980ti eth算力 980ti 挖矿算力

⑴ 980ti为什么不能挖矿

官方已经公布数据了,GTX 980Ti的功耗250W,建议电源是600W,在高端显卡9系列中这功耗算是挺低的,频率1000MHz,性能上比较接近TITAN X
从目前公布的情况来看,980Ti比TITAN X阉割了一组SMX单元,少了192个流处理器,频率依然是1000MHz,实际功耗应该也和TITAN X差距不大,在300W左右。

⑵ 有人会拿980当矿卡吗


⑶ 显卡怎么计算挖矿算力


Radeon RX 580显卡

Radeon RX 470显卡

Radeon RX 480显卡


显卡(Video card,Graphics card)全称显示接口卡,又称显示适配器,是计算机最基本配置、最重要的配件之一。显卡作为电脑主机里的一个重要组成部分,是电脑进行数模信号转换的设备,承担输出显示图形的任务。

显卡接在电脑主板上,它将电脑的数字信号转换成模拟信号让显示器显示出来,同时显卡还是有图像处理能力,可协助CPU工作,提高整体的运行速度。对于从事专业图形设计的人来说显卡非常重要。 民用和军用显卡图形芯片供应商主要包括AMD(超微半导体)和Nvidia(英伟达)2家。现在的top500计算机,都包含显卡计算核心。在科学计算中,显卡被称为显示加速卡。

⑷ 1080ti显卡挖矿算力应该是多少

ZEC币,算力724Sol/s,接近三张1060 3G的算力,总价比3张1060贵个2K软妹币。但相比供不应求的A卡RX480 8G,3张价格才5K不到,算力却有900+Sol/s,不过有价无市也白搭。

⑸ 根据显存可以计算算力嘛

补充一下,对于AMD GPU来说,只知道型号和颗粒品牌是不够推断算力的,实际上颗粒有6.0ghz 7.0ghz 8.0ghz三种,这三种显存我们都有采购过并使用在RX570核心上,算力分别在26-28 6.0ghz 28-30 7.0ghz 29-32 8.0ghz,以上是优化完bios后的算力,实际上业内传言三星颗粒算力高并不科学,重点在于颗粒的基准频率,这就好比内存条有2133的有3000频率的,三星的2133当然不如3000的美光或者海力士,更多关于gpu挖矿的问题欢迎咨询


1050ti Hynix 12-13m micron 13-14m Samsung 14-15m

1060 3g 19-20m 21-22m 23-24m

1060 6g 比3g相应的高1m算力 p106-100同gtx1060 6g

1070 8g 无海力士版 30-31m 32-33m

1070ti 8g 比1070相同显存高1m算力

1080和1080ti由于采用micron的gddr5x显存在没有优化的条件下挖eth效果非常差,1080只有24m左右 1080ti 38m左右

⑹ 为啥我用gtx980ti挖以太,算力才4m,什么情况

换系统 ,估计你用的WIN10 专业版, 换WIN7

⑺ eth挖两个小时收益多少






5.ETH2.0时代最起码还需要几年时间来沉淀,也就是说ETH RX580-8G-8卡显卡矿机最少也可以挖两至三年,按照两年的ETH收益来算:0.19*730=140个ETH。




