which is not inferior to some mainstream performance cars. (Don’t forget this is a pickup truck)

At the same time, the new car also provides a total of 4 driving modes: normal/rain and snow/off-road/Baja, and the off-road mode includes sand and rock. Different working conditions options. Baja Mode can also be set up by calibrating all-wheel drive, steering, suspension and stability control to handle off-road sections that require high-speed leaps.

Now that you have decided to be born for the wild, the suspension system is naturally the top priority. The Ram 1500 TRX uses a front double wishbone + rear integral axle suspension structure. The upper and lower arms of the front suspension are made of forged aluminum alloy, and the rear suspension uses a Dana 60 fully floating rear axle. The final transmission ratio is 3.55, which is strong, durable and powerful.

For the shock absorber part, the new car uses Bilstein Black Hawk e2 adaptive shock absorbers, which can provide 33 cm of free travel. Together with the Active Terrain Dynamics suspension management system, it supports continuous adjustment of damping force to achieve optimal body control. Isolated from the terrain, it provides the most extreme driving experience.

In addition, this car is also equipped with a body jump detection system, which determines the vehicle's posture by monitoring wheel speed and ride height sensors and acceleration.

When the detector senses a condition is occurring, the system works within milliseconds to match engine speed and torque, gear selection, transfer case torque distribution, damping and other powertrain components at the end of the jump. condition and suspension components to provide optimal performance.

Overall, the Dodge Ram 1500 TRX can definitely be called the most outstanding off-road pickup truck currently. It has unparalleled off-road performance while retaining the consistent comfort of the Ram 1500 series, and it is also very "down-to-earth" judging from the price of less than $70,000.

I just don’t know if any parallel importers will introduce this product in the future. After all, if it can enter the country as a pickup truck, it may be the cheapest 6.2THEMI model we can buy.

-The End-

⑥ What does TRX mean in communication base station?

TRX: Transceiver unit, referred to as carrier frequency, is a specific frequency radio waves.

TRX adopts a modular structure, including both baseband processing unit and radio frequency processing unit. TRX receives signals from the mobile station through the antenna, separates the information into signaling information and voice information through demodulation and transmits it upward.

Downlink signaling information and voice information are processed by TRX and sent to the antenna, and then sent to the mobile station. TRX also receives various management and configuration information sent by TMU, and reports its various status and alarm information to TMU.

(6)trx8000 power extended reading:

Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic wave with a frequency of about 10KHz ~ 30,000,000KHz, or a wavelength of 30,000m ~ 10μm, is called radio wave because it is generated by the alternating current of the oscillation circuit and can be emitted and absorbed by the antenna.

Electromagnetic waves include many types, arranged in order from low to high frequency: radio waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and γ-rays. Radio waves are distributed between the frequency range of 3Hz to 3000GHz.

⑦ What is the power of mobile signal towers

I don’t know which one you are talking about. Take Huawei’s previous flagship product BTS3012 as an example:
Transmitting power:
Large single cabinet capacity: BTS312 and BTS3012A can support 12 carrier frequencies when fully configured, and BTS30 and BTS3006A can support 6 carrier frequencies when fully configured.
�8�5 When TRX is configured, the nominal carrier frequency transmit power is 40W. When equipped with a power boost unit (PBU, Power Boost Unit), the nominal transmit power can reach 80W; enhanced duplex is selected. When equipped with a unit board (EDU, Enhanced Duplexer Unit), it can also reduce the combined loss of radio frequency signals and expand the coverage of the base station.
�8�5 Supports dual time slot extension function (theoretically, it can support a coverage distance of up to 120km).
Cabinet (that is, the things in the computer room under the transmitting tower) power:
The power consumption of the whole machine is 3500W (the air conditioner/heat exchanger is not working)
5500W (air conditioning cooling state); 6100W (heating state) )
4150W (heat exchanger state); 6240W (heat exchanger heating state)

⑧ The new home is near the operator's base station. I have heard that the electromagnetic radiation from these base stations is harmful to the body. No good