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⑻ 哪些显卡容易成为矿卡


⑼ gm200核心可以挖矿吗

可以。gm200核心可以挖矿。根据电脑配置信息得知:GTX 980Ti比特币挖矿电脑配置为依旧基于GM200核心。

⑽ 9系矿卡最少的显卡

—— 所以970不是不能挖矿,是有比970更便宜且效果更好的显卡在,没有矿场会选择970去挖矿。
9系列显卡挖矿怎么样 —— 大部分9系列挖矿不如588。但是那时候矿工750t 950都开始挖矿了。谁还管你这个,你能买得到1066?588 488?我就这么说,那时候去挖的都挣钱了,因为可能一天就翻了十倍
—— gtx980ti属于N卡,根本就不属于矿卡。矿卡属于A卡系列。比特币从来都是a卡专属,n卡挖比特币效率极低。现在比特币都不用显卡挖了,有专门芯片的矿机 官方已经公布数据了,GTX 980Ti的功耗250W,建议电源是600W,在高端显...
技嘉950 2g 收的二手,不说9系不能挖矿的吗 —— 1.如果是挖矿的话建议选择专业的矿卡使用,普通的显卡是针对游戏优化的。2.二手显卡一般性能都不稳定的,安装好显卡驱动运行游戏看下是否可以正常使用。
技嘉950 2g 收的二手,不说9系不能挖矿的吗 —— 如果是挖矿的话建议选择专业的矿卡使用,普通的显卡是针对游戏优化的。二手显卡一般性能都不稳定的,安装好显卡驱动运行游戏看下是否可以正常使用。
—— 6900xt不能挖坑是因为6900XT矿卡的概率低,6900XT在这代旗舰显卡里面挖矿效率是最低的。6900XT货源本来就极少,包括狂潮开始前就不多,6系的A卡挖矿效率因为架构问题很差,算力和成本还不如两块5600XT加起来划算,保值又不...
显卡不能挖矿是什么意思 —— 由于挖矿需要长时间的高负荷工作,所以使用这类淘汰的显卡出现故障的概率比较高。显卡挖矿其实就是用显卡去挖比特币,挖比特币是先弄一个有很多答案的公式,用户用个人计算机下载解码器然后运行特定算法解码,与远方服务器通讯后...
想收一张过度用的显卡,请问选那张卡比较好呢? —— RX580矿卡的可能性比较大1060二手的可能性相对小一些。GTX970/980矿卡几乎没有可以考虑。
gtx980ti有矿卡吗? —— 2:GTX980TI的矿卡总体是比较少见的,毕竟9系列的时候拿N卡挖矿是比较少的,后期AMD显卡大量缺货矿场才开始大量的入手NVIDIA显卡,其次980TI作为当时的旗舰级游戏显卡,价格也比较高,耗电量及发热量比较大,并不受到矿主的...
...的名人堂900卖给我 值得买吗?我现在用的是960的影驰骨灰显卡... —— 980相比960性能还是有不少提升的 但是2K下玩游戏还是会卡的 900元买二手还不如999买全新RX580 4G的

⑴ Why can’t 980ti mine?

gtx980ti is an N card, not a mining card at all. Mine cards belong to the A card series. Bitcoin has always been exclusive to the A card, and the efficiency of mining Bitcoin with the N card is extremely low. Nowadays, Bitcoin is mined without a graphics card. Mining machines with specialized chips
Official data has been announced. The power consumption of GTX 980Ti is 250W. The recommended power supply is 600W. This power consumption is quite low among high-end graphics cards 9 series. , frequency is 1000MHz, performance is relatively close to TITAN It’s not much different from TITAN X, around 300W.
The power consumption of 980TI is 250W when it is fully loaded. Generally, the power consumption in standby mode will not be higher than 60W. If the power consumption of the power supply cannot support the power consumption of the graphics card, the screen will be blue and black, so it is recommended that the power supply be 600W.

⑵ Will anyone use 980 as a mining card?

1.GTX980TI has a mining card.
2. GTX980TI mining cards are generally relatively rare. After all, N cards were rarely used for mining in the 9 series. In the later period, when AMD graphics cards were out of stock, mines began to purchase NVIDIA graphics cards in large quantities. Secondly, 980TI was the most popular mining card at that time. The flagship gaming graphics card is also relatively expensive, consumes a lot of power and generates a lot of heat, and is not loved by miners.

⑶ How to calculate the mining computing power of graphics cards

You can refer to the following. Based on the graphics cards commonly used in some Internet cafe markets, we have compiled a list of related graphics card prices and computing power as well as the expected payback period. , it can probably be used as a reference:

Radeon RX 580 graphics card
Complete machine power consumption: 243W
Computing power: 22.4M
Graphics card sales Price: 1999 yuan
Amount of ETH mined every 24 hours: 0.015
Income generated every 24 hours: 24.48 yuan
Estimated payback time: 81.66 days

Radeon RX 470 graphics card
Computer power consumption: 159W
Computing power: 24.3M
Graphic card price: 1599 yuan
Amount of ETH mined every 24 hours: 0.017
Generate income every 24 hours :27.9 yuan
Estimated payback time: 57.31 days

Radeon RX 480 graphics card
Complete machine power consumption: 171W
Computing power: 24.4M
Graphics card sales Price: 1999 yuan
Amount of ETH mined every 24 hours: 0.017
Income generated every 24 hours: 27.87 yuan
PreliminaryPayback time: 71.73 days

(3) 980ti mining eth computing power Extended reading:

Video card (Graphics card) full name is display interface card, also known as display adapter. It is the most basic configuration and most important part of the computer. One of the important accessories. As an important part of the computer host, the graphics card is a device for digital-to-analog signal conversion and is responsible for outputting and displaying graphics.

The graphics card is connected to the computer motherboard. It converts the computer's digital signals into analog signals for display on the monitor. At the same time, the graphics card still has image processing capabilities, which can assist the CPU in working and improve the overall running speed. Graphics cards are very important for people who are engaged in professional graphic design. Graphics chip suppliers for civilian and military graphics cards mainly include AMD (AMD) and Nvidia (NVIDIA). Today's top 500 computers all contain graphics card computing cores. In scientific computing, graphics cards are called display accelerator cards.

⑷ What should be the mining power of a 1080ti graphics card?

Litecoin has a computing power of 1.8G. The computing power of the entire network is only 8600Gh/s, and the 1080ti graphics card exclusively accounts for 1/4700.
Ethereum (ETH) has a computing power of only 32MH/s, while 1070 has a computing power of 40MH/s. Many people say that the computing power of 1080Ti cannot be increased because of the high latency of gddr5x memory. Sure enough, the A card is better for mining. I saw others online saying that both 480 and 480 can have a computing power of 65MH/s.
ZEC coin has a computing power of 724Sol/s, which is close to the computing power of three 1060 3G coins. The total price is more expensive than three 1060 2K coins. But compared to the A-card RX480 8G, which is in short supply, the price of three cards is less than 5K, but the computing power is 900+Sol/s, but it is useless if there is no market.
This card is too wasteful to use for mining. It is just for fun and cannot afford any damage.

⑸ Can the computing power be calculated based on the video memory?

To add, for AMD GPU, only knowing the model and particle brand is not enough to infer the computing power. In fact, the particle has 6.0ghz There are three types of 7.0ghz and 8.0ghz. We have purchased these three types of video memory and used them on the RX570 core. The computing power is 26-28 6.0ghz 28-30 7.0ghz 29-32 8.0ghz. The above is after optimizing the bios. Computing power, in fact, it is unscientific to hear that Samsung particles have high computing power. The key point lies in the base frequency of the particles. This is like a memory module with a frequency of 2133 and a frequency of 3000. Samsung's 2133 is certainly not as good as the 3000 of Micron or Hynix. More Welcome to consult about gpu mining issues

In addition, I will add some information about the N card. Since most of the video memory of the N card is officially sold to the factory by NV together with the GPU chip, the N card is There is no difference in the base frequency of video memory. Graphics cards of 1060 and above all useIt is manufactured with 8.0ghz reference frequency memory. For n-cards, Samsung is better than Micron and Hynix

1050ti Hynix 12-13m micron 13-14m Samsung 14-15m

1060 3g 19-20m 21-22m 23-24m

1060 6g has 1m higher computing power than 3g. p106-100 is the same as gtx1060 6g

1070 8g without Hynix version 30 -31m 32-33m

1070ti 8g has 1m more computing power than 1070 with the same video memory

1080 and 1080ti use micron’s gddr5x video to mine eth without optimization. Poor, 1080 is only about 24m and 1080ti is about 38m

⑹ Why do I use gtx980ti to mine Ethereum, the computing power is only 4m, what is the situation?

Change the system, I guess you are using WIN10 Professional Edition. Change to WIN7

⑺ How much is the income from eth mining for two hours

Official website address
Hello everyone, today the chain application is used to calculate the income for everyone about eth (ETH computing power income calculation) Many people don’t know yet, let’s take a look now

1.370-day yield is 29.94 yuan, which is 20.08 US dollars per month, which is 898.2 yuan based on the real-time value of eth.

2. A person in the 1970s earned 20.17 yuan a day.

3. According to the real-time currency price of ETH, 0.06 Ethereum can be mined in a month, worth 605 yuan.

4. A person’s daily income in the 1960s was 19.64 yuan.

5. The ETH2.0 era will take at least a few years to settle, which means that the ETH RX580-8G-8 card graphics card mining machine can mine for at least two to three years. According to the two-year ETH income calculation: 0.19*730=140 ETH.