The poster can live in peace. Wherever there is no radiation now... the sun will have radiation. How can you not go out to bask in the sun and hide in a corner to grow mushrooms all day long? Even if you are at home all day long, your home appliances will still emit radiation, and the amount of radiation will not be lower than that of those base stations.
In fact, there are a lot of measured data on base station radiation on the Internet, which is much smaller than household appliances, so whether it causes cancer or something else is nonsense that others don’t know. Don't listen to other people's lies! Sometimes you have to think rationally. There is a lot of information about this on the Internet, search more and compare.You won't be fooled by others.
We call electromagnetic waves with frequencies between 300KHz and 30GHz radio frequencies. The frequency band used by cellular mobile communications is within this range. Now based on the actual situation of my country's existing network, we will make a rough calculation, hoping to give everyone an intuitive and simple understanding.
Take an 8/8/8 configured base station as an example. A single BTS cabinet supports a maximum of 6 carrier frequency boards. Each carrier frequency board supports 2 physical carrier frequencies. The maximum physical carrier frequency of a single cabinet is 12 carrier frequencies. Frequency, two cabinets combined can support 24 carrier frequencies, which can be divided into three 120-degree sector cells. Assuming that the transmit power level of each TRX is 42dbm (i.e. 15W), its transmit power is above 24X15=360W. The urban areas of the cities we live in are hot spots. Due to the large traffic volume, base stations generally adopt high-density and low-power networking methods. Generally, the radius of a cell ranges from tens to hundreds of meters (and remote areas Due to the sparse population in the area, on the contrary, a low-density and high-power networking method is adopted, and the cell radius can reach dozens of kilometers). Therefore, the transmit power of base stations in urban areas is not very high. In order to give everyone a more intuitive understanding, let me calculate it using a model.
Outdoors, without any obstacles, assuming the base station’s transmit power is 200W (i.e. 53dbm),
1) The strongest power density 100m away from the base station is: 200w/4π (100) 2 = 0.00158W/m2
2) The maximum power density of the base station 10m away is: 200w/4π(10)2 = 0.158W/m2

According to the National Standard of the People’s Republic of China "Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Regulations", that is, national standard GB8702-88, the limits of electromagnetic radiation are:
1) Public exposure: Within 24 hours a day, the average value of the field parameters of environmental electromagnetic radiation in any continuous 6 minutes The power density should be met <0.4 W/m2 (frequency is 30~3000MHz).
2) Occupational exposure: During an 8-hour working day, the average electromagnetic radiation power density (for 6 consecutive minutes) should be <2W/m2 (frequency is 30~3000MHz).
3) For mobile wireless communication equipment with output power equal to or less than 15W, when the frequency is 3-300000MHz, the equivalent radiated power of the electromagnetic radiator is less than 100W.
Obviously, even at a super short distance of 10 meters, 0.158W/m2 is far smaller than the 0. 4 W/m2 standard. I think as long as you don't stick to the base station antenna every second, you don't have to worry about it.

⑨ Inventory of the iconic large-displacement power of overseas pickup trucks, 6.2-liter large-displacement V8

As a car market with poor large-displacement engines, China’s power system design is originally designed for comprehensive performance, Comfort, fuel consumption, etc.In terms of performance, there are few large-displacement engines that pursue ultimate power. As a large automobile product, pickup trucks are naturally best matched with large-displacement engines. However, due to restrictions such as oil prices and environmental regulations, domestic pickup engines are basically concentrated around 2.0 liters, and are often labeled "small" by consumers. As a result, the large-displacement engines installed in imported pickup trucks such as the Ford Raptor, Ram 1500, and Toyota Tundra have always been the focus of domestic car fans. Today, the author will take stock of the most representative large-displacement engines of overseas pickup brands, so that everyone can see enough at one time.

[This article comes from Pickup Truck City, the author of Yichehao. The copyright belongs to the author. Please contact the author for any form of reprinting. The content only represents the author’s opinion and has nothing to do with Bitauto]

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