6. In addition to the 6,000 platform coins given out by the mining machine every day, ten units equal 60,000 platform coins.

The above is the answer to the eth calculation income (calculation of ETH computing power income) brought by the chain application. If you have other questions, please continue to pay attention to the chain application

This article is published by Chain Application and does not represent the position of Chain Application. For reprints, please contact the author and indicate the source: https://www.xiangboz.cn/jiaoyi/7992.html

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⑻ Which graphics cards are easy to become mining cards

< p>As long as a graphics card can perform calculations, that is, one with relatively high computing power, it can be used for mining.
AMD graphics cards are only HD7850 or above or new models released later.
The GTX10 series of N cards are almost exclusively sold by mining enthusiasts

⑼ Can the gm200 core be used for mining?

Yes. The gm200 core can mine. According to the computer configuration information: the GTX 980Ti Bitcoin mining computer configuration is still based on the GM200 core.

⑽ The graphics card with the fewest mining cards in the 9 series

Why can’t gtx970 mine?
——So it’s not that 970 can’t mine, it’s cheaper and better than 970. With graphics cards, no mine will choose 970 for mining.
How about mining with 9 series graphics cards - most 9 series mining is not as good as 588. But at that time, miners with 750t and 950 started mining. Who cares about you? Can you buy 1066? 588 488? Let me just say this, everyone who mined at that time made money, because it might have doubled tenfold in one day
Why can’t 980ti mine
—— gtx980ti is an N card, not a mining card at all. Mine cards belong to the A card series. Bitcoin has always been exclusive to the A card, and the efficiency of mining Bitcoin with the N card is extremely low. Nowadays, Bitcoin is mined without a graphics card. The official data of mining machines with special chips has been announced. The power consumption of GTX 980Ti is 250W. The recommended power supply is 600W. For high-end graphics...
Gigabyte 950 2g second-hand, Not to mention that the 9 series cannot mine - 1. If you are mining, it is recommended to choose a professional mining card. Ordinary graphics cards are optimized for games. 2. The performance of second-hand graphics cards is generally unstable. Install the graphics card driver and run the game to see if it can be used normally.
The Gigabyte 950 2g is a second-hand one. Doesn’t it say that the 9 series cannot be mined? If you are mining, it is recommended to choose a professional mining card. Ordinary graphics cards are optimized for games. Second-hand graphics cards generally have unstable performance. Install the graphics card driver and run the game to see if it can be used normally.
Why 6900xt cannot mine
—— The reason why 6900xt cannot mine is because the 6900XT mining card has a low mining efficiency. The 6900XT has the lowest mining efficiency among this generation of flagship graphics cards. The supply of 6900XT is already very small, including before the craze started. The mining efficiency of the 6 series A card is very poor due to structural problems. The computing power and cost are not as cost-effective as the two 5600XT combined, and the value preservation is not...
What does it mean that the graphics card cannot mine? Because mining requires a long period of highLoad work, so the probability of failure of such obsolete graphics cards is relatively high. Graphics card mining is actually using a graphics card to mine Bitcoin. To mine Bitcoin, you first have to figure out a formula with many answers. The user uses a personal computer to download a decoder and then runs a specific algorithm to decode it. After communicating with the remote server...
I want to buy an overused graphics card, which card is better to choose? ——The RX580 mining card is more likely to be used, while the RX580 mining card is less likely to be second-hand. There are almost no GTX970/980 mining cards to consider.
Does gtx980ti have a mining card? —— 2: GTX980TI mining cards are generally relatively rare. After all, N cards were rarely used for mining in the 9 series. In the later period, AMD graphics cards were out of stock in large numbers in mining farms. I bought an NVIDIA graphics card. Secondly, as the flagship gaming graphics card at the time, the 980TI was relatively expensive, consumed a lot of power and generated heat, and was not favored by mine owners...
... The Hall of Fame 900 is sold Is it worth buying for me? I am currently using the GALAXY 960 ashes graphics card... ——The performance of the 980 is still much improved compared to the 960, but I still get stuck when playing games at 2K. Buying a second-hand one at 900 yuan is not as good as buying a brand-new one at 999 yuan. RX580 4G

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